Category: Science & Technology
I'm dave roy i'm a former with that poor water services our job is to provide you with clean safe drinking water dave not many people really think about what you do i mean they know epcor exist they know about your crews but they that's pretty much it we work with the water distribution system so preparing... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
These days technology is changing the way we do things and thanks to technology the way we do things is making our lives better what happens when you combine advanced technology with your power meter you get more reliable safe and efficient electricity service and reduce costs to read and maintain your... Read more
Category: News & Politics
What i'm going to do is to protect the linemen working up an aerial devices we use rubber gloves we do is open up switches to de-energize a sectional line open up the switch using an insulated stick might show you this here and this is an example of one of the most common causes of a power outage this... Read more