Category: People & Blogs
Менят нео нацистский режим давно бьёт по нашей территории за пределами зоны боевых действий устраивает теракты в отношении мирного населения и гражданской инфраструктуры нашей страны однако подобное потенциальное развитие ситуации принципиальным образом изменит наши отношения с западным лагерем если... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
The half by [applause] fitzgerald and why not Read more
Category: People & Blogs
The president of turkey spectacular moment with the russia [music] president the president of iran reed toet the president Read more
Category: People & Blogs
This is the story of a hero who made the ultimate sacrifice sergeant first class paul ray smith was leading a mission near baghdad international airport when his unit was ambushed by a large enemy force with over 100 fellow soldiers in danger smith took immediate action he organized a defense engaged... Read more
Category: Education
Devenin midesinde oluşan parazit sim öyle onu temizlenmesi için buzlu süt dolduruyorlar midesini ağzını kapatıyorlar belli bir süre yedirmiyorlar hiçbir şey deve iyileşin diye Read more
Category: Sports
Indonesia vs. australia [music] hello and welcome back to the give and go i'm your coast roso here with my boy serto what's up y'all afc world cup qualifiers match day two make sure to subscribe as we cover all the football happening here in asia we have a lot to talk about as the results are now finally... Read more
Category: Sports
And [music] [music] you and [music] [music] you but if i lay down and i play dead and i stay dead mayy you'll get sick being the monster out of my head under my bed think you're something out of my night stand right there but if i lay down and i play de and i then you [music] get sil viewer like a ta... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[musique] depuis hier soir à bagdad c'est la fête une fête comme en conna bagdad à chaque décision historique c'est la fin de l' coloniale c'est par cette phrase que le speaker de radio bagdad a terminé l'annonce de la nationalisation de l'irac petroum company 2 he après toute la ville était dans la... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musica] [musica] [musica] buonasera a tutti benvenuti vi ringrazio per la vostra partecipazione la pioggia ci ha tirato un po' un brutto scherzo ma la città di ravello non si è mostrata impreparata siamo in un auditorium meraviglioso dal punto di vista architettonico s speso tra mare e terra l'oscar... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Here's a picture of the george herbert walker bush presidential library at texas a&m where today national security adviser condalisa rice spoke at the library about the future of us foreign policy that speech is next and in about an hour remarks by prime minister ariel chiron of israel before the knesset... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Cia's top target victor boat the merchant of death was a former soviet officer turned notorious arms dealer born in 1967 boat built a global arms empire post soviet union supplying weapons to conflict zones worldwide his operations fueled wars and human suffering drawing the attention of the cia in... Read more
Category: Comedy
(upbeat music) - the first question somehow ended up on the auto industry rescue. - and i know he keeps saying, "you wanted to take detroit bankrupted." well the president took detroit bankrupted. you took general motors bankrupted. you took chrysler bankrupted. that was precisely what i recommended,... Read more