Why Georgia Tech Beat Florida State Recap & Analysis | 2024

Florida State should be catching heat right now for the way they played on Saturday and they're pretty much exactly who we thought they were going to be if you watch this show and want to win the water cooler but I don't think there's been nearly enough Praise heaped on everybody associated with the Georgia Tech football team from the players to the coaches not only did Georgia Tech outplay FSU but they out coached them by a mile as well but we can talk about the great plan that offensive coordinator Buster Falkner put together with so much pre- snap eye candy wide motions only to soften up the middle of that Florida State defense against the run or about their DC Tyler santui deciding when it was a passing down and the money was on the line I'm going to bring the heat on dju to force a quick decision and a sped up throw but to me I think something deeper won this game I think culture won it for Georgia Tech now the word culture has become so cliche now that I think sometimes we forget the examples of it right when they're it's in our face we got a heavy dose of how together this Georgia Tech Team actually is after all off seon hearing how Florida state was going to run it down their throat and the seminal did with ease on that first drve but not only did Georgia Tech not bat an ey they answered with a nice scoring Drive of their own and the defense clamped down and clutch situations for most of the game a lot of teams would have folded after it seen the rumors would ring true about the fora state run game just pounding Georgia Tech that takes balls it takes guts but most importantly it takes leadership when a team had to make a big time play to extend a drive or get a stop in a key moment it was hannes King and it was the Georgia Tech Team not dju and Florida State now DJ wasn't terrible he just wasn't good enough but that's what happens I guess when you go against a king so while there are many reasons for rambling wreck fans fans to be happy this week the way this team is built and the mental fortitude and the culture that they have and have created should be near or at the top of the list David con former Michigan back my brother former uh Western State Colorado wide receiver bla Crane and David you know we're going to get into the nuts and bolts of schematically what Georgia Tech did what Florida state was not able to do but I thought Georgia Tech answering the Bell after that first drive when a lot of people you click on social media had pretty much already quit on Georgia Tech to me that shows you what Brent key is building and the type of individual that makes up the Georgia Tech Team because that takes that takes a little something extra that that a team that doesn't believe in themselves and doesn't that leadership you you can't pull that one out of your butt well first of all what a fantastic football game to start the season I mean from start to finish it was just an excellent game and I was shocked by nothing in this game right I took the under at 55 largest lead of the game under 18 and a half Georgia Tech to cover in the first half all of that hit so I wasn't shocked by a single thing what I was surprised with a little bit was Florida State's inability to run the ball as the game went on especially in the second half when you saw them when they were on script early and everything was on schedule had it all working what were they doing they were running the ball effectively between the tackles they had the Speed sweeps working on the outside and then a little bit of play action off of that right go down score right away and get the two-point conversion and Georgia Tech answers right back they're on script script they're on schedule so none of that was surprising but then as the game went on their inability to really run the ball at will against Georgia Tech and then on the flip side of that Florida State's inability with that new defensive line to stop Georgia Tech's Run game as the game went on and it was basically just a heavy dose a counter how many different ways can we throw counter at you I was a little bit surprised by that but not too surprised Georgia Tech led the ACC in rushing a year ago top 12 nationally just like you were talking about Buster fauler combined with Brent key as the head coach who was a four-year starter on the offensive line for Georgia Tech that's what you're going to get you're going to get countered you're going to get these unbalanced formations and DJ ungal I know we're going to talk about his performance but again we weren't surprised maybe some Florida State fans were surprised we were all watching the game with for with Clemson fans and they said hey this is exactly what we watched for three years and I thought that drive right before halftime I told you guys they got the football back with 3 minutes and 13 seconds left I said this drive right here is going to be an indication of how the Florida state coaching staff feels about their new quarterback right now and they went what 33 yards something like that just to be able to get in field goal range to kick that 59 Y which you hit a very nice bet on but no sense of urgency with 3 minutes and 13 seconds and three timeouts to go down and say you know what let's go down and score before halftime and and I do want to get into dju in 1 second the the call the phone line is going to open at uh 2:45 p.m. central 1855 236 3228 we're going to get to the chat I know a bunch of yall are in there uh bla before we start talking about what Florida State couldn't do I want to just for one more second hang on to what Georgia Tech did do I think a lot of people and this is why if you go back and watch our preview of this game had forgotten a that Georgia Tech was so good running the ball last year B that Haynes King was a cherry on top of that ability uh to run the ball and then again all off season hearing about how much better Forida state was than them up front I think I even stood up behind the chair here one time and said all the Georgia Tech front seven and you can look at 44 the linebacker for Georgia Tech right had the net that guy ain't playing in the NFL K edford yeah he's not playing in the NFL but that front seven for Georgia te and santui they stunted some they they they slanted a little bit early but once Florida State got off script I thought the plays that were there to win the game whether it be on offense whether it be on defense I thought both special teams units were pretty good you know you did have the one miss field goal but uh outside of that when I looked at at Georgia Tech and their ability to be able to make the plays that they had to make it was a collective group effort effort but again Florida State I still think overall has better players than Georgia but what Georgia Tech did to the interior of that Florida State Defense and a lot of it was because of this you were getting a lot of motion back and forth not just when they were on script early but throughout the game they were motioning people they would give the Jet Sweep they would keep the Jet Sweep they would motion with the back in the back field with the slot guy fake that give it to him they had Florida State's eyes going like this in the middle of that box and Florida State who didn't have their offensive coordinator they play caller who's serving a suspension so Mike noell took over took over the play calling didn't get nearly as creative because they didn't think they had to get creative I thought the plan and the execution of the plan was absolutely perfect by Georgia Tech they beat 4 State at the way Florida State wants to beat people and to me that shows a lot yeah I mean I think a lot of it you can go to what Brent ke said at the end of the game um in his post came interview it say run the damn ball right that speaks to what that speaks to culture that speaks to your locker room um and the big thing with me is you know it seemed like Brent key knew who his quarterback was and he trusted his quarterback when the play when it came down to when everything broke down what did HS King do and he did it a lot last year there's two stats you can look at this game and know how it ended up one Georgia Tech averaged 5 and a half yards per carry that's insane five and a half yards per carry and apparently this Florida State Defense was defensive line was supposed to be one of the best in the nation wrong and two what did Han King do a lot last year turn the ball up do a lot of interceptions how many you have in the for State game zero and you establish this what upfront misdirection I thought Florida State saing way too much man yeah it seemed like they ran covered two uh two man the entire game in big situations third and 12 third and 10 plus if you're going to run man at least don't give up the inside yeah well I I understand Running Man in in third and 12 where I kind of started to lose me a little bit I was questioning what they're doing defensively in the second half was the third and fours and the third and threes and there's no problem running man there's no problem running split coverages or bringing blitzes and having help behind at fire zones or whatever but the thing about man coverage is if you don't win in that box it can hurt you really bad really quickly because DB's backs are turned right and when you're running TW Man On Third and 12 that's than doing doing it on third and four because now if you're sitting there running cover two hey maybe that corner in the flat could come up and help and set the edge that line of scrimmage instead his ass has got his back turned because he's having to follow the wide receiver even if it's a slant even if he's opening up inside line of scrimmage he can't get off his guy to go tackle the running back because what if it's some sort of of halfback pass and his guy's the one catching the ball so you know Zone get helps you out a little bit uh against a run from a defensive back standpoint but getting back to Florida State and this is the thing I I went on the Renegade report went on with Jen n and all them and it was funny I was going on a Florida State show talking about how I thought Miami was going to win uh the ACC and that that Georgia Tech had a chance is that Florida state has no plan B with dju why because there is no plan B with dju and that's not saying dju is a bad player nobody's ACC accusing him of being a bad player and he did some good things but he's not going to be able to make the plays and consistently make the throws to get you out of something on defense or to give you confidence offensively if somebody shows you who they are enough you've got to believe them and DJ's been in college for 30 years this is why we were saying if if for State's not able to run the ball at will like they did on that first drive and they get caught in third and six and third and seven what's the answer well sanui said you know what I'mma dial your ass up and I'm G bring pressure every single time and it does two things one it totally negates DJ's ability to wiggle out and go run after cuz he's not that Elusive and two it makes him get rid of the ball quicker and even though he knows to throw into to the Blitzer he still struggles to make the routine throws routine on that that I can't remember if it was the first drive or the second drive he had a guy wide open on a slant inside on third down and almost threw it so far behind the guy had to make a great catch to get the first down Douglas had to make some incredible catches to be able to to make plays and extend drives there is no plan B with dju it's plan a if plan doesn't work let's try plan a if neither plan a or plan works hell let's try plan a again and plan a didn't work and you know the the thing though is and we've been talking about this for a couple years now is the inaccuracy with the ball at times or holding on to the ball a lot of times uh you don't get that all the time cuz when he needed to make some big throws in the fourth quarter he made him and so you always have these moments in every game that's how it's supposed to look cuz he did throw some great balls you're talking about the Run game like for for for them to be a playoff team with him at quarterback we've been saying like they have to be as good as Michigan was last year rning or Georgia a couple years and that's why none of us had them in the play we didn't see that none of us had them in the playoff but also I was I was telling you guys I really want to see what does it look like with the absence of Keon Coleman you know and Johnny Wilson and some of these guys on the outside cuz last year we're watching Keon Coleman catch those slant passes you're talking about and go for 65 against LSU for yeah or Johnny Wilson here and look Mal Bon's a big it I get it but there were moments where we looked at each other in the game and said oh that's a moment right there we're having two big two guys on either side you know you missed that for Florida State this year sure I don't think Florida State receivers they're they're not Keon Coleman or Johnny Wilson but they're pretty damn good I think a huge difference not a lot of people talking about how good damn Travis uh Jordan Travis was last how many how many pickles he got Mike Norville out of last year not from only a throw a running standpoint but he became a better thr thrower throughout his career well look at look at the the ability to if a play breaks sound or something to happen with Jordan Travis plan a is the play P Plan B is Jordan Travis just takes his takes off plan C Jordan Travis takes off keeps his eyes downfield it turns into a scramble Jo how many times do we see Johnny Wilson streaking across the field last year when Jordan Travis broke contain how many times do we see Keon Coleman when it turned into the scramble drill and the DB's got to got to make it go manto man just beat a guy to the outside and Jordan Travis Stow or the defense say oh God here comes Jem Bell and Keon Coleman and uh and Johnny Wilson on the scramble drill and then Jordan Travis takes off and now if you're Florida State now if you're Flor state I'm even more worried as Georgia Tech's a good football team but they're not great well against the big dogs and in the against the big dogs in the ACC that Miami is going to look a little different well I would I would be I would be more worried if if I was a Florida State fan the offense is going to be what the offense is like that's just it with dju there's a ceiling that you have there'll be some games he throws better and you can get away with is the intermediate to short throws and just hitting the decoy ones over the top even if you don't complete them to scare the other team but defensively you're now playing a Boston college team with another quarterback that can really run in casos that's going to try and do this and they're not horrific up front they got a tight end that's a hell of a player that transferred from North Carolina so I'm looking at that Florida State BC spread a little bit different Florida State should still win but I'm more worried about the interior of that defensive line cuz if I'm Boston College and I don't know Bill O'Brien the head coach you going to see a lot of this buddy there's GNA be a lot of this there's going to be a lot of this back in the line of scrimmage it's gonna be it's GNA be like watching an inight Shyamalan movie you don't know which way this I think you'll see a lot less uh sling up front and man coverage in Florida State this week coming up I think I think you'll see I think you'll see a lot more cover too to be honest with you all right let's get to the all right Chad hit that like hit that subscribe button if you donate it's on topic it will get R let's get that feet Cho today boys football is back we're going to start off with Steven Rackley what's up Stephen says fellas this is tough to listen to we're heading back to Old FSU I feel like guess I'm just hoping for 500 this year well it's here's what I'll say to Florida State fans it's not time to jump off the cliff Mike Norville is not a bad coach you lost so much to the NFL draft last year on both sides of the ball trying to replace that was going to be tough It's just dju isn't who a lot of people try to keep pretending dju is and again it's not just his fault all right it's that there's a lot more people dju played fine but fine doesn't win national championships fine doesn't win ACC championships hell fine doesn't even win Conference USA championships you guys had Elite last year you had some fantastically talented players you lost those guys and tried to replace them to me I think it makes it makes it even more impressive what Mike norell was able to do last year getting all those guys out of the transfer portal to come together and play well you tried it again and it didn't work as good a lot of it because the pieces aren't as good cuz they just weren't goingon to be cam Ward was was the guy to get out of the portal and you tried to get him and he went to Miami yeah I think this says more about Georgia Tech than it does about Florida State this wi and unless you were somebody who said well no Florida State's going to win the ACC and they're going to be you know the number three team overall and get the first round by if you thought that maybe it says more about Florida State I think Florida State still going to beat a bunch of people this season I just think this really shows us what Georgia Tech's going to be under Brink I and that's why again I want to make sure and I had Georgia Tech you know I I've got Georgia Tech going six and six seven and five something like that and they still might but Florida State nine and three is feeling that's feeling about right nine and three eight and four area feels about right one last point and you just touched on it with how Georgia Tech may go seven and five their schedule so tough to one of the top five toughest schedules this loss may not this may loss may look like a very bad loss for Florida State at the end of the year but it shouldn't if you opened your eyes and said hey this is a good football team Georgia Tech may just suffer four or five losses because of the schedule so you had a team that knew who they were that had played together before against a team that was talented had an idea of who they were and then when they found out maybe we really aren't that there was no answer for it and that's tough all right Carla Jenkins what's up callers just me the FSU o line and donon were dine were very preseason hyped and turned out to be average what was with all the preseason hype and was that just coming out of their Camp no I mean a lot of people look again it's I don't think Florida State's bad up front on either side of the ball I think two things happened one the offense came out there was on script it worked perfectly probably got to the sideline and was like boys we're about to Rack this one up they are exactly who we thought they were and then they kind of relaxed a little bit but that's why again I go back to Georgia Tech answering so quick sometimes it's not just that you answer it's how you answer Georgia Tech got the ball marched it right down the field don't forget Florida State hit a two-point conversion cuz Georgia Tech wasn't like it couldn't have started any worse for Georgia Tech but that's when those those Dog Days of the summer come back those that's when those winter workouts come back that's when going through the spring practice and the fall camps and the two a days and all the summer conditioning and lifting the weights and doing all that stuff when you form an identity as a team you don't panic I feel like Georgia Tech stayed the course and they know who they were let's go to Doc snickel Fritz everyone just avoiding the obvious a QB's first year in a system is a QB's first year in a system the portal didn't get magically easier to adjust from QB just can't be placed on a team and expect a ball week one you know you say that but look at DJ U angal LA's um stats at Oregon State and at Clemson the year before they're almost identical and that was him in a because we we we know we know who he is like 90% of the time you'd be right but DJ us played college football for 30 years hell he's seen more systems than I have with Xbox and Playstation growing up it's like the excuses are done for DJ I'm I'm tired of the excuses they're done he's been to three schools he is who he is he is who we were telling you he was now if this was some freshman that transferred to some new place yes even like Payton Thorne's a great example of that right going from Michigan State to Auburn last year yeah he didn't have a lot of great pieces but he went from a pro style dropback system to an RPO Zone scheme system yes take some time this system wasn't that much different than what dju was doing at Oregon State hell it's probably a lot more like it than what triple option or anything yeah like it's that's that's just not true if you want to make excuses for dju right then just donate to his nil fund and tell him how damn good he is but we're just going to keep telling you the truth and people don't realize how good that Oregon State offense was oh they were good that orgon state offens of line was incredible God here's Clemson 2022 uh DJ threw for 2500 yards 22 touchdowns 7 interceptions 2023 for Oregon State 2600 yard 21 touchdowns seven interceptions yeah it's we we know who he is and again he's not a bad player DJ you's just not a great player right we know who he is hey YouTube what's up we are almost to 150,000 Subs we want to get there before kickoff this weekend so if you haven't already please hit that subscribe button we really appreciate it

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