The Postecoglou tweak that's helping Tottenham, Wilson Odobert and Romero's growing influence

hello everyone alist gold here no need for a sigh no need for a sigh at all that was a very enjoyable Saturday afternoon um it's kind of a score line that I think Spurs have threatened a fair few times under Anish Posta coo they just haven't be able to be clinical enough and ruthless in their finishing to put the ball into the net enough times they should have had far more results like that uh not least just 5 days ago or 5 days before this uh result at the King Power Stadium apologies to those who might be expecting this a little bit earlier on a Sunday this is a bit of a late night upload uh for anyone that's still watching on Sunday you might be watching on the Monday uh had a family function so I've been having great fun at that all day uh carrying on the enjoyment at the Tottenham hosb stadium so I've come back right at the end of the day and uploading this rather late in the evening um I'm guessing most people will see this in the morning if at all you might just be so euphoric from a comfortable Tottenham Victory um just wasn't it nice to just fully enjoy a match I mean I'm sure from a fan perspective there was no fear there's no worry about what was going to happen because of the way the game played out two G two goals in each half for a journalist for myself it was just lovely to be able to write kind of stuff I had to write and know by Midway through the second half yeah the end of this isn't going to change now yeah I'm not going to have to rewrite big sections of this I'm not going to have to adjust all of my player ratings because ultimately you can't give a player that Mark when they've lost or drawn or whatever um it was lovely just to get through a game that was normal it was a really nice enjoyable game some lovely goals some lovely moments a little injury scare which thankfully didn't seem to come to anything in that moment obviously I'm sure it'll be checked with Mickey vanderin but yeah he came through it um and produced a little bit of magic towards the end as well look we have to straight away say there was the Everton side they were up against were of course um suffering a fair few injuries and absences uh they only made one change from their opening game I think it was Ashley Young who was out suspended what I would say about all the injuries and absences is Spurs had a lot of those last season they had a long period from November onwards where they had double figures in unavailable players when people look back over last season and they do their stats they do their looking across the results or whatever and points gain things like that they probably don't take into account that Spurs had a load of players missing load of players injured absent at International tournaments in January as well so I kind of feel like you've also got to apply that same logic to when you're playing someone like Everton who are you know struggling especially defensively they were missing some numbers um ultimately you know if Spurs could use it is excuse you know why should the opposition that comes to Spurs and ultimately you've just got to get on with it and I think there was a lot to also take from the game in other aspects as well I thought I thought the set pieces Spurs were good at both ends I've seen a couple of people saying otherwise I actually thought they defended pretty well they ended up with a clean sheet as well I think I said this in the previous video I actually felt that like they dealt with set pieces at Leicester quite well um and I felt like bearing in mind Everton caused them horrendous issues at goodison Park last season um we know obviously that the targeting of Vicario stuff like that I actually felt they did pretty well Spurs um on on this occasion and in the way they um yeah the way they dealt with the the height that Everton have and the strength they have at set pieces um and yeah it was I think POA Cog will be as happy with that and the the clean sheet as he will with the goals and the manner of the performance as well I think it kind of was all a nice little package all with a bow on top um I mean when it comes to set pieces and also other stuff in the club I do think a bit of credit has to certainly go to the new coaching Duo Nick Montgomery and Sergio rundo uh came in this summer in the wake of Chris dav's departure to Birmingham and both from what I understand talking to various people have made their Mark um at the club behind the scenes and they're two I think you might have hopefully remember me saying this in previous videos they're both very disciplined men rundo was in the armed forces and uh Montgomery's family have a background in the armed forces as well so they they had that kind of military background to them and uh yeah that's very much taken into their work and the way they are and what they expect on those training pitches and then in matches as well and I think look I'm not saying that the coaching staff there were letting everyone have a you know on the beach chairs and having a laugh I'm sure they're all very disciplined as well and we know Posta cogo is I just think it's adding more with that mindset uh but also with their own skill sets as well I think has been quite an important thing um the coaching is quite a collective effort under Posta cogu he he you've heard me say this before he gives out lots of Delegation they take sections of training sessions 15 minutes each things like that as well um and that also applies to set peace organization but from what understand Nick Montgomery has had quite a strong involvement in all the setpiece work since he's come in at both ends of the pitch as well um which I think I think it's there to see I mean obviously Christian Romero heads home the first attacking setpiece goal of the season for Tottenham but I also think the defending like I say has been a lot better from set pieces it's like a I was kind of look at it quite closely it's kind of like a hybrid zonal slashman marking thing now um it felt at times last season it was it was really stuck in the zonal thing which wasn't working for them but this feels more like a hybrid thing with some players assigned to Man Mark and some players zonal marking which I think unless I'm mistaken is how Spurs used to Mark um under con I think that was how it worked with them as well and it feels like they've maybe gone back to that um I could be wrong they may have been doing that all last season but it it certainly it feel feel like it's not just a pure zonal thing and that's kind of asking around seems to to be backed up with what people are telling me so uh yeah I think it looks much tighter and I think especially against Everton I thought the players kind of seemed to again show more discipline and they showed a lot of responsibility in kind of their certain roles and yeah I've seen a few people saying differently on social media I don't know maybe it was just in the stadium perhaps there was just a few nervy moments that maybe the only one I can remember was it was a bit of a scramble bit of Head tennis from one corner I think it was other than that I don't really remember Everton having any real dominance in set pieces um either way it feels like it's a building block uh progress is being made in something that was a problem and you might again remember me saying in previous videos that Celtic second season set pieces at both ends improved considerably and po kind of alluded to that last season and I wonder now whether this is all part of that um that process but uh but yeah so that was a good thing for me what's really weird and the funny way football works is that you look at yesterday's performance 4-n win you look at Monday night's performance one all draw Spurs actually had less efforts yesterday than they did uh against Leicester it's just the weird way football works and and the perception how goals change things um you know um they had 13 efforts at goal uh yesterday Saturday if you're watching this on Monday they had 15 at the King Power Stadium on Monday night uh Jordan pford had less saves to make three admittedly four went past him whereas mads Hermanson made five um on Monday night they once again had 71% of the possession that was a constant uh from the two games and they dominated the play of 540 passes I think Everton only had like 80 it was it was a very very low number um but the difference is this time Spurs took their chances it's it's just simple yet obvious thing um about football you put it between those two stick things the thing with the net um technically three sticks and some other bits and pieces and a net um you're going to win the games um you know they had seven shots on target same as the leester match but this time four of those went in the it instead of the one um obviously we know about basuma it had to be basuma as soon as you saw him on the score sheet you thought he's probably going to have a brilliant game he's going to have to invest everything he's got in this performance and he did to be fair we talk about him a little bit but the goal was it was like a curling rocket with his InStep it was a lovely go at first viewing I just thought he had smashed it but when you actually watch it back in in slowmo and closeup he really gets like a whip on it cuts across it with his foot and it all originated from quite a good play down the right actually Brenan Johnson and Dean kuski um linking up quite nicely uh the ball comes back to keski he runs in lovely feet the Everton players are all kind of scared to touch him and he tees out for basuma to smash it home um yeah just obviously smashes off the crossbar which is his first competitive goal uh for the club we scored against was it QPR we had that funny little moment where postao kind of walked by him and said yeah it was only a friendly b um and here we are what um two games in the season and he has done it for real as well and uh it was very much something he he needed basuma he he did his like apology to the crowd he was kind of doing this sort of thing to the crowd and and like banging the the badge on his chest and grabbing it and then he went over to poao had a bit of a h and look it's the first step back I guess for him to try and get back into to borrow a phrase from Meet the Parents post circle of trust he is currently sitting outside it and he's got to work his way back into it um and I think if you felt the first goal showed Spurs ability under Poo's um reign of looking for space probing for space in a compact tight opposition back line so the second goal was all about the pressing and certainly one man who just all came from son brilliant pressing down the left hand side forcing them to hit it back to pford and then just sprinting at pford who made a horrendous how of a first touch um and then kind of clunked um sonny as Sonny got the ball and and rolled into the empty net and um third goal like I said Christian Romero powerful header on his 100th appearance for the club towering above um James tarosky who was past fit for the game and that went off the crossbar from an in from James Madison's Corner fourth goal we know was all about the running of Mickey vanderin um it was kind of like the reverse wasn't it of with less going past players I guess but of Sonny's push Gus winning goal um that van vanen that Yan vangen got the assist for this was kind of the opposite in that vanen did all the work running up the pitch and then pick the perfect moment to knock it to Sonny who still to be fair had a little bit to do um and he cuts in and and whacks it through pick for his legs but um yeah it was it was terrific and uh I love the I was watching the celebration back as well and there's a moment where it's almost like vanen looks at Sonic and goes don't just just kind of you know to just claim this is all you he kind gives him a bit of shoulder barge and S son's well aware who helped him out for this goal um so I asked about it about the performance after the game and and whether this was the kind of result uh the performance that his team has been threatening like I said at the top of the video and he said the performance was excellent I said after the game I thought the performance last week was excellent too but you've also got to turn that sort of dominant performance into outcomes and results we did today we looked really threatening going forward all the time we created many chances different kinds of chances I thought we handled their threat which they are still which they still are from set pieces and long balls really well today so there was a little discipline in both aspects of the game um and he was asked about having threats all over the pitch he said it's what we want to evolve into we're still in the process of doing that we had Dei playing in the Midfield today and I thought he was really good and we had Sonny scoring a goal through the middle and then he scored a goal when he went out wide I think we looked to threat from very different areas and even set pieces so if we're going to turn compelling performances and consistent results you need to have more than one Avenue of attack and I thought we showed that today um yeah it was an interesting question as well that was asked to him I was trying to think who it came from I think it might have been Jack from the athletic asked him whether this season will be defined by how ruthless Spurs are in front of go similar to uh to Saturday's performance and uh he actually said not necessarily I still think it's about performance I think if you perform like we have these first two weeks and you keep producing that multitude of chances then more often than not you'll win games of football I still think it's the performance I think once you start focusing just on the outcome on goals because even today I thought you know we created some unbelievable opportunities and could have scored more goals but the idea is that you keep your level of performance up and I think what you don't want to do is after last week change your approach looking for goals we haven't changed our approach we played the same way as last week but I just felt today we had a little bit more variety in our attacks we went out wide we went through C Central areas we made some fantastic runs through the middle I think mad has had a couple of oneon-one opportunities did I think that's part of it all as well if we can become a team that's not just a threat in one way I think that'll help us set pieces is another one CTI is unbelievable in the air and we usually have some good deliveries in there all those kind of things help that's something we know about Posta calu if you make it all about the score line and the hunt for goals it's kind of not what he's about um it sounds weird because of course the the you know the game is about scoring goals and it about winning matches but in his mind he's always been very clear of not being desperate and searching for that score line to change it's about playing the style of football playing this brand of football continuously recycling the ball pressing pressing get the ball back create chances and he's always said if that's the bit you focus on that little box in the corner it doesn't say here but that little box in the corner that's got the score in it that's going to change it's going to change in your favor because you've purely focused on the match itself and your performance rather than focusing desperately on changing that scoreboard um someone with a massive exhaust right now outside the house at almost 10:00 at night when I'm recording this thanks for that that's very helpful um hopefully you can't hear it anyway um but yeah it was uh I felt like this was kind of a a strangely important Victory I'm not saying it was a must-win game or anything like that but I just feel like POA kog is kind of setting this tone that they don't want to they want to be up there they want to be around there and about up in the kind of upper echelons echon echelons of the uh the league table and he didn't want that was probably the most annoying thing for him about the Leicester game was that they were already with two points ahead of some of the other teams and I think just this game if he's got those kind of beliefs and expectations this season then especially with the games coming up Newcastle away Arsenal at home um you kind of had to win this game you had to get that momentum going and felt that that's exactly what they did um so yeah yeah they did and uh and it was good fun it was there was less less scary drama and just more enjoyment and quite a fair bit of quality which we'll talk about as well and and part of that involved the return of E basuma look it was a risk bringing him straight back into the team I really thought it was as soon as his Club suspension was done um I was a little bit surprised I think a lot of people in the Press Box were quite surprised as well um I obviously I think Rodrigo Benzino's concussion um ensured it happened I don't think it would have done otherwise kind of poog had a decision to make couldn't he he could either further punish uh basuma by making him sit on the bench and watch you know 18-year-old Archie gray go out there and play in the Midfield or he could hand basuma some reward for a week in which he has uh to be fair he's responded to uh what's happened you know very public kind of um I suppose Judgment of him and and um punishment by Posta kogu as well and yeah he he's been the good boy in class let's put it that way I mean Posta kogu said it best he spoke on Friday about it he said you know what it's like when you punish your child and they do everything right for the next two days uh he said he's first in the meetings he's doing everything right but there's always Temptation down the road so we'll see I've always believed in opportunity for Redemption and learning but we're still in that space at the moment with bis we but obviously that door closes after a while if there are repeated indiscretions he's been good but I would have been surprised if he wasn't it's always the key with B is consistency the consistency of behavior what he does it's not that he's going to it's not that he's doing a lot of bad things obviously the last transgression was very serious but it's the little things along the way also I think sometimes that manifests it in his game where he can be really good and he'll have a moment when he's not I think it all correlates from our perspective it's about trying to continually guide him but it's up to him he's going to continue to try to be the best version of himself that he can possibly be so yeah so he handed basuma the chance to make a end somewhat to to pogu and his teammates um I think he just knows Archie gray is a phenomenal young talent and he's going to get minutes glore this season he is um so there's no need to kind of throw him into this situation almost just to teach assum lesson I suppose um and I also think there's an element of he clearly decided that he was going to use um um Madison and kulki together um which unusual in itself but we'll discuss those two and I think he felt like that would have been maybe a lot of pressure on young Archie gray to kind of deal with mopping up everything to behind two very attacking players whereas maybe basuma he maybe have that experience to deal with that a little bit better um and yeah he he uh basuma he did he he continued his penitent path with really good display to be honest it was excellent um not only did it have that ridiculously good goal that Blockbuster of a goal but it also it was full of running and very little in way very little in the way of those lapses of concentration that PO postu spoke about it and it's true you see it with basuma he could put in an 88 minute terrific performance but it can just be a couple of really silly sloppy balls or getting caught in possession which just completely change how the performance is perceived um yeah and it was um it's a funny one because you know basuma loves playing for bogu he sees him as like a father figure he's sping about that I think he's called him like an uncle at times um and you know pooku is not someone that many people would run over and hug in terms of players you know he keeps them they love playing for him but he does keep them a little bit of a distance and I feel like in basuma he's got someone that just really kind of loves him he loves everything that he's done for him and that maybe makes it all the more frustrating for potoo and perhaps like a fatherly way in a strange odd way that he's kind of let him down um and he joked to the BBC afterwards polu it seemed to work so I'm going to ban him next week and then bring bring him back the week after mate as that seems to do the trick and he said bis was great today not just his goal he was really disciplined but discipline is a word I use with him a hell of a lot hopefully he gets to the point where he understands how important it is because we want to see the best of B playing for this football club and that's the thing isn't it this is um a kind of the problem for bassum is he's not 18 he's not 21 he's not even 25 he turns 28 on Friday he really should be at point in his career where he's he's absolutely set settled focused on his football and that is the only thing that is like the driving factor for him instead of all the Superfluous silly stuff outside it um you know especially when you've got the ability he's got there shouldn't be the silly distractions you know some players and people can have distractions of a much bigger kind and really difficult things to get over but when it's the kind of things that interrupt basuma flow and obviously the most recent one with the the Nitro outside the laughing gas it's just like utterly Pointless Stuff that is of no benefit to him whatsoever um it can only serve to kind of slow him down and and and stump uh his career and yeah it's the kind of stuff he just needs to to Chuck Away really because he is popular around Spurs in the club and and he's like seen as this quite fun figure but so is son and son is the most ridiculously good example of a player for all of the others to look up to the young players can look up to him he's one of the best players in the world he is in that kind of elite bracket if if you ask people about if you to ask people about top Premier League players Sonny's going to be one of them theuma isn't but he could be he could absolutely be in that bracket um you know this this latest indiscretion it's it's not the first in batum's career we know that um but it kind of needs to be the last because it needs to be I we been talking about this guesty and I when we were doing the podcast and stuff or just just in general chat about Spurs this really especially after other opportunities he's had to bounce back from stuff this needs to be the thing that ignites his career it needs to be the the spark because if it's not it's a real wasted opportunity for for kicking his career up to the the level it should be he could be so much better um because when he's on song So Spurs um only Romero and Pedro pora had more touches of the ball than bassum with 86 I think Madison had the same um when he's on his game nobody is as good for me as him picking up the ball from the defense and spreading it wide just beating the press that ability to twist and turn and get away I think he is probably unparalleled in the Spurs team I think benter is a very close second but I think uh for me basser is is the best of that when he's fully on it um and I asked post KLU about him um and he said bis was good we know bis is a good footballer it's about him being the best version of himself and he'll only get there if discipline is a big thing for him and I thought it was a disciplined perform performance from him today not just the goal he scored but he had a really important job for us he knew they'd play fairly direct and he had to be there to mop up the second balls and intercept things and he was clean for the most part possession so it was a good performance there's no doubting his ability he has that ability to do something special but he needs to make sure that gives everything he tries and Endeavors to do everything right on and off the field to give him the platform to show who he could be as a footballer we certainly believe in him we're certainly giving him an opportunity but as I said before that's not a NeverEnding thread at some point you need to cut it and it's really up to him to keep going on see yeah it's very clear he was very very clear on it you know that's I kind of feels like this is a little bit Last Chance Saloon really for for basuma that's kind of just the sense I got from his words um that there's only kind of so much rope you can give someone before they just kind of end up hanging themselves with it and it's you know postu has always believed him and he's had his back and there's obviously little bits and pieces behind the scenes that have not been perfect but postao is maybe just kept saying Come on come on you can do this and then he goes and does something like that and it kind of probably feels like he's been slapped in the face a little bit po um and yeah Madison said after the game he told the BBC we all know his ability he's a ridiculous player at times he's got a skill not many have the gaffer is a great man with good morals and E has to keep working hard um that's reminded me as well if you haven't seen it this week um have a little look at the Premier League each team has produced this video uh with how to pronounce all of their names properly it has blown my mind oh my goodness as if I wasn't pronouncing names wrongly anyway um there's a few ones I had a little bit of vindication in that even Jamie Donley pronounces his name Jamie Donnelly he actually really emphasizes it like so it's like Don Le watch it back it was like H I'm trying to get myself into his habit of saying Don Lee and there he goes and just says his name like it's Don Lee anyway so there's him um there's I got never a nightmare remembering this but I'm going to try to goes on so the player I've been pronouncing Lucas bergvall is not that at all the way he pronounced it I'm sure it's not exactly this and I've had a few Swedish people telling me it's not quite how it sounds maybe to the English ear but to the English ear it sounds like he was almost saying lucus bival which is going to be a nightmare for me to get my head round because you know when you it's like when you sing a song that you've known from I don't know since the ' 80s '90s whatever and you've always sung this certain line in it and everyone looks at you be like what are you doing and then you realize it's because the line is completely different words you've just mangled some weird words together that's kind of what I'm going to be like with some of these name so yeah L lucus lucus Bal it kind of sounded like I think the lucus is slightly different in in actuality um the other one that's an interesting one and this is going to cause a few people kind of um a differences and opinion in it because Pap matar when pronouncing his own name said it Pape matar from what I understand his name is and this is what I've always been told from the start his name is Pap matar but so many people call him Pape including postao that he is just such a polite lovely young man that he's just decided oh yeah papy Madar that's me and it's so weird but that's weird but it's it's it's kind of sweet in a way so I think he's just decided yeah I'll be Pap M if that's what you want that's fine but actually his name is Pap and it's pronounced like that there's a someone gave me another instance apparently there's a few times players in the Premier League have just got yeah whatever it's just you're you're saying it in your angl sized English version yeah let's go with that while I'm here whereas when they go back to their own country it's completely different um the other one I know people said this to me is quite right is I've always said Ben Davies and it's Ben Davis is how it's pronounced that's that's Absolut spot on that that's just again me having reported on a player for 10 years and completely pronounced his name wrong but I think that was it but there was some mad ones from other clubs um that are just completely different but there you go soor sorry little little Sidetrack there but hopefully so if you hear me saying uh lucus beral you know who I'm talking about it's the guy we formerly called Lucas bergal um yeah watch it it's on I don't know I think Spurs might have put it out but someone sent it to me it's on YouTube um and and it's quite funny hearing some of the players say their own name and the way they say it and like they say it like slowly for dummies and stuff like that it's very good so yeah so it's all about basuma um and that's the key thing for me now is all about basuma he needs to make sure that this is the fuse that ignites his career it's not just like a blip where he suddenly started to get better after a making a mistake because for me basuma has met the best possible person at the best possible time for his career in an POA cogo he needs to use him but ultimately only he can decide his own path so yeah key time for him I'd love to see him continue in in a better vein because uh he could just be so fantastic he really can um and we're talking about the rest of that Midfield you got kki and Madison very attack-minded Midfield Trio um it was weird to see Ki play with Madison because we kind of got used to last season him being the alternative to Madison um and and he did pretty well to be honest and obviously played most of the summer as um a false nine uh which worked quite well for him um and it was just fascinating to see how it worked without Pap I'm going to keep calling him Pap because I'm going to call his name properly Pap matar's um Mobility you didn't have that in the Midfield but I think it worked it did work and I think it it's going to be a tactic that maybe against teams that are not as good on paper at home I think it could work quite well um and also there's another indication I think that pooru sees keski as one of his eights one of his number eights rather than and obviously occasion number number 10 when the system changes slightly rather than one of his Wingers um because there are a lot of Wingers that really are um and I think kki will still play there occasionally on on the wing when maybe he just needs a little bit of strength and a different kind of player but uh we know he's not the natural fit for the Post goloo prototype whatsoever I just thought he was really good against Everton he kind of showcased that skill set that I think makes him a really good option as a number eight in the postal Cog system he's got strength he's got ridiculous stamina he's got this kind of box-to-box running ability he made two dribbles on the day uh made more key passes than any other player on the pitch with four to his name um even if he saw the ball far less like I said bassum Merson got it 86 times they touched the ball Ki only touched it 32 times um his work the assist for for basuma the whole movement was brilliant um the link up with Johnson in the buildup was also very good as well and uh yeah he's I think you look at him he's another option of post was an eight and you've also got sa you've got Bon Co you've got B Val you've got Archie gray course Scott bassum and Madison and Wilson odar who we're going to talk about he can also play as an eight or a 10 as well so there are a lot of bodies in that Midfield now um it's uh yeah it's a packed place in the squad a packed Department really um you know and obviously some people would still like more quality and um and and I I can still understand why but there's a lot of numbers there there really are um in terms of Madison I thought yeah I think maybe we'll look back now preseason as him shaking off the rust that's maybe the best way to put it now he started the season well you know he's not lasting the full games quite as well yet but that's a fitness thing that will come because he only had one game over 45 minutes I think in the summer if I I remember correctly but he's got two assists in two games now uh lovely whipped in corner for Romero and also of course at the king power that beautiful curling ball for porro to head home it just looks a constant threat and I really really like the link cup he had down the left with odar and O doggy they work really well in little triangles and uh yeah Madison had two key passes three shots at goal one tackle two clearances and he blocked two Everton shots they did a fair bit of Defending as well um he actually Al interestingly I saw in the stats won two aerial Jewels which is not something you would really imagine James manderson being uh you know a pioneer of winning AI Pioneer um being a man who wins aial Jews probably what I was more looking to say um and he had like Po alluded to a couple of really good one V one chances from Romero Bulls there was one pinged over the top to him and he slid it into the keep into pford and then the second one he tried to get a touch and couldn't quite get it kind of away or past uh pford so yeah he was he spoke after the game in a Club interview I was just looking to see if there's any bits and pieces really interesting in it um yeah I'm going to say this one because you spoke about that Trio done left he said um I feel in a good place when you feel dangerous and feel like a threat we started the game so well on the left side me Wilson and Destiny we had a really good Dynamic going and we got the balance perfect of sometimes leaving Wilson 1 V one sometimes me running the half space and we had some dangerous crosses where we could have scored could have had a couple more assists but the goals and assists are important for a player like myself because that's what I'm in the team to do that's what the club bought me for so it's nice to get the return on the chances and that I create them um and you know we've said this before but while the defeat sorry defeat being left out of England squad for the summer would have been very difficult for him in the Euros it kind of ended up working for Spurs because he had a summer just to rest and and get his body back to where it should be um and he said I I do I feel great the disappointment of missing the Euros meant the silver lining of that was I've got a full I've had a full summer to rest recover and really get my ankle back perfect working hard and coming back fit with hunger and now I feel really good at the minute so hopefully that can continue and I can keep contributing to help our team win po cogu spoke about Madison after the game as well he said I thought mads was really good and again really disciplined it's not an easy game when you play against the team like Everton because you know there's not going to be a hell of a lot of space in the front third but you've also got to work defensively for second balls I thought he was really good at doing that for us he mopped up a few times when they've gone long and kept the ball for us uh he's had a really good Synergy with Wilson on they worked really well together and then he made some great runs I think the key for me with Ms a bit like b in a different angle is if he's physically good if he's feeling 100% physically and he's fit and he's training every day he can produce those kind of performances it's when that drops off a little bit that you see his performance well I think it affects him as well you know if he doesn't feel 100% there's no doubt he's at that now that he's training every day he trains hard every day he's had a real strong preseason I think that makes him feel like you know what I can go out there and do the stuff I do and if Madison does the stuff he can do he's going to be superb for Spurs this season and it did kind of feel like that last season that there was certain moments when he didn't um he didn't maybe train uh in certain weeks on certain days and yeah it just didn't quite work out as as he wanted it to really um the consistency wasn't there after those first terrific 10 games or so um and uh you could obviously say the injury massively he was out for two and a half months it's difficult to get that sharpness back but having spoken to some people at Leicester over the last you know year since he arrived but also quite recently funny enough before the first game and the kind of theme there was similar that he just would have a he would be flying for Le and he would just have an injury that would knock him out of his stride and he found it quite difficult to get back into that Rhythm and uh we've seen that spur so far that's something that he's got to work out around um but yeah no it was good um and then we had the uh the two players you call them on the left who very different stages of their Tottenham career Wilson OD dear of course playing his first game for Tottenham Sonny playing I think it was his 410th game for Spurs um odar has been a big success behind the scenes so far in terms of uh impressing postu and the coaching staff and he's just got his terrific ability technique Pace he dribbles without fear and just goes and goes and goes at players and I think bearing in mind he'd already played against Luton in the championship um he was match fit as well which was why yeah poog threw him in his 19 yearold got his chance like as soon his work permit came through on a Tuesday and there he was ready to uh to to stick him in there as well and um POS KLU made a kind of a big thing on Friday in the press conference before about how he and the club had identified odar early in the summer as someone they went for and I think Burnley just it wasn't as cut dried as going there and get I think Burnley made a real attempt to keep odar this summer uh and keeping for the championship for next season as well but yeah Spurs eventually came in with a bid we know £25 million and the 5 million more in in add-ons and that convinced them to to let him go so yeah I mean you could maybe argue could it have been earlier in the summer of course but I think everything I've kind of asked about around this and also the Burnley side is that Burnley were kind of especially as he was only 19 really hoping to keep a hold of him and they weren't you know they weren't taking any lowball offers they were trying to get as much as they could from if they had to sell him and and that's led to a kind of No Doubt a bit of uh bit of discussions either side and uh and eventually getting their man so um so yeah but uh I was quite s because Vincent company loves him and he was talking last season at Burnley about how he didn't really want to talk about him because he knew someone Nick him and also because he was like one of the players he felt could be one of the top in the game and uh I think in a weird way Spurs were probably quite fortunate that Lisa ended up going to Bayern and obviously they got so many Wingers that they just couldn't go add another otherwise I think company probably would have said oh yeah by the way there's this lad back at B I'd love if he didn't already um but poog was the man that ended up with him and he was just he's one of those players that will get the crowd up on their feet as he did they loved watching him plays without fear he's going to be I tell you what the biggest thing that impressed me about him was his first touch yeah he's got the dribble and the pace we know he's got that but sometimes you can have players that have got that somewhat like a a dama Tora who will just be blistering with that but actually sometimes the technique and the control isn't there as well whereas with odit the first touch is phenomenal that's probably the thing that stood out way more than anything else for me was that there was a couple of times when like a beautiful Crossfield ball I think I remember I think I remember Sonny playing one across to him as well and and it was pinged across to him he just stopped it dead in its tracks and and there was another time when he was on the run and he took a long pass into his run with him I was really really impressed with that and uh yeah he um the stats Ops of stats showed that he registered most dribbles in the game was seven the most touches in the opposition box was seven of any any player on either side he contested more Jewels 14 than any other Tottenham player and he won the joint most with six um so yeah I would say I would say he was it was very exciting to watch loads of great stuff to him he is going to be a terrific player I think for Spurs going forward you can you can see what his game's about I think the only thing that let him down was the final ball I think the final ball was the only thing that showed he was a 19-year-old the rest of him was very much like yeah okay I've been playing this game forever shove me in front of 60,000 fans and I'll be fine but I think when he tried to play the final ball yeah it wasn't there he was uh and that will come it it's not just about the pass it's also about knowing where his teammates are going to run into their movement exactly where he needs to find him with the ball that will come and he is only 19 he will be learning bucket loads every single week at best he tired definitely in the second half he had that um slightly tired pass um across his own half which mcneel I think it was uh intercepted it ended up uh being a chance that Vicario had to save from Lindstrom but um other than that it was very promising very interesting debut um but yeah just maybe without the actual threat in the final third but what he did do was was draw others towards him um and everything else could be worked on asked po Cog about him he said exciting he said he's different from our other Wingers he goes at his opponent and you know even if he wasn't successful he went at him again I think that's EX why we bought him to the club I mean he's 19 years old he's first going to his new club at home in front of 60,000 people yeah really exciting like I said earlier I thought he worked really well Madison and doggy as a bit of a trio there triangle passes and everything it was very good um and I think for a team like Tottenham that's often had problems prying open quite tight deep compact defenses someone like him someone like oder is either going to be able to get past players or he's going to scar defenses so much that they're going to overcommit with him with a couple of players and that leaves space for someone else so yeah I think he's he's going to have a good time at Spurs he is um yeah I was just trying to think of any of the other little bits and pieces he had I think that's the main thing um Sonny was asked about him Sonny you might remember um I think it was about Archie gray and uh Lucas beral that he said this before for but he's quite good on praising young players Sonny while also quite seriously saying like you got a long way to go lad you've got so much more to do don't get carried away with yourself and he did this again when speaking about odir um he said he was very very impressive he's been training with the team maybe three or four times maybe a little bit more but you can see how much quality he has and he understood how we want to play I was very very pleased to see him on the left side going oneon-one and making a good impact I mean it's his first game let's not celebrate too much you know with the young players we need to stay very humble we also have to take care of these players we can't let them celebrate that much after one game because football has a long long period and long season so I'll always I'll I'll also tell him I'm trying to help him the young Lads because it's not everything you know one game is not everything I hope he can continue the performance and keep the sharpness for a team if he does it'll be very good and today he was very very impressive but we have a long long season ahead I hope we can keep on before like this all the way through the season so yeah I mean look if H needs any inspiration just look at Sonny Sonny is uh the Benchmark for me for any attacking player coming into Spurs um since some people trying to claim he's on the decline or he can't play up front or he's not as good on the left anymore you can guarantee that if ever anyone doubts Sonny it makes him look a bit doed with his next game he'll go and do something like he did um on Saturday and just just play a cracking game he really was I mean he's scored a goal as PO said one as a left Winger and one is a striker so you can't argue that he's rubbish on the left or he's rubbish up front no he's not he's not he's an absolute Top Class player he's now got 248 goal involvements in 410 games 164 goals and 84 assists the man is a machine um and I quite liked it Ben hes the Spurs TV guy asked um Sonny after the game he said like oh you know with that moment when he pressed and won the ball off Pickford and he had an open goal he was like do you ever get nervous when you're in front of an open goal like that and he just kind of looked at him went Ben I'm sunny and then his like quickly add it with a smile I'm joking I'm joking but I just I just love that I love that so much he's 32 now but he's not showing any signs of slowing down either not only in his game but his actual Pace when you watch van Deen's run watch Sonny alongside him son is keeping pace and he had to to score the goal um so yeah to kind of say that he's slower as well but no um his work rate is phenomenal um I've got a quote coming where postu calls him the best presser at the in the club in those forward roles and um yeah I mean bear to mind vaner as well is like K is the fastest player in the Premier League and and Son's matching him over the course of what 80 yards whatever it was um and I think he'll be a really good kind of mentor to someone like OD be I think he just has to look at him I think OD be is from understand is quite a kind of a a quiet Young unassuming lad who pays very close attention to what everyone's doing and if he can do that to Sonny hell of a player hell of a player um yeah and I think PO kogu said this before I think he said it on Friday as well in the pre-match press conference that Sonny is the oldest Outfield player at the club now um but he's the one that's most desperate to learn and improve still and that says everything about the man he is brilliant um you know he not only did he win the uh earn his first goal with his pressing but he also won the corner that Romero scored from he actually did a nice little kind of lofted pass into the box that Romero should have scored from early on but he hit a vol straight at the keeper um poog was after after the game about because Sonny said in the week that he wants to become a Spurs Legend I think he's said it before and a couple of weeks ago he was po was asked like is it days like Saturday that can help him get there or is it kind of bigger things he needs to do and PO said there's no sort of set criteria for that stuff I've got no doubt that whenever he's done and dusted and hopefully it's a long way down the track he will be in his esteemed company at this football club but I love the fact that he's still motivated to do more that's the key thing for us he was really good today it's the reason I put him in the middle because we know Jordan is a big part of their buildup play and they use him a lot and Son's the best presser that we have in the front there he's unbelievable I think he relished that role and again showed his threat when he went out on the left with that great finish um and actually I think what some might see as competition for Sonny in the likes of OD got teim o verer there as an option as well I actually think it's a really good thing for Sonny because it let's be honest Spurs have run Sonny into the ground they've used him so many times and so long in matches and you're like the man is not a machine I know he seems like is he's going to break at some point um and now Spurs will have the ability to you know whether it's Europa League and and carabell games um caribel Cup games or even just the odd Premier League game I'm just saying to Sonny have a rest have a rest in this game don't worry we're not kicking you out the side or anything just have a rest in this game play a little couple of minutes at the end if you want but we'll use one of these young one of the other Lads is a left Winger and Mikey M talking to Young Lads he can play them as well um and you know it'll be better for him Sonny's Body will be better season he'll be able to play his Peak condition and put and give Peak performances across more of the Season no he doesn't already his stats and numbers are always superb but if you allow him to be fresh for the you know the kind of core of your games you're going to get the best possible version of Sony you really are um yeah I mean there's so many options on those left I spoke about Mikey Mo I think I've seen some people already panicking I kind of I think I said this a couple of weeks back we've got to be very careful not to overanalyze the players that aren't in the on the bench to begin with because there's going to be so many players that are not going to make it onto the bench across this season when everyone's fit it is a a very strong bench and even right now with a few people out salanki um Beno out it's a strong bench still um and you're going to have people like he's only 17 years old Mikey Mo he is going to maybe go to games is like the the 21st man and things like that to begin with but he will it would be made very clear to him you know he wasn't sold a li to sign his contract or anything like that he would have been told very clearly look you're you're going to get game time you're going to get minutes there carabel cup you're going to get minutes there you're 17 years old we're going to build you up in the right way and that's kind of what can happen for him now um so yeah I wouldn't worry about Mikey M he's going to play the odds under 21s game like against Bristol City in the trophy because that was against senior opposition that was a big one for him and you know You' got the likes of Mana Solomon who's can't even be involved he's going to be well the aim at the moment is to loan out to leads uh I had expected kind of while I was away at my family dude to come back and that'll be signed and sealed last I heard when I last asked because I haven't asked too much today but earlier this morning it was still kind of little details between the two clubs was being tidied up but um yeah we'll find out um I would hope there's nothing that's it's going to kind of stop it but it does feel like it's been going on a little while we'll probably find out more tomorrow on that one and uh and how it's all worked out or not but um I think it's a good move for him I think for sorry Manor Solomon that's what I've always Sayang wrong as well that's another one I learned from the video calling him Mana but it's manure um he uh if he's going to somewhere that lead that's like a Premier League team that is playing a level below you know and the championship is a decent standard so um yeah yeah fair play to him if that all goes through um what else we said it's uh Brenan Johnson I got to where Brenan Johnson still not finding his rhythm yet um he gets into some really good positions but his touch is still letting him down and I spoke earlier about od's first touch brenon Johnson's can be quite inconsistent and decision making like OD it's it's still not there yet um he was given the whole game because odar did start to Tire in the second half you could see that but he needs to kind of he he can have some valid concerns really um if about you know his place will kind of be given to others because there's a lot of people can play on that right you know I've already spoken about odur is Right footed He could play there if required we know Ki can be an option there we spoke about Mikey Mo Sonic can technically play on the right as well um there are a lot of people that can play on that side and uh look Johnson's a 50 million pound player got 15 goal involvements last season Posta cogu loves him but he's got to find his stride um but that's the other cool thing about Spurs is that I quite like the fact that the players they've got are not only players that can start and do terrifically but they can also make a big impact From the Bench so let's say odar is on the bench he's going to come on and Absolut destroy TI def and I think Johnson's similar you bring Johnson on um I think he makes a huge impact as well and even someone like richison richison you throw up top late in the game um and he's able to do that I know some people were kind of like well was this not a game for richardon to start I think they still building him back up to Fitness he hasn't played football in a long time and he's just been getting a couple of minutes here and there in the last few games um I think even though PO kogu said before the game when I asked him oh yeah know he's fit to start if he needs I still still think you want him to be in a position where if you need him to start against Newcastle which is on paper the harder of the two that's the one you want him for you probably don't start him and risk him doing some damage to himself through tiredness in the first game or second game technically um but yeah we we'll see for for Rich charison and uh I whether they changeed that team up for the for the game at newcast obviously a very different reps that they're going to be facing as well um it's all about the depth though it is it's about um especially when these games come every three days we're going to have from next month onwards we've got the um Europa League draw on transfer deadline is going to be busy when it's 30th isn't it this year on the Friday um but normally I'm like working away at my disc phone going bananas trying to find out all the various stuff about incomes and outgoes this time in the morning we're going to have the Europa League draw which is a weird thing it's it's kind of it's not so much a draw more as here's the pot work it out uh CU we're going to work out as well who you're going to get but we'll have that on the morning of deadline day and then there's a pressor it's the only day really a press conference can be um ahead of the the Newcastle game so yeah a last chance I guess to ask poto cogra about anything happening so you might know a little bit earlier in the day uh but sorry had a very late night working on the uh the football stuff and then running around playing with loads of um my nieces and nephews kids that makes you feel old when your nieces and nephews have kids that I was mucking around with today and they've got a trampoline and they all going mad on that um yeah I'm a great uncle which is I'm just taking that as I'm a great uncle rather than I'm a great uncle kind of thing um was absolutely gone off on the tangent there um but yeah ultimately um yeah he's got that that uh that that Squad depth now I feel like I haven't gone back to what I was just saying um there you go there you go it's uh oh yeah no still I know transfer deadline day yes yeah there's a lot happening that day so I will still be trying to get everything I possibly can uh so keep an eye kind of across my social media feeds for all of that but also be pretty busy in the pressor and doing and all the Europa League stuff as well I'm glad I found my way back it's the weeds were across the path but I managed to find a way through um that's my brain for you um this is why people I understand sometimes people say oh can you do time stamps on these things as well I would be here forever the point of these videos being a little bit different to everyone else's or not everyone else's but you know other people's videos is that I try and talk about everything I try to cover every possible topic topic that I can think of anything that pops in my head um and I probably I don't know I would imagine I touch upon hundreds of different things so time stamps would just be insane and these videos are very much raw things they're kind of meant to be more video podcast than than you know incredibly professional shorts snazzy videos for the Tik Tok generation they're very much kind of like a podcast and obviously I've got a work podcast with guesty um golden guest talk Tottenham so that's the reason I don't put this out as an audio thing on Spotify or anything like that uh it is purely kind of you know for for those who uh want to watch a video or maybe just shove it on in the background and have the audio um I think if you've got YouTube is it premium or something you can turn your screen off and have it as an audio thing but uh but ultimately yeah it's just a very raw thing it's me sitting on this sofa wall behind me still needs a paint um that on air sign from my daughter is like the one change that's come I think over the last years or a few years um so yeah it was never meant to be one that was going to take up loads of my time like doing chapters all this sort of stuff it's just like brain mouth out there if you guys want to watch it cracking that's great if you don't I completely understand as well because it's a very different format to a lot of the in your face professional slick lot of bits and pieces but hopefully my hope is that I give you a little bit more behind the scenes stuff uh because of of where my job takes me I guess um talking about not kind of behind the scenes but behind the Midfield and attack the defense um you can see it's a defense that's still building its Fitness three of those four are still not you know their Peak physical condition but I did feel like they dealt with a lot that came their way really well we did have that very scary moment with Mickey vanderin when his knee hyperextended which means it went in the wrong Direction it's horrible um you could see he's in a lot of pain he's not the kind of guy that goes down very easily at all um and when he goes down stays down something wrong and he looked his face looked like in real pain kind of flashbacks of the um the hamstring injury against Chelsea back in November um and it was like oh this is this is going to be it isn't it they're going to lose him again um and he went off the pitch for some treatment as well uh sorry had treatment on the pitch then he went off the pitch and you could see him quite gingerly trying to move it and he came back on it was only about 2 3 minutes before halftime and it was like okay okay he's moving quite freely and then yeah second half it was just ridiculous tackles Galore interceptions and his run was brilliant and apos was asked whether he was worried about him ahead of the game Sorry after that moment and he said I was worried obviously but I'm worried about all of my boys mate they're all special to me you certainly don't want anything particularly when it's something awkward like that and there is a real fear in that moment it could be something but speaking to him he handled it okay he said he was fine after a couple of minutes it's important to us but they're all important that's why we've tried to create a squad where we're not going to just be putting him out there week after week um but it did it looked like his day was over Radu dragin was sent out to warm up he actually looked like on the bench he was starting to kind of prepare and take uh uh take his kind of training top off and putting on his normal one and uh it didn't quite get that way that far and uh you know could you have taken him off at that point maybe at Hal time but it would have declined uh it would have um deprived us all of that wonderful run through the center of the pitch that came for the goal I mean he made two terrific interceptions in the game after he came back on and just so many times he uses that pace and that strength to get back and snuff out stuff and Madison said about vaner he's brilliant with the aggressive line we play he's so important he's so important for us I know we always talk about it his pace is just ridiculous it really helps us play that high aggressive line it's no coin we get so many offsides there so many times I know it gets delayed it looks like we've ConEd a chance but it gets pulled back and it's offside that's because of the work the back for do with that aggressive line sometimes you're going to get teams that are creative and they have good players so they maybe have a well time run behind or play a nice pass with her on side and that's where Mickey uses his Pace to get us out of trouble he's a brilliant player um that run that he made um poor um Roman Dixon a 19-year-old that come in for Everton as right back he just bounced off him when he tried to and he just drew in tarosky at the last second before playing off to Sonny to score um and yeah Sonny in his postmatch interview was saying that he he was really kind of hoping that vaner didn't play it to him any earlier than that moment um he said when he was driving with the ball I was just running with him and I was thinking I was saying if you pass it now I'm going to kill you because there's such a long way to run and he had so much space and I was like yeah commit Mickey commit like inside of my head I was saying that uh and he was committed and he played the perfect pass he was like a playmaking player after I scored the the goal the fans were singing Mickey song you know but cheers Mickey I was very pleased scoring goals is very pleasing but seeing Mickey running like this passing like this it has to be Mickey's goal so I'm very very happy and grateful having these amazing players behind me um po kuu just he thinks vaner is going to be one of the best around he was asked about him after the game he said outstanding I mean he's a pretty special footballer last year when we had that back four up and running we were a pretty compelling team we also know we can't just keep putting them out there and I think with Romero Mickey and Destiny they're not at Peak Fitness at the moment they all sort of Miss preseason so we sort of knew this two or three weeks we saw it last week about the 60-minute mark they really started to fatigue and we've just got to be really careful with them but if we can get through the international break then once the midweek games start we can start rotating a little bit and you know because we need them at the peak of their performance because when they're like that they're outstanding footballers um in terms of the others I thought porro defended well had a good a few moments where he got in some good interceptions doggy you can see is improving his Fitness came off looking a little bit sore um and po admitted that he said he was a bit sore he had the sort of tightness both hamstrings and calves again he was really fatigued last week so trying to get as M as many match minutes into him as possible through this early period just to get his Fitness up I haven't spoken to the medical team but when I spoke to him he said he just felt tired um perhaps noteworthy as well that when a doggy did come off it was Jed Spence that came on not Ben Davis um Ben Davis he uh appears to be seeing Davis as more the center back cover that fourth Center back as it were um actually before the game I should say that Ben Davis was um yeah I'm getting it right uh was presented with a glass Ball by lley King as a recognition of his 10 years at the club um and interestingly you know I would have thought myself I wouldn't have minded like a a center back who could also play left back I've said that myself but I think it was George sessions from PA that asked the Press Association that asked PO on Friday whether he wanted and was actively looking for another Center back um in the last week of this of the transfer win he said no look we've obviously got Ru who's going well and training really well Ben can play center back as well and Archie can play center back so I think we're okay interesting that he's already seeing Archie gray as a center back be in mind he literally played a couple of games in preseason and that was his first ever experience of being a center back I spoke to Archie on the tour about it or it was very very new to him um and of course it's got Romero Romero was superb yesterday it was one of his uh it was up there with a with just a brilliant performance it kind of started a bit shaking he gave the ball away I think if I remember correctly quite early on but from that point on brilliant he's aggressive in all the right ways he led the back line which is what I really want him to do I want him to be a leader in that Tottenham team he can be it um you know he was last season's top scoring Premier League defender this season he's already bagged his first lovely powerful header off the crossbar like I said earlier he had um a volley that he sent at Pigford that could have sent either side and that would have been a goal um two beautiful passes over the top to Madison he's got a bit of everything to his game he really has and you know still just 26 years old but he's maturing now I could I just feel that I know it's early days in this season and he may do he's going to do the odd Dar thing that's going to uh kind of make us all think oh there he goes again but actually I do feel like those moments become more and few and far between they do happen but they do uh become rarer occurrences um po thinks he's the absolute bees KN um he sees him as the kind of player he wants all of his achievements you know World Cup winner two copper Americas under his belt to WIS that is the titles to uh he wants hit everything that's kind of in Romero he wants it to seep into the rest of the squad as well uh he was asked about him on Friday actually ahead of it being Romero's 100th game for the club and he said he's outstanding obviously with all these kind of things you have the image of a player from AF far and before I got here I thought he was going to be really important to me because he's such a fantastic Center back for club and Country but being here watching him the way he trains and the way he plays unbelievably strong mindset an absolute winner in everything he does he was really important last year and he's going to be really important important moving forward he's one of the players within this group who's achieved things from team perspective and won those kind of and winning sorry and those kind of things are transferable he's won the World Cup he's won the cop America so he's part of a successful team and I think he's a really strong influence in the group it's great he plays his 100th game I know he'll perform at the level he normally does he's really consistent but hopefully we'll make it a special day for him he said on social media Romero after making that 100th game he said a special match and a prior to reach 100 games played with this shirt great game by all this is the way to go thank you for all your support as always let's go at Spurs official and actually a couple of days before he did a bit for Sky Romero but he also did a really interesting 10-minute or so interview with um the Spanish speaking um uh TV company uh or Outlet tundo Deportes um and it's really good I I should bear in mind these quotes I've taken from it very much from the interview on YouTube with the um kind of a mixture of YouTube transcription and I also ran it through Google it may be that YouTube is owned by Google isn't it so there were differences although it is the same company I think um so he was asked about kind of the his feelings this season and how he is in within the club he said it's now the second season I've played in this system and the truth is I like it a lot uh in some I'm someone a central Defender who really likes to play quite high up it's a nice game system to play this year I think they're correcting some things tactically from last season and I think we're a little bit more of a solid team let's hope to show it during the season um can't argue with that it's considered once in the two games really shouldn't have conceded that goal either um you can argue about the opposition all you want absolutely um and you can argue about injuries that Everton have mainly not in attacking areas I don't think actually when you looked at it they had too many I think it was one Shakir sh forgot his name they had one young the Striker out but yeah you know you've got someone like Dominick Cal lein who's constantly linked with big clubs and stuff like that and you Dwight mcneel is a good attacker they loads of decent kind of attacking Outlets but they just nullified they did nothing um and like I said the top of this show I do agree absolutely agree with this you can't do stats and say how poorly Spurs did in periods last season and ignore the fact that they had so many injuries and then in the same breath say say oh yeah but only be Everton it's like you know you can't really do both it doesn't really make much sense um Romero was also asked about salanki he said for me he's a great Striker he's going to contribute much to this system we have and I think he can contribute a lot to the team obviously there's also Richie and a nice competition between the two a very healthy competition on a daily basis and let's hope they have an excellent season um and yeah he just believes it's time now to match match his internal silverware with some uh Club honors he said at Club level yes obviously my wish is to try and get some trophies and you always try every day to get to get up and come in and try to convey that message to your teammates I think it's going to be a nice season we have many competitions to play in and we hope that it happens it's a oh he was also asked about people considering him to be one of the best defenders in the world he said it's a nice thing that many people consider you one of the best but it's always something that pushes you to keep improving to keep growing there were too many defend and too many players to say that I'm the best absolutely no one is the best apart from Leo Messi who's the best footballer I've ever seen with my eyes and the rest I think have to work a lot to be considered one of the best defenders like I said is something that drives you day after day after day to continue improving and continue to have the same ambition I think I'm on the right path if they put me up there it's because I'm doing things well and I want to continue doing it the same way and see where my ceiling is and that is my thought on a day-to-day basis so what I like about this squad right now um yes there could be more done to it absolutely but what I do like to about it is that it's a very young and talented Squad but it also has got a few experienced heads specifically people like Sonny and Romero um who can really guide them they're great examples for the other players to follow and I think when they speak both of those two players the other players will listen um and you know I don't have once said you can't win anything with kids and that was swiftly proven wrong um I would imagine Spurs very young but very gifted group with the likes of Romero so on and of course poto kogu who's been there and done it and the new coaching staff the whole coaching staff they can absolutely are aiming to try and do something similar win something with kids um and I said this before but I just think a younger team creates a better connection with the fan base you're kind of pulling for them more and maybe maybe people give them a little bit of leeway you know there's always scapegoats I do feel like Spurs have got rid of a load of scapegoats and then there's there's now some more ones that are being put in there as the ones to turn on quite quickly after anything um you know I saw some people still Ming after a 4-n win like just enjoy it Saturday go and a great Saturday night and enjoy it I think sometimes we miss the pure essence of football which is just to enjoy the good times is that a natural reaction now is to jump on social media and have a winge about something it's it's it's turned us into different people I'm I'm including myself in that as well um but yeah I think there's a a lot of talent there in this squad but there's also a few guiding people to to take them along the way and I do think we're going to identify with them really well like the the poch side when it was young and and it will maybe just feel all the sweeter if if Spurs um you know win stuff with this kind of younger group I still of course would like another experienced player I would um we've got a week left of the uh of the window uh we've got well it's not even a week now is it it's uh just kind of it it ends on Friday so not a lot of time I still think Spurs will look at opportunities that arise I think the main focus is getting players out of the squad the last remaining few You' got lilsa and regulon and obviously this man deal has not gone through yet um Alfie Divine probably heading on loan as well might have a look at some other loans we'll see um but I still feel like even with the registration issues that I'm going to leave for now we'll talk about um once it all happens um because that's their problem not mine uh they can work it all out I still feel that they'll just scour for some you know if any of the players on their original list are available or also anyone else that they had on their list that they thought would not be on the market suddenly comes on the market and and we'll see I'll try and do another one of these videos if I can on Wednesday so we have a little kind of middle of the week update um and hopefully a few bits and pieces will have moved on from there and we'll also look towards the Newcastle game but yeah plenty to talk about so uh yeah I'm going to head off because it's very late at night and you can probably hear from my voice and my eyes I am struggling a little bit it's it's been a long day a fun day fun weekend it's always fun when the Spurs win it makes writing about them so much better it makes talking about them so much better um and now it's time for them to kick on use this momentum and keep building on it and uh and hopefully give us a decent season to remember and hopefully the rest of this window also gives us plenty to discuss as well right I'm going to head off um as always stay healthy stay safe look after yourselves I shall catch you later goodbye

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