Category: Film & Animation
There we go hey all right ladies and gentlemen today's movie has the following tagline did someone say action what do you think about that one uh i think it was a great start uh it's in the movie the the one of the dudes who supposed to roll the camera falls asleep so un intentionally and ironically... Read more
Category: Howto & Style
Think that with me visualizing became a normal thing and i never really knew that i had really a very special ability to visualize and to connect the dots to say to myself well if i can see it then and i can make it a reality so for me the vision became a reality so it was only then a matter of following... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hasta la vista [música] baby arnold socer es un famoso actor fisiculturista político y empresario que logró cumplir su sueño americano en este video te contamos cómo un pobre inmigrante logró convertirse en ador y actor de hollywood que hizo una gran [música] [aplausos] fortuna arnos figer cómo vive... Read more
Category: Gaming
Pero salchicha gordo chicha toma solcito a la orilla del tiene [música] sombrero qué tal amigos y amigas hoy tenemos un vídeo que creo que va a ser bastante calentito y creo que va a estar bastante caldeado en los comentarios así que antes de nada deciros por supuesto que con respeto se llega a todas... Read more
Category: Gaming
Prioritize the tap make sure y drop a like hit that subscribe button down below this is going to be war zone first game let's get it popping woo qing in area 99 aka nuk town wow no backpacks bro my shit's not logging my shit's not loading in chris go what do you mean oh your m blacked out that's ass... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
In this video we'll travel back to 1995 to explore the talented cast behind the action-packed film golden eye not only does the film introduce us to thrilling espionage and high stakes adventures but it also features memorable characters brought to life by a stellar cast we'll relive these iconic roles... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
I was working a minimum wage job and wasting my time to having ocula so for me there was it it wasn't hard to it wasn't hard to make that decision i make that point mostly because i don't think it actually takes that much bravery when you're young to start a company and i think more people should do... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I was poor because i didn't have anything i had no money i had no things we had no tv we had no refrigerator we had nothing as kids but i was rich because i had a dream Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Wolves don't need to drink water often the reason is that they often live in tundra regions where there's little free flowing water so like many animals they adapt to their surroundings most of their water needs are met through the meat they consume and the chemical process of digesting it most animals... Read more
Category: Entertainment
All right boys let's react to this one right here mba's classy reaction encouraged oa who played his first game for france against italy yeah let's rect to it let's go come on pi you all know this one michael alis made his debut for the french national team last night but it was clear that killian umbae... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Beetle juice 2's red carpet premiere jen ortega michael katon and tim burton and the rest of the cast of beetle juice 2 at the red carpet premiere and special events of beetle juice 2 the red carpet premieres took place in mexico venice italy and in england beetle juice to's release date will be september... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Let's talk about disney for a quick hot second because they're just are they jumping back in the physical media game somehow they they decide to dip their toes in for a quick payday is what it seems like to me are they bringing back clam shell cases that would be pretty ballsy of them to do that dude... Read more