Is *NEW* JJ Mccarthy Worth It?

and boys we are back here with another game play today we're going to be taking a look at three of the in case you miss the Champions before we get into today's video I do want to talk about our sponsor real quick if you guys want an alternative to buying packs consider buying coins at MMO exp and make sure to use code Dilla checkout for 5% off your order and the man on the thumbnail JJ McCarthy so JJ McCarthy right here getting a new card 83 speed 86 throw power and has 87 short accuracy 86 medium 85 deep so everything on the card looks really really solid to me and from an ability standpoint today we were rocking the dot ability and of course that magician ability as well love when my quarterback can get those two combos but is he the best quarterback in the game I'm going to give you guys my final thoughts on all these cards at the end of the video but besides JJ McCarthy we also picked up Brock Bowers right here at tight ends this is a card with 85 speed 87 short up running 86 medium and he's also 6'3 243 the one weird part about this card is he got a pre-order card with like 71 run block for some reason he got like a plus five upgrade and just lost run block this card has 68 but this card does have 82 spin 80 Juke and you're going to see a little bit like he can he can move after the catch now we did make a defensive upgrade as well we got Payton Wilson I saw that 86 speed 87 acceleration and that 6'4 height and I said we got to user this card right here he also has 83 agility he does have slightly lower change of Direction but again you're going to see this card gets to some balls that I don't know if anyone else could but yeah boys we also did get this gameplay live on on stream as well if you guys do enjoy the YouTube videos want to watch live streams live been streaming here on both YouTube and twitch watch on the YouTube make sure hit that noty Bell as well you'll be notified every time I upload or go live here or if you guys want to watch on the twitch check the links in the description hit that twitch with a follow with that being said man let's get into the games with the new cards coins yeah it's not the best deals when you try to sell to them all right come here o blue first JJ McCarthy with the blue first play to though I I need to remember to do that we're just going to check it down right here um next play we're going next play we're going deep though Luther bur Luther burden Luther burden Luther burden uh JJ make a play make a play make a play make a play make a play make a play make a [Music] play I'm moved I'm moved I'm moved by JJ McCarthy o going with the Run get there oh stop the run stop the Run mission stop the run oh oh oh Aiden white we're going to man up the slots use the running back was the running back Peyton Wilson middle of the field everything's cage am I missing anyone I might be missing someone Hayden Wilson middle of the field we need to watch like a running back flat running back flat running back flat oh get there aen white like he can't really do anything but user come here oh I thought we were going to be on the scam right there on the end route my rock Payton Wilson go get a block ah come on all right GG's just all right that that's how we're feeling we do have a free rusher we have a free rusher get the ball get the ball and that's a safety okay so it's not just me all right we're going to try to hit Brock Bowers no we're not and it's N4 is kind of like screaming at us a little bit us a little bit of time what a throw from JJ man I kind of made an assumption that JJ just wasn't going to be that great oh never mind JJ sucks JJ sucks way and yeah we have a wide open TouchDown I mean I wanted to hit Brock Bowers but hey Peyton Wilson make the tackle to get like halfway basically um get there get there get there get there safety safety safety do we have two safy this game yeah that' be cool oh [ __ ] we're dead we're dead all right JJ got to make a damn play oh man we're going to Fumble jabril Peppers o jabril Peppers will be pretty fire too o here you go JJ no we got a red we got a red what we need I just threw like honestly X was open for so long and then I rolled out to the right and I was like off he's going to miss but JJ with a laser right there man we don't need 500 Bo Jackson in this game too br Bowers middle of the field huh oh man yo what is Brock Bowers spin rating cool you know oh I didn't even mean to hand this off I wanted to throw X but Judkins Judkins Judkins I just really hated the no auction house man I really did I don't think I have uh good throw I thought my hook curl would do a better job it did not I should have manned it up why did he just stop oh get the ball what David my bad bro I might be a misunderstanding yo no I was about to say how did he keep that RPO for that long I don't think Ball Hawk makes the biggest difference I I think I noticed the um the quick jumps more two quick jumps and then like the work like I said the Workhorse is well is just kind of crazy let look for college go oh hold on all right we're going to be on the Deep Crosser why is my backup middle linebacker in the game but it doesn't matter we get another stop man they just absolutely Panic All Right JJ with the yellow but hey the yellow's accurate great CBS in the game especially for a budget too so using the token on Kobe makes a ton of sense to me this is the best team in the game just cuz they're quick jumps are just crazy man he really isn't we're going to throw the RP right here you know that's technically a passing touchdown for JJ it technically is trouble right that's all I'm going to say Brock Bowers open blue ah gotta okay so next Thursday cool all right Brock Bowers we get the crazy after catch Play No even kidding I feel like the the stupider you play in mut the more likely you are to win some some other what's oh no way Brock power up the seam it was a flag in like their um their B detection JJ JJ see that's just that's the thing about JJ that really separates him from other quarterbacks man his toughness rating just not fumbling just eating it right on the chin man it's really what separates them all right Judkins I just why did I Juke why did I Juke I'm the worst I'm the worst rookie of the year and then we woke up oh Payton Wilson pton freaking Wilson chat Payton Wilson man thanks so I wish they had releases on mut G so I could see him yeah he was going to leave it I do it pocket from McCarthy oh you know what it was the worst best spin of all time crab tree go tou down for the good guys watch the middle the field o Cory Thomas wanted to be great you saw it middle of the field is all Peyton Wilson man it's all us it's all us man scream at him plays that I'm just not I'm honestly not used to cards making if he would have got to that like on Q that would have been crazy though oh wa that's a fumble me to just like sit for a year and just like learn instead of like being forced in the action we're supposed to get Madden Mike Vic in like a week so we might get Mike Vic this weekend I'd say no not worth it ah I just had the worst user ever I need to shoot that Gap Dez Bryant oh man we're just getting speed optioned Minka make this tackle please camster playoffs what's better payout oh the switch stick the switch sck no get after him please please please please fumble still waiting for Baker Mayfield yeah boys when uh Team Builders drop for Madden please let me know I I know they didn't drop it because pton said something honestly or what's called if he doesn't hurry up get there no no no Luther Burton go go go go go I mean look at JJ McCarthy will Luther Burton into the end zone man I mean that's just right there is why JJ McCarthy is the best QB in the game never said I was nice all right oh I am just I'm I'm terrible I'm terrible for that what a guy what a guy man what a guy Brock Bowers a little bit of time little bit of time he send three oh man oh get that there don't overthrow it no or like the the drip they use they just don't have it oh oh if you make this throw I'm no so we should have just taken off right but like do we agree that if he would have made that throw we would have been like we would have been moved oh no we got another red get there I mean can we talk about the user though boom [Music] oh dude he's just out he just outran my entire [Music] team you know what he wants to do so thank you Minka thank you I suck I know make fun of me there we go chat oh man I shouldn't have thrown it but I had to [Music] oh Cory Thomas like we got to get a pick right there boys he does not goes play action if he was someone number five I actually don't know if that was open or not please tackle thank you I literally have [Music] to no it's fine [Music] boom here man all right fourth and goal from the two come on there's just there's just no way never get anything easy Boys Under Pressure dot great throw from JJ oh what a throw man thank you my ball will Johnson good that's what you get for flipping buddy that's what you get ah bro like we have it it's just his fourman Rush is actually just going bonkers man Brock Bowers what a route kid go out run him huh you know what's actually glitchy as hell in this game by the way too boys um I don't know if anyone's tried it but custom Sim glitch with takeoff I swear we're just going to hit the flat right here Judkins we've had the flat open almost all game but you know what man runs super super fast oh Alex Texa by the way this is our fullback yall remember when we beat a Navy with um or we we played Alabama as navy and we beat him going to try to pound this one in right here oh sing Singleton wants it though chat bro is Brock Bowers is literally running into me blocking no one but we get in bro will Johnson we we have to at least make the tackle right pton Wilson my ball never mind we win we win we win Peyton Wilson go go new best user in the game new best user in the game touchdown for the good guys P Wilson no Boom at tight end what the hell I don't know what's really going on right here that was a good pocket by him I can't lie okay um I mean all right that's the touchdown for for the for the opposition all right let's go Brock Bowers oh is Peyton Wilson's cow better than Bradley chub that adds up that makes sense I was going to try to hit why right there what do you think this is here man I I don't have a chance bro we got to double team him we got to get out our only hope is hitting Jeremiah Smith right here I hope you all know I got a green throw so I got a green throw and it's completely inaccurate we're dead I I simply can't tackle this guy in the pocket I got you I got you I I seriously just I don't have a chance this game literally everyone's just in my back field man thank you like I have the [ __ ] open I know I dots there we go all right we're going to win win this game just as long as we can tackle we're good as long as we can tackle we're good as long as we can tackle we're good telling you bro that is an offensive lineman I I just want that to be known will my ball can I be honest with y'all chat why in the world would he ever get off the D line when he caused me so much problems with that the ball you yeah you just tip your cap bro because use Mo exp man that up ah he actually completed that okay okay py Wilson my ball told you bro try to tell you you know just got to trust just got to trust the process playbooks that have the highest medium price is what I do have to like Snap throw ver this this is crazy thing that I can do that shit's bad for that bro was actually one of the worst patches or worst changes they could have ever done I'm not kidding like that like whatever they did makes like your o line just randomly not block people and I don't know why JJ JJ's actually really really good can't complain about JJ dumbs out it's like so it's so weird there's a dude in my face every play not saying the game's bad I just can't block it what the just happened what the Brock Bowers good throw JJ huh Brock Bowers go go go is this going to be the Brock Bowers game it looks scripted cuz he just turned back like you did all like the Orioles game on stream no what for what for what for what for what for what for what what the [ __ ] is going [Music] on my D like oh the motion just it's so annoying Pon Wilson my ball all right it's basically what should have happened last time all right Bird Daddy I'm just worried about like his like I don't want to say functionality but kind of his functionality I guess all chin in the flat Brock Bowers with the block huh yeah for theme team purposes yeah be a brock Bowers touchdown good got his ass I was about to say there's no way that's a catch right come here not this game then if they did you have to get 5 85 champions for Miles Garrett oh he held on to it man is that cash dude I I don't I f up didn't I oh I just got doted by a slot man just what the current state of like defense and everything too for being a real one bro I appreciate that oh no jug kids you have to stay in bounce man I can't really do anything I know that right bro what the snap allall fast snap allall fast snap allall fast no JJ you can't you I never mind he [Music] fell there we go all right we're good we're good we're good no [Music] bro of course come here they know how to get heated chat they really do they really do that's my take that's my take on this game oh my why is my third bro broo I the one thing okay okay okay the one thing I hate about college football bro my starting linebacker just randomly comes out the game I hate that out of everything I can deal with whatever stop putting random backups in the game I beg thank you Workhorse is kind of crazy I use that on my DN and for some reason I just see it light up like every play and I don't even really know like I know it says like wear and te effects but I swear it does even more than that I just missed the worst hitstick cever oh thank you he does not deserve that at all EA Gods please please yep yep can't do it thank you buring could be a tough I don't even know if we're close enough to kick or I said pits I meant Bowers I got poers deep he manned it up dude this dude actually called the dumbest defense I've ever seen in my life and yeah boys that was the gameplay with the new in case you miss a card just going to be going over my final thoughts on each and every single one of them so pyton Wilson right here I think he did not disappoint today I think this is the best user in the game he would take that number one spot for me and I also think he's better than like Bradley chub and ran so in my opinion he is the new best middle linebacker in the game I thought he moved a lot better than them and while he doesn't hit that 80 to his own coverage I think he's just better than ran and Bradley chub now when we're talking about Brock Bowers obviously we got to compare him to Kyle pittz I think Kyle pittz is slightly better and I think Brock Bowers no matter how you do it he's my tight end to in the game I don't really think you can argue him over Kyle pittz but I think this card is great as well I I think the argument is is he on Kyle Pitts level Coulson lovelin Mitchell Evans and like some of those cards I'd probably lean him more on that s tier level because I do think he's better than say like J samaro as well so yeah Brock Bowers is my tight end to in the game and if Kyle pitts's price is still kind of outrageous this isn't a bad buy and finally though ending it off with JJ McCarthy right here the 83 speed the 86 still power I think this card played like a top end quarterback in the game and really I had almost no issues with the card and where he ranks throughout the game for me I would say he's like a worst version of Josh Allen which might seem like a this but Josh Allen I think can be argued the best quarterback in the game it's like him and Lamar right Lamar I think is the worst version of Charlie Ward so I could see this card rank from QB 3 to 4 in my opinion and yeah I I really didn't have an issue with the card I thought he played fantastic but yeah boys I hope youall did enjoy the YouTube video if you did make sure to leave a like And subscribe and again if you guys do want to go and see me get these game plays live on stream been streaming here on YouTube and twitch almost every single day to watch on the YouTube make sure to hit that noty Bell as well you'll be notified every time I upload or go live here or if you want to watch on the twitch check the links in descript hit that twitch with the follow but if you guys do want another video to watch check out this one right here

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