We're playing Endless Ocean Luminous and talking bilingual education programs! | EducOCEANal Gaming

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 01:01:10 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: monterey bay aquarium
ch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] hi everyone welcome to another gaming stream from Monteray Bay Aquarium hi hello hello thanks for joining us today hola B we're so excited to be here with y'all uh on another gaming stream we're going to continue with the um game that we played couple of months ago Endless Ocean luminous people were very excited so we're going to jump right dive right into it but before that my name is gones I'm one of the content creators here I am joined here by my lovely colleagues um go ahead introduce yourself Christin Lao hola I'm here with G and christe and I am on the content team bilingual content creator started here at the aquarium about 7even months ago and really loving it this is my first live stream so I have no idea what I'm doing but we're going to just plunge right in Christy tell us more about you hi everyone my name is chrisy maritz my pronouns are she her Ed I am in the Education team at the Monteray Bay Aquarium and I'm a bilingual education specialist and today I'm really excited to be in this live stream because I have not played this game so I am very excited to explore with you all thank you so much for being here with us today everyone in to chat show lots of love uh for our guests and my lovely co-host and in behind the scenes we also have Helen and Emily woo don't forget to share the love helping us with all the tech in the back um I've already jumped into the game and have uh been following this Moola for like a Solid 5 minutes so that everyone gets to see this pretty Moola um can everyone see it right now they will see soon okay um but as we're following mola um I think it again we're going to focus a lot on our education programs today and get to know another person on our lovely aquarium where people have lots of different positions all focused on inspiring conservation of the ocean so let's drive rrive into it well first I'm just going to sorry I need to we need to look at this cuz look at those at I love those spots it's so cute so cute all right I'm going to be uh navigating this stream for a little bit if people want me to go a specific place just let me know put it in the chat yes um but Christine uh would you like to uh jump off by talking about our educational programs and asking our lovely guests about how they got here to this room this moment christe for all of those who also speak Spanish uh we're going to do a little bit of a b will stream today uh with Christy christe pedana so Christy tell us a little bit more um about you how you got here tell us about your you know your work and some of the things that you love doing with uh bilingual education programs awesome thank you Christine yeah so I've been in the aquarium it's going to be five years now in [Music] December I am perian and and yeah it's it's awesome I work with the littlest people that we serve in all of the aquarium the preschoolers with the Head Start program shout out to all the Head Start program um teachers students families and before the aquarium I also was working in um Environmental Education um so outdoor education uh worked on that for a few years then uh with Ventana Wild Life Society uh in the California R production program so I got to hang out with Condors all the time uh and release them back into the wild um and before that I was in New York City um that's where I went to school I studied conservation biology um I worked at the Bru actually um after college so um also teaching so I've been teaching for a a long time and it's really fun um I just love also especially doing it bilingually it's um what touches my heart um it's really special being with the with the Latino and Latin community latinx community um and just all of the people that we serve through our bilingual programs um we also do I also uh work with the Olas program which is the ocean learning Adventures is also a bilingual program and this is for um middle schoolers it's also super fun program um so yeah I just recently graduated from grad school wo conas tell us a little bit what what did you graduate from tell us more about that sure it was uh Environmental Management and so with um concentration on leadership and it was really great I learned a lot especially from my peers um we had a great cohort of people from all sorts of backgrounds in the field so um that was really awesome wow I did that while I was working full-time so that was also hard but awesome a lot of learning W yeah hard work I also finished grad school with time and I I hear you I hear you all I'm saying is that it is a lot of work it's not easy work and study at the same time exactly also oh H we have we have what is that we sorry I got really excited earlier I thought I saw like a we got a gold octop octopus statue how did you get a gold octopus statue um so as wait I'm still trying to get the whole um look at this gold octopus y'all you need to remind the chat needs to remind me how to uh like do this part so well I thought you were the expert um I thought I don't just grab it are you trying to grab the statue I thought I just hold on to it help us in the chat help us what do we do where where our super fans of this game at today I need I need your support tell us how to grab it uh you know what we're I'm just going to move oh oh no I already did it okay sorry yeah we're not grabbing we um we put it as an icon in the map so now we know where all our different things are so we're tracking it yes okay sorry I got really excited earlier because I thought one of these rocks was like a whale b or something so for those who don't know what we're doing this is Endless Ocean luminous and where it looks like just kind of exploring the underwater world right G looking at different marine species this is what our underwater world would look like down there with these different seam mounts and rocks and tropical fish grabbing and tagging right yeah they have different habitats um and we're we're doing just like the explore mode so that we can look at those Ora and dist stury fish um there's also story mode um but we're not doing that we're just we're just exploring this pretty pretty fish while talk about the stuff we do at the aquarium um could you tell us a little more about what the head star program is to be yeah so um the aquarium has this partnership with uh Head Start which is is a federally funded program for uh preschoolers and throughout the wow that's a really cool Moray purple um purple Moray um yeah throughout the country and so we've been in partnership with them for 25 years next year wow and so we get to have a celebration for 25 years that's huge yeah it's it's really cool um and basically what we do is we um do programs for the students for the teachers and for the families and so we will um have teacher workshops there's one coming in on September 27th and on November 25th um and then we go to all of the Head Start centers for the preschool for Monteray and Santa Cruz County and we visit them doing bilingual programs for the littles and we do a program for the families and then they get to come to the aquarium and they get to um have a facilitated program bi bilingually with us um so that's all always super special wow when you say bilingual is two track two different tracks or is it together a good question yeah it's back to back so we do Spanish and English back to back total between and Santa Cruz County we have about 800 students plus their teachers and uh family so it's really cool cool program yeah we really enjoy and chrisy tell us about why it's so important to start introducing what did we find a bull shark there was also a leopard um Ray which I look at the Shar it's so cool and this Le is just like hanging out down here it's like the size of us look at it yeah that's true soig it's huge it's so cool those SP Le shark Le I'll go on the zoom in there we go leay my bad sorry I said shark I meant I was looking at the other shark which is itd right yeah that is gorgeous that pattern yeah of the ocean well I got too EXC okay we're going back oh wow okay obviously here we're in California we have a lot of people here what that speak Spanish why is it so important to start oh look at these I love that it looks like they're smiling kind of [Laughter] oh man beautiful yeah so why is so important to include these um bilingual programs here at the aquarium and also when we go out to these schools like the Head Start SCH program that's a great question yeah so we um you know want everyone to feel welcome at the aquarium um and uh one of the ways we like to do that is by speaking the language of your heart is what would say so the language of my heart would be Spanish cuz that's what I spoke uh growing up what spoke my parents spoke to me uh what I spoke at home um and so I really just you know love speaking Spanish because it feels different um and so it's it's a way that you can um also help you know others feel com comtable in a space that maybe they haven't been to uh and maybe more familiar and it's just the way that I really just am passionate about connecting with people through culture so and that's a big piece of it um language um that's beautiful and it's one of our strategic objectives to get fully bilingual become fully bilingual uh by 2025 and so it's beautiful one of my you know things that I love about here at the aquarium is we're starting to weave in all of in all of our departments content and Exhibits and your programs here in education to be fully bilingual everywhere with everything we do so yeah and also to encourage um you know especially kids that uh were born here and maybe they haven't practice uh gotten to practice Spanish enough if they get to hear it outside of their um homes uh with other Educators then I think that could encourage also the uh the learning of the language and the speaking of the language and the connection to their Roots through langing their Roots yes so true oh I love that I love that such a good point that's true Costa Rica nicara so my parents are from Costa Rica nicara my sisters and I were born in Miami we grew up speaking Spanish in the home as well and um we were we grew up in Atlanta Atlanta is a Melting Pot of different cultures it's very very diverse there and so it was always really encouraged for us to always speak Spanish even outside the home we actually my parents U told us we needed to take Spanish in in high school and in middle school because you could either choose between Spanish and French and even though we already spoke Spanish it was very important for my mom and my parents to say no well you also have to learn it grammatically so make sure you take it get the grammar down and yeah you speak it but also make sure you know how to write it and read it and so that was one thing that I I really yeah loved that we had that so that we didn't lose it growing up you know and so like to your point you said like when when you go out to different museums or aquariums or zoos and you have that your language there you it is a a form of being able to continue to practice it even outside of your home yeah yeah for sure and I think we are going well we're going to have a new exhibit in the future and it's going to be fully bilingual so that's very exciting and it's for the early Learners too the the kids oh that's exciting we invite you to come in a couple of years to check it out awesome what do we have here going on in the chat um I see Jo's Angel was here um just two weeks ago that's awesome thanks for visiting us um I'm also going to ask uh the chat if there's um so as you can see I've been just so I have this thing where when I'm exploring a map and I see those little like squares I need to like get rid of all the like even though okay I'm not explaining well but I need that whole section to be blue but I don't need to like my perfection inside of me is just like make that all blue but I don't need to we need to explore more so um wait explain to us what does it mean when it's all blue so when it's blue that means it's been explored when it's in that like grayish brownish color that means it hasn't been exploring I think I thought that was land I was like we're suing in an estuary okay so I know the kelp forest I think is somewhere up if I go up north um but yes I will I will try to find my way around but if there's any location the chat want me wants me to go just let us know we're still at 32% of exploring this [Music] map let us know where you want to go also if people have any questions about our education programs or just if you're interested in being a teacher or taking um just the route of um even um working at an am or anything like that like this is the time to oh my gosh look at that what did we find wow this one's a big one it's so cute wait is this another bull shark oh no butterfly fish we're zo in oh the yellow ones are the look at wow it is so Derpy that is an interesting fish there we go basking sug basking it's performing for us um it's very similar to a whale shark but whale shark is of course much bigger um look at that nose it's kind of cute it's such cute it is cute let's see what we can get yeah what else can we learn the second largest after the whale shark oh okay okay oh no way basking shark yeah Plankton eater and not aggressive it's more doile and did I see no teeth there when it was opening its mouth uh umem do you want to give us fun facts about wher basking sharks and and teeth I was busy replying to you calling it Derpy looking in well like I I say that with all the love in my heart shark we've seen these a couple times these are the sea stars yeah the crown of thorns crown of thorns sea stars very cool we saw a couple of these when we're getting ready to play the game and I got so excited look how big this this look at that wow compared to size of humans is like triple yeah where where do you think this one lives in like the sorry no wow and its eyes is oh so strange looking oh it forms social groups it's a social one interesting what's your favorite shark G do you have one it's very hard I am horrible at like answering favorites yeah I noticed that in in the with the aquarium staff everyone has a favorite like a different favorite depending on the day exactly yes for animals of the ocean so right now it's this shark of course at this very moment this is my favorite I know Helen Helen's yours is whale shark right or you just really want to see wh shark yours favorite is a hammerhead shark yes we'll see if we can m is a hammerhead shark too nice there's a huge school of hammerhead sharks that um live and swim around Isa Cocos in Costa Rica and one of my bucket list items is to go dive there it's kind of difficult to get um to and they only do like Li board ships it's a you know research uh Island there and they only do like willo boards if you want to go dive for an extended amount of time but there's massive population of hammerhead sharks out there I know it just looks incredible when you see the videos of them just swarming around what do you have to do to get your certification for scuba diving you would do um a like curriculum course written and then also an open water dive to do like your the base level and um I don't know how long I want to say it was like a two-day course and then you do your Open Water M wow are you interested to go diving in the Endless Ocean I mean the last time we played this game and were with the dive team someone mentioned how this game got them into like diving really wow that's amazing that would make sense yeah cuz you see all this beauty down here and Christy this is the perfect place to do it because we have the Bay right in our backyard I want to swim in between the Kel for us yes and there's that we've got Dias nutrias and the kelp we also have really cool program here at the CR that introduces kids to diving yes we want to we just um yeah do we want to want to share a little bit about that I don't know how um well Olas is involved in that right that's the the Olas um uh program the ocean learning adventurers program um got to go surface Kuba diving uh right outside of the aquarium in one of our uh pools there and it's really cool that the kids get to try what it's like to dive in the ocean and get to where all the gear there's a lot of gear involved uh but it's super fun they all uh seem to enjoy it and um it's just like a really cool memorable experience we found a did did it Helen's favorite Helen's favorite to see favorite to see or wanting to see inhabited shallow water it's possible that its back changed to its present emerald green over Generations could be over 150 years old make it one of the oldest whale sharks wow that's incredible love those details wow 150 that's amazing is that the the shark that can leave the longest I wonder put it in the chat if you know I wonder too Lo lus Dragon says can we find a monk fish or a goose fish I will search for you I'm on um but that's cool Christy about Olas and how they these kids can learn how to surface it's surface SCBA right surface scuba diving uh the aquarium does this program too for others out um from you know outside of our like school programs and other like educational programs here um that you know they can people can sign up their their kids um I think it's in the summer but I'm not sure if it goes through the year but maybe just the summer or August or something yeah okay yeah and and that way they get to see sort of it's kind of like a touch you know you dip it you dip your toes into this experience and you get to see what it looks like under there and what it feels like to wear all this gear and then get in the water so it almost like inspires them to become yeah carry the tank uh the oxygen tank try it out um and just get used to that feeling and uh see the animals up close and um you know we the we with like all the tools you need to make that experience more enriching like magnifying glasses are huge and um so it's really fun um and it's super safe of course um every um child has um I think it's like three children to one adult or something like that very small group so oh they're small okay um yeah so super safe and super fun and I recommend it for anyone that's interested we'll have to go at one day maybe they'll do a staff one that would be fun yes it is pretty on what did we find BR cowtail already [Laughter] cowtail we don't know it's actual name direct translation anyone want to take a stop a playy you want to play um sure would you like to try let's try it out let's see everyone sent a lot of encouragement and love to chrisy it's your first time playing you're doing great it's my first time and I don't usually play video game so today the day never going to make gamer out of I am going to become a gamer after this all right someone wants to look for a killer whale here Osman boy carp apparently live up to 200 King Vibes say oh here's another animal that lives a really long time it's the Rockfish they can also live up to 200 years 200 years and we have all sorts of colorful rock fish here at the aquarium and most of the time just like their name they're kind of just stationary Like a Rock Oh I thought they were just sleeping so most of the time they're just they Ambush Predators so um they just kind of like Vibe until food is coming and then and then they move wow I love corals me too I'm kind of sad that we can't like it's um yeah the one thing about the game is that I wish we could have you know identified the corals and the sponges and oh it doesn't let you zoom in on those I I tried a couple of times but it wasn't letting that us do that christe's way better at this than I am uming too quick probably let me see if I can go oh yeah okay I was able to go be for back I like that reminder how is the chat doing doing today how is the what how's the chat doing today yeah tell us see anybody have any questions they want to pop in here for Christie or for gold em so the summer just ended so I'm sure summer as you you know uh Olas and all sorts of programs um really busit time right and then so with the school year starting I'm assuming field trip starting up so what what is the next uh what are the stuff that's coming up next few months for you that you're really excited about that you want to tell folks about um and um you know uh we could share about both the I don't know if you have like stats or numbers of kids we get to bring in for free through um these different programs uh but also uh we get to not only show them around the Aquarian but we have the Innovation lab where they get to like work on all sorts of projects um that gets them engaged with the conservation of the ocean so yeah yeah I just like threw a bunch of stuff at you stop talking oh we found our friend again following us am I just going in circles I can't tell what if we accidentally swam into its mouth I almost tried that but I didn't know if that was allowed that would be funny um yeah so we are very busy now in uh so we just finished a very busy summer we have a lot of programs in the summer um and now we're just getting ready to receive all of our school field trips that come uh to us so so um schools can sign up for free field trips um that includes a facilitated lab so they'll sign up for different um themes depending on their age and what they want to learn and uh we have from kinder to or TK to all the way up to high school and kids come to our um to our education uh building with between middle school and um high school and then the younger kids come to the classroom in the aquarium we have a classroom inside the aquarium too um and so after their facilitated uh program with us they go into the aquarium and they can explore the aquarium as they wish and all of this is for free of course we have it gets very busy we bringing a lot of um schools from all over the uh place we also have online um Virtual Field Trips so we get to interact with kids in schools from all over the country which is really cool wow um and um yeah and then just our locals what did I just see I know there if you look at the other toggle towards your right is your camera angle so you can as you're moving around you can also go to the upright there you go oh yeah what is that it's something oh my go so if you hold your L looks like a yeah oh wow yeah and just yeah just keep holding it looks so you might also have to follow it here I can if you want I can try to or like get it yes before it goes rare a leathan that is beautiful look at that detail where in the world are we how do we get the info G no a press a a oh it's a sperm well sperm well okay we're getting a lot of whales and a lot of sharks and a lot of rays the great ghosts I could see why it's called the Great Ghost those fantasmas fantasma Deano Deano beautiful making them is that am I hearing it yes it's thing can you all hear it can everybody in the Stream hear it too I just heard yeah I heard it wow [Laughter] we have a connection going um chrisy so when you say these classrooms what exactly are the children learning are you all teaching them in these Innovation Labs or upstairs in the touch pools like where they're learning Hands-On oh great question so at our education building uh we have um a few different classrooms where kids are going in and um you know having different Hands-On activity so for for example we have one uh class for middle schoolers that's called stem at se where they're learning all about um what Research In The Deep Sea Ocean looks like and how math engineering science is all integrated into that research wow um so it's pretty cool um because they are you know it's facilitated and so we are doing showing them some things and but also they get to like do some building uh on their own like building a a prototype of a robot arm oh um and then we also have Oasis in the in the Deep which is a course that it's about um just the like whales it's also about the deep sea um and that's for high schoolers um and we have the Rocky Shore which is for third graders and under and so also very handson they get to touch animals in the class room uh so that one is you know they get to hold some invertebrates um just FYI you're kind of diving at the edge of the map so you might have to turn I forgot to look at the map yeah and just keep turning your camera as you're diving so that you get to see what in front I should go to that unexplored areas oh yeah I got to that little square oh we got it we're on the edge of the world I see why you felt like you should do the whole square like clear the whole Square isn't it so satisfying just having a little block of just and then if you U move your camera around you get to see like cuz there we go yeah and then you can get to see um yeah I don't know where we're at at the moment 39% of the area get to 40 I guess uh explor so yeah so you get to go higher up or like down further down the sea um closer to the sea floor or you can um dive closer to the surface okay oh there I am oh you're going back that's greate show them at a very early age expose them to these different marine species activities into the deep like you mentioned different ecosystems yes um a a lot of these kids are creating memories with their friends teachers families when they come so it's you know becomes like a really special thing that they remember older yes being made so um we're grateful that we be that we can be part of that and kind of experience um those days with them where some of them are coming for the first time to the aquarium um for some of our students that come they've never seen the ocean before and they may live you know like not that far from here wow um so that's pretty cool um to just be part of that special moment where they get to see the ocean and ocean animals uh for the first time life wow do you have any so ahead you might be thinking of the same question maybe you thinking of like a special moment yes I was going to ask the same thing content creators over here I was going to say tell us your favorite story okay I have a lot and I wish I would like have time in the moment to write them all down so I remember but the one that's standing out right now is just a like a preschooler who was very very excited to come to the aquarium um um with his dad cuz for Head Start we have them oh yeah what did we find how deep are we this is amazing we're not that but we're not that why am I we're in the profundo it looks like no I want to go down okay wait how do iing it is it the camera is this one the angle yeah got it yep press L I know this was my I think I'm going up instead of down no there yeah go down oh there's two different big fishies what are they they're singing oh I did hear it yeah go down I you got it I feel like I'm going to there's another one there's a whole pod what are we seeing are these Dolphins I think you can press L now probably to see it oh they're all the same I think yeah no not yet okay now it's got to be I think you got it there we go ooh oo blunt no six Gill shark blun we have six Gill shark we've seen so many shark and whales wow see that's face we have skill sharks here gold in the in the bay or is it the I think so is it the seven Gill shark is the one that we have it uh the types of sharks we have on exhibit we have leopard sharks we have we have leopard sharks we have seven Gill sharks seven gills not six gills we have seven oh we found our friend again oh yes evolutionarily more ancient than six but in the same like family and we closely related closely related um but we also have spiny dog fish sharks we have Angel sharks yes they're all just thank you um hammerhead shark hammerhead of course yeah um and many very closely related things skates and Rays yes which we've been [Music] getting our seven gills are um one of those animals that we get to uh raise for sometime I we tag and release to the Wild and monitor their growth and behavior the Seven Girls yes wow um was also uh sorry to interrupt the story you were sharing about this I was very excited to come here yeah this little preschooler was so excited and on the day of his field trip with his class he came dressed in a suit a are you serious wow super adorable um his shoes were really shiny a um his suit was a little big for him but he still looked adorable of course and um he was just really happy the whole time and really excited and you know I'm sure he's just going to remember that day um for a long time and just like we remember that day um for a while how old was he he was um three or four oh wow um so yeah it was it was super sweet oh I love these giant or they are so fun look at that wow okay how do I do the info um a the whales wait can can can they hear the can the chat hear did they hear the whales chat did you hear the whales tell us if you heard the whales okay so it says the orish how they open their mouth or the or the whales are you are you hearing the whales sing oh so or fish ooh this wait this is the world's longest bony fish I thought the mola was the world's longest bony that's uh not the longest oh yes okay there we go thank you I got I feel like this is very inspiring for like a hairstyle like yeah right I to orish hairstyle okay how do I get out of here B um B yes B for bag and press it one more time if you want to ooh look how big it is so long wow so we found both the longest and the largest bony fish today and we found a whale shark and we found we just we're doing great we are we're exploring all over what do that one that face long nose Lac fish or lensed fish I relate to that face a lot that's my morning face that's my morning face it would be a nice like background photo for your monitors you know every morning you turn on your monitors you just see this big beautiful face staring at you I know that's true I love it it says it's very soft because a large portion of its body is made up of water interesting I would love to touch it okay let's go back see babies that's that's exactly right Alan hi Alan swimming welcome a some more there so much pink [Laughter] today yeah we did see a lot of pink uh animals today like bright pink could you share another fun example that comes to your mind the sound is so beautiful oh look at all the colors we see down here everyone look at this yellow one let's see if I can grab that yellow one what is that yellow one I don't know wait I'm back at the pink let me go back I want to see you oh why does I think I'm getting the hang of this gold oh my gosh I'm obsessed with this Dory another desktop photo background yes I want this for my backdrop wait could you press yes thank you a look at it metal mirror Dory oh is this the real Dory from it might just be oh super cute that's another hairstyle insiration there you yes the ocean is very inspiring hairstyle options today I want them yeah why can't we what is up with this oh I think you might get it this time there we go oo this is rare Emperor emperor wow does have emperor Vibes yeah right um who knows how many years it took to reach this size 180 cm wow so this is this has got to be an ancient one I want to see its face me too so many cool finds today turn around oh there we go yeah I like those yeah and it looks like it has a little mustache almost drawn on its face but it's not this one is just very deor deor okay let's keep going yeah [Music] Chris oh my goodness of course I'm blanking out right now but there are many many uh a lot of times for a surface uh scuba diving we have some some students that are a little hesitant M um to tr to go in the water and try all the gear and you know the staff is always very encouraging and um slowly convinces them to try it out and it's just really cool to see how excited they get once they try it out wow yeah right whale is this our fourth whale I just love all the look at this yeah seriously how many wh have seen all the Paras our lower jaw interesting I've never seen a jaw like that wow look at that um North Pacific ride whales they show up in montere right Emily I feel like they have to often no no never mind wow yeah Christy that was one thing when I was writing the underwater Explorer story hearing just how um the stories of the team here how like some of the kids you at the beginning may be very shy and like you know very just like I don't know if I want to get in nervous but then seeing after they getting in then their their faces and just being open to it and and having that sense of confidence afterwards yeah at the end of it um you know it's like a little like push to get out of their comfort zone so that's always really she huge special especially at that age yeah trying new things yeah and uh we have for other things upcoming for school programs we have a turtle yes first Turtle do turn around I got so excited okay wait I'm almost there we're going to be coming here and playing like play this whole time I feel like we're official Gamers now I are we G or do we have to uh learning to do we already saw you wait something is looming above me did you all see that the whale is where's the turtle I thought I saw it on the top left but top left maybe if you um move the camera oh there it is there it is following the tur or I'm getting dizzy what am I doing G no get us the turtle get us back on I will I have to get you the turtle there you go oh wait wait is this a shipwreck a ship whoa I had heard about this uh mysterious shipwreck sorry I got um I guess I could try to find a turtle thirst and this WOW sh is very exciting too oh there it is found it yay this turtle is very close to the Shipwreck and all the other caca CA Oh mahara mahara leather bag oh it's a type of leather bagge wow just leather back those we do see in the bag yes we do and they're jellyfish lovers jellyfish beautiful all right let's check out this uh this sh what do we have here living in the ship look at these little on maybe we do need to be taking photos and like you're right um here I [Laughter] can that's it that's perfect somebody here says Sam says uh seeing a white shark in person is one of my biggest dreams me too I would love to die with a white shark we have them here in the bay I have not seen them ever so far living here youve never seen them I have seen a hump back like jump out from across our education building no are you serious that's it was amazing wow um I did one my first shipwreck dive in Colombia and shipwreck yes but you have to be shipwreck certified to be able to go inside and so we could just go like above kept being like I kept like in can I go in he was like no I just wanted to go in so bad but it was cool okay so you have to get certified and is that like a long process no if you want to do different tiers and levels it's not too long um you just have to like take an actual course and probably do it in person to get is o what are we sorry I'm like getting to I don't mean to intert the conversation I just wa what are these Ye Ye cramps we're in the deep sea aren't we yeah does it say our Prof oh sorry I got too close we are that far down cuz I'm I'm recogniz in Canyon for sure why doesn't it let me look at the I love these what aren't they looks like a type of bone no they're a type of sponge right don't we have this in our deep sea exhibits uh we we have a um uh not like not a yeah we have a model of it not a large that's right that's right yeah um wait is is this actually a sponge or is it a star a sponge it is a sponge right that looks like I I love this is one of the ones I love to see in they look so like symmetrical if yeah they're so so so so look at these right underwater like little sea mounts volcanic sea mounts can you zoom in all these um I can't zoom in a whole lot I can just kind of whoa my way around it this is cool it's a little Labyrinth we're exploring more H yes hydrothermal vents thank you em I clearly don't know the name thank you to Potter D for giving us the exact name carnivorous glass sponge yes and now these Emily are don't they have a lot of um like biodiversity around them too because of the temperatures remember learning something about that oh what's that oh is that a animal no no it kind of did look like a new animal for a second like another pink animal oh we got back to the ship oh Japanese crabs we do have yes Japanese they're so cool look at that and a goblin shark oh yes goblin shark we're seeing all kinds the goblin shark disappeared into we're uh we're gearing up for Halloween over here it totally looks like a pine cone yes SL pineapple that's true so cuteo wow we have seen all kinds of diversity down here how beautiful Christine what tell us a little bit about what you do you also do really cool stuff especially with the bilingual yeah well we I'm on the content team and so we uh do all kinds of really cool things for email marketing social media marketing um video text message SMS marketing and so I help out with um any any of those content channels um also web stories uh really just weaving and storytelling with our different exhibits and marine species and conservation you know all all the great things we're doing and showing sharing with the audience um not only what we have here but also how we're you know working to be a bigger part of our Bay and our ocean in general making changes policy changes and um yeah one of my favorite Parts about about this you know position that recently was opened recently got hired 7 months ago is the fact that we can now start weaving in more of that bilingual content and so we we'll I'll be working right now starting to do some of that strategy work on how we can start um you know we're going to be sort of figuring that out strategizing flipping back and forth having you know bilingual creators or bilingual employees on on our channels like right now I'm trying to get closer no I just heard a whale sorry are so cool and amazing yeah just reaching a wider audience in that way and yeah it's one of the things that excites me most um about about this role and being able to have that eye of creativity and like how to how to weave that in in all of the different channels that is very awesome right now I'm working with GN on social media um so on our team we sort of rotate different channels and so we'll have like a partner and um on social media right now and and then September as well with our other cooworker Alan and then we of just rotate across so what's really cool is you get to you really get to learn a lot of different programs and Platforms in a short amount of time you're sort of just like plunged right in like today I had no idea how to do any of this but here we are we're learning as we go um say is really fun that's one of the things I love about you Christen is that you've just been jumping straight into literally everything and anything that we throw out you and oh my God it helps when you have an incredible team of support like you all oh what did we find oh wow this is insane W look at this it's such a cool s another pink animal that's the theme for today yes Ros Ros I've got to say we're coming at around an hour into our gaming and um it's been really great getting to learn about the um education department and all the great work that you do Christie it's U been great to get to know more about you I didn't know you were in New York for example cool stuff um and the Condors how amazing work that's fun work too yeah again folks uh we have um online uh classes um that U folks can take if you want we got it look at that he's our last viewing saying goodbye and uh we have all sorts of um information about um Olas and other programs online if you're interested Christy um I keep interrupting you so I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna shut up now please whatever you like to share I was just GNA uh ask you Gish what is one of your favorite Parts about working at the aquarium oh you were going to ask me a question um I do a lot of cool things so I was curious um I love that I get to learn so much every single day whether it's uh more on like um kind of the technical and career development work that I do but also just about marine life I um when I was studying Environmental Studies um my focus uh was a little different I um had worked in a coral lab for a little while but that was kind of the most exposure I had to uh marine conservation um so I feel like I'm learning something new every day and just getting to work in a feel that I'm so passionate about with the people that um inspire me to be better every day I love that my favorite things to do it's awesome it's an inspiring place to work for sure yeah there's so much learning um and these are I don't normally do this kind of thing but I'm learning how um you guys did this work so it's kind of cool to to explore the different like departments and how everyone does their work a lot of behind the scenes too I guess that um not everyone gets to see true yeah that's one of the hopes with our live streams is to um get folks um more exposed to the all sorts of different work that we do here at day Coram by having guests from different departments but also just to chat with people from different departments and uh we don't I think the last time I saw you in person was literally last year last year so yeah g came kayaking with us wow I love to um you know know right now I'm like oh dang it's been a year that that went by fast that was so fast so I'm so glad you joined us today look at this Goblin shop thank you for inviting me of course chy any final words if somebody wanted to do something like what you're doing today how could they reach into education specialist programs what any advice you would have for somebody who's striving to to do the type of work you do um I would say you know just keep focus on your passion and what if you're into education What specifically it is that you like about it and uh there are so many routes to go uh fortunately for education so um you know you can go into the schools you can do informal education there's just a lot so um just focus in on what you like and just um yeah do all you can to network with people and go to places where those kinds of um things are happening and um and yeah and just keep trying out different different parts of Education too if you're trying to like figure out what what route you want to go into networking so good yes 100% agree watch videos like this to learn more nice thank you Christie explore our website we have our education website we have a lot of content for um courses bilingually um Spanish and English uh and it's all free yes and you get to do a lot of fun things through those content for all ages too [Laughter] wow good monstrous selfish wow beautiful South Pacific nice well um I'm going to just quickly get this thing and then we can start to wrap up U thank you so much every one for being with here we got an empty treasure chest and the end of our dive don't you love and you get an empty Treasure Chest after an hour of diving that's my favorite thing wow I think we reached to 45% right 45% yeah we we oh 45% of exploration lot of progress we basically kind of did a loop in a way 4 the yeah we're doing really good nice there's so much to expl fishy here I'm curious what happens when you're done like exploring the whole thing um so I think for this one it's just yeah you explored and you get like all this like for example this empty um chest we got are like the these like little items that you never know which one or the you know the Shipwreck it's more about just exploring um I haven't done the story we kind of started it at another um gaming stream but like I would assume the story has like a beginning middle and an end as you to go through and explore everything so fine yeah thank you everyone for joining and putting in comments here in the chat any last words from Emily or Helen I don't know if you saw am's comment that you drew a little squid up in the top cor we did that was that was so intentional it wow it was absolutely intentional oh my gosh I did not even see that got to take a photo of that I wish I could I think oh look at that fish oh fish it's huge a cool one we can't end on the fish yes thank you again everyone thank you christe thank you Christine for I'm so excited for U more gaming streams that we'll do in the future um hopefully more bilingual gaming streams as well and um thank you everyone I hope that you have a great rest of your day yes tell us what you would like to play next time yeah we we can we played obsa before we can definitely play it again uh someone mentioned uh subnotica um who can play that again too um hi Lily and yeah nice thank you all for joining CH ciao ciao [Music] [Music] n [Music] sh [Music] sh [Music]

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