EPCOR's metering system is getting an upgrade!

Published: Aug 30, 2015 Duration: 00:02:15 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: epcor power outage
these days technology is changing the way we do things and thanks to technology the way we do things is making our lives better what happens when you combine advanced technology with your power meter you get more reliable safe and efficient electricity service and reduce costs to read and maintain your meter which is good for everybody Edmonton is only in an unprecedented rate with the new advanced metering infrastructure or ami for short will be better able to serve your electricity needs and the electricity demands of our city as it grows ami will also improve our ability to detect problems and fix them sooner if there's a power outage we'll be able to end point that outage likely even before you call this will improve our ability to respond and our crews will work to restore your power as quickly and safely as always this is how ami works your new meter will look similar to your current meter but with added technology on the inside your meter will now have the ability to share information from your home or business with us remotely thanks to its advanced transmitting and receiving functions now it will measure the amount of electricity you're using and then send us that information automatically each day this exchange of information is secure from the moment it leaves your meter and travels along its journey to us you can feel secure knowing that we use encryption technology similar to that used by your bank and that no personal information is ever transmitted this new functionality means we no longer have to go door-to-door to read your meter can get you connected faster when you move and ensures your bill is always based on your actual usage no more estimating who a meter could be this clever EPCOR is planning to have advanced leaders installed in every home in business in Edmonton by the fall of 2017 as Edmonton grows this advanced metering technology will ensure EPCOR can continue to provide safe reliable power to you today and tomorrow in a more cost effective way all thanks to that meter that sits quietly at the side of your home

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