How Georgia Tech was able to Physically DOMINATE FSU

definitely excited that college football season's back week zero we got one pretty good game Forida state Georgia Tech we're going to Jump Right In look at Georgia Tech and how they were able to own line of scrimmage win the game against Florida State and right here on the very first look is the very first touchdown for Georgia Tech and this really showed that this game was going to be a lot more difficult than a lot of people were talking about a little bit of motion here just a heavy set couple tight ends in fly motion Wildcat quarterback he faking they just run inside zone right here and just the push right here early in the game when you see this the very first drive on Red Zone goal line attempt balls on the one first and goal and this is the type of movement they get on those interior lineman so right down that double team anytime they're finishing those guys in the end zone getting four yards into the End Zone by the time they get tackled you know hey this is about to be a ball game these guys are about to bring it to them looks like they're going to be a little more physical than maybe they were hoping right there easy TouchDown for George Tech we're going to start looking at their touchdowns and goal line attempts right here third down 21 personel again inside Zone they ran Zone every time they got done here on the one yard line third down so you know this is a pretty critical situation and on this just straight inside zone no motion no anything they're just taking care of their inside Gap you see there's a double team there's your tight end down there's your fullback here here's going to be an unblocked guy just based off of numbers and this running back does a great job making this linebacker miss playing downhill and on a third and goal just the amount of dudes there for George te get behind him they push him in they find a way with that dirty run to get to the end zone these touchdowns were huge if florid state gets one stop in the goal line Red Zone area they're going to win the football game cuz it was that tight last play came down to a field goal and of course Georgia Tech scored on all three of their possessions on the goal line and here's the last score right here again getting a little bit of motion same thing as far as the scheme inside Zone you got a tight end fullback over here on this side this time all they're doing is getting a little bit of motion instead of just going from a stagnant position this is on a first and goal you see how that displaces the defense these guys are flying that way again that veteran offensive line for Georgia Tech getting a body on everybody and the running back finds away to get in the end zone has to jump over his own guy again those were huge critical situations scoring touchdowns every time they're in the goal line Red Zone area we'll see some other clutch calls from George Tech and how they're able to dominate against one of the better defenses in the country now we're diving into the crucial third down situations and times and schemes that Georgia Tech used to get Guys open and right here on this one really good look here so manto man here from Florida State you can definitely tell started in a bunch set motion him across this man's running with him and as we're watching it ball gets snapped and they try to switch this off so the SE two guys are trying to switch this corner switches with that guy that works out he should be switching here to the guy that's working across but he's not in great position right there just looking at his body so now has to try to put the brakes on of course wet field Dublin Ireland you're going to fall down anytime you have that shoulders way outside your frame right here so obviously he's going to slip down once you get to that position he falls and it's manned up and all they're running is a simple mesh with that motion your back's going through the flats then of getting that rub not only getting the rub but the guy even Falls Down Easy throwing catch there for HS King on a third and five so you see manto Man Too High look easy throwing and catch the defender that's supposed to be man up on them falls down when they try to switch easy throwing and catch gets the first down in crucial situation this is the look right here of just a really good throw back skin out here some sort of vertical maybe an angle Corner you're getting your levels concept those guys working across and right here on this watching HS King you see this guy right here gets absolutely toasted in a oneon-one spin move there by the defensive end now he's in the quarterback's face great job throwing an extremely accurate ball you can see the window and the spacing between those guys isn't that far right there just enough now the end zone view is a lot better don't quite have it but unbelievable throw and catch tight window to put in there with that pressure so that a heck of a play there run away from manto man coverage with pressure taking to the ground throwing an accurate football where you got can get a first down on another crucial Drive here's the first third down in that last Drive where they go down and kick the field goal and as you see right here you're in a three super set but you have your tight end right here so they're actually pinning here getting into basically a delay Sprint out to the right and they're running a flood route probably a vertical right there flat route from the running back so he's pinning instead of going to the flats again manto man here from Florida State what I would say from Florida State this guy if he's blissing off the edge sees a guy across his face he should peel with that take his very first option away which is the running back instead Mike's trying to run with the back which is a mismatch all day so right there great job here just giving ground knowing that you're unblocked throw to the flats one one with the Mike linebacker you got to throw an accurate football off your back footer that Mike's going to catch him so right there really accurate football puts it on his outside shoulder allows him to run so great job right there getting in space to one of your better players puts on the brakes and Florida State turns to three stoes right here they roll each other up and just follow over each other again great call I mean it's one of those things hey manto man if you know you're getting manto man it's really easy and should be easy to scheme stuff up to get guys loose get your better players one-onone with the mic or you know strong safet whoever they have in there that's what they do right there get an easy completion has to be accurate give your guy a chance oneon-one to make something happen open field in a huge huge situation this play right here might be the most crucial in the game it's third down third and 18 after that really weird play the snap was either early or late I think it probably a little bit early messed up the timing of it but right here they ran this play earlier where I know it was kind of cut off but they had tight here he shifts out they motion a guy AC cross and they throw the screen all they do there is they set and they run out there's a tackle trying to get there there's the guard going to the alley and they throw it to their guy right there but on this one great job closing space right here but then he's not able to finish the tackle Inside Out Corner trying to keep outside leverage just a great play here with the one-onone effort by that slot receiver getting about 11 12 yards puts him in decent position to make a field goal if they don't get this yardage I don't think they make that field goal right there great individual effort decent scheme uh we'll look at it just here in a second of the when they ran early in the game but right here they don't even get there it just turns into a one-on-one tackle with that linebacker strong safety trying to roll down make a play and he just makes a miss so great effort there by the slot receiver 112 yards sets him up for the game wi field goal here's the look a little bit better as far as what they want to do probably with the lineman but right there motion across and we'll see what takes place this was the same play this time they went the other way with it again hey passet and they're getting out to kick here's the guy they're going to kick guard's going to get out to lead leading hopefully on this safety maybe this Mike slides over there all the quarterback does catches it one step and you got to get it around this defensive end gives it to him he's four yards deep there's your kick that was your tackle roll that back see tackle all he does is pass set one kick and then he's releasing flat kick lead on the safety that was rolling that alley there's the kick by the guard now you're inside get inside all that now get back out try to turn into a track meat right here which is what they do creating an explosive play getting in the secondary great effort here and you can see those guys from Florida State just getting split great job great timing anytime you have a screen that hits like that you got to have a great time you've worked this a ton great job inside out now they're getting to the better players rolling this is a huge play on the first drive as well as that last play that set him up for the field goal now we're going to look at just some of the Run schemes that were really good I thought creative for Georgia Tech and very first thing we to look at is just the draws now of course Hayes King they used him a ton with his legs so that was one of those factors that I think really LED to them being able to stay in the game Florida State wasn't using dju for the Run game which is what they did last year with Jordan Travis but right here they get their back out I think there is an option right here to possibly throw a screen throw a vertical something on those lines rolling out they're an empty CU you because you see everybody's working out routes working verticals back even left and all they run is a draw and once they show pass you see how hard these linebackers are getting out safety's getting out this is on a second and five so right there trying to create an explosive play on second and five those guys getting out chasing those out routes and all they're doing pass set wash by if they're in outside Gap there's a double team there on that nose put them in that outside Gap now we're working up for the linebacker Hayes King taking that thing straight vertical get down when you can that looked really odd but right there I mean getting down the 5 yard line I can see you trying to fight get to the end zone but right there open up party like the Red Sea right there linebacker getting out on a second and five able to get vertical down to about the 2 yd line on a quarterback draw here's another version of quarterback draw and right here they're in four receiver set so they're motion their guy here I think they're really looking for the numbers if those guys don't widen out make it five on five stay low if you don't like it now you can run quarterback draw this is on a third and 16 so really just trying to get a little bit of yardage back right here so don't like the screen out there for whatever reason I probably would have told him to throw it to me it looks like the Angles and numbers are right I'd flip it out there to him but instead Hanes King keeps it gets vertical gets about five or six just thought it was an interesting look right there they're in a quad set you got to have two guys online scrimmage there they are right there and they're swinging winging him trying to give him the football if not quarterback draw right through the middle gets about five or six on Third and 16 speaking of for receiver sets right here you had quads into the bound I thought this was an interesting play here they Motion in they run quarterback counter over here to the wide side of the field and on this one you see a squeeze by 17 he's still squared to the outside great read here by that tight end that had worked in from the number three receiver spot he's working over the top of that to the outside quarterback follows him and right there s there to the wide side of the field this gives the quarterback a ton of space to run so right there safety is trying to fill inside out there's just way too much space Georgia Tech gets a body for a body they're not just mauling people but they are getting a body for a body hking makes a great read bounces outside but I thought this was a really interesting look quads to the boundary running quarterback counter to the field and that thing bounces out runs all the way to the opposite sideline gets about 10 12 yards we going keep looking at counter right here and this is one of the better counter looks of the so right there motion men they snap it before he ever gets to the box right there so full speed snapping it this guy ends up playing C Gap so we block down on him block him down right here Center's blocking back Gap hinge pull a kick right here fullbacks wrapping all the way probably for this mike that's going to start working over with that motion and on this the other thing about it is the running back is running same side counter so instead of coming from this direction he's showing same side so this looks almost like inside zone right here if you stop it right there with those double teams working that way looks like inside Zone just now getting a kick from that guard lead from the fullback to the back side kick lead same side run quarterback gets through there they don't actually get up to that linebacker they end up working all the way to the safety that was rolling down into the box beat this linebacker with speed since he's getting jumbled up with all that trash now running backs out there in space on the second and four big play there just running counter going from the trips to the boundary working him in Kick lead pretty good play there for George Tech another look here of counter and this time they're an unbalance set you got two on the line here motion yeah your fullback tight end over here you got a tight end on the ball and they run counter pulling their tight end so this is a really good look here running back even leads out there to the corner so you're getting overload here on this but as you see keeps outside leverage so you're going to get a kick shoulder Passad stay Square to the sideline for that guard kick lead there by the tight end try to get square hopefully you can kick with your left shoulder right there goes with right shoulder find be aggressive great patience here by the quarterback so you fake a cross that kind of helps you with the patience and you got to go inside out read that guard gets a kick now we're getting vertical there was an unblocked guy you got a safety right here in the box and hany King makes him Miss now he gets on the back trying to trying to ride him to the ground right there on a second and six on the 10 yd line gets down close to first down so that's a really good good play great run by Hayes King getting a body for body and then also get extra about three or four after contact from the safety Last look here on counter I think this is the same play where they ended up snapping and almost hitting the guy in motion but I think they're trying to get him across and they're going to run GT back to where it came from but right there again manto man that guy's running with him make everything look right get your numbers right over there so they're running GT wash him down there's your linebacker stepping up kick lead running back downhill after the motion across fullbacks actually blocking for the quarterback he's working out there's Reed as a quarterback downhill great re for the kick lead again nobody's left with that motion everybody was gone so getting a guy in space again this is another explosive play on a team that's got a heavy box and you're able to just run GT stay on your track get a great kick and lead with a little bit of motion vacating that area another one of the schemes that George Tech ran in the Run game was that GT counter now just going to look at a couple clips of outside zone and right here I think this is the first play of the season for the offense I think you got a little tail motion here and they're running outside Zone to the left he's cutting out right there so right there reaching up to that linebacker these guys are reaching to that linebacker he's reaching there and as you're looking at it they're in the pistol so we're stretching you see these linebackers flowing over the top the amazing part about this is with this motion getting this guy running here and ends up holding this defensive end so instead of squeezing and making this space get a little bit tighter make the thing bounce out here he jumps out of the Gap thinking this is POS possibly a boot and that is an extremely big gash I mean that is an unbelievable alley for running back to hit right there first play of the Season outside Zone floorida State over rotates and right there they're able to cut out the backside with that boot action and the motion there is not a bigger alley that you're going to find against the top 10 team and George Tech creates it right there on very first play of the game with just a little bit of motion outside Zone and one guy getting another Gap there foror State instead of squeezing tries to play the boot last game we're looking at right here is just a power read that they're running and what they're reading is right here everybody else is working out you're actually getting a pin kick on the corner lead there by the running back if he's squeezes we're going to hand the ball all right if he ends up getting wide going to fake it to him going to get downhill running the power there to the inside against that defense that lost their defensive end but right here on this one in squeezes as you see him right here he's squeezing right there is the puller for the power so he's squeezing pretty hard good hand there was the outside receiver pinning there's the fullback leading and then there's the running back getting up as well so overloading the edge that defensive end doesn't squeeze give it to them and they get wide on this one this again this is the very first drive of the Season great scheme knowing that guy's going to squeeze being able to get that pin and the lead on that second level creating a pretty good play there on a first and 10 no look here of the same play this time out of a twin set and instead of cracking they just end up leading and arcing out to the edge with the running back and the fullback again power read here's your guy he squeezes got to give the ball let it get wide so body for a body now let the running back make a cut so let's see what happens right here on this one ends up cutting inside the outside Defender hopping over the guy get about five or six yards again this is on second and five so really good play Power read if that end would have squeezed getting downhill against a really light box now but again give me to your guy in space pal Reed those guys are going to squeeze that's what you're looking for right there getting a body for body out there on the edge ni you can think about I mean for this game to be that close is really almost a testament to Florida State I mean to not have any turnovers for Florida State for Georgia Tech not to have any turnovers but then Georgia Tech averages more than two two yards more than you on a per rush so 3.2 for Florida State 5.3 for Georgia Tech and also averaged two more yards per completion I know it was one of those games that went pretty quick both teams ran the ball a whole lot I mean there's less than 60 plays on either side of the football so not just a ton of plays in this game with Georgia Tech going three for three in the Red Zone not turning the ball over even though they did fumble a couple times Florida state did a great job to keep it even as close as they did CU I felt Georgia Tech was the more physical team up front and had more Dynamic players especially the at quarterback h King made some really good throws but also with his legs which DJ ouang never did with Hanes King getting 54 yards rushing to DJ getting seven but I really think that's probably going to be the difference this year from last year for Florida Jordan Travis being a lot more Dynamic than the quarterback they have now they're going have to get some better players on the edge or some guys to step up like Keon Coleman did last year for Florida State they're going to have to find that guy they can be that vertical threat to create more explosive plays down the field but I really appreciate you guys watching make sure you subscribe so you can see everything we're doing this this college football season and we'll see you guys again in the next video

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