Category: Sports
We are going over the detroit lions 53 man roster that was just done it has been released all the players has been released the lions are at 53 we're going to go through each position give you my thoughts let's go go ahead and smash that like button easily get the 300 likes in this video with such big... Read more
Category: Sports
So um ladies and gentlemen montg with some momentum to the end zone for the touchdown go deep again wide open making the grib and taking it it is st brown come with jameson williams the speer has a block williams cuts up davidson williams scores you're looking at what was undeniably one of the best... Read more
Category: Entertainment
We're here for lions news we're going to be talking about the injury report jerry jacobs lions rams all that put together and uh give you my thoughts on what's going on let's get this thing [music] going and make sure you go ahead and subscribe to the channel if you've not done so why because it does... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro happy friday folks we're going to go over the detroit line's latest news as of this morning we're going to go through it right now and give you my thoughts we're going to be talking about an injury to alex anzelone that's not football related kind of funny predicting the 2024 record i'm going... Read more
Category: Sports
What up though and welcome to herman lowe's lions rewind on lions nation unite i'm your host kurt steele you may know me as the host of the boss up bald out podcast this show is where two lions legends um of the game and pride of lions members herman moore and lis brown rewind the latest detroit lions... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro the injury report is out we're going to go over it give you thoughts big game on sunday let's get this thing [music] started happy friday everybody out there depending where you're at drive safe getting pounded by this winter storm here at least where i'm at it's not too bad but i know other places... Read more
Category: Entertainment
We are talking detroit lions news and rumors for you folks today and in this video we're just going to go over some articles give you my thoughts on what is taking place in this lol period right now for the lions off season as we get closer to train camp and then it's going to be 247 content here very... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The question is who step up for field number three that's going to be uh khif raymond khif raymond will be your number w number three wide receiver i already said the battle's over i said the battle is over after day one of training camp that's over it's going to be i i'm already telling you who year... Read more
Category: Sports
All right now it's time for dynamic duos presented by nfl sunday tiet on youtube tv and we are talking about a couple of running backs i did not create this segment for what you sure that this our producers did this without my knowledge although i definitely co-sign on it as you had already said earlier... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Game last night packers and eagles has implications for our lions we're talking about it today let's [music] go if you're a fan of the lions go ahead and subscribe to the channel that's what we do here is talk detroit lions news and rumors and in this video we're talking about the packers has implications... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Happy thursday folks in this video we're going to go over the latest detroit lions news and rumors for you folks today a lot of talk about here specifically when it comes to the lions and rams game stafford speaks we'll talk about what he said aiden hutchinson excited to go against his former team there... Read more
Category: Sports
We are getting into the latest detroit lions news for you folks today the lions signed player to the practice squad we signed a player to the active roster what do we need to be worried about lions and tampa bay buccaneers all of that and more let's [music] go if you're a fan of the lions this channel... Read more