Jon Stewart Opens After the Final Night of the DNC [APPLAUSE] Hello. What's up? Welcome to The Daily Show. My name is John Stewart. And once again, ladies and
gentlemen, welcome to Chicago. [APPLAUSE] N/A Oh, what a lovely group. Lovely theater, lovely group. We are live. Right now, we are live. The Democratic
Convention is wrapping up maybe hours from here. We don't really
know where it is. It's far from this theater. Dems Speculate Over DNC Surprise Guest But what a night
for Kamala Harris. By the way, the anticipation
was high tonight, and not just for Kamala Harris. Speculation was running
wild today that there would be a surprise guest. Boy, did they deliver. ANNOUNCER: Please
welcome Michigan Representative Elissa Slotkin. [MUSIC PLAYING] N/A Oh! N/A (SINGING) Freedom! Freedom! N/A I am in the Slot Hive. [LAUGHTER] You thought it was Beyoncé
because everybody thought that it was going to be
Beyoncé coming out there, but it was Slotkin all along. [LAUGHTER] Everybody knew. Tonight was the final night for
the DNC, and they did it all. They spoke in support
of curbing gun violence. They spoke in support of
investing in our schools, fighting climate change,
and upside-down drumming. They-- [LAUGHTER] A remarkable story,
born conjoined-- [LAUGHTER] --they didn't let that stop
them from upside-down drumming. But it was Kamala's night. And her opportunity-- Kamala Accepts Nomination [CHEERING] N/A Hold on one second. I just-- hold on. She's not here either. [LAUGHTER] No Beyoncé, no Kamala. N/A OK. [SAD GROANS] Hey, hey! Tickets are free
mother-[BLEEP]. [LAUGHTER AND CHEERING] N/A It's Kamala's night, and
it was Kamala Harris's opportunity to be introduced
as a presidential candidate to America. Growing up, we moved a lot. I will always remember that
big Mayflower truck packed with all our
belongings, ready to go to Illinois, to Wisconsin. [CHEERING] Just name swing states. Just say-- [LAUGHTER] --say that you moved
to swing states. That you moved to Michigan, to
Georgia, you moved to Arizona. Just make it up. [LAUGHTER] But this is great. We finally get
to meet Communist Kamala, the radical that we
have heard so much about. I believe everyone
has a right to safety, to dignity, and to justice. A harm against any one of us
is a harm against all of us. [CHEERING] OK, Stalin. [LAUGHTER] This is one of the reasons
I became a prosecutor, to protect people. [LAUGHTER] [SPEAKS RUSSIAN] Comrade. I stood up for
women and children against predators
who abuse them. I fought against the cartels
who traffic in guns and drugs and human beings, who threaten
the security of our border and the safety of
our communities. And I will tell you, these
fights were not easy. Why are you doing the
thing that they told us that you were going to do? [LAUGHTER] With the hammer
and the sickle and the bandoleros with the
jello shots and the-- why are you doing this? On behalf of everyone who's
story could only be written in the greatest
nation on Earth, I accept your nomination to be
president of the United States of America. [CHEERING] N/A N/A N/A All right. By the way, how funny would
it have been if, at the end, she was just like, but
seriously, though, not for me. [LAUGHTER] This has all been
great, but, nah, I've been thinking it over. By the way, if I was
Donald Trump right now, I don't even know what-- I'd probably just be
tweeting nonsensical shit to distract from
the fact that she doesn't faintly resemble the
caricature that's been painted. By the way, that is
what he was doing. These are his real tweets. [LAUGHTER] N/A In all caps-- in all caps, "Where's Hunter?" N/A I swear to God, the guy
running for president on the Republican
ticket has morphed into a poor man's cat turd. N/A Of course-- of course, an
important part of tonight Dems Speak About Harris was familiarizing people
with the Democratic nominee's biography. A hallowed walk through
the trials and tribulations that formed the
ethos and spirit of the Democratic nominee. Because up until tonight,
eh, they didn't have a lot. Sitting on the
anecdotes, quite frankly. I mean, I know they
didn't have much time, but this is what they
were running out there. Vice President Harris came
and visited my restaurant. [LAUGHTER] N/A You know, I know you only had
four weeks to put this movie together, but come on. You got to do better than, "I
was working and she walked in." N/A "I drove her in an Uber." Come on, the big movers and
shakers of the Democratic Party must know her well. She worked at McDonald's,
and she greeted every person with that 1,000
watt smile and said, "How can I help you?" [LAUGHTER] N/A I think you
have to say that-- [LAUGHTER] --when you work at McDonald's,
or really any point of service occupation. "How can I help you,"
is kind of the thing. I don't know that the
transaction can really take place if you
do not acknowledge that delicate dance of whether
or not they will supersize. N/A Are there less professional,
more personal stories? My phone rings. It's Kamala Harris! She called me! My phone rang
again, and it was Vice President Kamala Harris. If you're lucky
enough to be her friend, she calls you on her birthday. [LAUGHTER] Wait, she calls
you on her birthday? N/A [LAUGHTER] N/A That is very [BLEEP]. N/A On her birthday, she calls you? Hey, girl, it's Kamala. Anything you have
to say to me-- [LAUGHTER] --that you should
have said hours ago? N/A By the way, this is
like night three-- we're three days into the
convention and we're like, so she has a phone. [LAUGHTER] By the way, is literally
one of the only things we knew about her
before she took office. We did it. We did it, Joe. Had a phone. She called people. [BEEPS AND BOOPS] N/A [LAUGHTER] But credit where credit is due. Jon Recaps the Speakers at the DNC The Democrats, on
short notice, exploited their newfound
momentum and enthusiasm with a display of
the breadth and width of this diverse, often
contradictory party of Roosevelt. At
their convention, they had union
leaders and CEOs. They had Democratic Party
icons and lifelong Republicans. They had a guy yelling,
screw the billionaires followed immediately by
a very happy billionaire. [CHEERING] He's a billionaire. We love him because he's-- he's our billionaire. N/A N/A It's all OK if it's
our billionaire. [LAUGHTER] N/A I don't like-- I don't like billionaires,
but he's all right. They had guys making fun
of people for going to Yale and a bunch of people
who went to Yale. [LAUGHTER] They had Barack Obama-- [CHEERING] N/A --and Jewish Barack Obama. [LAUGHTER] N/A That's always
good for politics. You know what really works? A Jewish guy that
sounds like a Black guy. [LAUGHTER] The Democrats had
people who prosecuted sexual predators and-- [LAUGHTER AND GROANS] N/A N/A N/A There goes that booking. [LAUGHTER] They had Black Americans,
Hispanic Americans, Asian-Americans, gay Americans,
Jewish Americans, Palestinian-- oh. [GROANS] Well, oh, to be fair,
it was only four nights, eight hours a night. N/A But really, it's best not to
think about the consequences of our actions over
there, especially DNC Theme is “Joy” given the theme of the week. I can feel the
excitement in this arena. It's filled with
energy and with joy. The air of joy. (CHANTING) Joy. Joy. Joy. We will be joyful warriors. The president of joy. Let us choose (SINGING) joy! N/A [CHEERING] Yes. Yes, yes. Oh, it was joyful,
for a convention. I know what real joy
looks like because I've watched Oprah on her show. You thought people were happy
to see her endorse Kamala Harris, you should
see what they do when she gives them lip liner. People want this. It's the Sony VAIO
laptop computer-- [CHEERING] --with a
built-in DVD player! [LAUGHTER] That's joy. Pretty good. The Democrats are about joy,
and they are about excitement. Oh, and one other thing. I was a paratrooper
and an Army Ranger. I flew in the Navy
during the first Gulf War. I enlisted, fought alongside
my Brothers with Lima 325 in Iraq. I gave the order directing
our Special Operations forces to fly two
helicopters 150 miles into Abbottabad at night. And by the time the sun rose,
Osama bin Laden was dead. [CHEERING] [CROWD CHANTING "USA"] (SINGING) Proud
to be an American. That's right. These are the new
Democrats, man. They lead with joy and
compassion and acceptance. And, oh yeah, we will
(SINGING) [BLEEP] you up! N/A [LAUGHTER AND CHEERING] Listen. Listen to me. Whatever you're
feeling, go with it. Whether that feeling
is joy or perhaps relief at having a chance when
you had none is exhilarating. And the Democrats were
hitting all the right notes. Oprah’s Cat Lady Cam The cameraman? Not so much. When a house is on fire, we
don't ask about the homeowner's race or religion. No. We just try to do the
best we can to save them. And if the place
happens to belong to a childless cat lady-- [CHEERING] N/A [LAUGHTER] N/A N/A N/A I love that the camera
just stayed on her. She literally turned
around like, are these mother-[BLEEP] saying that I-- is this? Hold on. Let me just. [BLEEP] off! N/A Here's the crazy part. After this cutaway, the
woman was interviewed. She is childless
and has two cats. [LAUGHTER] And you know what that means. N/A C-SPAN don't play. C-SPAN does the research. Fox News on the DNC But ultimately,
look, Democrats have already drank the Kool-Aid. It's very difficult when
you're inside that convention environment to know if this
has been a successful endeavor. Perhaps the best way to see
how well it actually went is through the eyes of a more
objective observer, a fair and balanced organization-- [LAUGHTER] --that will give you a more
clear-eyed perspective. [LAUGHTER] How did Fox News
experience this convention? At the beginning,
I've got to be honest. I'm not sure they cared for it. There's not much joy
in this convention hall. There were empty seats here
when-- even as late as when Joe Biden was speaking. The vibes are off. No one's talking to each other. This is probably the
most boring scene I've ever seen in my entire life. Ooh. So boring. I forgot what a
daredevil like you is. I forgot your life
is a never ending joyride of talking to Brit Hume
in between catheter ads on Fox. [LAUGHTER] Ooh. You're a madman. What? What? What? But unfortunately for
Jesse Knievel over here-- [LAUGHTER] --the next night, even
Fox had to acknowledge, fire emoji, fire
emoji, fire emoji. People are having a
great time down here. Stevie Wonder just performed. And there's more
electricity in this room. What? Good vibes. And you'll never guess what. They had a problem on
this night as well. No one's talking about the
actual issues that matter. All about fuzzy puppies
and little kittens. All the joy, all the
vibe, all the emotion is nothing but empty calories. They burn fast
and make you fat. MEGYN KELLY: The good
vibes aren't going to-- you can't eat good vibes, right? Oh, so which is it? Do the vibes fatten you up or
are they emotional Ozempic? Which one? [LAUGHTER] But I guess you're right. You can't feed your
family on vibes. You can only feed your family
on immigration fear mongering. You can't eat good vibes. I think you might
be confusing vibes with the tomato-infused,
soup-adjacent fondue, the weapon of mass
lactation that this city calls [BLEEP] pizza. I'll tell you that much. Yeah! That's right mother-[BLEEP]. Come on. Come on. You want a piece? Do you want a piece? [BOOING] N/A N/A N/A Hey, hey. I want to order a pizza.
Oh, yeah. You want a personal
or backyard-pool size? Look, let me tell you this. [LAUGHTER] N/A All right, I will say this. The bar pies are good. All right. N/A I am [BLEEP] winded. [LAUGHTER] The point is this. By the third night of the
convention, even at Fox News, the walls came tumbling down. DANA PERINO: Tim Walz, I said
earlier tonight he had to do fine and that would be enough. He did great, for him.
They're proud. MALE REPORTER: Kept it tight. Kept it tight. I even followed the
football metaphors. He'll be a great wingman
for Kamala Harris. [CHEERING] N/A Yes, Fox News now knows the
experience of being a Mets fan, N/A watching the Yankees always
win the World Series. Yeah, that Derek
Jeter, very talented. [LAUGHTER] Most of Fox News was admitting
defeat, except for young Jesse Watters, who bravely
continued the pretense that the convention
was going badly, even when the footage
right next to his [BLEEP] head disagreed. Last night wasn't as jubilant
as the media tells you. Seats were empty. It looked like there
was a formal dress code. The lines to get in the
stadium were long and silent. The only joy in the
building was Joy Reid, who nobody even recognizes. You see these liberal media
anchors walking around and no one even stops
them for selfies. Actually feel bad for them. Last night felt like
a funeral, and it was. [LAUGHTER AND CHEERING] N/A Yeah, yeah. Last night felt like a funeral. And we all know funerals
always have a DJ. [LAUGHTER] Goodbye, dearest grandfather. [BEATBOXING]
Please welcome back to the
program, bill o'reilly. sir. [crowd cheering] [music playing]
come on out. take your time. thanks for having me. - take your time.
- appreciate it. - william.
- yes, sir? our country, we are in
such a dangerous moment. you've written books on
almost every assassination. you... Read more
[music] here we are less than two months out from the election and we've basically got a tide race the candidates are doing everything they can do to ramp up the excitement kamla is speaking to voters in pennsylvania in spice stores trump is speaking to voters encased in bulletproof glass and jd vance... Read more
Hey there welcome to the channel today we're diving into something that might surprise you how one of the least wealthy political candidates in the 2024 election is making headlines for his financial decisions we're talking about minnesota governor tim walls who has been named vice president kamla harris's... Read more
Welcome to the daily show. i am jordan klepper. we got so much to
talk about tonight. kamala and trump prepare
for tomorrow night's debate. we hunt down the
person who's sending you all those campaign emails. and dick cheney is
once again taking shots at his republican friends. so, let's get into
our... Read more
(bright music) - it was kamala's night
and her opportunity. (audience cheering) hold on one second, hold on. she's not here either. (audience laughing) no beyonce, no kamala. (audience laughing) okay. hey, hey, tickets are free, (bleep). (audience laughing) (audience cheering) it was kamala's night... Read more
Thank you so much
for being here. glad to be here. i am so excited to have
you both on in this moment in particular. there's been a real vibe
shift here with kamala harris entering the race. and rebecca, you wrote
this incredible article that i felt so
beautifully articulated this collective
feeling... Read more
I knew there would be
some wu-tang apparel when you walked out there. well, after you
sung the praises of wu-tang at your
chicago convention show. you saw that? yeah, of course i did. you talked about how that
era, 1991-1995, four best years in american history.
i agreed. - you agree, right?
- i agreed.... Read more
(upbeat music) - the first question somehow ended up on the auto industry rescue. - and i know he keeps saying, "you wanted to take detroit bankrupted." well the president took
detroit bankrupted. you took general motors bankrupted. you took chrysler bankrupted. that was precisely what i recommended,... Read more
The daily show debate wrap up a hilarious take on the political circus welcome to the daily show john stewart with his signature wit delivers a comedic analysis of the second presidential debate in a way only he can john begins by humorously emphasizing that while this may be the second debate it feels... Read more
Welcome to the daily show! my name is jon stewart. the second presidential
debate has just wrapped up. we are live. well, technically,
technically, i guess this is the second
presidential debate. the first presidential
debate of this match up. i can't wait to
see who the winner will take on next i think.... Read more
So because we've done two debates and because they were successful there will be no third debate as everyone saw two nights ago we had a monumental victory over comrade camala harris in the presidential dep in a significant development ahead of the november 5th election republican presidential candidate... Read more
[theme music] we just witnessed a debate
between president joseph robinette biden versus
former president donald robinette trump. [laughter] it was a highly
anticipated affair, according to the network
that was running it. the first biden
trump debate a little over one month away
right here on cnn.... Read more