Wilson Smart-Core Golf Ball Review

Intro what is up my fellow golf ball addicts welcome back to the channel and we have another golf ball review we are doing the Wilson smartcore today another heavily requested one let's Dive Right In All right so we are still continuing our journey to find uh a replacement for the Wilson zip um we just did the chaos recently and unfortunately that one was a little too firm um great for fast swingers though but that's really all there is and to be completely honest with you up front um this golf ball kind of reminds me of the chaos in a lot of ways so um what we're going to do is we are going to test it like normal but we're also going to go ahead and compare it to the chaos just because like I said It reminds me of a two-piece firmer golf ball just like the chaos was uh so we'll kind of dive in get more into that maybe we'll do a little side-by-side comparison as well so let's start of course with the Wilson you know price point this is just like the chaos at a dollar a golf ball which is great you can get a 24 pack on Amazon for $25 uh really that's some of the best value you can get as long as the golf ball performs or holds up in any way whatsoever I love that price point especially when it comes to these Wilson balls they have the the market really well held on that um but sometimes they hit and sometimes they miss more often they hit but still hopefully we can find something that really uh compares to that zip since they discontinued it this year so let's go ahead and dive into the design of the golf ball now first of all Design let's talk about the name because I've struggled with this name of the Wilson ball um you know obviously some of these are are are weird right not everyone liked how Wilson was called chaos some people thought it was cheesy you know and um but Wilson Smart Core I I just the name is so cheesy I really can't get over like can you imagine telling your friends like you know like you think of like oh prov1 tp5x you know even Wilson zip great name one syllable you know why you call it the zip cuz it zips off the club baby makes sense you know chaos even though some people found it cheese you know like what do you play I play the chaos you know you can you can make it sound kind of cool I just can't find any way to say Smart Core and have people not laugh at me I mean I've tried to tell a few people from work like hey I tested the new golf ball the Smart Core just to gug their reaction and I they look at me like I'm I'm a dummy I mean they really do they're like and because it's just it is the Smart Core I get it it has a Smart Core which Wilson apparently has a patent for and apparently it's supposed to to you know depending on your swing speed adjust and react and that way you get maximum distance regardless of your swing speed that part's cool but when you call it Smart Core I just I just don't like the name I can't Also let's go ahead and dive into the design of the golf ball which as you can see that logo for the Smart Core reminds me of something off Jimmy Neutron I again I just I when it comes to golf maybe I'm a little biased but I'm I'm I'm more of a classy sophisticated Legacy you know I like the old traditional styles this just really screams Walmart golf ball to me and I just I I struggle with it I would have a hard time playing this ball consistently cuz when I look at it I just don't see a lot of confidence it looks cheap it feels cheap uh you can tell this outer layer here is not very thick um I I I would worry about its durability just based on feeling that um it has the red four which isn't bad I mean the Wilson logo isn't it's actually this is more I call it the tennis logo this is usually what they use for their tennis stuff as you can see on there um but yeah just not a big fan if you come over and look at the side there's no alignment tool um the chaos at least had an alignment tool this one just says Smart Core not going to be really helpful for lining your ball up at all I mean you might be able to see it a little bit but anytime you have those really thin uh letters like in a font it's hard um but yeah I'm not really thrilled with the design to be honest with you it looks cheap it feels cheap and the smartcore name I just really can't I've tried for a week now just to get over that and I just can't so if you disagree please let me know in the comments but man I just Smart Core doesn't ring a bell for me all right guys so let's go ahead and get out to the chipping and green let's see how the Chipping and Putting ball does around there so we just got done with the last video doing of course the chaos there was Zero spin around the greens I really expect this golf ball to be the same just based on how it feels let's go ahead and give it a shot here yeah I mean it it looks and reacts a lot like the same a really firm release now there I actually got a little bit of reaction that's like a three out of 10 on spin uh so maybe it's its ceiling is a little higher than the the chaos but I mean we're talking we're talking splitting hairs here yeah I mean that was like a two or a three out of 10 also I mean there's a tiny bit more spin there that we had opposed to you know on the chaos that we just did but again we're talking about these two-piece firmer golf balls that really don't have a lot of stickiness on the cover it's not going to be about spin with these golf balls it's going to be about consistency forgiveness it's designed to essentially allow beginner golfers to use a putting motion aim right at the hole not have to put a lot on it something like this yeah I mean I was a little short but boy I was right at the hole you know same thing here let's try it again you know that that had a chance to go in if that other ball wasn't in the way unfortunately but that's just how it goes one more time yeah actually I I pulled that one but still it's there's just no spin before I do get the putter though I do want to try hitting a cut I'm going to kind of open the face here see what I can get okay yeah not bad still still low okay now there's some spin now I'll tell you what you hit a cut there is some potential for a spin that's one of the best ones I've seen from a a firmer two-piece ah yeah it's just kind of Hit and Miss it's not designed to get spin you can tell I'm really trying to get it for all the juice it has all right so I will admit just like before you know with the the wedge I'm a little nervous here on putting because we did the chaos before this and I was not a big fan of the putting at all so we'll go ahead and take a try here as always Mallet putter again using the pxg again love how this club feels let's give it a little test great feel love the feel the rolls a lot better actually uh let's go ahead and validate our parking here and see if I can keep that roll little short but again I love the roll it's a lot better than the chaos for sure last try here yeah okay so that's good to see the roll was you know not a perfect but it's like a N9 out of 10 I was able to get a consistent roll every single time I hit it which is a lot better than the chaos the chaos was way too inconsistent this is actually a lot better at least with the thicker Mallet type Club let's go ahead and get a blade and let's see if it's any different now with the traditional blade putter go ahead and get a feel here definitely an older style putter a lot louder that's for sure holy cow really good roll though I mean really good roll feels okay I mean it feels good actually I'd say it's better than okay um yeah feels fine roll is really pure we we've gotten into a really good roll and remember the chaos was kind of like that too the feel was worse but the roll was better once we went to a blade putter definitely the same type of thing here except I would say that you don't lose as much when it comes to the feel yeah no that's not bad at all you know that's that's a nine out of 10 on the roll um I'd say a nine out of 10 on the field that's actually something I could be comfortable putting with where is the chaos before I just too much inconsistency this is a lot better I like it all right so you know the Smart Core one thing it really did well was it kind of took what I was upset about the chaos with and improved it enough to kind of keep you know the Wilson two-piece budget ball above water if you know what I mean uh chipping wise you know I didn't get a ton of spin but at least I got a little bit you know the callous had basically zero or negative if it could but there were times I was able to open the face and at least get a little bit of bite with this ball it is possible I wouldn't try to though to be honest with you I would just stick to kind of a chipping putter motion you just move the shoulders and just try to get it focused on releasing it does really well at that I mean if you really need some spin you can try for the hero shot but you know there's not a lot of consistency there but for the most part it just kind of passes you know C's get degrees or D's get degrees that kind of thing once we got to the putting again I'm glad it saved it from the chaos did not like the Chug effect with the chaos here it had a lot more trer of a role and it actually felt pretty decent you know again nothing blew me away there you know I again I just don't think we're going to find a replacement for that zip here either which is so unfortunate but it could be for those faster swingers it could be an option so let's go check out those performance numbers all right so Feel Across Clubs as far as feel across all the golf club um the big thing with this one is it actually feels a little bit softer than the chaos the chaos had more of that firm click this one definitely is still on the firmer side for sure but it actually has a little softness to it which is kind of nice so it's not a perfect by any means but it definitely gets a star better than the chaos just for its feel um maybe it's that adaptive technology I don't know but it actually does feel a little bit better M hits are kind of like the chaos also you know you Mish hit it and it doesn't rattle you it doesn't like Sting your hands but it definitely lets you know there's feedback there for sure which is the the case with most firmer golf balls all right so originally I was going to do a direct comparison between the Smart Core and the chaos cuz they are very similar and I thought it would be a great side by-side comparison but after I filmed it that way and went in and looked at the Deep analytics of my swing and everything what I realized is is that when I reviewed the chaos it was actually my slowest swinging day ever and what I mean by that is you know my average is around like 78 79 mph with a N9 iron that was like 752 76 some in there so it was just for some reason it was a slow day I was swinging the club a little slower um it happens you know and and I I calculate that when I look at that number I always calculated in there however when I looked at the Smart Core it was actually my fastest swinging Day Ever So now I've got two golf balls I really would like to compare and unfortunately one is the fastest swinging day I've ever had and the other one's the slowest swinging day I've ever had and so it doesn't make sense to compare them because yeah of course there's going to be some better distance numbers with the Smart Core because I swung the nine iron 6 M hour faster so of course there is so I'll still worry about doing all the calculating and you know figuring out what the average should be based on swing speed but it just doesn't make sense to do a direct comparison it just it doesn't it's comparing apples to oranges so we'll just dive in and I'll just give you the Smart Core numbers let's start of all with the uh 50 yard pitch backspin RPM 50 Yard Pitch we're looking at 7,474 which is actually right in line with average so that's actually really good so um most of these two-piece firmware golf balls really don't spin a lot when it comes to 50 yard pitches around the green anything like that but to get my average number is actually really good and a lot of you always tell me like hey Nick does it do it check up does it check up this one definitely checks up getting into the nine iron we 9 Iron are looking at a smash of 1.3 which is really really low compared to what I've been getting lately so um we'll see how these numbers are 14.3 is excellent distance but again you got to calculate that swing speed in there um it's probably more around like the 136 if it had an aage swing speed 141.5 again really really good but if you bring that down um 105.1 on your ball speed and then 6,448 on your spin that's actually a little low but it is more than I got with the chaos which is good and it launched a degree lower than the chaos so um those are really good numbers you know and yes I'm swinging extremely fast compared to what I usually do but even if you take that down it still gains across the board the only thing that really kind of concerned me was the smash Factor it seemed kind of low but distance numbers were good and spin was just fine so we're we're on a good path let's keep going with the seven iron now 7 Iron smash factors 1.38 which again is um right in line with average it's definitely lower than I got with the chaos 169.74 would be incredible record-breaking numbers but again because I'm swinging I think the seven iron was like 87 mph and my average is usually 82 with it so you got to kind of calculate that in and realize okay it would be more like probably 164 165 somewhere in there and that's still a really good number that's still way above average but it's just not record-breaking like it was 11 18.9 again would be a new record but I can't give it the new record knowing that it was so much faster so it's still really above average it's still really a great number but I'm definitely not going to give it that new record spot and then seven iron spin we have 5,243 and that is uh you know lower than my average unfortunately which seems to be the case a lot of the time and probably added to that distance a little bit too so again really I mean good numbers we're gaining yards we have decent spin everything so far is checking out let's go ahead and go into the five hybrid now 1.33 on your smash 5 Hybrid factor is really really low I'm not sure what happened there 173.04 again really really low 121.4 I mean low in comparison 5114 on your spin that's average that's not bad and it launched 14.6 which is low so so my big concern with those numbers in particular is that you know there are days that maybe I just don't swing a club that great maybe I'm just not hitting it you know the best but that's such a drastic drop off I mean it's not like we went from you know good good very good to average we went from like good good very good to abysmally low and so even if I hadn't Let's Pretend for all intensive purposes I did just have an off day I just don't know that that evens out and I magically gain 10 yards just from having a better day so I I would have to almost I we can take it with a grain of salt but that's a little concerning let's see how the driver does that's going to be really The Telltale Factor here driver smash Factor you are Driver looking at 1.45 which is my average 228.000 144.5 excellent 2490 awesome and a 13.3 had a low launch so again good numbers there so nineiron 7even iron driver are all gains and distance they all have really good now the smash factor is kind of a cause for concern because it was pretty low compared to what I usually get across the board um but as far as your actual just performance driven numbers they ended up okay so um let's go ahead and touch on the durability real quick before I give you my final thoughts but when it comes Durability to durability this is another one where chaos is going to take the win so chaos wasn't great it was probably like a 7 out of 10 or an 8 out of 10 but this smart core is destroyed if you look at this thing I mean I I tried to clean this up as best as I could you can still see a lot of staining on there um there's so many scratches Cuts bruises and I noticed this about halfway through the test so if I feel this golf ball I'm feeling it right now it feels rough there's lots of of scrapes there's lots of inconsistencies I wouldn't trust putting this golf ball at all it would probably bounce around a little bit uh maybe not enough to the naked eye but it definitely affect the role um I mean maybe half a round I mean really I if if you have the same experience I did when I was testing it half a round's going to be just about it so yes you're getting 24 golf balls but you're minimum going to have to two use two a round that's also if you're good enough most guys who are going to be buying these golf balls are probably going to lose a few here and there and that's fine if you lose it hey it's going to work out great for you but if you do happen to have a really great day you play a nice big Open championship course once you get to about nine holes I would be taking a serious look at and feeling it and saying okay do I feel comfortable putting with this still and then you know you got to make that judgment call but it's definitely disappointing cuz I tried to clean it up as hard as I could and it still looks really rough okay so Conclusion in conclusion you know a after going back and kind of looking at the numbers and really doing a deep dive um it's it's tough when it comes to Performance I probably give the Smart Core The Edge over the chaos not by much I mean really what really gave it the win was the driver numbers that's what took it over the edge other than that they are very close I mean they're very interchangeable um you do get a little more spin with the Smart Core that's kind of why I gave it to that as well but they are very closer than you think if you're in this golf ball Market I almost would recommend you probably just try both I mean I I offer sleeves on the eBay store of both you can you can go just buy them for real cheap uh give them a try see how you like them if you if you're interested in something like a two-piece fmer Ball but you know again I just I was really hoping I would be wowed I really want that you know Wilson ball back that's going to wow me and although this is a great golf ball and I think a lot of people can use it and use it well it just doesn't wow me like some of those other ones you know do and that's kind of how I felt about the chaos as well so um you know I think the the chaos has a better design I think that you know uh the alignment tools better I think the durability is definitely a lot better but when it comes to the actual performance numbers this one just edges it slightly and so they're it's they're fighting back and forth It's a 12 round fight they're going all the way it's going to be a judge's decision they're really really close and I think Wilson's still doing an amazing job this Market but I just want that replacement for the zip and we still haven't quite found it yet but we have the Boost so maybe that'll maybe that'll be one as well um guys as always keep watching keep saving and keep learning until next time

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