Why Ga Tech Could Stop This Run, But FSU Couldn't

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:19:19 Category: Sports

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I know there's been a lot of discussion on why Georgia Tech was able to beat Florida State this past Saturday and one of the areas that I want to highlight is how both teams defended against the counter Run play so for this video I'm going to show you how Florida State defended against the counter and how Georgia Tech defended against the counter and I'm confident that you'll see that Florida State's inability to stop this run is one of the reasons that the yellow jackets were able to pull off this upset so to start us off we're going to take a look at this play from Georgia Tech's first drive of the game and we're going to alternate between Georgia Tech's offense and Florida State's offense because I want to show you as I'm going along the difference on how the teams played against the counter because a lot of it also comes down to technique as to why the seals really struggle to stop counter what we have here we're in the pistol formation Georgia Techs in the pistol formation and it's going to be a motion coming across to act as the ey candy ball snap before the receivers all the way across the formation but it's going to be a guard tight end guard HB back counter to the left and based on the look that we're get that that Florida state is giving here to Georgia Tech the blocking scheme is as follows so the left tackle and left guard they're going to down block here on this defensive tackle and work to Graham Jr linebacker right here because the Right Guard is the one who's going to be pulling rutage is the one that's going to be pulling on the counter Center's going to work back to the Gap to his right to prevent the defensive tackle from just coming free through the line and making the tack tackle on Haynes the right tackle he's going to step down help seal make sure that that defensive tackle isn't able to get through that the center can get him and then he's going to Fan out and make sure that no one's able to chase tight and blow up the play from behind you know push the chasing defensive end if needs be or make sure that nobody is really quickly shooting the Gap as well so that they can't blow up the play rutage who is our Right Guard he is going to pull and he's going to come down the line and he is going to take a look at Jones right here Jones Jr Marvin Jones Jr who is the defensive end for the seminal based on what Jones is doing that's going to tell us what kind of block that rutage is going to try and do if Jones comes up field well then Rutledge is going to do a kickout block if he does a kickout block that tells HW who is the tight end who's the second blocker that if he sees the butt of rutl he's then going to turn up and work to Lundy to block him that also tells Haynes the running back as he's coming across to follow H hey I've got to follow up into the hole as well if instead of all that what we have is Jones squeezes down just like this well then that's going to tell rutage to go ahead and he's going to seal on Jones he's going to seal off the edge and that's going to tell hos to work around and then work up to Lundy now one of the things you might hear as well is to also to make sure that opposite color doesn't cross his face if for example one of the other Defenders is showing first before Lundy gets there the guy he's assigned to then you got to block him all right don't let opposite color cross your face because if you do and they're there before the person that you're assigned to they have a better chance of blowing up the plane you don't want that to happen and again Haynes he's going to follow HW based on that block and also on rut's block and that's what he would do if that's the look that he gets so I want you to pay attention to this play and what I want you to do is I want you to take a look at Jon I want wrong color here I want you to look at Jones I want you to watch what he does on this play so let's go ahead and run it and we'll go from there get the motion ball snap and he starts squeezing Down Jones start squeezing down and rage looks like he's going to try and do the seal block but he falls down right he falls down and so because he falls down I think he confuses Jones because Jones is like what do I do Jones just kind of attacks him and falls down now the thing about it is rut doesn't fall backwards into the back field so H who is following behind him is not going to get caught up on rutage too much he's still able to get to the outside block Lundy who's then able because he blocks Lundy that allows hes to get to the outside and upfield for a nine yard gain one other thing I want you guys to pay attention to is how Graham and Lundy take on their blocks as linebackers are they getting the full extension are they able to get off 71 kind of gets away with the hold there Jordan Brown I think the hands are to the outside but that's not called I think that's a hole right there but okay but the blocks are made they're not able to get off as much but again because the play is going to the outside it's a little bit harder for Graham to come off of the block and get over and Lundy he doesn't do as good a job as he probably could have to get off the block right there as he gets caught up with HW and that's why it's a nine yard gain now we're going to go ahead and contrast that with how Georgia Tech uh plays and we're going to show Georgia Tech's first clip here in this video of them playing Counter and what I want you to do is I want you to pay attention to our defensive end here that is number eight I believe the gold jerseys kind of confused me a little bit it's a little hard uh but it looks like it's as we look at the roster here mckas Scott who is the defensive end and he is going to actually go ahead and hold on just a second he's going to actually go ahead and he's going to shoot out here just like this actually and avoid being blocked by the left tackle and I just want you to watch what he does I also want you to watch what effords does he is a man amongst boys playing right there tonight today during this game uh what efford does he goes ahead and let's just watch him taking on the block by the left tackle as well so let's go ahead and run the play and I want you to watch again the difference on how we get from Scott compared to what we got in the prior play by FSU efford makes the tackle on this play because he just stands up the left tackle just watch comes off bam stands him up able to get that leverage get underneath but part of the reason he's able to make that tackle is because Scott basically blows up the play yes Scott jumps to the outside but then watch this notice how he doesn't wait he's going to shoot inside he's going to attack both both blockers generally speaking just so you guys understand when you're squeezing and you see a a puller coming towards you you're going to squeeze down and you're going to try and punch into them you can either punch into him squeeze it down close down close down the hole make it tight so that the back can't hit up inside of that block by the pulling guard or the pulling tackle or whoever by the puller so you're squeezing it down and you're taking it on and you're blowing that up so that it forces the back to bounce outside or let's say this is counter just like this that second puller isn't able to go up the hole they're kind of caught up and you're going to see that happen a lot more as we go through clips of Georgia Tech defensive ends basically blowing up both blockers to where the back has nowhere to go so on this play because basically Scott is attacking both blockers he is making sure that even if the running back bounces to the outside let's say our running back bounces to the outside well he's got no one to lead block for him and his teammate can come up and make the tackle if needs be because he's standing right there instead he forces the play back to the inside where his teammates are and we get the Tackle by effort because of that right he stands up boom Play It's becomes a three- yard gain the backside Chase is able to come it basically blows up the play now we're going to go back to how Florida State's playing against it just so you guys can see and excuse me I forgot one other thing when you're squeezing down there's two ways to attack you can squeeze down and punch Punch or you can do What's called the wrong arm technique wrong arm technique you're going to come under and then you're going to punch and you're going to basically blow up that that player who's trying to seal you so that you can blow him up and then also the following puller or if it's just him you blow him up and you're standing in the hole where the back's trying to go and the back is going to be caught up by you and either you've blown up the blocking so the back even if he bounces has no one to help him or you're standing in the hole making the tackle so there's two ways squeeze and wrong arm Florida State's not doing either they're not doing either so when people say Well they're not being physical they're also not using good technique so you can kind of see there on this plan let's go back right here we're going to get washed down pull around by rut leg and HW and notice nobody no one's there to beat them so they're able to get down field and make a block and it's a good play on the for them here with regards to it so again bake pitch but notice we're not getting a an attack at the point by the def Defenders for Florida State they're just letting the pullers get to their to their spots that they need to on the play and we're going to go take a look at another play here now this is the play where number 15 Taj Butler shoots the Gap and makes the tackle but what I want you to watch is in reality our defensive end right here I want you to watch what he does on this play because again remember I said you're going You're trying if you're seeing that you're trying to blow up the blockers to really kind of blow up where the running back can go he's going to come up he's going to be aggressive notice how he's pushing up field against the pulling guard to really blow up the tight end and yes Butler shoots the Gap and makes the play but let me go ahead and Rewind run the play again for you guys so you can see when he takes this on notice he's got both guys engaged he's got the tight end guard engaged and look who's sitting right here back goes inside hey effort standing right here but effort's not being engaged as well so if the back bces to the outside eord can chase you've also got your corner right here who can chase who's got outside leverage on the tight end it's a two for one basically right here for Georgia Tech where they have blown up the blocking so that the back has nowhere to go he's going to bounce to the outside or if he cuts inside there's no one to lead block and it's going to be no gain Taj Butler makes a hell of a play this play is blown up no matter which way even if they get Butler I don't think this play goes for any gain and again we're going to go ahead and show you the difference I want you to watch Patrick Payton who's number 11 down here for Florida State I want you to watch does he squeeze does he wrong arm what does he do and you're going to see the difference and you're G to see that it's actually kind of embarrassing a little bit because relish isn't even going to go to him R is just going to be like well you left such a big gap there I'm just going to lead up on the plate and it's actually HW who blocks pton and yes the corner is going to be the one to make the tackle but notice it's still a five to six yard gain on this play because again you've got to squeeze pton needs to squeeze here he needs to close this down because if he blows this up then Lundy who's right here can go ahead come over scrape over help make the tackle Corner can come up Force against that back if back has to bounce the outside but none of that happens and so instead it's right up the middle good run and you're getting a good gain still on this play and then on the next play you're going to see it even more pronounced Okay so so it's a three three tight kind of a look right here by Florida State and I want you to watch Graham right here watch him does he squeeze or does he stay wide well he stays wide that allows number 67 and let me make sure I got his number for you guys number 67 Joe fous hopefully I said that right Joe fil he's going to kick out and you're going to have PA leading up again and then Chad Alexander is going to get a nice big gain so let's rewind it I know I paused I'm sorry run the play again the kick out pause leads up Patrick Peyton's not able to get there in time from behind and it's a big gain let's rewind again if and we'll stop right about here if instead Graham just stays squeezy let's say he comes in and he squeezes down and ATT attacks on Joe he's going to help blow up the play because then hos is chasing behind hos he can help blow up the play against hws and instead because he doesn't and let me rewind let me go forward a little bit because he stays outside now what do we have we have this this is the hole right here he's giving up the hole now defensive end needs to do a better job against being blocked yes but you can help yourself out you've got your safety to help flow outside and help come down on the play as well but instead he's a little late on attacking and because of that it allows Chad Alexander and H PA to get up the cut up also allows also allows Chad Alexander to cut up so here let's take a look again we're going again alternating between plays here is Georgia Tech and Georgia Tech is kind of running a line stun here they're running the line to the left and it looks like the backers are going to excuse me the line's going to the right backers are going to the left but here's the play come down notice how he attacks again coming inside gonna attack he actually takes both players I think that's actually a pretty poor job by Florida State's offensive line there one of them should should have left uh but you know we get tight end pulling guard blows them up both of them are blocked who's going to pick up effort right it's a quarterback counter lead with a running back running back can pick up one guy but he can't pick up two and because both blockers are blown up by the defensive end well guess what there's nowhere to go plays blown up there's nowhere to go it's a there's no gain it's a great play by George Tech now another Play here's George Tech on offense it's a motion counter now look we get a little bit more of an attack right here but it's not enough to blow up the play H is smart enough to get around he's going to get up on gram seal that off and that allows King to get around for f for first down so this is the kind of stuff that you're seeing right we've got to be more aggressive come see it it's a more aggressive take but you've got to get up field you've got to basically Force this play to the inside tight and basically blow up the blow up the second blocker right there doesn't to wrap around and it's a big gain with the quarterback okay here we go again same thing coming off blow up there's nowhere to go I mean there is just nowhere to go the blockers are being attacked they're being sealed off aggressiveness this is where you could say lack of physicality but the technique Again by Georgia Tech being used is really good you can't people will say well the back box is stacked oh everybody's in tight yes but so is the offensive players this is just a good job safety steps up he would have been there to make the tackle anyway because the receiver doesn't go block the safety receiver's a little slow getting up to where he needs to be to block that safety cuz safety shoot down but he doesn't go block him but again the technique by Georgia Tech they are taking on the blockers and they're blowing it up they're stuffing them back into the g into the hole where the running back is wanting to go and this is going to be the final one that I'm going to show we're just going to show the first half on the last Drive I think Georgia Tech ran three or four counters because they knew that Florida State just didn't stop it I want you to watch pton again still giving up the inside he comes up field get the kickout block lead up and King is able to get up inside it's quarterback counter lead up bang get out by our by the tight end by HW lead up for King right you're giving it up you are creating the hole down block squeeze that blow that up right you squeeze you blow that up now you're really kind of messing up to play You're freeing up for your backers to flow over instead again Lund's getting blocked oh no that's not Lundy excuse me that's not Lundy but your linebacker is getting blocked and he's not able to get not able to step up help on the play okay that is that is the difference right now as you can see and then he finally here this is just before the half this made it a tougher field goal for Florida State I want you to watch up top this is like the most perfect example of blowing up a play by by defensive end okay watch see how he's blowing up and squeezing in there's nowhere for the back to go so toili has to go ahead and bounce it to the outside and look there's no one blocking excuse me here there's no one blocking for him out there all the help comes up to make the tackle and it's a two yard loss I mean guys just so you guys understand two to three yard loss there's nothing here on this play it's blown up there's nowhere for the back to go toi can't fit in there both of them are blown up and now all the help to the outside is able to make the tackle so guys that that's the difference right there that's one of the differences in this game it's just the technique that was used hopefully I've shown you how Georgia Tech was able to use technique to be aggressive to blow up the pulling players to help themselves out with the Run game and hopefully it helps you understand what the difference is Florida state has to fix this for the next game because I'll run I run counter against them all game long if that's how they're going to play against the counter run so just wanted to show that to you give you that little bit of coaching with regards to it hopefully you found this video interesting if you did please make sure to leave a like let me know your thoughts down below if you enjoy this type of content please make sure to subscribe so that you can make sure to keep on top and get these breakdowns of not just this we'll do the NFL as well we'll also probably have some more college football videos I'm trying to show you guys the stuff the techniques within the game so that you can understand it a little bit better have a great rest of the day we'll see you next time though as we enter into week one of the 2024 season have a great rest of the day I do want to recognize the members of this Channel at the booster level and above for their support if you wish to have your name in a video just like this make sure to check out the join Link in the description below here on the end screen you can see that there's another recommended video make sure to click that and watch it also make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss out on any future breakdown videos I hope you have a great rest of the day

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