Category: Pets & Animals
In the year 2000 kevin hines jumped off the golden gate bridge during a severe mental health crisis intending to end his life after leaping hines instantly felt regret miraculously as he struggled in the freezing water below a sea lion appeared and began nudging him keeping him afloat until the coast... Read more
Category: Gaming
Ch [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] sh [music] hi everyone welcome to another gaming stream from monteray bay aquarium hi hello hello thanks for joining us today hola b we're so excited to be here with y'all uh on another gaming stream we're going to continue with the um game that we played couple... Read more
Category: News & Politics
When you think of florida what do you think about i know i know a lot of people are like a florida man or like the politics and things like that but do you ever just think about the beauty of florida you know the natural landscapes that you see the everglades you know there there's a lot of different... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Cette terre aride et grise est tout ce qui reste des champs de maïs et légumes de karuïa mac ou de jus quotas nous avons faim c'est ça l'impact de la sécheresse c'est ce que nous constatons les gens sont affamés certains en meurent il ne lui reste plus qu'une réserve de maïs pour une semaine après cela... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Take uh smoke roger ready let's go guys good right right all right time right there we go Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
[music] she was apprehensive about where she was pippy was surrendered to pip's rescue the minute she saw that this was kind of like a safe space she busted out of her shelf good girl bring it back she needed to get into a good foster setting well today is the day when we get pippy all right let's go... Read more
Category: Entertainment
And um uh and one thing was kind it's just my theory is even in if you're in a combat unit and it doesn't matter if it's tier one special forces com it i think it splits into into into categories as well because one thing i think i saw a lot and as much as my theory especially in high performing units... Read more
Category: Education
In domestic canning, there is an invisible killer that wreaks havoc. every year, it seriously sickens hundreds of people around the world, and 5 to 10% die from it. here is his story. clostridium botulinum clostridium botulinum no, it's not a spell. it's his name. clostridium botulinum, the name of... Read more
Category: Sports
Aujourd'hui nous plongeons dans l'univers des pickles ces délicieuses préparations sont devenues la nouvelle star des apéritifs en france des courgettes des bêesraves et des concombres tout vinaigré font chavirer les papilles au bar restaurant loca à lyon il rivalise avec les classiques avec des prix... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Topic since when does the vice president have what sounds like a southern accent i have no idea what you're talking about well i i mean this is she was talking about unions in detroit using one tone of voice is this something that same line pet that she uh she used the same line in pittsburgh and it... Read more
Category: Gaming
Oh holy sh ist euch schon mal aufgefallen holy ich bin oggi bruder ich bin ein stunfahrer was geht ab meine lieben freunde bestimmt haben jetzt einige zuschauer die letztes jahr mein silvesterv gesehen haben und dieses jahr auch am start sind ja freunde wir fahren wieder mit der schicken honda durch... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Foreign [music] [music] foreign [music] good to see you yeah you too how are you you i'm good good yeah how are you good look great thank you tired i took a red eye here from jfk how's everyone been behaving anymore meltdowns yet no no everyone is a surprisingly normal wrigley did ruin a dessert tray... Read more