Category: Gaming
[music] how daddy folks it is diecast buffet here again today we have the 2024 brad kazlowski consumer consumer sellier easy for me to say it is the diecast chassis addition of this car brand new tooling brand new mold let's check it out all righty folks right the good old box and let's dive today's... Read more
Category: Education
Specifically what can you tell me what the average american household can save per month per year under another trump tax cut well they'll be per year they'll be saving many thousands of dollars we're going to bring energy prices down to a level that they haven't seen since me since four or five years... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Megan kelly welcome to the program how are you megan enraged angry just in disbelief at what our industry has become uh it it was state-run media i mean for for her to go in and say so many lies she that proves this is state-run media she knew she could get away with saying lie after lie after lie after... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Now he's thinking about me my got sweet i can so so you can see let un know that me is please please please don't bre on [music] my and please please [music] please you're back together and if that's true you'll just have to taste me when just kissing you i don't even know i'm taking i'm talking i'm... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
[موسيقى] [تصفيق] السلام عليكم سعر ايفون 16 في الدول العربيه اسعار الايفون 16 برو ماكس والايفون 16 برو في السعوديه والامارات والمغرب كل هذا واكثر سوف تشاهدونه ان شاء الله في هذا الفيديو اتمنى منكم فقط دعم القناه بقوه عبر الضغط على زر الاشتراك والضغط على زر لايك فضلا وليس امرا وتابع الفيديو حتى النهايه... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Donald trump posted on truth social that he will not be debating kamala again no more he said when a prize fighter loses a fight the first words out of his mouth are i want a rematch polls clearly show that i won the debate against comrade kamla harris the democrats radical left candidate on tuesday... Read more
Category: Sports
All right guys what's going on welcome in so aaron wilson is reporting that the new york jets are actually working at wide receiver from the ufl justin hall he's a quicker shorter shiftier type of wide receiver who can help out on special teams coming in at 5'8 he actually had 515 receiving yards four... Read more
Category: Sports
R [music] heyy hey mon on the beat [music] mon on the beaty [music] heyy hey hey [music] w what is up youtube my cowboys family here bringing you guys another game day reaction live stream and of course the last of the preseason games this time the next game day live stream will be the official kickoff... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] all right guys what's going on welcome in so in this one i wanted to ask the question is the pressure on the new york jets but joe douglas specifically to get hassan reic under contract right based off of what we saw granted one week against a stacked wellcoach team in their house on... Read more
Category: Gaming
Et salut à toi youtube et bienvenue dans cette vidéo c'estotd et aujourd'hui ou là ou là donc c'est c'est du magnet c'est du super magnet no grip en désert je me grattais et je me suis envolé [musique] attendez j'ai l'impression qu'il y a moyen d'aller vite mais les gars je comprends rien [musique]... Read more
Category: Entertainment
This is mr marquez he is here to teach you all about non-binary a non-binary person is somebody who does not identify as male or female oh like a her mafa day no yes not at all and that word is not in use anymore is it i i don't know i cat there you go an s with grades like this i'm going to have to... Read more