2024 Box Office - Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Opening Weekend

hello and welcome to this week's movie math where woo I have had quite the weekend let's just go with my hair is Beetlejuice inspired all right so on that note what do you know it wasn't the Batman Nostalgia play that worked for Michael Keaton it was Beetle Juice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice beetlejuice if I was a Warner Brothers executive that would be my new favorite word I'd be like could I get him every year do you think they'll make a Beetle Juice through let's see how high it gets I don't know if they'll be able to resist they couldn't resist Joker too could Beetle Juice make a billion I was going to say it later in the video but I'll just say it now I don't think it's likely but I don't think it's impossible let's see how let's see how it does it's overseas numbers are not great what don't you guys want to party with us but it's the third biggest opening of the Year State side of the Year oh my goodness there's a lot to unpack here we're going to do the work uh but I think two elements that are not being discussed so far I don't see them in the conversation so I'm going to bring them up audiences that's right audiences are clearly hungry for nons superhero content I'm saying it I think they've been inundated with Marvel DC and Sony content you stuff the audience we're too we're too full and so I think people find this other content still fun but also refreshing what about Deadpool and Wolverine well that's kind of a nostalgic play as well as both characters have been absent for so long Deadpool and Wolverine also very shrewdly played itself as almost the anti- MCU and DC movie because it made fun of those things you know the plays that those uh franchises were doing uh so I think it worked so too much superhero content people like a little bit of a break and then also that the holiday themed Movie Market is seriously under underserved I've been talking about this so much and I feel of you know uh indication right as the I think that's how the uh the gift goes or the meme goes because think about it right think about it speaking of uh speaking of uh memes and Gifts these days audiences want movies to make it worth going to the multiplex right and what's a bigger event they want an event movie so what's a bigger event than a holiday themed movie it also improves the holiday you're like I'm in a festive mood what can I do uh go to the movies right uh like talk like I think it just creates a real part atmosphere you know I had my issues with Beetlejuice but I went to see it again in IMAX this weekend had a good time still had the same issues with it but I got to say there will always be a special place in my heart for this movie because when we were leaving my father was dancing out of the theater to the music he was having such a good time and it put him in such a good holiday mood my father is not a big dancer either so the fact that he did that meant so much to me and I will always love the movie just for that so that was really nice and that's that's the kind of thing we're looking for right it has nothing to do with the quality of the movie isn't that interesting it just can't be horrible we'll talk about the front room which apparently is horrible but as long as it's not horrible what we're really going for here is the experience get it the event movie that's worth going to the theater so Beetlejuice very much fits that uh model I've been staying for a while though that there you've heard me that there aren't enough new holiday movies not just for Christmas but also Halloween we're watching the same ones every year I'm sick of it I could recite them I could act them out myself give me new ones and here you go well this help Amazon's mg Amazon and mgm's upcoming red one whose trailer by the way played in front of Beetlejuice you know I got to tell you I don't think that movie is Christmasy enough I'm like you gotta you know it's like you know the wedding cake approach you know I talk about that for Fantasy same for holiday movies and Beetlejuice is very much a Halloween it literally is a Halloween wedding movie but you got to you got to throw up Christmas old over your movie Dwayne and he did not he's like on a Christmas diet on that movie so I don't know how how well that's going to work for him but you know you never know because it's at least it's a new one but it's also a new brand you know he's not building on anything he's building on Dwayne Johnson I think is the idea and he's got Captain America in there as well and J Jonah Jameson but um I don't know if that's enough and also I think Dwayne Johnson's brand let's be honest is taken a little bit of a hit these days uh and obviously the real money in Hollywood Contin use as much as people might complain it remains in Nostalgia and sequels so they ain't going nowhere doesn't seem you want them to because you all paid to see them at the theater all right so you know you know the money does the real talking in business and you guys you know as much as you might complain you're paying to see it audiences this is also fascinating to me audiences don't even have to be personally familiar with the original property when it comes to Nostalgia plays they just have to feel that there's a party happening and that someone is excited about it they're like oh are you excited about it I'll be excited about it too why not it's almost as if established IP is now some kind of stamp of approval that makes audiences feel more comfortable spending their time and money on a movie and Warner Brothers by the way Mah really did a beautiful job oh pat on the head for zazzy well he didn't do it but the people he hired did it or they holdovers from the other Warner Brothers team but whatever somebody at Warner Brothers did a beautiful job putting together this release strategy particularly after Sony High tailed it out a Labor Day weekend with Craven oh that was a blessing for Beetlejuice all right so let's look at this release in all its Glory it's so beautiful all right so Beetlejuice hits the marketplace just as Deadpool and Wolverine wraps up its incredible run far enough away that there isn't any overlap but close enough that audiences are still looking for a party they're like I'm having such a good time where's the next big uh big thing bam here it is from Warner Brothers I love it uh there are no other movies in the marketplace at all right now there's no competition Beetlejuice 2 this weekend accounted for 73% of all tickets sold wow with theaters putting on as many screens as they possibly could they were adding so many screens at the last minute it was just a wall of showtimes because they were like there's no excuse for you not to see this movie it's starting right now and that was fantastic and also that visual when you log on you're like should I see a movie and then you're like wow everyone's apparently seen b they're adding so many showtimes you know you think it's because tickets are selling most of it was walk up business so I think that that creates the it was really more the theaters were like please come to the movies and they wanted to again as I just said give you every opportunity to do so uh and it worked and it also creates that party leming FL well you know I don't nobody likes to be called a leming but that's what the strategy is right put on your leming hat twitch your little leming tail and let's run towards the edge of this Cliff uh you know just like every body's going uh then now this is how this is so beautiful this is how it works if it works if everything falls into place this is what you want then it has this huge opening weekend and everyone who didn't go opening weekend goes maybe I should have gone maybe I should go now and then also people are like what a party I'm going back I know some of you have already seen it multiple times this weekend I saw it two times this week myself and I didn't even like it that much now that's not true I did like it I just had serious issues with it but I didn't say that the rest of it I told you it was like a not so tasty Halloween cookie but who's going to turn down a Halloween cookie uh so yeah so I think this is very good you know it's the second biggest it's the third biggest opening of the year as I said the second biggest opening ever for September I think that's going to make a lot of people who are on the fence who are maybe going to wait for digital or maybe even dare I say streaming go maybe I should go now and there isn't any other event movie to entice them away until the first weekend of October Beetle Juice to has like this whole entire freaking month basically sorry James McAvoy I don't care how how uh well that we we'll see I don't know how I don't care how threatening and problematically sexy you are uh but anyway we'll see what kind of numbers shirtless James maoy does he's causing quite a stir on the social medias but that doesn't always translate into ticket sales as we know anyway there's no really big movie until the beginning of October also from Warner Brothers which is Joker 2 but it's two months until Halloween so that means the Beetlejuice 2 will likely be ready to hit digital just in time for the spooky the week of the spooky holiday right so it'll be in theaters for the Hol for the Halloween season but when it comes to the holiday itself Halloween is on a Thursday this year I bet you they dropped uh Beetlejuice 2 on October 29th the Tuesday beforehand oh it's beautiful Beau beautiful really I don't know if zazzy's handing out bonuses over there me thinks not but if anyone uh in distribution I mean if anyone deserves one it's the distribution and uh maybe marketing team but particularly the distribution team that again was incredibly well done the only element though that did not hit was red carpet I find this fascinating you would think Beetlejuice would dominate in this category I blame Venice it certainly has its cache but it's all about Elegance all the premieres kind of run together Venice is about Venice and I think it kept Beetlejuice from having a slew of themed events particularly like Barbie Dune did it too Deadpool and Wolverine but you know I'm thinking this could have been like Barbie level theming Jenna Ortega did a great job with themed outfits to promote the movie but for some reason not that many people paid attention I wonder why I felt a little bad in fact I think because they were cute but they weren't like you know like I think they were missing that that at J uh they seem sometimes a little bit like homemade or she put them together herself they didn't seem like professional all right but you know I think again Dune Barbie and Deadpool and Wolverine are you know starting this new trend of like Mega promotions uh and by the way Deadpool and Wolverine didn't really have the fashion element because you know it was male Centric with the Stars but they had Comic-Con as a springboard which turned out to be brilliant usually that's a problem for a movie because it's competition but here Deadpool and Wolverine because Ryan Reynolds is a marketing genius leaned into it Marvel is looking to duplicate that with next year's Fantastic Four and let's see if Marvel can duplicate it without Ryan reynolds's help unless they want to put him on the payroll in that regard you know if I were Kevin fig and Bob AER I'd consider it uh but you know you know Ryan Reynolds makes it look easy but then why is nobody else doing it except except Margo Robbie to a degree uh we'll see we'll see uh they should they could have certainly hired Ryan Reynolds to help promote Beetlejuice all right back to Beetlejuice to the exact opening number is in flux we're not totally sure where it's going to land because it's Sunday Night Football returning tonight and Tom Brady apparently is making quite the spectacle of himself did you think he did a good job or a bad job he still got paid a ridiculous amount of money either way and he still can make a headline and that's what he was paid for so that's that's really what he was paid for and he delivered but anyway uh Hollywood isn't sure how that's going to affect Sunday night movie going so they're like where's the number going to land they're putting it at 110 it could be higher maybe lower but it could be higher on Monday when we get the final numbers which is very soon sorry movie math is late today as I said crazy weekend um but ever however for our conversation we're just going to go with the 110 number which is very impressive this is a nice number after a weak summer it was Bleak for Warner Brothers peaked a little early this year but they're back baby they're back in the mix woo they always they Thrive and fall their brands are very fall friendly uh and this is the second biggest opening of September ever falling right in between Wonder Brothers Two it movies so they have the top three September movies the three of them by the way that movies were also on Nostalgia play they were everybody was like remember that Tim Curry movie and some people were like yes and some people were like no but I've heard of it and everybody again just got excited anyway the audience scores were B just too are they're very good they're not amazing they're not amazing but they're very good and they're a little better than the first Beetle Juice so that's nice demo wise pretty solid here too could have done a little bit better with black audiences the franchise has a huge cast but still doesn't have a black character they had the Soul Train but you know really they didn't have that and it was solid across the board agewise which proves again that you don't need to be overly familiar with the original film which came out in uh like 1988 or something uh to be excited about this new one you just have to be like other people excited so me too and of course again obviously Beetlejuice plays on streaming and stuff like that but you know still you know a lot of people were not like totally familiar with it were you familiar with Beetlejuice before you saw the sequel and how did that affect your experience if at all the movie skewed female it wasn't like Barbie or it ends with us level female skewing but it definitely was a hit with women uh I think not only because of the female leads but because of the focus on Halloween ladies love Halloween I I like Halloween too I think it's the I I I think women do like Halloween quite a bit um uh and I I have some female friends who just absolutely adore Halloween so yes ladies love Halloween and also goth I myself having gone through a goth phase as well uh one of you pointed out to me over the weekend when I talked about the fact that this skew I tweeted earlier that this was skewing female and one of you said this is why Margo Robbie should have gone with Gotham City Sirens one of the many reasons she should have of gun with the aam city Sirens over Birds of Prey I hope you're paying attention James gun yoink right you're even for the same freaking studio so if he's not paying attention I hope some eagle-eyed executive is like aop or be beep hey James you looking at these Beetlejuice numbers Gotham City sirens for another Halloween I mean it's Barbie meets Beetlejuice duh all right why nobody want to make a Gotham City s although they have current Gotham City Sirens comic book out and it's awful so it's not so easy to do but it shouldn't I don't know why it's so hard to write these stories but apparently it is but they just just make an effort all right just just doesn't have to be horrible speaking of women Beetlejuice also has strong fashion branding uh similar to Barbie as well uh it's easy for audiences to come up with Beetle Juice themed uh outfits Etc right like a friend of mine another friend of mine was at a nail salon this weekend and she saw someone next to her getting a be juice manicure what was it I asked her to one hand was apparently glitter like barf green which I was like oo interesting choice well the other hand was black and white stripes with red tips like uh blood or something and I was like that sounds amazing again I didn't even love the movie and I was like maybe I want a Beetlejuice manicure I should have gotten one for the weekend so very very exciting I'm sure I'm wondering now that I think about it I wonder if Disney's like is Beetlejuice drinking our milkshake or can we just write its coattails it'll be interesting to see how agath the factors into all of this Agatha maybe doesn't have as clear an identity maybe that's one of the issues of having different themed episodes that you don't have a a theme overall that ties it together H something to consider W have tied together because of Wanda Vision tied together because of Wanda's very strong branding herself fascinating all right so anyway not only could audiences get their Beetlejuice groove on but it was very easy for compan come companies to come up with themed promotions uh and boy did they lot of promotions for Beetlejuice uh I saw a lot of people going crazy over the Denny's promotion in particular which I thought was interesting but again Gotham City Sirens would very much excel in these areas as well from fans being able to dress up to also I think company promotions so make that movie it's so obvious but again I'm I'm a scared it's gonna suck all right that's how that's the DC Dance all right uh although James gun hired good talent for lanterns although we not we're not sure how it's going to turn out maybe maybe he could hire the right person for Gotham City Sirens but I'm sure it's himself we all know how much he loves Margo Robbie but will it be Margo Robbie we don't know all right so next who benefit I'm getting all distracted with the Gotham City Sirens movie wo all right so all right next who benefits from Beetlejuice 2's success who benefits all right so obviously this is yet another IP for Warner Brothers some of them new some of them reactivated but Warner Brothers is doing a great job with variety uh whereas say Disney keeps going back to the same basic Wells they're like would you like some Pixar no would you like some Marvel how about some Disney Animation how about some Pixar how about some oh Star Wars oh you don't like that anymore all right so anyway uh but yeah they basically have those same categories and they just keep ramming them down your throat whereas Warner Brothers has thatas B of like not only like things you like but like things you you forgot you likeed you're like oh my God I love those you brought them back right now uh if I were a Warner Brothers development development executive I would have my interns go through the library the vast catalog of films that they have and say come up with lists for potential revivals I don't care how crazy it might seem put it on my desk uh for instance maybe a new Bonnie and Clyde right uh Bonnie and Clyde has very serious name recognition and you could go with the joker the successive Joker interestingly if you watch documentaries on Bonnie and cin they were in fact celebrities of their time and the general public was on their side it's very Joker to in fact uh so you can maybe do a historical Bonnie and Clyde I'm starting to see it maybe not you know not right NE now because we have the Joker movie coming up but I can see it what water Brothers Classics old and you know recent you could be even something kind of recent do you think have potential to bring back get your Warner Brothers development intern on uh this is that's what interns often do by the way all right so this is pretty much tied with Tim Burton's biggest opening to date 2010's Alice and Wonderland they're right there next to each other who knows what the order will be come Monday uh one of the earliest movies by the way to join the billion dollar club and again will Beetle Juice too get to a billion it has a whole month with no competition that's insane uh this is pretty great for the whole Wednesday team as well from Tim Burton to showrunners uh Miller and go who scripted here they took over the script and of course star Jenna Ortega they were able to transfer their Mega success on Netflix to the theatrical space now Wednesday is in fact for MGM even though it has strong WB Vibes but it's for MGM and season 2 is actually filming right now expected for 2025 and expected to be an even bigger hit than season 1 was and that was a very big hit interestingly Wednesday came out for Thanksgiving weekend in 2022 that's a five-day weekend very very good idea still has strong fall Vibes we'll see where they Place Wednesday season 2 this I think really helped jenet Ortega's career I think actually the most of the onscreen talent I think it really establishes her as a new star very I were her agent I'd be like this is so exciting I also think Katherine O'Hara will benefit uh who just loves to work and isn't as picky as Michael Keaton and win Nota Ryder let's be honest and so I think she'll pick up a slew of supporting roles in guest spots I think atherine O'Hara just is yes yes yes yes yes it's the famous bit of advice Jack Nicholson gave to Terry gar an actor Acts and I think Katherine O'Hara agrees with that but as for the other two Winona Ryder has the final season of stranger things coming up as well and with these two together that's also pretty sexy I bet she lands another streaming show where she's either the lead or the co-lead right and you know what maybe with the people behind Wednesday because wiona Rider is so on brand for them as well like Tim Burton and Miller and go don't have to write it or direct it but they could produce it if I were them or if I were riters team I'd be looking for streaming pitches that fit with their that aesthetic and then I I would take it to one or the other if I were Burton Miller and go I'd take it to Ryder and if I were Ryder's team i' take it to them and I'd say let's do something together let's have an adult Wednesday you know let's do that's how I'd pitch it I'd be like everybody loves Wednesday what if we have something that's clearly in the adult space I like that idea Heck if I were an executive I'd go look for it myself at a streaming service and then I'd call them both up and say let's get you crazy two kids back together all right then Michael Katon he apparently wants to use this moment momentum to go back to his birth name Michael Douglas I kid you not I can't believe this what the heck Michael Keaton all right he's like what do I want to spend my Capital on I guess it's better than mersel Ali spending it on blade but I don't know perhaps this is just very stupid so we can all understand of course why thway Newton finally corrected everyone and I'm glad she did I feel bad it took her so long to do it but why does Michael Katon want to go back to Michael Douglas and confuse everyone right I mean he's literally was born michaelg Douglas but the reason he had to change it is not only cuz you know for obvious reasons but sag doesn't allow two people to have the same name cuz it's you know it's confusion and I don't think sag would even allow him to just call himself Michael Douglas now he'd have to put an initial in there like Michael B Jordan does right and there's still sometimes confusion there was a joke about that in the last Looney Tunes movie although of course a lot of you didn't see it but it was in there U maybe you saw the joke on social media but again why Michael Keaton is a brand he's built a brand why have and also they're so different I feel you'd be kind of disappointed sometimes you'd be like Michael Doug oh that Michael Douglas or either way it could go and also I think Michael Douglas might Su him I I mean I think ficha I mean first I'd place a call to his my team to his like what are you doing to me man you know they're both retired I'm like why why now why and then if he didn't I'd sue the pants off all right Keon clearly has a lot of money they said how do you feel about Batgirl he said I feel bad for everyone involved but he got paid a lot that was literally response he was like I got my money sorry everybody else I feel bad for you so I was like I don't apparently Michael Keaton should use some of his money to afford uh handlers who help him with media training but again I don't really think it matters to him he's got a lot of money he was both Batman and Beetlejuice he's get those checks he's getting those checks for life you get residuals off of movies and when you're in the St when you're the star you get a lot of residuals I still get Zombie Land 2 residuals and I had like just a handful of lines uh so anyway they're like they're like very little at this point but a again think of the perspective if you're a Batman and Beetlejuice and you see how often those movies are watched all right so don't expect I think his career to change dramatically from what it is now it's just going to continue this way I guess if I had my brothers if I wanted to rub the Hollywood magic lamp or Beetlejuice and get a wish for Michael Keaton I'd like him to maybe go back to Comedy more just like he does here back in the day if you're not familiar with Michael Keaton if you don't know your Hollywood History Michael Keaton was actually largely a comedic actor uh and so I don't think he would be able to be the lead in a comedy movie I think that'd be too hard to sell I wouldn't give it to him be like are you going to be Beetlejuice in this movie if not no uh but maybe a streaming a comedy streaming show I could see him having a bigger role there like a co-lead I maybe the lead but maybe a co-lead you know what Walton gogin can't be in everything or can he Walton gogin also doesn't know how to say no and I mean that in a positive way but interestingly and this didn't occur to me till I was doing my notes for movie math back in the day Michael Keaton was wal goggin isn't that interesting you know you might say well Walton Goggins has a lot more you know Pizzazz but Michael Keaton used to have a lot of Pizzaz all right so uh and he has you can see it like a little bit in Beetlejuice obviously all right now let's look at the rest of the top 10 big takeaway by the way make more Halloween movies all right so all right let's look take not just scary movies I think that's a big thing usually they're like I just gonna scare the the the crap out of you for Halloween you're like not too we like that we like that but I think the big theming the big theming also is nice all right now let's take a look at the rest of the top 10 look at Deadpool and Wolverine it finally took a bit of a tumble in its seventh weekend woo but and look at those totals they're beautiful speaking of beautiful but it still can't catch inside out too inside out two though that's a special movie that's a special lady uh it's now the eighth highest grossing film of all time Deadpool and Wolverine 23 I can see Deadpool and wolver getting into the top 20 I don't think it's going to break into the top 10 Reagan continues to do solid numbers I appreciate the plethora of perspectives that watch movie math and a number of you are like are you afraid to talk about Reagan all right let's talk about Reagan uh it's nice to we're gonna have a couple of conservative conversations in the weeks ahead as you'll see by the end of this episode but anyway it is nice to see a conservative film that isn't surrounded by toxicity and conspiracy theories which makes it a little bit easier to talk about although it's not doing sound of Freedom numbers so maybe those things are important maybe those elements are what work for that brand also though a lot of sound of freedoms box office was donations right all right like you know buy a ticket for someone else and if they showed up it didn't matter if they showed up the money still went to the movie so I don't know if donations needs to be in quotation marks or not but it wasn't like traditional ticket buying uh perhaps this should have come out closer to the election if there was maybe a hope for some influence uh but you know it's doing okay not doing again sound of Freedom numbers but it's respect you know just is it I think for a movie starring Dennis Quaid about Ronald Reagan from a studio nobody ever heard of let do okay uh and it adds some diversity to the movie landscape that's nice will we ever see a Yellowstone level conservative conservative leaning hit though Horizon was supposed to be that I saw that again this p over Labor Day weekend I still like Horizon it was funny I watched it with someone else and they were like they agreed with me they're like it's not a great movie but I still enjoyed it and I was like exactly uh part two just was also at Venice got a little bit better reviews people are like all right we're heading in the right direction here Kevin so I'm excited for that to come out uh and maybe Paramount though should talk to Taylor Sheridan about doing a movie rather than a gabillion spin-offs but I don't know he's making a lot of money with the spin-offs and I suspect a lot of that audience is people who like to watch stuff at home but I don't know we'll see as these more conservative movies start to test the waters maybe there is money in theaters an alien ramulus which interestingly Enough by the way the conservative audience I mean not just the conservative audience but conservative audiences have taken this movie under their wing they're like you just like they did Top Gun Maverick which is interesting uh especially because alien Romulus is a more diverse film so that's interesting uh and it's very close to the century mark domestic it's going to get there this week right worldwide it's 314 uh so my last projection that I did on my last Deep dive was 30 300 to 350 and I still think that's on target it's not going to get to 400 it just opened in its final Market Japan where it opened with a wiing 2.3 million there's not a I mean it's it's it's tapped all the pockets it's going to tap if cash it's it's going to end but it's going to get no higher I think than 350 maybe a scooch above it but it ain't getting to 400 it's not going to end with a four in front of it or I think even close uh you know maybe 350 maybe 360 if it's lucky I don't think so I think Disney will rush it out to um digital before that I bet Yen Romulus gets on digital by the end of the month where I hope it does very well it's a great I like this movie it's frustrating to me that people are like oh you're alien Romulus hater no I'm not I love the movie it's one of my favorite movies of the year but I have my business hat on my business hat and I stand by the fact that even though this is the highest grossing alien movie since Prometheus it still ain't enough money for Disney to get up in the morning so we'll see how the upcoming series does but I still feel that maybe they might want to sell this IP I mentioned that before I was like can you sell an IP and some of you were like yes you can Grace thank you for this Exorcist and knives out both were sold and interestingly fascinatingly both were sold they each had a four $100 million price tag on it that's apparently how much a franchise costs I think it's interesting that both Universal and Netflix have kind of run both into the ground so you know it's tough but you know who has deep enough pockets in Hollywood the Hollywood economy these days which ain't pretty uh to maybe buy aliens I would say alien and apes can I get a two for one deal here Disney can you knock it off from 800 to maybe 650 right can I do 650 we'll play prices right for alien and apes uh $6.99 uh but but i' how much would you pay for alien and apes you know and you got to be respectful to the brands obviously but Exorcist is pretty I think Exorcist is kind of on the same level as alien and apes particularly I'd be like I'd be kicking the tires of these franchises I'd be like look at these box office numbers as we've been talking about aliens and apes never did big numbers they're just they have name recognition but it doesn't translate to ticket sales or viewership on shows to date so you want to throw you throw a predator in there maybe I'll give you 750 I'll do it I'll have this conversation I think Warner Brothers should buy them but they already have a ton of Ip as we just uh you know they're able to find IP at home that doesn't cost them anything additional they don't have to acquire it and we all know zazzy's pretty cheap so I don't think he's going to Shell out money for these so I think my money would be on universal who already purchased Exorcist by the way although maybe they're smarting from the fact they flush that $400 million down the toilet we don't know Mike Flanigan's going to try we'll see uh I I I think this is very interesting though I would try I would try and sell it I think so Lion's gate they're like we have no money left we we just also flushed it down the toilet lot of money in the Hollywood sewer system all right otherwise uh also it ends with us continues to be this weird movie that's making a ton of money but might have hurt the career of everyone involved uh and uh also blink twice is you know I think solid for especially for a first film from Zoe kravits I think she can feel good about this I also think the film I suspect it will do very well on digital and then later on on streaming you know why cuz this a good movie also strange darling but you know what there are too many horror movies horror movies of course are very popular Hollywood realizes that but again just like they did with comic book movies there's too many of them people are choking on them it's too many and they are fittingly cannibalizing each other slow it down chew your food Hollywood chew your food all right now wait a minute speaking of horror didn't another movie open this weekend that's right bry's the front room from a24 and Brandy and a24 have a lot of fans so what the heck happen happen there it is at number 10 number 10 it's an over 2,000 the the yeah over 2,000 theaters look at how low it is oh my God you know what happened apparently the movie sucks oh my God C minus is low even for a horror movie so wow I know Brandy fans are hoping for a comeback but this seems unfortunately like a setback and an odd Miss for a24 but don't cry for a24 they have baby girl coming out for in December where Nicole Kidman just won best Act at Venice very sad story her mother also tragically passed away so she had to she could not accept her award uh and everyone is saying it's the female version of Basic Instinct or Presumed Innocent intriguing although apparently it's quite the adult film although that might help as well very spicy apparently also has a little Oscar bus little Oscar bus so you know I wonder if 824 will be like sorry Civil War we're throwing all our money behind baby girl and that might be that might be the right call uh cuz ain't no one talking about Civil War and award circles I'm I'm sure somebody is like I heard someone talking about it well that's nice for you all right as for streaming neelen is a week behind being a month behind what's going on over there although I did take off last Sunday myself for Labor Day so we can go over last week's charts look at House of the Dragon woo we get to go at least you guys get to see this with the boys wrapped at this point season four wrapped and the bear a binge this weekly release show was able to have audiences finally all to itself and took advantage of it this is the overall chart by the way and after House of the Dragon which is of course a current show everything else is older content warmed over leftovers yes the effect the effects of last year strikes are still being felt let's say what that's what it is but I also think it's a little bit of lack of creativity in Hollywood right on the originals chart while it wasn't enough to make the overall chart the boys is still on top over here as audiences continue to get their binge on now that season 4 is wrapped which is excellent for the boys which means it actually has cultivated two audiences those who watch it weekly and then another sizable amount that are waiting for it to end that's incredible usually you get a quick little binge and then it goes away this binge is a lasting binge for a weekly show oh it's beautiful that's why they're making the boy Cinematic Universe I hope let's see if that works out uh also there's Umbrella Academy at the bottom that's uh rightfully that's rightfully over and the bear season 3 is fading away doesn't have quite the hold as previous Seasons because it sucks I'm sure someone's like dear Grace I love the bear season 3 again that's very nice for you but your numbers are small uh oh oh don't don't encourage that creative who's behind that show don't be I forget his name don't be like dear the bear Creator don't listen to the haters you're a genius you're just GNA leave him don't do to him what you did to DC don't lead him down a rabbit hole of failure all right uh you got to keep it real uh over wasn't that what William defo says in Beetle Juice by the way all right over with movies on the movies chart Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes hit Hulu and it wasn't enough to get onto the overall chart or to top this chart but it did okay but again this is not sexy enough for Disney I I would sell these these Fox franchises uh and then also it's worth noting for Disney plus that Moana continues to be strong while at the release of Deadpool and Wolverine This was um you know basically uh around the the the week of the look how far Nelson behind is when Deadpool and Wolverine came out and you can see the first Deadpool managed to pop onto this chart not Logan though for all of yous who like yeah you guys are like dear Grace Logan is the best X-Men movie ever made how dare you not put it at number 10 it was in my top 10 and as you can see I told you it was a good movie but a bummer of a movie not something you want to keep watching again and again and what do you know all right with Netflix's charts for just last week Netflix is going apparently for quantity over quality because they've got three new releases doing the kind of numbers that normally just one very good movie would do maybe one and a half or one and a quarter shows are even weaker though with nothing able to break 10 million minutes for the week here did the quantity strategy really backfire you know at least they did numbers over in movies here it looks like they just it was just nobody knew where to look for shows this week because they had four new releases too many and boy that's low for the Sandman that's embarrassing that's on the level of Joe Rogan and Joe Koy but he's supposed to be Adam freaking sailor Matt R his latest comedy special did double the viewership when it debuted you make too many stinkers it's hard to get back it's hard to get back on top let's hope the Sandman doesn't ruin the legacy of Happy Gilmore I'm afraid Travis Kelce what are you doing Sandler you just have a little bit left don't don't squander the remaining Legacy that you've managed to somehow hold on to I'm sure again dear Grace I love Travis Kelsey Taylor Swift is that your burner account all right over on iTunes Beetlejuice Mania is here as well not just with the original film but pre-orders for the new one aing that's incredible that is incredible again I had problems with the mov movie but I'm getting excited about how well it's doing my business hat is swirling around you can't see it but it's spinning around like I'm a cartoon character and trap seems to have found an audience on digital you know people are like let's see how bad this really is and I've seen a lot of people on social media go it is that bad uh and M night's like still got your money got your money uh while long he can't play that game forever though ask Adam Sandler while long legs continues to impress animation of course continues to also be extremely popular even mediocre animation I'm looking at you the Garfield movie I saw that back when it was in theaters um and it's really A Garfield movie and name only it almost made my worst movies of the year list but then some other movies came along and were even worse I lik OD though it had its moments I like that line where he says this is how he learns that was pretty funny from Breck Goldstein from Ted lasso but I didn't see Garfield there you know thematically uh thematic did not see Garfield dramatically in the film all right you know what I'm talking about as for this coming weekend in theaters James macavoy will try to entice movie goers away from Beetlejuice but I think a lot of people will be like I'll see you over later on digital and streaming James maoy we'll see I can't make the the Press screening for this but my review will go up on Friday I'm gonna go see it on Thursday uh and then also if you're looking for reviews that will drop this week penguin drops on Thursday as does Transformers one and my reviews will both drop that day um and by the way James mavo latest movie is another product speak no evil um of J of Jason blum's scary movie fact uh what's that going to look like at a haunted horror nights in the future what's that what's that character dress up going to be or undress then I guess lion gate is a glutton for punishment because here they come with another another DOA movie probably the Killer's game who looks at this and says I I mean OB I can't believe someone said I can't believe someone looked at it and felt they should make it but if they did make it I can't believe they thought theatrical release it will soon I'm sure be on digital and streaming uh well you hear about the crow in just a minute but anyway and magga and magga influencer and pundit Matt Walsh well well let's just let's just see what kind of numbers he does this is the first daily wire film to be released in theater so we will have quite the discussion next week There's also I guess you could say on the opposite side of the spectrum another female Centric film from producer Margot Robbie which has become the brand of her production company intentionally so that's what she's decided to do with lucky chap to tell female stories from female uh storytellers which I think is very nice but I think I don't know I don't know I think it's a double-edged sword you know um I would just love margar Robbie to be successful you know without any qualifiers that would be to me the most exciting but you know I think and again I told you I think Margo I mean I'm interested how you feel about it um but I do think that Margo Robbie for the most part while she was a brilliant producer on Barbie she seems to be an awful producer all although I did like promising young woman I loved that movie but not it didn't do particularly well Awards wise or box office all right also Usher he's goingon to throw his microphone into the mix for a lot of sexy this weekend right uh for concert films with rendevu in Paris o laa which is playing in a lot of theaters but only one or two short times per day so we'll see what kind of money that brings in then Lions Gate is uh rushing the crow to digital what already of course already and it will drop on Friday and again I think killer game will be joining it extremely soon as for streaming movies Netflix has uh uglies with their star Joey King on Friday she's kind of like their B- level Millie Bobby Brown sorry but it's true uh it's better to be you know hey it's you know Le she's on the on the on the on the radar uh finally with shows the first presidential debate well television really the first presidential debate between Harris and Trump is on Tuesday night that's going to suck up all the oxygen in the room so from Tuesday morning I think through Wednesday morning uh so expect Hollywood to try and get out of the way of that you know the same thing happened with the Democratic Convention air that really that was a crazy week um nobody paid attention to anything but that then on Wednesday the next day the circle returns to Netflix and the MTV Video Music Awards uh air and they usually have some performances that get a lot of attention on social media as well the old man that has a season two isn't that incredible that uh drops two episodes it starts on Thursday debuts on FX I think I believe the way it goes it'll be on Hulu the next day uh and then Disney plus they're not giving up on Star Wars but they are going to do a binge they are going to do a binge drop instead of week to week they're going to drop all four episodes of their new Lego Star Wars series on Friday which features some pretty big name uh guest stars from the throughout the franchise uh will it will it move the needle probably not but it might be provide a little bit of a Brea breather and you know like a no one will fight over it kind of reprieve we we'll see and that's this week's movie math what have you been watching what do you plan to watch and what do you think of beju 2 being one of the most successful movies of the year and you know Disney's been dominating it's nice to see uh you well they have Dune too in Godzilla X Kong but you know this is a really big win for Warner Brothers All right so share your thoughts down below subscribe today and of course as always you can check out some more videos right now he [Music]

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