Jon Stewart & The Daily Show News Team Cover the 2024 DNC | The Daily Show

(bright music) - It was Kamala's night and her opportunity. (audience cheering) Hold on one second, hold on. She's not here either. (audience laughing) No Beyonce, no Kamala. (audience laughing) Okay. Hey, hey, tickets are free, (bleep). (audience laughing) (audience cheering) It was Kamala's night and it was Kamala's opportunity to be introduced as a presidential candidate to America. - Growing up, we moved a lot. I will always remember that big Mayflower truck packed with all our belongings ready to go, to Illinois, to Wisconsin. (audience cheering) - Just name swing states, just say. (audience laughing) Say that you moved to swing states. That you, you moved to Michigan, to Georgia, you moved to Arizona. Just make it up. (audience laughing) Well, this is great. We finally get to meet communist Kamala, the radical that we have heard so much about. - I believe everyone has a right to safety, to dignity and to justice. A harm against any one of us is a harm against all of us. (audience applauding) - Okay, Stalin. (audience laughing) - This is one of the reasons I became a prosecutor, to protect people. (audience laughing) - Das Vanya. (audience laughing) Comrade. (audience cheering) - I stood up for women and children against predators who abuse them. I fought against the cartels who traffic in guns and drugs and human beings. (audience cheering) Who threatened the security of our border and the safety of our communities. And I will tell you, these fights were not easy. - Why aren't you doing the thing that they told us that you were going to do? (audience laughing) With the hammer and the sickle and the bandoleros, with the jello shots and the why are you doing this? (audience laughing) - On behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on earth, I accept your nomination to be president of the United States of America. (audience applauding and cheering) (studio audience applauding and cheering) (studio audience applauding and cheering continues) - All right. By the way, how funny would it have been if at the end she was just like, "But seriously though, not for me". (audience laughing) "This has all been great, but I've been thinking it over." (audience laughing) By the way, if I was Donald Trump right now, I don't even know what I'd, I'd probably just be tweeting nonsensical shit. (audience laughing) To distract from the fact that she doesn't faintly resemble the caricature that's been painted. By the way, that is what he was doing. (audience laughing) These are his real tweets. (audience laughing) In all caps, "Where's Hunter?" I swear to God, the guy running for president on the Republican ticket has morphed into a poor man's cat turd. (audience laughing) Of course, an important part of tonight was familiarizing people with the Democratic nominees biography, a hallowed walk through the trials and tribulations that formed the ethos and spirit of the Democratic nominee. Because up until tonight, eh, they didn't have a lot. (audience laughing) Seen on the anecdotes, quite frankly, I mean, I know they didn't have much time, but this is what they were running out there. - Vice President Harris came and visited my restaurant. (audience laughing) - You know, I know you only had four weeks to put this movie together, but come on, you gotta do better than, "I was working and she walked in." (audience laughing) "I drove her in an Uber." (audience laughing) Come on, the big movers and shakers at the Democratic party must know her well. - She worked at McDonald's and she greeted every person with that thousand watt smile and said, "How can I help you?" (audience laughing) - I think you have to say that. (audience laughing) When you work at McDonald's or really any point of service occupation. "How can I help you?" is kind of the thing. I don't know that the transaction can really take place. (audience laughing) If you do not acknowledge that delicate dance of whether or not they will supersize. (audience laughing) Are there less professional, more personal stories? - My phone rings, it's Kamala Harris. - She called me. - My phone rang again and it was Vice President Kamala Harris. - If you're lucky enough to be her friend, she calls you on her birthday. (audience laughing) - Wait? (audience laughing and applauding) She calls you on her birthday? (audience laughing) That is very (bleep). (audience laughing) On her birthday, she calls you. (audience laughing) "Hey girl, it's Kamala." (audience laughing) "Anything you have to say to me?" (audience laughing) "That you should have said hours ago?" (audience applauding) By the way, this is like night three, we're three days into the convention and we're like, "So she has a phone". (audience laughing) Which by the way, is literally one of the only things we knew about her before she took office. (audience laughing) - We did it. We did it, Joe. (audience applauding) - She had a phone, she called people. (beeping noises) (audience laughing) Well credit where credit is due, the Democrats on short notice exploited their newfound momentum and enthusiasm with a display of the breadth and width of this diverse, often contradictory party of Roosevelt. At their convention, they had union leaders and CEOs. They had Democratic party icons and lifelong Republicans. They had a guy yelling, "Screw the billionaires", followed immediately by a very happy billionaire. (audience applauding) (audience applauding continues) It's all okay if it's our billionaire. (audience laughing) I don't like, I don't like billionaire, but he's all right. They had guys making fun of people for going to Yale and a bunch of people who went to Yale. (audience laughing) They had Barack Obama. (audience applauding) And Jewish Barack Obama. (audience laughing) That's always good for politics. You know what really works? A Jewish guy that sounds like a Black guy. (audience laughing) The Democrats had people who prosecuted sexual predators. And. (audience groaning and cheering) (audience applauding) (audience laughing) There goes that booking. (audience laughing) They had Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, gay Americans, Jewish Americans, Palestinian Amer, oh. (audience groaning) Well, oh, to be fair, it was only four nights, eight hours a night. Really, it's best not to think about the consequences of our actions over there, especially given the theme of the week. - I can feel the excitement in this arena, it's filled with energy and with joy. - The air of joy. - Joy, joy, joy. - We will be joyful warriors. - The president of joy. - Let us choose joy. (audience applauding) - Yes. Yes, yes. Oh, it was joyful for a convention. (audience laughing) I know what real joy looks like because I've watched Oprah on her show. (audience laughing) You thought people were happy to see her endorse Kamala Harris? You should see what they do when she gives them lip liner. (audience laughing) - People want this. It's the Sony VAIO laptop computer! (audience cheering) With a built-in DVD player! (studio audience laughing) - That's joy. (audience applauding) Pretty good. The Democrats are about joy and they're about excitement. Oh, and one other thing. - I was a paratrooper and an Army Ranger. - I flew in the Navy during the first Gulf War. - I enlisted, fought alongside my brothers with Lima 325 in Iraq. - I gave the order directing our Special Operations Forces to fly two helicopters 150 miles into Abadabad at night. And by the time the sun rose, Osama bin Laden was dead. (audience cheering) - [All] USA! USA! USA! USA! ♪ Proud to be an American ♪ (audience applauding) - That's right, these are the new Democrats, man. They lead with joy and compassion and acceptance and oh yeah, we will (bleep) you up! (audience applauding and cheering) But listen, listen to me. Whatever you're feeling, go with it. Whether that feeling is joy or perhaps relief at having a chance when you had none is exhilarating. And the Democrats were hitting all the right notes. The cameraman, not so much. (audience groaning) - When a house is on fire, we don't ask about the homeowner's race or religion. No, we just try to do the best we can to save them. And if the place happens to belong to a childless cat lady. (audience cheering) (studio audience laughing) (studio audience laughing continues) - I love that the camera just stayed on her. (audience laughing) She literally turned around like, "Are these mother (bleep) saying that I am? Is this, hold on, hold on." (audience laughing) (bleep) Here's the crazy part. After this cutaway, the woman was interviewed, she's childless and has two cats. (audience laughing) And you know what that means? A-CSPAN don't play. (audience laughing) CSPAN does the research. (audience laughing) But ultimately, look, Democrats have already drank the Kool-Aid. It's very difficult when you're inside that convention environment to know if this has been a successful endeavor. Perhaps the best way to see how well it actually went is through the eyes of a more objective observer, a fair and balanced organization that will give you a more clear-eyed perspective. (audience laughing) How did Fox News experience this convention. At the beginning, I've gotta be honest, I'm not sure they cared for it. (audience laughing) - There's not much joy in this convention hall. - There were empty seats here when, even as late as when Joe Biden was speaking. - The vibes are off. No one's talking to each other. This is probably the most boring scene I've ever seen in my entire life. - Oooh, so boring. I forgot what a daredevil like you is. I forgot your life is a never ending joy ride of talking to Brit Hume in between catheter ads on Fox. (audience laughing) Ooh. You're a member, what, what? What? (audience applauding) But unfortunately for Jesse Knievel over here. (audience laughing) The next night, even Fox had to acknowledge fire emoji, fire emoji, fire emoji! - People are having a great time down here. Stevie Wonder just performed and there's more electricity in this room. (audience laughing) - Good vibes. And you'll never guess what? They had a problem on this night as well. - No one's talking about the actual issues that matter. - All about fuzzy puppies and little kittens. - All the joy, all the vibe, all the emotion is nothing but empty calories, they burn fast and make you fat. - The good vibes aren't gonna, you can't eat good vibes, right? - Oh, so which is it? Do the vibes fatten you up or are they emotional Ozempic? Which one? (audience laughing) But I guess you're right, you can't feed your family on vibes. You can only feed your family on immigration fear mongering. (audience laughing) You can't eat good vibes. I think you might be confusing vibes with the tomato infused super Jason fondue, the weapon of mass lactation that this city caught (bleep). I'll tell you that much. Yeah, that's right, mother fucker. (audience laughing) You wanna piece. You wanna piece? (audience booing) (audience booing continues) Hey, I wanna order a pizza. Oh yeah, you want a personal or backyard poolside? (audience laughing) Lemme tell you this. (audience laughing) All right, I will say this, the bar pies are good, all right. (audience laughing) Long (bleep) winded. (audience laughing) The point is this, by the third night of the convention, even at Fox News, the walls came tumblin' down. - Tim Walz, I said earlier tonight, he had to do fine and that would be enough. He did great for him, for the crowd. I even followed the football metaphors. He'll be a great wingman for Kamala Harris. (audience cheering) - Yes. Fox News now knows the experience of being a Mets fan. (audience laughing) Watching the Yankees always win the World Series. Yeah, Derek Jeter very talented. (audience laughing) Most of Fox News was admitting defeat except for young Jesse Waters, who bravely continued the pretense that the convention was going badly even when the footage right next to his (bleep) head disagreed. - Last night wasn't as jubilant as the media tells you, seats were empty, it looked like there was a formal dress code. The lines to get in the stadium were long and silent. The only joy in the building was Joy Reed who nobody even recognizes. You see these liberal media anchors walking around and no one even stops them for selfies. Actually feel bad for them. Last night felt like a funeral. And it was. (audience laughing) (audience cheering) - Yeah, yeah. Last night felt like a funeral. (audience laughing) And we all know funerals always have a DJ. (audience laughing) Goodbye dearest grandfather. (beat boxing) - As of tonight, the DNC is officially underway. And to hear Democrats tell it, it's gonna be a hell of a week. - All eyes are on Chicago. It is game day for the Democratic Party, the kickoff of the Democratic National Convention. - America's Blue Party, awash in fresh optimism. Everybody and their mama's trying to get the hottest ticket in the windy city. - Frankly, it'll be like a rock concert, I think people are gonna be cheering and pretty excited. - Yeah, Democrats. - Yeah, let's go Democrats! (audience cheering) You know, the dumber your hat, the more energy you always have. No one ever puts on a donkey hat and is like, "You know what, let's stay in tonight". (audience laughing) But of course, Democrats are excited because this is a chance for them to lay out their specific vision each night and let's hear what you got. - [Reporter] New this morning, we are learning how each night of the convention will highlight her vision for the country. Tomorrow's opening night's theme "For the people". Tuesday, we'll outline Democrat's "Bold Vision for America's Future". Wednesday, they're calling "A Fight for Our freedoms" and Thursday, a message "For Our Future". - Huh? A bold policy move by the Democrats. Tuesday is for the future, and Thursday is also for the future. (audience laughing) How do you have themes that are so vague and then still run out of ideas by Thursday? (audience laughing) This is like when "The Fast and the Furious" movies ran out of different ways to say that the movies would be fast and furious, "2 Fast, 2 Furious", "Faster and more Furiouser". (audience laughing) "Fastestest and Furiousestestest". (audience laughing) We get it. The car goes vroom, all right. (audience laughing) But it's not all gonna be as vague as their daily themes. The Democrats also released a very detailed party platform, and you can tell how much time and energy they put into it because they forgot to replace Joe Biden's name with Kamala's. (audience groaning) Yeah. And that's not just lazy, guys, it's risky. Joe Biden's gonna read that and be like, "Gas up the Corvette, I'm going back in". (audience laughing) But look, obviously there's gonna be some policy talk during the DNC, but is there gonna be anything that's more fun than that? - We'll have some celebs on hand at the Democratic National Convention. It kicks off today, and it's got a few notable celebrities that are actually set to host this week's event. So starting off, we have "Scandal" stars, Kerry Washington along with Tony Goldwin. They're among the hosts for the four-day convention, as well as comic Mindy Kahling and "The View" co-host Ana Navarro. - Rumors are swirling big time. Everybody's talking about it, that two of the biggest names in music, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, might make appearances. - Holy shit, did you hear that? A completely unsubstantiated rumor about Taylor Swift and Beyonce. (audience laughing) But in the meantime, give it up for Ana Navarro and Tony Goldwin. (audience laughing) Why are our news reporters talking out of their ass like that? This feels like hosting a birthday when you're 13 and being like, "Hey, my cousin says he knows Tony Hawk, so I don't know, he might show up." (audience laughing) But even if you can't get into the convention itself, there's all sorts of things to see and do around town. Like this thing. - The Planned Parenthood mobile clinic has also just arrived. (audience laughing) They'll be offering free abortion medication, IUDs and vasectomies. (audience cheering) - [Reporter] A group called Americans for Contraception has a 20 foot inflatable IUD near the United Center. They've named it Freeda. - Freeda, it's name is Freeda? That's a little confusing. (audience laughing) The name Freeda makes me think of my little old grandma, which actually is my preferred form of contraception. (audience laughing) Actually, the truth is, Freeda is short for you are free da jizz inside me. (audience groaning and applauding) Now, I knew Chicago would love that joke. Now, some men are out there and they see this and they're asking "Is a regular IUD inflatable too?" (audience laughing) And the answer is yes, okay. The way an IUD works is you inflate it, you insert it into the uterus and it waves its floppy arms, like, "Get outta here sperm. Get outta here, shoo. And while you're here, buy a Nissan". And mobile vasectomies? Look, I'm not ragging on it or anything, but if I'm gonna get my balls operated on, I'm gonna need to be in a structure that won't 100% get towed. (audience laughing) Now, for more on this, we go to Grace Kuhlenschmidt. (audience cheering and applauding) Grace, the Democrats are really emphasizing reproductive rights this week. - Absolutely, Michael, this week is all about genitals. (audience laughing) They've got the vasectomy vans. They've got the inflatable IUDs. And look right behind me, they've installed a giant clitoris. (audience cheering and applauding) - Actually, Grace, I think that's The Bean. - Yeah, that's what I call it, too. (audience laughing) - Alright, Grace Kuhlenschmidt everyone. (audience cheering) But while the DNC kicks off, the rest of the campaign is continuing, and Donald Trump is laser focused on the issues that are most important to American people. - They said no, her biggest advantage is that she's a beautiful woman. I'm going, huh? I never thought of that. I'm better looking than she is. I'm a better looking person than Kamala. - Than Kamala. (audience laughing) Just so you know, man, just because you wear more makeup than Kamala doesn't mean you look better. Is this guy? (audience applauding) Meanwhile, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz just finished a bus tour of Pennsylvania and it seems like they had a good time. You know, you got Tim Walz handing Kamala Doritos, Doug Emhoff also handing Kamala Doritos. (audience laughing) Kamala, looking at that display case, wondering how long that hard boiled egg has been there. (audience laughing) Just have the Secret Service try it, Kamala, that's what they're there for. (audience laughing) By the way, you just know Tim Walz is the happiest guy in the world to be spending this much time on a bus. (audience applauding) He's probably on the bus, he's got his own map. (audience laughing) He's giving the driver advice. Oh, you could take the 34 to the 16, but honestly the seven to the 53, they got better rest stops. (audience laughing) But Walz has also been carving out time for his own campaign rallies. Over the weekend, he had a rally in Nebraska where he grew up, and while he was there, he threw down the gauntlet in a very Nebraska way. - Do you think JD Vance knows one damn thing about Nebraska? - [Crowd] No. - He's gonna be here next week, you think he's ever had a runza? You think he's ever had a runza? That guy would call it a "Hot Pocket", you know it. Every one of you in here know it. (audience laughing) - Extremely regional slam. Walz got 'em good, I think. (audience laughing) That was the most specific pandering I've ever heard. I had to look up what runza is. It's basically meat stuffed inside bread. And apparently it's a regional favorite in Nebraska. Although I always say, "If regional meats are so good, they'd be national meats". (audience laughing) And if that didn't happen, maybe they weren't ready for the big time. - Last night was all about President Joseph "Retirement" Biden. (audience laughing) And everyone came forward to toast the man of the evening, including a surprise appearance from the woman who's been taking measurements in his office, Kamala Harris. - And I wanna kick us off by celebrating our incredible President Joe Biden. We are forever grateful to you. (audience applauding) - For President Biden's lifetime of achievement, we owe him a great debt of gratitude. - Thank you to Joe Biden. - Thank you, Joe. - Thank you, Joe. - Thank you Joe and God bless you, we love you. - [Crowd] We love Joe! We love Joe! We love Joe! (audience laughing) - That is so nice. I mean, even Nancy Pelosi was chanting, "We love Joe" and she's the one who pushed him out of the race. (audience laughing) It's like the iceberg waving goodbye to the Titanic. (audience laughing and cheering) Bye. Thanks for everything. Now, before President Biden came out to speak, we got to hear a powerful speech from Hillary Clinton. (audience cheering) Yes, Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State and the reason you have a trauma response every time you hear, "This Is My Fight Song". (audience laughing) She made a case for Kamala Harris while making the case against Donald Trump. Although there was one moment where she also sort of became him? - The first person to run for president with 34 felony convictions. (audience booing) - [Crowd] Lock him up! - As vice president, Kamala sat in the situation room. (studio audience laughing) (studio audience cheering) - Well, well, well, looks like the lock them up-ee has become the lock them up-er. (audience laughing) Look at that smile. That's the smile of a woman going, "I get it now. Sometimes it feels good to be bad." (audience laughing) (audience cheering) I thought Hillary's whole speech was very moving. In fact, she killed it, although it will be ruled a suicide. (audience laughing) (audience cheering) On the other hand, over in the right wing media world, they had a major complaint. - Hillary Clinton, she's the most joyless person, I think who has ever walked on this earth. That speech of just like her, kind of like Stalinist negative half screaming to the crowd. - Come on, criticizing Hillary for being joyless? Why don't you go post a Harambe meme on Vine, you 2015 piece of shit? (audience laughing) (audience cheering and applauding) But if conservatives hate Hillary not smiling, I'm sure they'll love Kamala, who was all smiles last night. (audience laughing) - Kamala Harris came out on the stage. All the laughing, it's like she got into the sherry or something. (audience laughing) - Come on guys, Hillary doesn't smile enough, Kamala smiles too much. You know what, you don't get an opinion on this, okay? You get to control one hole on women's bodies, not two and you picked one already. (audience cheering and applauding) Women can't win. This right here is exactly why I'm gonna have that plastic surgery where they remove your mouth entirely. It's just easier. It's just easier. But let's move on, because remember, this is Joe Biden's night, and it's actually starting to get a little bit late, so let's get to Joe Biden. - [Arena Announcer] Please welcome former Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo, Robert Garcia, Dick Durbin, Doris Johnson, Jesse Jackson, Tony Goldwin, Steve Kerr, Shawn Fain. - In the words of the Great American poet, Nelly, "It's getting hot in here". (audience cheering) (studio audience applauding) - Okay. Yeah, I guess we had time for a dad bod strip tease? (audience laughing) But guys, it's really getting late now, so let's wrap up the other speakers and bring out Joe. - Please welcome Congressman Jim Clyburn. - [Arena Announcer] Raphael Warnock, Kathy Hochel, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamie Raskin, Jasmine Crockett, Chris Coons. - And I want to talk with you for just a few minutes. (audience laughing and applauding) - Jesus Christ, is this still going on? No disrespect to Chris Coons, but (bleep) Chris Coons. (audience laughing and applauding) It is almost midnight. Mom has gotta get to bed and you know who else has to get to bed? Joe Biden. (audience laughing) For the love of God, let's hear from Biden. - [Arena Announcer] Please welcome Ashley Biden. - Not that Biden! (audience laughing) It is 11 o'clock, you can't be introducing new Bidens right now. (audience laughing) Do we have to go through the whole family? (audience laughing) Is Commander Biden gonna come out after this? (audience laughing) Jesus. (audience applauding) It was so late by the time Biden actually got on the stage, even the right-wing pundits were insulted. - A sitting president pushed out of prime time. - It was incredibly disrespectful. I mean, no matter your politics or how you feel about the current Commander in Chief, he is the current President of the United States. - I almost felt badly for him. - It was the ultimate slap in the face. - Is this really how you treat someone that you love? I just think that's disgusting. (audience laughing) - I'm sorry, I'm very confused here. Do you guys hate him or not? (audience laughing) Joe Biden is a corrupt leader of a crime family who stole the presidency and how dare they keep him up past his bedtime? The nerve. The nerve. (audience laughing and applauding) But finally, finally, Joe Biden took the stage at 11:26 Eastern Time, which is late, although I will remind the East Coast media elites at Fox News that there are other time zones. (audience laughing and applauding) And I'm in one right now. (audience cheering) Very nice. I like it here. Now, you might expect that by 11:26, Joe Biden would be coming to the stage in pajamas and one of those old-timey sleeping hats. (audience laughing) Instead, he gave his most high energy performance in a long time. - Putin thought he'd take Kiev in three days. Three years later, Ukraine is still free. (audience cheering) China will inevitably surpass the United States, they haven't noticed no one's saying that now. Now, he never built a damn thing. Who in the hell does he think he is? Who does he think he is? Not worthy of being Commander in Chief. Period. Not then, not now and not ever! (audience cheering) - Woo! Oh, excuse me, is it getting hot in here? (audience laughing) Aside from bringing the energy, he also brought all the feels. - I've made a lot of mistakes in my career, but I gave my best to you. For 50 years, like many of you, I've given my heart and soul to our nation. And I've been blessed a million times in return with the support of the American people. But I hope you know how grateful I am to all of you. It's been the honor of my lifetime to serve as your president. I love the job, but I love my country more. (audience applauding and cheering) - This was one of Joe Biden's finest moments. He was forceful, he was selfless. He was patriotic. Honestly, it almost made me wonder if maybe we should go back and. Oh, Jesus, Nancy! (audience laughing and applauding) Dammit, I take it back. I take it back. - The actual purpose of the convention is to officially nominate the party's presidential ticket and they do that through a state roll call. Here's what that looked like at the Republican convention a few weeks ago. (audience laughing) - Pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, Oklahoma, 43 votes President Trump. - Okay, I get it. A lady who runs an orphanage counts the votes, and that's that. (audience laughing) But last night, the Democrats changed things up a bit. - Georgia, how do you cast your votes? - Yeah! Ladies and gentlemen, we're here tonight to officially nominate Kamala Harris for president. ♪ Fire up that loud ♪ ♪ Another round of shots ♪ ♪ BET, turn down for what ♪ - Whoa! Whoa! (audience cheering) I didn't know politics was so lit! (audience laughing) I'm gonna start voting. (audience laughing) I just know that when Little John wrote this song, he was thinking to himself, "This will absolutely rip at the 2024 Democratic National Convention". (audience laughing) I'd love to hear someone explaining to the older white delegates who Little John is. (audience laughing) "He's a rapper, mom. You know, that musical genre invented by Lin-Manuel Miranda?" (audience laughing) They actually had a DJ spinning song from each state as they came up. He played "Motown Philly" for Pennsylvania, a Chappell Roan song for her home state of Missouri. Iowa probably had "Happy Birthday" or some shit. (audience laughing) Not a big music state. Personally, I can't wait to see my home state of Michigan show up. (angsty hip hop music) Yeah. (audience cheering) "Palms are sweaty, Mom's spaghetti." You got the mic, Michigan, make me proud! (audience cheering) - Michigan, how do you cast your votes? - This November. - [Both] We're merging together, Michigan cast three presidents present. 125 votes. (audience laughing) - Yeah, Michigan. What are you doing? You embarrassed us in front of Illinois! (audience laughing) Oh! Michigan! (audience cheering) Come on. Michigan, how did you mess that up? You can't say a simple number, but you know how to say Ypsilanti? (audience laughing) Come on. This is why you go to rehearsal, ladies. You literally only had "One shot and you missed your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo". (audience cheering and applauding) You know what? Let's see if Illinois did any better. (audience laughing) (upbeat pop music) - The great state of Illinois, the Prairie State, home of four presidents, including President Barack Obama. The birthplace of skyscrapers and the adopted home of Superman. (audience laughing) - Okay. Okay. Started out strong. Seems like a pretty steep drop off from presidents and skyscrapers to the adopted home of a made-up comic book character. (audience laughing) I mean, you had nothing in between that? Like Michael Jordan, I don't know. (audience laughing) (audience cheering) Come on, JB. JB, come on. I mean, last time I checked, there's no Superman Steak House in Chicago. (audience laughing) After the roll call, it was time for the speeches and the headliners were Barack and Michelle Obama. (audience laughing) - America, hope is making a comeback. (audience cheering) - America's ready for a new chapter. America's ready for a better story. We are ready for a President Kamala Harris. (audience cheering) (studio audience cheering) - You know I almost forgot how charming and inspirational the Obamas are. Frankly, it's a shot of adrenaline to see these masters of the craft. You sort of wanna sit in it. You know, I almost don't wanna listen to anybody else, but you know what? The Democrats have been telling us they have a deep bench. So let's see these exciting up and comers tap into the energy and the charisma of the Obamas. - In my state, we like things spicy, a little chili on everything, a little kick in our campaigns. And let me tell you, we are feeling en fuego right now. (audience laughing) (studio audience laughing) - You know what? Maybe another quick hit of that Obama charm for a sec. (audience laughing) - We believe that true freedom gives each of us the right to make decisions about our own life. How we worship, what our family looks like, how many kids we have, who we marry. And we believe that freedom requires us to recognize that other people have the freedom to make choices that are different than ours. That's okay. (audience cheering) - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. (audience cheering) Oh, oh, that, oh, that's the good stuff, you know. Inject that hope and change shit into my veins. (audience laughing) Whoa. You know, but I can't just get high off these guys all night you know. There's other product out there like Kamala Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, you know? (audience cheering) Why don't I give him a chance to touch my heart with his moving story of the first time he called Kamala for a date? - I got Kamala's voicemail and I just started rambling. "Hey, it's Doug." (audience laughing) - Yeah, yeah, that sure is a Doug. (audience laughing) Has there ever been a more guy named Doug in history? (audience laughing) If your name's Doug, this is who you are. (audience laughing) But maybe, maybe we're asking too much of Doug. He's a political spouse. You don't expect a political spouse to be able to rile up a crowd. - I wanna know who's gonna tell him? Who's gonna tell him that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs? (audience cheering) (studio audience cheering) - Oh, that's not a Doug. (audience laughing) Not an ounce of Doug on it. (audience laughing) Don't the Democrats have anyone else who can tap into that cool Obama swagger? - [Arena Announcer] Please welcome Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. (bright upbeat music) - No, no, that's a Doug. That is a Doug. (audience laughing) I'm sorry, when you see these two up on stage, it's very clear that for all the talk Democrats have about not looking back, they sure love to live in 2008. (audience laughing) And frankly, who can blame 'em? Nobody else in their party can capture their vision of the future or speak to their values and perhaps most importantly, nobody else can get under Trump's skin in just the right way. (audience laughing) - There's no childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession with crowd sizes. (audience laughing) (studio audience laughing) - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah. I see what he did there, ah? (audience laughing) Yeah. Yeah, that's brutal. (audience laughing) That's the second time this summer the Secret Service has failed to protect Trump from a lethal attack. (audience laughing) (bright upbeat music)

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