Good evening. Good evening friends, how are you? You are happy ? Laurent Fontaine. - Delighted to meet you. Yes, you tell me something too. Good evening everyone, thank you for being faithful to your appointment of emotion, laughter, tears of joy, happiness, most of the time, obviously, curtains open as often as possible and a dressing room with Rebecca. Good evening. - Good evening Rebecca. What a smile. - THANKS. I'm happy to be here and to see you again. Are you comfortable in the dressing room, not too hot? Flawless. - You say, you say. If you have a problem, don't hesitate. - I will complain. You do room service, we bring you a coffee. All right. - See you later Rebecca. We are going to welcome on this set a person who is taking an extremely important step for them. Perhaps one of the most important days of his life, ladies and gentlemen. She hasn't seen her children in 10 years. Her name is Emmanuelle, we welcome her straight away. Good evening Emmanuelle. - Good evening. I'm doing well ? - Yes. Sit down there. - Welcome. How are you ? Yes, we're going to do it. A little stressed? - A little. We take care of you behind the scenes, our team is there. Great, good to see you. U.S. too. Do you know the show? - Yes. I said, to welcome you, that you were taking an extremely important step this evening, since your research is the reason why you called us a few weeks ago, is that you have not seen your children since 10 years old, You asked us to invite them tonight. There is obviously a story in all of this, your story. You have experienced extremely difficult times, then some form of redemption somewhere. The difficult part of the story is that you didn't see your children anymore, but suddenly there was a change in your life, where you decided to take your life back and become the mom you should never have stopped being and that you regret not having been enough, but there's still time to make up for it, right? Did I summarize correctly? - Yes it's very good. We can't make up time, but we can continue together. Building something for the future, for tomorrow. You had two children, Laurent said so. Solène, who is now 25 years old. - No, 24. And Leo? - Twenty five. Sorry, I reversed the order. First Léo, then Solène, 25 and 24 years old respectively today, while... you were married, with these two children. You experienced major depression, with downright suicidal tendencies. - Yes. An addiction to alcohol? - Yes. So, really a very, very difficult passage. You had to be hospitalized and treated for a long time. This is when you break up with your husband and children. Separation, yes. It was very hard. They were 10 and 11 years old. I didn't see them for six months at the beginning, in 2011. Afterwards, I was allowed to see them a little bit like that. Your right to see them. - Your ex-husband had obtained custody. That's it. What does it mean to have the right to see your children? I imagine in protected circumstances on neutral ground. Can't receive them? - No. Maybe you didn't have a home at the time? I managed. It must have been an extremely painful time for you. Do you have the feeling at that time that your children understand what is happening or are angry with you? Understand, no, because they found out about my homosexuality much later, through a bad person, while I didn't have the opportunity to say it myself. You talk about your homosexuality freely, very well, but which a priori has no connection with your descent into hell. Yes Yes ? Of course. I have suffered since my adolescence because precisely… I was falling in love. Then it wasn't possible, it was an impossible love. You always knew you were homosexual, but you never accepted it, you never confronted it. No, no, I put it aside. Even though I was suffering, I put it aside. While you were married, you had two children who were starting to grow up, where you burned out because of this secret that you could no longer bear. There's that, the work, the house, the children, it was a bit... Then I fell in love with a woman, an impossible love. I loved my husband for two years. I don't know if it should be said. At first ? - Yes, right at the beginning. Although we stayed together for 17 years, because we had everything in common: work, physiotherapists too. Because you are a physiotherapist. - Yes. We had the house built. We had just had children. It kept coming, it kept coming, until one day... Years and years of lying, until the day it exploded. In your head, there is something completely cracking, in your heart too. This depression and this descent into hell, we have retraced this story in pictures, look. Emmanuelle will never forget this happiness in giving birth to her children, Léo and Solène. All the best moments during their childhood, when she was still a good mother, but all that is in the past now. As her children grow up, Emmanuelle sinks into hell. She can no longer stand everyday life. In the grip of a great depression, she lets herself be overwhelmed by difficulties. It is in alcohol that she finds refuge. Emmanuelle is gradually losing herself and she is also losing her children. Separated from them, she tries to get back on track, but her demons resurface. She struggles as best she can not to break down. Leo will rarely see his mother. He must endure her absence, just like his sister. After years of fighting against herself, Emmanuelle has now overcome this illness. She finally comes to her senses, but her children have moved away from her and it is difficult for them to forget, to forgive. Emmanuelle called on “It’s only the truth that counts”, to show her son that it was for him and his sister that she fought against her addiction. Will Leo be able to renew a maternal bond after all these years so far from her? We'll find out soon, first, we'll find out if he agreed to be here with us this evening. We will then see how your exchange goes and its possible decision. This period when your children are taken away from you. You said that you loved your husband for two years, that you lived with him for 15 more years. With 17 years of history with the father of his children, we can go to war. There are times when… - No, there was no war. There are times when, somewhere, we can also support each other, help each other, perhaps understand the other's motives, even if we do not accept the life they make you lead. At the time of separation, you did not have an ally with the father of your children? He has decided to take the children, have sole custody of them and prevent you from seeing them regularly. It's not him who decided, it's justice. Justice ? - Yes. Do you blame him? To my husband, my ex-husband? - Yes. No not at all. At all ? - No. How long did this period last when you were totally lost, totally unable to take care of your family, to take care of yourself? Several years. How long has it been, on the contrary, Emmanuelle, that you have felt strong and in control again and that you want to resume this relationship with Solène and Léo, because that is what brings you this evening? here ? For more than four, five years. I tried to reach out to them several times, without success. What was their reaction when you reached out? When I text them, they respond briefly: yes, no, but it doesn't go any further. Have you tried to chat with them, to explain to them your journey, your life? They know some of it, but they don't know a lot. Yes, they know almost everything, but I couldn't tell them face to face. The secret buried inside you for a long time, do they know that? Yes, they found out later. Not by you. - Not by me. By who ? By, supposedly, a friend of mine. And who told them what? Did your mother prefer women? Since I had already divorced, she sent a message to Solène. Since your mother is with Murielle, I no longer see her. She wants to have a child with Murielle. Wow! My daughter is 11 years old. There, now, she was 11 years old, but she lost her temper. She learned it like that, She went to her father crying, crying. According to him, that's what he told me. It's terrible, terrible. You yourself have not been able to speak to your children. I hadn't yet found the time to tell them, because I rarely saw them afterwards. This homosexuality that you refused for a long time, do you accept it, do you live it? Yes, I have completely accepted it since I turned 40. Your children, since they were informed in a way that has so far been clumsy, even ill-intentioned, have you had the opportunity to talk about it again with them? No. To know if this is something that could create discomfort for them. I did not get the opportunity. What is your thought? In relation to Pascal's question, could this create discomfort for them? No. Currently, no. What do you think they are accusing you of? What do you think your children have against you? In terms of alcohol, perhaps. Because today… - Addiction? Addiction, yes. Today, not everyone knows that it is a disease. That, we really have to… Remind him of that? - Call him back. It's an illness, it's not... Because... I'm letting myself go or because... No, no, we have to fight. Now I have been struggling for several years. I am very happy. Have you, for the moment, conquered this demon, this illness? - Yes. Oh, how difficult to defeat. - Yes. Today, have you returned to professional activity for several years? Are you a physiotherapist again? - No. I don't feel capable. Not yet. - No. Not strong enough yet. What is missing in your construction, to move on to the professional part of it, is to reconsolidate your family bond with... Do you share your life with someone today? Do you have a partner? - No. Person ? - No. So, single, alone. I don't want anyone anymore. Downright ? - Yes No. I have a six-month-old puppy, I have my little girl, a cat, my little apartment, my girlfriends, my friends, You are very good like that. - So. For the moment, you don't have room in your life for a companion, for love, but you should never say fountain. He is right. Let's not insult the future. Love is also a beautiful thing in life. We hope you cross paths with her again, Emmanuelle. We invited your children, you know that. We're going to tell you the truth right away, because it's important to... Your life is not a game. It's your life that's really at stake tonight. One of your children is here. What are you about to say to your son, since it's about him, when you see him appear just now, in a few seconds, on this set? First, I'll say sorry to him. Then I'm going to tell him that I've changed. Finally, I'm going to tell him what I wish. So. I have already... You have already matured... the words you want to say to him. So, we will obviously be with you. To support you in this process, we leave you alone for a moment, the time to find Léo in Rebecca's dressing room and bring him to this set. - THANKS. We'll leave you in good company, see you right away. We close the curtain. To obviously protect the identity of the person who is on the other side now, we are going to open Rebecca's dressing room. Here I am, I am in the company of Léo, who accepted the invitation who is extremely calm and who only wants to see you on set. Hi Leo. - Good evening Leo. Welcome. - We are waiting for you. I'm asking you to get up, follow Sam. The truth is down the hall. Good evening Leo, welcome. Hi Leo, sit down. Are you okay, Leo? Do you know the show? - Yes. Yes ? - It's true. It's amazing because I have a beloved nephew named Leo. You look a lot like him. It's him. It is not you. So you are Pascal Bataille’s nephew? Do you know Laurent? Can't imagine one day being invited? - No way. Do you have any idea, without telling us who it is? Of the person, yes. Are you thinking of someone who could invite you? All right. - A man, a woman ? A woman or a man. A woman or a man? You don't take too much risk. - Yes. Would you prefer it to be a man or a woman? Not a woman anymore. All right. Shall I offer you a clue? - Yes. Look at these screens, you know the principle. We're going to ask you a question. Leo, have we ever declared our love to you? The answer will be yes. - Yes. Explicit. How old are you ? - Twenty four. You are in a relationship. - No. So, that could… - That could be it. A love declaration. It can. Does it stress you out all of a sudden? Yes a bit. Do you want a second clue? - Yes. Look at these screens again. Pardon is certainly the prettiest word in the French language. What do you think ? It's true, yes. It's true. This somewhat confirms what I think. Someone came to ask you for forgiveness. - That's it exactly. Do you know how to forgive? I think yes. Do you want to see the face of the person who invites you? A very important truth for her to tell you. We hope it will be as important to you. So, stare at those screens again. You will be able to see it. Yes. I suspected it. Do you know this lady? It is my mother. Emmanuelle ? Is that who you were thinking of? - Yes. Is this the woman you were talking about? - Of course. Do you want to hear, Léo, what Emmanuelle says to you this evening? Yes. - Yes ? Emmanuelle, it's yours. Good evening my son. The flesh of my flesh. I wanted to invite you to the set. As well as Solène. - As well as Solène, of course. Because I never stopped thinking about you two, even since 2011. I wanted to ask you for forgiveness. Sorry for what I did on April 26, 2011. Afterwards, I was immediately hospitalized. The separation was very, very hard for you and for me, I suppose. Then, I wanted to ask your forgiveness, as well as Solène, for not knowing how to be present for your adolescence, which is still a difficult period. You would have needed a mother, I think anyway, like all children. Then I wanted to show you how much I've changed by inviting you here. This is proof, because it takes courage, a lot of courage, and I succeeded. I'm proud of myself, because now I'm happy. I manage to look at myself in the mirror, saying to myself: “I love myself.” You realize ? Have you ever done this? We will discuss it again. You are so handsome. You are really beautiful. So also, I wanted to tell you what I would like. I would like to be able to support you in your life as a young adult and in your future life. I'd like to see each other sometime. I know you live far away, but I would like to be present without being intrusive. You understand ? - Yes. Because now you are a man. You can't... Know that I will wait if I still have to, there's no problem. I still wanted to show you that over the past three, four years, I have changed enormously. I am no longer the same person you may have known at the end, before I was forced to leave the marital home. So. I wanted to tell you: “I love you”. I would like to rebuild the maternal bond with you both. Already, maybe with you first, I don't know. We'll see what Solène thinks about all this. Leo, you... We obviously feel moved. At least we would know. So you expected to have your mom on the other side of that curtain. When you ask someone for forgiveness, it is generally because the other person has reason to be angry with you. Do you blame your mom? Todays time ? I would say no. Did you hold a grudge against him in the past? - Of course. Of course. There, it's behind. Your mom said something that she didn't say again there. She had and she didn't hide it, a time when she was sick, when she was an alcoholic, which is an illness. According to her, her children did not understand that it was an illness and not just a choice. It's not something you decide to become an alcoholic. It is a disease that is very difficult to cure. It takes tremendous courage, it takes enormous tenacity to get through it. This has been the case with your mother today for apparently two or three years. She is very proud of it, and she is right. Did you understand that it was an illness? Yes, I am aware of that, of course. If she managed to get through it, I congratulate her. Yes, she was courageous in that sense. I can say kudos to him for that. Emmanuelle told us her story. You know most of that, much better than everyone else. What were you thinking when you were a teenager? What did you tell people before? You know when they say… I didn't talk about it. What does your mother do, what job does she do? I didn't talk about it. - Classic children's things. Not a word ? - No. Was it a secret? Yes, in the sense that... What was happening inside the home, I didn't talk about it at all. Is it because of the people who stopped by, had a snack or played video games with you? No one said to you, “Where is your mother?” Yes, but I didn't say it. I wasn't dwelling on the subject. Were you ashamed? I wasn't ashamed, but I don't know how to express it. It was complicated. - Yes. It was complicated, yes. A mother is missing, probably in adolescence even in pre-adolescence, a mother who is no longer there, or a mother who is failing, because she is sick, depressed, because she has big problems. At over 20, 24, do you also miss a mother? Of course, it no longer has the same role as at a certain time where now... She doesn't prepare the school bag for you. That's it, this role has changed, we'll say. Yes, afterwards, if she wants to take it back a little… So, I have a question… Go ahead, to your mother or to us? So, to both of you. You were talking about my sister. So, mom invited her. Is she there or... No, Solène is not there, she was very hesitant to come. She understood that it was your mother. She strongly suspected it, but it was not confirmed to her. Didn't she call you? - No. You two aren't very close, from what we know. Yes. However, at the last moment, she decided not to come, unlike you, who is welcome on this set. Pardon ? - She hesitated. She hesitated a lot. Is this precision important to you? Yes, because I thought... See her. - Yes. I thought I'd see her. Afterwards, it's his choice... - It's his choice, it's yours. Both choices are completely respectable. We obviously don't judge Solène's absence. Everyone has their own rhythm, perhaps too. - So. I am going to ask you, Leo, to stand up in front of the curtain, to soon give us your decision regarding the approach of this mother who has come to ask your forgiveness. You heard her correctly, there are two points in her approach. There is, at the same time, do you agree to forgive me for the harm I did to you, even if it was unintentional? Second, do you agree to give me a place in your life again, without being intrusive? She said it well, but she wants to become your mother again. You are free to leave this curtain closed, as it is in the life between you, or to open it. What do you decide? - I'll open it. He's handsome, this son. - Yes, it is magnificent. He looks like my nephew, I told you. You are beautiful, my darling. Léo, we are happy to have put you back in touch, very symbolically. We hope for lots of good things between you. We also hope that Solène, one day, will open her heart and symbolically close the curtain. Bravo, Emmanuelle for this courageous step. The years and memories with your mom in the difficult times when you were a teenager, physically, mentally, in the energy you felt... I feel a difference. That's what I was going to make you say. A huge difference? - Yes. Isn't this the same person anymore? - I do not think so. Are you happy for her? - Yes. We are happy for you. We'll let you both go, goodbye. THANKS. Walk away arm in arm, that way. Other team will take care of you. Laurent, we are going to re-establish the connection with Rebecca’s lodge. We'll see if anyone is on his side, and there is. Yes it is. Who are you with, dear Rebecca? I have the pleasure of being with Noellah, who accepted our invitation. Very chic, Noyah. Noelliah or Noyah? -Noellah. Noellah. - It's a very pretty name. Do you know, Noellah, why you are on set from this show and in Rebecca's dressing room? I know a little bit about the show because I've been watching it for years, right? The first, I was 26, you see my age. It does not make us younger. - So. Rebecca, I saw her when she was very young. - She is still very young. I always knew it. She is always beautiful, very beautiful. Yes, she is very beautiful. So the answer to my question, do you know why you are here tonight? I'm here by invitation, I don't know who it is. I'm afraid of a marriage proposal, I don't want to remarry. I'm getting divorced. I don't want that, I don't know. Honestly… You will find us soon. We are going to receive the person, man or woman, who invites you this evening. We will cook for you as before when you are in front of us. All right. - Is that okay with you, Noellah? All right. See you later, we'll leave you with Rebecca. We close the dressing room, Franck Broqua, tightly, so that Noellah does not hear our guest's first name. The lodge is closed. We will receive on this set… We are not far from the marriage proposal, but from a declaration of love. Maxime, ladies and gentlemen! Maxime we receive. Hi Maxime, you can sit at the little cross. Are you okay, Maxime? How’s Maxime doing? GOOD. - Stress ? A little yes. - A bit as it should be? Yes. Noellah who we just saw, you know her very well. Yes, very good. - What is the nature of your relationships? It's loving. - Lover ? Yes. - Do you have a story? Was she single? - Yes, she was single. She told us about a divorce, but it's... She was separated when you arrived. - Yes. Is she getting divorced? - Yes. Did you have a history with her? A real love story or… - Yes, a real love story. We see each other from time to time, because she has her own life with her daughters. Then I have my accommodation. You see each other regularly, but don't live together. No. - There is a problem in your relationship. Yes. How old are you ? I am 37 years old. - All right. Noellah, you can't tell the age of a lady. In this case, as this is the subject of the story, we have to say it, she is a few years older than you. - Yes. Yes, how much ? - Forty six. She's about ten years older than you. It turns out that Noellah thinks she's too old, so to speak. Too old. to be with someone like you, so young, right? So she decided to stop your story. That's it. In short, I'm too old for you, you're a little young. Live your life with younger women, it will never do. I'm afraid of the consequences as I get older. That’s a bit of history. Am I summarizing correctly? - That's a good summary. So, when did it end? About a month ago. Finished, finished. - Yes, finished, finished. How did she tell you? A little via the networks. We had a bit of a headache. That's to say ? In details ? It was a simple little encounter, but... Did she tell you it was over? Did you have a bad experience? I took it badly, and I'm sensitive like her too. What makes you want today, despite this decision she made and which she clearly expressed to you, to try to win her back? Because I care about her, and I believe in us. I love this person. Let me be clear, I see the story as if it were... Noellah had said that she was too old for you, that she preferred to stop there. Is that the only reason for the separation? Or she would tell you: “I don’t love you anymore or less.” “I’m less in love, you’re unbearable.” "It's not okay." Or other things? No. - Is that really the age? There is age, there is also this situation currently. That's to say ? His separation, plus his daughters who don't accept me too. Why don't his daughters accept you? I don't know. Yes, they are young too. It's the first time for them. - How old are they? They are 13 and 15 years old. - All right. Not an easy age when you have teenage daughters. In addition to the daughters, mom and dad are separated. Mom's boyfriend comes home. It's never the best time in the world. Did you get along well with her? No more, with Noellah, yes, but with her daughters, no. So, a bit of a very difficult relationship, right? Yes. This is also, perhaps, one of the reasons which made Noellah prefer the well-being of her daughters, perhaps her personal well-being too. Yes, a little, she has difficulty managing all that too. What gave you the idea to call our team and invite Noellah to our set? What did you say to yourself? Do you always say on TV: “If you too,” “you have a reconquest to do”? Obviously, it gives ideas, that’s the goal. No, watching your show... What I mean is, why do you think being on that set is going to help you make your case and move your case forward? Because everything you have to say to him there, you have already told him in private life. She's not old, don't worry, I'll be there for you. I don't mind that you're 10 years older. Did you reassure him about all that? - Yes. And it doesn't work. - No. We're not sure it's a nice surprise for her to see you. I'm confident. - You are confident. Do you think that the approach, the fact that you did all that, inviting her to the set of Laurent and Pascal, could convince her of the strength of your feelings? I think yes. If this evening she tells you, when she is going to see and hear you, and when Pascal asks her the ritual question of opening the curtain, if she says no, we will let her go and we will meet you here. Will this be a finished story for you? - Yes. Still, you want to take a chance. - Yes. Maxime, we're going to leave you there. Refine your message, your speech a little. Have you prepared anything? - No, by feeling. By feeling, by heart. - Calm. Maybe she suspects it's you, maybe not. We will see that soon. - I think she has doubts. Does she have doubts? - Yes. It will be up to you to fill in her doubts, then prepare your speech to convince her. We are with you, in any case, we are going to the other side. Not a word yet. See you soon, Maxime. - All right. The curtain is closing, thank you Franck Broqua. The management and the entire team, we take this opportunity to congratulate them on their remarkable work on this show. We've had teams, but teams like that... We're going to reestablish the connection with Rebecca's dressing room. Very difficult for me to let Noellah go, because we have a musical dressing room. - For what ? She sings, she is in a good mood. - What does she sing? Want to hear a little? - Yes. Like what, we might ask? What is your register? - French varieties. Like Julien Doré, for example. - Oh, Julien Doré… We were no longer Édith Piaf. - So. Nekfeu? - No no no no. Female repertoire all the same. We're going to do a classic, a little Aznavour. Woaw, so there… - So, you don’t sing anything. Yes, yes, yes. Edith Piaf. - Do you see Lara Fabian? Wait, Rebecca, you know what we're going to do. We're going to make her sing here. It's better, because I took advantage of it, there's no reason why... We have the means to blackmail her. Noellah, I'm asking you to get up, you're going to follow Sam, and the truth and the song are at the end of the hallway. Come join us, Noellah. Hello, delighted. Pascal, hello. - Good morning. Nice to meet you. - How are you ? There you go, sit down. You look stressed. - Yes. You have beautiful eyes. - Thanks, that's nice. No it's the truth. - These are my dad's eyes. Your dad's eyes? - Yes. Were you watching us at 26? - Yes. ♪ I'm talking to you about a time. - Who... You don't know how to sing. ♪ Cannot know. I do not know anymore. - Montmartre at that time. ♪ Montmartre at that time. ♪ That’s where we met. Me who was crying famine. And you who posed naked. - ♪ And you who posed naked. ♪ Bohemian, ♪ bohemian. ♪ It meant, ♪ you are pretty. ♪ Bohemia, ♪ Bohemia, ♪ We don’t… Bravo. There, you have given Europe great pleasure, because for as long as he has been dreaming, she must take Nagi's place. We didn't forget the words. I did casting, they don't want me. I swear to you. They are very wrong. - No. Do you all do shows? - No. I have a friend who signed me up randomly. You have a lovely voice. - I know. I have been singing since I was five years old. Nobody wants me, even the producers. Serious ? - Go ahead, hire me. This is the opportunity. I am ready to give love and joy. I'm a former orchestral singer and that's all I ask. You are ready to give love to people, that's good. I'm trying to get you back on track a little. You told us earlier, all except one marriage proposal. - Yes. Why no marriage proposal? - I am not yet divorced. And so... It doesn't mean an immediate marriage, but a marriage proposal. You can say yes, you get married one of these four. You're asking too much of me. Do you have children? - Yes. I have two beautiful daughters, gems. They know you're coming this evening. - Yes. I didn't bring them because it's impressive. I preferred to keep them at home. It's especially Laurent who is impressive, when you see him in real life. In any case, you are very handsome, I am delighted to meet you. THANKS. You are from another. Thank you so much. - How old are these two beauties? How ? - How old are these two beauties? Thirteen and 15 and a half years old. You don't know who is inviting you this evening, a woman, a man? You do not know ? - No. You certainly want to because… - I'm afraid. You are afraid. Don't be afraid, there are only good things here. You have the choice to say yes or no. - No. You know the ritual. If you know the show, Pascal has clues in his little pocket. Do you want a clue? - Yes I want. Look at these screens. Look. Noellah, if you could go back in time, how far would you go? Good question. As far away as possible, to be able to be as young as possible. If I could go back in time... Is there a moment in your life that you would like to relive? Yes. What era? When I was an orchestral singer. It was magical for me, it was wonderful. I gave people a lot of joy, and it was... Me, on stage, it's my life, the stage. How old were you at the time? - Nineteen, 20 years old. You started early. - Yes. What makes you stop? We'll say the husband. Children, family life… The husband, because you were married. You had to feed the family, the bohemian life wasn't enough, or because he didn't want you to go on stage. I don't know if he didn't want to... Maybe not, he liked when I sang, but... I think there was a little jealousy. Today, you continue to sing a little at parties… Yes, I am asked for private parties. Friends, birthday, wedding: we ask you to sing. Yes, Christmas, wedding too. I sang “The Desire to Love” at a wedding, with a pianist. - You could have sung this song to us. I can sing it. - Go for it. ♪ It will be us tomorrow. ♪ We will be the path. ♪ So that the love ♪ that we know how to give ourselves, ♪ gives us the desire to love. ♪ It will be us tonight. ♪ It’s up to us to want it. ♪ Make sure that the love ♪ that we know how to give ourselves, ♪ gives us the desire to love. Well done Noellah, well done, well done. That's good, that's good. The good thing is that Noellah just gave us two songs. In two songs, she gave herself two clues of what will happen to her tonight. Pascal has a second clue for Noellah. - Gladly, with pleasure. Do you want a second clue? - Yes. Look up there again. Noellah, you are in a boat, Pascal or Laurent falls into the water. Which one would you prefer to be? I didn't hear the end. Pascal and Laurent are in a boat. Which of us falls through? No, we're in a boat and we fall into the water. Which one are you drafting, right? Yes, we do it however you want. Which one do you prefer sinking or which one you fish out? I'll give you a hint, we have to fish out Laurent, because he swims very poorly, I've already saved him once. You know what, what is my last name? My real last name? - No. Not my married name. - No. It's Buoy, so I'll save you both. Hence the clue. Me too, my last name could be Bouée. Yes me too. Which of us do you draft? - Both. Yes, because you are very wonderful, you are very beautiful in yourself. There, I see you in real life. We're going to keep the whole show on set for you. I especially hope that you will keep your passion like that, seductress. I'm like that all the time. - For the rest of the board. I can't open the curtain. Noellah, whatever it is, you are completely free. You know it here, whether you look or not, on the other side of the curtain through the screens. Then, to listen or not to the person who came to speak to you and finally, to say yes or no to their request. So, be completely calm. - We breathe. First step, do you want to look at the face of the person who invites you? Yes, I came for that. We thought you had come to see us. First, I came to see you. Yes, yes, then, Rebecca too. We are married too. I don't touch married men. Ah no, no, no… You are all less married. - Me I am not married. Me, a lot, a lot, anyway. - Alright. Noellah. - Come on, Noellah, let's get it together. Our director, Franck Broqua, will pierce this curtain, and will make the person who invites you appear on the screens. We breathe. Do you know this boy? Maxim. - Yes. Was Maxime one of the hypotheses you had in mind? Of course. Hypotheses. - Yes. I spoke to him on the phone again yesterday. Did he tell you he was inviting you? - No. Did you believe him? - A beautiful liar. We have to lie on this show. Just for that. -Little lies. I knew it was him. - On ? Certainly, because it's his favorite show. Do you have any idea what Maxime came to tell you? Yes. Yes, I think I have an idea of what he came to tell me. Yes ? At this moment you have to look with those eyes. It's hard. What's hard? We had a lot of... misunderstandings, misunderstandings. Afterwards, we get along very well. I don't think I fit his criteria, I know that. Physically, mentally? - No, not physically. It's true, he has a lot of charms. He knows it, well, for me anyway. No, what happened, I still forgave twice. I don't have to forgive three times, because it hurts. I had a lot… He scared me very, very, very scared. At the moment we're scared... - He scared me, what does that mean? He is someone who is very calm, but who lost his temper, who interfered a little in my life. I live alone with my two children. He has no children. He doesn't know what a life with my two children is like. They're teenagers, and my daughters don't accept it. Afterwards, we get along very well. It's hard to start a new life with someone and you have children nearby, my daughters are wonderful, but... it's not possible. I don't want to lose my children, I love them. I can't lose my children because of him. Wait, we're not there yet. - I know well. What we know about history, because the public is benevolent, is history. You have a small age difference, but it doesn't show. THANKS. We were told that you have two beautiful daughters, that it was not easy to manage, and that he loved you madly and that he felt that you were the woman of his life, at the moment, and that he would do everything tonight to convince you that, despite everything, despite adversity, you could trust him and have a story with him. Am I summarizing correctly? - Yes. Do you know the situation? - Yes I know her. I cut ties, finally, I dare to talk a little, I just want to remain friends, because we get along very well. Do you still want to listen to Maxime? Yes. Yes ? - Yes. Maxime, it's yours. Yes Goodnight. - Good evening Maxime. I came to tell you how much I miss you, that it's hard without you, that I love you, that we had good times together, and that I don't forget all that, that I I want it to last and I still believe in it. You can talk to him. I don't believe it anymore because I was scared. You scared me very, very scared. You scared me, my children, my mother, my brother too. What did you do, Maxime, to frighten him so much? He got angry, very angry. Yes, I got upset because your daughters don't accept me, just because of that. They suffered an extremely difficult separation. They can't accept a man like that, who comes into their mother's life. It's... I'm not like that, you know that. I know, but sometimes you have to know how to step aside, to leave when you have to leave. You didn't want to leave, you made your sleeve. You should have left. You didn't do it, to leave us alone and so that the three of us could calm down. Clearly, let us understand clearly, without going into details, but let us understand all the same, you have more or less expressed your separation. He got angry, he was upset, unhappy. He threw a fit. Your daughters were present a little… - They were there. They witnessed it. - Yes. Everyone wondered who is this shouting gentleman at home. It was extremely violent. I have experienced such situations and I don't want them anymore. I aspire to a peaceful life. No, I aspire to a peaceful life, I want a man who calms me down. I have suffered a lot of tension. I am a mother above all, I raised my two daughters alone. They didn't see their dad, so they need me. They are not yet major, but minor. In the eyes of the law, I have no right, and he wants me all to himself. I tell you it's true. There is the desire to love. - It's impossible. It's impossible, we agree. Maxime, you didn't tell this story. You said it was difficult. You didn't say that it caused a little trauma... I've already forgiven twice. This is the third time he's asked me. I know he misses me. I am good with him, we are very good together. Children who interact, it's not easy, because the girls don't accept it, they don't feel it. Afterwards, I can't do anything about it, it's not my fault. At the same time, as a parent, as a dad, we understand what you are saying, you are right to protect your daughters and preserve your relationship. At the same time, it is not up to children, including adolescents, to choose their parent's love life. You must also have the right to your freedom, to love if you love, without it being intrusive or problematic for them. Protecting them, of course, but giving them the choice, the man who will be the next man in your life, is complicated too. - Yes. We've been separated for a year and a half. It's very recent. I left my house for a year and a half, I had to leave everything in a hurry. Its not always easy. They miss their dad a lot. The man scares them. It's hard for two young girls to build themselves and become women. They're a little traumatized, a little burned by things that have already happened, and you don't want them to relive it with someone else. Maxime, we said earlier that it was a bit of a last chance, it was double or nothing this evening. I'm going to tell you something a little harsh, but I don't find you very convincing. A moment ago, you played at your love since you love Noellah. I'm a good person. I have a big heart. I'm a nice person. Life is such that I have problems at the moment. Then, I just ask to be good with her. She even knew that I gave her daughters a soprano concert as a gift. Afterwards, I try to make an effort. - I don't have love. Love cannot be bought, we agree. You know it takes time, Maxime, especially with teenagers . They are somewhat reluctant characters, adolescents in general. As a dad, I think you feel yourself. I had experienced adolescence, children are not easy. We experienced this, I have my current partner who has two children, including a teenager. I know very well the efforts, Little effort to be made, charming children but as an adult and new companion, we absolutely have to do. It’s not up to the children to make the effort obviously. Do you want to lie down a bit and talk about it? - No, no… Noellah starts. Noellah jumps in, telling me: “you’re a dad, you need to know.” Yes, of course, of course, of course, of course. We have all experienced this situation. Is there no way to find a solution? A romantic solution? Clearly, this evening, you tell him: I'm letting this curtain close, we're going to stop there. Or I don't know what else. Is there still a door of history to open? If I open a door, no, it will start again. It will start again, it has been twice, so it will start again a third time. It's sure, it's even certain. I'm sure he simply doesn't know how to control himself. You no longer had confidence. - No. Maxim! Yes. You hear Noellah, you don't know how to control yourself. That’s a problem. Yes, I can control myself, but she doesn't trust me. A bit of a chicken and egg situation. I have experienced dealing with men and I know what it is like. No, I don't want to suffer again like before. I want a good man, who respects me, who loves me, who listens to me as I am, because I am in love. I don't want to cry anymore. I suffered screams, I don't want it anymore, it's over. I do not want anymore. I speak on behalf of women who have suffered like me. Men are difficult. Maxime is not responsible for what you experienced before. No, but I don't want to start again, because it's... Noellah, I ask you to get up according to the principle, and place yourself facing this curtain, on the other side of which Maxime is standing, who came to try to win you back, to convince you one last time that you could trust him, and that he loved you, that he thought you were the woman of his life. What do you decide? I won't open the curtain, I just want to remain friends. On the other hand, I open the curtain to remain friends. No. - No. No no no. - This question is clear. She is saying, I want us... That doesn't stop us from remaining friends, curtain open or closed. He doesn't want to be friends. - You'll see that with him. You can meet up backstage after the show, if you want, both of you, and obviously at your place. The question was clear: the curtain must open if you accept the romantic relationship that Maxime is asking of you. No ? We heard Noellah, we'll let you go back that way. THANKS. - Thank you so much. You are a wonderful character. You deserve lots of happiness. - THANKS. We will ask the co-director to reopen the curtain to be able to find Maxime. Complicated to convince a determined woman, firstly, she has a great character, and secondly, she was clear from start to finish. I do not know what you think about it. She doesn't play ambiguity. No. - For me, it is cash. In any case, will you respect his decision? We're counting on you not to harass her, not to return to the charge on this. - It's the worst thing to do that. Let her mature her decision. It's up to you to decide if you want to remain friends with her according to her proposal. In any case, we wish you a very good journey. THANKS. See you soon Maxime. A new story, Pascal. We will find Rebecca in her dressing room. Rebecca, are you with us? - Yes, I am with you. I'm also with Jena Boo, who is honestly a little scared. I try to relax her. I doubt I'll be able to do it, but I told him that everything with you was going wonderfully well. You are absolutely right, relax Jena Boo. Everything is fine. - Yes, I relax. We're going to close the dressing room with Rebecca, hermetically sealed, thank you, Franck Broqua. We will discover, who came to tell Jena Boo a truth? Her name is Kim Elias, let's applaud ladies and gentlemen. Hi Kim Elias, take care. - THANKS. Hello Kim Elias. How is Kim Elias doing? - I'm very good. Earlier, you told me you were super stressed. No, it's okay, not too much? How are you. When we arrive on set… - Exactly. Arriving on the set, it’s instant relaxation. You are good and elegant. - Thank you, like you. What do you do for a living ? I'm in the fashion industry. I organize fashion shows in Belgium. A passion ? A passion, otherwise, I have a degree in commerce. Have you always wanted to work in fashion? Always. - Since childhood ? Yes. Who is the lady we just saw on the other side with Rebecca? You will see that it has a link with your professional choices and your passion, since it is your? Mom. - Mom. Normally, she likes fashion and clothes. She adores. - She adores. However, she doesn't want you to do this job. No. - Absolutely not. It's almost becoming a conflict between you today. I wouldn't say conflict, but I can understand. As a mother, we want to see our children really achieve very well. It's a small problem of misunderstanding but it's not a conflict. What is a problem of misunderstanding? - She doesn't know what I'm doing. Didn't you tell him? - No, she knows, but maybe she's not interested, because, for her, everything that is fashion is not a profession. - It's not a real job. Today, I want to make her understand that it is one. You can go very far and in life, you have to want, you have to dare, and when you love something, everything is possible in life. So for the moment, she considers that you don't have a real job and that you are putting your future in the air? Exactly. - A question that arises from parents and many children, even if things are fortunately changing and there are fewer blockages in relation to certain professions. What scares your mom? If you succeeded in this profession, should she be proud? I think that everyone knows that, it's a very complex environment, very risky, very complicated for a young woman, because I started seven years ago and it's the fear of falling. She is scared. I think that's it. - What exactly is she afraid of? To fail, to not succeed. Why did you call us and being on this show will change her mind? First of all I want her to know my background, because she doesn't know what I do and I want her to get into my story. When you tell him about it at home, do you show him things, what do you tell him? She doesn't want to hear about it, she thinks that it remains a little passion like that that interests you and that is in your head, but that in the end, you won't do that as a career? For her, it's a game. It's like all parents, they want the best for their children: Get a job, you earn your living, and that's it. I think bigger, and I am ambitious. I know that with a seven-year journey, I will succeed. You have to work. - You have brothers and sisters ? Yes, little sisters. - Are they completely with you? No, because they are small, they don't know what I do. The other is 14 years old and the other is 10 years old. They are still young to understand. At 14, you can support your sister, especially when she wants to work in fashion, that's pretty cool, right? It's better than technical jobs, where we don't care. A 14-year-old girl must see her big sister as a role model. Absolutely, maybe we'll have to explain them again so she can understand what I'm doing. I'm opening a little digression, Laurent and I have been dreaming of showing for a long time, do you think you could put us together one day? work for large sizes? - She's going to be polite, look carefully. Look, that's good, because my event, I called it Miss and Mister Cosmopolitan and there is a Senior category. I thought she was going to say the XXL category. No, Senior, it's for you, XXL, it's for me. Senior Category. - Senior. Do we have our chances then? - Exactly. Mom when you talk to her about what you do, she doesn't listen, isn't she interested? She thinks these are the little whims of young adults and that you're not doing anything serious about it? She wants me to do something else her dream was, maybe I'm a lawyer or maybe I'm a doctor. It's not my world or my environment, nor what I want to do. I want her to support me in what I want to do. Maybe I will be even higher, because we always need the support of our parents, of our loved ones. It's very important, it allows us to evolve, to have strength. If this mother says: “No, no matter how hard you try to convince me,” “I don’t believe in this job and I will never support you.” What are you going to do ? Is this going to break something between you? No, because she's still my mom, I'll understand. For me, if she says that, it's a fear once again. I hope one day she will understand. It's up to me to show that this is not a game. What will do that is my job. You understand ? In other words, do you want her to take you seriously? Does she take this activity seriously? It is important. I see this very far and I want her to see things the same way I see things. Your mother, as we have already seen, accepted Rebecca's invitation. She's in the dressing room. We'll give you a few minutes here, quiet, we'll receive her. Then it's up to you to be super convincing. - See you soon. We close the curtains. See when this curtain closes, you see Pascal? It is well motorized, the folds are well done. We worked well. Come on, let's reopen the connection with Rebecca's dressing room, which is still with Jena Boo. I'm not sure I'm good at relaxing people, because she... Gets even more stressed. - No. We said it simultaneously. No, but it's time for her to join you. Try introducing him to Sam. Will he talk to him? - Of course he'll talk to her. I'm going to ask you to stand up. - Yes. You're going to follow Sam and the truth is down the hall. OK. Please join us, Good evening, are you okay? - I'm fine, thank you. You are beautiful. Good evening Jena Boo. - Good evening. Sit on the small cross. How are you ? A little less stressed on set or is it worse? It's worse. - It's worse ? They seem nice and all that. - No, it's okay. Do you have any idea who came to invite you to the set of Only the Truth That Counts? - No. No idea ? - No way. Childhood friend ? - No. Love reconquest? - No not at all. Thunderbolt ? - No not at all. When you say that, is it because you don't want it? Yes, but I don't know, I don't see who it is, no idea. No idea. Do you want a little clue? - Yes. Here we go. Jena Boo, are you more of a woman of passion or reason? A woman of reason. A woman of reason? - Yes. Yes ? - Yes. You don't do things out of passion, you analyze, you think? Yes sometimes. Not always. Do you do them quietly? - Quietly, yes. You take time to make decisions. Do you give people reasonable advice? Yes always. Always ? - Always. Do we listen to this advice? - Yes. Yes ? I would like some clothing advice, because you guys are super stylish. Yes yes. - Yes ? Yes, very pretty sneakers, pretty dress, pretty cardigan, beautiful jewelry. Very beautiful. Come on, a second clue. - Yes. Jena Boo, is caring the same as listening? Is caring the same as listening? It must be said, because we haven't said it, that your job is? - Surface technician. What do you do for work ? - To the hospital. You are in the medical field. - You are in the hospital environment. Hospital. - That's it. Is caring the same as listening? Is keeping busy when you work in a hospital the important thing is to listen? - Yes, it's listening too. Yes ? - Yes. Take care of the patient. - Do you have children? Yes. - How much ? Three. Three girls. - Three girls ? You will find it. - Yes. Are you someone who is normally listened to a lot? Who listens a lot. - Yes ? Yes. Do you want to find out who invited you? Yes, I would like to. Look in these screens and the control room will bring up the face of a person who has something to tell you. Yes. I knew it. You knew it ? - Yes, I… You suspected that. - I suspected that. For what ? I suspected it, because I don't know anyone besides her... Who would be capable of doing that. - So. Wait, wait. Jena Boo. - Yes ? If you doubted that it was your daughter… - Yes, she is my daughter. You can imagine why… - Yes. …she called you over this evening? No, I don't know... - You don't know why... ...she's calling me here, no. You do not know ? - No. Don't you know? - No not at all. Do you want to listen to what she has to say to you? Yes, I want to listen. Yes ? - Yes. Emilia, it's yours. - Yes. All smiles. - Oh dear ! First of all, I want to thank you and tell you that I love you. Yes. Me too, yes. Why are you crying ? She’s… - We’ve cried enough. Tell you that I love you and that you are a brave mother. I want you to accept my work, and encourage me. I know that if you don't want to, it's because you want me to be able to have everything you couldn't have in your life. However, I want you to trust me and know that my work is a profession. I simply need your encouragement, your strength, because without you, I cannot go further than this. I need you. You have to believe in me. - I believe you. So. - Yes, if I believe you, but that's all mothers... I'm afraid that you... I know that you work a lot, but I'm afraid that... I would like you to do something more. That's it. More than your job now. That's all. - What worries you Jena Boo, what makes you have the feeling that what Emilia told us, that what she was doing was not a real job, a real one? work that… What if... She wasn't building a serious future for herself? Yes, it's a real job, but I would like her to do something more. What do you call something more? Do training. - Lawyer, doctor? I'm not saying lawyer, doctor, but doing something she likes on the side. She thinks I don't know, but no. I was all alone with her, but I was working. I worked a lot. I got up at 5 a.m. to help, so that she could go to school, to get ahead, so that she could do a lot of studies, so that she could get ahead in school. Do you think she doesn't earn enough money? She doesn't show it to me. No, you don't show it to me. Maybe you earn more, but you don't show it to me. What your daughter told us is that she wants to continue on this path. Children, fortunately, do not have the dreams of their parents, otherwise it would be an eternal start again. We have all known boys or girls in families who do something else even though a path has been paved. Sometimes there are conflicts in families. You are not alone in this, and you will not be the only one. What your daughter is telling you this evening is that she hears what you are saying, but she can barely talk to you about it, because you get stuck quite quickly. Besides, we see it this evening. I don't blame you, you have every right. I understand very well when you have worked all your life, you have worked very hard, as was our case, you have gone through hardships and you at least hoped that your son or daughter would make a few studies to guarantee a possible et cetera and that's how it is, we are not happy. She says she wants to continue, but not without her mom's support and complete understanding and being able to talk to her about what she's doing. No, I would like to support her and see her do something else on the side. That's what I wanted. If she gets out of it, good for her. Kim Elias, have you heard? She says she wants to support you, but wonders why you don't do something else besides. That's it. - What do you have to say? Look, it's not that I don't do something on the side, but it's what I love, it's what I do. It's already work, it's already complicated. So, I bring my mother here so she can see my work. That's the goal, it's so you can see my work and say I love you, it's not for anything else. So that you support me, so that you can understand that my work is work. We need to believe. - Yes, I believe it. Now I believe in it. If I'm here, it's because I believe in it. It's still a good thing. - Yes, I really believe it. There is irony, let us understand, we don't want any discomfort, your daughter is asking us to bring you over, The first thing I heard was I love you. When she opened the screen, the first thing she said: I came to tell you that I love you. - Yes me too. Before she talks to you about fashion, sewing, hems, pants... Me too... - I love you. It's important nonetheless. - Yes. When you have such a determined child, with such passion, then fashion is really... Sorry, it's like people who want to play sports... Or TV. -…working in sport or TV or the arts is a real thing. To explain it, you have to become an accountant, a legal advisor or a geography teacher. Try whatever you want, if it's a passion, it's a passion. You have a passionate daughter, many young people are not. That's a good point, one. - Yes. Afterwards, she is sufficiently determined and mentally strong to return to a set on C8 to speak to her mother live. Two… Be careful, you don't know how to count to three in English. Especially since I'm not sure I have the third argument. Two is very good. One, two. It's already great. - Yes. I would be proud if my daughter did that. I too am proud of her. We will ask you to stand up, facing the curtain, to stand here on the small cross. Be careful not to fall. On the other side of this curtain... Besides, excuse me, I don't know if our cameramen see the mother. You are a super modern, super smart and stylish mom. If you were like that, people would say you don't understand anything about fashion. It's not a job. - Yes, fashion is a profession. You see it’s a job. - Yes, it’s a job. Jena Boo, on the other side of this curtain, Kim Elias who invited you to tell you mom, I love you, but I want, I even need, that you accept my job as a real job and that you support me more in what I do, that you believe in me and that you think that I will succeed and I can succeed. Are you willing to open the curtain and truly trust him tonight, finally? Yes I agree. So, we open the curtain. All that to come… You are both as elegant as the other. In any case, you have a mother who had a very strong personality. Yes. - That too is a positive point. It's number three. - Yes, it's number three. Thank you Pascal, you saved me on number three. You have a wonderful daughter and you know what? Perhaps life will tell you that in two years it will tell you: Mom was right, I wasted two years. She will have lost two years of her life, and maybe in five years, six years, you will be in Paris during fashion week and you will look at her work. You see, Pascal and I will come to see you. You are the mother of the famous stylist. - We will parade in the Senior thing. See you soon. - Thank you so much. Lots of good things for you. - THANKS. Be happy! Go that way. - Thank you goodbye. Fourth story of this show, and as usual it's time to return to a cult sequence from the first version of the show. You remember the declarations of love and marriage proposals on this set. However, this one was special, because Chantal was 53, Alain 39. They were 14 years apart and she had proposed to him here. We will see what has become of them 20 years later. Watch this memorable clip from the show. Good evening. - Good evening. Good evening. How are you ? How are you ? - Alright. You're lying. - A little stressed. A little stressed ? - So. Are you not very well? - Not really. We saw each other before and you told me: “I’m scared, I’m a little nervous.” Then, it's a crucial evening for you. - Yes. Your eyes hide it, but we know your story. You are in love. - Quite. That's for sure. - Crazy. Crazy! Where are you from ? - From Marseille. From Marseille. So, you're not in love with an OM player? No. Nor a PSG player. He is a boy who has one characteristic, he is a little younger than you. Fourteen years old. - Fourteen years old. It's not a common thing to ask a lady's age, but do you want to tell us? - Yes, I am 53 years old. Fifty-three years old, and he? - Thirty nine years. So Alain, since that's his first name, 39 years old, you hesitated for a long time to get involved with him. Yes. - How did it go, Olivia? We met at my workplace and saw each other every week. Excuse me, I'm a little emotional. We dated, but the handicap was age. You have a story… A story… - Of love? Of love. - Did you tell the others? No, because it handicapped me. Who is more embarrassed, you or Alain? Me, because Alain always says: “Love cannot be counted in years.” He is right. - So. SO ? - So, I came this evening to ask her... To ask her - ... in marriage. He doesn't want to hear about it? We talk about it and he always says to me: “Why not?” Because he has a past and so do I. Have you both been married? - Yes, both. Children? - Alain, twice. Twice already? - Yes. Do you know what they say? Never two without three. - Never two without three. Are you married too? - Yes, 18 years old. Eighteen times? - No, 18 years old. We have six children, three and three. Three and three. - So. You've been living together for two years. For you, it would be necessary to make it happen. You would actually like to see this adventure, this love story turn into a marriage. - Yes. However, for the moment he is quite reluctant. I no longer believed in love because I was disappointed. I said that all men were the same and he proved to me that they were not. Were these two years total bliss? - Total happiness. He brought me a lot, he made me, how should I say? He gave me… - He gave you a taste for happiness again. Taste for happiness, for living, for flourishing. I found everything with him. What do you feel like you bring to him? I bring him a lot, from what he tells me. What's he saying ? - We complete each other. I bring him the stability he didn't have. I bring him a lot of happiness and love. Is the age difference… You said it was a problem for you, less and less now. What type of problem does this still cause you or could it cause you? The gaze of others, or of people who reflect? The look of others and I tell myself that 14 years apart, he can leave me for someone younger. For me, the way others look at me is terrible. Finally, I say to myself: "When they see me with him, what do people think?" That's mostly it. - Yes. Finally this evening, I came to prove to him that I am beyond all that. He taught me that we can love each other even with the age difference. I came to declare my love for him, because he is someone I love and I hope to spend my life with him if he so desires. It's not win. - It's not win. Tell us why. We're going to discover Alain because as Laurent said, Daphné went to bring him Chantal's invitation, without telling him that it was she who invited him to come on this set, look. I am in the south of France, more precisely in Marseille. Nothing beats a getaway in the sun. Here, the view from Garde Hill dominates the city. I stop the guided tour to join Alain, a 39-year-old man, to give him this invitation and perhaps the hymn to love. It's over there. Hello, I'm Daphné from Only the Truth That Counts. Are you Alain? - Yes. I have come to bring you this invitation and I hope to have you on our set on Monday. Thank you. It's a big surprise. Handsome guy! -It makes you cry just seeing him. He's someone who… brought me so many things that I'm moved. Do you see it every day, without shedding tears when you get up? No, no, but I'm... - See it on TV. Chantal, why choose this tray to propose to her? I choose the stage so that there are many people who will witness my statement, because I don't know if I would have done it otherwise. I want them to know that I love him despite all the obstacles there may be, and I really want... It's the big night, are you ready to propose? Yes. If he ever refused to open this curtain this evening, if he still needed to think, if he needed to mature this decision further, how would you take it? - It's not win. No, it's not a given, but I would like it just as much. We will go find him if he accepted your invitation and if he is next to Daphne, which we will find out in just a moment. As soon as the curtain closes, Pascal. Daphne? - Yes. Are you alone or accompanied? I am accompanied by Alain. Good evening Alain. - Good evening. How are you ? - Alright. Alain came from Marseille. It was a pleasure to find him. Last time I had a sunny day. It made me very happy. - What does he do for a living? I take care of the vending machines. Alain, do you know why you are here? - Yes. He came to see me in my dressing room. - Exactly. In the meantime, we're going to have to leave because you didn't come to see me, but Pascal, Laurent and more if you like. I'm going to ask you to stand up. The truth is down the hall and please follow Sam. - Thank you. How are you ? - Alright. Let me introduce you to Laurent. - Good evening. Alain, proud to be from Marseille? - Yes. Fan of OM of course? - Of course. Is there a Marseillais who is not? - No. Parisians are not fans of Paris. - That's not said. Yes, we are Parisian, we are not a fan of Paris. The people of Marseille are OM fans. It's a thing. - Yes. It unites the city. - Yes, it's something. Alain, a little emotional? - Yes. Who do you expect to find on the other side of that curtain? No, no idea. No idea. - No idea. An old friend you haven't seen in a long time? No. - Declaration of love ? No idea. - A thank you, we often get them in this show. - No, I have no idea. So, to get you started, someone is going to ask you a question. Look up there, and listen to this question. Alain, in life, when you have an important decision to make, are you the go-getter type or the hesitant type? A question that often arises here, since the people who are invited sometimes have to give an answer which is only symbolic for one evening and does not commit their lives, they can change afterwards. In any case, they need to make their decisions solemnly. Are you the hesitant type, you need time to choose? Or the go-getter type, even if it means regrets behind, but at least we're going. - Rather thoughtful. You don't make decisions impulsively? No no no no. - Never a crush, never a whim, - No, always thoughtful. So, do you want to find out the identity of the person who invited you? - Yes. Look at this screen again. You will see the face of the person who invited you. Yes, I know this person. - Do you know her well? Yes, very good. I know her every day. No introduction? - No, we already know each other. Did you expect Chantal to appear in these screens? - No, as we came together. Surprise ? - Total. Did she accompany you? - Yes. Did she indicate who was on the other side? No. - She searched with you? Yes. - Complete surprise? So. Do you want to know what she has to say? - Yes. Are you wondering? - Yes. No idea ? - No, no idea. Chantal. - Yes. It's yours. Nanny. - Yes. Good evening. - Hello again. If I invited you this evening, it is to thank you first of all for everything you have given me. You got me out of a big depression. You made me reborn. You taught me to love again. You took care of Sébastien like his dad would have done in times of difficulty. You supported me for a whole year and I wanted to tell you that you are an exceptional person, and I love you. My approach this evening, if you want it, of course: I would like to ask you to marry me. I know this is an important and delicate decision. If, tonight, you decide not to open the curtain, I won't blame you, because I love you. I love you and I will love you forever. How are you ? - Yes, it will be fine, we will say. Nanny. For the close friends. - Sorry, Alain. No, it'll be fine, you're intimates tonight. Yes, I am very touched. Did you think Chantal could come here to propose? - No, I didn't think it was Chantal behind it, but it's her character to go to the end of things. She spoke to us about the age difference you have, saying: “Tonight, I completely embrace it, because I’m talking about it.” This evening, this approach involves both asking him to marry him and also telling everyone that we have a slight age difference, but that doesn't bother him or her. Which doesn't bother anyone. - Yes. It's okay, you're... That's it, I'm... - Are you ready to give us your answer soon? - Yes. Do you already have the answer in your head? - Yes. Yes ? - Yes. As it is a response that, for the moment, you have always formulated in a way that is not negative, but very hesitant. - Very evasive, we will say. We'll see, why not. Yes, there, you are not against the wall, but against the curtain in this case. Besides, I'm going to ask you to stand up and face this curtain that separates you from Chantal. She came this evening, with emotion and love, to propose to you, to ask you, Alain, to answer once and for all yes or no to her wish which is that you unite your destinies in a way that is a little more sacred. You can leave the curtain closed, Chantal suggested it to you. What do you decide? - I'll open it. Do you open it? - Yes. Beautiful marriage proposal. - Yes, with an open curtain. So what happened to them? Chantal is with us this evening. Good evening Chantal. - Good evening. You obviously know Pascal. Sit down. - Sit down Chantal Good evening everyone. - Good evening. How are you ? - I'm doing well. You haven't lost the accent. - No. No, I see, it's normal and fortunately. We just found this story. I imagine that you have seen it many times since it appeared on TV, and especially on social networks. What happened ? It's a bit like the answer that everyone is waiting for and that we want to ask you. What happened when the curtain opened and you were said goodbye on set and walked out? What exactly happened? It was a magical moment. It was moving, I was happy. A great moment in your life? - Yes. Alain was also very moved by your approach? Yes, very moved. Then, life caused our paths to separate. Yes ? - So. So, you talked about marriage on set, and it didn't come to fruition afterward? - No. We had great years, but he met someone younger. Yes ? - So. The life. - Yes. What's interesting, you know that we come back regularly, to stories that we covered 15 years ago, 18 years ago, even 20 years ago, and it's important for us to show that there is a life after the show obviously, and that sometimes it goes well, sometimes it goes even better than on the set, because curtains that stay closed, and open in real life. Sometimes, unfortunately, things go well a little later. Then life takes its course too, and people separate. We need to talk about it, we can't ignore it. However, you still had some very beautiful moments together? I was very happy. I don't regret anything, but it's over. How long did you separate after? - Two years. Two years ? - Two years later. Did you move on with your life afterwards? - No. No ? - No I'm single. A new curtain? Have you never once regretted going on our show and making this request? - No not at all. No ? - You are extraordinary people. We come away changed from your show. No, it's sincere, but I've never regretted it. If I have to do it again, I will do it again. Yes ? - So. Under the same conditions? - Yes. You are single, but you seem fulfilled. Are you happy? Yes, I am happy. I wouldn't have seen out my old days alone. It's never too late. - Seventy-three years old. This is the beginning of life. - Yes, you do 10 less. THANKS. - There are plenty of people who find love at 70 and it goes very well, and there is no problem. - Yes. The older we get, the older we love. Did you talk much about this sequence afterwards? The people, your entourage, your neighbors, the shopkeepers? How was your approach received by those around you? At the time I was a cashier at Géant Casino. I was the star for a while, We used to go through you for shopping. - That's it, absolutely. There was an endless queue at your checkout as the others were empty. - That's it. I had a real experience... and still today I see myself on the networks 20 years later, it's not possible. Are there any comments? - Yes, it’s nice. Do you have any news from Alain? Have you had any or cut it short at some point? Since separation is not always easy and certainly a little painful, have you decided to turn the page? It took me a while to turn the page, to close the book, we'll say. Yes, I have news, because he works with my son in the medical sector, medical taxi. Did you get him on the phone? - No. Have you heard from your son? - I heard from my son. Besides, Alain got married. Is he happy in principle? - I don't know if he is. It's complicated for you to talk about it. - It's complicated, but I don't regret my decision, my approach at the time, it made me completely happy. Him too, it seems. - Yes, he seemed happy. Yes, life, you know it’s… - Yes, we know. We've been there. - In any case, I am delighted to see you again after so many years. - Did you recognize us? We took… - Dear, do you mean Pascal? No, you two are still just as charming. How nice ! You are another one. You told us that at the time you were wonderfully well received, that your team supported you, you found faces that you had seen 20 years ago or not? - In my time, there was Sam. Yes, Sam. - Is he still there? Not the same. He changed too, we took a younger man. Rebecca? - She's there. Were you treated well? - Alright. We still have two things to say to you: First, thank you for being our guest again to find out what's happening with you, it was important to us to hear from you. The second, we're going to come back for two seconds to what you said: rebuild my life today, I'm still over 70 years old... I don't want to anymore, look me in the eyes... I never want you again to hear such stupidity said. You hear ? - Yes. Love is tomorrow morning. - I'll go look behind my door. Yes. So, if we receive declarations of love for you, we don't send them, right? Or do we send them anyway? - Yes, I am open to everything. We have no doubt that we will entertain, because you have remained the most charming of young women. Thanks, that's nice. Thank you Chantal for being our guest. We'll let you go again, see you later. Goodbye, thank you very much. It's nice to see you again. - We too, see you later. This is the end of the Pascal show. - Already ? Yes already. - It goes by so quickly. We will meet again very quickly on C8, and above all say goodbye to Sam and Rebecca. Hi friends. Rebecca, be careful on the roads. - I promise. Sam, be careful in the hallways. No speeding. If you want to come on this set to make a declaration of love, to find someone who has been absent for years, to reconcile with someone with whom you are angry, then you contact us, our team is at your disposal . Have a great evening on C8. Be happy. See you soon on the set of Only the truth that counts.
Good evening. - good evening. good evening. - how are you ? how are you laurent? thank you for being here. what a pleasure to see you again. what a pleasure ! thank you, thank you. comfortably installed, we hope, for a new, very beautiful show, with moving stories. lots of people watch us in bed. -... Read more
Good evening. good evening. good evening laurent.
- good evening pascal. in great shape ?
- in great shape. thank you for being there, faithful to the post. well settled in your home, we hope, as rebecca must be in her dressing room. rebecca!
- so. good evening. how are you, rebecca?
-alright. you were... Read more
Good evening to all of you. good evening laurent. thank you for your welcome. what a pleasure to see you again. it gives strength and good humor.
thank you all for being there. good evening pascal.
- good evening. pascal bataille. the boy thanks to whom
i have been shining for almost 40 years. yes,... Read more
Good evening. good evening. what a pleasure to find you here
on this plateau and i imagine at your place
comfortably seated, to follow the show that resembles us,
the show that brings us together. still so numerous,
faithful to your appointment emotion, laughter,
tears of happiness, tears of joy. see... Read more
Good evening.
- good evening. good evening to all of you,
are you doing well ? what a pleasure to meet you again, audience here present,
at home possibly. you are, i imagine comfortably
installed to follow this broadcast which brings us together and resembles us,
'only the truth matters'. the meeting... Read more
Good evening. good evening everyone.
good evening pascal. good evening laurent.
- how are you ? good shape. i am very happy
to find you on the set from it's only the truth that counts. this show that resembles us
and who brings us together more and more numerous
thursday evening on c8. we are very,... Read more
Edition 2024, presented by laurent fontaine and pascal bataille good evening, good evening, good evening! good evening everyone ! good evening, i did the pascal tour. good evening laurent! i took the grand tour, did you see? good evening dear friends,
thank you for being with us. faithful to the appointment... Read more
Good evening. good evening everyone. good evening laurent.
- how are you, pascal? i'm good what about you ? good evening to you. thank you for your loyalty
on our show, at our meeting on c8. meeting of emotion, laughter,
tears, very beautiful stories, and open curtains
as often as possible. a meeting... Read more
Good evening everyone.
- good evening everyone. good evening. good evening.
- good evening laurent. what a pleasure to meet you again, and what pleasure obviously
to find you at home, loyal spectators
from it's only the truth that counts. here we go for a new number,
with obviously, you know, very beautiful... Read more
Good evening !
- good evening everyone ! how are you ? what a pleasure to see you again! what a pleasure to see you again!
- good evening, laurent. good evening everyone ! isn't it a pleasure to see me again?
- if. you didn't even answer.
- i was with you two minutes ago. i'm stupid ! are we going to... Read more
Good evening. good evening, what a pleasure. what a welcome. good evening laurent.
- good evening pascal. are you doing well ?
- good evening everyone. only the truth matters, this is the show that resembles us
and which brings us together on c8. good evening to you who are watching us
comfortably installed... Read more
Presented by laurent fontaine and pascal bataille - good evening and welcome. thank you for being us for this second issue
from it's only the truth that counts. you know the principle
of our new show. all the people that
we invited tonight, don't know why they are invited. - they only have
responded... Read more