Fallout 76: lvl 57 (Vault 79 for Gold, From Russia with Lev, Johnny bug fix This individual is busy)

Published: Dec 14, 2022 Duration: 03:51:23 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: from russia with lev
foreign [Music] we got everything we need so we're just waiting on you to make up your mind seven six you ready to roll all right go meet up with Lou at the Vault entrance see if he needs any help the rest of us will head out in a bit then we'll do this thing you dig [Music] you want something you take it it's the only way to live your overseer came through on the wide distribution over here guess we'll hold off on raiding that old Nuka plant fun now [Music] [Music] [Music] if I hear any complaints on that Nuka I'm sending them your way [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign ah a thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign all right [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] foreign there foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me take a look at you yes you'll do nicely where are my manners welcome to the pumpkin house one of the most popular attractions in Appalachia I'm Jack the caretaker here [Music] because my programming demands it Priority zero gather pumpkins and prepare for the festival see the Mandate couldn't be clearer kindly fetch me some pumpkins to carve will you you will be adequately compensated I assure you [Music] you don't have enough salt the area for wild pumpkin Vines so many pumpkins to carve so little time foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign gotta wait a whole nother hour for that food to reheat so many places to explore all the time Appalachia is full of places to explore you know on my way here I saw a place you might want to check out want to know where it was it was right here take a look you never know what you might find keep your eye out for danger you never know who's watching even after the bombs a is still beautiful foreign foreign foreign thank you [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] foreign I guess [Music] [Music] [Music] kill this thing this thing I'm too old for this kind of crap huh I can't wait to be done with this job thanks she were tookins long enough freaking Traders what happened that [ __ ] left he's had it in for him since the start don't like us ghouls he got Fisher Serge his mother's on board just sabotage they jumped you I said the demo Chargers around off the door you must be familiar with our plan because they took off from a Detonator and left me here die joke's on him Ian showed up for the track that we're off on our friend over there well if you didn't want to get into that Vault we gotta get that Detonator back to do that we gotta find Liv but first things first you gotta tell Meg get her to get a team together hold him down go on I'll be fine here that those Jaguars coming back I figured someone show up just glad he is doing before I lost an arm or something I think if yinz ends up seeing fissure you get my mouthful for me got it these things jack off didn't buy My Demo charges run off of them too foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign foreign hoping to run into you something fishy is going on here you know anything about where love is hell I wouldn't be asking you if I knew now that I think of it I haven't seen him Fisher Serge or a bunch of others either guns and other supplies have gone missing too I think we got ourselves some defectors [Music] no damn doubt about it someone like Lev's not dumb enough to leave anything to keep well I'm sure he left a mole behind to report our activities back to him the question is who [Music] I'd bet dollars to Donuts that Lev left some poor sat behind to keep an eye on us and report back if we made a move against him I'd done some digging seems like Creed Axel and Barb were each talking to Lev right before he left I think it's one of them problem is they're all liars in their own ways maybe if you go with the right approach you can get something out of them [Music] good kid seems to be pretty honest unless he's protecting someone he cares then he's got a reliable tendency to lie for them and be the Fall Guy Creed's kind of a liar but only up to a point he's a major pushover if you put enough pressure on him he'll always buckle and come clean I like Barb but she's all about self-prison she's quick to lie to save her own ass but love seeing someone else fall from grace she'll snitch if she knows someone else is guilty you've got my permission to deal with the moles but you better be damn sure there were mole and only after you get them to squeal about love oh and seven six if nothing turns up check with the bartender Molly she sees and hears things she's reliable and trustworthy but her talk may not come cheap so I wouldn't go to her unless you need to good luck you want something you take it it's the only way to live foreign [Music] you want to survive yeah what is it I overheard you talking to Meg so I'll answer your questions whatever it takes to get you to stop hassling me I got nothing to hide um I like nice long walks long nature trails and I hate it when [ __ ] like you ask too many questions a lot she and axel are shacking up she's like a puppy dog who thinks he can protect everybody but he's not as tough as he thinks he is okay here's an example off the top of my head uh surge caught Axel's best friend Creed cheat net cards things got real ugly but Axel stepped in and claimed that he was the one who dealt created an extra Ace Creed and I knew that was BS but we let him do it anyway Serge kicked the [ __ ] out of Axel so he succeeded in taking the fall for creed but he couldn't protect himself Axel Ah hell no left nose axles all barking him out by there is no way he'd trust Axel with anything important blood Eagles are crazy good people because I don't want to talk about them with you anymore you all know about my brother Creed's a coward always has been because it's true just last week he stole some chems from Irish store instead of shutting up or pinning it on somebody else he caved after I re-asked him three times was all it took did you do it no did you do it no did you do it yes I mean that's not exactly how it went down but it may as well have been an idiot and now he's paying her back and then oh absolutely just because he's my brother doesn't mean I'm gonna cover for his ass when he does stupid [ __ ] Creed is just the kind of coward that Lev can bully into doing anything for him I even saw Creed talking to love just before they escaped it's got to be him you're looking he may have helped me survive the Wasteland after our parents died but he's always been a loser always running never standing up for himself getting us into trouble more often than getting us here we are Raiders of the Wasteland and he refuses to go on any raids because he's too damn scared oh fine screw you FaceTime not only leave if I'm what the hell do you want this time okay whatever this place sucks we were better off up north [Music] foreign [Music] distribution over here guess we'll hold off on reading that old Nuka plant for now foreign This Is My Jam I hate it when things get messy hey what do you want oh yeah I'd be happy to help well me and my sister Barb joined up with Lev's crew before he merged groups with Meg's game uh I mostly do work here at the crater because I don't really like going on a rage not really Barb's my little sister taking care of her since our parents died at least trying to careful what you say around her she gets a kick out of throwing other people under the bus especially when they screw up and lie about it and if I know she's a troublemaker and always lies to cover it up but maybe she thinks if she Rats on others people won't think she's lying herself she snitched on Johnny when he messed with Ren's radio I guess Wren thought she was trustful later she killed Ren's dog because it wouldn't shut up she got away with it Ren totally bought barbs no way creepy old Russian used to make passes so Barb always used to complain about this so I told Megan Meg finally threatened his manhood with a shotgun and told him to step off uh yeah I already spoke to Barb and asked her about it I know my sister she wouldn't be in me okay okay the truth is I don't know if Barb is or isn't working for Levy I never actually talked to her I seriously have no idea who's working with them all I know is it isn't me I swear it's the truth probably too much am I right ax it's my best buddy something wrong did he cover for Barb again and get himself into trouble she doesn't deserve him huh more than you'd think he'd rather get in trouble himself than see someone else like just a couple weeks back I was playing cards and I may have used some sleight of hand to give myself save my ass but got his own beat then Barb ratted on him told Serge he was just lying to protect me and surge just I don't like to think that my best friends will traitor but I've seen Axel sneak into Ren's comp station to radio with Lev when she's not around at least I imagine that's what he's doing yeah it bothers me oh I wouldn't put it past him if he was doing it to protect him [Music] [ __ ] but but it ain't me either I swear to you well I could never work if I knew where he went I'd be the first to tell you so you could put a sure thing you're kidding right Lev hates my guts ever since I told Meg that he was harassing my sister there's just the other day he told me that his only regret would be not killing me in my sleep didn't make much sense at the time now I realize it's because he was about to skip town that's what I'm saying sure you need help with something uh I might you want to know about me I don't know what to tell you I work a lot so no time for hobbies really I go on raids do odd jobs around here you know whatever Meg needs me to do Barb's older brother he's a good guy but he cracks under pressure I wouldn't trust him with a secret know what I'm saying [Music] hey you recently borrowed some tools from Fisher now Fisher's not a very confrontational kind of guy he kept grilling Creed about it Creed eventually told him everything that turns out Creed was just trying to rebuild a suit of power armor he found Fisher found out he took it to rebuild it himself probably the right call Creed would have wrecked it nah I don't think so Lev wouldn't trust Creed not to reveal where he went besides Lev hates Creed something to do with Cree trying to protect Barb from it things aren't good between them he recently borrowed now Fisher's not that turns out probably the right anything else you mean Crete's sister uh people say she's a snitch but then they're just matching her out of the mouth of doing something they shouldn't have done [Music] this one time make thought Barb stole some snack cakes from her personal Supply but me and Barb saw Robert do it Bob doesn't like kids so she told Meg what actually happened instead of letting me cover Ferrara luckily Meg saw it for what it was just a hungry kid who wanted something to eat and she gave rah-rah the rest of her snack cakes what no that's crazy I'm the one working I I don't know no it's really me and I'm sorry so [Music] you mean Crete oh uh no reason I just didn't know if she wanted everyone knowing it's not a big deal that's all then uh foreign hooked me up with some pretty sweet mods hey look what we got here what's good with you [Music] I might I got lots of information I also got lots of expenses they cost me around 300 caps a week um your loss another day another sort of mass of stories make a little talk a little selfie whatever that's what I'm here for you look like you could use a trick then again who doesn't these days [Music] ready to talk still have those expenses to worry about though foreign [Music] taking what ain't mine what the hell do you want screw you [Music] that's it no you don't have [ __ ] on me [Music] let's imagine for a moment that I am working with Lev which of course I'm not say I were to confess even if Meg wouldn't kill me she'd Exile me and wouldn't that be just as bad Lev would find me and kill me you know if I was the one foreign [Music] you've got a deal you better not screw me over Lev's been building a hideout inside one of his cooling towers at Poseidon power plant he's got to be there he said he'd pay me if I kept an eye out for him in case someone went looking for him that's all I know uh uh don't tell Meg I swear I'll keep quiet they found a little open you didn't pack up too much damn I was all ready to make my move too tired of sleeping with everyone else actually Greg he's more of like a chainsaw I wouldn't worry about that for too long you're not the only one Fed Up I heard min's gonna take care of it if you know what I mean scares the [ __ ] out of me I stopped biting my nails because of her I hope she at least gave him a heads up you haven't heard her threatening him back's gonna be pissed especially [Music] hey uh you're not going to tell Meg are you I swear I'm done with that creep live so what did my screw up brother Creed do now those must be some good cats yeah no got you like a fish and uh strip your corpse for caps but I don't know at least they're upfront about it those Foundation settlers will gossip and lie about you behind your back before you know it you'll have no friends here if I prove myself they won't judge me [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] this is a level two nuclear alert repeat this is a level 2 nuclear alert beside an energy plant wv-06 has suffered a critical failure Hazmat teams are on Route please remain indoors and await further instructions foreign advice [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] come on all right [Music] foreign come on [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign afraid of you is not fear you sense but amusement let me hear your words they will amuse me some more opportunity I was to be paid handsomely to stop you and hand over Detonator opportunity to be rid of Meg and other weak pathetic freaks animals she takes in man from Foundation named Rocco said it paying guns ammo information how best to strike foundation and take for ourselves something Meg would never do hey maybe you kill Rocco now I don't give a [ __ ] bag is so soft she taking useless kids French animals anyone she feel bad for she tells us recruitment is better kill only for food and supplies I say we kill for more out there it is kill or be killed ah only room for strongest best men in this world others have their uses they are not please hurry are you going to shoot me now or bore me hello sad old Walking Corpse was easy target Ogle should be dead got tired of waiting for him to kill himself took matters into all that he had that in it which was key to your plans foreign let's talk about how vault is waste of time I heard real value comes from God's food am or information I get better you take me for but the MLB one breaking into top secret government installation full of armed guard how about you I will not I will do same to you and this what no I would not even talk is easy way the one where you shut up and kill me I am no coward like you wanted [Music] thank you foreign and all these because you are weak and effectively you could not leave gang out of wet paper bag to cow when I hear you invite that cockroach and want to go off on some ridiculous Vault Heist to find gold I call that last straw Sergeant Vision know how stupid plan is and how terrible leader you are so they come win leave you behind with Freaks and losers on this thing okay you come back off then we wipe you and your freaks of man sleep tight all right foreign a living legend amazing see you found a way to get into the vault [Applause] I have important work to do can this wait foreign Plumbing water is a big deal gotta bring it in clean it up distribute it then take it away and dispose of it you can always tell a well-run town by the quality of its plumbing and water well I uh sometimes that's where I come in hey thanks for helping me out Becky I talked to Paige about the plague of yours made sure he takes this inoculation your power armor looks like it's seen better days might be time to fix it up or replace it if you're looking to trade check out Sunny's foreign [Music] [Music] ever since the war I've been sort of scrabbling along I have enough time to write some more and that's exactly what I am if you have a place where I would be happy to watch it for you to tell you some story by the way you can call me Graham you found a living legend amazing I've made a lot of friends here on Foundation nobody's special yet though we can get the flock big enough we can add chicken to the menu what can I do for you foreign found a living legend amazing [Music] what's up buttercup oh I joined up mostly I keep if the super see you around if you want it dead you gotta shoot him that nuka-cola inoculation of yours was a pretty smart concoction I never would have thought to use that old manufacturing plant here's my health tip for you eat lots of chocolate no seriously good for your heart but more importantly diets are overrated you don't look so good feeling all right you know sometimes if you're doing poorly and you can't do it past just I heard Sunny got a new shipment in it I've got to go check it out as much as you can need a can opener for that armor I have important work to do can this wait foreign work to do can this wait Aubry I suppose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] out near the train tracks by a foundation see if we can't shake down a few people and find some good stuff one in oh my God come on we need to [ __ ] all the way down there your lazy ass Liv that's what who knows what Scorch beasts or wendigos or other [ __ ] creatures you'll run into on your way down there count me out if I hear it what's the deal seven six you get everything sorted out [Music] this place is way better than Sunny top and cooler at least the hell yeah always be upgrading that's what aery says we ditched Margie for Meg I assume you had to kill Fisher and serge too for both great assets to have on our side it's a damn shame Lev sunk his teeth in him and turned him against us [Music] I knew he and I didn't always agree but I gave him food shelter all the supplies he needed and he always got the job done yeah I don't know I should have trusted my instincts more I should have known there was more to how he treated people you can better do better about we take in all kinds so they know at least we got who we need for the vault rate still so how about we all go break ourselves into a vault assuming nothing else gets in our way we'll meet you at the entrance and crack that sucker wide open it's gonna be a good day I can feel it [Music] that little concoction of yours better do the trick if any of my people turned scorched after this I'll be gunning for you foreign [Music] [Applause] the Roses [Music] anyone ever dig up Lev's mole it's not weapons [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign 's here y'all ready to rock this joint you know me Meg I'm always ready except when you ate harsh Meg that was one time one time I'll tell you when you're older let's talk gun heavy need to unload bullets into something and make lighter Gail's right let's get a move on just give Lou the word when you're good to go 7-6 Ian's ready or what [Music] not now we got work to do don't worry I'll let you forget about it our companions as they go you got it stand back don't want no one standing in the black [Music] thank you [Music] God damn Lou good [ __ ] was the cleanest break yet all right Johnny Gail you too me behind fine yeah you three going ahead and take care of security Gail you're responsible for keeping rah-rah safe rah-rah always safe with Gail you got it boss lady let's go seven six can I talk to you real quick [Music] I gotta stay here and guard your butts till I'm confident wearing the clear but I got an important request for you but Johnny asked him for such a big cut I want you to keep a knife you let me know if he doesn't pull his weight he wants to keep his value he's gotta earn it [Applause] thanks foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] come on [Music] foreign shut tight you can open it remotely maybe there's a terminal somewhere a wheel guard in case anything's on the other side Gale ready to destroy more robots skills the best at destroying Robos Johnny pay at it I guess hey I'm pretty damn good at it I just don't have a giant minigun my Gail does sound like excuses okay fine give me the minigun and I'll show you no you're too weak you just drop it and make it break you're just afraid I'm right well I think you're both right that doesn't even make any sense now kill fake cry is right come on girl he's starting to get mad don't stop messing with him I'm not kidding man you know what I'm just gonna stand here and wait for the door too sure you strong enough to do that yeah yeah [Music] thank you thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign citizens will not be harmed foreign [Music] foreign foreign all right thank you [Music] thank you I'm putting a lot of trust in you seven six don't you go failing me now you was all in a hurry to get in there now you're heading back here let's get a move on 7-6 that gold ain't gonna steal itself [Music] thank you [Music] foreign a funny thing I broke into a similar system up at the Federal Reserve this here biometric scanner must run off some sort of central database seems it can detect a known felon and it's completely locked me out we need it in order to get in yeah they'll get your unmentionables in a bunch got this under control I'm gonna give it another go and we're gonna get out of here getting bored how long it's gonna take just sit tight I've almost got this watering detected that's not good maybe you shouldn't mess with it yeah maybe you should shut up kid because I was like blabbering on like that just a minor inconvenience that's all I'm listening but I haven't given up just yet but it's great but it might work as long as the big oaf doesn't break at first all right Gail hop in the booth and listen to me now always mean to Rara and Gail no listening to you oh come on you know I don't mean it I'm just joking around no not all uh-huh you could too little Rara Gail will do this for you okay what do okay foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh Smith connecting to Baltimore Center connecting no response attempting connection to auxiliary operations foreign sorry son I think our connection is a little fuzzy it sounded like your name is Gail the apartment Rescue Squad [Music] thank you the girl part of um class fried rescue liver uh eight Opera um funny because we didn't send out a distress call we've got no such thing so I know you're not being truthful and yet we do need outside help with money for children here whoever you are and you can make it to the auxiliary operations center we can sort this all out I can let you out of that room and disable the security lasers from here for everything else that's out of mind control so on your own any questions [Applause] thank you your name your name [Applause] connect me no response a testing connection to auxiliary operations center connecting connecting I guess we were wrong everyone's dead after all connection established this is Agent in charge Derek Garrison who am I speaking to what's your purpose of coming here your name Gail but not why you're connections a little fuzzy sounded like your name is Gail are you part of Rescue Squad no distress call but health is good I was testing you because your connection's been flaky and some of your responses sounds suspicious real agents would know we don't have a way to send out a distressed call so you must have been set by the remote monitoring team on HQ you fellas long enough to get here and help us out of our situation meet up at the auxiliary operations center and I'll fill you with in the meantime on the stable Security in that Wing so you can get here other than that you're on your own any questions [Music] your name registering your name connecting to Vault Command Center connecting connecting no response attempting connection to auxiliary operations center connecting connecting I guess we were wrong everyone's dead after all connection established this is Agent in charge Derek Garrison call me AC who am I speaking to what's your purpose of coming here you are now not important and you just here for gold For the Love of don't repeat exactly what was said Gail put it in your own words you're not wrong son the purpose of this evolved is strictly on a need to know basis you know important did you hear the distress call and speak up you're coming over the microphone a little gobble Girl part of um cloth fried rescue liver uh eight Opera um her dress call uh Gail here to help vote good I was testing you because your connection's been flaky and some of your responses sounded suspicious real agents would know we don't have a way to send out a distressed call so you must have been sent by the remote monitoring team on HQ it took you fellas long enough to get here and help us out of our situation [Music] meet up at the auxiliary operations center and I'll fill you with meantime our disabled Security in that Wing so you can get here other than that you're on your own questions no questions be there soon Roger that you ought to proceed to my position as directly as possible understood [Music] don't touch it that's over well now I want to touch everything can you feel good you were great Gail the best yeah yeah all right let's get moving Gail likes being useful foreign killing me foreign oh [Applause] go ahead I'm not done yet [ __ ] [Applause] thank you foreign what oh come on [Applause] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign oh my God foreign foreign [Music] thank you warning Atrium security triggered defense measures activated all unauthorized Personnel will be terminated thank you [Music] [Music] every day is a good day [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign thank you foreign 's convenience foreign [Music] foreign you want me to go into the vent don't you yes I knew you need me to go up to the overseers room and open the way forward I heard the man I'm little not deaf should I open any of the other rooms here too okay since you're nice to me I'll try it reading so I'm gonna put all the doors thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign thank you Gail not sure about bringing Rara into danger but Gail will keep her safe foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign person friend I know the man said not to touch anything but you're one of my best friends so I want to open this door for you so we can get the fun stuff inside can I yeah I'll get right on it back in the vent back in the vent if you wonder where I went it's that foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you I don't think the door opens from this side I know I know I'll go get this door open too see on the other side foreign [Music] foreign this looks like the place that looks like the guy I think you should talk to him aren't ya I can't believe him someone found us I guess miracles do happen well look at that fancy suits and all never underestimate the power of such a sin they're here to rescue us I don't know how all you Vault people stay sane being cooped up for so long official rescue team so are you here for the gold to help us or maybe it's just cheer coincidence where what's left of the Secret Service as part of the Treasury Department we look after the nation's currency as well as protecting its leaders when it looked like everything was going sideways the government ordered all the gold reserves moved to Vault 79. we were put here to protect it people like you to be honest [Music] we were doing routine work in this part of the Vault when the reactor went next thing we knew half our people were turned into monsters trying to kill us worse the fighting activated the security systems and robots it was either lock ourselves in here or die that was almost three months ago running out of food and water so it's a good thing you showed up [Music] an opportunist I can work with that [Laughter] it's your lucky day the only way to the goal is to restore the power so the doors will open once that happens we can get back to the safe part of the Vault normally I put a bullet in you if you tried to take our gold but there's been enough death lately and I'm not sure I'd win that battle so the gold is yours if you can get us out of here I can open the door to the reactor using emergency power but that's now that it's safe I take Rara back to Meg and wait with her no need for us here do we have to I want to sneak around some more and fight more Robos and find the treasure no rah-rah we go too much radiation there you end up looking like Lou now come oh fine but you gotta okay we do that promise [ __ ] thanks for not shooting me I know I look weird like one of those Pharaoh ghoul monsters but I'm normal aside from the new skin condition that is just like oh Lou thank God I thought I was gonna die here I'm agent Chase with a secret service Digger to my friends I was on the reactor team when it malfunctioned a lot of them ended up looking like me except their minds have melted too the ones that didn't change are all dead now I was able to stabilize the reactor but it won't come online with the radiation levels this high you're gonna have to vent the air from the chamber that will clear the radioactive gas and probably kill all the things in there too [Music] the radiation made all of them into feral ghouls if I take any more it might happen to me too Don't Go Near The reactor if the radiation doesn't get you those things will I sneak around the edges if I were you either way you need to get to that room that overlooks the reactor good luck I'll wait here on second part I'll wait on the other side of this [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign the reactor ventilation override has been activated please evacuate to the nearest safe Zone which are colored blue for your convenience there are 10 seconds left until safe zones are sealed safe Zone ceiling in five four three two one doors closing [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] foreign get along whoa [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] oh my God wow would you look at that you weren't joking about this being a big score makes me real sorry I've got to do this to you nothing personal if I cut you out of the equation that's more gold for me any last words [Music] go on I could use a laugh before you die [Music] well you did manage to pull off this heist with a surprising level of competence so maybe I've misjudged you but it's not enough tell you what I won't kill you but you're giving me half of whatever gold Meg promised you deal [Music] yeah let's hear it [Music] damn it that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do how was my partner my best friend I loved him like I might miss you but we really just met so I wouldn't miss you much [Music] of course I do I think about it every goddamn day since it happened I ah you're right I barely know you I shouldn't regret it but I didn't think it had happened without I was angry I wasn't thinking straight and now I'm here letting my greed get the better of me thanks for helping me see [Music] sounds like a good look I know there's a trust issue between us now but I hope we can work together again and fix that let your a good partner [Music] normally I won't work with someone I don't trust but Meg's making me take you along so you better not screw me over foreign foreign I hope you guys can get the power back on wait Mercy it's me Chase I might look like them but I'm still me inside Chase holy [ __ ] Stand Down we'll hear him out I don't think the regulations cover this situation it was the radiation it changed me it changed a lot of us Bubba Matt and a bunch of others all became ghouls but crazy and bloodthirsty they attack grills and shiny and the ones that didn't turn tore them the pieces before they even knew what was happening what about you how many humans did you kill zip it Mercy I'm asking the questions here how come you're not one of them I don't know maybe I didn't take as many reps maybe I'm genetically tougher maybe as what I have for breakfast we should kill it it's not human anymore what the [ __ ] Reds that's Chase you're talking about not anymore it isn't that thing could turn on us at any moment nah I doubt it Lou's been fine for ages that's enough none of us have any experience with these schools but our new friend here does you've dealt with these goals before does that really still Chase can we trust him all you Vault dweller [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all you've that's good enough for me I can't let you live with this Chase sorry maybe someday when everyone feels safer it can happen until then you can stay in this part of the Vault there's a lot of work to be done here I understand thanks AC you won't regret this what are you looking at I know some people believe gold is worthless now but it's only a matter of time thank God and who'll be laughing now see you have the gold one thing at a time rags first of all thank you for the rescue our supplies would have run out of it Greg's had an idea once we get back to the safe part of the Vault how we can't stop you from taking it and we won't try but we have some Advanced military schematics that we'd be willing to trade for it [Music] we've been listening to the radio it seems things are getting better up there if we're going to get things back to normal the people will need a currency everyone agrees on that's where we come in we'll use all this gold to back that currency and we'll guarantee its value it'll be a while before we're ready to start printing money but in the meantime we need to gather as much gold as possible [Music] [Music] I see you have to go offer them the deal one thing at it first of all Greg's had a night we can't stop you but we have some good Rex will be your point man he's got a list of here's an elevator key you shouldn't have to traipe through this mess to get to us good luck out there foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign stored and accounted for two years of backbreaking work slept in those heavy bars we had a little celebration but then it's back to the Grind paperwork won't pull itself out nobody else seems to think it's important what am I the only one who knows that it is when the government comes looking for their gold I don't want there to be any issues foreign yeah it looks sharp this place is full of security foreign [Music] all that precious gold just waiting to become currency in the New World that can't happen until the iron outage I know y'all weren't going to start this party without me ain't that right 7-6 who are you name's Mack I run the crater and this is my crew I've already promised the gold to your agent over there assuming that's what you're here for you two will have to work it out we had ourselves in agreement seven six I expect you to honor it [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks seven six I'll have to ask Johnny what you did to make him feel extra generous what a power I told you I liked him Meg all right it's time to haul the gold back to Crater and put it somewhere safe [Music] hey seven six really pulled it off see I know I just had to have a little faith in me gold used to mean everything the place in my bed said it still does to some people the world ran uncle gold comes respect and with respect comes power we can use it to influence a lot of people out there worst case we can trade for some high-tech weapons and finally stop using homemade crap that breaks all the time One Way Or Another We're Gonna rule the wastelands we just got a butt load of gold and everyone made it out of that ordeal alive I couldn't ask for better results I have my doubts about you at first seven six my gut told me to follow through with you glad I did now we take the gold back to Crater and stash it away somewhere safe until we find the rest of the plans the same as it was grow our settlements assert our dominance in the wastelands and kill anyone who threatened the goal is just the means to that end one that's going to make our lives a whole hell of a lot easier hey now don't you be a stranger around Crater yeah I'm sure your particular set of skills could come never know when our interests will align like this again speak enough I never did ask you what your interest in the gold was all about you want a dish [Music] that's a good one the America I knew was never worth fighting for if you asked me I'm glad the establishment got all blown to hell but hey you're giving me an idea now maybe we beat your friend to it and establish our own currency first then everyone will have to bow to us that'd be something well I'm sure I'll be seeing y'all around good luck with everything seven six [Music] eight seven six really pulled it off foreign how successfully you let a bunch of Scoundrels to raid a top secret government walled I don't suspect you've done this before now you're just flattering me but don't stop but in all seriousness I should be saying the same to you you're the one who stopped me from doing something stupid when hacking the security system now I'd be red missed if it weren't for you thanks [Music] and Meg and I will load up the gold and make sure it gets packed to cream I'm not sure what to do with my share yet I'm probably just gonna find a safe place to store it for now until opportunities present them as for you do whatever the heck you want now come back to Crater strike off on your own I'll tell you what though you ever find another one of these walls you hey you at my back and we got the gold too so I'm sure we can put whatever misgivings we may have had about each other behind us I'm sorry what happened we pulled off a very successful Heist I don't recall any major issues but if you wanna yeah foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign pretty sure Molly got me drunk just to hear me oh my gosh [Applause] Appalachia belongs to us there ain't nobody that can prove me wrong well if it ain't my favorite Vault dweller still riding high from pulling off that job you want something you take it it's the only way to live well about time to hit up the camp again no way in hell I'm Scavenging out there so you're the sucker that went along with Johnny's crazy plan that guy gets what he wants foreign [Applause] foreign I know you don't want to go through with this I'm having second thoughts again anyway what if I'm wrong I wonder if it's all fine only reason I wanted off myself because I like some of those people don't want anything bad to happen to him would have found it live then I don't go funeral I can help with that I don't know what to do I'm worried about taking that risk we crater folks and good people but none of them deserve to be eaten alive especially if they have as much trouble killing me as I've been trying to die do they not a bad guys I'm always asking out here maybe the little girl too wants me to play with her all the time come to think you killed everyone whoever gave me a hard time the rest seems to show some respect yes you're right yeah those jackass be blowing themselves up or something if it weren't for me teaching them don't know how but I'll find some way to hey go out some explosions I got too many of them so I'm trying to offer now let me alone I never thought wasn't easy let me tell you let him go well you was right that fears hold me back I like blinders I couldn't see the people cared couldn't see that I was needed Indians are probably right about me not going for you I need some more asking around and nobody seen no Google ever go fever so I'm glad aliens cleared my head of that concern that want to load off damn right I do now all I gotta worry about the amount of explosives I keep around that's easy compared to going for you ah don't get your gut cheese in a bunch huh it's time to start really living up to the name ain't it though maybe if I was really lucky none of the bad stuff had ever happened the hell would eleven search Fisher on the other hand that cut if I never laid into about telling you where I was you may never joined that train wreck it ain't like Fisher to take on the left ways God had morals like me been my pal since I joined up with this crew uh don't get all sappy on me that ain't my thing anyway I may have chosen to live but that don't mean I've transformed into a social butterfly map no maybe I'll try opening up a little now I don't gotta worry about getting close to people I never thought yeah that nine used to like look in the mirror but this ugly mug no tell me not the people I care about Indians are probably right about me not going through but it's more so I'm glad audience cleared my head of that concern that I want to load off she repeats the alternative but no one people care that they worried about it means I gotta step up and do the same what kind of jag off would I be moping around like that nah makes more sense to be the poster boy for us kind maybe there's other Googles like me thinking the same things I do maybe I can help him out like you did for me [Music] I've got nothing for you go bug somewhere else [Music]

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