In domestic canning, there is an invisible killer that wreaks havoc. Every year, it seriously sickens hundreds of people around the world, and 5 to 10% die from it. Here is his story. Clostridium Botulinum Clostridium Botulinum No, it's not a spell. It's his name. Clostridium botulinum, the name of the invisible killer of canned goods. To ensure it arrives in your jars, it is present everywhere. In the ground, in the dust, under your nails. “Is he so small?” Yes, it is very small. If you enlarge it 40,000 times, he looks like this... and he hates living in the open. If there is oxygen, he may die. So, he has a radical solution: he is capable of producing a spore, a bit like a safe, which contains everything necessary for his survival. And it is these spores, these safes, which are present everywhere in the soil, invisible to our eyes. To open, they look for the perfect conditions... Perhaps the comfort of a canning jar at home? Once their refuge is found, it all begins! The safe, the spore, opens... germinates... and there appears a new little clostridium ready to begin its life! “Oh, he’s cute!” Yes, he's cute... he's even as soft as a stuffed animal! But don't be fooled... As soon as he sweats, the problems begin: his sweat is like a magic potion, but a potion... deadly. It's a toxin, it's the most powerful poison in the world! 500,000 times more powerful than cyanide! If this toxin enters your body, it triggers a disease called botulism. In the hours and days that follow, you will start to see blurred, to see double, you will have a dry mouth with difficulty swallowing, speaking... you will have digestive problems, then it will gradually paralyze your muscles making them flabby... the face... the neck... then generalized paralysis, including the muscles that help you breathe. Without treatment, you will die! And even with treatment, you have lifelong aftereffects! This deadly power of botulinum toxin was nearly exploited during World War II and the Gulf War, where Iraq accumulated enough of this toxin to decimate humanity three times over. Imagine... three tablespoons, 47 g in aerosol, are enough to kill the entire French population! But, like many things in nature, it also has a beneficial side. At extremely low doses, it has more and more therapeutic uses to relieve symptoms that require muscle relaxation. It is also used in cosmetics, notably under the name Botox, where it relaxes the small muscles which cause wrinkles. So how can this powerful substance end up in our canned goods? And above all, how to avoid it? Well, imagine that I personally carried out a major investigation... Let me tell you! To start our briefing on this invisible killer, let's first clarify things. Our suspect is a bacteria, which operates within a gang all of whose members are capable of producing deadly botulinum toxins. To simplify, we will talk about the leader: Clostridium Botulinum. Look here. I have listed the nine types of toxins that can be produced. Among them, five are directly fatal for humans. Scientists have successfully developed an antidote for 7 of these 9 toxins. The other two , H and This Clostridium Botulinum is a clever little thing! He has an unusual asset: When things go wrong for him, he goes into "survival mode" by forming a spore inside himself. It resists everything: heat, even boiling water, cold and even the extreme acidity of your stomach. If you eat a spore, it will come out intact! ...Unless you have the immature digestive system of a child under one year old. Indeed, they can find the ideal conditions there to open, germinate, multiply and produce toxins. This is called “toxic-infection botulism”. This is why we recommend avoiding honey, which can contain spores, and being careful about what babies put in their mouths. Apart from these rare cases of toxic infection, its mode of operation is to wait for the ideal conditions which will allow the spore to unlock, to then germinate, multiply and produce toxins. And it is these toxins, if ingested, that are fatal, regardless of age. The monitoring carried out by our teams made it possible to precisely determine the five conditions for unlocking the spores. First condition: no oxygen. Second: water available. Third condition: A temperature between 3°C and 48°C. Fourth condition: Not too much acidity. The pH, which is a measure of acidity on a scale of 1 to 14, must be above 4.6 otherwise no development. Fifth condition: Not too much salt. A concentration less than 10%, but 10% is huge! “But boss, these are exactly the conditions for canning in a jar?!” Exactly! And this is where our fight is at stake! In a jar, vegetables or meats are not acidic enough, except sometimes tomatoes. There is unlimited water. It is not salty up to 10% of the weight. No oxygen in the water, the jar is closed. And it is usually stored at room temperature. A true paradise! So, if a spore is present on anything that enters the jar, and it finds the conditions to germinate, the bacteria will multiply with formidable efficiency. After 20 minutes there will be 2, after 4 hours 4000 and they reach 2 million after 7 hours! From a single spore that opened! And all these bacteria will produce toxins! And I haven't told you everything. The toxin is completely invisible, colorless and odorless. But if the bacteria has been allowed to grow, you can be sure that it is there. Before even talking about jars, we could already see Clostridium Botulinum hanging around on the side of cold meats, like black pudding (that's where its name comes from: *botulus*) and ham, like the one that has sickened a troupe of musicians during a funeral in Belgium in 1895. And it was on this occasion that a doctor for the first time formally identified the person responsible for the tragedy under a microscope: Clostridium Botulinum. And the story obviously doesn't end there, no, it continues crossing continents and decades. Always cold meats obviously, but also a lot of problems in jars: garlic, eggplant, fish, hazelnut paste, carrot peas, beans, asparagus, spaghetti sauce, ... and again very recently, in France in 2023, 15 cases of botulism after consumption of poorly preserved sardines served in a restaurant! Now listen carefully. Your mission, if you accept it, is to prevent these spores from finding refuge in our canned goods! [James Bond type music]
Hello. I will present to you crucial tools for the success of your mission. Is it necessary for me to present to you again the first tool at our disposal? Hygiene. A clean environment and fresh, well-washed produce are your initial shield against the enemy. Second defense against Clostridium Botulinum: Salt. But a lot of salt, at least 10% of your preparation which is huge. This is a method that is well suited for preparations that must be diluted before consumption, for example for wild garlic before a future pesto. Pardon? Nitrite salt? Ah no no no no no no, That ’s for charcuterie, we’ll talk about it in another video! Next, we divide foods into two groups: Those which are quite acidic, with a pH lower than 4.6 (mainly fruits) and those which are not, with a pH higher than 4.6: vegetables, meats and fish. For all acidic products, you can use the classic method of preservation, which is generally called "sterilization with boiling water". The word "sterilization" is used wrongly, because the spores are perfectly capable of surviving with boiling water. On the other hand, the acidity of these foods will prevent the spores from germinating, and therefore triggering the toxin production process. To preserve in boiling water, I imagine that you are perfectly familiar with these inventions, all similar: a large container, whatever the material, a source of heat, immerse your jars for a given time from boiling, boiling which will make it possible to reach 100 degrees (from sea level to 305 m altitude) and we add 5 minutes to the recommended time for each additional 600 m altitude. As for tomatoes, they are often quite acidic but sometimes on the limit depending on their degree of maturity. In this case, a little forced acidification may be a solution. We recommend, by default and for safety, 30 ml of lemon juice per liter of tomato preparation. For the rest of the vegetables, we generally do not acidify directly but we can opt for another type of preservation, such as preservation in vinegar or lactofermentation, where the acidity plays the same protective role against Clostridium spores. Botulinum. Let's be clear, if you want to preserve non-acidic foods (all vegetables, meats and fish), the best solution is to heat enough to destroy all the spores. What does it mean to heat sufficiently? Well, the temperature of destruction is directly related to the duration of exposure to that temperature, and it follows this graph, slightly simplified. Don't panic, don't panic, look. If you heat it to 120°C, the core of your jar only needs to reach this temperature for 3 minutes for the spores to be destroyed. If the center of your jar only reaches 110°C, it will need to stay there for 30 minutes. And you see that if you settle for 100°C, you will have to wait 5 hours, not to mention that it also takes time to reach this temperature at the heart of the jar. To reduce the processing time and preserve the taste of the food as much as possible, you will have understood that it is necessary to go above 100°C. How? Well, here is your best ally for non-acidic foods: The domestic autoclave. Its principle: part of the water in the airtight container turns into steam, which increases the pressure and as the pressure increases, the temperature increases. It is the little cousin of the professional autoclave, which in addition to increasing temperature and pressure, records all the data of what is happening inside, and for each treatment gives you wonderful temperature and pressure graphs. pressure, at every moment of the process. Here, we see in red the temperature of the autoclave, and in green the temperature at the heart of the jar. In yellow, this is the spore destruction zone. This graph is also what makes it possible to validate each batch marketed. If you want to sell non-acidic canned foods, it is mandatory to use them. In a domestic autoclave, we can also record with a wireless probe, a thermo button, which we place in the center of the jar and which we can then connect to a computer, which will give us the famous graph. It is thanks to these probes that official and commercial recipes are validated. We know exactly how long it takes to reach the temperature at the heart of the jar necessary to destroy the species of Clostridium Botulinum, and how long it remains at precisely this temperature. Having a recipe validated is very expensive, so there are duration tables depending on the type of food, its texture, the size of the jar, etc. We can of course always apply the maximum but we prefer to find the best compromise between time and temperature so that the spores are destroyed and the food is affected as little as possible. For example, for a 1 L jar of carrots, it will take 30 minutes. For meat, it will take 90 minutes. All at a pressure of 0.8 bar, which allows 115°C to be reached at the core of the product, for an altitude of less than 600 m. At a higher altitude, we will increase the pressure to obtain the same temperature. [Whispering] I will explain everything about using the autoclave, the device itself , the types of time, the types of jars that can be used... in another video! If you're interested, don't forget to subscribe and activate the bell to be informed! Now, I sense that a question is burning on your lips... And your pressure cooker, then? Your pressure cooker? Your pressure cooker? Excellent reasoning! Domestic autoclaves are nothing more than large, high-performance pressure cookers. Unfortunately, most pressure canners do not rise above 104°C, sometimes 108°C. Those which can reach 120°C, therefore one bar of pressure, are rare and often of small capacity, impossible to use for making preserves. There is a large model, which can reach up to 0.8 bar and therefore 115°C... that's it! It is suitable for canning below an altitude of 600 m, but beyond that it is not sufficient. But it, at least, is authorized in Europe unlike this... which is illegal in Europe! Let me just check... Hello, the archives room? Say, what is this story about banning autoclaves in Europe? Could you explain it to me again? Of course! So, any pressure device of more than half a bar is regulated. Firstly, to be sold in Europe and imported if it is manufactured elsewhere than in Europe, it must have a European Declaration of Conformity, and have the CE marking. And this is, stupidly, what is not the case with the Presto model: it is certified in America, but not in Europe. That's why it's illegal! But the Artame model is CE marked. Look on the lid! Secondly, large pressure vessels are subject to official monitoring obligations after their commissioning, like obviously professional autoclaves which must be checked periodically by a certified organization. And in some countries, like France, training is even mandatory to use it. But autoclaves/domestic pressure cookers are not affected by these obligations, under two conditions: Have less than 25 L. And obtain less than 200 when we multiply the volume in liters by the maximum pressure that the container can withstand (which is not the operating pressure) in bar. Conditions largely met by the two models you have in front of you. The American Presto model can reach 1.5 bars and contains 21.7 liters. And the European Artame model can reach 1.2 bars and contains 23 liters. It is therefore authorized and legal to have a domestic autoclave or a pressurizing device of less than 25 liters at home! I won't hide from you that the hardest part is finding a legal and certified model in Europe... But that's the case with the model you have in hand! And, as you probably know perfectly well, it is not suitable above 600 m altitude. OK thanks! Well, while I have you online, another important question: Why, for commercial use, is the use of an autoclave mandatory while the majority of individuals in Europe are allowed to treat everything with boiling water? Ah.... That's an excellent question and a great mystery! Science, and also the sites of the World Health Organization (WHO) and in France of the National Health Safety Agency (ANSES) are formal and unanimous: boiling water is not enough to destroy the spores! I quote them to you, wait... So.. "...The spores remain viable even after boiling for several hours..." "...Be careful, cooking by boiling is insufficient to sterilize foodstuffs because the Clostridium Botulinum spores are even resistant to boiling water." In Belgium, the Federal Food Chain Safety Agency (AFSCA) recognizes that for individuals, it is difficult to carry out the correct treatment. Listen to this: "...In industry, during canning, foodstuffs are subjected to a heat treatment of 121°C for 3 minutes, which eliminates any risk of subsequent bacterial development. On the other hand, , when canning home made (made at home), it is more difficult to ensure this treatment." Well, yes! In Europe, individuals are truly in a gray zone, without precise instructions from health and government authorities. On the other hand, in the United States, everything is clear. They even have a national home food preservation center. Unambiguously, the use of the domestic autoclave is recommended as the ONLY safe method for preserving non-acidic foods. OK thanks ! How do you expect individuals to make good decisions in Europe, if the information is so poorly given and there is so little equipment that allows heating strong enough to destroy the spores? Pardon? Do you have a good idea? Use the oven which can easily reach over 100°C?! Above all, not unhappy, especially not! Heat is not conducted as efficiently in dry air as in steam, and the core temperature of the product does not reach oven temperature at all. So no! We don't sterilize anything in the oven! On the other hand, what is very important... Don't forget to subscribe to this channel, if you haven't done so yet! Knowledge is the best protection, remember that! Do it right away, so you don't forget! And in exchange, I will tell you the weak point of Clostridium Botulinum... The weak point of this formidable bacteria is that its toxin cannot withstand heat! It is said to be heat labile. Let's imagine that spores resisted, because your heat treatment was not appropriate (for example at too low a temperature, or for too short a time, and therefore insufficient to destroy the spores). These could therefore germinate during storage, become bacteria, and begin to secrete lots of toxins. And here you are with a contaminated, deadly jar, and you don't even know! Neither taste nor appearance is affected. To be able to destroy these toxins, and therefore avoid poisoning, it will be enough (most of the time) to bring them to a temperature of 100°C for at least 10 minutes. Again, beyond 305 meters, the time must be extended. But, don't count on it too much, because simple contact with injured skin can be enough to make you sick, and sometimes the jar is so concentrated in toxin that a 10 minute boil will not be enough to destroy them all! This heat sensitivity of botulinum toxins is probably what saved thousands of lives and prevented thousands of cases of botulism at the last minute, without anyone knowing! Cases of botulism most often occur with canned foods that are eaten cold. There you go, I told you everything! You are now armed to the teeth to fight Clostridium Botulinum in your kitchens! “But is this story true?!” Obviously, it's true! [Whispering] Everything I told you is very carefully documented, and you can find all the reliable sources in the document to download in the description of the video! So now you understand who Clostridium Botulinum is, how it can reach you and above all... how to avoid it! You know what you have to do!... [Old woman's voice] "I've always done it like that..." ...even if your grandmother says the opposite! Like the video if you learned something, and ask us your questions in the comments! This video was necessary to allow us to lay the foundations and then approach the subject of conservation from a much more practical point of view!
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