Badlapur Current News | Huge Protests After 4-Year-Old Girls Sexually Assaulted At School

[Music] right so that was Maharashtra Minister that Deepa karar essentially saying that uh that it is a very shocking incident but radika if I can come back to you essentially the minister also making a point that the C that there was delay in a way or it took some time time for the police to actually find evidence or Crack the Case in a uh so to speak because the cctvs at the school were defunct and he's also saying that he's going to take out a circular today asking all schools to ensure that the cctvs are functioning so very importantly there the minister in a way also admitting that because of this lack or lapse on part of the school uh there was some sort of a delay in the probe certainly that's what uh the CMO is also admitting several within the government also admitting that there has been a lack of uh uh you know proactiveness as far as the police is concerned while the incident happened on 12th or 13th of August it took a couple of days for the police to register the F the school authorities did not come forward with the complaint they have not taken any sort of responsibility or accountability as far as the negligence from their part is concerned that is something something that the government has admitted now of course a press statement also from the chief Minister's office in which it says that accus will be tried in FastTrack Court action will be taken against management of the institution if there is uh if it is found that there has been deliberate negligence uh from the part of the Institute also saying that he has discussed the chief minister has discussed this entire case with the commissioner of uh police in Tani and concrete measures will be taken so that such incidents are prevented also suggesting setting up of complaint boxes and other systems to be brought in place so that if students have any doubts uh they should immediately point out to the school administration also that management should immediately talk to teachers and take appropriate care yes this is what the press release from the CMO uh says that these are the actions they will take and this is what the school is expected to do but of this very very tragic disturbing incident unfolding in tan post which outraged parents have now taken to the streets what we are seeing uh is violent protest that has taken place uh leading to liti charge as well uh parents extremely angry with what has transpired two four-year-old children allegedly sexually assaulted by a staffer from a school this in incident happening inside the school premis is in a toilet uh which is very very disturbing all this coming post Kolkata incident where once again it was a you know female doctor who was uh uh raped and murdered in her workplace something similar happening here where two kids uh you know two toddlers being sexually assaulted in a school where they were studying it so this is extremely serious and also puts a question mark on the school Administration already parents have been uh saying that the school is not coming forward are not taking responsibility of what has happened in fact there had been not a single female attended female staffer in the school at the time they've not hired any of any female staffer it was a male cleaning staffer who who did this uh U you know who committed this crime so therefore a lot of uh questions uh being raised by uh you know angry parents at this point we'll have to wait and see uh what kind of statement the school administration will give out but no accountability uh as such uh you know from the school uh however uh the protest that we're seeing on our screens is only turning violent by the minute right uh so uh radika they're reporting on this case coming in from tan a very gruesome and a very shocking case once again at a time when we are talking about women women safety crime against women in this case of course involving an incident involving two little children in tan next to Mumbai radika there we'll keep coming back to you for more for the moment we are going into another breaking news coming in and that is on the lateral entry uh controversy now there seems to be a government U-turn where a union the union Minister has in fact written to the upsc chief uh jitendra Singh has in fact written to upsc asking for cancelling the lateral entry ad remember this comes in just days after the upsc had advertised 45 posts for lateral entry and uh now there seems to be a government U-turn in that respect let me go across to my colleague Sunil for more on this Sunil uh what has exactly changed in the past 24 hours yesterday we saw the government uh several ministers as well as government spokespersons uh BJP spokespersons a bigger pardon who were uh defending this lateral entry scheme as well as the upsc ad advertisment so what's happened in the last 24 hours which has led to this well as you well aware the prime minister is the cabinet minister for the uh Department of personal and training he's of course assisted by the minister of State Mr jitendra Singh and it's in that context that Mr jitendra Singh has written a letter to the upsc chairperson very categorically uh you know it's it's a letter where he's citing various instances of lateral entry that have taken place but the sum and substance for our viewers is that the government of India has decided to request the upsc to withdraw the advertisement of the lateral entry that it has put out because it does not follow social justice and as they say to use the words of Mr jitendra Singh very clearly uh he says very categorically that the prime minister is of the firm belief that the process of lateral entry must be aligned with the principles of equity and social Justice enshrined in our constitution particularly concerning the pro provisions of reservation having said that now the Prime Minister who is the minister in charge of this ministry has decided to ask the upsc to hold those in appointments of the recruitment process for lateral entry because what has been pointed out by the opposition which is being seen as a big victory uh uh cutting across party lines including allies of the NDA that l entry must follow the Norms of social justice that is that they should be 15% for schedule cast 7 7.5% for scheduled tribe for obcs they cannot be left out even if it is lateral entry and it's in that context that the government will study review this entire matter and then take a call so they've asked uh the upsc chairperson to keep it on hold right Sunil thank you so much stay with us I'm also joined on the phone line by NDTV senior managing editor nikunj gar nikunj we can see that this is yesterday the government and government spokespersons were defending the lateral entry scheme today they have in fact virtually done a uturn so this is yet another example of the BJP giving into the pressure of Coalition politics well tonima it's not so straightforward I would say that uh keeping in mind the Quantum of the appointments remember it's 45 joints secretaries that you're talking it's a very large number and Joint secretaries in the government of India are at The Cutting Edge level of governance principally all the policy decisions are driven by The Joint SEC uh principally fact is principally the fact is that principally the fact principally the fact is that you know uh any new initiative any policy decision any um kind of government initiative the driver for that is the joint secretary's desk now if you are going to have a situation where you're going to have nearly four dozen joint secretaries in various Ministries including some very sensitive Ministries like Ministry of it and Technology uh Sans any kind of reservation as alleged by the opposition I'm still not clear and I'm not going to take any position on that but Sans any of reservation then obviously it's going to become a big issue uh current in any case cast census reservation and increasing the quas under reservation is a very big political debate and more often than not BJP has been found on the back foot in this debate and opposition has consistently taken a position and mounted on that position now what has happened is that yesterday government's own allies like ljp came out very categorically in support of the opposition demand and against the government's move of putting these post under the lateral entry quota technically the government can say that you know there's an arms length between the upsc which is the union Public Service Commission which is an independent body under the Constitution actually it's a body predating Constitution but under the Constitution there is a provisor for the upsc as well and the government is different however the what the larger rubric of the administrative structure will see it as upsc acting only on the government's directions so quite clearly under the Ali pressure and the pressure that has been mounted from the opposition in which they have been fairly successful many Neal observers would say in trying to paint that BJP is somehow BJP is somehow taking away snatching quotas or is wanting to decimate quotas or is wanting to build quotas within quas which is not suitable to uh the existing classes so that is the narrative that is a matter of worry for the BJP and they have time and again their own people people have come on record and said uh in Maharashtra in uh utar Pradesh that opposition has been able to build that narrative successfully and that is why we have lost political ground and politically we have lost now they do not obviously like any political party or any governance uh governing political party they do not wish to lose any more political ground than that and since there is an Ali pressure and since there is a consistent narrative and position taken by the opposition government has now decided to do away with this latest move of it and uh uh at least for now this has been put on hold which would mean that it has been kept in AB bance now whether in the future government will again go ahead with the lateral entry screen and move on it or it has been kept in abayance for permanence uh we don't know urrently or if it is only a tweak that they will bring in or this entire scheme would completely be scraped and the usual method of employment of uh joint secretaries which is through the Central Staffing scheme and then the promotions from the director level to the Joint secretary level will only will be the only method that will be followed by the government hence forth is still not clear but quite clearly under pressure from allies and under pressure from uh the opposition the government has certainly taken a step back in trying to put uh its house in order SRS a anti anti- narrative sticking to BJP and the NDC government if you wish to call it ndfc government uh is concerned right uh nikun thank you so much for joining us with that I'm also joined by my colleague vuda for more on this but uh we are also highlighting the portion of the letter there on your screen which has been written by jitendra Singh to the upsc if I can read out a certain portion where he says uh that under earlier governments as nikunj was also pointing out that this is an important part in the letter vendra Singh says that under earlier governments uh there have been uh posts given to lateral entrance without following any process of reservations further it is well known that the members of the uh National advisory Council used to run a super bureaucracy that controlled the prime minister's office but jendra Singh goes on to highlight that The Honorable prime minister is of the firm belief that the process of lateral entry has to be alligned aligned with the principles of equity and social justice enshrined in our constitution particularly concerning the provisions of reservation vasudha uh if I can come to you now you know we had in fact posed this question repeatedly to the BJP spokespersons as well but in a way they were skirting the issue uh about uh reservations within lateral entry because this had been a point which had not just been raised by the Congress yesterday but a point which had been raised by the national minorities commission also uh a couple of years back in 2021 to be precise for that matter that whether or not there should be a provision of reservations within uh the lateral entry scheme as well well and as Nikon was also pointing out that we do not know at this point in time whether or not the government is willing to tweak the lateral entry scheme give it up Al together or what exactly is the next course of action this letter is particularly uh specifically regarding these 45 posts that the upsc had recently advertised about so uh the letter is specific or limited only to that for the moment but what is the next course of action that the government is mulling over that is also of course something which is intriguing at this point in time let me bring in my colleague washa now washa so uh in the past 24 hours something has changed because we saw very emphatic defense coming in from the government and the ministers yesterday and now this uh absolutely tanima in the last 24 hours like you pointed out uh you know the government did come up with a narrative that starting with s p to nand nen it's it's the UPA government that brought in uh this you know tradition of having uh lateral entrance but it's the BJP government that has steamlined it and given it a sense of Reform but of course that's not really uh something that is something that is sticking with the opp opposition and this is something that the government is very worried about because like nikun is also saying when it comes to the loab elections of election results of 2024 be it mahra or utar Pradesh one thing that according to senior experts has uh really impacted the bjp's results is this narrative that the BJP is against SC St uh reservations also OBC reservation so which is why you may remember that even in the case of the Supreme Court making some very critical observations regarding the creamy layer or subcategorization of obcs BJP MPS from scsts did come out and make their position very clear that uh even the government is not very keen on the creamy layer concept so this is one area where the BJP does not want to take a chance when it comes to lateral entries 45 positions where advertised by upsc that is a huge number including uh you know directors Deputy directors and Joint secrety these are senior positions in the bureaucracy so clearly it wouldn't would wouldn't have taken much time for a narrative to actually you know pick momentum especially if the opposition wanted it and it seemed like the opposition was at it because from Rahul Gandhi to Malik Arjun Kar senior leaders of the Congress have started speaking this has been uh you know the center of their campaign of you know regarding uh cast census and also most importantly um the fact that they want to show the government as discriminatory when it comes to scst and OBC reservations so this is the government the Modi government uh taking in or taking this big move under the pressure of its own opposition uh in its own allies including the jdu and uh the ljp but also making it clear that it does not want any wrong sentiment to go on ground especially when Maharashtra is all set to vote harana is all set to vote so this is more of a political move uh than a move of Reform it's just going and we've seen that in the the case of um the broadcasting bill as well so this is a new government in place we've not seen this happen uh very often in the in in you in Modi 2.0 and in the first regime you know we we have only seen that in the case of lad acquisition bill which is too early for the Modi government to you know take those decisions and of course in in the case of farm laws where the Prime Minister came and said this and today if you look at the letter itself jender Singh makes it very clear that it's a prime minister who put in place social justice and the government will completely oblige with the Constitutional Mand State and will not uh you know alter will not dearly tweak any kind of reservation policy so that's assurance that the government has given with this move to the scst population right Wasa as you rightly mentioned that this is a very rare occasion when we have seen the government actually uh making such a move uh just a day after you know this issue has been raised by the opposition and where we have seen BJP spokespersons and the ministers also defending the scheme but besides what the the Congress has in fact raised take us through the kind of objections that uh bjp's own allies key NDA voices have in fact raised about this particular scheme and the fact that there's no provision of reservation in it and in fact whether we credit it to the Allies pressure or not uh there are of course other reasons which have been listed in that letter but uh there has clearly been a concerted uh concerted uh voices which have come in from the Allies uh which in a way must have been taken into account when the the government has taken this decision as you said it's more of a political decision absolutely if you look at Jus Casey tagi who made it very clear that you know the position of the jdu is to ask the center to take a review of these advertisements and if you look at chak paswan who has five MPS he also made it very clear that social justice has to be the center of any appointment in the government so while the government kept saying that you know this is about Merit and this is about you know bringing in reforms and ensuring that you know uh and ensuring that you know that there is you know technocracy you know that there are there are expedited uh measures or moves in the government to ensure Pro progress and development that narrative was not speaking because social justice uh Tona is the reality of this country you know the focus of social justice every party seems to be doing that you know BJP cannot really uh try to sort of like you know take a different stand especially at a at a position at a time like this when it has 240 MPS of its own but still is not really the most uh you know it doesn't have the magic number number of 272 it is dependent on its allies CDP of course with 16 MPS the most important constituent of NDA did Welcome this and said that you know uh the government did the right thing by bringing in uh expert expert domain I mean domain experts and all that but clearly um the pressure of the uh allies was important but what the opposition said was very important because Rahul Gandhi did put forward this very important post that uh you know it is it is one way of Sid steping reservation policy and ensuring that you know RSS aligned people coming into the system so that you know is something that that's a narrative that really caught on with people's imagination according to experts in 2024 elections which is why the BJP was reduced um uh you know in was reduced in huge numbers in Maharashtra and up and that is something that the government does not want a repeat of especially before the assembly polls in charh harana and Maharashtra mahra right B thank you so much for joining us we'll of course keep coming back to you for more and this big breaking update that we are bringing for our viewers right now about the center having a rethink about these advertisements which have been put out with regards to lateral entry into civil services uh for the moment we'll head into a short break stay with us [Music]

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