Category: Sports
Foreign welcome everyone to another edition of hammer time the only show in the world for the pittsburgh mahler's historic week for the mallers if you've been following along on all their socials historic week it started obviously with the jerseys last thursday kind of told you that we kind of expected... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Here's the question. is it too hot to learn in temperatures like this? the heat has closed multiple schools across northeast ohio, including schools and constellations. schools in parma heights and all the closings are scrolling at the bottom of your screen. we don't want you to be caught off guard... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Yeah, that's all you can say. i know. it felt like it the last few days though. yeah, i know a lot of people, uh you know, bringing out the psls and everything, you know, making it feel very fall. like how can you hate on fall? yes, it's august. but i mean, you know, it's fall, it's comfortable. everyone... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Well, hard to talk about the, the damage from storms when we look outside. and it's just another beautiful day. a little cooler, betsy, like we've seen the last couple of days. it's very interesting because yesterday, all i kept hearing people say is, oh, can we have another day like this? and astonishingly... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] [music] for [music] [music] Read more
Category: News & Politics
Well, we're one day closer to nice weather. saturday maybe, i think anthony. yeah, saturday, sunday. uh, i mean, we're gonna be having a complete overhaul when it comes to this humidity we've been experiencing all week long, but yesterday we hit a high of 95. not a repeat. love that for this afternoon.... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Yeah, but they may be just be sort of getting used to the house a little bit in the new home because, you know, there's just not as much opportunity to get outside and enjoy with that hot pavement out there. anthony. yeah. uh, this week is probably not the good, uh, week to be new parents to, uh, those... Read more
Category: News & Politics
And we want to stay on that topic. three news is already receiving eye alerts about some school closures because of the excessive heat heritage christian school. in fact, in canton will close at noon tomorrow and wednesday because of the high temperatures education station reporter, you see her there,... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Stand up put your hands behind your back someone got rubber gloves she's covering blood all right you got gloves you got rubber gloves 95 95 get one in custody where do you live at 255 hours cff her up this please two two hold on putting a blanket on that back seat first hold on so you have a right... Read more
Category: News & Politics
All this weekend. it's gonna feel quite a bit different from the last few days and we've had some cool weather we can do with some more summer back. anthony copeland joins us. now, heat and humidity. is it actually coming back anthony? yeah, the heat and humidity un unfortunately is gonna be returning... Read more
Category: News & Politics
No again another great crowd um and we wanted to start fast in this game and and you know really build on the energy in in the entire stadium i felt like we did that and we kept continue to play the whole game and we want to make sure that we put on a good show for everybody who came today and so i... Read more
Category: News & Politics
To get you. thank you chris in southern jefferson parish, grand isle schools have canceled class starting tomorrow. there's also a mandatory evacuation for campers and rvs and a voluntary evacuation for the rest of that barrier island. amelia strahan has been talking with residents and officials there... Read more