Category: Sports
Intro [music] yeah we got so people us we got of we got [music] of yo what is good everyone i got gaff here too he's just getting set up i'm going to let him on in a minute but welcome to the ufc vegas 996 jared caner versus kyle balio watch and bet along it looks like gaff's ready i'm bringing him... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Today attorney general merri garland defending the department of justice the public servants of the department of justice do not bend to politics to become a country where law enforcement is treated as an apparatus of politics it comes after former president trump accused the department of being weaponized... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So one of rock's most revered singers was on her way to a secret of honeymoon after getting married and during the drive to the couple's destination a song came on the radio that blew her mind made her pull over to the closest record store and buy this tape the song was so compelling she cancelled her... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Conocida como la encantadora líder de fleetwood mac stevie nick ha capturado los corazones de millones con su fascinante voz y sus letras poéticas pero hace apenas unos momentos han surgido nuevos detalles que han dejado en shock a los fanáticos de todo el mundo qué ha pasado con la querida reina del... Read more
Category: Gaming
Leute was geht ich bin wieder daheim wieder voll am start so ja wir haben heute sonntag und früher ging nicht so ich würde mal sagen wir starten mal und ja ich hoffe ihr habt trotzdem noch spaß und natürlich dass ihr schon alle aufgaben erledigt habt und nur zum spaß zugeguckt und nicht vergessen zu... Read more
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Bonjour iman bonjour franck euh merci beaucoup de prendre le temps de de de me parler aujourd'hui euh je sais que tu es très occupé tu on s'est déjà parlé jeudi et c'est pour j'ai vraiment eu envie qu'on prenne un peu plus le temps euh et et qu'on se reparle et de pouvoir partager ça avec avec plein... Read more
Category: Music
Heaven don't know what you call home bye bye pretty one you could say maybe but all you maybe they could never shake me heaven only knows where you're running from and you don't know who call a home [music] don't [music] Read more
Category: Gaming
We get a bunch of crypted so like that's a thing that we have going on what we're currently doing is we are using the boss reroll voucher to roll the manle boss every time every time you fight the manle boss chico gives you extra hand size and if you have more chicklets you get more hand size so now... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Queens of the stone age cancelaron en el corona capital y ya sabemos quién va a estar en su lugar nada más y nada menos que jack white para el domingo 17 ya habíamos especulado aquí mismo que jack white estaba a punto de iniciar una gira a nivel mundial por el lanzamiento de su nuevo álbum y sí confirmamos... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[संगीत] ए ए फॉर एप्पल ए ए फॉर [संगीत] एप्पल बी बी फॉर बैड बी बी फॉर [संगीत] बैड सी सी फॉर क्राउन सी सी फॉर क्राउन ए बी सी डी ई ए जी डी डी फॉर ड्रम डी डी फॉर ड्रम ए टी य एक वा ए ई ई फॉर एग ई ई फॉर [संगीत] एग एफ एफ फॉर फ्लावर एफ एफ फॉर [संगीत] फ्लावर जी जी फॉर गिटार जी जी फॉर गिटार बी सीडी एच एच फॉर हिप्पो एच एच फॉर हिप्पो य आई आई फॉर आयरन आई आई फॉर [संगीत] आयरन जे जे फॉर जग जे जे फॉर जग ए बी सी... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Sometimes i'm tired of being on the road i'm tired period i'm very tired stevie next a legendary figure in rock music known for her enchanting voice with fleetwood mack and her solo career has recently revealed a longgu guarded secret at 76 years old confessing that a mystery man remains the love of... Read more
Category: Music
[music] has anyone ever written anything for you in all your darkest hour everywhere heard me [music] sing listen to me now you know i'd rather be alone and be without you don't you know [music] do anyone ever given anything to you in your darkest hour did you ever give it back i have i have given that... Read more