Arkansas vs. UAPB Game Week Show

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 00:56:32 Category: Sports

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[Music] [Music] what's up everybody this is Trey bitty withth hog game week has finally arrived kind of we're a little early seven days away so we're kind of moved everything up just because the schedule has changed the game is on Thursday so we're doing the game week show today and then on Monday we'll have our primer after we talk to coach Sam Pitman so just for the schedule it'll be uh every Monday and Thursday moving forward but this week's just a little bit different Mondays will be like two o'clock and then the Thursday show will be Elish try to get off right about 11 so all right here we go um that's that's pretty much it we're going to talk about uapb and we're going to talk about everything that's happened in Fall camp and we'll get to a few other things as well Danny West also going to join us all that more on today's episode oh and Keith Grayson of Holk Sports [Music] live I knew I blew everybody's ears off the last time I ran that intro that's the new intro but I didn't tone the volume down after I got it back from the guys that created it so um that's what it is hey plenty of ways to watch and listen to the show you can always tune in on YouTube be sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already we're also streaming on Facebook we're streaming on X and uh we're on Instagram also so plenty of ways to watch and you can also listen to the podcast version of this which will be uploaded as soon as the show is over so a lot of different ways to watch and listen hey hog sports right now is 30% off breaks down to $6 and 47 cents $758 C for the year 647 for uh each month so a great time to sign up at hog Sports if you want all the latest Razorback coverage it's going to be a wild season not just at Arkansas but throughout college football so many Chang es have happened here lately with Razorback Sports and U with college football in general I mean the technology on the sidelines the college football playoff it feels weird to call it technology doesn't it because I mean iPads have been around for what like 15 years but now they can finally have them on the sideline that's going to be you know allow coaches we think about we think about just calling plays and making adjustments at halftime but there's so much more that goes into it and even more so now just because coaches have the iPad okay as Travis Williams was saying this is how this is how they do this this is how they run the power um sign ceiling you know that's something that's probably going to be limited a little bit at least for offense and I want to play this clip because I just found this really insightful and interesting uh the first clip is from Bobby patrino it's brief uh from his Monday press conference Tuesday press conference the first clip is from Bobby Petrino and he says basically you know they're going to huddle more and all that kind of stuff I think they'll do probably like quick little huddles and stuff I don't think it's going to be something that's going to be um you know long and drawn out because also think there's a big benefit to getting to the line of scrimmage quickly because you've got the earpiece right 15 seconds before the snap so yes you want to huddle to prevent sign stealing but you also want to get to the line of scrimmage so you can say hey they're in this coverage let's throw here let's look here all that kind of stuff and it's going to be a big benefit to offenses I think everybody sees that Travis Williams thinks uh that there'll be more scoring in college football I would agree agree with him defensively there's no real help there's no real help because this is an advantage for the offense you still got to Signal stuff and sign stealing happens in college football legal sign stealing here's the clip you know I remember when the Houston Astros had that big uh deal about stealing signs well that crap's been going on in college football for a long time and just as bad um and I think this gives you an advantage offensively by huddling and not having to Signal anything the quarterback hearing you calling the play commun it to everybody and then going out and having to play football coach patrino said yesterday that this sign like trying to get signs has been going on a long time how much time do coaching staff spend on trying to interpret what's happening over on that other sideline oh a lot like it's so funny you'll be shocked during the week I know offense all around the country they G to look at they gonna get the TV copy they looking at the signals yeah just one person your only job look at the signals and then boom Oh we can't get we can't get the defensive signals okay well let's see what the defensive players are signal then they then they'll try to get it that way you know so they got different ways I I remember we played um Louisville and um and he was really good and I saw the TV copy and I could just see the whole time he's just like this just watching watching watching in halftime they got your signal I so we played him next year I was at UCF we played him that next year and I got his contact and I called him like Hey man I need to and he sent me the whole thing he said this what we had it was like 80% correct so we had to change our signals because they just pass it around so they just send it to the to the next so we play SMU and red Lashley them and they had the same signals I wouldn't mad that he sent it around I would have been mad if we didn't change it so it's it's huge like just signals and it's perfectly legal I know teams right now that have two guys on the field cuz you usually have them in the box so so you know at the times you see a lot of these teams behind the actual team they got these they pull out these big curtains behind it if it wasn't important they wouldn't be doing it every a lot of 80% of the teams in America when they sign they pull out the big curtain behind so the guys in the Press boot can't get them well they done smart up they put him on the field so they got two guys and they just sit here and try to get it so you got to have ways of of high of hiding your signals you know so you can always know like when a play happen you go hey man they got our signals cuz like the perfect play you just know um all over college football so that's not me it's nothing new it's not one of those deals where it's like unethical or something like that like they do it you just if you're crazy enough to keep the same signals that's on you if you're crazy enough to keep the same signals that's on you wild wild stuff I love the real life examples of that uh there's so much that goes into this game everything's so complex and it's not just at making adjustments it's changing your signals maybe at halftime if you realize that hey they've got some of our signals you know so uh pretty wild this game coming up against uapb you know we asked Travis Williams about uapb he didn't really have much to say about it like they haven't really started diving into uapb and why would they this is going to be a blood B uapb is not like an Appalachian State you know back when they were FCS level it's not like that this team is one of the worst teams in all of FCS like near the very bottom and they're 50 and a half Point underdogs according to bet Sison last time I looked at it on BET Sison 50 50 I think it started at 54 and a half so it's it's come down because I think you go back to you know thinking about that game a few years ago when you know Arkansas went up 45 at half and then put all the backups in ran the clock it was a continuously running clock in the second half so that could impact that line a little bit and uh Arkansas didn't score the second team offense led by Millie Corby didn't score uapb scored three so it was 453 final but I don't even know that this game should be played because uapb at least last year was so bad and maybe you know you don't put all that on Alonzo Hampton because he was a first year coach I don't think uapb has been very good for a while but should they even be playing this game should they be playing the game in Little Rock if any if if and I've always I'm from Central Arkansas so I've always been a proponent for playing games in Little Rock that's lessened over the years when the different you know just the landscape of college football has changed but the difference in quality at war memorial versus what you get in Razorback stadium and you know I think that if war memorial puts up something like they did last year that should be the end that should be the end of it I mean I'm talking guys like for me personally I noticed you know things were arai when I tried to enter to my parking spot which is the same spot that I'd used for 20 years and was told that I couldn't go that way when I've gone that way every single time and nothing had changed with traffic flow and I had to argue like yes I can't media parking is right there and had to like argue about it and finally got through but there's no other way to get to that spot unless I drive you know on the grass or something like from like there's no other way to get there so that started and then like I'm hearing afterwards like the band was provided no water and fans couldn't get water there was cash only you could use credit cards like huge long lines for everything like if it's like that again then war memorial games got to stop and I get like you just have one event there you know every year U and it's hard to put it together I get it but like got to do better than that this is this is major college football at least half major college football uh so don't know a whole lot about uapb I'll say this for our season predictions they're not that pretty last year we were probably a little overzealous I think we've learned a little bit more about what college football teams are made of now especially middle lower tier of the SEC as I've said several times teams are just built differently so just because you look out there and say man Arkansas looks pretty good it doesn't mean that the all all the other teams now at the same time I've said it wouldn't surprise me to see this team has some success to build some momentum hey Arkansas has built their team through the transfer portal too they've got a lot of veterans and experience so it's going to be a lot of close games and Arkansas has to do better than one and five but my grandmother I remember she used to tell my sisters if you look in the mirror and you think you have the perfect amount of jewelry on take something off take one thing off and that's probably right maybe from a mindset a bias mindset from me looking out there and going I want to pick him to go to a bowl game and that's kind of what I was thinking and I went back and I thought about that I like I need to take off a piece of jewelry so I've got them going five and seven this year Conor Goodson on our side also has him five- seven Danny West has him going six and six Danny has him going to the bowl game uh so hope that's not right hope that's wrong but I I have pulled myself back from trying to get overzealous like I was last year because it was a good-look team last year too I mean nobody who knew that rocket Sanders was going to you know just be injured all season and you know play overweight and KJ was going to have the year that he had and the offensive line was going to be horrendous as they were there's it's inexcusable that they were that bad last year inexcusable but at the same time I think about if they can take what they put together on defense last year and move it to this year which defenses as we talked about probably going to be worse this year across college football because of the earpiece it's going to be an advantage for offense even though defense gets one they may not even use it some games depending on how teams operate so that's going to be an advantage but if they can take the defense from last year and they can rekindle what they had with Kendall BRS in the form of Bobby patrino offense for this year then maybe that they you know they could have something and I've talked about the CL games that they had on the road last year you're telling me they can't go to still water if they can go win in the swamp or play Alabama to three points you know so and I think overall they've got a better team but we don't know like some of the things that that could happen U I do feel I am buying that they have a good Bond a strong bond it's not a long-term Bond you know it's not something that's built when they were like 18 years there's a lot of guys that from the transfer boort over 30 new players on this team and a lot of them are major contributors so so I'm not going to go over like every single game on here but just a few obviously the Tennessee game sticks out I think it's insane that you've got back you know your first two SEC games are on the road really your first I mean it's yeah it's your first two your first two no team should have to deal with that and Arkansas is not the home team against Texas A&M they are the away team right so they when they were scheduled that it was like away game at Auburn away game game at Texas A&M so it wasn't like they were you know the home team at Texas A&M the only other team Texas A&M is doing the same thing but they are the home team in Arlington and that's the choice that Arkansas and Texas A&M made years ago and it's it's not been beneficial especially for Arkansas Tennessee is the other team that has to play their first two games on the road the second one is Arkansas in fville however they get a byee it's Oklahoma and Norman I Believe by week and then Arkansas so Arkansas coming off of you know emotional game against Auburn and Texas A&M probably and then right into Tennessee which is coming off of a by week but you get them at home but October 5th that's so deep into the schedule I mean that's the fifth that's that's the six what sixth game right yeah so so deep into the schedule it's just um it's ridiculous how it it shapes up then you have LSU you know so I'll just say this like can they beat LSU sure you know they can they can beat a lot of teams that I've got them picked to lose against but Arkansas on my birthday October 19th is one in5 all time one in5 the last time they won on my birthday I was 14 years old maybe they're due maybe maybe by 19 or 2069 when I'm hopefully 92 years old I guess maybe it'll balance out but they'd have to like win all of them to have a winning record so not a very good record on my birthday uh just some notable ones for those out there who are curious uh in 2019 hammered by Auburn 5110 in 2013 beaten by Alabama 520 in 2022 I remember that Kentucky came to town it was raining beat Arkansas 2917 on my birthday 1996 lost to South Carolina in Columbia 237 on my birthday um they've never won an SEC game game as an SEC institution on my birthday never once 1991 October 19th 1991 they beat Texas 1413 when I was 14 yeah 1985 they lost 1513 to Texas those are all my birthday games so this is a birthday game coming up got him beating Mississippi State on the road I don't think Mississippi state's very good Arkansas might be good Mississippi State to me definitely is not going to be good this year can they beat Old Miss in fville Old Miss Lan kein has never won in fville never won with Old Miss in fville Texas I mean you got some top 10 teams in here I mean this is not the Texas of 2021 first year of Steve sarkeesian this is a team that's going to battle for the national championship this year Louisiana Tech got him winning and then at Missouri I'm not going to pick him to win in Colombia until they do it so the first time they win in Colombia I will have picked them to lose so got him five- seven two- six in the SEC I was wrong last year I had him winning eight drank the Kool-Aid too much no reason that that team should have been as bad as they were but I'm tempering my expectations I think that's probably a good policy for everybody offensive line worries me a little bit right now in the state that they're in I just think that with Patrick cudas out and teias Crawford you're without two of your guards and now you got a Maran Harris in now that leaves Joe Moore who you know I don't know if Joe Moore is SEC quality or not to be honest I just don't know but he's your backup tackle at both spots your next best guy your next best guard is Amari Wiggins uh I just don't doesn't feel comfortable right now now if if they stay healthy from here on out they'll probably be fine but it would be really nice to have some quality backups like you feel good about teis Crawford going in you feel good about a Maran obviously but I think amaran is going to end up sticking at left guard for the foreseeable future because Patrick cudas hasn't even strapped on pads yet he was hurt day two of Camp day two and there's a ACC alization I can never say that word but that's how they it's not accl it's not acclimate it's acclimatization period of seven days before you can strap on pads so he hasn't even put on pads I I just I don't I don't I don't have a good feeling about about you know him just hopping in there for uapb or even Oklahoma state if he's better I think it'll be a little bit of time before you get to that and he'll have to beat out amaran Harris who will have been in there for a while and you know coaches like to reward guys if they're doing well which he should so that's the area that you know concerns me I I think everything else is you know going to be least competent and more than capable in a lot of regard you know like a lot's going to depend on how good Tor green is a quarterback but Bobby patrino has been pleased with the offense he's been pleased with the progress of them he he kind of has a little grin on his face like he knows something we don't uh I really thought it was cool talking with Travis Williams and him just talking about if you're playing then you're his mind you're a starter the days of like just putting 11 out there are over like if you're out there that means he trust you he trust you with his paycheck he trust you to help him take care of his daughters it's a really interesting way to put it but you know he was talking about some of the cornerbacks that they're going to put out there TJ metf who's really kind of come on at safety uh he's also got some Secrets he doesn't want to talk about how they're gonna lose use Larry Worth or Anthony Switzer I think they're going to use worth at safety uh I think it'll be meta and worth at safety battling there with Jaden Johnson and Hudson Clark kind of rotating around there at least I hope that's what they do and then I think Switzer will be more of a nickel along with the nicoo slaughter just kind of depending on the Personnel out there uh line backer I think I I see them trying to get as many linebackers out on the field as possible whether it's Switzer Who You'd consider a hybrid worth Who You'd consider a hybrid U and then you know Steven dicks who's really had a good camp and Brad Spence xaven Sor Bradley Shaw another guy that they really like and you know there's um Alex Sanford and Carson Dean and you know some other guys so I I think that we I've personally gone from like you know kind of hoping that they'll be good at linebacker because they do have some good potential there to really thinking they're going to be pretty solid at that at that group and so um I don't know just a few thoughts I've gone over a lot of this stuff already with my walk talk we're gonna get to Danny Weston here uh just a minute and we'll also have Keith Grayson coming on here a little bit see if I want to talk about let's review you APB I mean it's hard to find much on these guys but they were two- n last year one in seven in allonzo Hampton's first year Alonzo hampson used to be a a defensive assistant at Arkansas defens defensive Analyst at Arkansas um so he's got a little bit of History here he's from Arkansas he's from Warren originally he was been at uh different schools around the state he High School coach believe he was at Dumis for a while too but these guys uapb averaged 15.2 points per game last year and who do they have back Hampton back for his second year as coach obviously they've got uh it'll either be Jaylen mon I guess or maai Hagen at quarterback not sure which one of those guys it's hard to find a lot there's not a lot of media coverage of uapb not a lot of meteor coverage out there um let's see top receiver I believe is g to be Damon Dawkins who was their second receiver last year second leading receiver 24 catches 199 yards and I'm not sure at running back I'm not sure who they've got back I believe it's the websites like you would expect J um johnice Davis jonis Davis jonis jonis Davis last year what did he put up he was their leading rusher played nine games 70 carries for 377 yards that's uapb in a nutshell uh yeah again I'm not even sure that they should be playing this game I mean it's just like it's a glorified scrimmage like Arkansas there is a 0.1% chance that they could lose this game and obviously you you're going to be looking ahead to Oklahoma State and preparing EX for that you know I mean it's just it it makes sense so all right we're gonna hop over to our man Danny West now for those of you who don't follow Danny you can follow him at Danny West he's the hog Sports recruiting analyst and has been doing a great job for hog sports for a number of years had a busy summer I mean recruiting has kind of changed the calendar is a lot different now so recruiting has changed a lot over the years and so Danny's more busy with recruiting in the summer um than even in the regular season Danny how's it going man what's going on how are you not much we're almost there to getting your video your uh your studio set up so hopefully soon have you live uh your moving face I guess we got your voice already but yeah we'll have you live soon so Danny you did a state check and uh I like these articles you do on you know just different states at Arkansas recruits we know pipeline States anybody playing college football is familiar with that term so but Alabama has kind of become a pipeline state for Aransas wouldn't you say a little bit a little bit I mean it's it's on the uptick for sure over the last few years I think it's interesting Trey you know I try to update these things twice a year the state checks because it's constantly you know the data changes throughout the year but yeah I think it's always fun to look at some of these states especially right now with Alabama Mississippi you could throw Georgia in there as well Arkansas is kind of always going into Georgia but specifically Alabama and Mississippi we haven't seen Arkansas jumping there the way they have over the last two three Cycles so I think it's been interesting you know just seeing the overall offers going up um every single year you think about it in 2018 as was Chad Morris obviously 2019 as well they offered a total of 12 guys in Alabama and this past Year's class they offered 33 so just you know I kind of nerd out on some of the numbers sometimes I think some people enjoy it so I'm gonna keep doing it but yeah it's been interesting um Alabama especially everybody of course thinks about what they did last year Brad Shaw getting him out of there but you also forget Kavon Henderson KJ Jackson looks like Tevis mecfs following in Big Brother's footsteps also going to be a pretty good player here yeah for Arkansas so they're some quality and uh that's probably if you ask me in a nutshell when we look back at some point over s pitman's tenure what was one of the main key points of how he recruited it was getting into those SEC Bible Belt states that you know traditionally Arkansas is kind of stayed out of and kind of just kind of just assumed that H we're not going to get those guys anyway I prefer it this way go in there and throw your hat in there and see what you can get and lo and behold they're pulling out guys like Shaw and ton Wallace Reginal Bon so I say keep at it Danny they've got 21 commitments in the class do you see them I mean it's always moving you know there's probably decommitments on the way just like every year and things like that but you you see this as about the number that they're probably going to stick with or is there there anybody else on the horizon we need to keep ring yeah a couple of Joo guys you're still waiting on Z Hardy obviously the number one jco Target in the country defensive end out of East Mississippi Missippi Community College obviously a Powerhouse down there been on a last chance you and whatnot and his teammate Rashad Bradley another defensive end both of those guys visited together in June so still kind of keeping an eye on things there got an announcement coming Saturday from a defensive back Target down in Rustin Louisiana he's a high school player Aiden Andy as a 2025 Corner out of Rustin as I said he's down to Arkansas LSU Texas you know I I just got through telling you he's a defensive back from Louisiana and LSU wants him so you can probably make some assumptions based on that but I wouldn't get my hopes up I will tell you though trer seems to be a little bit of confidence there probably a little more optimism than I than I probably would have expected on this one but again you know history tells us overwhelmingly he's probably going to LSU or Texas would be my would be my guess Danny you think this team's going to a bowl game I do I do I I'm I'm drinking the Kool-Aid a little bit I just feel like um I'll tell you straight up I picked the Oklahoma State game I'm just not blown away by Oklahoma State Tre I'm not you know take nothing away from them it's tough to play for any type of conference Championship and um I just think um I'm not trying to throw any bulletin board material for them out there but just feel like I wasn't overly impressed by that winning streak they went on last year you know it's it's tough to overlook some of those early games like Iowa State South Alabama UCF right there in the middle of it complete you know just melted in type games you can't Overlook those either and U you know I just I look at what they have bringing back yeah it's experience but you know they were fourth and and defending the pass um you know they 18 to 16 ratio in the passing game they were 11th uh the red zone defense 11th and stopping third Downs in the Big 12 just not a ton of categories that blow you away you know I think they were good on special teams they were good in the penalty department and even with that touchdown interception ratio they found a way to end up in the positive side and turnover margin that's it nothing else blows you away we could talk about the hosman guy o Gordon take nothing away from them but you know that that rushing game didn't blow you away either they finished ninth in the conference over there mhm I just feel like Arkansas's defensive front and I've heard you talk about the linebackers being better uh than expected I'm going to tend to believe that and I think the defensive front can slow down Oly Gordon in that rushing attack and man I just feel like if you if you make them play left-handed like we know T Will likes to do you put it in the air I feel like the secondary can make enough plays and uh they've been susceptible to the to the big play on in the secondary over there too you know so I feel like Bobby can can draw it up and broen and Armstrong and Satan you maybe talk take the top off a little bit so yeah that's that's really the one that I went with and maybe y'all didn't but I'm just I'm rolling with it I don't disagree with I'm not in love with Oklahoma State yeah I mean I don't disagree that they have a chance to to win there as I pointed out before I mean they played better on the road last year maybe it's a blessing than they did at home I mean they played so bad at home starting with Kent State just BYU Mississippi State I mean just not very Auburn Missouri I mean FIU they played pretty well I guess it was like 40 something to 20 but um now do the same breakdown Danny for uapb what do you like about this here yeah been been watching film all morning dude it's hard to find any information on those guys I know you know another gonna assume what we've heard is true yeah typically it is on a team like that no disrespect to them it's that's you know part of the country too I'm I I try to pull for the golden lines but yeah they're down right now it just seems like they're really really down yeah you and I both um hometown would be not too far from Pine Bluff I'm from Sheridan obviously I I want to ask you about another game I just punched my ticket in I said I wasn't going to go back to AT&T Stadium just because I was too tired of but it's the last time so I just uh I just punched my ticket and applied for credentials for uh for AT&T Stadium but that's a big one man I mean elco's in his first year there he did well in his first year at Duke but also first year is is can be difficult for a lot of coaches that's right I'm just uh I have this image ingrained in my head of playing A&M and you know it's typically in my head it's third and long you're backed up on like your 23 and here they come you know and it's just they've got that again this year we could talk about head coaches and yeah I'm with you I think they could matter of fact they open with uh Notre at home I could see them losing that one but two weeks later they go to Gainesville and U man I just feel like I I'm liking the agies probably more than most so I have very little faith in that U you know in that building at this point yeah all right Danny anything else we need to look forward to no man it's uh it's August it's database season just upd profiles trying to trying to get everything squared away all right brother appreciate you hopping on you got it all right everybody that's Danny again you can follow Danny Danny West 247 on hog does a great job for us hey I want to we haven't had Keith Grayson on we you know August is kind of a weird month because with the schedule with Camp I don't do I don't know if I've done any Studio shows maybe since early in August I've done Walkin talks instead just because it's I don't want to say convenient it's just it works out way better so um we're gonna have Keith Grayson on we haven't had Keith in a while Keith is out in Arizona is's the former founder and president disgraced former founder and president of the Arizona Razer back club and uh I mean I guess he's not the former founder he's always going to be the founder right and uh you know does a lot of different things I think Keith is out of coaching now he was coaching high school ball in Arizona and I think he's just kind of sticking to the real estate game what's up buddy hey brother how you doing it's been a minute it has been a minute I've just you know I we haven't even talked aside from like just text and your occasional digs on Me on the message board I I thought that like you know you took my past 15 episodes where I said I didn't want to be on the show anymore seriously or or I think or or maybe you know I'm catching some Flack from you know Danny's telling you that I'm sharing his uh cell phone number with recruit's parents oh is that right that's yeah that can be problematic yeah hey man I I we love having you on the show Keith first of all even though you may comment that I have aged rapidly in my last walk and talk video no I'm you know I'm just joking with you use I you have like this serum thing that you use and you're probably doing some sort of like botox deal and there's all sorts of you think I'm do think I'm look at this forehead you definitely you definitely have that you had that American Psycho routine in the morning for your face there's nobody there yeah no you look good I I I will say that my my picture that you use on here looks nothing like me my my face looks more like that pig than and that was probably the peak of my existence is the photo that you use on this you look like uh you look like Danny McBride's more handsome younger brother bit I'll take it Keith fan perspective what do you think about this team this year it's a difficult one because I think we got a little bit overzealous last year about what this game team could do I know I did picking them to win eight games and Danny who we just had on picking him to win nine we've gone down to I've gone five I've pulled back I I wanted to do six but I pulled back a little bit and did five wins and then and Danny did six what are you thinking well you're always wrong about the season so yeah I've been wrong a lot lately I used to always nail it and then since the transfer portal popped up I've uh I've not been very good well what I guess my my kind of like so I go into every season preparing in a in a way as a fan I go back and watch all the winds yeah you know full game and then I'll watch the war machine stuff um of the highlights of all the winds and so this year I went back because we didn't have any available on YouTube and so I went back and I watched all of your stuff from the day from like kind of when Pitman was hired oh yeah and how your reaction of the hire went yeah um and apparently I've been in some sort of like fever dream state I don't remember coming on talking about this with Joe Nichols but um apparently we had a three-way call with that or some people call it a conference call but um anyway I kind of like seeing like how we arrived at this point you know what is what has gone on to to get here and then kind of you know with that where where it's going to go and I don't know I mean the schedule's the schedule's pretty brutal but at the same time like we miss we miss one a bunch of games last year and they had a hard time putting us away and then we get them at home as you know maybe it's some of these teams may be a house of cards you know Tennessee um I like hyp but maybe they lay an egg or something they're they're due for one of those every year um you know they're not set the world on fire so people like saying that somebody's going to collapse yeah absolutely yeah and and we're being overlooked um nationally and and and I think the the coaches like and I think they're genuine the fact that they like everything in the room I want to see what uh you know the players I want to see what patrino does with the quarterback I think you know if you if you go back and I did watch the spring game probably 30 times and there's nothing there to really gain from that but I do if you look at that first series where ton green probably scores two touchdowns and they blow the whistle early U on keeping it I kind of you know had a brief explanation on your side is I I I kind of foresee the season going as the quarterback position goes if he can stay healthy I think he's going to keep us in games with his legs and I think he's going to have to win it with his arm you know and it's kind of like a reverse deal of what patrino usually does but if you go back and kind of look at his 2016 2017 offense at Louisville not comparing him to Lamar Jackson just the style of play if you see those pistol sets and um you know Oklahoma state had a real really hard time with South Alabama's unbalanced stuff there's a lot that rides on that game I think the staff knows that I think Oklahoma state knows that I think Gundy knows that so um that's going to be a war um I saw something come out they were picked to win the Big 12 um so you know I I uh a lot rides on that game I I I put some money where my mouth is I bet on the over on the win total and I bumped it up to five and a half I know it's riding at four and a half but I like the odds better five and a half so I I'm hoping for you know for my own benefit uh a baseline of six wins and going up from there I expect to go bowling I don't think that's out of the question yeah and I don't I don't I don't understand all the sentiment with and the thing is too like and not to knock our fans or or the media but everybody's they're wrong all the time so if they think we suck we're probably be pretty good you have these guys pegged at four wins last year Keith no but I didn't have them winning the national title like you did I mean oh yeah National the table that is that right that's what I had Keith Keith Grace joining us you can follow him on Twitter I'm not sure where to follow you on Twitter because if you follow me on Twitter if you follow me on Twitter I'm just tell telling everybody on Twitter like I told Trey biddy to put your life savings in the GameStop that's all my Twitter is right now is GameStop uh Financial advice yeah well you don't have the fourth and 25 fund you've moved that over to kind of Arkansas Edge stuff and let them handle yeah they they just plagiarized my idea which is cool I mean I'm all for like doing a charity I'm glad I could help they should probably hire me if they want to get it off the ground yeah you know um they probably couldn't pay me enough but um no I everything's going that you know I I wanted to you know and pinto and I talked about this a little bit we're buddies and I was like it's like what's the goal for this I was like do you know we legally paid a player to that like I growing up to where I did where I'm watching Blue Chips as a kid like we did that on the up and up like it was it was above board it's not like A&M or whatever were just paying them to pay him like they had to perform something and give to and donate and raise money for a charity and then like you know and then looking back everybody that we had on our uh you know that we that we helped do that they all transferred so that's kind of the current climate and it it's a little frustrating doing stuff like that but in if you look at it from the other perspective you know we got like 40 kids uh Christmas presents in in North L Rock like that that's that's that's crazy Laden blocker did that you know so I mean we did some cool stuff with it um and then I just passed the torch on I don't I don't hear those stories coming out of the edge but maybe they can maybe they can uh tell us what charities they're providing for yeah well they've changed some things up I actually met with those guys um last week and had some conversations they've got some really cool ideas that they're coming up with I think it's kind of a big misconception is that like John Tyson's got this you know he's not he's not doing the N thing like people you know they're not good just with Tyson or big money they need people to to donate there's no question about that uh to get this thing going and you have to be proactive with it um Keith well if you don't have anything else I really appreciate you joining us you got any other words of wisdom by the way you can't follow well we it's it's a quick show what else you want to talk about it's football season you are you not like I how are you going into this like are you not excited to see like violence like I want to see metf like his head like just absolutely obliterate somebody like his helmet's gonna fly off every time he touches somebody I'm as I'm as anxious for this football season as I've ever been just because there's so many unknowns and so many changes everything from having iPads on the sideline to the quarterback earpiece how that going to affect things the college football playoff the idea that just because you lose a couple of games you're not out of it anymore you're not out of it and uh yeah I mean with so many new faces tayen green it's feels like KJ Jefferson was here forever and now KJ ton green and then uh J Quinn and Jackson and a new offensive line the the thing that worries me though Keith about the offensive line is first of all dep if there's another injury I worry about that but also the fact that they brought in three guys from the transfer portal in the early window kesan Blackstock Addison Nichols and Fernando Carmona and those guys are hands down starters like nobody's pushing them nobody's challenging them it's just those are the guys and everybody knows they were the guys when they came in and to me I would feel a little bit better about it if I knew there was a little bit more competition up front on the offensive line and and also I would ask behind those guys where the future starters you know I know you can go to the transfer portal and and add in the future but like why isn't there a bunch of like the next guys up back in them so why so then what what the hell is all the talk with Matos and Williams about rotating five linebackers and nine offensive linemen throughout the game well I think some of that was maybe under the well this before Crawford was hurting and Crawford may be back out there and if that if he is that's a huge help um you know and maybe the idea that cudas will be back eventually too but that's also and I I love Matos I think he was a great addition for this offensive line room I can tell the way the guys talk about each other the way they talk about him the way he coaches out there much needed and hey I'll say this too Sam Pitman said when he got here that they wanted to sign four offensive linemen out of the high school ranks in every single class and they've not done it one time but now they have four offensive line commits in one class since Matos has been here but uh yeah and I think coaches talk like that I mean they just do like they've got a bunch of guys that are going to battle and all this stuff but you and I know Keith that this offensive line aside from am Mar and Harris and Patrick Cuda is possibly sliding in at some point the other four spots are set and have been set yeah well I I'll I'll leave you with this since you're trying to kick me out of here but I'm not trying to kick you out I thought you were going to wrap it up you said a lot of stall season man like I'm ready to roll dude like I why is everybody like acting like they you know somebody kicked their dog and it was you know his name was Sam everybody just everybody's been hurt before they've been hurt and they're being guarded and protecting themselves like a one dog like a dog that's been kicked Arkansas fans are that dog that was kicked and now they're and now they're covering up you know I'm a compulsive name dropper so I'll drop a name so I was having dinner with had had Alonzo heith over for dinner on Saturday with some other which Alonzo hasith former Razer back the junior bro not senior not Hur Junior so yeah so uh anyway we're talking about kind of everything and you know I I like to get the the for player perspective on patrino you know kind of like behind closed doors or whatever and and and and Kelvin fiser you know was a agent in my office as well we talked about this at length the confidence that he inspires in people just based on his teaching methods and you know and he'll he'll uh what did what did what do you say all the time that you're waiting on Patrina to get in somebody's ass you were saying you said that like 10 times on this uh on this show so very I've seen it I've seen it very well it's just it's it's awkward for but so so I uh I I um sorry I I so I was talking to Alonzo about this going into the season kind of his expectations he's like listen and he doesn't know Pitman that well but we do you and I do and so you interviewed Pitman at as when he was hired as a offensive line coach originally at that golf tournament and there's one like a this is years ago he looked in the camera and you're like what makes you like the best offensive line coach in America a lot of people you know what what is this kind of thing that precedes you um your reputation and he looked in the camera was like I'm a badass like that's that's it and so we had this you know we're always like every time we score on a run player was like Sam pitman's a badass that that year you know we had that running before the tailgates and stuff and so he's he's confident I think I think with Pitman he's trying to maybe like not learn he's I think he's learning the pr portion of being a head coach and kind of how he's perceived in public and and then he's kind of like had to maybe redefine himself a little bit and I think what patrino and Barry odm to an extent provides is confidence for him and in what he's doing and almost like if if everybody on that staff has the confidence that patrino gives the players then I think that's the difference in some of these things and and and you know to your point of winning five games or more that he didn't come here to win five games yeah that's what was difficult for me Keith like when I was picking that I was like man this guy's worth more than one win this team's better than last year you know that's what that's where I was like going like I want to pick him to win seven uh just because Bobby patrino is not worth one more win than they had last year with Dan Enos so I I totally get what you're saying there yeah so I what if he was on staff last year look at all the games we would have won in close contest and we're doing that with a completely inept offense and the defense just got worn out and I I do like what Travis Williams is saying I don't know why you guys keep on harping on your pieces being an offensive Advantage you can already do check with M and like after the defense is called you know their check and then you know if you're saving you check after that check but um you know he can get to you can get all the way up to the line of scrimmage and have the and have Bobby patrino in your ear you know and saying exactly what's out there and coach Williams alluded to this but he's going to disguise coverage so you'll show like one high C and then you'll run Tampa out of it or whatever and then um you'll have he's ready for it you can Tellis Willi has thought about all of it yeah he's a good dude to have on our side yeah like him any I'm excited about the season I don't know what all this negative crap is like I'm I'm excited to get going we're the first game we open up college football like we're the first game of the season on Thursday so yeah I'm I'm hyped man there games this weekend right I have no idea I I don't know what is happening outside yeah Florida State this I think yeah there's week zero yeah I think you got Florida State and Georgia Tech maybe I think so I'm busy that day I'm I'm all booked up until Thursday so yeah all right man for thanks for reaching out I I'll uh I'll H at you I'll at you this season I guess yeah we'll have you on again all right Dan sorry all right later all right everybody that's Keith Grayson you well I was about to say you could follow Keith at ke e Grayson but that uh I think that Twitter account is no longer active after he uh I mean he said he wanted to throw punch SEC officiating and you can't threaten violence I guess on on X so anyway great stuff there all right anything else we want to cover before we get going let's go to let's go to some comments see what you guys want to say let's go in reverse order I always go in forward order but like if you haven't got your comment in now we're going backwards okay so we're going from the bottom patrino always pulls out this is from Mr bloodline patrino always pulls out the stops that was awkward phrasing always pulls out the stops when he plays X team look at what he did at Arkansas and his State I bet he will go full patrino on A&M hey Arkansas has lost eight of the last nine against Texas A&M in AT&T Stadium they've only won one time since Texas A&M has been a member of the SEC in 2012 when Bobby patrino was at Arkansas uh they went three and0 against Texas A&M had a dominant Edge in the overall series Texas A&M had only beaten arkans like 24 times and now it's like within 10 games in that Series so let's see trying to pick something really good ctis Johnson how amazing would it be to call the Razer backs champions in football that would be unexpected wouldn't it Steven B Boren likes uh Keith Grayson don't overstay you're welcome Keith but love what you say you need to stay but love you but stay what you come again basically what he's saying any questions got a lot of comments which I love I love the comments appreciate all that in the Pod with jrod says if you think Sam is letting Bobby run the offense especially knowing patrino is calling the offense from the sidelines you haven't been paying attention if you don't think Sam is letting oh yeah he's absolutely this is I mean I can see in practice guys th this is exactly what's going on um he's letting Travis Williams do his thing on defense and he's letting Bobby patrino do his things on offense and he's obviously you know providing input and all that stuff but he's focusing on the offensive line in a large way they have two offensive line coaches Eric Matos and Sam Pitman they're they're not gonna let that area stink the way it did last year I don't know that it's up to SEC upper level standards or anything like that but it's it's significantly better than it was last year that doesn't mean that they're even average because they were so bad last year but they'll be better this year the offensive Line's going to be better Mr bloodline says Texas got embarrassed in 2021 so they're coming in looking for Redemption that's going to be a tough game it absolutely is that's not the same Texas team we all know that Mr tww who is to say Sam won't well that's a comment maybe I shouldn't have gone backwards because we got replies I don't see any like great questions I see let me talk I'm GNA start from the top then um background noise is drowning you out sir I have background noise seems like you're the only one that says there's background noise everybody going to to Oklahoma State in a couple weeks I'll be there are you going you getting up and driving at 11:00 amm I might I might do a stop over in Tulsa since it's just about an hour away and just kind of break it up a little bit especially since I'll be coming all the way back so maybe do two hours to Tulsa an hour to still water and then do the three hours or so back to fville that night or after the game okay here's a question first question I could find in all the comments and I appreciate the comments I do will bonam says hey Trey what are your top three favorite Razorback football memories favorite memories uh the miracle markham's up there just because I remember I was way down close to the field it was in the stands uh just a few rows up and I can remember when Matt throws that pass to to Cory and it was just like a wave of people because somebody leaned over the railing and they like lean over and then it's the guy behind them and behind them and it's just like a wave of people and we couldn't tell if they caught it or not and I looked down I was with my buddy Josh and his family I looked down at his dad Mike and he was crying which I'm one of those people like if I see somebody crying whether it's a movie or in person or whatever I can't help but get Terry and I look down at him and he's crying and so I started watering up and he you know we're hugging each other and um that was a great memory that was a great one uh what else the Texas game in 2021 was fantastic I mean that was as electric as I've ever seen it in fville I mean that's that one's way up there way up there um the Tennessee game in 2006 where Darren mcfaden went off ESPN game day was there the last time that game day has been there by the way that one also jumps out uh there there might another one but I will say just off the top of my head those are the three memories that jump out to me the most um question question questions all right we might wrap it up we don't have any more questions Chris light says four and0 then downhill after that that would be exciting if they started off 4 and0 that would that would suck if they finished if they lost every game and finished 4 and eight wouldn't it three and nine incoming says TI strick to okay got a lot of comments but I don't see many questions so I think we're going to wrap it up I feel pretty good about about the first show yeah feel pretty good about it all right um hey uh Apple podcast how many reviews we got the goal was to get to a thousand ratings before the season started a th000 ratings before the season started where are we at we're got to be close we're at 982 guys if you haven't if you haven't left a rating on Apple podcast throw us a rating just take a quick moment and pop on there and do it I don't know that my OCD can handle setting that goal and not reaching it by kickoff and we got seven days to do it 982 ratings we're 4.9 hey I would rather I'd rather if you're GNA give us a a festar review I'd appreciate that um so but a lot of recent updates no there's not there hasn't been one since July 2nd I know there's more than a thousand people listen to this podcast I see the numbers so if you haven't taken a moment leave us a fivestar review on Apple podcast get us to that thousand thousand review Mark I don't know why it's important but it just I need that number so appreciate you helping me out there all right everybody thanks to Danny West for hopping on giving the recruiting insight and a little bit about the game looking ahead of course to Oklahoma State it's hard it's hard to look at this one too hard uh and then Keith grayon his outlook on the overall season and his humor we appreciate that always and thanks to all you guys for joining us thanks to our subscribers we couldn't do what we do without our subscribers like this stuff's great I appreciate everybody watching and stuff but the job that I do is based on subscribers I mean that's that's the bottom line for us so uh if you want the best of what we offer go to hog sign up for 30% off right now part of the 247 Sports Network one of the largest sites in the entire country we certainly take a lot of pride in that so join us at hog Sports um save a lot of money by doing it right now so a disc count of $ 4422 for the year all right everybody that's pretty much the show we'll be back with you guys on Monday it'll be 2 o'clockish after Sam pitman's press conference on Monday which is the next time that we'll uh have an opportunity with him no more media opportunities this week so it'll get a little quiet here all right everybody this has been treyb with hog we'll catch you next time [Music]

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