Tuesday's debate where vice president kamla Harris destroyed Donald Trump quite literally broke Fox during Hannity's broadcast last night it broke it shut off as he was trying to do his propaganda routine for Donald Trump here watch this Kamala wants to decriminalize provide free housing Health Care education now taxpayer funded and throughout the day it wasn't much better than that you had Fox host just humiliating themselves and digging the hole deeper you know the law of holes just stop digging here you have Janine periro uh on Fox attack tayor Swift play the clip but the other thing about all this is what makes you think that the way you think should influence other people you sing for a living just deal with that then you had JD Vance go on Fox to attack Taylor Swift although it sounded like he was talking about Donald Trump more on that in a little bit play that clip um how do you speak to Women Voters um who obviously they uh they care about what she thinks of course well look we we admire Taylor Swift's music but I don't think most Americans whether they like her music or fans of hers or not are going to be influenced by a billionaire celebrity who I think is fundamentally disconnected from the interests uh and and and the problems of most Americans look when throughout the day it was just a cope session for Fox it was like they were trying to give themselves some therapy here um you had in the morning Fox hosts saying that um what this was was just a polished package of lie after lie by vice president KL Harris I mean this is the stuff that they were feeding their viewers When Donald Trump just did horribly because he's a horrible candidate and a horrible person here play this clip I have to say that the cronyism occurring between the ABC moderators and the Democrat Party was on full display last night it did no American any favors and it certainly did not do former president Donald Trump any type of neutral or respectful platform I will say however that it's unsurprising and the unfortunate aspect of it was the Lost opportunities and missed opportunities on the president's part to step in that Gap to unfortunately lift the weight that we can't depend on the media and the moderators to do and what I saw last night was a very polished package of lies on one hand and then a more emphatic Earnest delivery of the truth on the other and at the end of the day if you are voting on personalities then that might have moved the needle needle a certain bit but if you are voting on policies and I pray to God every American is that I hope that you look beneath the V veneer of someone who memorized scripts and someone who was coached perfectly and someone who absorbed somehow a lot of information that we haven't ever seen coming out of their mouth for quite some time or ever um that you can look beyond that to see what would actually happen upon a vote that leads one of them to be in the commander-in-chief's seat because at the end of the day that is what terrified me that people will be swayed by the Polish aided by the ABC moderators and they're already voting some battle and if you're illegal you're voting a million times too so yeah look if Kay mckin on the morning show was like ABC had a choice and it lost all credibility here play this clip so you know last night ABC had a choice they could be credible solid probing Fair debate moderators or they could be partisan activist and they chose the latter and the cope continued throughout the day you had Jesse Waters son and Jesse Waters said uh everybody at the end of the day just knows where Donald Trump stands here play this clip everybody knows at the end of this debate what Donald Trump stands for even people who don't follow politics they know then Jesse Waters talks about what makes Donald Trump so emotional at debates play this clip but what makes him so emotional at these debates and so volatile is also a characteristic that makes him able to withstand getting his home rated being called a Nazi for 5 years being arrested being put in a cold courtroom being shot and standing up fight fight fight so yes you can have a perfect candidate that acts like Mitt Romney with great hair and discipline and perfect talking points and elocution but he's not going to be able to withstand the Avalanche of attacks dirty tricks that Donald Trump has just look at the Chiron here in Jesse Waters it says nobody's perfect then Kaylee ma Kaylee Mady then went on from spewing those lies on the morning show she went on Jesse Waters later in the day and she said that uh David M and Rachel Lindsay is not a journalist so it seems that she combined Rachel Scott and lindsy Davis both of whom are black journalists who work for ABC and just mix their names here play this clip last night David M not a journalist Rachel Lindsay not a journalist you are leftwing activist Trump was fighting three against one did he make every pivot perfectly no there are things he can learn there are things he can do better next time Jesse Waters then says look Donald Trump's 78 years old we can't expect him to change this is who he is play this clip see I think we should all stop saying Donald Trump should have done this and that he's Donald Trump he does what he does he's 78 you can't expect a man to change that much but what then one of the panelists on this uh on the the show The Five on Fox calls out Janine Piro and says if if you think these things are true why didn't Donald Trump say it here play the clip and she's telling every woman in this country that she's a woman but at the end of the day women and children are suffering as a result of her bard of promising Harold what does it matter that they're trans why why didn't he say any of I'm gon to come why didn't the president say any of ask him right so I I get it you agree with me then no I but it you do agree with me I think would have been a more effective uh debating per he would have had a more effective debate performance had he done these things it's not then Janine Piro is apparently very upset that at Fox for the last three and a half years they've been telling the wrong lies about vice president comma Harris hat tipped to polyi for pointing this out play this clip all right you know what Dana for the past three and a half years we've talked about our word salads we've talked about the people who have left her office we've talked about the resets um we talked about you know did we lowerer the bar so that when she came across as articulate everybody's like she should run to be president well the night before the debate on this show Jesse said wait you guys she's going we we are lowering the bar too much she's going to do great and I remember you said like she'll be prepared and then Jesse Waters talks about how while Donald Trump was on the defensive no one really cares about that play this clip yes she had Trump on the defensive a lot of the time yes Trump snapped a couple times but that's not what the regular voter cares about Jesse Waters claims that there was actually no signature moments from the debate y that's all he needed to do and the the signature moments that you see on the internet after this she didn't have any she didn't have any Trump had them all and that's what's going to reverberate I mean there's lots of signature moments going viral the whole world is laughing at Donald Trump not only did Donald Trump lose the world is laughing at him here are just some here's a viral clip of people watching laughing at him play it talk about because they're so embarrassed by it in Springfield they're eating the [Laughter] [Music] dogs this is what was going on across America here's another one play it get this no get this and the the president at the time invited the Taliban to C David a place of stored significance for us as Americans a place where we honor the importance of American diplomacy where we invite and receive respected world leaders and this former president [Applause] responsibil of the of the United States to be commander chief with a level of respect and this gets back to the point of how he has consistently dispar and demeaned members of our military foreign soldiers and the work that we must do to uphold the strength and the respect of the United States of America World you your response to her saying and then you had Janine AG go who the hell do they think they are for factchecking Donald Trump play it and you know I got to say one more thing who the hell do they think they are factchecking all right are you ready for this fact traditional bed sheets can Harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat it can lead to acne allergies and stuffy noses it's just gross Miracle made however offers a whole line of self-cleaning antibacterial bedding such as sheets pillowcases and comforters that prevent up to 9 99.7% of bacteria growth and require up to three times less laundry it's why I use Miracle Ma on my bedding using silver 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thank you Miracle made for sponsoring this episode look Donald Trump lied and claimed that Democrats are executing babies Democrats are not executing babies he goes there's abortions at 9 months and when the baby's born they kill the babies the moderator said no that's not true that's not what's happening the other time the moderators fact check Donald Trump is when he said that there are Haitian migrants in Springfield Ohio thousands who are running around eating dogs and cats and all the moderators said is that's that's not true those were like the only times that there was like a fact check at all taking place and you had Maga Republican senator Corin go on Fox and here's what happened play the clip you know it's it's interesting too on that point Senator whether she had a good night or Donald Trump had a bad one even the normally conservative friendly Wall Street Journal editorialized today that she won the debate because she came in with a strategy to taunt and go Mr Trump into diving down rabbit holes of personal grievance and vanity that left her policies and history largely untouched what they seem to be saying is that he always takes the bait and Miss Harris set the Trap what do you think of that well I mean these debates are kind of an artificial construct you have 2 minutes to talk and uh basically what she did is attack attack attack and try to put president Trump on the defenses so it wasn't exactly he did so well he did so well in the opposite way against Joe Biden that that guy was sharp as attack and ready with answers but he wasn't here what do you think happened absolutely well she was loaded for bear there's no question about it but I don't think that she persuaded any uh any Trump voters to vote for her and I don't think president Trump persuaded any Harris voters to vote for him so I think it was pretty much of a stalemate myself there's another part of that interview let's play it um you know debates you're you're quite right to your point senator they don't often move the needle uh but if they're one and done they can of course we remember famously Jimmy Carter's one and only debate with Ronald Reagan the one thing without playing bites from that sir is the fact that uh it gave the American people a chance to see Ronald Reagan was portrayed as a sort of a reckless cowboy with little experience save the fact he was two-term governor of California but that he wasn't really up to the job and that debate down to the line there you go again seemed to kind of calm Americans fears and off he went do you think in Reverse this could have done the same for kamla Harris well I think she um she made some points and uh president she attacked president Trump relentlessly with cat put him in a position of responding you're never winning when you're responding only when you're on the offense and so uh from that standpoint U you know she she had a pretty good night but I don't believe it's going to change move the needle in terms of votes and I do think in the next eight weeks almost full eight weeks that she will be exposed for what she is which is a pretty radical individual who's been Donald Trump then goes on Fox an impromptu press conference and starts whining and says we won the debate all the polls say we won play it and no we're looking at it but you know when you win you don't really necessarily have to do it a second time so we'll see but we had a uh I thought we had a great debate last night thank you very much what we need to change for you to agree to a second debate would you want different rules would you want a different format well you know when you when you don't win it's like a fighter when a fighter has a bad fight gets knocked out or loses the fight the first thing he says is we want a rematch so we won the debate according to every poll every single poll I think that uh are we going to do a rematch I just don't know we'll think about it would you still do the one on NBC on September 25th you you'd propos that are you still I would do NBC i' do fox too i' do fox too but right now we have to determine whether or not we even want to do it we had a great night last night and you see by the Paul numers it was really fantastic thank you very much everybody see here why he picked JD Vans who goes on Fox and says I think Trump had a great night here play this clip you think there should be another debate I think it's ultimately up to the president I do think the president had a very good night and I know the pundits are trying to tell the story that kamla Harris knocked him off his game or got under a skin but if you Kaylee Mady again attacking vice president KLA Harris for practicing facial expressions play the clip she did practice her facial expressions maybe more than her policy points because these seem to be very rehearsed Harris I mean we'll put some them up like the hand on the chin seemed to be practiced well I mean they they wanted her I would imagine her debate prep team to look more comfortable than sometimes she comes across looking with the giggling and and the the weird accents and all the here one of the fox host talks about how um she attacks the journalists uh David mjor the the panelist and and says I wish so much they had done service a service for America and they screwed up here play this clip Emily so one of those was an opinion commentator but several of those were journalists I mean hold it in a little bit guys you can disguise it just a bit look as I said earlier it is so unsurprising and yet equally disheartening because I think Americans do better for those who were earnestly watching the debate and who depend on journalists to deliver objective facts to deliver the news I wish so much that they had done the service to those Americans and said look let's talk about factchecking let's talk about what was stated on stage and let's talk about what that means to you Americans let's talk about the policies and instead they get that but look this is someone who has as well has wielded any type of criticism of policies and said it's misogynistic and racist but now somehow in Triumph that's been wielded to this is spanking I mean I think it's frankly Unbecoming the office that they're both trying to occupy and I hope and pray that again our fellow Americans vote based on policy and not on personality Jason Donald Trump then starts attacking Fox he attacks Neil Cavuto he goes Neil Cavuto Fox's lowest rated Anor is one of the worst on television I actually prefer the losers at CNN and msdnc Donald Trump just behaving like a baby what happened was is that Neil Cavuto had RFK Jr on and RFK Jr's like yeah it was not a great performance by Donald Trump here play this clip she's been very skillfully kind of hidden and she has not done an interview and this was really an ideal forum for her because they're these 90c sound bites and you don't really go into the next level and I I think that that she's very vulnerable in a in a like a long form interview that she'd do on a podcast or in a program like this I think this is the ideal forum for her to display you know her kind of skills and I think she did that very well and I think president Trump did not tell his story which is a a very very good story about his presidency and I I think that he didn't convey that as well as he could and here RFK JR says that yeah I think the polls that Donald Trump are talking about are like online polls and they're not really statistically significant here play the clip he says and he commented a couple of times today that he he won the debate and all the polls show that he won the debate I haven't seen a single one to show that what did you think of that reaction well I have seen those polls you know they're not uh there there polls that uh you see on uh you know on the on the internet and um and a lot of them probably have uh have statistical problems with them right but I more on Fox right here uh they had a guest on talking about how ABC should get a D minus for how their moderators hand the moderators were fine play the clip Howie Kurt s in Washington for us so howy how do you grade ABC on this debate Sandra ABC gets a D minus and that's being generous in fact the Network's moderators were so blatantly biased against Donald Trump that it Vindicated his pregame criticism of ABC as dishonest now putting then you saw JD Vance before when he was trying to attack Taylor Swift it sounded like he was attacking Donald Trump so we had a little fun at the m touch Network and we made this doozy play it but I don't think most Americans are going to be influenced by a billionaire celebrity who I think is fundamentally disconnected from the interests uh and and and the problems of most Americans I think if you watch the debate you're sitting at home you're an undecided voter what you saw as a person who repeat slogans we're going to make America great again again drill baby drill instead of respecting you enough to treat you like an adult I just don't understand a person in American politics in 2024 who's whining about what happened to them instead of using their leadership and using their influence to make the lives of American citizens better and we would have had a deal if the election waren rigged and stolen i' like to know how you were prepping for a debate with Tim Walls who has described himself as a bad debater who's helping you and how are you prepping well I found a good friend from back home who embellishes and lies a lot and I'm having him stand in for Tim Walt people don't leave my rallies we have the biggest rallies the most incredible rallies in the history of politics and we're not going to reward people who who Gaslight us and lie to us about what they've done in office uh we were hit with the co came in we focused on that we did a great job well thanks for watching hit subscribe can we get to 4 million subscribers together have a wonderful day real quick meta just changed their algorithm to suppress political content please follow our Instagram @ mest touch right now as we head towards 400,000 followers so you don't miss a Beat oh [Music]

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