Category: People & Blogs
Hey not i'm not going to ask you to do anything extraordinary i just want you to play like you've been playing the last couple days same approach from day one in this regional transferred to tonight fellas right we're going to win a regional right and you know what we ain't going to be any part of any... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Maris was named a team captain and has obviously been an important piece to this defense uh you know what does he bring to the defense from a leadership standpoint and i guess how does it make you feel as his coach to know that he was voted as a team captain i'm very proud of him um it's cool that a... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Well good afternoon everyone um it's great to be starting a new season uh we're finally in game week talk to the guys on saturday we had practice saturday morning then gave them sunday off uh get back into our our routine today um i know it's a change this year we're doing this on monday uh rather than... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
The wildcats 408 days 11 years removed from being in the postseason back in 2013 finally back and here they are to take on the champions of conference usa louisiana tech curveball chopped over the first baseman and end right field jones scores easily kc sprints to third one nothing wild cats on the... Read more
Category: Sports
Are you buying into the hype and and how do you assess this team heading into the 2024 season that i i am buying into the hype um i'm trying to cautiously optimistically buy into the hype um you know i think i i've been telling people i haven't been this excited about a football season since my last... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro and so it gives me confidence too is i i think there's we're hopeful that this kansas state team's a better one than last year although last year's kansas state team was really really good just fell apart in those ones score games but that k state team last year and under climate in general they... Read more
Category: Sports
Youtube what it do baby it's your boy k boie and i want to welcome y'all back to another college football reaction week two of the 2024 season next up in this video right here we got the two-lane green wave at the crib against the kansas state wild cats now i don't really know too much what t lane got... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro dylan ers scored four touchdowns in game one last year he's got two in game one this year so uh week one has been pretty nice to dylan edwards over the course of his college career so far but he brought some extra juice you know and that really needed it at times and even the first play of the... Read more
Category: Sports
Did it feel like you guys kind of got off to another slow start yeah for sure um just communication was really bad especially at the beginning we had a little bit of miscommunication at the end too but that was the main thing just uh not good enough communication is what ht us were they doing anything... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome into the kso show i am mason both joined by ksu forfan and drew galloway it is a sunday which means it is the sunday show as we continue to get through this first full weekend of the college football season couple games left i mean we're in the middle of one as we're recording this and then... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome into kstate online i am mason v that is derek young the cats win their season opener 41-6 over ut martin it was not pretty at times there were questions in the first half about how is the offense looking some other things the one thing that cannot be question tonight is the defense so let's... Read more
Category: Sports
Good win um told the guys it's our last time we get to prepare 30 days for a team and and maybe over prepare and um now we get into the flow of of the season i was not particularly pleased with with the first half offensively um just didn't get into a rhythm didn't think we had a lot of uh energy and... Read more