A 7 foot Shadow Entity, Haunts This Family

a couple of weeks ago somebody liked my Instagram picture okay not just one person I had a few more than that but the the name said studios in it and it had a blue tick and I'm always like it always sparks my interest when it says Studio because I'm into sort of like models and things like that so anyway I looked on to this this Channel or this Instagram account and mate I'm telling you I was absolutely Blown Away by the stuff that this dude made I was like what so I followed him I said mate I'm loving the stuff that you do here like you know and he replied back thank you so much and then he said mate I want to send you something what's your PO box and I didn't want to jump to conclusions but deep down I was thinking I hope that he sends me something like one of his models or something but I didn't want to assume you know because like what people send me is absolutely amazing as you can see everything I've even put more stuff up of what you guys have sent me and it's amazing in fact funny enough I'm going to do more than likely this week I'm going to do a um live box opening but this one in particular I feel like I just I can't wait right so I'm going to open it up now this is by the way go over to Michael Turner Studios okay man I'm telling you the stuff that he does is just like look at this mate look at that look yeah look at this stuff that he makes like what it's mental anyway so this is something that he sent me and I'm only assuming or presuming because like he's got his tape around it and everything right and he says he wants to send me something so I'm just going to open this up I want to I want to see because they I'm looking forward to it if it's crap I'm not going to show it all right oh here we go here we go we go here we go here we go Michael Turner look at this mate look at that I'm going open it up in a minute hang on a minute look there's Michael Turner oh no that's not him that's the fish there he is he says Dear Ben me and my kids love the channel this is a token of my appreciation keep up the great work best wishes how are your worms Michael come on no maximum wrapping please come on [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh H the silver alien Surfer mate look at you look at you oh Casper site look at this I'm a surfer I like aliens that's my name caspersight oh dude oh my God how so sck sexy that's so cool mate that is so cool that is so cool that is going in the lounge Michael thank you so much thank you so much I've got to ask you something I've got to ask you something knowing what you can do with this stuff mate and knowing what you can do with this stuff how much is it a cost you know friends discount big shout out promoting promoting your channel and everything how much is it going to cost for you to do a predator head for me huh the predator or even with the mask or even you could put the mask on and off oh my God mate DM me tell me how much it's going to cost right on with today's video let me just put this over here mate that's so cool Michael thank you so much ladies and gentlemen welcome to casite how the devil are you good I'm glad today we're going to be looking into the realm of the Paranormal all right um this channel is like have said many times before probably one of my favorite channels of all time okay uh the channel is called paranormal nightmare TV series it just ticks all the boxes okay it really does tick all the boxes make sure you go to that channel subscribe and do the thing all right anyway crazy family haunting paranormal nightmare TV series episode 8 no series 18 episode 8 okay let's um have a swig of my Goonies cup of coffee that somebody sent me again one of you guys sent me I I wish you could see what I've done in here because I've got I've got the clock The Lost Boys clock up there I've got the green the the picture that somebody sent me the green UFO with the ghost underneath it being sucked up here I've got Casper site with all the like the the the the pins and stuff that that's created of my face got the Lost Boys plaque over here got the massive Rambo official like poster Cinema poster up there mate I've got the um Close Encounters up here I've got the Matrix um cell up here mate I've got it's it's all over the shot X Files I've got this this one up here up on here M like honestly so I'm G to I'm going to be doing opening up more over here I've got loads I've got loads that's the other reason why I wanted to open up Michaels as well CU I've got loads to get through anyway without further Ado Dar dly day let's do this went into the religion we were T anything that happens is demonic no matter what it is there's human remains buried outside witness and experience her own death whoa I was mortified she witnessed her own death isn't that was that film where you see your own death was Bloody brilliant the first one especially God I can't think of it oh my God are you under the [Music] bed a lot of activity there's a lot of spirits there we would hear bangs big loud bangs coming from the kitchen things just start getting a little more strange I think one of the scariest things probably that really made a big difference in knowing whether or not this was just some innocent thing going on here it's just Spirits or whatever anybody wants to call them the time that I was standing right behind you my daughter was over there and she was already maximum massage chair please scared because we were hearing noises and she came around and as soon as she came around the balcony stair she looked and behind me but stopping her from being able to see me a 7 foot tall dark shadow figure she screamed like she never screamed before in her life I've never heard her scream like that before that's when we knew you know things were really going to take a dark turn my son he a 7 foot Shadow basted in your house huh SE his feet at the foot of my bed it bends down it starts crawling under my bed very quickly coming to him and of course he ran very scared it was 10 in the morning it was bright there were no uh Dark Shadows you could see from the night time that were just like lingering and you his imagination ran wild it was there that's mimicked my son once I was out in the front yard I looked in there was the light that was on in the office room clear as day there's my son or what I thought was I I had a feeling cuz it was like he was stuck there was no movement it was and it was like I was watching for a few seconds but then I got back to doing what I was doing and I thought that seemed odd so I came in the house eventually and and then I asked him were you ever in there and he said no my husband has heard my son call him my daughter was sitting at the dining room table she just watched is she thought he pulled open the door put his stuff away and walked out and I come back in from being outside and she said can we ask Dad if we can go somewhere and I said Dad's not here your dad's not here who are you talking to oh God man I don't care if he seven foot tall mate I would just [ __ ] pick it up and just Tombstone it into the ground say get in there you bastard where you belong Uncle he was walking past the bathroom door on the in interior of the hallway and as he's passing in his peripheral he's seing would look to be a shadow and it was almost as if he felt that it was angry I don't know what's really going on but uh he did feel that anger from whatever was standing there my room this room the hallway upstairs the laundry room creeps me out the basement we saw a footprint in water so the footprints were in here right right about there she was affected by something she started to feel very sad she was walking in the hallway upstairs and something touched her shoulder she texted me and said Mom something just touched my shoulder there's been smells death the smell of death I don't know what's going on it just seems to um want to torture us without wanting to throw any religions under the bus I will just say that um we were taught anything that happens is demonic no matter what it is when I went into the religion I was told that no you don't mess with that you don't watch any kind of movies that are related to anything like that you don't watch even if it's your own experience you just keep praying and hope it goes away for the religion my husband and I I do like these I I like it the way these channels they interview the families you know because it just puts it it just makes it more like realistic because it's it's not them like just going into a random location and saying it's haunted it's like you know like a whole team just goes into like toy today guys we're going to go into Toys R Us so we're going to go into the Monopoly section and find out if the Ouija board really do summon the ghosts it's like no right Toys R Us isn't Bloody haunted mate it's not even around anymore okay so anyway but I I do like the fact that they they do this yeah I like the fact that they interview people who have got their own stories yeah bought a house that we were told was haunted once I started the religion things stopped and I believe that it was also due to the fact this particular religion is geared towards Satanism but most people don't know and I think it was almost as if it was appeasing things the first day at this new house my husband heard walking things just ramped heavily we were hearing screams we saw shadow people and I believe that we just appeased things for a while because we were in a religion that was uh geared towards that demonic and why did you leave the religion oh I found images sual images in their Publications sublimal messages very evil things oh at the time I thought everything was demonic at that time I thought everything was because I was told ghosts don't exist when you die your body goes to the ground and your thoughts perish and I said well then anything we're experiencing is definitely demonic not everything is evil but there are entities and things we can't explain I think it's combination I don't know what makes a mimic I don't know what a mimic is but all I know is it's mimicking I don't know what that is but I do know that there are dark dark shadows things that are looming over me as a parent scaring sorry scaring the Daylights out of my kids so if there's something that's going to stand behind me and Tower over me to make me look helpless with my child watching I don't see that as innocent period he heard laughter standing right there at the door my chest starts to hurt and I'll leave the house and I'll go somewhere else and I'll feel fine she tried to attempt to engage again and a flashlight went off but then after that nothing we got EVPs we we had footsteps down here that her and I both heard whatever it is is hiding that's all I know I do know that I do know that whatever it is is hiding whatever it is that's evil is hiding I don't suffer from nightmares but within the last two weeks I've had some that I don't even want to repeat I can't repeat in front of the kids and I think it needs to be pushed M I really do because it's here but at this point I really don't they here don't care because I know what I've seen I don't what my kids have seen it's not a mass hallucination it's just time to end the evil whatever is here it's just time to to be done with it they won't sleep in their rooms because of this there's been murders in our family my mother tried killing my brother her brother my uncle killed his son my grandfather what the [ __ ] father was killed by his father very a lot of evil uh murderous people in my side of the family in in this world mate right don't get me started don't get me started there's some listen like I don't know man I do you know what I was looking on Instagram the other day in fact I'm going to show you it right this almost made me tear up I just looked at the state of the world right I was looking at the state of the world consuming the crap that goes on on the internet at the moment and in this popped up this popped up and it almost made me tear up will you come to the 80s with me [Music] oh yeah I want to go back to the 80s baby I want to sleep with you come on I a come on I want to bring by the baby you [Applause] [Music] murderous people in my side of the family I definitely am not an atheist I believe I would be silly to think that all of this came about by Chance the very first paranormal team they did a cleansing in our old house but it didn't work they salted around the entire home splashed holy water they made us drink holy water hi SE hey yeah Josh uh he's inside doing an interview right now so he wanted me to give you a call I mean Rocky's looking different and he's he's lost a lot of weight he's looking good he's Rambo in it mate Rocky and Rambo let's go we got a lot of activity there's a lot of spirits there it's like a revolving door almost of a lot of spirits the shadow figure told me his name is artist we spent most of our time in that great room the great room was where we got most of the activity and I did get activity in EVPs in the dining room we heard footsteps downstairs and and nobody else was in the house but my camera didn't pick it up after we were finished and everybody came back in I sat down with that her daughter and the stuff she was telling me she told me that she has to witness and experience her own death every night in her night tears to awaken I was mortified there's human remains buried outside but then they never gave us any more information after that I channeled mostly women and artist was the only male entity that I picked up I recommended you guys I don't normally touch stuff like this we're more into historic stuff demonic stuff and I usually don't touch them but this one just I don't know after spending so much time on the phone with her I said the foreman Brothers could come in here next week and get totally different than what we got we could get totally different tomorrow I feel like all the time she spent her family spent as and her childhood and maybe there was something sinister in that last house they're so open to it now that when they go to places the spirits just are like oh my gosh we can communicate with them they did say Bill I found out when they got back that Wilbur also went by William or Bill this is mad man mate if I go to the United States of America baby I'm I'm collabing with these guys I don't I don't even care if they don't want to right I'm just going to knock on the door and say right let's [ __ ] do this and what I'm going to do is I'm going to have some nunchucks okay I'm going to have some nunchucks and at the end of the nunchucks is going to be glass balls with a hole in it and there's going to be like holy water in these balls at the end of the at the end of the nunchucks so when I holy water's flickering about everywhere it's just [ __ ] kick down the door yes mate that's what I'm going to do Rambo it lived in the house and it's his wife that died there and he's still alive okay well I sure appreciate it I'm glad that you called and um I can't wait to see what you guys get okay so the family just left we're going to get started with their investigation we're going to run EVP session huge house so we're going to start here in the great room pretty much they've had activity this entire house but what's good about this is not only do they have activity inside the house but there's been reports of a Bigfoot named Lucy that's well known in this area back in the Woods dating back as far as 1976 to most recently in 20122 several witnesses in astula County Ohio have all reported seeing a large creature roing wooded areas throughout the county this large hairy creature was also spotted by several deputies with the local sheriff's department EVP session Josh Rocky and Sean anyone inside this house that can see or hear us can you please acknowledge to us that you're here is there W straight away that you're [Applause] here W or is it you hear it I don't know why but that room reminds me of the Lost Boys Lounge right at the end scene you know I don't know why [Applause] don't up L we've got all kinds of alarms throughout this house the dark shadow that the family sees throughout this house come forward and make yourself known come forward and make yourself [Applause] KN what was I didn't even hear it listen shush sh shush can you hear me I'mma getting through to you make yourself [Applause] I definitely heard something I don't know if it was I was words but I definitely heard something voice there the person that we heard just a minute ago we want you to come forward and talk to us we are trying to figure out why you're here and if you have a message [Music] like there it's going off are you back here I hope we get to see a shadow bastard if you just set off our alarm in here who are you we hearing stuff it's the rain thought I heard a voice I did too sound like a female who are you who I [Applause] am there's definitely voices mate but I don't know I mean you must have bat hearing or something because I don't I don't know if that's those words but I can definitely hear something I can hear is it a female or a male sound like a man I go back and check the one we just did in that kitchen and if you have a [Applause] message who are you who I am [Applause] that's one thing alarms have been going off like crazy inside this freaking house that way it's where she Josh it's where she saw her son but it wasn't her [Music] son oh wow oh and it's pointing the exact spot where she had seen thought she had seen her son over by those toys she was outside doing something she thought he was in this room but he wasn't in here oh mate there must be there must be some sort of lens you can put on a camera that you can just keep on flicking different lenses for different Realms do you know what I mean infrared night vision normal and then just keep on flicking through different variations of just weird lenses and then all of a sudden bang you see old there just like looking at you if you're mimicking members of this family set off one of our alarms and that'll mean yes we want to find out who's in this house and why you're here and why you're affecting this family it's almost like it's setting off alarms in different rooms having us chase it playing games with us are you not powerful enough to set off that alarm while we're in here that's it piss it off if you're in this room with us I want you to speak to us right now I swear I heard a m [Music] voice another alarm back in the kid's bedroom is it yeah I want us to chase it I guess we're not chasing you over this house come to us I want you to speak to us right now now what room are you in right now okay let's leave this room and just see if this goes off [Music] again right something about this house I'm telling you if there anybody likes to play games can you come over here and move something on this table here I got one thing if you move it'll light up the heck is thatst MHM that's a thump wasn't it I got device you can talk to me Sarah Sarah is that what did he say the bigfoot was is that Lisa Sally don't know name that lived here at one time Ry somebody was here to talked to you not long ago Happ the door started closing on me Sarah hit my arm oh it keep saying Sarah kept saying Sarah Sarah come talk to me some more did you live in this house talk to me I am talking I need you to talk to me more if if you're in this room with [Music] me and you're over by Rocky can you set that alarm off see where that little light is just get real close to that and it'll set that off no energy oh was somebody setting off alarms take the B who's downstairs can you tell me what their name is I need to talk to the spirit that has the most in other side other side other side of the talk to the spirit that has the most energy in this house tell me what your name is back here come going to keep walking around can you tell me to stop when you want to talk to me maybe crazy do you ever come in this room it's coming what heaven oh seems like it maybe it's playing tricks on them you know cuz it's supposed to be a dark and they're like it's coming Heaven's coming really it's not though I reckon that's o if this is if this is a dark demon entity do you know anything about the wood dangerous the woods is dangerous Josh is going to go out there by oh the woods is cursed and dangerous dangerous that Wood's right there if Josh goes out there something bad going to happen it's like it gets energy and then it just like boom loses it like that church turn that alarm on for said Church mad yeah yeah oh yeah can you tell me about the church who what are you mad at us it's not easy you're did a fine job he you're doing a wonderful job you can move that sh only me if you're setting this alarm off what is your name mate that's crazy I've got to be honest with you when I've done the investigations myself when stuff like that goes off on their own mate I'm telling you yeah I'm telling you it is freaky man it is freaky and it's exciting at the same time come closer oh yeah yeah you touch one of us tell me what your name is I think I left the room it's weird let's go let's sit right here and do an EVP session real quick come outside come outside I'm going to do one more EVP session this device if you talk we can hear your voice so I want you to come forward and tell us why you're here why you're affecting this family while you're showing yourself to the kids whoever whatever's inside this house what is your name [Applause] you're in that office go in there and set our alarm off right now we're going to move to the living room before we do that can you set something off for us anything you want that's crazy cuz you get like a burst yeah of it talking like crazy and setting alarms off yeah and like like loses its energy but there it'd be great if it just turned around and said my name is for a minute I'm in ghost Tu that music box was going nuts okay let's go out in the living room and we'll set the um epic box right there where the couches are we'll just ask some questions to me so far that room and the upstairs feels the creepiest to me upstairs ain't just one room it's as you walk up them steps it's like it all just starts the heaviness starts coming at you as you're just walking up the steps then as you're walking around the whole room he he tends to get affected a lot like physically doesn't he you always ends up feeling ill or a headache or something going on with him quite sensitive to this type of stuff we got another device sitting right here in front of me that you can answer yes or no I believe if you try really hard you could set this device off are you in here with us right now okay I'm going to stick it by the steps are you following us around through through the house music box again here's that music box again leave the office and come out here with us and talk to us have you shown yourself to this family yes or no are you in this room right now Sarah are you here I got alarm up there on top of the balcony if you walk out you can uh turn it on it'll go off and play music I wouldn't like to paint those bloody ceilings is all the alarms has been going off have been the original part of the house everything that we've heard has been the original part of the house like from that stairwell back that was whatever the hell that was what was that dud that was like a grow yeah was that you that was like a growl come in here and set one of these alarms off come on out sound like it's downstairs in the basement now I got a camera down there oh wow May oh Le yeah oh remember we're hiding oh God so there's more than one like something got yes sound like it was like behind Rocky so are you in here with us right now do you remember the last case we had that freaking music box go off it's been a while is that a shadow or like light it went a freaking black right up there on top of the steps right in that doorway right when you said that Rocky yeah there was something black right there in that freaking doorway look like something like I don't to explain it like lines of black MK we did we just see you I'm trying to keep my eyes out for like loads of Shadows and things like that you know any movement the the seven s's of a sniper are you upstairs yes or no did you hear that voice I heard something I don't think I think it's two different something JH that came on the old part of the house I just want to see if it'll I bet you if you put it in that back room you'd be able to hear it yeah I can I don't to me it sound like a man yeah that just talk I couldn't it was real faint though but I believe I heard something but I couldn't make it out yeah I couldn't either but I'm it sound like a man's voice okay I'm going to leave these devices up here are you attached to the original part of this house of yes and no and use your energy you can make that device say yes or no and respond to our questions do you understand that just energy-wise I feel like the upstairs and then the downstairs on that on the original part of the house has like a different feeling than this room see now did you see that yeah that's what it looks like when a car goes by oh yeah that was bright the thing that we seen earlier wasn't a huge bright light like that music box out those other say feel like it all the alarms back there though yeah it's maximum activity there dude that just went off too I just walked up and down these steps and never went off yeah what the hell was that what did you hear that that was a hell of a grow yeah H it like did you just growl H that's pretty crazy but thatd be a [ __ ] falling down these steps Oh look The Light just went on mate the light just went on what the actual F Sean what that light just came on light didn't he shut that off we would have had it on camera I thought he said he was shutting that off about to look back at the what the heck is that we have to look back at the cameras and see if you shut that off and then if you want we can this little yeah I I P the bulbs all the one the basement that's is that the lava it's stuck on this is a turn as remember where we okay since it likes to hang out in this room unless it was like on a timer maybe we're going to put the epic box in here the Epic we got that device in here since you like setting the alarms off in here are you still in this room yes or no remember you that blue box that's setting up there it'll say yes or no you just got to make it do it yeah I stuck a different music box over there that'll still make noise to help validate that our alarms are being triggered by something paranormal we will often replace the alarms with different devices okay well done music box over there they'll still make noise no way oh my God and it's facing the yes or no thing that's right where she saw her son which was not her son oh man oh man imagine how much that would mess with your melon mate right thinking that you seen your son but then it's not your son oh god oh want us to leave this room I'm getting like cold chills right now do you like having us here you Josh's going to stay in here by himself real soon is that okay no what the hell was that you left this room set one of them alarms off out there okay we left that room if you're back by the dining room what was that whoa way we're going to cleanse this house tonight she W what we're going to make you leave see not very many people use these EVPs but like there's a lot that comes through on those things I've I've seen I've noticed the people that do it you know can you set that alarm off that's on the table sound like something moving over here wood come on let's see how powerful you can be yeah have you been following this family are you upset with this family this is some weird sounds yes yes oh okay so that's not e why are you upset with this family are you attached to this family did you show yourself to the kids okay so I'm going to sit in here by myself a little bit Rocky and Sean are going to go out to the car I'm actually going to start back here in the original part of the house cuz I just feel like that's just a creepier part of the house so I'm going to move some of my cameras and all that stuff back here we've got alarms in this kitchen I think a a while ago I said Josh mate you need to get yourself a new cap right cuz he was wearing the same Cap all the time and it was fraying at the front and now look maybe he listened to me maybe he thought you know what Casper site's right I need to get a new cap and look at him now look at you rocking it and they have literally not went off at all specific areas like back in this area is the only place alarms are going off okay I am inside the house by myself it is just me and you in here my brothers and I came here tonight to talk to you to help this family we need you to come forward and try to find a way to communicate with us and answer our questions and what's weird is like the minute you go to that area where the alarms and stuff are going off it like leaves that area you're dead there's no reason to fear us there's nothing that we can do to you so you might as well just come forward and talk to me what was that what was that sh sh a minute hang on there's nothing that we can do to you so you might as well just come forward and talk to me right right here some glitching of some sort right here could be the camera but we hear you walking think it was just the camera calm down there let's doing it again I defitely want to move just hopefully hit an area that feels super heavy there's just something about that room in there are you in the office right now I'm G to go upstairs is that okay what we looking at I swear I seen something in there get in that flying kickit mate I want to take and see if it responds okay so I got a camera in the kitchen we've got literally cameras over this place like the upstairs is like really heavy okay so this is the hallway where all the bedrooms are and where they see in the dark shadow so I'm going to hang out here no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no there's no shadow like I said it's just me and you inside this house I want to know who you are and where you came from have you been with yes what the [ __ ] was that Holy said have you been here with this family the whole time were you at the other house the family lived at he just jumped then for legit that's crazy because I felt like this up here was like a heavier feeling to me and that thing responding to me have you shown yourself to the children I want to see you I think if you're affecting children and picking on children that's pretty sick yeah [ __ ] that's pretty sick get in there mate what the F get in there was that you yes oh oh oh can you touch me that's what she [Laughter] said no why not cuz you're dirty is that all you can do is pick on kids they seen you crawl underneath a bed craw down this hallway yeah imagine that mate imagine if it did we're going to cleanse this house we're going to bless this house this property yeah and we're going to push you out of this house no you say all no you can say no as much as you like mate it's going to happen to deal with it okay right get past the denial stage because it's going to happen that's what I would say yes we are I knew you were up here I could feel your energy your presence did you die inside this house uh are you knocking remember I got cameras throughout the rest of the house so I don't know what I'm documenting nobody's like been down to the basement yet man you want to get that no no did you come yeah get down to the basement mate from the original House the family lived in no no did you die on the property maybe back in the woods no no was it big fooot do you want this family to leave the house no good question definely get a completely different feeling up here versus the rest of the house are you close to me right now yes okay I think I'm going to move back to the bedrooms just see if I get anything get your Judo chop out mate get you Judo chop back here Rocky said that he um had this door move I'm going to try another EVP session the device I had that you could talk to me okay did you die inside this house what what holy what okay I heard that what was it dude if I caught that oh my God what did you die inside this house I heard you did you die inside this [Applause] house Class A EVP the only thing that we have documented the entire night while inside this house is a male voice that was that was like yes it was it see for me it sounds um female what is your name where did you come from where do you go what is your name [Music] wow that's pretty crazy yeah okay so I think this is the room that the kid seen something C underneath his bed so we're going to sit in here go on the bed go under the beds I sit this did the kids see you inside this room if that piano goes off mate he is going to jump a mile you can still use that device in the hallway and talk to me are you knocking in here it says out there as well enter at your own risk at own risk it's weird cuz this room is so freaking hot and the room next door so cold I think hot rooms mean demonic doesn't it cold just means haunted like normal I swear I just seen a light are you in this room hit something really hard for me yeah we've been nice to you well we probably shouldn't have because you're affecting this family you're scaring these children no way yes you are okay was that was that from his voice box thing okay or that's what they said are you in this room with me dude that sound like it was under the freaking bed are you under the bed look under the bed oh no way look under the [Applause] bed here we go mate hit something you can't get under the bed right what was that boom you can't move anything okay I'm going to have to send sea in here we've only got so much time to investigate this house tonight so I'm going to send sea in here and see what he gets definitely this upstairs is pretty good yes yes okay Sean's coming in yeah there loads of knocks and stuff I heard you careful cuz there's stairs right here are you in that room talk to me hey you want to come in talk to me yeah be all right okay so Sean's going to come in what he gets I want to see if he hits if he picks up on the same areas that I was picking up on where's it at now upstairs yeah okay you hear it I got a camera up there I'd hate to say it but if I was you I don't think you need to go to that woods with bears being around here and yeah wait until you go out there and see how dark it actually is I just don't think it's safe especially by yourself can you make that alarm go off for for me I know you know how to use this here and talk to me I really want to know your name yeah I'm going to set this back in here bring it to me no way go on then look I just grabbed this and I was like I'm going to take take it back in this room where it was going off a whole bunch and ghost tube says bring it to me that is nuts do it I'm going to set it over here okay it seemed like you like that one a lot lot better is there anybody that hangs out in this room did you just hit something okay I'm coming up yeah I hear you knocking yeah you come up here you get like a total different feeling I hear you I mean to be fair it's going to be a lot hotter up there because of those High ceilings right yeah I can hear you too can you tell me what I'm looking at right now I want it can you tell me what it is oh look at that holy [ __ ] you like it that's crazy it says I want it oh me what oh god what freaking camera right there just scared little me I swear I thought somebody was standing there that's mine no it's not it's mine it just scared me just going to sit right here in the hallway by this alarm he's going to start he's going to start getting sick what I'm telling you he's going to start feeling like he's getting Pulpit he like I'm telling you this is what's going to happen yes I am I heard a woman passed away in this can you tell me what her name is are you here just heard like a thump over here I got two devices you can talk to me on and I got alarm setting here Sarah are you up up here with me you can use that device over there it says yes or no you know later on we're going to do a cleansing we're going to try to help you cross over stop it you know like talking about leaving this house stop it I don't want to you can't stay here and scare this family no more whoa what the hell was that dude that was freaking loud rituals I think it's back here in this try Bill Bill what what about Bill are you trying to scare me how are you a little nervous wants to try and be his friend hey want to try to be friends don't you he yeah I want to go to the basement like I'm so scared to go down there oh the basement's going to be epic hell I'm scared to even freaking walk around this hallway so yes okay I'm going to go to the basement yes now you're going to start talking while I leave yes go to the basement I want to come oh you do well I'm going to go to the basement you can follow me you want to come down the basement with me is there an ory in this house okay if you're still in that back room back here can you set one of them my alarms off for me definitely get the feeling I'm being watched M holy crap that's dark down here the only place we have not investigator tonight he a't get me down there long Robert who's Robert he don't know where he's going sounds like alarm upstairs are you upstairs setting alarm off if you want me back upstairs then just tell me yeah this is going to be the grand finale oh crap fake tree fake tree light for my phone and it does not do anything is so Stephanie breakfast no freaking way breakfast at Stephanie's yeah Stephanie was just here not long ago at breakfast you remember Stephanie open it open what not opening nothing if you want this freezer that's in front of me opened you open it okay I need to go in here my Bear's about maybe what' you think about Stephanie being here huh won't you tell me what your name is Bill no freaking way twice now he said bill that's the second time I've gotten bill I don't think your name's bill I meant it what holy crap [ __ ] okay well maybe I do believe you then I bet you don't know my name if it says Sean Chloe Chloe my no way Chloe that is a I'll have to go back and look but Chloe is a name that they got a whole bunch I think here that is freaking nuts but definitely got to go back and see where Chloe fits in I know Chloe fits in somewhere and my name ain't Chloe okay I'm going to probably get out of the basement yeah I knew even W give me down that long I don't feel like you're a bad Spirit but being down here by myself I feel like something bad could happen and I don't want that to happen I'm trying to believe that you're good and you wouldn't hurt me oh [ __ ] okay I'm out of here that was loud that [ __ ] basement no [Laughter] joke basement it just said basement yeah and you need to get back down there going back to the basement sorry get get Josh and happening Rocky down there then oh [ __ ] it said rituals earlier now it's saying satanic music box no freaking way I told you m this is the grand finale I'm stuck oh where don't leave oh I'm not man Josh home what it just said Josh home once Josh back in there you can't follow us okay Bill am I still talking to you yes yes m are you here alone what I mean by that are you the only coming to get me are you the only Spirit that's in this home see I just don't know if the upstairs if there's a different Spirit upstairs compared to down here is this yours what oh is this yours and maybe he's just touched the movement sensor that's what he was just talking about goes is this yours and then yeah sets off the music box yeah yeah that music box is ours you like it no holy crap okay you're starting to scare me it's just keep on going off what you definitely like that is there something on that shelf that you like and you want earlier when I was down basement you talked about opening something do you want me to open something on that shelf you got to talk to me don't leave I'm not leaving but you got glass glass glass tell me what it is the family said that they have a glass picture frame with several pictures of deceased family members in the office [Music] idiot why you say idiot cuz I don't understand you thirst okay how about this how about I just come in here and set with you okay seems like you really like this area is it okay if I set in here here to make you go away tonight there's some balloons over there can you move see I come in here and now the music box stops yeah that's weird see I came in here to talk to you and you stopped playing with my music box are you still in here with me Give Me A Sign or just tell me to leave and I'll leave do you know no I don't know what you're talking about you don't know what the hell was that that was out here see I guarantee you what's going to happen I'm going to leave this room and you're going to go back in that room and hide yes and then music marks that's so strange you know because I know that it doesn't go off with shadows right it doesn't go off with light cuz I've tested that I was just thought maybe where he's moving outside the room is casting a shadow inside there somewhere but they don't go off with shadows or light When people's in this room movement physical movement how about I just shut the music box off and you can't play with it okay what the heck is changing so much that when I leave this room and we command it holy crap yeah you're doing a good job playing with it good job good job you ever go by Wilbur or William stupid that's twice he's called him stupid now it's 11:00 holy crap I'm not going back in the room cuz you're being mean come out here being mean I'm going shut it off thank you I'm going to go get Josh okay I'm getting freaked out I'm so freaking out of here this when I left I said I'm out of here and the freaking music box are going freaking nuts it's probably still going nuts I told him I was going to shut it off but have fun all right hello go on Rocky name's Rocky there's somebody that can speak with me are you upstairs you stay back here what was that is that the reflection camera lens reflection I think are you upstairs you stay back here is this your favorite [Music] room that was crazy where did that did did that come from the Spirit Box was that that was crazy oh my God I just said yes I got like cold chills running up and down my spine that device you can just answer yes and no and then we can communicate are you upset that I'm in here with you you set that alarm off again that's crazy what's this here though what's this that's crazy that's twice now there's been a huge bang like that is that you you just knock on the wall did you just knock on the wall how many spirits are in this house eight and every time I walk up to that or get close to it you shut it off who's in here with me what do you keep setting that alarm off and then run into the the daughter's bedroom you remember how you pass [ __ ] wonder what that [Music] was sorry away why do you stay in this home my home was this your home at one time that was crazy whatever the hell that was was that you did I just oh that was weird is that you did I just hear you mate was Josh too aggressive with you when he was inside the house bill are you out here with May or Josh right now then he's messing with Rocky mate big time do you remember Stephanie being here we wouldn't receive any ghost tube responses outside the house okay I'm G to stop talking to you you don't want to talk say my name let me know that you're here what do you remember what happened to you can you tell me what happened to you was it a natural death no did you shut the door upstairs on me earlier thank you for talking to me time to move on it's weird those things aren't they they're so bloody weird come in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Lord we pray that you watch over us and protect us during this cleansing and keep us safe we seal this house the holy water we cover this house Jesus Christ it is Jesus who has authority over this house any Spirits inside this house communicating with his family we banish you in the name of Jesus Lord we pray that you watch over this family and keep them safe drive out this dark and negative energy I love this part we close all entryways doorways and portals that may have been open inside this house this house is forever protected in the blood of Jesus Christ Cleanse This House of anything evil in your name we call on the Holy Spirit to fill this Darkness with the light of the holy spirit let there be no dark place for the evil ones to hide any Spirits please go towards the light and be at peace drive out all the negative Dark Energy inside this house we banish you in the name of Jesus Christ Lord we pray that you watch over this family and keep them safe as we move on to the next case and the next family Lord we just pray for this family that you just keep them safe and we pray all these things in your name amen amen amen although my brothers and I were unable to document I love that I just love it you know I'm not religious but I just love seeing that and hearing it it's very nice anything Sinister haunting this home we are confident the home is being haunted by multiple different Spirits as with all investigations there is no guarantee that the spirits will simply just move on hopefully with continued cleansings by the family everything will eventually dissipate and the spirits can finally be at peace face remains active oo hey got the chicken on my head there you go well done team again thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it and please if you liked it like subscribe and I'll see you on the next one take care bye-bye

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