Brendan Fraser's Most Romantic Moments | The Mummy | RomComs

but you are actually at hamanatra yeah I was there you swear every damn day no I didn't mean that I know what you meant I was there Teddy's Place City of the Dead you tell me how to get there I mean the exact location you want to know well yes you really want to know yes then get me the hell out of here do you really think it's going to show off yeah it's undoubtedly during my luck you may be a cowboy but I know the breed his word is this word well personally I think he's filthy rude a complete scoundrel I don't like him one bit anyone I know oh um hello sorry didn't mean to scare you anything that scares me Mr o'connelly or manners angry about that kiss huh if you call that a kiss all right miss something are we are we going into battle lady there's something out there something underneath that sand yes well I'm hoping to find a certain artifact a book actually my brother thinks that what do you think's out there a word the Bedouin and the twerks believe the hominopter is cursed oh look I don't believe in in fairy tales and hookah Mr O'Connell but I do believe that one of the most famous books in history the book of amunra it contains within it all the secret s of the Old Kingdom it's what first interested me in Egypt when I was a child it's why I came here sort of a life's Pursuit and the fact that they say that it's made out of pure gold makes no never mind to you right you you um by the way why did you kiss me no it's about to be hanged it seemed like a good idea at the time oh what what'd I say s will you just pay the man's sake can't believe the price of these flea bags yeah it's happy you probably could have got him for free all we had to do is give him your sister yes hopefully tempting wasn't it [Music] often [Music] Jonathan you're meant to catch the sun with that so uh what are these older mirrors for ancient mirrors it's an ancient Egyptian troops you'll see oh here this is for our view go ahead it's a summer borrowed off our American Brethren I thought you might like it you might need it for when you're uh yeah what are you looking at [Music] [Music] well I guess we got him empty-handed again I wouldn't say that [Music] how about you darling would you like a little kissy hard [Music]

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