Notre Dame vs Texas A&M LIVE REACTION☘️Postgame Call In/Chat

[Music] it's a poison that doesn't help the stress level oh no no no no don't do it get a grip this stupid video I just showed you I almost stroked out and died over it you're watching a different show you donkey you ain't a captain nothing but a take a [Music] ship don't do this to me Harry the Ohio State it's Ohio State what do you mean see 312 98815 you tell Johnny oh youve heard and sometimes it's good to just yell about football yeah right baby we're hot tonight let's go baby let's get this party started started we got the big game chain we got the big game chain in the house we're doing it big tonight we're doing it big tonight baby let's go I don't care what it looks like I don't care about the stress I don't care about any of that stuff we got the big game chain that's all that matters tonight let's do it baby let's do it baby oh you want the Big Chain on Mark with glasses with the Big Chain deliver let's do it baby the Big Chain shade's coming out little game chain go byebye big game chades coming on let's do it baby we needed this one we needed this one you needed this one Johnny needed this one let's go baby we got the big game chain check this out this is a little subed sued branded always Irish at the bottom here little something something only for the winning effort though only if Notre Dame won do you pull out the go chalice baby this is a special night I don't care listen you guys listen I don't care about the stress I don't care about all the penalties I don't care about all is bison's leg ripped in half I know we have all these problems I know the offensive line still has issues I understand all that but tonight tonight I don't care we got what we needed tonight we got what we need tonight that is all that matters I love all of you everybody in the chat all of the people in the calls I love it all I have had this chalice sitting aside for this moment and I just hope we got a chance to use it baby oh this sips gonna feel so good give it to me give it to me give it to me oh my gosh I just feel like a thousand pounds of stress left my body Oh Marcus good for you you got that wing you needed Marcus you needed this win Marcus Freeman needed this win this football program needed this win Riley Leonard good for you man toughed it out all night we have some issues there are a lot of things that need to get cleaned up with this it doesn't matter tonight you needed to get a win any way you could get a win in this environment and you went in there and you pulled it off and that's all that matters tonight drink smoke do whatever you're going to do tonight worry about all the other problems tomorrow when you wake up worry about all the problems tomorrow when you wake up tonight we celebrate tonight we celebrate this is the kind of win Notre Dames needed and has been falling what have we been talking about you guys we've been falling One play short one big stop short one big play short one play her away from not making a play whatever we have been falling short over and over in these moments this time not this time not so fast my friend we were the ones that made that extra play we were the ones that emerged Victorious worry about everything else tomorrow but tonight we're gonna enjoy this win baby and you know what else I got a special shout out this special shout out goes to Mike gouby did you see the last thing on the TV what what it said Notre Dame you know when Notre Dame's last rode Tennessee it was Tennessee it was my gouls be making plays baby it was Mike KSBY making plays the last time Notre Dame went on the road and beat a ranked SEC team at their place give it to me baby oh my gosh you guys okay we're gonna let we're going to let things calm down here's what we're going to do on Pat's gonna pop in give us his thoughts I'm gonna go over all of the uh all the super chats and then I'm giving it to the callers and then everybody we got to go quick but I'm giving it to the callers and we'll go from there let's get into it what's up Pat go irush look it look it look at the whole CER family's behind me the whole family is behind me Pat we got one we needed baby we got the one we needed Marcus needed this one Notre Dame needed it we got it who's messing with my hair oh my daughter okay Johnny Johnny I got I gotta say you like I wanted I wanted Notre Dame domination but I'm taking Notre Dame win I'm taking the Notre Dame win right now and and when it came down to it when Notre Dame needed to do it they did it y they did it how about it we haven't seen Notre Dame do this since since LOL since L we haven't seen not win a game when they needed to win game since loles it was man it was just so nice to see us making those plays when it comes down to it those few plays you need to make a game like this go one way or the other and we made those plays I'm happy for everybody man what a hardfought battle even those linemen that were struggling they gave everything out there they're going to get better they're going to grow from this everybody we grinded it out whatever it was ugly there's a lot to clean up but we did what we needed to do it's just a big win man I'm happy for Freeman he needed this so much Pat he needed it no I I I John I totally agree it's it's it's it's a it's a program win it was it was not it was not the uh I we're we're I I I'll just it's not we're better than SCC win but it's a program win everyone predicted Notre Dame to lose I I I didn't watch game day but I read the articles about game day picks I read I saw all the betting picks I saw Vegas I saw what Vegas was picking they did not pick Notre Dame to win everyone saw Notre Dame losing this game what did Notre Dame do they won this game they won this game it's about time Notre Dame won this game yeah it's uh it's a beautiful thing man it's really really good to come out on top of one of these uh the the SEC part's a big deal that's going to be a good team that's going to get a lot better you're going to run into them a year from now at our place it'll be a different Dynamic um but I got to say man all the worries we'll deal with it tomorrow and we'll deal with it getting into next week the the the biggest thing was just getting the win you needed to get it's the biggest thing and we got it and so for tonight everybody just needs to be happy and we'll worry about everything else tomorrow tonight needs to be all about happiness that we finally succeeded in one of these moments right right let's hey I it and Andy Nation NY Nation let's be happy tonight let's be happy tonight my dad got mad at me about the when I was was I was cursing at the the Michigan commercial all right but it it's still the Irish won tonight it wasn't the prettiest game they had a lot of penalties there's a my dad my dad is literally standing up above us listening to me [ __ ] about him the Irish came out today and they they won a football game and honestly it was it was I was I was kind of I was a little scared I was a little scared I was a little scared scared Johnny you should be you should be because you're the one that said we needed to blow him out 80 to nothing so just shut recr shut up does that that the outcome of this game doesn't change what I called we needed to blow him off for recruiting but you know what Notre Dame won this game and the road to the playoff is a hell of a lot easier being one and0 than being one and you know what else Pat there's a lot of respect gained from this everybody knows it wasn't pretty everybody knows how hard it is to play there there was a lot of respect gained by Notre Dame today around the country uh everybody watching Notre Dame came up out on top they outlasted them they made a couple more plays they hung in there in that environment um everything going up against them a good job man I'm I'm thrilled um just I couldn't be happier man I we needed this one I had this big game change and you you don't get a gold chalice and not use it we needed the win to be able to use it you can't use a gold chalice against Northern Illinois it's got to be something bigger than that it's got to be bigger than that Pat so again you know what totally and you know what here's here's you know what I'm having hey John you remember Jimmy you remember this is Jimmy you remember Jimmy Jimmy C kicked you in the face yeah I do remember when he kicked me in the face you're grounded you're grounded he's he's he's well you don't have a driver he's 16 now Johnny yeah good for him he could drive himself to his room he's grounded how about that he's 16 he could drive himself to his room you're grounded pal hey Johnny Johnny I got I gotta say I gotta say John you know what the defense the I said Notre Dame Notre Dame is not going to give up more than 17 points against A&M I I what did I I said 24 to 13 to 17 or no 24 to 10 to 13 but they give up 13 yeah so there you go man you're right at my range I had 246 I put in the in sports illustrator we were right in that ballpark there defense in there man the defense held in there I tell you what the offensive line the offensive line as much as as much as I can complain about the offensive line when it came to the Run game when it came to the Run game when we needed it they did it that guy those guys they they they they put their heads down and they pushed and they opened holes and then and Notre Dame scored Notre Dame scored that's that's that's what I want it wasn't the prettiest game but they did what they needed to do when they needed to do it yep yep they got it man this was the win we needed Freeman needed it the fan base needed it the media needed it Notre Dame needed it now you got it everybody could fly home feeling good about themselves and then we're we're in for a really interesting season now now Pat you feel like you have a game in your pocket almost with this playoff push you almost feel like you're playing with house money with with a a game in your pocket uh what else you got man I got like 50 calls here I want to give you your time I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna jump I'm gonna let you take the calls and and and and the whole Cotter family that's here sleep on Purdue bro don't sleep on Purdue hey yeah real quick we I know we got Northern Illinois next the Purdue game all Irish is going to be present at the Purdue game all right folks R in the lot we got an RV in the lot we're gonna party hard we're gonna celebrate it's all about the Irish but hey Johnny Johnny I I love you brother you've been calling for this you've been wanting this you you you've been the guy behind Marcus Freeman from the GetGo all right we needed this one I needed this one I was linked to him I needed it I needed it you need you needed it buddy you needed it bro yeah I needed it I needed it and I got it so and you know what you know what I read I was I was I was I was driving back today unfortunately because of a family matter we couldn't watch my brothers and I we couldn't watch all the all the all the uh the Saturday morning stuff and and I was riding back with my brother to my parents place in the lake and I was reading all the picks and I was like everybody picked A&M everybody picked D them hey boys Irish won we got it we got it Irish Let's go Irish all right you guys have fun tell Big Jim I love him I miss him smoke that cigar drink them Miller lights Notre d one I love it thanks you guys love you Johnny have a good show go Irish go Irish take care you guys have a good one oh it's so good to be it's just this we needed this moment you guys we needed this moment okay here's what we need to do number one is you know I got to get Pat let Pat AB his say but we're partying tonight so I had to let Pat abis say the big game Chain by the way uh and now what I need to do is I need to go through these super chats everybody that donated I need to go through them and honor those super chats and also mark down the ones for the phone lines too um and here's the deal you guys the deal is we have a ton of phone calls everybody gets a couple minutes I don't know any other way to do it it's the only way to ensure people get heard everybody's going to get like three minutes or something like a real call-in show and that's the way we're gonna have to do it to give as many people a chance so I got a ton of calls if you're calling and it's beeping or you can't get in that means all the lines I have are on hold uh but I gotta honor these super chats let me go through them and then we'll hit the callers and you can all just keep calling man uh oh my gosh what a big win okay let's go through these my main man Martinez with the $20 outler Johnny there you blanking go let's go Eric with the $5 hour let's give John a bonus if within the next 20 minutes uh 10 in the chat donate 20 all super up 200 look at him he's wheeling and dealing it's my lawyer in Michigan he's wheeling and dealing folks Nicki Dean loves to be heard and seen 10 in with Nicki D call oh my gosh Nicki Dean loves to be seen I love you buddy thanks a lot for the donation Daniel Wade with the $20 holler how do you not release uh release a huge sigh with this much work to do but all goals still in front of us go Irish Daniel you're right on it all of that stress and listen there's a lot to clean up you guys we all know this is not a perfect performance there's a lot to clean up there's a lot you that has to get a lot better for this to end we wanted to end but the start was as good as it could be getting through this game in this moment showing you could go down there and succeed with everything going against you the crowd and the Heat and the o line and everything good good good good job good job too many times we're the ones who fall one big Play Short not tonight good job good job oh I love this and now I lost my spot where was I there we we are the $20 holler from the Domer [ __ ] Eric's challenge look at that Eric he's drowning up the he's Gathering up the money we're having a split the pot I love it wandering data geek $ five holler lack of preparation was evident tonight a win is a win but this team looks super unprepared for the first three quarters still have my questions about Freeman you can have your questions all you want but you ain't bringing me down tonight not so fast my friend I love you you can have all the questions you want and you know what I'm gonna say not tonight nobody's raining on Johnny's parade tonight all right we got the big game the big game chain is out the gold Shades oh look at them Shades and the Fades that's what it is it's the shades in the Fades people it's the hairline the fade in the shade baby oh I'm in such a good mood this never happens John is never in this good of a moood this is as good as it gets $20 holler from Homer TD go Irish Tony I love you man I love you and I needed this one in a lot of ways and you needed this one in a lot of ways uh and I love you and we needed this one and uh and we got it so it's a beautiful thing $ five out from the V1 rotate it's just Texas A&M is all we hear is everybody picked us to lose we did it that's the other thing you guys the narrative's gonna be you know how this goes the narrative is going to be Donnie white with the $100 holler go to the phone lines baby go into the phone lines everybody hold on I'm almost through the super chats I promise I'm GNA get to these calls $100 a holler here's the other thing don't worry if anybody's gonna tell you oh A&M isn't that good after all and their offense would didn't put up it's this isn't that big of a win at all I don't care what anybody on social media says I don't care about any of that BS at all it doesn't matter me we got the win we needed it's going to put you where you need to be to be positioned to have that five seed first round home game at Notre Dame Stadium it doesn't matter what any troll on Twitter says or any of that BS you got this win no one can take it from you you got what you needed you got it $100 holler I appreciate you CJ Adler with the $10 holler how about them Irish how about that big chain win baby how about that big chain win $2 Aller from Stephen says woo oh it was a close one $20 all from Jason let's go John have a round on me my man I'm so happy right now I'm telling you man this fan base just this fan base needed it and this fan base deserved it Ryan Elliott $20 I know you need a defibrillator this will not help cover the cost but there's 20 anyway um you guys Notre Dame football's just bad for your health it ain't good for your health Notre Dame football's not good for you it'll put you in the grave my heart was bumping I it's nothing it's just every moment seems wrapped in 80 layers of stress it's just nothing's easy with this team in these moments everything comes down to the wire it's just the wildest Dynamic it's just the way it is all right I'm gonna keep going through the chats everybody on these phone lines I don't come back I don't know you deserve the time on these phone lines hang with me you deserve it you guys have stuck with this team you've stuck with me you have been here all through the off season you've been here through all the morning shows you've been here through all of it you guys deserve this so stay tuned and you're all going to get your time uh you're all going to get your time on the air $5 Aller from BBG should be the coach how is Freeman going to fly back home with his his massive you know what weighing down the play BK would have lost in Freeman We Trust hey Freeman's got to get a lot better at a lot of things but for now I'm as happy as could be and those guys deserve to have a great flight home they deserve to have a great Ryan Elliot $10 Aller let's get John that $200 bonus hey man I don't care what it is tonight I'm just happy I'm just happy $2 Aller from the V1 rotate ESPN bomb Notre Dame lost yeah no kidding they are everybody's picking against them they can't go in the SEC and win Domer [ __ ] $400 holler we got a $400 holler imagine all the phone lines that can buy with 400 thank you Johnny and the always Irish family a $40000 holler that's that's heavy stuff Domer I really man I really appreciate that that is uh that's that's very very generous look at this $10 oler from the wine and cheese $10 for the point margin good night friends go Irish here we go looks like we got it it's the $200 holler from Eric John this feels like an indie team that makes the playoff and wins one game only here's the thing they're G to get better and there's a lot of things to clean up and there's a lot of development that needs to happen it wasn't a super clean performance all the penalties missed opportunities the old line needs to gel I this is a hard gauge of everything against this team because it was just such weird circumstances two good defenses how loud it is there it's just a weird you just needed to do what you did escape with the w and we could figure everything out when we all wake up hung over tomorrow nobody's bringing me down tonight you know how I worry about this football team let me worry about it tomorrow tonight we're gonna enjoy this one we're going to enjoy this one Eric thank you $20 hour from mjh Victory You're darn right $5 hour from Tyler go freaking Irish raise that pimp juice cup oh Shiny Gold baby go golden dome that's what I'm drinking out of oh my gosh I'm in such a good mood this never happens this is the happiest you're ever going to see John ever bottle it up and savor it and enjoy it it's never going to happen again it's about as good as it gets for for your boy here Pete Pistol Pete Johnson $5 hour right happy belated birthday to Frank Le he big win for the Irish and you know what else Pete did bring that up to me he said John you know it's gonna be it's Frank L's birthday it was like a day or two ago and we needed to give him this win as a gift and he needed to help us get it as a gift to us so God bless Frank Le and Pistol Pete too $10 Aller from Anthony celebrate my ND Brothers oh oh it just feels good doesn't it feel good $100 aler from Ryan man I just appreciate you guys Notre Dame wins people want to donate it's an amazing uh thing I really appreciate it $20 all from Tom Chris well the Irish can't score against the SEC let's get it ah telling you I can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks and I'm going to be in a lot better mood now that we won this game too that's the other thing everything that's coming now ni IU at home usually not a lot of juice or whatever everything has juice when you're riding off a win like this man everything matters every moment as juice from now on big game chain baby ski fooot $5 Aller it was nd's night they made the plays baby $2 all from Jay we have the best defensive backs in the country the defense was swarming baby $ five all of for Rodney A&M we never even knew you amazing defensive performance Rodney I'm happy for you man I know how you are with this stuff I'm happy for you Rodney because now you don't have to call in drunk and tell Pat it's his fault We Lost jayen which is what you did last September Jay Lamont $10 all shout out to the defense shout out to Bo he was the only white out who was physical we beat A&M and the and the refs that's right uh big Freeman with the win Andrew Gilmore $10 Aller I told my son Jake that you have a new name Marcus from now on I'm telling you man I was feeling the pressure on marus is behalf I needed it Philly it's the Philly special with the $10 all in the 574 oh and I'm sure Eric has got that fireball pouring out tonight baby Mac 10 oh we got that Mac 10 donating a 10 we kicked ass go aren't you well it was in doubt but I'll take it man David with the $2 holler 914 coming in oh man uh this is a beautiful thing $5 holler from Michael the defensive penalties were my biggest disappointment from the performance tonight enjoy the win uh no matter what go Irish I'm telling you those penalties were enough to make you lose your absolute ever loving mind were they not those penalties were enough to make you lose your mind I I'm glad we overcame them but you got a lot to clean up in that uh in that department crying belly with the $10 all poetic justice that the score is the same as Ohio State 2022 oh that's interesting crying $10 oh by the way speaking of Brian Kelly here puts me in a really good mood to enjoy the USC LSU game tomorrow too and now I don't have to be miserable I can enjoy it ND and NC $10 all we overcame penalties and we pulled out the win convincingly well it didn't feel that convincingly but it looked more comfortable afterwards let's get this 12 and0 and onfield for the playoffs and did you see all right we're getting to the end of the chats here I promise callers hang in there um did you see that at the end of the game they put in that thing and it said that Notre Dame should be favored to win all of its game it's the big game chain if that's what you're Wonder it's the big game chain uh they said Notre Dame should be favored in all these games move the rest of the year we should be favored in all of them oh I love it oh I love it where was I here we go Philly special again $2 all the call call-in lines are busy uh must be packed I'm sure it is this about as busy as it's going to be I'm going to get to it I'm almost done with these chats everybody's only going to get a couple minutes you're gonna have to do your main stuff and we try and get everybody in if I have time later you could come back Jose with the $20 all we're gonna be uh we're going to the playoff USC is the only team left and Brian Kelly might expose them if I had to put my money on it I bet Brian Kelly wins that one tomorrow I I I would bet Brian on Brian Kelly over Lincoln Riley and I don't trust Brian Kelly in a lot of POS situations I trust Lincoln Riley less Daniel way $10 all OG always Irish would have uh disconnected the office phone lines after this win appreciate you John Daniel that's how I know you've been around here a long time if you're remembering all the way back to the phone line at the old uh the old office where I used to bang on that stupid counter oh man $100 from Rick my congrats to the Irish and John arfa win have a great season see y'all next year Rick is A&M fan who has been here all week leading into the game he has been donating regularly jumping in the channel participating and being super nice and kind and respectful and generous and I gotta say it's very very classy he's been like nice about everything all week I really really uh I really do appreciate that I really do appreciate that where was I $2 for Prime Time says go Irish $20 tddp 574 let's go blank the FCC I'm down with that message $5 just turned 21 a couple weeks ago this wind definitely deserves cracking a cold one open we deserve this oh baby you definitely deserve it especially if you're that young Let It Go all night $23 from Dr John here's a buck for every Irish Point doc I hope you and all of your girlfriends are in the hot tub tonight baby you deserve it andd rules oh look at that Canadian conversion I was beyond nervous the entire game ND rules he's coming from Canada for the tailgate that's how big of an event it is he's coming from Canada for the tailgate in a few weeks Kevin I love you can't wait to see you buddy $2 Aller from the Domer [ __ ] I appreciate that $2 all from gk3 cream in the crop oh yeah with the SEC win brother oh yeah oh snap into a slim gy baby I love it $2 all the casket dude I could do half my shows from them I'm telling you $ five all from Tom they found a way to win I'm happy for you and the Notre Dame Nation go Irish Pat I gotta get through these I could pop Jim on in a second I got to read through these while I'm in while I'm doing them $10 Aller from my main man Martinez Johnny I told you 2410 I know man just a a slugfest for a lot of this one Serge with the $5 Aller took their soul wman needs therapy where are those Yell Leaders at now they're yelling at themselves because they didn't win this ball game $20 all from texd big big road wi Johnny we needed it oh Johnny's blood pressure needed it there is no doubt about that $5 all from James hope Jordan Faison is okay need him back he needs to help us win win two championships this year that was a negative it did not look good and I don't know what the the result of that's going to be $10 H from Jared let's go a lot to improve on but Step One is done let's keep it going $20 Aller from Adam blank ESPN and ABC for that Hometown call Adam I know you I know you didn't love it $2 from Irish steel $2 hour six starts zero sacks o on you hey man those guys hung in there DX burner DX break it down $2 all appreciate it $20 all from Jay viig well that rental QB got us this opening win hey man I'm happy for him you see his parents they were sweating bullets over there Kobe was crack cor's was cracking I bet it was for the $2 hour I bet it's gonna be cracking all night baby it's a beautiful thing coach old boys please go down there get a tough SEC with it never easy when you go down there to 12th man they got 12 man I got 11 man I gotta get my 11 men to play better than that 12 man but I go down there we get a hot fa we bring it back home to the swamp how about that for your coach Joo out a win how about that five all from Irish blue and devil forever Elco and his d4k I thought they said 107 was it 104 yeah 104k crowd still didn't keep us from getting that win what's in the chalis John are you pulling for USC over LSU it's leprechaun juice that's what's in the Chalice it's leprechaun juice $5 all Irish trending what a game from Freeman uh talking at the tunnel to Jay loves dagger TD just hope Faison's all good I know I'm worried about it too will he be hard again personal problem can't answer that I don't know what to do with myself but I'm drinking Jameson keep drinking Jameson that's what you do with yourself keep drinking it Brendan oan that's a good Irish name $10 holler what a win for the Irish wasn't pretty but we got it done Den Brock in the o line on the last Drive was incredible they got the drive they needed $5 Aller from Matthew o line did give up a sack must clean up the penalties oh there was a lot of penalties $ five all from Adam ding Kyle Kyle Field is most overrated thing in football yeah since what compared to the uh compared to the uh the uh nner Sandman that we did all right I think I'm caught up on those chats I'm going to bring Pat's dad in for one minute and we're going to the caller Big Jim what's up baby what's up Johnny how are you I love you Jim I love you I'm I'm glad thanks for stopping in man it's a big win for Notre Dame and Freeman what do you think it was a big win but I'm concerned about the penalties that yeah I know they're Drive Killers you know I mean in that the first half especially they just couldn't get is it because they were in that environment and everything everybody was wound tight and things are moving a million miles a minute and it's game one and we have some new moving Parts maybe that'll all naturally get cleaned up at all yeah I hope it does because uh it's going to hurt hurt when you when you get a better team in uh maybe uh Texas A&M yeah you know I I you know I looked at their schedule their schedule is is is weak to me you know yeah I don't think it's a very strong schedule this year Jim I'm telling you you got a you got a future in the podcast business I think we need to YouTube channel we got get a YouTube channel I think you got a future in this business right you're right you're right yeah right I do yeah you got a face for it too look at that you got a face video baby you do I miss you yeah all right Johnny you have I love you guys take care now Jim I you know I miss you I love you it's good to see you brother take care take care take care J go Irish oh Bo what a riot all right you guys I think we are pretty much set and uh I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to pull up these calls and we're going to go through them you guys um again try and be quick so we could get as many people in as possible I appreciate it 219 JD you're starting us off what's up brother yes sir let's go John Let's go Irish we should have know Marcus came out of that tunnel so fired up he needed this this was his game this was his legacy on the line way to go Irish one and0 yeah uh JD did you notice you notice that right away too he came out there with a little bit of a different mindset right when he he was ready to go that's about as animated as I've seen Marcus Freeman heading into a game moment yeah and that and also on the sideline I loved his coaching demeanor I just feel like he's really into the game and really motivated and you tell he feels more comfortable now on the sidelines yes and the best part is we made a lot of mistakes and now we with the win no that's the best part if you're going to make mistakes win so that way you have something to go and F film and to fix this and let's get through these next games don't look past anybody because everybody's gonna bring their a game it's gonna be everybody Super Bowl so keep going like this but hey if we're gonna make mistakes when like we did and that's how we can get this stuff fixed very happy if Riley Leonard becomes the next Tim TBO where you just run the ball I don't care and if the defense wants to be like the Bears and take us to the Super Bowl then get us to the championship let's go I'm telling you man you just needed to survive tonight right JD that's all you need to do you didn't need pretty points you didn't need style points you knew it was going to be rough with our young old line you just needed to survive the night and leave with a win for Notre Dame and then figure out everything else at over the hill down the road you got exactly what you needed I'm happy for Freeman I'm happy for the players I'm happy for the fans even the media everybody needed this win man Freeman needed this so bad I love it absolutely absolutely um these guys they deserve it they've been having a lot of stuff said against them and now the biggest thing is got continue to back it up and don't make it a fluke that's our biggest thing and let's continue this year I'll get off here John go Irish can't wait to go up to South Bend uh for next weekend's game it's gonna be a great atmosphere and J are you guys gonna be are you gonna be able to come to the tailgate Miami Ohio I need you guys there you got to try and get there for that oh we're there you don't worry we're not going to miss it we are going to be there for sure beautiful man JD I know you live in I know you live in die Notre Dame every day of your life I'm happy for you I'm happy for the everybody in our group man I like how much this means to everybody and uh I want you to celebrate the rest of the night uh tell your lovely family I said I and we'll see you guys in a few weeks I will too go Irish thanks buddy oh have a good one man I love JD he's the one who always dresses like a leprechaun if you guys see ever see uh if you ever see somebody in a leprechaun at all all dressed in a leprechaun outfit at all of our events that's who that is uh people are saying they're calling and they're not getting through the pack so that means you got to wait for somebody to drop off in the call sheet log and the hold log and when somebody drops off you could drop on keep trying to call and it'll uh it'll come back 815 980 where do you want to go welcome to the show John this is Joe molter first of all I love you uh secondly I texted you earlier and you said they need to change the narrative I that's exactly what happened tonight yeah um that's the game that usually happens to us like that's what Ohio state did to us two years ago and we did we walked in there 104,000 people and we did it to them we had a terrible offensive line offensive line wasn't very good but that second half they really showed what they can do and they took they took that game from like that's usually what happens to us yep that was awesome to see mistake but they did it man as I texted you they can't win a game of circumstance you know Jabo yell a kid they don't win that game you know there's Elco there's Leonard there's everything they went in there with a crappy offensive line and took it from him's never done that Joe you're so right man there there's so many of those moments in these big games where you feel it slipping away from Notre Dame and then it just goes full away from Notre Dame we run out of steam the other team makes a couple big plays you know late in the game that changes it it was really really just nice in this moment for us to be the ones that made those plays it was just really nice man it was a good change of pace and again my main theme Joe Freeman needed this you needed like a statement win you could really hold on to spike a flag in the ground and go we got this win we did the now you're ahead of the schedule now it kind of feels like you got a game in your pocket for the play off here now you could get to work now you could get to work what in the world hold on something happened with the phone line oh give me a break what happened give me a second you guys give me a second hold on something's going on with the phone lines yo Pat you still with me yo Pat all right guys hold on yeah there's something going on with the phone lines give me one second I'll be back I could fix it I know what happened hey I'm here I'm here I'm here all right Pat manage the chat let me go fix something I know what happened with the phone line something went wrong I'll be right back I'm gonna fix it everybody on the phones give me a minute you could call back give me a yeah I know all this now I'm gonna get mad I'll be back in one minute hold on okay well as as John does that give me a a kiss ass crazy boy what what K kiss ass what hi guys H how is everybody doing tonight are we all excited are we all I mean Notre Dame did what they're supposed to do I am not John fluffer ran roll I am not John fluffer you are not what did somebody call me your fluffer no you are my uh my backbone here something the whole the whole dude I think we overwhelmed the phone lines and they all crashed you know what Johnny Johnny and I would fully expect for you to overwhelm the phone lines because the Irish did something the Irish don't do and we need to acknowledge this and accept it and be like holy cow we are finally in a position to say man nordan went on the road and they beat a team that everyone thought they shouldn't beat and we're on the other side of it and holy cow we got a road to the playoff I mean I'm just telling you all right I'm trying to do uh get us back in you guys be patient I want Jim to get his own show my my dad yeah I think it's great he so so he took it off yeah he had an arizo st hand he was upstairs he comes he comes downstairs he goes are you on with John yeah he goes let me talk to him I go what I go dad he's he's on he's he's live he goes oh I don't want to talk and and then you're you're sitting there going through all your super chats he goes no I'm not never mind no I'm not I'm not gonna talk I'm not I'm not I'm not gonna talk I'm not Dad sit down hold the microphone talk to Dad talk to Dad this is a bad it's a bad time to have a have a a problem with your payment process on the phone lines though it's it's not though John because you know what Notre Dame won Notre Dame won a football game that no one thought they were going to win and we should be celebrating and we're happy and like every every every Notre Dame fan should be sitting here saying we have been waiting this for since L Holtz yep it's it's since L Holtz like like Ty Willingham didn't do it Bob Davy hasn't done it Charlie Weiss hasn't done it nobody has done it no all right guys all right I'm gonna call back in in and uh log back into the show you could call back if you want I'm sorry if you lost your order let me try and log back in bad time to have a payment processing issue on the thank you for calling Colin studios's host and call screener line please enter your show or meeting number in press pound enter your six-digit PIN number all right let's let's see welcome host you now in HST room and manage your callers from the Callin Studio web interface okay all right you guys I'm back in we're good to go I'm back in and we are good to go uh that is one of my codes it's like 696969 46969 all right uh okay I see a bunch of people calling again I apologize um 815 I got you again do I got you yeah John you got me I appreciate it thank you very much oh no problem I'm sorry uh something happened there with the old computer system of course on night one go figure but anyways as we were saying this is the one you needed man and we've been on the other side of these so many times it's just good to end up on the right side of one so many times and if you you know all you heard was 104,000 people all this and that at the end of the game what' you hear Let's go Irish is what you hurt yep Y and we we shut them down you know very quick at the end and John great to see I know you you've lived it forever I've lived it forever is a great one I don't think A&M's gonna be that great but that's a game we always lose y exactly we're celebrate this one the'll take it Joe it's the moment in the circumstances M it made it bigger than whatever you think of of A&M as a team it's the moment and the circumstances and where Freeman in this program or position right now he needed to get over the hump and get ahead of things and a win like this does that and I'm just happy for everybody and it gives you a pep in yourr step to go improve and get better next week when we go back home this is the pro the program win everybody needed and we got it and that is the number one takeaway I will worry about everything else we need to worry about when I get up tomorrow that's where I'm at a lot of mistakes to clean up John um all that you go here you're doing great your success I I I love it you've worked your ass off for it and um go Irish man Joe I appreciate you and we go way back 20s something years now and uh I really appreciate you man you've been there from the beginning brother I appreciate you thank you all right man have a good one thank you oh my gosh this is wonderful let's bring up Tony five oh boy 559 you're on the line 559 what's up baby what's up do how's it going my boy how's it going what I tell you two weeks ago what you over there tripping are yall calling up and and whining and dining about about this and about oh my God the office are ly and I running again you guys forgot about the damn price what I tell you don't forget about that boy don't forget about my boy he hungry he hella hungry and he's popped off and then guess what it just show love like you know what I got to get in it too and then you know let him get his guys now you can see what he can do when he runs the program the way he wants to now there's a lot of clean up but tonight Notre D Nation man let's celebrate let's be happy let's be Bouie and I want to know what hour did you stop to go get that chain too bro look at that the big game chain what do you think I figured you would like the gold chalice I'm drinking out of I figured you would like the gold chalice man like I like I robbed some booty from some Pirates I got a gold chalice and I was only gonna pull it out of the box if we won tonight and we did baby man L John you pull out whatever you want to pull out my player because right now don't hate the player hate the game cuz guess what all y'all chose all them SEC experts and that fool that doesn't have a hairline correct that's all the way like a half moon that don't that dumbass and then you have five fart over there and that oh Notre D can't live up to the hype and all these bandwagon people that want to jump on Notre Dame so they can get their ratings up because you know why because we're Notre D and nobody is the way we are they ain't us that's the problem they're always gonna hate on on people like us they're always gonna hate on not Dame because why we put you on the map you win us we put you on the map we beat you all all of a sudden you want to Fu say oh this wasn't good enough they still need to work out yeah man you know what stop hating bro right now enjoy your moment enjoy every single moment all Notre Dame fans enjoy it because you know we we earned this game we show grit we show you know determination we show that we stick to our running game we got big boys and you know what you just got two freshman that only gonna get better so let's start feeding these kids let's start giving it to them let's give them more and more and and Riley uh Ry Leonard man you know my hats off my boy I know I could you just tell that he's still that that not that spring not working with his receivers the time is not correctly all there but at the last two drives who are the two that showed up um yeah the guy from you from Clemson and uh Greyhouse look man we're only gonna get better guys and right now we have every reason to be happy we have every gonna smile because I we got our coach I'm telling you we got ourselves a go it was a big win man this was a big big win and and we all needed it and uh and there's a lot to clean up but I feel you feel a lot better cleaning stuff up coming off a win like this uh than you do a hardfought loss um and it's just a beautiful thing man and now you're you are in the inside track to osta playoff game in South Bend the week of Christmas with this Victory you're on the inside track uh now and so you need to keep getting better and that o line come together clean a lot of things up and and get going um I am not letting anyone tell me this isn't a big deal you know now that we think about it they're not that good it's not a tough place to play I don't care what anybody says I know what this moment meant what this game me to Notre Dameon Freeman and you needed it and you got it man right now I follow you I'll get up and Pop That chain on my neck like you got there and just just do that seaw walk that ice cube seaw walk all the way to the tonight we're siners baby tomorrow we go to MK baby I ain't even tripping on that I like it I love it all right man have a good night I'll talk to you I love you take care buddy have a good one oh man oh I love this I like the flow of this uh we're getting we're getting in here oh man oh this is good this is good stuff Nikki Dean loves to be heard and seen what's going on John I just need an apology oh man I've been telling you for six months we were going to beat A&M by 10 what do we do Nick it is the happiest I will ever be in my entire life to be to say I'm sorry you were right I'll do the whole what is it the uh isn't it the Happy Gilmore thing when he says to his girlfriend you're you're right I'm wrong you're smart I'm stupid like whatever Nick I I will tell you I'm the dumbest person in the world and you are right you're Notre damus I absolutely love it Nick this you I know you live and die this stuff you're here every day too man this is the one we needed this is the one Freeman needed the fan base needed the program needed we all needed it and we got it it's a beautiful thing Nick now we all need an apology from Kent because he was talking all that smack about three or four months ago how hot it was going to be how CR up all our players were going to be I didn't see any of our players having cramps I didn't see our quarterback running off the field puking nickel even more you did it not seem like their guys were the ones with more cramps than we had they were the ones laying there getting stretch out it really did feel like they were the side cramping up more than us am I wrong or did I just miss it I didn't I didn't see any Notre Dame players cramping up I might have missed it I might have missed a couple but I saw three or four of their guys cramping up now where's Kent where's he where's he at saying oh I'm sorry you guys you guys prepared better you guys did better I don't get it yeah where you hey I'm not gonna let Kent bring you down and you know what no Kent's in here giving us a hard time he I'm gonna expose Kent right now on on something good Nick he he's in here now kind of trolling he emailed me something really nice before this game like personally emailed me and said John I know what a big deal this is to you you know good luck and whatever I know what a big deal this is to you and your people so Kent you could be mean in the chat but you actually sent me something really genuine and nice before this football game started so he's gonna troll but I know he literally sent me a really nice message before the game I'm just throwing [Music] that well I'm just I'm just trolling Kent because he always trolls me he always tells me I don't know ball he always tells me I don't know nothing he always tells me OSU is the greatest team in the whole wide world right well they beat us twice I admit that I can live with that because that's what happened yeah but can't you give us a little credit every once in a while hey um that's all that's all my point is Nick I'm just so happy right now we got this win nothing's gonna bring me down man nobody poo pooing the wi saying it isn't a big deal nothing I'm not letting anything bring me down um I'm just this is the one we needed you could just it's a big exhale I feel like my blood pressure is down off the stroke range just from this went this game the clock going to zero and all of a sudden I I literally feel like I've reverse age 15 years I just do I feel great this is just a wonderful it's a good situation Nick I'm happy for you and the family I know how much you love this stuff one one last point one last I got a call out Burke herb Street the entire time I was watching the game because I got into it about middle of the second quarter yeah all he was doing was putting Notre Dame down putting Notre Dame down putting Notre Dame down we get that final touchdown he's like oh Notre Dame's the greatest team ever hey per just shut up just shut up please yep uh and I'm done I'm done to be done with that crew for a while him and Fowler whatever I they were a little better tonight than usual whatever I'm I'm done with it I'm just glad we got in there got a tough win and got out of there man and and good for those guys on that flight home how good they must feel that they they emerge Victorious through this there is a lot to clean up but you're in a lot better mood to clean things up when you're coming off a big win man really really good that's a program grind it out refuse to lose gotta have it and you got it type win it's beautiful I'm really happy yep I know your phone lines are busy so I'll let you go man Nick I can't wait oh I want to see you in a few weeks and I need us to be undefeated again just imagine the energy if we're Undefeated by that point I want to see all of you guys and all of our group when we're undefeated and The Vibes are high and we're rolling baby I love it so I want you to celebrate the rest of the night tell your lovely wife I said hi and you guys take care have a good weekend all right go Irish see you Nikky Dean loves to be heard and seen uh Tony your phone Line's being weird the it's not not my line because I could take these other calls it's saying something about your phone or whatever you may want to try and hang up and then uh hang up and try and call me back because you're you're not uh coming through here here let's try it here 570 Tony do I got you yes sir you got me there we go I got you uh I gotta tell you man uh I know this is a big win for you oh John I I appreciate that and it was a big win and I'll say I was pretty calm and collected until about the 10 minute Mark when they tied it up and I got a little little little anxious at that point but uh yeah it was a really great win and but what I really want to say is I want to thank you for reaching out to me last night it just proves what what the always Irish family is all about and I'm a little emotional I'm sorry uh thank you for that hey Tony man you're you're a part of the group you're a part of the family um and I appreciate your your friendship and the whole family appreciates your friendship and you wanting to be a part of a a part of our group and um and I love it man I love it this stuff it runs deep it runs deep uh thanks again and I know how much it means to you but it means a lot to us also thank you hey no problem um man you you guys are a special family and uh you know you're you're in this Notre Dame uh circum you're in the Notre Dame Circle by unique circumstances and uh and it's just and I can't imagine what that's like for for all you guys and your family being connected to the program and and I uh I'm happy you got this one too for everybody involved for Marcus and the old group man I I take it seriously and I think about that kind of thing well I I appreciate that and uh we had a couple of grandsons here this weekend so Mama coach could go to the game and uh it it was uh it was an anxious moment but uh thanks again and I really look forward to seeing the AI family and you and the Kennedy family at the end of September thanks again John love you it's gonna be great man I I can't wait to see you guys um and and it's it's going to be a beautiful thing especially if we still have that zero in the Lost column um but man I'm glad that you you feel welcome and comfortable in our family and our group and uh we're here we're all here in this together man good or bad we're all here together I love it it's beautiful thing that's what this is all about at the end of the day this group U thanks again and H you're the best and anything I can do to help with the tailgate let me know and uh go Irish oh I appreciate that hey thanks a lot man appreciate you love you Tony take care now oh man that is uh he said it before on the air so I can say it he's a family with the head coach hey 615 do you want me to answer or what Patrick with the $20 Aller been here since 4 and8 got my dad to start listening this year love to see how much your show has grown you deserve it I really appreciate that Patrick thank you very much man all the oldtimers you guys the oldtimers the people that have been here from all the old days at the office banging on that in 2016 me punching that desk it's been a long long journey thank you guys uh I got 33 0615 you're coming up next hang tight 330 where do you want to go let me tell you something brother always Irish me is running wild yeah John how you doing brother I'm doing fantastic I am in about as good of a mood as I'm ever going to be so everybody better enjoy it now CU who knows how long it's going to last but I am in as good of a mood as you could possibly be in if you're me let's put it that way yeah I can tell you that because I don't think the huus of this game we can enjoy it tonight but we got to remember Marshall and you got to remember other games in the recent history of Notre Dame and not get overc confident and stay on target for the next game and stay laser focus yeah I know but can I can I worry about that tomorrow like like can I just certainly can my friend yeah I want to worry I want to worry uh I want to worry about that tomorrow like I'm not I refuse in this moment I'm not letting anything stress me out the rest of the night I absolutely refuse these type of circumstances say don't come along a lot where Notre Dame gets a big win in tough circumstances I'm not letting anything bring me down nobody's going to make me worry I'm not playing that game I'll worry about it all tomorrow all the penalties that need to be cleaned up like I I'll worry about it tomorrow but I'm not doing it tonight tonight is celebration Johnny time and it's the big game chain and it's the gold chalice that comes out for big wins that's what we're doing and that's the way it's going to be always Irish senior good to see the beautiful thing my friend right now that hearing your family on the member choked up it got me a little choked up because I tell you what when it was tied up and uh you know they uh text I've got the ball back I got on my hands and knees being a good cathic aler boy and said a prayer and prayed to my grandfather who passed away World War II that at eay all the way to the the art end for I said please grandfather if you're there please I I I need this right now and I'm I'm with my wife who has never experienced another damn game with me and she and she looked at me and and it happened and it felt like there was something magical and that's the tradition and magic of Notre Dame that you can never ever replicate at another program and people need to remember that and people that ever ever criticize us don't have any clue how important that is and right before I leave if you would like a macho man promo talking about the rest of the season I can drop a 10 second 15 second one for you I definitely oh I definitely want me give it to me brother on the way out all right man but let me start right now yeah talking little Trash being football let me something my's been thinking lot here football thinks they might go all the way to the end of college football and they might see Georgia in the championship yeah if Georgia's lucky and doesn't see us and loses good for them okay this is the time on the third year the Zen Notre Dames going all the way dig it freak out Johnny I love you I've been wiist him for six years thanks for the beer cozy and everything and thanks for the family love you and congratulations on your success and I hope you all the best in the future brother oh man thank you so much I'm just glad we're all happy thank you so much man I I really appreciate it thanks for the kind words oh yeah thanks for the call brother have a good one take care man look at this guy this guy went from you want to know how Diversified our call set is this guy went from on his knees praying to God to doing the Macho Man out of know [Laughter] 615 I'm you're coming up gez oh man you're coming up 615 what's going on what's going on first of all I have to ask how was the birthday party today did you did you pass are you dad of the year wait what now how was the birthday party for your child are you dad of the year I thought you had a birthday party going on for the little one that was last Saturday yeah that was last weekend got got that done that's crazy I'm sorry I've been drinking first of all the reason you know that guy saying 615 make it live in the chat yeah that's my little brother he's never called in before he's gotta say something real quick Hey Jo guess who's back who's back not her name back The Boys Are Back The Boys Are Back The Boys Are Back we're looking for trouble The Boys Are Back John what's up hey man I did I not tell you did 615 make it live not I'm sorry we had a couple beers did a 615 make it live not tell you on Monday I think it was Tuesday actually sorry I've been drinking a little bit that I would be calling in on a postgame show that Notre Dame would be winning after I told you I called you not name would be at the W when I called in did I not you did I think you deserve to drink a little bit on a night such as this don't let me yeah don't let me hold you back I think everybody deserves a little something something on a night like this I'll tell you what I saw some flashes of Jared Parker when they were running into rck wall and I was getting pissed but I knew I knew n Dame was figured out hey this is what I live in the south right I'm I live in West Morland bum F Egypt Tennessee it's out in the middle of nowhere and I got a bunch of boys texting me Tennessee fans right they play UT Chattanooga they play to nobody week one and they're texting me the whole time oh ND names they look good against an SEC team boy we fold it out this what happens when you play week one right when you play a real opponent week one this is what happen you look shaky on offense but we'll figure it out that's what I'm talking about yeah it was uh it was it was a uh it was a really really just a good way to start it was exactly what we needed it was exactly what we needed I think you deserve you deserve to have fun survive and Advance I'll tell you what John these these couple kids from Tennessee these only Irish Catholics in this town of West Morland Tennessee I'll tell you what we're coming up we're making a pilgrimage November 6 Florida State we're gonna be up there and we're gonna be looking for that always Irish tailgate it better be up and running when we get up there oh I like it I don't know if I'll be there but we'll we might have we'll have something up for the we'll we'll do something though I gotta I don't I can't go to all those games it's tough for me because then how am I gonna do this show if I don't do that come on I got a front I sent you a $2 holler a 199 holler because I mean I'll tell you what I'm not breaking it in the bank but s you one I forgot to put a chat but you know what I support you we've been me and my brother have been listening to the show for years oh thank you we are Irish thr through I will not keep it I know you get so many calls coming through but keep up the good work we're one and0 baby appreciate it appreciate it thank you one and one and0 baby and uh one and0 Lauren what's going on what's up girl um love a lot yeah that's what you got that's what you got for me it's a big aren't you glad I am of course I am glad we're all in a good mood for once all of the boys in a good mood exactly y'all are much easier to deal with when they win yes yes yeah we definitely are uh it's just we don't get a lot of these opportunities to have these big wins and these moment so it's a beautiful beautiful thing I will tell you what there was twice in this game where I was like well okay that finally makes sense to me there was twice where all the announcers were saying like oh he's taking a big chance here he's taking a big chance here and I was like well that makes sense to me like why wouldn't you if you trust your team why wouldn't you do that oh man I enjoyed that I enjoyed that that was it was two points where I was like okay this game finally makes sense yeah we need it we got it we went for it we got it I'm I'm very happy and uh I'm just don't understand football all the time but that made sense to me yeah it's you understand enough to know like what it should look like and we actually like did good things tonight it's a very very good thing and everybody thinks you're good-looking on the chat so that's good Lauren that's good that's good it's good that everybody thinks that I don't know how much they drink or not but you're good look anyway what do you mean how much they drink obviously she's good-looking yes was it's 11 o'clock and I thought I was going to bed before this so no good news we're partying you got to stay up all night we're partying Notre Dame one like there's there's no sleep there's no sleep good talking to you Lauren I gotta get back to these calls you could stay on there if you want uh yes please okay you could stay on let's go back to the call 765 make it alive what's going on 765 John you got me yeah I got you what's up brother what a win for the Irish baby what a win since 93 best win baby oh you really think so you're going all the way back to 93 it's it's the listen it's a it's a it's the biggest win in a long time just based on the circumstances don't you agree with that based on those circumstances dude I turn on game day five minutes till it was over watched all them Knuckleheads Pat mcae he can suck the big one I am gonna go NRE Dame from here on out and he flip flopped forget him forget all those guys this was awesome forget all the people telling you we got a lot to clean up and all that what l HS always say the team improves the most from game one to game two I ain't worried about nothing we're going 12 and0 we're gonna make it to the final four and we'll see what happens after that I'm telling you man does it not feel like Notre Dame's got one in their pocket to play with now that's the best part about this is not playing with nothing John we're going 12 and0 baby man but but that's what I'm saying now you have one in your pocket to where you got over the best defense you're going to a face all year you just faced you managed to pass that test on the road and and I'm just saying should you need it I think you have one game in your pocket here to still be able to line up all of what you want to line up for the playoff that's what I'm saying and that's I love it this is just a great night it's the happiest you're ever gonna find me I'm never gonna be happier than this they're gonna be number five at the end of the season they're going to get the home game the week before Christmas just like you said forever it's going to be cold it's going to be snowing and I hope we get LSU so bad I want purple face to be real purple face because it's so faking cold right yeah and I'm telling you John I'm telling you what about Cozy going up and fighting for that ball we got some receivers on this team but everybody you know marked them down on their grades we when the ball was on target how many balls were dropped zero yeah it was receivers can catch the ball if the ball is thrown to them that's a good that's good progress for us that there's receivers that can catch the ball when it's thrown to them I'm glad we're on the winning track now that the guys could catch it when we throw it to him listen man I'm just happy for the whole operation I'm happy for that defense that they held in there all night I'm happy for Riley Leonard imagine all the pressure on Riley Leonard I know he got a lot of money but all that pressure coming over from duke and the whole pressure of Notre Dame lands on you and you got to deliver what a good job man like I'm just happy for everyone I'm happy for Freeman he this takes a big monkey off his back I'm happy for a lot of people in a lot of ways oh dude Freeman my wife and I were sitting out on the back deck having a drink and when we heard Freeman got the job we both hugged and cried said good for him and his family yeah that is awesome for him I'm sorry I get a little emotional about this stuff I'm a big family men but dudee good for Freeman good for that program yep it's about time we took took out the checkbook got some good assistant coaches and I hope Notre Dame knows what it's all about now and we stay independent and we just stick it to everybody in this country yep man doesn't it feel good um man it's it's a beautiful thing man I didn't expect to have multiple people choking up here on theine it's a beautiful thing though it's just because it means that much to us it just means that much I love this man it just this whole thing I grew up I grew up in South Ben every Saturday I was on campus I would ride my bike over there and then when my kids were young we'd go out and would feed the Ducks at St Joel Lake would' walk up the freak the freaking trail that Rudy walked up would' go to the grot light a candle go into Basilica on the way back I said you know when you're 18 you know where you guys need to be right my daughter got accepted to St Mary wouldn't even go visit she went to IU broke my heart yeah well you can't win them all you can't win them all but you won this made my pocketbook but she broke my heart yeah you can't win them hey you you can't win them all uh you can't win them all but you uh you won the the one you needed you won you needed so uh we got this one man we got it John we'll see you at the tailgate love you love your show Pat congratulations W you didn't go to the game and uh right I didn't go to the game I didn't go to the game oh man thanks a lot I really appreciate you take care you're welcome John have a good one we'll see you soon man I didn't expect everybody to be up in their uh up in their feels on this one geeez man it's a beautiful beautiful thing oh it's a beautiful thing 385 make it come alive what's up my main [Music] man what I tell you brother what I tell you both Collins the young guys the young dude what I tell you oh man I'm you you've had so you've been so pumped up and so confident and had so much energy building into this moment for so long man I'm really happy for you you've been so hyped about this all summer you've been pumped up about all all of this I really love it man it's beautifuls man on house when we needed them that's right baby bu [ __ ] don't you uh in the 90s it was just Tennessee in Florida in the 2000s it was this Georgia and and Bama and then like they dog [ __ ] look at the record dog [ __ ] hey baby let me tell you something man you know what the greatest thing about this is man my pop got done terrible cancer told you guys life and stories of Rene Martinez he came from a third from a third thirdd world country served education but you know what he don't know Jack but you know what he knows about Nan baby because you know what it's the greatest program in all the land oh man it's greatest program doesn't it just feel good to it just feels good to get this one man it just feels good to get this one and and there are things to clean up and we will and we'll address them um but it's just good to get this one tonight isn't it it's great baby you know what I'm gonna let you go right now you know what if we would have lost we would have been told overrated no redeem blah blah blah blah blah blah the dick riding SEC commentators on ESPN douchebags they all right they all dick write the SEC man I've said it to you since I first met you okay and like I said I'm not trying to tell you I know football but I coach on a big high school level and I knew that our boys were ready I knew Marcus Freeman hey man Marcus hey if we if you watch that that here come the Irish anybody who's gonna Who's Gonna Keep criticizing you need to go [ __ ] root for another team he man you know what he's doing a great job he's doing a great job I love you Johnny onward nor Dame brother I'll talk to you during the week I'm a little close my parents still kind of upset because I've been yelling all night but hey man I love you brother my my my man Renee right there man Renee go get it I love it man I love it thank you for my main man thank you I'll see you in a few weeks brother take care yeah I'll see you hey I'm all book I'm all book flight book tickets are book hotels booked I'm there baby beautiful I can't oh I can't wait to see you and I still need that zero in the Lost column so we're gonna get there man thanks a lot I'll see you in a few weeks bro see you bye later oh man this is beautiful oh it's such a beautiful thing hold on a second here oh Tom what's going on buddy it's been a while what's up oh my God hello John Kennedy the the Northwest side of Chicago my neighborhood is gold bananas it was like the almost like the Blackhawks WN in the the last Stanley Cup dude I love that you're so chicagoyoutube like that is the aura that you that is the aura you give off when you're engaged in anything with me is I just feel like vintage Notre Dame winning Tom that is your Vibe and I love you for it bro well thank you and here's here's my takeaway so I told you earlier in the week that the that the um the difference was going to come down to the defense the discipline the kicking game and the running back the discipline was lacks on the offensive line but the defense stayed there I was so glad I mean just and and what you noticed a caller a little while ago was talking about were they cramping up what why weren't why wasn't Notre Dame cramping up and A&M was because they were rolling they were three deep on the defense that's huge yeah I haven't seen a defense like the last defense I saw that was close to this was 93 and 888 that's why I'm psyched up um you make those kind of mistakes on the offensive line and have a 100 yards of penalties and you still come out with a W in that hostile environment I listened I I turned off uh Fowler in herb Street and I listened to the game on the radio and Ryan Harris kept saying he thought the the uh the Press Box was going it it wasn't shaking it was swaying he thought that the joists were going to give out and they were going to go down that's how loud that place was man so you know what great job just everybody everybody involved man just to get through this moment and get what you needed as the bare minimum which is any sort of win and we can all move forward and talk about everything that needs to be cleaned up and the penalties and everything else um this was just it was a pro it was the win the program needed in this point in time Tom and and I'll be damned if we didn't get it we went and got it this time yeah and that and that's what and you know what the difference was the halftime adjustments that loomed so large that and the fact that Marcus Freeman had the stones to go for those two4 in shorts and we got robbed on the second one I liked it I I liked it he said and then the timeout that they took on field before uh Jeremiah loves uh last touchdown Y and they got those offensive linemen together I don't know if you caught it but Den Brock came out on the field and he got into every one of their faces and he says don't you make a goddamn mistake stay disciplined and we're gonna take this baby home man that really got me going I looked up to the heavens I said Blessed Mother thank you very much oh th what a way to close it out on the road man what a I love it oh what a great environment and everybody's watching and you know what else makes me very happy Tom is we're happy and we got what we needed but there's a lot of other people that are so mad tonight they're pissed off because they hate Notre Dame they hate all of us and they're just mad that we're in a good mood they're mad they were counting on Old Notre name failing again and instead we're one and0 and it's a beautiful thing and there's no nothing anybody could do to bring me down tonight like I'm riding High tonight this as good as it gets no no and and and look you know we know just like you said with the mistakes and we all watch the same game we're not we're not sugar coating it or anything but it it was it was magnificent to see him right now it's a building block now the next four weeks getting ready to go into the to Louisville come and let's take those sons of we're gonna win every game going into Louisville and then that's the next big game yep I can't wait to pay those sons of [ __ ] back from last year and you know what God bless them they they were ready and Notre Dame wasn't you know they're coming to our place and it's gonna be a different vibe it's gonna be a totally different vibe and and we're at home and we'll be hopefully feeling good and undefeated whatever man I love it yeah and the the a couple of last things though uh that once he the the one adjustment I saw when they when they decided to throw vertical and he got those two nice tou uh those two nice passes to Cooper Flanigan down the middle that opened it up that's all they had to do now if he can get that ball vertical a little bit more and start incorporating it I I I agree with a lot of the comments during the game that those those flat passes and stuff like that I know what he was trying to do he was trying to take you know easier blocking scheme for the for the for the offensive line but you know what they they got to engage and and you know what the left side of that offensive line grew up in the fourth quarter I was so happy to see that yeah man I'm happy just for everybody they survived the moment and that's all we were asking them to do we knew there was going to be some tricky issues here bad matchup are you know with their strengths and some of concerns all you had to do was enough to get through it and then we'll move on and correct what we need to correct Tom big win for Freeman big win for Notre Dame as a program B wi big win for all of the fan base and I'm happy for all of us and I'm happy for you representing Chicago brother thank you I hope I get Tom I hope I get to see you in a few weeks at the tailgate buddy I I'm gonna bust my stones to get down there I I I won't know until probably that uh Wednesday before so hey everybody uh go Irish God bless Johnny thank you I'll talk to you during the week have a good one I'll dude uh beef stick you got to chill out over here man these comments are uh I know everybody likes Lauren's presence but gez beefstick you uh you're dropping the uh the hint there 818 what's going on Welcome to the program what's up Rodney Rodney Rodney don't do this to me you're not going to be able to yell at Pat blame him for another loss what are you doing Rodney oh come on Rodney it was it was your time to shine and not be able to say uh blame Pat for another loss oh come on man 409 you're on the line what's going on hello hello you're on the air I'm on the air oh let's go John the legend Kennedy man ah dude so great to be here hey got a few things I want to say hey first off listen you on patreon it's awesome got a few things to point out one gby Jeremiah love can save us he did save us right there at the very end you know what big win for the Freeman era love it and you know what I'm going to say this I don't know how many people are going to be a fan of it but honestly Bo Collins catching that pass from the side line tough catch tapping the toes tough catch gets up shoves the DB in the back I gotta admit I like a little bit of the edge yeah I like being a little bit dangerous like that I want my guys to have some Edge I want some I want my guys to be like hey you know what you can't cover me and I I love it I love it yeah I don't know if it's gonna be popular I mean I get it could have been 15 yards could have been really bad we got really lucky in that spot big spot but you know what hey you know what this is an emotional game an emotional place and you know what hey everybody on Game Day whole nation everybody picking against us Vegas we're dogs you know what we ain't dogs no more we well we are dogs but we're not underdogs that's for damn sure yep man you go in there happy to be on god dude that the contested catch you're talking about I think about that from patreon 2 ghouls always talks about he says John where are our dogs that are going to go up and fight for a ball in a contested catch he ghouls be always hammers it he goes John where are he always does he says where are the dogs when that ball gets thrown up and the game is on the line I need our guy to go fight for it and either catch it or bat it down from the other whatever and then you got it and it was just a beautiful thing to see he's right hey go up there hey make a contested catch it's not going to be on the money every time but you know what hey little behind you little ahead you know little low little high you can still catch it you can still get your hands on so do it Bo Collins went up made a play he flexed on the DB a little bit I love it thank God we didn't get penalized for it but you know what I don't care I love the fact that we've got an edge now yeah that edge was dude I'm with you I like that edge too he could have got a penalty for it but I love that uh I love that he did that man in the moment I don't even think I would have cared if he got flaged I probably would have if we didn't have losen the game but you know you know hindsight's 2020 doesn't matter now yeah but at the end of the day it's like hey I don't care like you know what everybody else does it we it's been so long since we had a receiving core that can go up and make a play like that and then flex and be like you can't cover me yeah so the fact that we got to see that I was so jacked in that moment like I said thank God no penalty is what it is but you know what hey carry that edge through the season yeah you know let's be dangerous let's take chances I love the fact that Freeman fourth and one go for it fourth and one again go for it got screwed on the second one is what it is but you know what hey he's he's he's B he's not gonna sell his Laurels a season he's like hey this is the team this is when we make a run we're gonna do everything we got to do win every game do what we got to do get to that playoff win as many games as we can and I'm here for it I love it thank you so much for taking my call problem thank you so much the rest of it man I appreciate that that means the world to me man thanks for being around thanks for supporting the patreon too we love doing it and uh it's going to be fun thank you very very much have a good one buddy man everybody's so nice in here it's amazing what winning will do everybody's in a good mood all right couple more Super chats then I will go back to the calls I promise just one and eal $23 holler John this is your moment you believed in Marcus from the start endured some hard times now year three game one yet had our our boys United focused and fearless didn't Flinch go Irish really appreciate that uh n d gal and I hope I'll be seeing you soon um I don't know if you can make it for the tailgate to or not look at this message from the Birdman so happy I called in love the calls thinking about my grandpa and grandma Irish Catholic ND fans feeling The Echoes you know man it's a big part of all this for all of our families and how we became Notre Dame fans and all that lineage and everybody thinks of their grandparents and all that stuff that aren't with us but started this fandom and all passed the fandom down it's just a beautiful it's just a really really beautiful thing um merch with the 619 here we go 619 your dime what's going on John what's up man what's going on thanks for the donation thanks for calling how how you doing man I'm feeling great I'm not gonna lie oh I'm feeling fantastic uh you're not GNA find me in a better mood this is about as good as it gets if you're me I'm in a great mood lie I'm feeling great about our defense oh dude how could you not feel great about the defense like they they are going to bring it every week that's something good is they're GNA bring it every week and I feel like you can count on that I feel like you can count on it I'm so glad that our defense is is like pulling through this year did I lose you yeah that's what I'm saying oh yeah but but there I'm not gonna lie there is some offensive things that I'm feeling about you know Riley Leonard and like all that though not gonna lie yeah there is but here's what I'm telling you I want to worry about it tomorrow that's what I'm telling you right like I want to enjoy this tonight and then we can yeah like I'm not trying to do that like I'm not letting any of that creep in tonight we are celebrating tonight and then when I get up tomorrow my Notre Dame worries will kick in and I'll start making a list of the things we got to get better at for next game but for tonight nobody's bringing us down this is the type of win we need and usually just fall short of getting and it just means the world to me that we were the ones that overcame it and made one more play and won this damn we were hated on by college game day damn near every single person except the goat Lee Corso like and we won and we prove all them wrong especially Desmond you know he can you know I don't know but you know he's a certified hater but oh he's definitely a certified hater we'll make it to the playoffs for sure this year I'm feeling great year yeah it's uh man it this is it does it makes me feel like Notre Dames got one in their pocket it really does I feel like this gives you leeway that maybe you could even drop a stupid game somewhere and still be in a really good position to to host one of those playoff games um and it's just a it's just a great moment man Notre Dame needed this Freeman needed this he he's gonna feel like a brick house weights lifted off of them flying back to South Bend and I'm happy for everybody involved with the operation um there was a lot of pressure here a lot of pressure and they did a really good job oh yeah definitely I feel like I feel like like Riley Leonard did his job like jaran price did his job I feel like our defense did their job like we played really really well and I'm just I'm just super hyped we got you know this this dub over you know Texas A&M which is a really really tough place to play at you know away you know it's a really loud environment I'm I'm just super you know hype that you know we got this yeah man it was just such such an important moment and uh man and we just we'll go on from here and we'll worry about stuff tomorrow but for tonight this is a Notre Dame celebration that that's rare and we all deserve it and uh we've been loyal a long time and uh it's a beautiful thing uh anything else my friend thanks for the donation tonight I really appre appreciate it that lose you oh yeah no problem John I'm just I'm just really glad you know we won the game you know I I have some things about Riley Leonard and you know like when he when he throws the ball it's kind of like he he doesn't really like look around that much like he kind of just throws like where he should and it's kind of a problem but you know at least we got the dub and know I'm not tripping but thank God you're drinking out of that golden chalice because I love that hey I the the thing is man I had the golden chalice sitting there and but you can only do it for a game like this if you win so it I it was sitting on the table and all night I kept looking at it like am I gonna get to bring out the gold chalice and the big the big game chain or not and I wasn't going to and but we won it so now I can it's a beautiful thing oh yeah 100% we definitely deserve that after all of college game day decided we that you know they got Texas A&M for going for it but yeah you know we proved them all wrong like I think we're really them this year so I'm I'm super hyped about that I think I think we're gonna do good things this year yep it it was uh it's a really really good start man uh hey thanks for the donations thanks for the call give me a call again stay in touch brother okay yeah no problem John I really appreciate you I appreciate what you do for you know like the Fighting Irish Nation or whatever but uh my whole family watches you and uh I really appreciate what you do man thank you so much oh thanks a lot I I really appreciate it have a good one buddy oh man people are nice on here Jack sacko the venerable Jack sacko the Notre Dame historian Jack sacko the the the politz surprise nominated author Jack sacko the the producer Jack sacko is there anything this guy doesn't do he's unbelievable and I'm glad to have him here I'm really glad to have him here oh what a beautiful night in Notre Dame land it truly is 970 what's going on welcome to the show hey what's going on 970 welcome me well I've listened to you a long time John I'm a I'm a big uh Irish football fan the game you said uh he didn't care how as long as they got the job done and they did that and they deserve credit um I could come on here I could talk about a lot of things I could talk about penalties I could talk about how Marcus Freeman deserves credit I could talk about Al golden I could talk about how we need to see more Mitchell Evans I could talk about Adon Scher getting the big pick I could talk about a lot of things talk about Jeter the ker because the legs of this operation deserve some credit bro I do not mean to cut you off but your phone is sounding like RoboCop or something what do you John it's really nice to talk to you you sound like RoboCop I don't mean to cut you off but it sounded like a like you were shooting gamma rays or something I didn't mean to do that to you I liked what you were saying but you sounded like Robocop and outer space I I don't mean to do that to you bro but it sounded bad like I wasn't trying to do that but it and Rodney I still need you to call back 574 Brandon is this you tell me this is you Brandon Brandon yes sir what's up baby what's going on let's go Brandon we getting l l tonight oh Brandon I'm so happy how are you doing are you down in Atlanta celebrating or what oh yeah I was out the noran bar tonight bunch of nor fans out there and we're having a great good time oh Brandon this is such a big win I'm so happy for all of us I'm happy for your family I'm happy for my family our whole group I mean this is uh man we needed this I love it bro this has got to be the wi in my lifetime for sure you think so yeah I don't know what else would be yeah dude I don't I mean it's and all these are situational and they have their own little different feel you know like like they just there's different feels to different wins depending on the circumstance and the situation my point is where Freeman was at in his tenure and at this point of where this whole program's at this is the kind of when he needed to stabilize things and show people there's a higher level here to this stuff and he did it and it it's just a beautiful beautiful thing yeah there's a mid tier SEC team but still an SEC team at the end of the day so that looks like a good win for Marcus Freeman so yeah and it's season start off strong and you're so right and it's just the moment that it is and being on the road like it's just a lot there's a lot that goes into it and um I just think Freeman needed it man in the recruiting has not been going like all your way the last couple months of the the summer and I just kind of feel like he needed this to stabilize things that's how I'm feeling he needed this to stabilize things yeah now we got a few few uh easier games to get everything tightened up and we'll roll into Miami of Ohio and get the all Irish tailgate going and go on from there oh man I can't wait so you're you're coming I want you and the whole family I want everybody there yep we already got the tickets booked so we'll be there oh man it's going to be beautiful anything else or are you going to just party all night in Atlanta what's up I'll party it up and I'll let you get get going to everyone else Brandon and I'll see you in a few oh I'll see you in a few weeks make sure your parents come too man I'll talk to you have a good one I love you man oh love you too take care man I oh we go back oh we go back we've been through some battles together me and him 229 you're on the line what's going on 29 you're up on the line is this Kent is this Kent yeah yeah this me what's good big dog can't man don't be bringing me down I just I feel good man I feel good I feel good about things don't be bringing me down at about midnight don't be bringing me down in Midnight cat listen you gotta let me talk Hey listen hey hey first things first I want to congratulate y'all I really do I want to congratulate y'all you know Big Win quarters but my main thing what really got me was was at the beginning of the game you know how they showed everything you know how everybody come out when they come out the tunnel yeah when they show Marcus Freeman and he was talking to the crowd or whoever he was talking to and I show how he was pumping up the boys I was like oh yeah they ready they ready oh really oh really oh really they're ready they're ready Kent Kent really they're ready a different side of him oh now Pat's coming at you that was a different side of him Kent no see I can't I well let me turn my phone up because I had to turn my TV down watch Washington State and whatever state Washington or whatever well um I couldn't hear what Pat said but um what's wrong I mean I was gonna get to the BS but I want to congratulate y'all first I want to tell you how the demeanor was what I seen in the team and all that like that that was awesome like I seen a team that was ready to play a sec like the last caller said midlevel SEC team you play a team that I felt like wasn't good at all I mean be honest you handled your business but for four quarters playing that team I feel like it should have been maybe a two touchdown like going back to kind of what Pat said earlier maybe a month ago couple weeks ago maybe not a blowout but maybe a two touchdowns win maybe maybe me feel a little bit better about it but I'm not going to take the win away from but my thing is how like I'm GNA get to the point because like it's a lot of callers my thing is relax calm down I mean like it's a lot more I expect you guys to win that game it was the game one I yes I guess you guys want to get the monkey off your back but to me like relax because you got if you guys are you guys got bigger games to be worried about you know what I'm saying like a bigger fish fried later on down the line somebody like a Louisville somebody somebody like a don't up Florida this is Notre this is Notre Dame football no he didn't he's lying he's lying he said we would lose this game don't relax don't give me relaxed I get it be excited get be excited you played at Texas inm it was 107,000 they said that's a lot of people like Riley L said that's something like you can still see the crowd going to the sky like I I get it huge win I'm not taking from y'all all but what I'm what I'm saying is me that's not a sec team that I thought that could beat y'all from watching it from watching they receivers watching their skill players compared to your skill players on defense like like I told you like I told you what that guy name is gray Christian Gray yeah he made one good play at the end of the game John and I told you he he got he got Abus a little bit to me to me he got abused a little bit so of course he going he gonna get better over time time players were no match compared to your scared players on offense and defense like the last couple callers said AG go B Collins great pickup Chris Mitchell didn't see him Faison I hope his leg good great house you know what I'm saying like those guys there like they they chip in here and there but where was the boy 83 Thomas I didn't see much of him like though that kind of bothered me a little bit and the running back situation like Jeremiah Love and and gud price yes they broke off big runs but they really was bottled up here you know what I'm saying they was really bottled up and and I'm G get to my last Point not to bring the show down but the running game on their behalf they had nobody but number eight M and they literally was letting him run the ball and catch the ball out the back field they had over a 100 rushing yards on y'all now if you playing somebody like I won't say me because everybody don't like me so you ain't you you ain't you you ain't Ohio State you say you're Ohio State Ohio St ion even say me I'll say somebody else and joy somebody let's say you get to the final you get to the final four let's say you get there when you can you hold it up you know what I'm saying like if you guys I'm not worried about that I'm not worried about that right now let me have one night one night one night one game one night one game John one night one game you know Kent's here always doing what Kent does spitting [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry you're not gonna bring me down not tonight I understand your concerns but you're not bringing me down tonight no no John John John on Friday on Friday Kent said another name was gonna lose this game blowout you did say we were GNA lose Ken you did just say we were gonna lose he said we're gonna lose in a blowout hey Kent Hey Kent you take the over because You' lost money if you did let me let me put you on speaker phone because I can't you Pat what you say Pat say again anyways listen you were picking us to lose that's the point of this Ken and that's all that's all and I'm not letting you bring me down it's fine the email what did I tell you I didn't give you no prediction I didn't say nobody was gonna win since you pointed out my email I didn't say no nobody was going to win yeah I just said no yeah and I didn't say you did in the email I said that you sent a really nice message saying that you were you said John I know how big of a night this is for you good luck to me personally that was ni Notre Dame was gonna lose in a blowout Notre Dame did not lose in a blowout Notre Dame won the football game yeah okay see now y'all think that I'm bringing y'all down I'm not trying to bring y'all down but what I'm saying is y'all play the Iowa to me so congratulations but don't let it you know I'm saying you just think bigger think bigger that's nothing I want to think bigger but for tonight Kent I'm this is plenty big and I'm happy to have it man I'm happy to have it no what if that team don't win nothing but three games I'm still happy to have it tonight like I got the one I needed tonight and we keep it moving they can do whatever they're going to do Kent and but I got the one I needed and then they can go on with their year and do whatever they're going to do but I got the one I needed and you ain't going to make me feel less about it no no no no no that's what I wanted to say before you hang up I wanted you to know and I want to Pat and the chat and everybody else know for me to y'all great win fourth quarter fourth quarter fight I love Marcus Prem and demeanor I like the fourth quarter the fourth down going forward twice even though he didn't get the second time yeah I like the B Collins I like the pick up I like him pushing the man in the back I like all that good like that [ __ ] was nasty I like at all I like the Freshman actually holding up the left tackle he did that defensive line is not what everybody tried to make it out to be that's me also saying that they defensive line was gonna get like five sacks I like but I watched the game I was like well damn what they saying when you watch the game that ain't what's going on the boy blocking these boys so good [ __ ] y'all got something going over there y'all will have a good another good offensive line this year um um Evans will come back and be good um so it's not all bad I didn't be saying I want to bring y'all down y'all play a good the kicker that's a good [ __ ] you know that's great for having him out there like that's great that's you know what I'm saying so good pickup great win y'all keep it up don't slip against Louisville you know what I'm saying keep it up thanks you thank you very much I have a good one take care John Johnny what laen Lawrence said bad call huh Lawrence said bad call yeah but I can't I like a little controversy I can't have can't have 50 callers and they all love no I want something else in the mix can we can we call it as it is Kent Kent was calling Notre D to get blown out by A&M can we just call it as it is he called a blowout he called a blowout for A&M's favor he didn't get it oh blyberg you need to blyberg you need to chill out get serious about what you're saying give me a break about uh losing respect for John asking for permission to be happy you nothing Kent's goingon to say is going to take it away from me it's just a saying give me a break when I'm saying can I just be happy for a night it's not literally hanging on his answer to that question five doll all will he be hardan personal problem can't answer that I'm bigger stronger smarter and leaner than Kent more of a man too easy to do admittedly get bent Kent hey at least that rhymes I like that I like that that rhymes okay let's see oh boy we're gonna run through as many more calls as we can we're getting close to the 2hour Mark I'm going to try and go through these let's see what we could do oh let's see 832 we're talking to you what's going on hey John how's it going it's going fantastic I'm in a great mood Notre Dame got the win they needed baby yep they did I'm actually on my way home I was actually at the game wait a second you were at the game this is f absolutely fantastic why don't you share with us I want to know about the noise I want to know about the drama I want to know everything I was how was the fan base to interact with give me some of the details this is beautiful let me know yeah so the fan base was actually kind of really great to us we were there all afternoon went to different restaurants and stuff in the area it was everybody was like welcome to Agy land and everybody was uh you know welcome and forthcoming and uh you know there's a ton of Notre Dayan fans out there even you know like I know you saw most of green on TV but there were some wearing white and some were wearing blues and stuff like so you couldn't really get the full effect I don't think on TV is how many of us were actually out there and so it was pretty cool in our section um we were down in the lower section 116 and there were little group of Notre Dame fans that were holding together amongst the the the boosters and all this other stuff that was all behind us and whatnot it was great in the beginning of the game and then as things started you know to uh kind of break apart folks behind us were getting a little agitated and whatnot but um you know other than that it was it was fantastic the crowd noise how loud was it for real how loud was it and and okay not only do I want to know like when you hit a high pitch Crescendo how loud is it but I want to know like the ongoing loudness it seemed pretty loud throughout like what was it how loud was it really how loud was it really yeah it was almost like like if you go to like a rock concert whatnot like you're near this speakers and stuff like that it's it's pretty loud um and you know uh we you know we were down down low you know like when the band was out there I guess you call the the nail Che cheerleaders and stuff were so you know like they were doing the their call uh multiple multiple times yeah you wouldn't you wouldn't see that on TV because they were doing it on every break man so and uh you know my wife my wife came with me she said that it was like the one of the coolest environments she's ever been in so how many Notre Dame people were there like I don't expect you to have a head count but were there decent pockets of Notre Dame people around town and in the stadium like did you see a decent amount yeah I was I was talking to my wife about that I would say there probably close to 20% or 20 you know between 20 and 25% of what I what I came across it's just the thing is they were scattered uh some on the lower bowl so like there was a few in our section which was in the end zone there was some that was right behind the Notre Dame bench and then there were some that were uh over where the insurance was where the uh where teams came out in between where A&M came out and where um M Dame came out but then there were some on the upper bowls gotcha so you were like all together you there'd be a pretty good section man just what a good what a good win for Notre Dame band just a tough gritty hardfought hard-earned win to open the year in a tough place to play a a tough mat matchup offensively with their defense and what they present I just can't get over this is a this is all we needed it to be just not the prettiest thing not a masterpiece but the win in a tough hard earned one I love it well and I I got some pictures and stuff I I'll send you from because I I I got pictures of warm-ups and stuff like they were dialed in like from the start it was it was really cool got to see the quarterback warm up in our In The End Zone by us we had the defensive line uh they were pounding like crazy uh during warm-ups so they were they were very zoned in um you know what else let let me ask you this um I don't know where you were sitting and the angle you had people are talking about when Freeman came out of the tunnel he was kind of pointing up at the crowd and was all like getting excited and showing all this emotion and it was actually pretty refreshing to see Marcus come out there and showing that emotion right when they're coming out of the tunnel I really enjoyed that I don't know if you could see it from your angle but he was like kind of Pumped up when our guys were running out and I loved it I was here for that action boss yeah that was in the other endone from the other end where I was at I was at the opposing end um and because that's that's where the the other pocket of fans and they did the all the modern Step at that other end and uh actually my father-in-law sent us a picture he had a picture of whenever price ran into that touchdown you can actually see me as they're running in there with my mouth wide open basically and shock and excitement as he's coming in so it it pretty cool like I said overall yeah just man we just we needed this so bad the program needed it Marcus needed it um and now you can really calm into the year here refocus look really where you need to really get a lot better and more efficient offensively this offense should get a lot better as we get further down the road the old lines gonna settle in more you got what you needed any sort of win and I gotta credit you for being willing to go into a hostile environment and represent Notre Dame and do all that credit to you man that's loyal Notre Dame fanhood I love you for it and I got to tell you it was really cool when you go across other noted there's not one that didn't go by I said go Irish it was really cool it was like a it's like a family basically yeah and you it's like you all are in it together against the world kind of you know what I mean and it's just kind of us against everybody um what a beautiful thing man hey I appreciate you giving me a call thinking of me when you were uh uh leaving the game and doing all give me a call again sometimes thanks for representing us down there bro all right we'll talk later have a good one oh man it's a beautiful thing Pat I think the chat thinks Lauren looks better on the screen than you do does that offend you I didn't I figured it's a compliment figured it wouldn't offend you I mean I mean John she is so you know you know she said to me she goes I'm gonna get up and walk away I don't want anyone to know I like you so just sit down as I get up that's fair that's totally understandable 386 you're in the mix what's going on yellow yellow what's going on 386 hey man Brad Florida down here in Florida how y'all doing tonight doing really good my friend take that Notre Dame Victory anyway I could get it what's going on heyy man hey I'm just drinking a couple cooler lights down here just looking at some pictures of our national title here last season Michigan Wolverines oh my God you're the Michigan guy you finally called oh my can I do can I do this can I do this can I do I need to do this I'm just thinking how great it is y'all finally won a game it's been a full year since you have called back uh I want to know what are you man what do you feel about to jump on the line man what do you feel oh my God let me talk what do you feel about you guys earning the title by cheating and then trying to cover it up how do you feel that are you proud of it turned are you proud of it I turned in my blue card man I got a new team you want to know who my new team is well you're down in Florida was it Miami they look good I guess it's not Texas go with Georgia Bulldogs that's a good pick well I yeah but I gotta tell you what man hey I had my buddy con stallion who was up in the stands in y'all's game and he has bakos he said he picked off some of y'all's Call's there he's gonna fed XM to UFC yeah I bet you he is did you not do the all right all right all right on the wit last time was that you you're the only you're the only one all right all right all right that was me man how could you forgive me in my bud wise I can't I can't that's why I'm giving you credit because you're the only guy who calls me with that accent you're the only one who could pull this off I love it that was sounded really good man Florida down here in Florida it's sounded really good I tell you what man what you guys had an all right game tonight man but I wish you all luck the rest of the season but you know what when you go to bed tonight I want y'all just to remember one thing and that's the Michigan Wolverines and we GNA get you oh man well hey hey thanks for a couple of those nice words and it's good to hear from you after a year man it really call again whenever you want okay give me a call again you're fun all right you you'll hear from me every now and then I dude I appreciate you man I never know what I'm gonna get from you you have a good voice that you could do a lot with give me a call again we have fun here thank you all right all right all right all right all right you know what if it wasn't for the fact that he's so cool I've been holding a Michigan ran for like three years yeah but he's just like so laidback like he's not the one you want to waste that on and unload it on exactly Matthew MCC it's like Matthew he just called like all all right all right yeah we cheated but you know I'm cool I don't we oh it's so funny it's just like oh well whatever you know I don't know 360 you're you're on the show what's going on hey John you there I am there how we doing tonight I'm doing quite well this is about as happy as I'm ever going to be uh I'm in a great mood how how do you feel man I love it I I'm pretty calm I'm pretty calm because we gota win and if everybody that's concerned you can go look up it's on all the NY stuff did Mike El or not Mike Elco uh our defense or our offense coordinator from LSU yeah sorry terrible with names Den Brock he he was yeah Den Brock was talking he was like oh yeah I got an earful from my old coach all the way back the plane ride from Alabama because we only put up a couple yards of passing but I was trying to tell him that you know he's getting used to his receivers used to the the calls and stuff but he but he ran and we got the win you know or maybe they didn't at that time I don't know but we got the win tonight yeah and yeah and you can go look that up because I I'm not one with a photograph of memory so I can't recall it completely but you go look up Den Brock talking about Kelly chewing his ass I remember that all the way back yeah remember story and and and guess what he ended up with the number one offense the Heisman Trophy and two guys that went to the NFL now were they talking that before game one were they talking that was anybody talking that no yeah just relax a little bit with with with Riley Leonard and this offense just relax did you see all that movement all those different formations the different [ __ ] that was going on come on yeah that wasn't that wasn't I'm sorry to say Troy's new coach offense but um another thing let me just switch gears real quick because this is a really good point [Music] another deposit just for your show but the guy said guys let's ride about that Notre Dame speed running away from the SEC defense and the Notre Dame conditioning wearing down the SEC boy in their own house yeah everybody was so so this was going to be our train rack for Notre Dam no no we sat in there with the slug f it was it was game one with Den Brock who loves notan players yeah it's uh man it just such a good night yeah sorry no that's okay man thanks for calling I remember that story about Den Brock too um but he's home now he's he's home now he's in he's in Old s and he's co on with the win and and and and what's coming what's coming huh more wins hope a number one offense in the in the you know and some some top receivers man you would a hope you would hope that this would uh help bu I don't have to I don't have to hope Den Brock did it at LSU he's gonna do it here you don't hope on coaches who've done what they said they're GNA do well there you go there these coaches and and that's what Freeman he he's put himself with two two guys who have coached head coaches they've they've been in the top dogs of the top programs and now they're there loving their positions coaching yep uh it's it's a beautiful thing my friend it's a beautiful thing and that's why we're going all the way it should it should get a lot better too they settle into the year here it will it'll grow it grow because there's there's things that we went down to ACC we went down to and we won yep yep we certainly did hey man thanks again give me a call give me a call after another game thank you hey love you John love you John appreciate it thank you very much my friend I appreciate it very much 574 give me some more local what's going on John you could not have seen a better South Bend than tonight and I mean that why was it popping around town or what what do you mean fill me in oh I was at my parents house my voice was is gone I have said a lot of things to the universe most of them swear but that's why I'm going to church tomorrow but I thought I'd jump on and make sure that here to tell you how I feel about this game and I have to say this right now and you might be a little annoyed or upset but that's okay the whole Narrative of this game was the Tex A&M's defensive line but you know what they forgot John do you know what they forgot that we are o line you and we rebelled hey man they hung in there they hung in there and there was going to be certain issues with certain things they hung in there like seriously that's all you could ask them to do um they hung in there they put a couple Drives together they needed to you got through it they'll they'll develop um it was uh it was good to see you got Gilmore was in here and he was on the line and then dropped off but couldn't get to him in time uh but he was around here um but yeah man they they're going to be a good offensive line in a couple years they're young they they fought that's all you could ask for you knew it was going to be a tough battle match up for those guys and they fought and they ended up doing just enough good for them so the reason why I said this is the happiest I've seen South B is why was because me driving home with my cousin I was taking him home because we were watching games all day today and every I saw people out on the out on by the streets hold now Notre Dame Flags people yeah that would be the one probably yeah that always argue this is better than this game yeah when you think about it like i' I've thought about it that was literally the last win that kind of felt like this to me going to a tough place to play you're on the road blah blah blah that it all kind of lines up that was in my mind too and you know what now the narrative has completely changed after this game because all day and all week everybody was saying this is a tech A&M team with Mike Elco there are going to destroy Notre Dame because Notre Dame's overrated every year they shouldn't be allowed in the top 10 now what is do you see the messages online oh surprise surprise overrated Tech S&M oh the tm's gonna go 4 and8 this year that's why narrative hasn't changed that's why narrative joh it never changes yeah and you know what though I'm fine with it because if it flips and now everybody's saying this isn't that big of a win A&M isn't what we thought blah blah blah blah blah they people could say that all they want it doesn't change what Notre Dame did and and now lines thems up for so that narrative on social media or people poo pooing this what let him do it but it doesn't change that they're one and0 and have the inside track toast the playoff game people can say whatever they want to say A&M's gonna win and lose whatever they're gonna win and lose they're gonna bring a good defense every week that's gonna bother people um but hey man I will uh I will take this win and be happy about it and I'll work about what we got to improve on when I get up tomorrow yep and I will say this too is that to every single person and I know there was a guy I heard this week say I didn't question I don't think Marcus Freeman's the guy he was on your talk he was on your radio show this week he better call in and damn apologize for his comments this week hey because Freeman not only got got in that Stadium not only got his men ready but he play showed us a defense that we haven't seen in Years Years John and I tell you anybody who tries to compare him again to Brian Kelly better stop talking because Kelly you know damn well he would have walked in that Stadium lost by 40 oh man I love it I love this energy and you know what I need Freeman to keep developing this was a huge step for him a big feather in the cap he's got to keep developing now there's some confidence a proof of concept in one of these bigger moments uh and we could grow from there man but dude it means the world to me to hear that that South Ben was popping for an away game I love that I I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't see people waiting at the airport for our boys to come home oh man that's uh that's I don't know about that but it's it's a good moment man it's a really really good moment yeah the old waiting at the old train Frank or a rock is that what they're going to do it's not exactly beating Army but I'll in the old days but I'll take it man uh thanks aot lot man give me a call again will you absolutely like I said I'm proud of Marcus Freeman's uh show today I told you he's always gets his guys ready week one sometimes we don't play the best but today we played like Champions and that's all that matters oh it's a beautiful thing thanks a lot buddy oh man uh oh boy P what do you think we're over two hours now couple more calls and then I got to get right got articles right I just want I you know what Johnny I just want to say like I've I've heard I've heard a lot of comments and I I'm all on board with fandom Notre Dame fandom this this this was huge this win was huge this was Notre Dame doing something they haven't done in 30 years all right so I'm I this is huge it's it's the projector Lauren I'm I this this was huge I'm I'm very this is very this is not not Notre Dame like all right we got to take a deep breath this is an eight we beat an 8 and4 football team tonight it's an eight Tom okay Kent junor why don't you back no no no I'm not I'm not dismissing it John I'm not dismissing it but I'm ju I'm just saying that it it reality is reality John reality is reality and you you deserve to wear the Big Chain because Notre Dame won a big game they finally did it everybody was against Notre Dame play but tomorrow tomorrow's a new day tomorrow let me worry about now there's a bullseye now there's a bullseye John good oh people are like Oh No Name wait a second wait a second wait a second we gotta look at this team from Indiana and that's what we want that's what we want now now you have to look at us yeah now we have to play yep well it's a good spot to be it's the spot we've always wanted agree I totally agree we it's a spot to be take your calls yep it's the spot we wanted to be all right I got time for a couple more listen I still have a full Bank of calls I got a lot of writing to do it's going to be a long night I'm not going to be able to get to them all it's just not gonna happen I apologize 419 you're on the line what's going on John Let's freaking go like this is such a big win I'm so happy I'm dead tired guys I had worked before but still hyped up even with all that I'm telling you it it's just it's exactly what everybody in this fan base and around the program needed everybody needed this this is the one we needed and we got it it feels great don't it oh it feels amazing like I will I will walk my words unlike during the game but and that was something and I will say something I haven't seen anybody talk about yet Kristen Gray he played amazing tonight no one has talked about him specifically they were trying to pick on him all night I noticed it and then when we needed him he came up with a big play yeah man it's just so many times we've been in these moments and the other team makes the one or two plays at the end of the game to just get ahead or change the momentum or make that one extra play to wrap a game up or whatever it just just felt really good that it was us this time damn it you know it's about time we were the stronger team we outlasted the other team we made those couple plays on each side of the ball and it was damn good to see it feels good good for everybody involved I was at the Ohio State game the last two years so finally seeing us finish the job oh it felt so good yeah uh it it's a beautiful thing and and now you know Pat's right we're going to get back to business we're going to sober up after all this realize where we need to improve um you know should have a couple hopefully manageable games in front of us and then the schedule gets a little tougher again and we'll we'll have another big measuring stick but for where we're at right now this is a beautiful beautiful night anything else my friend thanks for giving me a call glad I got to you I mean yeah you're not wrong there's some things we got to fix but right now I'm celebrating we can worry about that later and well I might call in sometime this week go for it get more into specifics on that yep go for it man give me a call back the morning shows are perfect for that brother thanks a lot have a good weekend hey Johnny Johnny yeah Pat just just the old line stuff like did anyone expect anything different no that was the old line did exactly what we thought they would do yeah you knew you knew there was gonna be know what you had yeah and like are you upset by it you want it was good enough to win yeah you you to go in week one y it's it's you know it's going to be better by week 12 when you roll when you roll into California in week 12 it's GNA be better yeah you're right and uh they're they're gonna get um it they did what they needed to do do anything to just get by Man by just get by that touchdown run that touchdown run that that that was the game I know I know I know A&M came back and score a touchdown to tightest score but that run that what was it 47 yard touchdown run that was a football game that was the football game yeah man wait a second Notre Dame Notre Dame for the first time in 30 years just enforced their will on somebody yeah it man it was just really really refreshing to see um yeah it it just was uh all right you guys we've gone two hours 15 minutes I really apologize to the uh to the callers um that I'm not going to be able to get to tonight and we had the little phonei up in the first hour I got a whole another bank of like 50 calls I'm unfortunately I'm just not going to be able to get through another bank of calls tonight um just so people know because they have asked before what what does it look like after a game that's something a lot of people this week have asked like what's your what happens after a game I do this when I hang up with this then I record the video that plays I put to live tomorrow morning my own Standalone video review of the game and after I do that then I'm going to write two to three articles that are going to go live on Sports Illustrated first thing in the morning so it's going to be a it's going to be a long it's going to be a long uh long night still but I'm telling you what I'm gonna be in a good mood doing it so I gotta say the energy here was amazing we had a ton of people early on everybody was excited um the people donating we had a lot of cash coming here it could go right to the phone line everybody that called everybody that donated Pat Lauren your whole family all you guys being involved like I love it man we're all in this together like it was just a beautiful thing um and now we can relax and enjoy the football game tomorrow with the the win in our pocket anything from you pat on the way out I love you I love always aers Nation I I Notre name one tonight I they didn't do it the way I want them to do it but they did it and for John I kept my head on me yeah I appreciate that I really do I know it's not easy I know it's not easy because I know how you get and I know how your brothers influence you I know how you guys get my brothers who all want to bed your parents neighbors agree no probably man but hey Lauren's here Lauren's here Lauren good night thank you good night you're welcome thank you this was uh this was an awesome night so uh everybody thank you so much for being a part of it we got our big win and uh and we'll talk to you guys soon this is going to be an exciting year we'll see you Pat take go Irish yep go Irish see you guys

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