(upbeat music) - The first question somehow ended up on the auto industry rescue. - And I know he keeps saying, "You wanted to take Detroit bankrupted." Well the president took
Detroit bankrupted. You took General Motors bankrupted. You took Chrysler bankrupted. That was precisely what I recommended, and ultimately what happened. - Well okay. (laughs)
(audience laughs) In fact, Obama's publicly financed Detroit auto industry managed bankruptcy is not precisely what Romney recommend. Romney precisely recommend private credit, which at the time was, to
be precise, non-existent. Meaning under his plan,
Detroit's bankruptcy would of been unmanaged
and quite permanent. So the big question would be, which version of Barack
Obama would respond? The first debate's
sleepy-time McGillicuddy, or pretty-talk Jones.
(audience laughs) - Candy, what Governor
Romney said just isn't true. - It's alive!
(audience cheers and applauds) It's alive! Whoo! Whoo! Yes, President Barack Obama
decided to attend this debate! (audience laughs) And the two candidates could finally have a truthful, substantive discussion about how much they
(bleep) hate each other! (audience laughs) - Governor, we have
actually produced more oil- - No, no, how much did you
cut licenses of permits on federal land and federal waters? - And we can actually make a profit. - And production on private,
on government land is down. - No, it isn't. - Production on government
land of oil is down 14%. And production on gas- - What you're saying is just not true. - You'll get your chance in
a moment, I'm still speaking. And the answer is, I don't believe people
think that's the case. - If you're asking a question.
- That wasn't a question. (audience laughing and gasping) - I believe you meant
to add, mother (bleep). (audience laughs and applauds) Romney was sharp, and drew blood. - He said that by now we'd
have unemployment at 5.4%. The difference between
where it is and 5.4% is 9 million Americans without work, (Jon imitates blow thudding)
(audience laughs) - That's gonna leave a mark. But for every point Romney
made, the president made more. - Governor Romney was for
an assault weapons ban before he was against it. Governor Romney doesn't
have a five point plan, he has a one point plan. The math doesn't add up. I don't look at my pension,
it's not as big as yours. Governor, you're the last person who's gonna get tough on China. - The last person who's
gonna get tough on China is that guy, Romney, I
mean, for God's sakes, Romney was assembled at Apple's
Foxcon factory in Beijing. I mean, that's why he's so well designed. (audience cheers and applauds) Romney had some other issues. - I don't believe that
bureaucrats in Washington should tell someone whether they can use
contraceptives or not. - Yeah, you should tell that
to your disembodied voice that supported the Blunt
Amendment, which does limit choice. - And of course, I support
the Blunt Amendment. I thought he was talking
about some state law that prevented people from
getting contraception. So I talked about
contraceptives and so forth, so I really misunderstood the question. - Yeah. By the way, for those of you, let's say in your dorm rooms right now, filling a large tube with
water or carving an apple, (audience laughs) whose ears may have
perked up at the mention of a blunt amendment,
(audience laughs) it has nothing to do with that. And Romney had some odd moments, like when describing
his efforts as governor to recruit more women
for cabinet positions. - I went to a number of women's groups and said, "Can you help us find folks?" And they brought us whole
binders full of women. (audience laughs and applauds) (audience laughs) - A couple of things.
(audience laughs) One, the woman's group
was called Mask App, and they approached Governor Romney, not the other way around. And two, my guess is they did not refer to what they presented
as whole binders full of women, (audience laughs) but perhaps referred to it as, a well organized collection
of qualified resumes. But hey, binder of women, book a broad's, notebook of nipples, whatever, whatever. But of course, Mitt Romney
still had an ace in the hole. The Obama administration's
confused handling of the consulate attack in Libya
that killed four Americans. - It was a terrorist attack. And it took a long time for that to be told to
the American people. Whether there was some misleading or instead whether we just
didn't know what happened, I think you have to ask
yourself, why didn't we know five days later when the
ambassador to the United Nations went on TV to say that
this was a demonstration? How could we have not known? - Boom, Mr. President, you
just walked into a Mitt storm. - The day after the attack, Governor, I stood in the Rose Garden and I told the American
people in the world that we are gonna find
out exactly what happened, that this was an act of terror. And I also said that we're gonna hunt down
those who committed this crime. - Okay, forceful, remind
people that killing terrorists is kind of yo' thang. (audience laughs) But still does not fully explain the colossal confusion fueled (bleep) ups that were Benghazi. As long as Romney doesn't
inexplicably walk into some weird nitpicky semantic trap that hadn't even really been set. - I think it's interesting the president just said something, which is that on the day after the attack, he went in the Rose Garden and said that this was an act of terror. - Oh, boy.
(audience laughs) - That's what I said. - You said in the Rose Garden,
the day after the attack, it was an act of terror. It was not a spontaneous demonstration. Is that what you're saying? - Please proceed, Governor. (audience laughs and applauds) - There's your first clue. (audience laughs) When you feel you're about to spring, what you, Governor Romney, think is the checkmate moment of the debate. And your debate opponent says
to you, "Please, proceed." (audience laughs and applauds) hold on, are you trying to open that door? Allow me to open it wider. The door that you appear
to wanna walk through. But when your opponent does that, you might wanna take a
breath and wonder if, a la Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner, (audience laughs) that door your opponent is pointing to is merely paint on a rock. - Please proceed, Governor. - I wanna make sure we
get that for the record, because it took the president 14 days before he called the attack
in Benghazi, an act of terror. - Get the transcript. - He did, in fact, sir, so let
me call it an act of terror. - Can you say that a little louder, Candy? - He did call it an act of terror. (audience cheers and applauds) - Can you say it a little louder, Candy? Can you say it a little louder now? Just the ladies, can the ladies say it? (audience laughs)
Can I get a whoop whoop? Please, Governor Romney, proceed. (whimsical music) It was that kind of night for Romney. And the evidence of Obama's
victory and resurgence was everywhere post-debate. MSNBC no longer seemed suicidal. (audience laughs) CNN of course looked to be shooting a virtual dick in a box video. (audience laughs) And of course Fox News, well. - And the questions.
- There were 11 of them, six were clearly pro Obama. - They were softballs. - Topics that we haven't heard much about. - Three extra minutes for Obama - Moderators in these debates should be part of the furniture. - Did she assist the president. - Mid-sentence to fact-check him. - Threw the president a lifeline. - It's the worst debate moderation. - What the heck is that about? - No, no, no, don't help them. Just let them cry themselves to sleep. (audience laughs) It's the only way they'll learn. (upbeat music) Now, prior to the debates, both candidates obviously tried to focus their
campaigns on economic issues with this election, possibly coming down to which candidate can convince the public that he and he alone can protect America from a post-apocalyptic sand
and mohawk based economy. (dramatic music) You know, Secretary of
the Treasury Wes is right, times are tough. All right, gentlemen,
what do you got for us? - I will help to create
jobs for Americans. Millions of new jobs. - We'll create another 2 million jobs. - 5 million new highways jobs. - We're gonna need to hire
another million people just to count all the
other millions of jobs. (audience laughs) All right, boys. Looks
like we got ourselves a good old fashioned, not
pander off, pander auction. Gentlemen, I'm delighted you've
created a new job for me, but aren't I going to be
paying taxes for those wages? Get your auction paddles ready. Can I get an opening bid
on some type of tax relief? The shapely gentleman in the front row. - 95% of workers and their
families get a tax cut. - 95% of workers get a tax cut. That's gonna be tough to
beat, going once, going twice. - I will cut in half
the capital gains tax. - Oh, the distinguished
looking gentleman on the right bids a 50% capital gains tax decrease. Do I hear 51% decrease? Going once, going twice. - I've also proposed eliminating
all capital gains taxes. - Dude, you're not getting this. (audience laughs) 95%, I'm gonna eliminate all of it. It's an auction. You go slow. (audience laughs) Try and outbid the other guy by a couple. He said 50, you said all of it. You'd be the worst "Price
is Right" contestant ever. (audience laughs) Why don't you just cut it by 150%? Why don't you just promise
people extra money? Let's get serious here,
let's talk housing. - I'm also proposing a
three month moratorium on foreclosures. - Ooh, won't kick you out
until the middle of winter. McCain?
(audience laughs) - I will direct the government to refinance troubled
mortgages for homeowners. - Ooh, the government
will help us figure out what's reasonable to pay. Obama? - I've already proposed
a mortgage tax credit for struggling homeowners. - Ooh, I'll kick in for
your mortgage. Nice. McCain? - My plan will protect
the value of your home. - Holy (bleep), John McCain just offered to buy your house at asking price. (audience laughs)
No questions asked. I gotta say, McCain's playing hardball. Nationalize the housing market. Going once, going twice, last warning. - I propose that we allow
every family to withdraw up to 15% from their IRA or 401k. (audience laughs) - Your proposal is you will allow me to take out some of my own money? (audience laughs) 401k, that's my money. Why would you give me my money? I've clearly already proven
I can't be trusted with that. (audience laughs) What do I want? your money. When do I want it? Gentlemen, start the bidding. - The hour is late. Our troubles are getting worse. - We face an immediate economic emergency. - + We have to change direction now. - We can't wait any longer. - What we need to see now
is swift and bold action. - Urgent action.
- Immediately. - In fact, if you look
in your wallet right now, you'll see it's all in
your wallet already. (audience laughs) All right, bottom line, both men are- (audience cheers and applauds)
Order, order! - That means quiet, doesn't it? (audience laughs) Mobs are so hard to control. All right, bottom line, both
gentlemen are impressing me with the impossibility of their plans. (audience laughs) Our final item up for bid will
be random economic figures you've just pulled out of your ass. Who will start the bidding? - Six or seven. - 94.
- 95. - 700.
- 2000. - $5,000.
- $10,000. - $15,000.
- $50,000. - You know, it's times like these I wish there was a legitimate
third party candidate. - $1 million for one night with your wife. (audience laughs)
- Ron Paul '08! (upbeat music) As for the famously verbose Senator Kerry, his main task tonight would be concision, The ability to directly convey a strong and consistent message. Ladies and gentlemen, the
first question of the night. - Do you believe you could do a better job than President Bush in preventing another 9/11 type terrorist
attack on the United States? - Yes, I do. But before I answer further, let me thank you for moderating. I want to thank the University
of Miami for hosting us. - Smoke 'em if you got 'em,
it's gonna be a long night. (audience laughs and cheers) Let's get to it. Blair then questioned the president on one of the controversial assertions that his campaign had been making. - Do you believe the
election of Senator Kerry on November 2nd would increase the chances of the US being hit by another
9/11 type terrorist attack? - I don't believe it's gonna happen. - Oh my God, we're not
going to have an election. (audience laughs) I can't believe he just
came out and said it. (audience laughs) Of course, for the most part, the debate was focused on the war in Iraq and the president laid out
his plan to win that war. - We'll never succeed in
Iraq if the Iraqi citizens do not want to take
matter in their own hands to protect themselves. (audience laughs) - I, I think that's
what they've been doing. I, I think that's actually
kind of been the problem. (audience laughs) Blair then hit on a touchy subject for the Bush administration, the way they've
prioritized Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Bush painted a portrait of
the evil we're up against. - This is a global effort. We're facing a group of folks who have such hatred in their heart. - Group of folks? (audience laughs)
We're facing a group of folks? A group of folks is what you
run into at the Olive Garden. (audience laughs) With the salad and the
breadsticks and the soup. (audience laughs) As for Senator Kerry,
he accused the president of dropping the ball domestically
in the war on terror. - 95% of the containers that come into the ports
right here in Florida are not inspected. Civilians get onto aircraft
and their luggage is x-rayed, but the cargo hold is not x-rayed. Does that make you feel safer in America? - Not anymore. (audience laughs) Thanks a lot, Scaredy McFearalot. (audience laughs) But ultimately the biggest
difference between Bush and Kerry came in their approach
to coalition building. - My opponent says we didn't
have any allies in this war. What's he say to Tony Blair? What's he say to Alexander
Kwasniewski of Poland? - Your second country's Poland? (audience laughs) That's where literally if
you're going from England and then Poland, that's your? (audience laughs) England! Poland? (audience laughs) I guess, you know, to be fair, Costa Rica has put us
on the do not call list. (audience laughs) Kerry continued to hammer his point. - When we went in, there
were three countries, Great Britain, Australia,
and the United States. That's not a grand
coalition, we can do better. - 30 seconds. - Well actually, you forgot Poland. (audience laughs and applauds) - What did I just say? (audience laughs) But perhaps the biggest
task for Senator Kerry was to address his
reputation as a flip flopper regarding his position on Iraq. - I've had one position,
one consistent position that Saddam Hussein was a threat, there was a right way to
disarm him and a wrong way. And the president chose the wrong way. - There he goes again, rambling on. Wait, actually that was pretty clear. (audience laughs) I got nothing. (audience laughs) In fact, Kerry's directness caught the president by surprise. - I will never let those troops down and will hunt and kill the
terrorists wherever they are. - Excuse me, real quick. - All right, sir, go ahead, 30 seconds. - Yeah, I... (audience laughs and cheers) - Well, maybe he was
just giving his response from behind the podium, you know, meh. (audience laughs) But as Bush spoke, Senator Kerry could be
seen writing furiously. What was he writing? (audience laughs and applauds) (upbeat music) Each candidate initially
played to their strengths. Gore talked issue minutiae. - For every dollar that I propose, I will put another dollar, and for every dollar that
I spend, I'll put $2, $3, one out of every $6. For every new dollar,
$3, $2, every dollar, $5 for the wealthiest 1%. Those are very clear differences. (audience cheers and applauds) - How many apples do I have? (audience laughs) For his part, Bush played
up his sparkling Texas wit, - I'm beginning to think, not only did he invent the internet, but he invented the calculator. (audience laughs) - Sadly for Bush, Gore had
yet to invent the laugh track. (audience laughs) - I believe they've moved that sign, the buck stops here, from
the Oval Office desk, to the buck stops here
on the Lincoln bedroom. And that's not good for the country. (crickets chirping)
(audience laughs) - Well, like a trooper, Bush
was like a trooper though. You can't cave in on that. Like a trooper, Bush carried on. - I think that people need
to be held responsible for the actions they take in life. (audience laughs) - That's an old AA gag,
I remember that one. Both candidates tried to
add the personal touch, Bush told the story of KIPP Academy, a charter school in Houston. - It's a school full of,
so-called at-risk children, so it's how we unfortunately
label certain children. It means basically they can't learn. (audience laughs)
- Wow. That's quite a night for the KIPP Academy. (audience laughs) Gore trumped Bush's show and
tell by actually naming names. - There's a man here tonight named George McKinney from Milwaukee. He's 70 years old, he
has high blood pressure, his wife has heart trouble. They have income of $25,000 a year. They cannot pay for
their prescription drugs. - At that point, McKinney
was in the audience and could be seen doing this. (audience laughs and applauds) Sorry, but Gore wasn't done, he had other friends in the audience. - There's a woman named
Winifred Skinner here tonight from Iowa, she has to go
out seven days a week, several hours a day, picking up cans. She came all the way
from Iowa in a Winnebago with her poodle in order
to attend here tonight. - Here's the sad part,
the poodle was driving. (audience laughs) (upbeat music)
[music] here we are less than two months out from the election and we've basically got a tide race the candidates are doing everything they can do to ramp up the excitement kamla is speaking to voters in pennsylvania in spice stores trump is speaking to voters encased in bulletproof glass and jd vance... Read more
Welcome to the daily show! my name is jon stewart. the second presidential
debate has just wrapped up. we are live. well, technically,
technically, i guess this is the second
presidential debate. the first presidential
debate of this match up. i can't wait to
see who the winner will take on next i think.... Read more
I knew there would be
some wu-tang apparel when you walked out there. well, after you
sung the praises of wu-tang at your
chicago convention show. you saw that? yeah, of course i did. you talked about how that
era, 1991-1995, four best years in american history.
i agreed. - you agree, right?
- i agreed.... Read more
The daily show debate wrap up a hilarious take on the political circus welcome to the daily show john stewart with his signature wit delivers a comedic analysis of the second presidential debate in a way only he can john begins by humorously emphasizing that while this may be the second debate it feels... Read more
Introduction opening hook describe the electrifying atmosphere of the debate and the high stakes for both candidates thesis statement explore how john stewart precisely identified the pivotal moment in the debate when camala harris effectively challenged donald trump marking a turning point in the discussion... Read more
Jon stewart opens after the final night of the dnc [applause] hello. what's up? welcome to the daily show. my name is john stewart. and once again, ladies and
gentlemen, welcome to chicago. [applause] n/a oh, what a lovely group. lovely theater, lovely group. we are live. right now, we are live. the... Read more
[theme music] we just witnessed a debate
between president joseph robinette biden versus
former president donald robinette trump. [laughter] it was a highly
anticipated affair, according to the network
that was running it. the first biden
trump debate a little over one month away
right here on cnn.... Read more
Please welcome back to the
program, bill o'reilly. sir. [crowd cheering] [music playing]
come on out. take your time. thanks for having me. - take your time.
- appreciate it. - william.
- yes, sir? our country, we are in
such a dangerous moment. you've written books on
almost every assassination. you... Read more
[music] the much anticipated debate between former president donald trump and vice president kamla harris took place on september 10th 2024 and it lived up to the hype with election day fast approaching both candidates were eager to make their case to the american public held at the national constitution... Read more
Welcome to the daily show. i am jordan klepper. we got so much to
talk about tonight. kamala and trump prepare
for tomorrow night's debate. we hunt down the
person who's sending you all those campaign emails. and dick cheney is
once again taking shots at his republican friends. so, let's get into
our... Read more
(bright music) - it was kamala's night
and her opportunity. (audience cheering) hold on one second, hold on. she's not here either. (audience laughing) no beyonce, no kamala. (audience laughing) okay. hey, hey, tickets are free, (bleep). (audience laughing) (audience cheering) it was kamala's night... Read more
Trump commemorated 9/11 with a 9/11 conspiracy theorist we are now just 53 days
away from the election, and the candidates are
pulling out all the stops to build out their coalitions. on the republican side, donald
trump has been flying around the country with far right
internet troll, laura loomer,... Read more