ACTIVE SHOOTER. I-75. London Kentucky Happening NOW

125 Rob 63 good name and uh two digigit ID number of the name of the [Applause] decease okay temp for things M lock m a l o first name is Camino King Ida Mary Ida Norah ocean okay uh they have an approximate height and wa [Applause] 650 25 26 West Warren unit one as the smer residence key holder Kim orz has a bad code the residence there someone from the front door [Music] down the highing AC in the BL [Music] [Music] Z the CH the [Applause] [Music] one [Music] Ching scre theak down [Music] moment re [Music] [Applause] [Music] volum Feel the Rush you want more the CH at the reaction we got it all we back up [Music] the theultimate ride the 35 and the crew on the one side from the sh of the reac here to in the BL zck [Music] [Applause] [Music] from the of [Music] the station1 and we're on T gun thank hey thank you darling for becoming a member well you were already a member right you just renewed your membership I think that's what it was I remember seeing you as a member hey gamer Tron how you doing buddy we got Todd in the house reporting for Duty salute Miss T gun and guys I appreciate you riding with me yesterday we went all the way to the law enforcement uh store I'm just getting my pink thong ready now we we're colorcoded Miss T gun yep we we're perfect match let's see uh T gun just became a member hey Outlaw Georgia now guys you might listen to me you might want to become a member because you never know when we're going to have a membersonly chat those are going to come frequently it's my way of saying thank you to my members I mean I've got it there's a lot of other perks that go along with being a member but that's just one of them I got to say hey guys thank you for being a member here's something exclusively for my members and that's members only chat so and then when we start bounty hunting there's going to be member only live streams with bounty hunting so there's a lot of perks to becoming a member tonight cops channel so I'm just saying hey red bear how you doing darling she's over on Kick I'm just getting my P okay I already read it I already read it and that wasn't even I just buddied into that conversation Miss T gun you were talking to Todd not me let's see reporting for Duty hey folks and guys listen you do not I'm telling you you do not want to miss November 23rd and Beyond when we start bounty hunting which I don't think very many of you all miss it because it's going to be exciting back in the line of duty without being a cop basically I don't have to do an incident report I don't have to follow any any type of sop see when somebody jumps bail we can get them back into custody and back to jail by any means necessary period a bounty hunter has more more Authority than a police officer I mean if if I see a if I see the guy go into that house right there I can go over and kick the door in and go in there and get him of course I wouldn't a good idea you always want to knock on the door first but I mean you could I'm just saying that by any means necessary we can take them back into custody they belong to the bondsman so anyway it's going to be a lot of fun yesterday I got my Batman belt stuff now see I had all that stuff I had all my nylon and everything because I used to do off duty when I was off duty with the police department I would go and work with the okone drug task force which was no knock warrants and all that so I got my bdus and my shirt t-shirts and and I got a whole nylon setup one at a time I mean each item was was bought separately and then my son Sean decided to take my nylon out of my crate it it was stored in this closet over here so my son Sean comes in I don't know when he did it from 2021 to 22 somewhere in there I just found all this out yesterday actually or the day before yesterday before we went and got the nylon CU I had all that stuff I did I was just going to use my old nylon stuff from law enforcement and my son sea cuz he went out with Kyle a couple of times bounty hunting somehow got my nylon all my nylon stuff and then he got arrested while he had it on and we don't I don't know what happened to it I I have no idea so I had to go replace everything I'm back hey y'all uh let's see Hojo is back are you on Commit commit commit tube what is that a commit tube oh you're talking about YouTube I'm sure you're talking about YouTube anyway guys tonight we're going to be doing doing some home invasion stuff that kind of [ __ ] is not only scary and petrifying for the homeowners but it happens all the time it really does so you make sure your doors are locked just because you're at home somebody can just walk right into your house and putting a chain on your your front door and that's it it don't mean nothing they'll just kick that off they'll kick the door and the chain a break and they'll be in your house it's your responsibility to keep you and your family safe and you could also get some pepper spray pepper spray helps of course if they do that in your house I would suggest you don't have pepper spray that you have a gun a handgun or an AR15 or something yeah yeah and they're very very dangerous and we've just let in million yeah millions of illegals ladies and gentlemen Millions they're going to tell you it's like 10 or eight 11 million no it's about 15 to 18 million yeah definitely have a weapon you have a constitutional right in the United States to have a firearm and you don't even if your state requires a permit you don't need a permit in your home and a per requiring a permit is infringing on your Second Amendment right most people don't understand that but it is just cuz your state your little liberal Senate and Congress has said oh no we need a permit it's all about the money because a permit usually cost about $97 for three years or more it's all about the revenue they cannot the right to bear arms shall not be infringed making you get a permit is infringing on that right so but you don't need anything thing to have a gun in your home or your car purchase permit now I don't have to visit my Sheriff yeah I don't either well I never did I have a certification so I I just showed the certification whenever I buy a weapon and usually I get a law enforcement discount on the weapon I don't ask for one but once I show my certification number they usually give me one if I stab someone who broke into my house here in the UK I would be arrested and the Intruder would get away with it gamer Tron I I don't doubt it wait till Trump comes back and the military takes control and yeah because whatever happens in the United States seems to spread around the world so yeah it'll get better I watch Dad's Gone live I like him Dad's Gone live He's a't he cool at Eagle Pass and there were just walking over unchallenged every yep absolutely te gun I like Dad's Gone live hey grey wolf finally somebody comes in speaking the truth again and with that and with what's happening in the country recently I could be arrested for putting that in this chat no [ __ ] D they're monitoring you right now man does anybody here know of anybody that's ever been home invaded I've worked a few home invasions they're not pretty I mean the aftermath of a home invasion sometimes you get there and nobody has lost their life and you're like thank God and then there's other times there's only one person alive in the house and there's a family of six in there and only one that was left alive so yeah you just never never know I just wish people would start taking the stance you have the right to own a firearm have one in your home don't be a victim yes the other night I'm not talking about Amber Todd she just walked into your house that's not really a home invasion let's see GTS y Patriot what is that GTS y Miss Greywolf now sh Miss gray I'll answer Eternal before if somebody breaks into my house they better oh here we go Billy badass Trooper yeah no you won't you'll run right behind mama and say get get get him Mama get him don't let him hurt you Mama you remember you promised to make me some pancakes in the morning don't let him hurt you yeah I know how that's going to go Trooper hi y'all hey 1961 Lee oh I'll just start calling you Lee I just saw the Lee at the end of 1961 and we got weak two week millionaire you couldn't hold on to it could you it lasted for two weeks and that was it I know that candy liquor is expensive isn't it two weeks millionaire I'm in the UK too my own neighbors were beaten and had their car stolen by Eastern Europeans only a few weeks ago oh I'm sure they were my parents almost got robbed when I was a baby how do you know you were a baby you don't remember two guys showed up in the middle of the night and cut the phone line then they hit the yeah see that would be fine cut the phone line so that bastard can't call for help when I unload a clip in his ass yeah they left after that uh because my mom told me about it years ago oh okay I'd grab a knife out of the kitchen here we go okay Trooper whatever hey this is your story just go ahead and stick to it whatever you think you might do but you know honestly saying that you can say what you're going to do you can plan what you're going to do but trust me I'm talking from 17 years of law enforcement experience where every call was unpredictable you don't know what you're going to do until you're in the middle of the [ __ ] and that's a fact you can talk tough you oh man I'll blow that some bit you don't know what you're going to do until it happens we would like to think that's what we would do but I know from experience that [ __ ] can hit the fan quick fast and in a hurry and you don't know what you're going to do now I'm time tested I know what I'll do I've been there done that but most people people have never experienced something traumatic happened to them in the split of a second and you don't know what you're going to do until you're in that Split Second so always be thinking about it though think about it have a game plan because that will help your brain think why your adrenaline's trying to take over and that's what happens that's what screws most people up you hear people about they froze CU they're adrenaline and made them freeze get a plan think about it go through it in your head thousands of times what you're going to do because that's the one thing that would save you when your adrenaline's trying to take over just say it I've been seriously attacked twice in the streets and through training and martial arts both time I froze damn are you okay yeah most people won't think they' freeze I've seen officers freeze no [ __ ] in the middle of a of a gunfight a shootouts going on and he sitting there like and then I got a female you know hiding underneath the ambulance and [ __ ] with her gun in her in her holster so a lot of good that did that's great advice I'm grabbing the meat cleaver thank you Miss tun you would probably be nicked if you hit them and they get put on benefits no they're not no see it's hard to put a dead man on some benefits I'm going to unload my clip period I'm not even going to play with this piece of [ __ ] I didn't tell him to break into my house a meat cleaver is not going to help against an assault rifle um troop never bring a meat cleaver to a gunfight you would probably be Nick okay I already got that okay you guys ready I'm ready CU this is going to be some exciting stuff but it's while we're going through these here's what I'd like everybody to do because this first one we're going to watch this is how I got the idea of the stream tonight I was the very first video that I'm going to bring up I watched about 8 minutes of that video I usually don't watch the videos we watch them together right but I hadn't planned on showing this video on stream I'm just on my iPhone going through videos like oh that looks pretty good I hit it and it came up and I'm like oh wow and about five six minutes into and I'm thinking this would be good for a stream home invasions yeah this would be really a good stream I think so then I stopped watching it after about 7 to8 minutes and I I put I knew it was in my history so today I went in there and got it and so that's how it came about but I'm telling you guys when you're watching these put yourself in the homeowner's body or position or be there with them right pretend it's you and you you'll feel your adrenaline pumping you'll feel the fear literally so just put yourself in their place pretend it's you I want to show these so you guys will be safer at home lock your doors don't don't be on your freaking phone ladies and gentlemen texting when you get out of your car walk into your front door I've seen so many time people leave a grocery store and they're like they're te they're looking what are you what are you doing you don't see the danger you don't see these two guys in the white van sitting in the in there watching you you you're fixing to get abducted raped and killed because you're too busy on a damn phone when you pull up in your driveway you be observant you look around look at the bushes cuz that's where they're going to hide look behind the tree as you're driving up to your residence stay we're talking about seconds just scan pull into your driveway you're looking everything looks normal okay but don't be distracted from the moment you get out of your car till you get in your house once you get in your house and the door's locked behind you then you can text then you can play on your phone I've seen it so many times in every every every home invasion I've worked and it's probably probably been I don't know eight or I didn't keep up with them I'm going to say eight or nine maybe 11 there was never ever any for entry they just walked in every time because the homeowner didn't lock his door didn't lock her back door didn't lock the door out there on the deck I have never been at a home invasion scene where there was forced in Tre not once and and it happens I'm not saying it doesn't happen I'm just giving you my experience my eyewitness testimony of what I saw what I wrote an incident report on never forced entry and that every one of those could have been avoided they had just locked their door and guys please do not open doors for these delivery guys and if this little girl comes up to your door that's 18 19 20 years old don't just automatically open the door she's baited that was that happened twice out of the 8 to 11 home invasions a girl knocks on the door like she needs help the homeowner opens the door and four guys rush in with guns that twice don't fall for this [ __ ] look out your peephole look around if you've got cameras outside look at your cameras before you open the door didn't like back when I was growing up somebody rang the doorbell hell we got excited oh hell bring out the cake we got company holy [ __ ] bring up hey Mom are you going to get the Good China we got company now the doorbell ring and you're like who is that are you expecting anybody times have changed seriously you guys ready let's kick ass in a disturbing crime captured on camera an elderly couple in Virginia faced a terrifying ordeal when armed intruders invad Ed their home demanding compliance under threat of violence inside their own home the suspects armed and menacing ordered the older woman to remain silent as they held a firearm against her with both suspects wielding Firearms they forced the elderly man who was using a walker to retreat into a linen closet quickly home now look I turned on a job well they're real tough aren't they going going in there assaulting a an elderly senior citizen couple but I would like to be sitting there on the couch I mean look what he's watching I mean that could be gunm smoke with fesus and Dock and [ __ ] you don't know I think it's gunm smoke the black and white version for Bob Ry yest maybe you better go see Ryan see I think the death penalty is great for them and not in the court of law or at the Gallow like right right now right now the death penalty right now inside the home the Invaders ransacked the rooms seizing belongings and cell phones while one suspect was captured on camera carrying a safe in a chilling moment captured on camera a couple's routine return home turn now now watch this this is what I was talking about just a minute ago don't be distracted see this guy was hidden right down there by their porch they open the door and he comes to running watch a couple's routine return home turned into a heart stopping encounter don't even know he's there now they have no idea he's there watch here he come here oh no he came from the street okay as the couple reached their front door unaware of the lurking danger a masked man suddenly appeared seemingly armed with a firearm reacting swiftly the woman spotted the Intruder and instinctively shut the door to prevent his entry a fear evident in her rapid movements you coward piece of [ __ ] and I'm just going to say it this is just me being anal do you see the porch light on the left hand side okay th those light bulbs are for lamps or in the house in a room that's got you know a a light cover they're not for outdoors without a CO that just that's so heel Billy redneck [ __ ] right there to me I I'm just saying that would drive me crazy I would rather I could handle more not having a bulb there than having the spiral that that drives me crazy I can't I couldn't tell take out get rid of that [ __ ] I mean there's got to be a Lowe's around there somewhere undeterred the master salent forcefully pulled at the door trying desperately to gain access despite his efforts the door held firm frustrating The Intruders attempts to breach it in a tranquil neighborhood an ordinary evening became a nightmare for one now I just want to point out how what pieces of [ __ ] which we already knew they're pieces of [ __ ] but there's children in this room there's a little boy and there's a little girl just hugging against Mama for safety these ministers to society don't give a [ __ ] watch them family three masked Intruders armed and Resolute targeted a Suburban home leaving the residents vulnerable and shaken with faces seial and weapons in hand The Intruders commanded the terrified family to cooperate inside chaos unfolded as one Intruder ransacked the house searching for valuables and money while another stood guard over the frightened family why what's going on with KCK Mind Of Z what's going on with kick no I don't usually look at kick but everything that these folks need a double barrel absolutely uh red bear yeah Mind Of Z if you say something on kick it pops up into my chat I see it I don't have to look at kick for that to happen it just YouTube and kick both pop up the family fearing for their lives complied with the demands hoping for a swift end to the terrifying ordeal after what seemed like an eternity The Intruders departed leaving the family physically unharmed but emotionally scarred carried being stolen items with them in but just imagine when you if you get home invaded cuz most of the time it's going to be your fault you didn't lock your door you didn't pay attention to your surroundings when you're walking from your car to the front door or from the front door to your car you got to be observant of your surroundings how in the hell here was my here's always been my question how are you ever going to feel safe in your own home again even if you move don't matter where you you can move to another state a brand new start somewhere you're never ever going to feel truly safe in your own home ever again but I guarantee what will happen your doors will always be locked when you're home and when you're not home you'll be more observant coming to your front door I just don't want something bad to happen before you're observ it do it before it happens to prevent it from happening Serene California neighborhood a seemingly innocent encounter turned frightening for one unsuspecting homeowner now remember a lot of people think oh this only happens at night do you know more abductions happen during the day in broad daylight in a busy parking lot than it does in the middle of the night no [ __ ] more homes are broken into during the day than they are at night this is in the middle of the day I can tell cuz the sky is blue and I'm pretty damn smart if I can figure that out I'm a Genie ass at approximately 1:47 p.m. a man holding a box of candy disguised as a candy vendor knocked on the door of a home now I don't know why he said he's disguised as a candy vendor because this guy is a candy vendor I I think the guy misspoke in the video the Asian guy you're looking at is a candy vendor okay he didn't know what was going to to happen either or at least you guys take a look and tell me what you guys think I saw it and thought why' he say suspected candy v no he is a candy vendor no he's selling candy door the door see the guy the Asian guy looked as scared as the homeowners yeah he backed away moments after the door opened a group of masked individuals armed an intent on robbery stormed past the homeowner and infiltrated the residents in Houston's quiet North Side Enclave what do you guys think do you think that the Asian guy was involved he was the bait I I I just don't think so from the Asian guy's body language it looked like to me he was he he was startled and scared and he got out of the way and left immediately I could be wrong I mean I really could be wrong he could have been part of it I'm looking at his body length Ang cuz I can't really see his mouth and all that cuz he's got a a mask on that you know the ones that protect all the viruses and [ __ ] but his body language said he was he was petrified peaceful night was shattered by a terrifying home invasion three unsuspecting residents found themselves at the mercy of armed Intruders look at these freaking hood rats and that's about 98% of all home invasions no [ __ ] I think it's 98.6% of all home invasions under cover of Darkness three men were captured on surveillance cameras attempting to break into a home one of them violently kicks the door until it was opened with firearms in hand The Intruders barged into the house yeah I think Anthony I think he was there at the wrong time wrong place after a few tense moments the suspects hastily fled the scene escaping with their stolen goods in a waiting getaway car a routine evening became a nightmare and there goes all the stuff that you work so hard for going to work every day watching the clock slow down to a crawl after 1:00 in the afternoon driving all the way back home so you can have nice things and pay your bills of course and they just went right down the street for one unsuspecting family in a quiet neighborhood in Bakersfield California okay now this one here is the last one I saw so how long is that oh it was only 4 minutes I thought it was longer than that this is the last one I saw so after this one I haven't seen any after that attempting to break into a home one of them violently kicked the door until it was opened with firearms in hand The Intruders barged into the house and right no not here I saw that after a few T right here this is exactly the spot I stopped it at and said I think this would be a good stream for home invasion so whatever happens after this I have no idea moments the suspects hastily fled the scene escaping with their stolen goods in a waiting getaway car a routine evening became a nightmare for one unsuspecting family in a quiet neighborhood in Bakersfield California is that the daughter oh oh okay wait wait wait this is exactly what I was talking about she's the bait you see look at this little girl I'm sorry I call anybody under the age of 21 a little girl I don't know it's just how my mind works I know she's not a little girl but to me she is after a few tense moments the suspects hastily fled the SE escaping with their stolen goods in a waiting getaway I want you to look at this little girl she she looks so innocent right I I would answer the door if she can't I'm thinking oh she might need help do it but be very cautious in the back of your mind realize this could be a bait this could be a setup you don't have to open your door all the way open she's not that big it's not Trooper standing at your doorway it's this little girl you just always want to have enough room between your door and your hinges to slam the door shut before they can make it inside car a routine evening became a nightmare for one unsuspecting family in a quiet neighborhood in Bakersfield California see how innocent she looks look at that innocent face but she's the bait the guys are hidden around the corner um you guys have yeah and eternal Eternal on YouTube said hey I wouldn't answer it I just call 911 and monitor the situation with my camera that's probably a smart move I mean it's sad that we've gotten to this point in our society that we can't open our door to a little girl that might need our help now trust me gu if it's a child come on open the door just be cautious that it could be a setup on August 4th woman knocked on their door seemingly asking I would open the door that's what's sad no one even knowing what I know if I saw a little girl at my door like that I'm going to answer but I'm going to be vigilant and I'm going to be observed observ observed I should didn't say it right observe observe I can't speak English don't don't even get me don't even start making me speak English I speak red Billy observant is what I was trying to say the V was not coming on my tongue observe that is what I was I was trying desperately but the hillbilly kicked in and would not allow me to say it it happens for directions or assistance moments later as the homeowner opened the door to respond chaos ensued [Music] without warning yeah and Trooper I'm sure she'll appreciate that as she's putting a bullet in your brain two masked men armed with firearms and faces obscured violently kicked the door open and barged into the home around 9:22 a.m. a white SUV open and that was it they're not going to tell us what happened charged into the home around 9:22 a a white SUV pulled into their driveway two individuals their faces concealed exited the vehicle while a third stayed behind the wheel yeah figures within minutes the suspects were seen on surveillance cameras attempting to force their way into the house smashing glass to gain entry meanwhile the family's 18-year-old daughter hid in the main bedroom fearing for her safety as she saw Shadows outside inside her door yep that figures the thieves stole jewelry and electronics in just 6 minutes before fleeing the scene in their getaway vehicle in a harrowing incident captured on surveillance camera a man posing as a delivery person initiates a Terri I'm telling you I haven't seen any of this but you remember I told you about the delivery guy I have not seen this part of the video Don't TR ladies and gentlemen nowadays the ups dude all the FedEx dude they don't exert themselves anymore and push a a a doorbell or knock on the door and wait for you to come get the package they just toss it on your from the steps up to your front door so if a delivery guy is knocking on your door that should set up a red flag they don't do that anymore this is not the '90s don't open your door for a delivery guide talk through your door yeah just leave it on the steps slick [ __ ] home invasion absolutely and two we millionaire something said something on Kick very smart remember you can track your packages online now especially if it's from Amazon well I can track everything that I order put your door take coronus under the guise of a delivery guy the man approaches a house in Mind Of Z said unless it's something you have to sign I can't remember the last time a delivery guy knocked on my door cuz I had to sign for something seriously it just doesn't happen anymore unless it's certified letter from the courts and you know you're going to be going to court or something there's really nothing you need to to well I take that back wait wait wait wait hold on when I ordered this G3 this is a a Cali burn from uell this Cali bur G3 I ordered the pods with it these little pods and I I I I never could understand why the the device on the outside says this product contains nicotine no no it doesn't it's it's a it's a piece of metal with a battery in it there's no nicotine in this thing and then this empty pot it said the same thing this this product contains nicotine no it doesn't not until I poured eice in here it's an empty pot it's just a piece of plastic with a with a with a coil in there right so that's stupid in itself I had to I didn't have to sign for this but when these got delivered they knocked on my door and they made me show my driver's license to show that I'm 21 which was a compliment to me I mean I didn't mind that's fine you're right it's really from my dad I'm really I'm not even old enough to buy cigarettes actually that's what I told her but I had to sign for these pods I know that sounds stupid but I swear to God it's the truth I couldn't believe like and then you open up oh this product contains nicotine no the [ __ ] it doesn't it's a plastic thing with a P with a coil in it where's the nicotine where's the nicotine not until I put eice in here does it have any nicotine up tards excuse my sorry about the fbom that's just shows you how stupid the liberal government is contains nicotine no it doesn't in the dead of night unsuspecting the homeowner opens the door she started laughing which led me to believe she wasn't buying my [ __ ] to be a legitimate delivery without warning The Imposter forcefully pushes the door open barging his way inside did you see that watch watch what he's doing he's acting like he's going to take a picture and then Here Comes his buddy here comes his other buddy to the homeowner's horror three additional masked men suddenly emerge from the darkness storming into the house inside chaos ensues as screams and shouts echo through the night in a startling home invasion caught on surveillance camera three masked men armed with Firearms entered a house their intentions clear and their actions Swift now this to me I don't I don't know the whole story yet but this this does not look like a home invasion this looks like a burglary a home invasion is defined as you're at home and somebody invades your home they come rushing into your house and takes everybody hostage they kidnap you in your own home when your home's empty it's no longer a home invasion it's a burglary the video shows three men their faces hidden as they force their way into the home once inside The Intruders wa was no time they immediately begin searching for money and valuable items ransacking every room hey I'm calling the police right now I'm calling the police right now the police is coming right now the police is coming right now bye guys gotcha however now see the homeowner was at work and saw this on his app on his phone I'm sure cuz he's talking through the mic so this wasn't a home invasion this was a Burg but their crime spree is cut short when one of the men notices the surveillance camera recording their every move he quickly alerts his accomplices informing them of the camera's presence realizing they are being recorded The Intruders hastily abandon their search and leave the house in a dramatic turn of events a house invasion in kilor went wrong for two would be Thieves thanks to the brave actions of a determined homeowner batter up oh yes you would eternal Eternal guys do not listen to what Eternal just said he said I wouldn't tell him the cops are coming you do not want them destroying the inside of your home while the cops are in route cuz the this day and time you don't know what the response time is yeah the cops could be in route but you don't say anything it they might have all the stuff and be gone in 5 to 6 minutes before the cops ever arrive and then you've lost your stuff so yeah I would definitely ladies and gentlemen scream out the cop are on the way get them the hell out of your house as quickly as possible before they go on a a vandalism dance across your house with a hammer busting holes in your walls and [ __ ] I've seen that too the surveillance camera captures the moment two robbers caught in the act are seen fleeing from the house hot on their heels is the homeowner wielding a sledgehammer and Swinging it fiercely at The Intruders good that's the way you the suspects managed to reach their car of course ladies and gentlemen if they were exercising their Second Amendment right they wouldn't had to exert themselves they could have just shot through the windshield hoping to escape quickly but the Relentless homeowner catches up swinging the sledgehammer and causing significant damage to the vehicle unable to drive away the terrified intruders are forced out of the car realizing they cannot Escape in a disturbing home invasion in Arona pass Five masked suspects forced their way into a residence tying up the residents and searching for a large sum of money after their car which was brand new they threw them into the back of the house and took their credit card but they get Miss tun did they get out safely your friends or your neighbors and if it happened to your neighbors Miss tun it could happen at your house just be vigilant be observant that that's a 99% of it right there the other 1% is have a gun in your house pieces concealed broke into a home in the 1600 block of Oak Landing once inside The Intruders tied up the residents ensuring they couldn't interfere with their plans but see see what I do is I put myself in there in the homeowner's spot could you imagine being tied up hold on there's a cop [Music] shop off the f c 10 [Music] but could you imagine sitting in a chair getting tied up not knowing if your wife or girlfriend's about to get raped while you're tied into a chair or they're going to tie you up and cut your throat or shoot you in the face your whole family you don't know what they're going to do you know you don't know what their intentions are the fear alone of that you'd never feel safe again in your home damn so be observant don't just get out of your car and just walk and text please wait till you get in the safety of your own home with the front door locked and then you can Tex your ass off bruises but the shock had left them unable just feels oh absolutely Miss T gun on YouTube said yes she's talking about her neighbors that got home invaded they are elderly and only suffered bruises that that's pretty bad right there but the shock has left them unable to feel safe again every house along my street now shares phone numbers and has ring door cameras as a result that is awesome ladies and gentlemen and guys even if you don't have ADT Security or a security system go buy you a sign that says you do and put it in your front yard up by your door the suspects then searched a room for a large sum of money upon finding the money The Intruders quickly gathered their loot with the money in their possession the suspects left the scene as swiftly as they had arrived picture this it's a peaceful day in the neighborhood but unbeknownst to you thieves are lurking eyeing up your precious maale luckily for one homeowner she had her trusty ring Spotlight cam installed giving her eyes and ears where they were needed most with just a glance at her phone she saw the wouldbe thieves brazenly snooping around her mailbox no buddy those are not porch Pirates they're trying to gain entry to her home do you see any packages out there in the middle of the night trip you should be a detective Trooper Nothing Gets By you hello hello hello I'm calling the police startled by the unexpected voice The Intruders quickly scatter realizing the homeowner's vigilance has foiled their plan in a startling turn of events a home invasion was caught on surveillance camera showing the quick action of a homeowner who thwarted the plans of yeah but miss Bridge they can't miss bridge on uh on YouTube said I have heard if you put signs out which like the ADT sign some some can look at that as advertising and then they know how to snip your wires to it just a thought they can't snip my wires cuz everything I've got is is Wireless it's all through my wifi it's all Wireless stuff so unless they're going to climb the Big Ass pole out there somewhere and cut the Wi-Fi coming into the neighborhood I don't know how they're going to do that armed Burgers oh yeah well hackers do yeah I mean I don't how you going to defend against that you're right I mean I know how to defend against hack ERS when they cut my ADT [ __ ] go ahead gentlemen come on in that's what I'm going to be whispered yeah come on in entrance is just one kick away get right with God before you kick my door open though please cuz you're going to be seeing him pretty quick fast and in a hurry the footage begins with the residency's automatic gate opening allowing a white car to enter the garage however instead of the homeowner five men their faces concealed and armed with firearm but how did they get the wait how did they get the uh let me go back a bit I I want to know how they got how in the hell did they get the garage door open without the remote damn it in a startling turn of events a home invasion was caught on surveillance camera showing the quick actions of a homeowner who thwarted the plans of armed soping around her mailbox hello I'm calling the police startled by the unexpected voice The Intruders quickly scatter realizing the homeowner's vigilance has foiled their plan in a startling turn of events a home invasion was caught on surveillance camera showing the quick actions of a homeowner who thwarted the plans of armed burglers this is the importance of having a gun the footage begins with the residency's automatic gate opening allowing a white car to enter the garage however instead of see that just baffles me how he got the the homeowner five men I don't see a computer where they hacked into his garage and open the door that's crazy their faces concealed and armed with Firearms exit the vehicle that you know what Cromwell I never thought about that but you you are correct if they're going to go through the hacking stuff they're going to hit a business where the money is not go get some Walmart jewelry from a house as the men head towards the second floor the alert and prepared homeowner takes decisive action gunshots ring out as the homeowner Fires at The Intruders leading to an exchange of gunfire the burglars caught off guard quickly Retreat look at them scattered like roaches good rat scrambling to escape the home in a shocking incident that took place in Chicago's Irving Park neighborhood a group of armed home Invaders attempted to force their way into a man's residence yep now miss bridge on YouTube said she's going to be saying say hello to my little friend you want to play you want to play R okay I play [Applause] the video shows three men some armed with Firearms walking through the back gate of a home in the 3,300 block of West Warner the men climb the stairs to the back door and begin trying to anybody not me you look at little chick monk back there with the with the yellow crowbar watch he scared to death watch hold on you got to see it watch little chick monk back there holding the yellow little lollipop the men climb what is that stair to the back door and begin trying to enter [ __ ] however displaying remarkable bravery the victim held the door shut to denying the men entry realizing they could not break in the would be look chick Monk's first one out he's gone he ain't even waiting on his buddies [ __ ] you guys I'm gone you guys you found your way in here you can find your way out he ain't even looking back Intruders eventually fled in rud Deport gang a peaceful neighborhood turned Sinister on a seemingly ordinary evening when a car arrived at a residential property now you see what's happening here the homeowner is not paying attention you got two armed men and the homeowner is in the car backing into their driveway was rearview mirrors optional on this vehicle you don't see them if you were being observant you would see them with a sense of urgency the suspects quickly take action forcefully opening the gate to gain access oh I'm sorry no that's not the homeowner I'm sorry I thought that was a homeowner going in but that's that's the criminals I stand corrected say to the driveway with the gate open the suspects waste no time proceeding to The house's main door and entering without hesitation exactly Cromwell [Music] minutes later the suspects emerge from the house carrying stolen items and quickly Retreat to their awaiting vehicle witness a terrifying incident captured on video during a home invasion a teenager is chased by armed criminals let's delve into the details of this alarming [Music] encounter the security video captures the moment a teen opened the front door only to be confronted by armed Crooks realizing the imminent danger the teen quickly turned and ran attempting to Escape The Intruders while the teen managed to escape temporarily The Intruders returned to the door opening it to let their accomplices inside with the door now fully open the robbing operation began in Earnest The Intruders now inside the home wasted no time they ransacked the house searching for valuables and taking anything of worth they could find their actions were Swift and methodical a bizarre and unsettling incident was captured on security footage a man was caught on camera crawling through a house he was robbing to avoid detection let's take a closer look at this unusual burglary that [Music] figures the security video shows the suspect dressed in dark clothing carefully and methodically crawling across the floor his goal is to move silently and avoid waking any occupants or alerting them to damn where's a mouse trap when you need one his presence I'm just thinking hey Ronan how you doing buddy as he crawls from room to room the man searches for valuables his stealthy approach is evident as he meticulously checks drawers and shelves hoping to find something worth stealing despite his careful movements the suspect gathers several items placing them quietly into a bag his intent is clear get in get what he wants and get out without making a sound a raw and disturbing incident captured by home security cameras a deadly home invasion in series is brought to light as the family releases the footage to raise awareness and seek Justice dead sleep they're dead asleep I swear to God the video begins with The Intruders using a member of the family as a hostage to gain entry into the home the fear and Desperation are palpable as the armed suspects force their way inside with the family member held at gunpoint The Intruders methodically make their way through the house their intentions clear and deadly I'm open I'm open I'm open I'm open it I'm open it what's your name I'm open what's your name in the close-knit community of Modesto a family is Ling with unimaginable loss A young father was senselessly killed leaving a void that can never be filled Seeking Justice the family has released security footage hoping it will lead to the perpetrator's arrest see the guy was complying and they killed him anyway so the man you saw walking with him that was the father they killed him in Warren County's quiet community an ordinary evening took a dangerous turn when four men attempted a bold home invasion surveillance video from the Warren County Sheriff's Office okay this looks like the hood to me I mean why are they breaking in there there ain't nothing to steal what are you going to do steal the window unit I mean I just don't see a lot of expensive jewelry being found at this location just by the look at the what we can see why waste your time Man shows the four men forcibly breaking through the front door of the home with calculated movements they quickly enter intent on their criminal Mission what you're going to get $10 for that TV if that at a pawn shop me no you wouldn't even get 10 bucks for that stupid TV I don't get it the most expensive thing that I see is the screen door right there that they're breaking into well there is some shoes the homeowner alerted by the noise quickly realized the imminent danger armed and ready to protect their property the homeowner took decisive action as The Intruders Advanced further into the house the homeowner fired shots at them the unexpected resist see what having a weapon a gun can do it ends the threat immediately watch these cowards cuz they're cowards watch watch how they scatter and they've got guns as The Intruders Advanced further into the house the home wh watch The Cockroaches owner fired shots at them the unexpected resistance forced The Intruders to fle and here here's what you got to realize look the guy in the pink hoodie who's all the way in the hallway beats the guy in the blue hoodie that's right near the door out the door no [ __ ] watch see see the red hoodie on the left and there's a little blue or black hoodie right there by the door this guy beats that guy out the door when the when the shots are fired watch as The Intruders Advanced further into that right here see that guy the the red hoodie is going to beat that guy to the door house the homeowner fired shots at them the unexpected resistance forced The Intruders to flee thwarting their criminal like screw him you're on your own buddy all I got to do is outrun you a chilling story of a home invasion that occurred on Tuesday July 31st 2018 in Houston Texas at around 9:55 p.m. a woman was approaching the front door of her residence in the 7,000 block of leaders Crossing what began as a routine evening swiftly turned into a nightmare the complainant stated that an unknown black male suddenly approached her from behind without warning he pointed a gun to her head initiating a terrifying ordeal of course it is oh yeah crownwell I'm sure they woman into her own home once inside he zip tied her hands and struck her in the forehead while pressing the barrel of his gun to her head with the woman restrained and vulnerable the suspect began to strangle her demanding money and threatening to shoot her if she didn't comply in pompo Beach's tranquil Community an ordinary evening took a terrifying turn when two armed men stormed in see what I'm talking about this is the kind of [ __ ] that I'm trying to instill into everybody that's watching this stream watch how compliant this guy answers his door be observant ladies and gentlemen they make a peephole for a reason so you can see who's at your front door I don't even need a people I got cameras I just oh some my front door I don't know who that is I ain't going to the door but look at this guy he's too busy on his freaking phone to care about his own personal safety watch this [ __ ] demanding money and threatening to shoot her if she didn't comply in PP look see he's too busy on his phone Beach is Community an ordinary evening took a terrifying turn when two armed men stormed into a home surveillance cameras recorded the entire ordeal revealing the shocking events that unfolded that could have been avoided of course I don't see a peephole on that door do you the footage shows the two suspects forcefully entering the home their faces and gun inside the unsuspecting residents were suddenly thrust into a nightmare The Intruders quickly held the people inside at gunpoint their demands echoing through the house fear and panic gripped the victims as they were forced to comply with the robber's commands a harrowing incident unfolded when armed Intruders confronted a resident the Tranquility of an ordinary day was shattered as three armed males approached a resident outside her apartment her attempt to hide was shortlived as the suspect kicked open the bathroom door inside the apartment a second Resident was already present she too became a victim when one of the suspects struck her causing her to lose Consciousness momentarily the in Intruders ransack the apartment searching for valuables they see several items before fleeing the scene in a white Lexus SUV we have hey guys I've got I've got 24 people in my YouTube and only 15 likes if you would please like the video sub to my channel I'd really appreciate even become a member got L of HS with memberships ladies and gentlemen and they are trying to take away your guns yeah exactly a shocking and violent in anytime a government's trying to take away the citizens guns it's not going to work out well the government has plans where they don't want us armed to share which unfolded in a residential apartment complex it was an ordinary evening when two men stepped out of their apartment unaware that their night was about to take a terrifying turn see they're not observing they're just know whatever you know we've done this a thousand times nothing's ever happened it only takes once please ladies and gentlemen be observant especially if you live in a duplex or an apartment building look around get off your phone and look around as you're walking make sure nobody's following you you're going up the steps if you live on the second floor look behind you look around it does it it takes seconds to scan I do it without even thinking about it now cuz I've law enforcement I pull up to the mall I'm scanning I see the two guys in the van over there and the guy sitting in a pickup truck over there and the guy over there in a little Toyota just sitting in the driver's seat I'm watching where everybody else is going to see the food court the entrance to the mall I see the dumpster I see the little Mexican dude standing next to the dumpster eating a taco and I I see everything except the entrance to the mall never ever ever ever sit in a restaurant with your back to the door I can't do it no matter what restaurant I don't give a damn where I am I never sit with my back to the door I just can't do it you shouldn't do it either if Danger's coming I want to see it before it gets there as they walk down the corridor suddenly two unknown men Rush towards them with alarming speed the attackers intent on causing harm quickly overpowered the unsuspecting residents Ronan yes in the United States you can make a citizen's arrest but only in the in the when there's a felony uh if you're witnessing the commission of a felony yes you can make a citizen's arrest you can't run over and arrest somebody for running a stop sign so but yeah you can make a citizen's arrest you can subdue them you can detain them you can put handcuffs on them until the cops arrive at the scene of course I would check with the laws of the state of New York the state of California the state of Illinois state of Michigan State of all the blue States yeah just make sure that you're not going to get in trouble for making citizens arrest in the blue States yeah zip ties are fine too in a brutal and unprovoked attack the asants set upon the apartment owners delivering a vicious beating the scene was chaotic and violent leaving the victims dazed and injured on Friday March 10th 2023 a distressing incident unfolded in Houston Texas let's explore the details does anybody see a pattern here with this liberal city called Houston Texas yeah you don't want to live in Houston at all it's a big liberal piece of [ __ ] of this alarming home invasion I don't know three unknown males swiftly entered the apartment one of the suspects brandished a handgun forcing the residents to the ground the suspects proceeded to ransack the apartment searching for valuables They seized the complainants Beloved covered $4,000 French bulldog in a particularly heart-wrenching turn law enforcement responded swiftly to the incident launching an investigation into this Brazen home invasion the community was alerted urging vigilance and cooperation to apprehend the perpetrators and recover the stolen pet an unsettling incident occurred in downtown Los Angeles on December 11th 2022 let's examine the details captured by surveillance cameras this [ __ ] right here is probably some gang Rivals that's probably this not a home invasion this is this gang is against that gang and yeah they saw him going into the building of course I don't know that I'm assuming yeah it's the Crips and the blood that let them kill each other let gang members kill each other it's fine it's good for Society at approximately 8:00 p.m. a black Volkswagen Tiguan entered the parking structure in the 1200 Block of South Flower Street surveillance footage from the area captured the vehicle as it followed two victims who had just parked and were heading toward the elevator Lobby okay you know what I take that back I I'm I'm just looking at their body language and the way they're dressed and their shoes and no I I take that back I don't think they're gang members they they look like innocent victims let me get a better look yeah they're not I take that back I I'm just sitting here running my freaking mouth not paying attention they're not gang members these are just innocent citizen victims there's the gang members right there as the victims waited for the elevator the footage shows two armed suspects now see Miss T gun exactly what I meant that's the word I was looking for I don't know how you knew I was looking for that see we're on the same you have ESPN we we're connected I was looking for that word natural selection and I could not make it come up into my hillbilly brain for nothing so thank you for your assistance exiting the passenger side of the Volkswagen Tiguan with handguns drawn they swiftly stormed into the elevator Lobby confronting the victims chill recording captured by an I hope everybody heard me I take it back that that was not gang against gang that those gentlemen were victims yesterday there was a kid who got shot in Maryland school I believe they were fighting and a 15-year-old shot the other you know etern you know when we were kids don't even say you you're not old cuz you are but the worst thing that's going to happen in the in the playground is you're going to get into a little slap fight or something or a a a push struggle don't push me don't push me that's about it right every now and then the fist would swing and you know what the parking lot the student parking was full of 3030 shotguns you know rifles 20 22 all that filled with all these handguns and rifles and shotguns and never never never a shooting just ever now a push a push contest P camera revealing a shocking robbery that took place in an apartment in the dead of night street hockey what a that's a [ __ ] game we played yard darts Anthony we took our live in our own hands throwing yard darts at each other come on street hockey please did you use a rock that you found as the puck we were tough I mean until we got hit with the yard Dart then we turned into a little girl screaming and yelling but other than that before that moment in time we were tough in the quiet of the night an IP camera silently observed as an intruder their face uncovered stealthily entered an apartment you piece of [ __ ] I wish somebody come out and just shoot him in his head the footage reveals the Intruder moving swiftly through the rooms methodically searching for valuables their lack of Disguise adds an unsettling layer of audacity to the crime doesn't that look like a nurser well no cuz that's that's a day bed that okay I thought this chair right here was like a rocking chair for a minute mind the residents unaware of the intrusion until morning were shocked to discover the aftermath and review the chilling footage captured by their no they got lucky they're in the house asleep they were very lucky security system a startling incident was captured on CCTV in Port alurn let's delve into the details of a home invasion that unfolded in the dead of night I have no idea where p alurn is must be another country cuz I have I've never heard of it in the quiet night hours a home in Port Alie became the target of a Brazen intrusion the CCTV footage reveals a figure later identified as a suspected Intruder lurking outside the property under the cover of Darkness the Intruder made their way inside through an unlocked door unaware that the surveillance system was recording every move inside The Intruders rummaged through rooms looking for valuables and interesting items their presence was unsettlingly quiet against a backdrop of the sleeping household it was a quiet evening when two men approached a seemingly vacant house with no one home they saw an opportunity to enter and explore that's not a home invasion that's a burglary [Music] they began searching room by room hoping to find valuables or any and trust me I'd much rather be a victim of burglary than a home invasion thing left behind oh it's in Canada okay thank as they comb through the house they came across various items a few pieces of jewelry some electronics and even a collection of antique items on Saturday night deputy rushed to a 911 call reporting a home invasion in progress on Eden Drive the first deputies arriving at the scene immediately spotted an armed suspect inside the residence and could hear cries of distress emanating from the G area Casey they shouldn't blur them out they menaces to society pieces of [ __ ] don't don't protect their identity as more deputies arrived the situation intensified the garage door suddenly opened and a man bolted out followed by several individuals with their hands tied behind their backs in a desperate attempt to escape two other suspects were seen fleeing out the back of the house you piece of [ __ ] of course of course it's hood rats of course menaces to society with the suspect's apprehend you hear do you hear the homeowners just in such fear they can't even speak they're crying so harded and the victim safely freed deputies learned that a 7-year-old girl was still hiding inside the house they made a tactical entry to search and clear the residence without hesitation in a quiet Suburban apartment complex a typical day is about to be turned upside down meet JN an easygoing Bachelor who just moved into his new home but today Jon's peaceful afternoon is about to be interrupted by an unexpected visitor a Karen okay yeah go no you're going to talk to me more I'm not going to talk about anything you need to get out of my house are they are they right there Karen bar now ladies and G gentlemen he could manhandle her and throw her into the freaking Hall and hallway and close his door and he'd be justified why is not doing that I have no idea unless he's in New York or California's into the apartment without waiting for an invitation John taking her back steps aside as she marches in and begins inspecting the place as if she owns ity get the off my M that's our V look how it's ours this is a picture what are you talking about that's ours Karen's husband tried to pull her out of the apartment she noticed her eyeing something on a shelf despite not owning it Karen insisted on taking it causing even more chaos seeing the situation spiraling out of control the item's owner decided just to hand it over hoping to restore peace and end the mayem that young man's got a lot more patience than I would have cuz that wouldn't happen and no she's not taking my picture even if it's a fake picture I want the frame oh that was it wow she yeah she looked a little as Fred sford would say she wouldn't have got the WWF treatment I would have gotten her out of my residence her husband B said it all po yeah poor guy I sent you a short clip of the shooting yesterday Pat on Discord what's shooting yesterday what shooting oh oh the one at the school okay guys I'll be right back I'm going to go use a little restroom the little girl's room no I don't need to fill this up and then as soon as I'm done powder on my nose I'm going to run outside grab a cigarette and I'll be back stay tuned there's more to come [Music] Miss Miss tun did you miss me I'm I'm back compose yourself I'm it's okay I'm back hi Miss [Music] Bridge you know Miss bridge I think this is the longest yeah it it it's a fact this is the longest you've been in my stream and have not said one word about food and a steak yeah I always look forward to it like okay what kind of steak is she going to come up with next I'm composing myself thank you for going along with my [ __ ] Miss de gun I appreciate it I don't get as embarrassed as much let's go let's continue with this home invasion ready 1 2 three go in January 2024 a woman in Houston Texas was walking back to her apartment when she noticed two Shady figures following her scared for her life the woman picked up her speed trying to reach the door but by the time she got there it was already too late now I I just want to say this is amazing to me because in the 8 to 11 I didn't put a notch in my belt every time we worked a home invasion but I know there was quite a few I I think 8 11 12 I don't remember but never ever at an apartment complex it was always either at a a trailer a mobile home or it was at a residence a a a house I stupid me I I always felt because I never worked one we never had one I just felt who's going to who's going to home invade an apartment if they had anything they would they wouldn't be living in an apartment right that was my justification for it that yeah they're what are they going to steal their new cookware from Walmart I mean seriously yep Trailer part no but there is there there's just some women that were not made for yoga pants and yes she is one of them they somebody needs to buy this young lady a mirror when this incident is over despite having a gun pointed at her the woman fought back Valiant Kicking and Screaming as they tried to assault her and forcibly grabbed the car keys from her hands she was outnumbered and her life was in danger but that didn't stop her from running after them in fact She chased them all the way to the parking lot and stood between the suspects and her vehicle the suspects then took off with just her keys in 2023 the Seattle Police Department responded to an in progress burglary report with the victim trapped inside her house they couldn't risk barging in and risking her life so they had to take things slow and try to reason with the burglars instead un one we got one coming out with one suspect surrendering after the call the Officers knew they had the upper hand and now it was time to head inside and flush the other two suspects out I'm Jack you got hands hands up stand up knowing they were surrounded by the police the suspects were desperately trying to hide inside the house but it was already too late the victim had been rescued and the officers had full control over the situation come here let me see your hands I'm not TR either I was just caught with the wrong all three Suspects were arrested without incident February 2nd 2022 a contractor was working on an empty town home in Texas when a masked man assaulted him with a handgun and pipe forcing him into a bathroom and tying him up well damn the ADT sign did not work there goes my idea scratch that don't go buy an ADT sign [ __ ] didn't work yeah I I see it Bri Miss bridge but there's no video and I can't find anything about it on YouTube live London Kentucky an active shooter I I don't I was looking as as this was playing or anything that has to do with an active shoo in London Kentucky and I don't see anything there's nothing and what you sent me was just an article where there's no video to it looks like an active shooter situation in on I75 numerous people shot wow guys this is what I'm looking at let me just show you real quick this is what Miss Bridge sent me well what happened right there says um yeah active shooter I75 but I'm not check KY State Police I don't know how to if it's not on YouTube I can't get there just say it I'm not that mechanically inclined Miss Bridge you're giving me way too much credit okay so you're sending me something else okay hold on let me get rid of that is this another post or God I hate I hate freaking X there's no video that don't tell me nothing darling I Need video if it's not on video it didn't happen I'm looking guys hold on there it is there now I got something coming down the mountain here we're all going to kind of meet up here oh [ __ ] never mind that's some another streamer trying to be like me soon as I started doing this [ __ ] everybody wanted to copycat night cop yeah let's do videos and [ __ ] like night cop's doing um because nobody was doing this [ __ ] when I started doing it bunch of copycats you're not ugly enough to be like night cop stop it don't even try happy birthday Scott yeah that's what I'm looking for uh border control I'd like to see it but there's nothing about it on YouTube nothing yep Coffey catters no but seriously nobody was doing this [ __ ] I start doing it and everybody and their brother tries to start copying me bastards I don't see anything except that one streamer trying to be like me hey Scott did you get your birthday spanking my birthday was Tuesday so we're both Virgos hi fellow Virgo yeah probably yeah okay let's go tired of wasting time let's go if guys if something comes up on it I will go to it okay the suspect knew what he was doing constantly listening to the police scanner and making sure no one had caught a whiff of what he'd done but he wasn't just there to assault the contractor he was going to steal everything in the town home with the fo news or somebody would already through the place for over an hour eventually fleeing on the vi where is this guy getting his info the truck was found abandoned in a restaurant 1132 but the suspect Got Away in Johannesburg South Africa listen to a broad daylight and walk towards a house with the residents inside their intentions are clear they're going to barge their way in and Rob the [Music] place there's no resistance as the the robbers run to the front door to break into the house well at least that's what it looked like Anyway until they actually got to the door and realized this may be hard doesn't have it Scott where are you seeing that I'm on FOX NOW live now from Fox and they got they got that treasonous piece of [ __ ] running mate of uh obamaa talking I don't see anything something like that would be right at the top too oh here's something hold on hold on I might have something and it's it's literally going to the scene right now in real time so what in the world is uh going on here and why would somebody go into the woods or from the woods start shooting Vehicles it sounds like a sniper type situation but let's look and just see where exactly this Chopper goes to what they're saying is the interstate is close somewhere like from this area to just north of London so this Chopper wherever this Chopper goes it will probably determine where the victims are they're saying several people have been hit so uh we don't know the we don't know um the extent of the injuries at this time but you you can clearly see here that a chopper a medical Chopper Airbus H helicopter h135 um that is um at 2,800 feet right now it is going to the scene to see what in the world is going on yeah this is wild stuff folks so again for people that are coming in there was some sort of sniper shooting on um I75 North of London Kentucky and uh it looks like the chopper the medical this is a fluid situation they have the interstate shut down and um it looks like a medical Chopper right there this is the medical Chopper is going to the scene so we'll see where it goes um I think it's somewhere happened somewhere in here I think it's somewhere in here this is where it happened and whoever the shooter is it's still active and they're saying the shooter is out in the woods so uh between Exit 49 and 41 uh Kathy thank you for that um we are monitoring this and we're going to see what where this uh Chopper goes to um let's zoom in a little bit more and see so uh right off of I75 and the chopper here where's this Chopper going to the chopper right now is at a altitude of 28 according to flight radar the medical Chopper this is a medical Chopper it is at uh 2800 ft it looks like and as of right now it looks like it's just stationary it's just sitting there so it possibly it's off I75 this is definitely related to for sure I mean they wouldn't just bring a medical chopper from um Lexington out to the scene right where the road is closed so numerous people uh some there's reports of the I don't know the extent of injuries but um some something happened where something happened along the interstate along Interstate 75 and then they're saying that the shooter went into the woods so we're going to see we're going to actually see what in the world is going on here come on investigates um th far though I don't see any other like media there or anything like that so we're kind of just this is kind of like I've always said the flight radar I just put Jr's link their YouTube channel in the chat this is their live dream not mine but uh if you want to go sub to his channel I I guarantee he would appreciate it cuz we definitely appreciate the content it looks like the road here is called I'm going to try to get the name of this road but it's in this town called Climax and and wild wild wildy Wy wi l d and it just seems like it's it's it's sitting here um the AL the altitude of this Chopper it's stationary it's still 2,800 feet up so we're trying to get an understanding now it just vanished I don't know what happened here I don't know what happened here just kind of vanished here what in the world happened here let's go back hold on going back I don't know something must have happened to my screen here we'll go back but uh yeah there's some sort something's going on folks in Kentucky right now and uh apparently there has been some sort of of uh shooting that occurred along I75 so we're getting information we're Gathering Insight um I played the scanner um of this Kentucky shooter as we started the broadcast um but more and more people are saying uh okay so they're calling it a mass shooting okay so they're calling it a mass shooting here some there's some people uh sharing some we're going to share this right here but apparently there has been some sort of mass shooting maybe breaking news there's currently a mass shooting on I75 Interstate 10 people have been shot I75 in Laurel County Kentucky four people shot at a gas station off of the highway the shooter uh is shoting the area police scanners is reporting that there might be two Shooters so let's turn this up a little bit and see what we got going on here the treasonous Liberals have to have their gun control before the election that's what it's all about it's all planned out don't buy into this [ __ ] now it's a real shooter but it's not random it's planned we're getting we're within 60 days of the election they're trying to push gun control again you know they do it every four years come on we should be used to right now they're gonna it'll increase even more as minion said it's all [ __ ] well it's not [ __ ] but it's planned multiple people down all right so it's just the scanner in general so we're we're we're getting information Magnolia is feeding me the information we're going to try to get a feed up if one becomes available to find out what's going on but stay with us fol we're going to see what in the world is going on here um uh we're seeing what's going on turn this scan on okay so yeah scanner scanner so we're going to I want to play the broadcastify scanner right here and have the scanner on and we're just going to listen from where they were trying to hit him off on the patch road we need to find one of those units so we can put a KSP unit for aircraft and for communications we have no idea what they're doing or what's happening for this is the Laurel County scanner 85 619 and the rest of guys that are with them the way come down on top of the guy from where he's heading north they be heading south they should run into him I believe so is going to be on the south side of where the subject was saying our on the north side of where we have no way to communicate with the so we need to get a radio with them so we don't have those guys potentially P weapons to each other and having something tragic 8578 we have a drone above us now the suppos to be thank you sir yeah it's it's definitely Theo uh Crow minion shirt and beard andard all right we're going to listen to it while I gather up some updates and we're just going to listen to the scanner folks together and uh see what in the world is going on I'm just going to hold up this [Applause] photo so it's definitely still a fluid situation and guys this is the channel we're watching this is jlr investigates I just put his link to his YouTube channel in my chat go give this young man a sub subscribe to his channel you or at least like his video on uh 909 stated that the male subject was heavy set heavy set and was wearing a blue shirt heavy set M heavy set has a beard is wearing a blue shirt can we just say what it is heavy set no there's this fat bastard running down the road that we're looking for why you got don't sugarcoat it heavy set no he's a fat piece of [ __ ] so it's conflicting about maybe there might be two SHO this is what wased by he's heavy set witness mean right now they're debating whether the person has no shirt or one shirt they're talking about a heavy set person with a beard and a blue shirt or someone without a shirt with their hat backwards a trip think this is they're debating a littleit on you know witness accounts now this happened right off the 49 truck stop in this area I'm looking for any other coverage on this guys 78 got low point and little my my thoughts exactly true in this area this which is Highway [Music] 909 check some coverage we're going to continue to listen you know Trooper they have they have treadmills at the YMCA Food For Thought I know I brought four four Shooters four damn the Democrat have been doing a lot lot of uh planning and recruitment and what do you want to bet they're all transgenders yeah heavy police presence right off of uh it looks like the 49er truck stop yeah thank you I'm show it to you on the map here let me see if I can get it up on the map we have a than the black SUV we got black SUV all got so people that just jumping in come on in we got a we got a situation unfolding right now in Kentucky several people have been shot near Interstate 75 in Laurel County Kentucky according to Laurel County Sheriff's Office I75 is closed at Mile Mark and us25 also the second is described as a black Mustang with black wheels travels North on 25 tell Bud Mustang wheel a between people or something like that looks like they're for multiple vehicles too course it could be now guys Cromwell said some or asked something that's pretty small smart that I hadn't thought about cuz I'm so geared into knowing that the Democratic treasonous pieces of [ __ ] are going to be planning a lot of shootings between now and the election but Cromwell said could this just be some small town group of [ __ ] tards uh just doing target practice and a little too close to the no it's not that but it could be a road rage incident 49er truck stop 49 49 49er truck stop people have been shot so it's not like target practice in the woods next to a gas station Go sir people are saying in the chat four killed and that is circulating on Twitter innocent people will not go home tonight AG Joseph couch there throw a name out there but they said it might be he might be cleared so people are coming in the chat we got a situation right now in Kentucky right off of I75 apparently there's been some sort of shooting and they're looking for the shooter uh it happened here don't know if they need to bring L 49er truck stop connects to 909 and they said some Vehicles maybe left 25 or the shooter could possibly be still in the woods a lot of conflicting information also as you heard the scanner it looks like two different descriptions I like this this jlr investigate two different descriptions of go sub to his channel guys it's right there I put it in the chat again great Channel I watch this guy we are listening in real time folks thank thank you Scott I appreciate it I'm sure he does just to show you what the general area looks like around truck stop it is heav so apparently there's a shooter out in the wood that's the conflict that's the information that's being put out there don't know the accurate you know but they're putting the information out there that there somebody went in the woods after the shooting so we're talking about this area right here they got the whole whole Interstate shut down and multiple people shot 49 trucks stopped and uh if you zoom in 49 truck stop so this is the area apparently somebody may be shot multiple people went into the woods here as you see heavily wooded area we are listening to the scanner Cooper no not in little Kentucky this is not New York or not in LA or Chicago or Dallas not St Louis uhuh no we're in in the the suburbs and and the Backwoods of Kentucky MS13 couldn't even navigate there I tried they they'd have to hire a coyote to get them there this is the area just pass to turn off and drop over the hill to the water plant or mu just pull in over the hill yeah but Eternal this is out in the middle it's either a road rage incident gone really bad so it's in this general or it's been planned by the treasonous Democrats some sort of control is four died but we don't know the extent of how many people actually died and and definitely people got shot we could see the chopper coming in the med you really miss Bridge said gun casings ear earlier they [Music] said yeah I'm going with the ladder too I doubt it's a road rage incident Ridge they said something about a ridge can you uh I'm not saying there's nothing to it because I don't know but just hear me out do you guys realize the last three shootings including the school shooting just the other day all all the had four dead four four victims and several injured I what what's with the the four we got four dead here we had four dead in the school shooting the other day and four dad done the shooting before that I I'm just saying I'm just pointing something out it may not mean nothing but I look at [ __ ] like that like hm four four four okay like I said I could be way off base color me stupid if I am called the 49 truck stop and it is starting to get exactly Cromwell exactly Cromwell on YouTube said no they want a royal roal ro ro roof incident so small town folks will want gun control this is the truck stop Mr Wolf thank you for subbing to my YouTube very much it's named after the mile marker I think it's Laurel County here's the inside the truck stop and we're listening to the scanner no no Trooper we're not going to get you an Almond Joy just calm the hell down has put out and said uh stay away from the area stay away from the area do you really have to say that there's a there's a shoot out there but they say stay away from you don't have to tell me to stay away from the area all you have to do is tell me there's gunfire there why I'm not a cop anymore I'm not going towards the the gunfire do you really need to say that well yeah there's a lot of stupid people oh there's a oh let's go load up in the van let's head that way you oh miss miss BR you need a Mars bar that's something I ain't eaten in year I think I was like 18 19 the last time I had a Mars bar to the scanner got nuts don't as we listen to the sometimes you feel like a nut have a situation sometime you don't say some of about power lines guys don't forget to like the video please Chopper that would give me the thumbs up on this video on this live stream it really helps afterwards well it helps during the live stream too well we do have a chopper here private owner but so far like we when we first start when I just showed you about 10 minutes ago we were let me see we were looking just East just north of London Kentucky between London and this channel is jlr investigates I just put his link back in the chat go give him a sub subscribe to his Channel or at least like the video I'd really appreciate it my God I'm using his content so there's not a so I really appreciate if everybody go over there and sub to his Channel or at least like it but we have the scanner on and then say in this chat hello from night toop 35 night ahead also folks it's about to get dark so that's another Factor too might make it harder for law enforcement if someone is out in the woods that's going to be a [ __ ] you're G to have to get K9 and helicopters in there to find them in all that W so let talk uh and I see a lot of things coming in so I'm not reading all the comments like that it's very hard to see what we are uh seeing so basically is uh the reports are multiple people have been shot they're saying 10 and then they keep saying four have been killed at a gas station which would be the 49 49er gas or the truck stop didn't you have an interview with this guy no I'm well let me tell you something my buddy jlr investigates doesn't even know I'm on the planet he has no clue I exist so no I've never I would love to but no I never have was a sniper at the gas station the 49er G uh truck stop gas station and they were saying a sniper took shots at people there I don't know who Okay Trooper if it's if it's a a problem about a parking lot why is there four Vic I think they'd only be arguing over one parking place not four just saying and there's also conf could be multiple people I'm going to I'm going to bet money this is all about the treasonous piece of [ __ ] Minister Society Democrat liberals absolutely that's what it's about to the railro tracks [Music] and they look how close we are to the election ladies and gentlemen you've seen nothing yet wait till they get started this is just the beginning of the mass shootings and the explosions and the chaos they're going to be dressing the black lives matter and and antifa they'll be all dressed up as Trump supporters out there burning down buildings before it's over trust me you ain't seen [ __ ] yet okay the Hazel patch uh people are saying uh there might be some railroad tracks now Hazel patch let me see I can see railroad tracks is it off a Highway 25 I'm looking I see the Wood Creek all right they want a description they want a description happened here folks come on in this guy gives awesome coverage of this [ __ ] it doesn't he I mean look look at all the work he's putting into this this is great I really like this guy I watch him when I'm not live streaming for this uh so soall shooter or Shooters in this general area 49er Fuel Center yeah intersection of 909 and 25 is right here let's zoom in a little bit 49er Fuel Center 47 yes please I'm just looking for other coverage on this I'm wondering if he's 20 to Silver did you guys know that AR15 shell cases I I just I just want to throw it out there does everybody know that Elton John great musician but Elton John has endorsed president Donald J Trump I don't know if you guys have heard that yet but he did here I I'll actually put it on layers so for people that want to know where this is we'll zoom out just so you know uh this is uh just south yes really and and he's not even an American one of the best damn singers in the world but he's not he's he's um yeah he's Brit he's either British or no he's British Elton John is British I guess I was thinking about Selene Dion course no she has not endorsed Trump but Elton John did star still star power no matter where he's from hell yeah Elton John I've been listening to Elton John since I was like 14 years old [ __ ] The Beetles [ __ ] the Beatles Can't Stand those pie now I I do like um Paul McCartney he's the only one that was worth the [ __ ] out of that whole freaking band is closed so rock completely I mean I don't know what the alternative route is but both sides of the highway my favorite song that he ever did was candle in the dark or something you know the JJ dfr thank you buddy that sounds like a cop game oh that's lfdr or something but anyway candle in the night or C the one with Marilyn Monroe it's the Marilyn Monroe song Anybody know what the name of that is you guys probably don't even know what I'm talking about but it's Marilyn Monroe and he did his whole oh yeah that's it can In The Wind that man I can listen to that song and I have over and over and over great freaking song of course he's got like hundreds of awesome songs but I just love Candle in the Wind truck stop the reports was whoever did this went out into the woods all right Magnolia sending me some information so we want to get the accurate information and what is being put out there so stay with me Princess Diane absolutely Susan you're exactly right I forgot about that thank you okay so uh this is some information that is on um people are tweeting it kind of sounds like what we've heard about the multiple vehicles and multiple descriptions of suspects but what they what this person shooter plural they are estimating at least four active Shooters Goodbye Yellow Brick Road I forgot all about that song to Vernon Kentucky area sounds like they are driving and look I I'm just going to tell you when I was 14 15 and 16 and 17 first of all I had all the bgs records because that was the Saturday Night Fever era right so after Saturday Night Fever came out they released this album it was all about I never liked the Sergeant Pepper lonely heart club band [ __ ] but I had all the bgs and I had every every record and I'm talking about a record not a CD or a cassette a record of every Elton John album out there I had them and I had um Billy Joel every record Billy Joel had ever put out I don't know what happened they just got lost through the years I I don't have many more but I had a big old box just you could just thumb through the albums no [ __ ] I never lik wood see a lot now I think she's gorgeous I think she has a beautiful ass but I just never bought one of their albums Pat it's LSPD thank you Todd that okay so the ATF Louisville that's that's the library I was looking for Todd team or team if they are just I need to know where they're at but they're not those teams back to the CP if they we are live again here's his link to his channel I'm putting it back in there tweeted this out ATF so this is a big big deal team go give this man a a subscri subscribe to his Channel or like his video at least okay jlr investigates there's his link to his YouTube ATF is getting involved ladies and gentlemen if ATF is getting involved that's going to eliminate any road rage incident or parking lot Battle okay ATF yeah Democrat set this [ __ ] up you damn right they did bringing ATF within 40 minutes of a shooting yeah the treasonous idiots set this [ __ ] up found the right victims to pose as the shooters oh yeah yeah what road thank you uh lee I appreciate it buddy because this guy's an awesome streamer I watch him when I'm not live streaming I mean not every day but when he got something coming up and I'm not live streaming I'm watching Yeah so basically is uh we're listening as this is unfolding folks come on in jlr investigate so what they're saying is they're looking into the woods 49er truck stop area I Miss Susan you said more of a mouthful than you understand what because you're exactly you just you just pinned the the tail on the donkey you remember that saying oh yeah you just pinned it 49er truck stop folks come on in go ahead Johnny tell her what she's won okay so you just won an all expense B there's no [Music] [Applause] Cho be down in this general area here there's no law enforcement Toppers in the sky this is pretty wild 49 breaking news that we are getting word of at this moment a shooting near the I75 in Kentucky I'd like to put up this tweet here from the governor Basher is saying this Kentucky we are aware of a shooting on I75 in Laurel County Law Enforcement has shut the interstate down in both directions at Exit 49 please avoid the area we will provide more details once they are available so a little bit more context as to this a developing story that we are monitoring here at live now from Fox the shooting being investigated in Kentucky near I75 the Laurel County Sheriff's Office first put out an alert around 6:45 p.m. local time to avoid I75 in a particular area in London Kentucky due to an active shooter situation the office said in a post on Facebook that quote numerous persons had been shot but didn't elaborate the mayor of London Randall wed also posted on his official Facebook page to avoid the area until further notice a governor Andy Basher as I had mentioned saying his office was aware of a shooting on I75 and said law enforcement had shut down the interstate in both directions again this is the developing story and still we are working to get more information another tweet here from the governor saying I am receiving initial reports from the Kentucky State Police and our office of Homeland Security together we are actively monitoring the situation and offering support in any way possible please pray for everyone involved it's just one of those breaking news situations that we are going to monitor throughout this evening we don't have too many details on exactly how many people were shot if anybody was critically injured or if anyone has died we are working to get all of that again we are monitoring the Facebook pages and also social media pages local law enforc agencies and local okay that wasn't live I just I jumped on it too quick okay so let's go back over officials I don't hear any sound I haven't blocked it or anything it sounds up but he's just not saying nothing right now and guys while we have a minute do me a favor please put I don't know if you guys remember Texas Outlaw and uh Twisted Angel Twisted Angel's brother and her sister-in-law their trailer caught on fire night before last and they lost everything so if you would keep them in your prayers um I don't remember their names but uh Texas Outlaws family members and um Twisted Angels family members definitely need the prayers so if you would please keep them in your prayers I wish I remember wait did he put it he may have sent that on uh I just always like to have the name let's see no I don't see anything there's Twisted Angel let's see it's Amy Carol Pebbles p PE had I known that I would have been given Texas a lot more [ __ ] Amy Carol Pebbles Crystal and Mikey if those are not hillbilly names I don't know what is but put them in your prayers even Pebbles I was I I was going to break out in laughter if one of them was named Bam Bam really I I was going to start laughing but all kiding aside Amy Carrol Pebbles Crystal and Mikey put him in your prayers please okay I don't know what happened to the sound of this oh [ __ ] I know what happened to the sound I didn't put Play2 also give us a head count on any unit or now unit is a sheriff's office unit2 I I was Are you seriously six to 10 dead not terrorism I don't know mag be terrorism be terrorism just know this if it's terrorism it was done by the illegal pieces of [ __ ] that the Democratic party led into our country so they still planned it they just used the illegal aliens to do it alternative routes there it's in this general area here was this terrorism I mean this does fit the definition of terrorism I mean really go to the cop3 in the woods he's in the woods now I disagree with him this doesn't fit terrorism at all is this a mass shooting absolutely planned by the Democrats yeah probably absolutely but terrorism no when they do an act of terrorism they're going to take out more than just six little individuals or four individ they're going to take out the masses so no I I disagree you don't have to agree with me but but I do not think this is Terrorism the woods folks no I don't think it's domestic terrorism local that did this somebody that came out of the woods and went to this truck stop to do this and why here why at the 49er truck stop okay let me answer his question he said why here because the onramp and the offramp e Escape yeah they probably hit the woods where they had a car parked went right around got on the interstate and they they're probably 60 M Away by now easy in Easy Out is why here I'm just looking at it as a law enforcement officer at a bird's eye view saying don't ask that question it's obvious how many agree with me how many disagree multiple people shot folks now people are saying six to 10 dead yeah mass shooting now don't take to what I said to heart because I I don't know I'm just giving you my professional opinion it may come out it was terrorism what we do very seriously doubt it say that they found AR-15 shell casing yeah it's a mass shooting heard on now had he said they found bomb fragments then I okay it might be ter no AR-15 no that's a mass shooting 995 99 909 25 Jun that's their Command Center all right so their Command Center is at 90925 Junction that's right here I'll show it to you this and what comes next this is where their Command Center would be well I mean I but it sounds at this point time that they do not have uh the shooter if they did they would put that out just to kind of calm people down9 that's all great right there but I don't I can't stand CNN and I don't want them on my stream so I just realized that's CNN communist News Network Clinton News Network the clown News Network whatever you want to say but they're pieces of [ __ ] they should be flown to Iran and dropped off this will be years there see what you think command centers right here North Laurel 909 and 25 it's right down the street from am I yeah because I paused it thank you thank you who said that thank you TR yeah earlier I paused it and yeah so now we're back to the live area come on don't start screwing up on me let me see if I can get it back up didn't like me going that far ahead did it of course they are the first ones on scene who's the first one on scene medical Chopper who Bridge oh CNN yeah of course they were probably set up six blocks down the road at the next shot at a gas station killed but they say 10 people shot four and 10 that's what that's the early reports that we're getting now four and 10 that I I'll show you the map again let me see if the um what in the world is going on here so this is the 49 truck stop this is where this uh thing happened exit 41 uh 41 to 59 is closed exit 41 to 59 so you're talking uh 18 miles 18 miles of the interstate is closed from 41 to 59 so they got a significant amount of the interstate that's that's 18 miles closed that's a big big deal folks now they could do it because you know that's the way that people can detour trucks and everyone but they got 18 miles of the Interstate closed I think it's probably from here because they have it here it's already it's already on Google Maps they already have the shooting on Google Maps this is the area where it seems like it happened all in this area and there's a large police presence let's see uh I got a report here I'm going to read this report here this is from um um the Carrier Journal an active shooter situation has CED internate Interstate 75 near London Kentucky closed to be shut down there is an estimated four to six victim with The Courier Journal around she's on the the uh the city council at comilla about a half hour ago they say four to six victims he didn't have additional information about those who were shot the shooter has not been called no [ __ ] offal are still working on a very active scene Pennington said more than an hour after the Laurel County Sheriff's Department first reported the shootings on social media we have no clue where he is at he he okay so shooter is a male he said about investigators progress on tracking down the suspect the shutdown is near Exit 49 and about n miles north of London according to offici so it's uh 90 miles south of Lexington in Eastern Kentucky has a population of the area has a population of 62,000 includes parts of the Daniel Boon National Forest Laur County Sheriff's Office is leading the investigation with assistant from several other agencies including Kentucky State Police ATF uh has also tweeted out out that is the information so they're still looking uh air air uh um air chopper for uh medical here let me go I miss uh Bridge just sent me something I don't know if this is video or just a she just loves x I can't stand X come it's doing that let me go over here still doing it over there yeah yeah screw the about the oh my God we didn't even think about that that's Northbound traffic being rerouted from 75 on to 25 look like some purple hair and green hair people who think they're women when they're really men are blocking traffic on the Interstate but that's not the case today this is not a transgender protest those mental unstable pieces of [ __ ] that should seek medical help immediately this is I75 about the 41 mile marker that's Northbound traffic being rerouted from 75 on the 25 oh my God imagine if it was a Wednesday all those loads going from east to west and west to east yeah damn of course you don't really have to worry about east to west but right now west to east is all backed up or from north to south is backed up this is I75 about the 41 mile marker oh is it on northb traffic rerouted from 75 yeah you're right it's on a loop leave it up to miss bridge to send me a loop to Loop thank you Miss Bridge trying to make me dizzying we're going to see what transpires here um let me see what uh Magnolia said in the chat she's feeding me information as it [Music] goes something about a suicidal male folks Magnolia just said local media is complete garbage there's no local media out there CNN made it out there though didn't they they were camped out just miles away right waiting for it to happen yeah this shit's plannned by the Democrat about a suicidal male with a gun no Say It Isn't So it'll turn out to be a transgender male we get you 41 and remember you heard it here first a transgender mail is responsible probably where the interstate starts to that hadn't been confirmed but I'm just saying going by history it's going to be a traffic nightmare I mean now you're talking about at least an almost like two hours now uh where both sides of the interstat has been closed I mean I can't imagine how far this is backed up is it easy to not really not easy to make me dizzy just play some rap music and I'll get nauseated and dizzy quick I'm gonna go back on the flight radar and see um I'm gonna go back to the flight radar and see if we got anything absy in the area above let me go to flight radar and see bear with me I go to Flight Radar 24 yep we got a chopper in the area folks all right so we got a chopper just north right off the interstate we have a chopper in the sky let's see what this Chopper is we have a chopper right here and this Chopper is a uh oh look Kentucky State Police Chopper all right so we have a Kentucky state police Chopper at 2600 ft and it is uh right here so that's that's zero in now turning around does it have on the top of it catch it right now wild just went down on side side in with a Str I guess get people out of here okay got all right so I'm GNA follow the chopper because the chopper you know is out there so this might be the general area they think this shooter is this is a Kentucky state Charley O'Neal thank you for subbing to my YouTube very much so the Choppers headed towards Buck Creek trophy white taals this is all bridge I think they said what really going to screw him up is if he stops and put on a white T-shirt oh that'll screw the investigation up to hell in back won't it what's going oh that's not him we're looking for a a shirtless let him go hunker down because this is a situation where you might have a Madman running on the loose so just if you have children or whatever like that keep them maybe indoors a little bit because whoever did this seems like they had yeah just keep them indoors a little bit barge into someone's home to try to seek Sanctuary so if you're out there Kentucky if you're listening uh Hunker your Hunker your kids down and and protect your you know life and Liberty and property like I inside your home but here Liberty and LaVine this is a Kentucky State Police Chopper correct so this is I75 now this is the command center right here this no they haven't offered that yet ET they haven't even caught up with him yet he's probably 70 80 miles down the road by now stay indoors folks stay indoors see the Democrats have been learning from their mistakes I didn't hear anything about casualties all I'm hearing is four to six shot no no nothing on casualties they probably had a vehicle down there in the woods they went behind the truck stop went down the path got in the car and left seems like this is where the shooting occurred right here of course I don't know that I'm making all this [ __ ] up I have no idea the command center and then you have this Chopper oh we got a command center it's Kentucky State Police Chopper we got a command Command Center area here I'm just wondering whoever did this are they out in the woods around here um I have no idea if there's residential yeah I have no idea either probably a bunch of mobile homes scattered throughout that wooded area and we're just gonna we're just going to monitor this I don't think this is too far from the blue blue grass uh Turnpike is that what it's called the Blue no not Blue Grass the BL scanner is quiet yeah it is the Blue Grass turn no that's not it there's a Turnpike out there you got to pay to go down but this is the scene right here where this shooting occurred Command Center here Chopper over here I'm just looking for other coverage on it I don't see anything is it the Bluegrass Parkway or no it's the Bluegrass Turnpike wait I'm a shirtless man I Didn't Do It Chopper is like right there staying put I mean from the time of the shooting I don't know the distance here but you figure that uh let me see what Magnolia says in the chat she's feeding me information as it's breaking through so we can keep everyone updated on uh you know where they're where they're searching and everything let's see let me see uh 18 miles of I75 are closed between Mount Vernon and London as are several side roads in the area as police search for the shooter State Police got reports that Vehicles were let me move this one over I got something else that Miss Bridge just sent me she's Miss bridge is my press secretary for those who didn't know blacking randomly onot time yeah that was jlr investigat what was the name of the street somebody's observing a man without a shirt firing randomly templey Road or something you get a head of it's not on the roadway that's down here that's that's in the woods if they're on the roadway they're they're blocking the road I'm good to go I just need to know who's in the woods right now hear that they're wondering which law enforce which law enforcement or I got a call on the line from County Road you can observe a male great driving Vans no shirt car a black rifle firing randomly he's on foot really what was the name of the street somebody's observing a man without a shirt firing randomly Temple Road or something to get a head count of that's not on the uh roadway that's down here that's that's in the woods if they're on the roadway blocking the road I'm good to go I just need to know who's in the woods right now he that they're wondering which law enforce which law enfor well yeah so there's not friendly oh is this loopy got call the line from 8 County Road can observe a mail my press secretary has sending it keeps sending me for a loop H my press secretary is unreliable tonight so we're just going to stay with JR investigates because my press secretary is a little loopy tonight sorry find interesting about the Kentucky State Police Chopper this is a Kentuck for people that are coming in police Chopper n421 and it is uh hovering at 2400 ft yeah just wait till you send me a pck I need a St pick look at this a behind view this is the flight track of the chopper but here here's where it seems like and happen right around here by the 49 the command Center's right here in this Chopper 140 all right see what Magnolia said in the chat come on in folks we are monitoring um I don't understand why he keeps holding his phone so here's here's something interesting this person nick uh put out uh Seattle balling put out on the scanner and this is the information that they put out they put out scanner said scanner said they got a call about a man with the last name of couch who has military experience amid said he was going to k a lot of people active shooter on I75 follow for more so do we have a situation with a guy named couch sounds like clickbait to me with military experience what do we got going on no I'm saying why does he keep showing us that same picture on his phone that's all I was asking keep an eye out on that but that that looks like clickbait you know the scanner sometimes is hard to hear they're not going to announce the guy's name over a freaking scanner over the radio we got cell phones they'd call the officer and say this what we who we're looking for they're not going to release that kind of information to the public right now so that looks like clickbait to me but again I could always be wrong it's happened before most of the time couch oh is that oh okay so he's not I ke I was thinking he kept holding up this picture for us to look at I'm like it's the same picture we' I've already seen that P that makes sense that he's using the scanner okay thank who said that uh he's using the phone thank you Eternal that makes more sense is going more North Nothing Gets By Me until it does yeah Power okay so um there's a name there's a name that's being circulated by the name of Joseph couch Joseph C couch Magnolia if you could go in the chat and see if there's a Joseph couch that that name at reports that he shot from the overpass at people's windshield AC uh the L the main shooter his name was uh card Robert card okay so um any sleuths out there that can find out if there's a Robert couch that lives in this general area uh maybe he's from the woods yeah we can send him a postcard of a graveyard and down at the bottom it says wish you were here this book I would just say put Joseph couch London maybe Kentucky and let's see if if we can identify the suspect while we're live Joseph couch people are saying it's it's circulating more and more Cromwell I would have been more impressed if you would have sung it with the ABC song as the music the background music there's one in Lexington well that's a popular name I mean I'm sure there is some Jo Joseph couches in the in the area but it it's interesting because this Chopper this where the 49 trck than you g it's focusing around here so I'm just wondering relice refences I'll call you right us Fox CNN wants to be the first one to announce that [ __ ] and see since it's going out on Twitter or X how do they know his name unless I mean unless he's been at the FBI office you know four or five times like Trump shooter was um how do they know his name so quickly it reminds me of 911 how they knew Osama Bin Laden within 20 minutes of the tower being hit they had the name H I'm just throwing it out there sound like a setup plan to me does the shooter live nearby you working your way to the power line now thank you gamer Tron just SUV Hazel patch Ro said so the Choppers in this general area hey Magnolia screenshot um that and send it to me because whoever whatever you sent to me has me blocked for some reason I don't know why okay so the uh we have a suspect folks we have a suspect it looks like they they the helicopter's circling a parameter you know like you would with the yellow police tape you section it all off but it looks like the pattern of that helicopter it's over this one small little area Laurel County 911 Center Joseph couch H and how the hell did they know that before Fox News and [ __ ] yeah oh they even got a picture of it Joseph C I'm not falling for that [ __ ] again miss Bridge Joseph couch folks all right so I'm gonna hold this picture up I'm going to uh update something here stay with me they got the picture before the officers got him in custody see you got to read between the lines they don't have this guy in custody how in the hell do they know that's him and how do they got to this has got treasonous Democrats written all over it give me just a second they might be in his General neighborhood Joseph couch God damn it Trooper tell you what PH couch Joseph couch you seen this guy in the area contact authorities if this guy comes to your door this guy uh says anything shut up Trooper all right the BV I said talking about my red Billy language so Joseph a couch Joseph a couch uh Person of Interest he's 32 years old so if anyone has the EV verifies or anything like that Joseph a couch um 32 years old from that area that's who they're looking for they're looking for this guy right here in connection with the shooting um at over the overpass 909 and 7 five and they are out there does anybody in the audience find this more than suspicious that they got the guy they do not have him in custody they got a shooting with victims they're looking for a suspect and all of a sudden they've got his name his blood type his picture his mama's maiden name I mean is is it just me or does anybody else find this suspicious Joseph a couch start digging who is he where's he come from and you've noticed it's it's a white male oh yeah they they get tired of these trans doing all the shooting they had to find a white male of course he could be in transition for all I know I don't know nothing about the hillbilly dude purchased an AR-15 this morning whoa folks did you hear that they know he purchased an AR-15 just this morning but they don't have him in custody they're looking for it how do ladies and gentlemen do not be brainwashed and buy into this [ __ ] okay this is [ __ ] send put that address in Magnolia and send a link to that address I'm scared to click on it I don't need a loop to Loop all right so this guy do it just for the hell of it to East is a last chance you get darling this is it this is Mary wed uh many of you are aware that we currently have a situation just north of town at the Exit 49 I would like to say at this time that um all of our First Responders are safe I've been in communication with may all the ones that I possibly can at this time they're giving me regular updates the uh suspect or suspects have not been apprehended at this time but they are searching for them um currently command post set up at the 909 and us25 and I want to first thank all of our First Responders law enforcement Rescue Squad uh the Laurel County Sheriff's Department the state police the FBI everybody that's assisting in this uh the governor bashir's office who has reached out uh as well as the White House we thank everybody for their prayers uh their support throughout the community thank you as well and just keep our First Responders in your prayers we don't even know what we I want to give everybody again the uh the subject or subjects have not been apprehended but they are searching for them where they are currently that is some rugged terrain and a lot of tree lines if you guys know northern part of Laurel County it's just is what it is uh but I'm confident they will will uh apprehend them we are asking everybody in the city of limons to be vigilant and know what your surroundings if you're home keep your doors locked I'm not asking anybody to panic there is no immediate danger here in the city but again could you imagine the mayor he said he just said I'm not asking anyone to P could you imagine if he came on okay guys it's kind of mandatory that everybody listening to this starts panicking it's time to panic you see how politicians talking [ __ ] circles do you think we need to hear you say thank you to the law enforcement thank you for the First Responders thank you for the fire say that [ __ ] later when the when the idiots are caught dumbass and he's got some big titties and while these guys or this person is on the loose we asking everybody to be safe if you're out and about just be vigilant we want to try to keep everybody in this community safe and uh we do have uh the Manchester PD they have came over to assist us we want to thank the mayor and the PD there and the chief of police send those unit to us um and all the other surrounding counties and City police departments offered to help in some way this goes back to showing you what a great great state that we live in what a great community that we live in and all the residents that's asked what can we do uh your city council members thank you for texting and finding getting updates and checking on our men that is currently out of uh searching for this individual or individuals uh currently they were seven I'm being told seven people that was injured not all of them was gunshots some of them was due to an accident there is no deceased at this time time no one was killed from this thank ask continue to pray watch my Facebook watch the city Facebook we'll update you as the night progresses uh I told our men that I won't go home until they yeah yeah you're a piece of [ __ ] politician shut the [ __ ] up I don't give a [ __ ] what he's got but I think I think he forgot to say thank you to the city council members yes he did he didn't I didn't hear that [ __ ] dumb ass and Miss tun said something very interesting the man in the post doesn't look like a heavy set man with a beard to me remember they were say oh it's a heavy set man with a beard then all of a sudden somebody found a photo of the guy they're looking for how do they know who they're looking for they haven't captured the gunman yet how do they know who's the gun the Deep State told him who the gunman was what happened to the four suspects it was supposed to be four Shooters now they're just looking for one white male who's probably end up a trump supporter who just got home off vacation from Alaska don't even know what the hell's going on people yeah we'll what yes it is shut up Trooper I'm going to slop the [ __ ] out of you in a minute you're irritating damn it is live it's as far right as it can [Music] get yeah and and it's dry cleaners either that that's wrong mun where did this uh Chopper go not thank your your dry cleaners monitor in the area your titties would have looked a lot worse buddy if your dry cleaners didn't clean that damn jumpsuit you have on and listening to the scanner here yeah see crom thank you Cromwell I was trying to remember what that incident was that it took a month to reach out there everybody with the polluted water and because of the train derailment right you just handed it to me thank you Palestine Pennsylvania but yeah within an hour of this [ __ ] happening or maybe two hours now the White House has reached out that tells me that mayor is one treasonous piece of [ __ ] liberal because he me oh yeah the white we've been in contact with the White House yeah your little butt buddy Biden okay got it all quiet right now but you know we are coming through the power lines and we're going to come out de your little that the I don't know where that came from it just spewed off my lips White House reached out gee I didn't gee didn't I post the Camala wanted to get ahead of yes you did Susan obamaa is [Music] I [Applause] know yeah t gun exactly it's all random [ __ ] that we plan ACC telling you I know how law enforcement works and and and law enforcement doesn't work that way we don't get the suspect all his information when we're hunting for him you know like two suspects rob a damn convenience store and take off in the woods behind the convenience store we don't have their name and their their their picture and all that [ __ ] we're looking for them to find out who it is but all of a sudden they got this white male all his info that's the shooter earlier it was bearded dude with a extra extra extra large shirt and then no shirt Joseph A yeah it's definitely not adding up Eternal I was thinking in the beginning it's probably if it happened at a truck it's probably a road rage thing both of them exited this guy followed he started shooting he started shooting the other one took off and the other one jumped out of the car and hit the woods that's what I figured well not 100% but if it wasn't planned by the treasonous piece of [ __ ] Democrats it had to be a road rage incident are how come all your examples Trooper have to end in food have you ever noticed that of couch I'll show you his picture again yep Osama bin live did it yeah buddy we are monitoring and listening he changed his name to CCH is right here this is Joseph they know who did it now so that's who they're looking for Joseph a couch a AR uh 15 and 200000 rounds earlier today and now went up to the about about two hours now we've been on an hour and 25 minutes and uh took shots at innocent people driving along I75 9 so we're monitoring the scanner right now to try to get info anytime they have this kind of information before they even got the suspect in custody a red flag should be blinking off and on like a neon sign above your head don't fall for this brainwash [ __ ] I keep now don't get me wrong it could all come to pass that all this is true and I'm a I'm 100 % wrong but I don't think so it should none of this is adding up I know how law enforcement works we have no clue who these suspects are until we get them into custody and ID them and all of a sudden they know who did it and he's in the woods what happened to the four Shooters what happened to the big guy without a shirt I mean nothing's adding up here's another here's another helicopter so this hey Matthew how you doing buddy this is the area here where this shooting occurred and it looks like the helicopter oh I gotta redo give me a second all right so we're back this is the area right here I'm surprised they hadn't grounded all those planes to make it a better that all planes have been grounded within a 200 mile radius thank you m thank you Miss brid op on that subject on the south side of the interstate supposed to be 500 yard of that cell tower I don't know if you're tracking that or not also guys this is jlr investigate that we're watching there's his YouTube channel go sub to his channel on his YouTube or like his video at least okay hey Matthew we have a we have an active shooter is what they're saying off I75 in Kentucky was it Lebanon K what was it uh London Kentucky now it's turning around look at that but they haven't caught the guy but all of a sudden they they've got his mother's maiden name and his blood type his birthday pictures Family Photos Christmas presents and [ __ ] yeah they got it all but they haven't even found out who the shooter was yet shooting occurred right here in this area here by the 49er truck stop and you heard on the scanner they said something about a little bit south of 75 I'm wondering if they're in here two people are saying two Kentucky Choppers in the area scouring the area I only see one exactly storm that's what they're saying how in the hell do they know who the shooter is without finding him I only see one supped have been a random shooter and all of a sudden they got his faceb page everything fa pizza last time he order some wings on door Dash yep another yeah they just vanished Eternal so we got two Kentucky State Police couch told them to do it so they don't they were just innocent by yes the other three sus just vanish th air surely there's some homes near the yeah the making threats to kill people this morning after buying an AR two Choppers yeah but gamertron don't please don't believe that brainwash [ __ ] okay this sounds like the Deep State these treasonous Democrats are setting this story up for the Fall Guy appears like this one came from Lexing don't buy into their [ __ ] this is uh the area this Chopper is just south the 49 truck stop this one is in route sure I'll buy you I'll buy if you go get it and bring it to me Trooper so now we got two more exactly storm or just extract us so the the antifa can change uniforms like Trum supp before they go out and start burning buildings I do know I don't know about his rest if someone could [ __ ] he said a nerdy word I'm telling he just said do you hear that I'm telling I don't know who I'm going to tell but I don't know he just said and he went circling we got another loop to Loop oh he said bunions yeah that's right and what sad as some of these brainwashed liberals will buy right into this oh that's him I've seen a picture of him I know that's him you know that picture swear to God that looks like 4,000 other white males in this country seriously look at the picture could be anybody I mean not Trooper this guy's not like fat with big titties but other than that I mean look look at the picture looks like AI to me they just designed it but who knows I I'm probably wrong yeah it's not official until we get a thong color Cromwell yeah Jared that's because these idiots are jumping to conclusions that's why before they get the facts yeah but if he'd have been in the military and he was injured overseas you wouldn't the White House wouldn't said a word not a word let me see what what happened to his uh maybe that's why he said [ __ ] yeah it's not doing nothing now H I don't know I'm not looking at his chat oh I heard that um it's going too fast for me he's a real streamer he's got he's got 4,000 people watching him I'm just a wannabe my chat don't move that quick so I don't know I can't read that quick I am not a speed reader wow all before they even find the guy see that's your first clue that's where the red flag comes up is they identify somebody before they even find him in a mass shooting what did he like drop his driver's license on the ground or something seriously really even if he he got caught on video inside the convenience store it doesn't display his name and address on the video it just shows a face at the register R Flags just remember don't buy into their brainwash [ __ ] you can slow what down what do you mean I can slow what down I'm not trying to slow nothing down he's offline for some reason but he's not even streaming he's got 4,000 viewers I'm starting to get jealous very jealous yeah it's not even playing anymore look I'm clicking on it it's not even playing no but he's still showing he's live what what did you just uh send me eternal did you just send something Eternal okay that's the high school shooting it's all on scanners for Laurel County yeah I I know that Allan we've been listening to it see I don't know who that gu is he's not showing live anymore on here but it won't uh I click on it but it's not doing anything he is paying his bills right now what grassy null yeah might well be I don't get it here let me get rid of that and damn bless me hold on just a minute oh wrong one what the hell son of a [ __ ] damn okay oh I'm back over here that's why why how did I get back over here um I lost my live feed I'm not checking live feeds in Discord chat I don't give a [ __ ] about Discord chat Discord chat like I'm my some Discord [ __ ] up that's reliable in other words I don't know how to do that crime with Bobby I don't know who that channel is yeah he's offline damn well son of a biscuit eater who's this guy oh I don't I don't want to go into some place that I don't see anything that's why he said what he said see all these people trying to be like night cop cuz they weren't doing this [ __ ] when I started streaming they saw what I was doing in they copying me right you guys agree right copycats let me see what that is and dangerous considered armed and dangerous his name is Joseph a couch that is released by law enforcement he is 510 uh around 510 154 lbs a 32-year-old white male um and you can see uh he is a person of interest in the shooting that occurred at the East 49 Kentucky 909 area how do they know that do not attempt to approach him contact law enforcement if you see him and um uh the scanner said there was on the scanner there was a report that he bought an Pamela thank you darling for subbing to my YouTube there you go sweetheart welcome aboard sister-in-law his his sister-in-law said he had made statements to kill the family um so I oh really all you got to do is lay lay on your stomach and close your eyes and we'll play the Skittles the helicopter they searching the other helicopter is still going south so the other helicopter 2216 22 they're still talking about old Whitley Road somebody at Old Whitley load 2216 said that they saw the shooter in their front yard we heard that on the scanner that's all the way down here that's significantly further south it's about 10 miles away from the shooting so they might be checking that out right now but that's down here um 226 old Whitley Road is according to Google Maps is down there so again maybe that's where the person is maybe somebody saw somebody who looked like the shooter but isn't actually shooter um don't say that too fast you know I'm saying it Skittles we have not heard any any reliable reporting of two Shooters there's only been uh one person of interest photo released um I'm not saying there isn't more than one shooter there could be but right now we have one information on one one person he looks like your next door neighbor Coach Philip Bodine at at the high school he looked like just about about anybody except Trooper you will what I will wode yeah just lay on your stomach close your eyes and let me do all the work there was also on the scanner somebody said it sound like they were talking about the suspect that somebody said the suspect had military experience was going to kill okay Sean thanks for coming in bu I really appreciate it those are all things we've heard on the scanner so uh where this did happen is up here you can see the the the on either side of this exit the the highway is closed for it looks like several miles um that I75 there just closed um and this happened uh around I uh at at Exit 49 which is here there was some reports suggesting that the um that the shooter shot from an elevated area I don't know if that's true um there are Hills on either side of that freeway near that exit um and uh multiple severe injuries reported we don't have an exact number of people hit um oh you talking about this guy I wasn't talking that and they are just searching for this person it is night time I was talking about the person of interest that they already have a photo of I wasn't talking about this guy let me go back to the helicopter uh oh did we lose the helicopter on the scanner there's one here that's that's a medical storm what do I need to do to go viral see I've been thinking is if I just showed my thong and butterf fly I I I I've been I think I would go viral no I don't know that is a medical helicopter um and in terms of the Kentucky State Police helicopters are those not on the scan not there anymore the 60 year old oh absolutely of course I think he could I think him and Helen would hit it that's a medical helicopter flying from the London area but what what do you think him and Helen Keller oh yeah they perfect match no longer on Flight Radar 24 because I'm not seeing them there at the moment exactly storman that's exactly what they're doing yeah yeah you know some of our viewers think that the helicopters the hold on maybe the helicopters turned off their tracking or whatever I don't know hang on I'm G to check something else yeah I I think they were they were gonna go with Android it sounded like Android they got tired of Pac-Man and went on the Android my question is why do they got all these red hang on a second these red emblems all over the interstate right there with the minus sign in the middle that's going to interfere with traffic I'm just saying 37 oh I'm sure J I can see I I have one of the helicopters hang on hang on a moment hang on a I know storm just being a smart ass you can look at him and tell he's a liberal they've always got this mental disorder with their face you just tell there is the helicopter right there that's the one that's so this helicopter has been searching on the south side of the freeway over here jar I do autographs on Thursdays man I like I like jlr investigate if you missed it here is a picture of the suspect that's the suspect right there Joseph guys I've got to say it again usually we don't know who the suspect is when we have a shooter that hits the woods we got to take him into custody to find out who the hell he is now if they would have released this [ __ ] later on you know at 1:00 in the morning or tomorrow it'd be a lot more believable okay they did some investigating and they they lifted his fingerprints off the counter and they ran them and they figured out who one of the shooters was but this quickly they got pictures and [ __ ] don't be brainwashed ladies and gentlemen this is all planned out by the Deep State the treasonous Democrats liberals yeah don't buy into their [ __ ] look how close it is to the election I'm surprised we're not all dying of some kind of fluox cuz we ain't got the vaccine yet it's real close to it don't don't fret they'll come out with something they already have with monkey pox and yeah but it's going to get a lot worse out of wood yeah they're making drawings too yeah he's a poet and didn't know it again Elton John has endorsed president Donald J Trump that's a plus people are eating this [ __ ] up they're just they're swallowing this lure Hook Line and Sinker so all over YouTube oh this is the guy right at Hazel Road no no no that's different I'm sorry that's a different street sure it is scratch what I just said 49 we don't know this but we' got to get this straight open 2 hear that I think they just said we don't know where this cat's at but we got to get this interstate open okay I'm just going to say it instead of listening to this here's the exact same thing so we might as well just watch this you know I mean it's the same garbage but at least here we get visual effects see that's what they're talking right now garbage this is more entertaining I mean how long is it going to take for that track to come off that tractor that's the question of the day I'm just saying this is more entertaining hey man get that water bottle right there it's got a n inside of it right there to your left get it yeah if we're going to listen to garbage we might as well watch garbage right yes dumbass yeah yeah no [ __ ] I don't want to smell oh [ __ ] okay go to the big screen dumbass there we go when's my next Comedy Tour here's my answer to that storm you got 1.6 million comedian out of work and you want me to be one Eternal I couldn't resist sorry trooper I didn't mean to show your residence live on my stream but you know have I would suggest Trooper instead of throwing all that [ __ ] out your bedroom window put it in the trash man you see what happens over a six-month period you got a tractor's got to come out and clean your mess up outside your window that's some [ __ ] right there Trooper all those hot pocket packages what was that blueg grass and something she say shots I couldn't catch that I'm out with li Road T tag 89102 89102 well that is true Ashwood this that someone there was a shter in the county not necessarily on this property so that might have been the confusion oh it's a little confusing this helicopter is still flying around in the area that is the exit exit 49 right now there where people got shot multiple people again this is who they are looking for Person of Interest Joseph a couch considered armed and dangerous 32 years old 510 around 154 PBS uh do not attempt to approach say police um and uh on the scanner scanner traffic scanner reported we got a couple minutes we're going to clear from here and that dire are they showing a black and white photo did this guy not have access no that photo was taken in 1978 we color was hard to come by unless you had a Polaroid and that doesn't look like a Polaroid to me I mean I could be wrong 10 minutes all right something in bluegrass Hensley in bluegrass is that what Blass that's it the Blu grass turn there it is Hensley Road and Bluegrass Road that's it that's pretty close that's pretty close Cal down cupcake you're going to get excited load in Bluegrass Road right here that is about um he's getting way too excited for me he's making me nervous Five Mile five and a half miles from the the plan is working people are buying this [ __ ] there is Hensley and Bluegrass they've gotten reports of shots fired near Hensley and Bluegrass looks like right there you can see it on Google Maps there's Hensley there is Bluegrass okay good for you he reads they have gotten several reports recently of shots in this area road is not going to be this year border control no updates yet yeah I don't see him either I didn't even see a gunman they said shots have been fired in that area I didn't see nobody I'd like to know how they got the how I can order the name of our road right in the middle of our street like they got it here that's pretty cool huh lot of spray paint see where else can you be on a shooter man hunt and listen to a smartass all in the same stream except here see that's why everybody trying to be like me5 is re oh God he scared the hell out of me why you got to scream like that man calm the [ __ ] down he just screamed it out shook me up a little bit now I got that stomach a in my head I75 they I don't know one minute this how crazy this [ __ ] is border listen to me one minute there's four shooters then out of nowhere they pulled out of their ass talking about the Deep State there's one shooter with a black and white photo never mind that this is 2024 and we don't do black and white photos anymore they found a black and white photo of this guy then it was before we found the black and white photo in a shoe box up in a closet somewhere of somebody's home there was four Shooters and one of them was a big fat guy with a beard and no shirt he's disappeared I mean they haven't even mentioned him anymore there was four Shooters now we've narrowed it down to the other three wasn't that big of a deal so they're going after the one that they found the black and white photo in a shoe box somewhere probably in the Attic or a closet or whatever and it looked good so they're going to use it then it was four people are dead four casualties then that turned into four people shot then it turned into 8 to 11 people shot then it's we don't know how many he been shot so I give up okay please don't ask me any more questions I can't handle it it's too much pressure for me I don't have the answers let's see what they're saying now dumb asses yeah I heard that too 8 to 11 four dead yeah matth is so hard okay I'm looking you give Johnny hey hey PeeWee Herman don't interrupt me when I'm talking did you hear what he did you've got five apples you give little Johnny two apples L Johnny gives you a half a apple back how many apples how many full apples you got [ __ ] I don't know I don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] little Johnny area let me just play that again excuse the fomb but seriously yeah Mr Bean who's been on a diet for the last year cuz Bluegrass is where they've been looking somebody on his P gun hold on I want to play that again if I have a second oh wow it's changing every second but yet they have positively identified a man that they don't know who the shooter was they don't have him in custody but they have a pict ofby a black and white picture does anybody else find that really strange it reminds me of 9/11 20 minutes after a plane hit the towers they were talking about Osama bin Len even then I was like how the hell do they know that that it just happened I'm thinking that yes I was a police officer during that time and my detective mind started think who the [ __ ] is Osama Bin Laden and how do they know that where does he live is the no rapid dog a DMV photo is colored photos not black and white photos sir that's 41 now yeah and then they came out with weapons of mass destruction in a country that wasn't even involved in the Twin Towers first it was Afghanistan then all of a sudden masses of weapons of mass destructions in Iraq like why do we give a [ __ ] let's go after the ones that took down our Towers I never did could put the two and two together there houses are in people's houses it's hard to make out some of these reports yeah no [ __ ] that's what I've been saying heard oh is he live again thank god let's get away from Tinker Bell here people are calling in with hurt reports of shooting you mean the Democrats Unleashed another shooter uh yeah he's back thank you who said that gamer Tron thank you man what you keep on I'm going to make you my press secretary R up where they had gotten reports of shoo bridge is my press secretary east side of the freeway keep it up not the west side of the freeway and you your your name's going to end up on that list and it's a very short list Miss bridg is the only name on there for now you see how cool I do this [ __ ] see how so in my own mind I'm so cool uh he was arrested before yeah let's have a cup of coffee Asos yeah I'm GNA look up his criminal record right now as we uh listen and find out what's going on here in the available information I actually took it to streamyard I te CH my to L bad it would be better the one I used can you can you skip the ads man is that so difficult and guys here is my buddy Jr investigate there's his channel I'm putting it in the chat go give him a sub subscribe to his YouTube channel and like his video right here this is his content that I'm using please go over there and give him a a like And subscribe to his Channel please there's a I watch this guy when I'm not streaming he's not brand new to me that's why I've got him on one of my stream Randy Joe couch but I'm looking at Joseph a couch so I'm GNA try to find some multiple mug shots of him other they're still looking jar out there can they finish their search but this is still a fluid before you jump to hold on Jerry come on man come on man let them finish their search before you start jumping to conclusions that there's no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq they're not done stop possibly served in the military just trying to be fair a Philly accent to me what does a Philly accent sound like do they say qu and a cup of coffee the f a couple cool [Music] road so it's kind of like the scanner kind of went quiet since it got dark so they said there were some shots fired earlier who's this guy I thought this was J yeah this is jlr [Music] investigation all right so um I'm gonna open up another computer here is what going here so this is the Kentucky State Police and as you see they're zigzagged all over this place in the general area in the left corner there that's the area where the 49er uh truck stop is where shooting occurred uh at one point there was two Choppers but I only see one Chopper I'm not I will T the officer that got that thing and let you know it may take me just a minute to information no further on things at the moment so what what we have here is a different uh uh we have Kentucky we have Kentucky State Police they've been zigzagging over 75 and uh okay he's behind me that's why okay let me get over here so you can see he's over on the left no actually we have here we've got here is failure to communicate mhm how did you know I was following liberal hive mind uh Hojo how do you know that did it show up on the cold Miner's Daughter thing but yeah I follow I definitely follow that dude I like his voice just too cool on 8th of February for dur terroristic threatening in the third degree it just seems like now the new that has been found is doing the rounds at least they learned what color is the information I mean there's still lack of information other than okay you know just what we kind of know four to six people shot I do not believe uh fatalities Joseph a couch he's 32 years old he was previously arrested in uh for third deegree terroristic threats on February 8th of this year and driving from DUI 2020 remains at large so he does have a terroristic threat charge that I'm reading on and I've been looking on different screens here scanner's kind of quiet but it's it's it was lit earlier as it was getting dark but it's it's quiet at this point here I want to show you guys something real quick since he was talking about my uh liberal hive mind you want to talk about one of my favorite channels I watch is the darkest secret because I like her voice that that's why I watch it and it's some cool [ __ ] so There's the link if you want to go over and I I'll sit up till 2 3 4:00 in the morning watching video after video so you go here watch I guarantee you there's not too many videos I haven't W oh why am I trying to click it on that screen and you see all the red see the bar that means I've watched it this one here I don't know why the bar isn't over there I seen that one but I've watched all these it's a great Channel now there's some I haven't seen I haven't went back far enough but great great channel it's all about the Paranormal and [ __ ] but I really like I just her name is Leonor clay and this is the darkest secret she she sounds a lot better than I did but anyway there's you a there's you a channel if you want some good [ __ ] to watch I like it anyway enough of The Brady Bunch [ __ ] okay let's just get back to business come on they have reopened the interstate but there's only that one uh uh black black and white photo of him that seems to be out at this time um and another mug shot of him but when he has a mug shot secary sending me something than the picture of him um and just the black and white photo that is hey we got a we got a colored photo let's see holy [ __ ] finally a colored photo that's what he looks like report right here I thought when I saw that photo I was like I can't wait to see him on gun see what they say and The Rifleman we breaking into your usual programming with more breaking news we are continuing to follow an active shooter situation in Laurel County the Sheriff's Office confirms several people were shot we don't know exactly how many we also don't know if anyone has died confirms that suspect has not I was trying to cop you Maggie there is that so right now I am standing in the middle of I75 going south um right now there are cars that have been stuck in traffic for quite some time due to this blockage that are getting off at exit 59 I myself was stuck in the traffic for quite a while a lot of people who weren't quite sure what is going on so it aot stting to move some but there was we were and as you can see there's cars that are here there's fire shots behind me as well as police and and a lot of other EMS vehicles that have been coming through um and yeah as you can see we are just backed up right here no one is allowed past uh exit 59 besides emergency vehicles so we're not quite sure what's going on past that marker uh but what we can see right here is really just that traffic being diver okay guys I don't know if I could take any more of this [ __ ] let's go over to the Blue Zone guys please listen to me I'm not saying it's true I'm not saying it it's false I'm just saying don't buy into the media's [ __ ] okay don't buy into it do your own research if it doesn't sound right it's probably not right cuz this whole thing that we've watched tonight sounds so deep State treasonous liberals setting this shooting up to go after gun control again so I could be wrong I haven't done any research on it I'm talking out of my ass but I'm I'm not going to be brainwashed I'm not just going to believe it because they said it cuz none of it sounds right and if it doesn't sound right it's usually not right so now reporting five un injured can't make this [ __ ] up yeah they keep changing the [ __ ] they don't know but guys you'll never believe this [ __ ] on Kick tonight I've got oh I had 28 people earlier now I've only got 15 okay never mind now I got 17 let's see if we can rate anybody on pick no can't rate anybody okay cryo hey cryo that that emote is for females only to send to me that's them saying they want to they want to apply a light to medium spanking just saying but anyway guys without all the mutual [ __ ] I mean seriously like th this is definitely definitely turned into a Jerry Springer Show [Applause] words every sentence yeah absolutely okay guys I will be back on Monday night at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time and unless something major goes live if we have a mass shooting or something I'll go live with it I don't I do not like going live with these LAPD car chases these 1080s at the LAPD cuz they don't know how how to do their job and it drives me nuts I just can't stand here again and watch an hour's worth of a dumbass social worker with a badge following behind a felon so that's why I don't go live with the police chases anymore if it's in another state I'll go live with it if there's a mass shooting I'll go live with it if we get like a doorbell camera of Trooper eating some Wendy's and getting a getting a BZ from Dairy Queen or something I'll go live with it other than that I ain't going to do it but I'll be back on Monday night at 600 p.m. EST guys I hope you join me thanks for hanging out with me tonight and let's keep I'm going to keep up with this story you guys do the same help me out here let me know okay you guys have a good evening and thank you for hanging out with me and don't forget to get a membership on my YouTube and if you're not a sub on my YouTube sub to my YouTube please and follow me on kick do I have my kick channel here here let me put my kick in there where's my kick right there there's my kick thanks for the stream you're Hojo thanks for showing up man follow me over on Kick if you're not following me I'd really appreciate it good night everybody goodbye everybody I've got to go got to leave you all behind and face the truth e

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