Brock Purdy is the PERFECT Shanahan QB

does anybody have any Brock py questions left since we're talking about great questions that's a great question thank you I'd love to see no it was like I want to see if any of you have any great questions left about Brock py I feel a little bit on the on an island over here well I I just wonder when you look at Brock pie and you think about all the things and we ran through it last year well can he can he win a big game on the road can he lead a team back can he this can he that can he do this can he do that and he checked just about every box other than the one that 98% of all quarterbacks have been unable to do which is can he win the Super Bowl sure so if that's really the only question and that's kind of a a a cheapo to be honest because if you look around the NFL right now I think there are five maybe six quarterbacks active who have actually won a Super Bowl and that might include Joe flacko presuming he has a gig I'm not sure if he he's backing up on the Colts okay so he's got a game which can by the way in the history of ever has there ever been a Mobility drop off that would happen if Anthony Richardson got hurt and the Colts Trot Joe Flaco out that's pretty Mobility drop off pretty big am I right on that Grandy is Flaco backing up in Indie is that right nobody knows yeah I feel like that's the case point being if that's the only question you have about Brock pie then go ahead and hopefully wait until February and see if that's answered thank you back you got Russ who's still playing he's got one momes obviously you've got Stafford you got Aaron Rogers and uh you're you're running out of quarterbacks who are playing who have one so if that's really your only question about Brock and so be it I think you can nitpick on you know can he really throw the ball down the field consistently well they don't so you're not going to find out can he make all the throws yeah can he win games almost every time yeah so I don't know where questions are I'd be interested to hear what people have well among questions there's a reason I'm asking although you just said something that I would like to uh I would like to give you an analytics update okay um sometimes what gets me is that what I hear people say as like the well here's what we know about Brock pie like do you want him to push the ball down the field because the Niner offense doesn't do that they don't are you sure Brock p and you know you can find an analytics sort of stat for for everything but in terms of what is termed aggressive throws yeah air yards fourth in the league just last week um and and so I I understand that people think that oh they don't go vertical right they don't necessarily go vertical but tune in and watch if you can like tune on Red Zone and watch how many quarterbacks in the NFL are just like boop boop boop like they're dropping back and it's like get the ball out of your hand and let's go to the tight end let's go to the running backs let's get the ball out of here as quickly as possible a lot of the rookies were doing that Caleb Williams Jaden Daniels the reason I bring it up is twofold one I do think that a lot of people have said over the last year yeah yeah yeah wait till he has to play without Christian McCaffrey and then he did and the Niners looked great and he moved the ball eight consecutive scoring drives but there's also this so our old friend Brian Hoyer former 49er quarterback um most recently was back with the New England Patriots he was a guest on Peter shrager's uh on the season podcast and they got into the 49ers and I thought this was great content listen to Brian Hoyer break down the quarterback position for the 49ers and what he sees Brock per do in said position Brock pie is Kyle's Avatar out on the field and Kyle you know he would talk cuz so much for me was about the game plan he's like don't worry about it I'll call to play at the right time I got it I got it and that that made me nervous because it's like I wanted to be in my hands I want to know I want to change the play at the line of scrimmage that's just how I learned you know professional football but you know he's had pry from the infancy stage and he's molded him exactly how he wants him and when I watch Brock play I realized that that's exactly the guy and I think even Jimmy you know Jimmy had success with Kyle but you know Jimmy would add live at times and I think that would drive Kyle insane and and Kyle's found a guy in Brock who literally if if Kyle said hey Brock on this play I want you take a fstep drop and throw it out of bounds the left Brock would say Okay coach and he would do it and it's been really and like you said it's not an insult it's it's believing in your coach believing in the system okay so Brock pie if Kyle said drop back fstep drop hit your back leg and hu it out of bounds Brock can be like you got it yeah that's what the play called for and I have faith in Kyle so I'll go ahead and do that and you know maybe I won't totally get it because now it's second and 10 but I did what you wanted coach maybe if Brian Hoyer would have adhered to what Kyle wanted he wouldn't have gone 0 and six as the Niner starter was that the record 0 and six oh yeah 58% completion and it was a scuffle it's not like it got turned around immediately when Jimmy came but they did fin the year pretty good I think they yeah their last five but yeah but he could speak to it he's like Jimmy drove Kyle nuts sometimes cuz just be like I'm going go out do you remember when Jimmy got thrown in there after the Tre Lance injury and people took it as a shot at Kyle because Jimmy was like it was fun because there's like no game plan so I can go out there and just kind of wing it and it's like at the time I remember people were like yeah come on Kyle like let the guy be a football player see he's good let him do some things and it was the very next week it was seven days later that he walked out of the back of an Endzone in the in the Denver Stadium yeah doing his own thing doing his own thing yeah this one's doing his own thing yeah so I loved hearing that from a guy who's actually been a quarterback under Kyle Shanahan and you wonder why this looks so much better you you like lockstep lock step you have somebody who's going out there and will do exactly what he's asked to do and I also think that whole thing I mean that speaks well of Kyle Shanahan I know people want to call it arrogance but look at what it looks like when you have someone that will just go do what Kyle asks him to do look at the results right which is know the play and make the pre- snap read and if the pre- snap read doesn't fit with what we're trying to run feel free to not you know audible out of this play stick with the play and then go to your secondary and then your tertiary reads and I I trust you everything's going to work out instead of like Brian Hoyer saying you know I'm used to changing the plays and calling my own so I get to the line and it's Omaha Omaha we're running something else but what Kyle wants you to do is just run the damn play yeah and if option A is not open and B's not you know what option C is going to be open cuz I'm Kyle flip and chahan I scheme people open on one ready break so yeah and that's that's what Brock did on Monday night he was not spectacular I was looking at the Pro Football Focus numbers he was the highest rated Niner on offense I think he had like an 88 or an 89 higher rated than Jordan Mason Trent Williams was to Jordan Mason was like fourth or fifth really yeah okay yeah Football Focus in their player ratings some people blow that off others others use it for something it's a thing it's a thing it's a thing I think say that slowly again brck P was number one Mark and he was like seven points higher than Trent Williams who was number two I'd like people to stop telling me that he wasn't spectacular on Monday that's what I would like PFF I mean why well it's kind of like plus minus in basketball I'll use it when it helps my argument and when it doesn't I will poo poo it that's what I'm doing right now I'm using it when it helps my argument that's why I'm trying to poooo it cuz I was the one who said I why like why why am I not allowed to be incredibly impressed by Brock pie on Monday night you're allowed to be and you know Pro Football Focus is saying that you're right because he graded out at like an 88 or an 89 he did of the 29 dropbacks he was probably 27 for 29 on doing the right thing and making a good throw well he completed what 20 of 29 yep okay and then he had two drops sure okay and then um overthrow yeah overthrew you Che saber into double coverage saber into double coverage I would argue are his only two like true misfires I can remember one to Debo that that a Defender got a fingertip on there was the early one to Debo where they were not on the right page right remember Debo stopped and he threw it he h it way over his head yeah so who knows where that falls so there's four of his incompletions or I guess six if you count the two six of the nine incompletions right there yeah none of them the one and Kyle talked about it today I think in the press conference or maybe yesterday where there was the one to sober that he was like you know he probably shouldn't have done that should have thrown that but Kyle also said I like the fact that he just let it rip because he's got that confidence he saw it and he Let It Rip but Kyle would probably give him a higher grade than even PFF Kyle was raving about how he played you know who uh Kyle would give a higher grade on pery then Mark Grandy gry's gra gave him a plus I think you need to up it I tried to tell you yesterday that's too low part of the grading curve is the expectation that you have and he was an MVP finalist last year you're grading him on an extremely extremely difficult scale but what I tried to ask you this yesterday and I still don't feel like I've gotten a straight answer which is what did you want him to do that he didn't do like he has to what like your I understand what your expectation is except for are you telling me that that needs to be like fantasy numbers well then just just because he didn't need to go crazy for the ners to win the game like I'm not saying that Kyle Shanahan needed to give Brock py the opportunity to go out and throw for 400 yards and three touchdowns when they were averaging five yards per carry but because they were averaging five yards per carry and they were they were getting everything done on the ground doesn't mean that them putting up 32 points was solely because of the quarterback I didn't say that but I what I I remember what and I mad at myself now now I'm mad at myself that I didn't stand on a Podium a little harder yesterday I still want if you're going to down him to a b down that's what I'm he I'm downgrading to a B+ I need to know what it is that was a demerit I don't want to know what he could have done that he didn't have to do I want to know what the demerit was A's are reserved for amazing performances and Brock pry wasn't amazing he was good okay well now you got to give me all the people you gave A's to they were all amazing they're all amazing I'm not saying that any quarterback got an A this week you gave the skill position players a flat a and Brandon auk dropped two balls those are demerits what did Brock do that made you go I'm taking Five Points off that what the skill position player did anything wrong why is Brandon iuk not involved in your grading he he is everyone else would have got an A+ I just again A Plus as a teacher if a grade goes down it's because there was a demerit that sentence you wrote right there that's a r on sentence C is an average grade correct A+ is the best thing you could possibly do I didn't ask you to give him an A+ B+ is still pretty darn good what's the demerit it's that he didn't do the exceedingly difficult thing wasn't didn't try wasn't asked to that doesn't mean that he gets the grade because he doesn't even attempt to the exceedingly difficult you're grading him on an assignment that you didn't give him you're grading him on an assignment you didn't give him I'm think we have a disagreement in how we grade and that's fine but like again I need to if you're going to give him something less than an a I need to know which sentence he wrote that had grammatical errors he was fantastic on Monday night you had your chance yesterday I know I'm mad at me I'm not mad at you gry I'm mad at me I'm mad at me CU I'm not mad at you I'm just disappointed and and I and I accept that it's a classic parental uh parent but you're right I deserve it I deserve it CU I know what I said in the stands but people who are sitting next to me will back me up I said that night I'm like my God he is just he's in complete control out here I was overly impressed and then I got here and because oh there were no touchdown passes and I know my reputation Mr Homer over here TI for last in the NFL among touchdown passes VIN thanks Brandon Vincent taly on the YouTube chat $5 for this uh Grandy even Nick Wright gave perie an a for his game Nick Wright that's his biggest hater that burns a little bit granny boy he said his name twice like he was Matt Ste Nick Wright in all caps the second time Nick right Nick right yeah Nick wrong quite frankly not on this one well you have your guys you don't like mention on the show that's one of my guys I don't like mention on the show I think he's uh yeah he's just not my favorite that's fine Brock py number one according to PFF Pro Football Focus among quarterbacks in week one rank one of 32 Brock per number one of 32 Brock P B+ yeah it's a bad week for quarterbacks okay I stand behind my man Mark Randy okay he likes it rough okay what's the demerit if you gave me a b if I was a student and you did that I'm showing up to office hours not because I'm gonna argue with you you have to be a homer yes you have to tell me what I did wrong you can't simply say you didn't do what wasn't even out there well there was there was plays out there Debo on the opening drive overthrow overthrow youth check and a hospital ball Alber how how do you even first of all not a hospital ball he didn't even get touched second of all how do you know that wasn't Debo's fault well it's the quarterback you're the one throwing the football you're responsible for where the ball winds up I'm responsible for what my receiver does if he cuts off a route he's not supp to cut off you throw the ball you're responsible for the throw that's the very nature of the job so what grade would you give Brock pry in his performance then I'd give him an a I would give him an A so his his demerit his couple bad throws is enough to take away an A+ well I mean now now we're going to get into the whole A+ thing I'm I'm all year yeah like I mean A+ okay fine yeah he overthrew used Che the saber throw wasn't great whatever like yeah I'm not I didn't say he pitched a perfect game but like I feel like if you're going to give him Dem merits you're taking points away for stuff that like wasn't even there we we didn't ask him to go throw three touchdown passes we didn't ask him to throw go routes he like he was very very good in just about everything that was called than scoring touchdowns and what did Brian Hoyer just say he is an extension better than anyone ever with Avatar he went out and did what was called and did it at an a level you know who loves his performance more than Kyle Shanahan who Jake Moody Jake Moody he going to win special te player of the week 20 points thanks to your inefficiency thank you your guy can't score touchdowns so the movie my guy can't score touchdowns The Moody man not the Moody man I got it so like so when mckivitz holds that's and that stops a drive for a field goal that's Brock that's what you're telling me well I think because Brock uh has to hold the ball so long mck like and stuff that he had to you know maybe hold on a little longer and stuff it feels like you're grading on a bit of a curve because Brock prudy didn't necessarily need to do incredible things for the ners to win the football game because he wasn't asked to do that he he should still get an A plus meanwhile or an A a different quarterback with much lesser support around him has to do a whole lot more to get his team to the same level he had a better day but they get the same grade because what is asked of them is different I am grading the assignment that was assigned this was a severely less challenging assignment it doesn't matter I've asked you like eight times in the last two days to tell me what he did wrong you guys just talked about it all and like both of them like the two or three things are like so minute that that would be like I'm I'm taking 10 points off for missing a second and four throw when the game was already decided like again I would show up at office hours and I wouldn't I wouldn't like call your boss I would just be like can you explain to me what I did wrong explain to me why you took that many points off salbert use Che Debo get out of my office you taking too many points off well it's up you know back to class office hours are not during class that's why the teacher has them yeah but maybe you have class or maybe you need to go get some class stop knocking on my door everybody knows I don't have class and I'll tell you what if you come to my office hours with that next assignment you're getting double graded you're getting the double Grandy we call it the double Grandy yeah that's what I'm talking about let's go GPD GPD is on the line what's up Grandpa Daddy what are you doing I'm driving home with a trailer hooked up to my truck and a bunch of lumber and concrete who who but I tell you what that is why you have bluetooth head headset you know you um hands free say man can I just say can I just say this look all this the people who are like hating on Brock or or grading him like they're drinking hater raid and then they're regurgitating it okay they're drinking haterade you know what GPD you know what that is right tell Grandy when he regurgitates what is that you're throwing it up a dang it I'll handle it later go ahead GPD Grandy now look you gota look he look that pass the Debo it was there it just wasn't exactly three inches in front of him he still could have caught that dude if you looked at it closely he could have caught that okay there's a couple things I would give him an A and I'mma tell you what this is he Kyle is Yoda and Brock is Luke Skywalker Jedi and training Luke I say you do this yes you do don't you do that yes you do okay he's escalating to a Jedi he will be there man don't hate participate you guys whoever is hating love it bro you guys look how good they did Mark I'm with you I'm not a homer but that was a beautiful game by Brock man how much more do you want they're dissecting it like oh my God I can't believe how bad they're dissecting it let me let me say this you get out there and throw that ball and see how well you do right you know what I'm saying brother GPD uh drive safe man we we we love when you call and oh by the way when Grandy when you regurgitate Grandy it is a regurgitation sensation the show was not going to go on unless somebody said it for quite a lled Granda Yoda did not pick up on on the Queue there and delivered but that's all right GPD we'll get you next time not the best Yoda I've ever heard either but uh he did call Grandy a hater well will what what was your GPA in high school and college it sounds like he sounds like you think B+ is a bad grade way by the way very different in high school and college was very good in high school and it was fine in college I mean yeah I was a t of to T to City yeah great Grande Maring Catholic cuffed me around Junior College was great five Junior years at Northridge not so great not so great and then my flurry at SF state was actually solid flurry dude seriously my career was uh kind of like that of Baker Mayfield some some rough stops but some success I think I was ranked uh 23rd in my senior class at samon high school we were and you had to settle for Cal paully it wasn't 4.0 but it was like just south of 39 and then I went to college and my mom got mad at me every single quarter because she's like Mark what are the what are what are these grades I'm like Mom I'm going to be a a radio TV person and they are never going to ask me my GPA ever again so we're gonna Coast a little bit

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