15 Minute Strength Workout with Kadeena Cox | Joe Wicks Workouts | Paralympics 2024

welcome back to the body coach TV I'm Joe Wix and today I'm joined by four time par Olympic gold medalist kadina Cox what an Accolade eh and I thought today as you're going to Paris 2024 par Olympics I thought i' take you through like a lower body and core strength workout to help you get ready for that big race yeah okay so you've got a couple of kettle bells here you can use dumbbells at home and what we're going to start off by doing is 35 seconds of goblet squats and what I mean by a goblet squat holding that catball nice and close to the body sit down nice and low and set deep squat position stand up nice and Tall squeeze the quad squeeze the glutes activate those muscles and um 35 seconds of rep yeah so not in a race it's a slow reps and um then we're going to move on to an ab exercise yeah let's do it you ready yeah okay here we go so nice and controlled down we go 35 seconds of work 25 seconds rest so tell me what kind of training you do like if you're doing a session in the gym are you lifting heavy weights is it low you know Low Low Reps high volume sort of stuff yeah so like if I'm doing like back squats I'll be doing like 140 kilos like what for how many reps for like three um two or three I would go near I'd collapse I'd collapse in a pile I mean I do feel like my knees are getting a bit old these days that's a lot of weight okay last 5 seconds so squat nice and deep feet flat on the floor and relax I mean I'm squatting nowhere near that maybe 60 kgr 70 kg yeah it depends like what what your aim is yeah so we're going go down on the ground now for a set of bicycle crunches obviously nice and controlled and obviously you ride a bike right so yeah like cor is not my strength so from here we're going to slowly kick away sort of elbow to knee Crunch and twist for 35 seconds again off we go so how are you feeling going into your third par Olympics in Paris um do feel like I am now a senior athlete so I should be a pro at this but I still feel like it's all very new um which is fun you know I'm excited for it do you get nervous when you like compete or you just very calm in that moment I'm always nervous but I think nerves are good yeah you just turn into that that positive energy yeah I think if you're nervous then you want it you know last few seconds and relax so four paralympic gold medals right yeah how did it feel the first time you got that put around your neck in Rio quite like a baby and I just felt like all the hard work like was worth it like it' all come like to a good moment not let anyone down and I was like doing it like for those of us that have had you know Health setbacks what an achievement right we're going to go into our plank now so elbow plank andaz I mean look some people will never ever compete let alone win One Medal and you got four like what's your expectation or ambition moving into this what might be your last par Olympics maybe well don't retire me yet um I definitely want to medal like in both events I do uh two Golds would be nice two World Records would be nice but um you know we can't cherry pick I will I will ask for the good good Gods to like yeah get me out do you like do you know your competition do you study them and stuff see what they doing you know the numbers and stuff was it all kind of like hidden and secret sort of thing not really bothered like I feel like all you can do is control what you can do and I just want to make sure I'm the best version of me on the day so whatever I do if someone beats me then the last will be going very very well you know what I mean yeah as long as I'm in the best shape I can be in so next up we're going to next up then we're going to do some OS this is good for your hamstrings and and glutes and stuff so slight hinge at the hips feel that stretch and stand up nice and straight so you're pulling with the posterior chain yes so just feeling the stretch you don't have to go right to the ground just see where it goes and you're trying to sort of get the back nice and straight As You Pull good feeling that on the hammies yeah this is the good stuff for running is when you cycle like is it quad dominant your basic using your quads really quad dominant yeah so like obviously I grew up doing athletic so starting like doing something that was like yeah more qu dominant than posterior chain was quite interesting and it's quite challenging trying to do the two together yeah oh for sure last few seconds three two one and relax we're now going to drop the weights down we're going to go into a another ABS exercise and what we're going to do is seven moves two rounds so it's a 14 minute workout in total yeah okay so we're up to now toe touches this is number five right so legs up as high as you want you know you can have them further away if you want but we're trying to imagine that we're going to try and touch those shins or those toes it's a very sort of small P pulsing motion and this is going to burn the ABS love it ready here we go so have you been watching the um Olympics what do you think of it this year do you know what I feel like I don't know it's weird cuz obviously the last one there was no fun so it's like interesting like seeing it but it's been so good like competition just been lifted like in the v drone world records are falling you know we've had a few gold medals on the Athletics track gymnastics being amazing is bloody crazy can you can you believe like you just think how many world records can be broken but they're still doing it aren't they it's fun though you know it's always a challenge and it's humans are getting faster you it's got to be a point like you can't be any faster but there still another little millisecond here and there little bit shave a little bit off I love it but it's technology as well like you know things changing so progressing yeah so on our feet then next one is going to be a sumo squat hold now if you want a challenge you can hold the weight if not it can just be a body weight and sumo squat means a bit wider so turn the feet yeah nice and wide and from there sit and hold that position yeah we just we're just holding it yeah let's go sit and hold so again these kind of static movements are good for your strength you know isometric there's no the muscles are kind of in that same position there's no length in or short just contract have your range I'm not going to lie but um no I'll be honest with you this is already burning me up now there 20 seconds to go stay nice and deep Just Dance just think about the dance moves breathe into it come on stay low it's always the 30 second mark it starts to hurt doesn't it you all right how's this I'm I'm all right I'm really thinking about it if I think about it then it starts to hurt but I'm four three two and one oh okay you did good you didn't even not break a sweat I'm I'm on fire so sitting down last one is a Russian twist now you can do this if you want just body weight just that rotational movement yeah if you want to FR a bit of weight obviously I'm holding 8 kg I think yours a bit yeah I can do that it's just the same thing just rotation through the hips through the spine and you feel your core engage yeah yeah here we go so this is our seventh exercise we're going to go straight back through for a second round and that'll be the end of our workout you're doing great kadina you're doing great too doing good keep each other going so do you think this is your last PS or do you think you got another four years in you after this no I think not qualifying for athletics has made me like want to keep going oh really you want to go again I want to do the double again I want to like show that I can still medal in both events um and it's in La like oh yeah I'm going to be there that time I really want to come that cuz the World Cup and the Olympics happen the same in the US aren't they next time yeah yeah which is pretty cool um amazing how old are you now kadina I am 33 so yeah you've definitely got another another Olympic Paralympics in I mean yeah it'll be a stretch like I feel like this is probably like where I about my Peak but um I'm just going to keep it going keep going keep training we hopefully this is helping so back into the goblet squat second setep so nice and wide sit down low off we go so again 35 seconds controlled reps lovely brilliant work how's your um nutrition and sleep you good with that sort of stuff as well sleep I'm terrible with there's always something that I'm like hooked on like on a night will be you know Netflix dis Instagram r as well that get you uh yeah I'll be scrolling for way too long so yeah my sleep's not great nutrition's getting there um I do a lot of meal prep myself last few seconds cooking so and relax well the diet and you know it's so important for fueling the workouts and Rec cover isn't it you're quite good at food though aren't you you do a lot of cooking I love cooking I do love my food but I definitely struggle with sugar you know I have I love sugar I love sweets and chocolate and ice cream and I can't seem to eat it in moderation I think I think everyone struggles at some point but trying to kind of just get back to like home cooking you know yeah not snacking so much right next up then B crunches yeah I'm the same like I'm kind of all on nothing with stuff so what's your VI is it sweet or savy what's what you like to God I'm a sweet kind of girl yeah same sugar is literally my Nemesis so trying to get the elbow to meet the knee if you can again slow the Reps down feel your core work and your hip flexes as well so then I'm going to go back into our plank hold after this last few pumps just slow the Reps down really Target the core and relax Jo you're more hard core than me I hate doing core it never feels easy it always feels hard I'm like no matter how much training I do on my core it still feels hard right we're going to do a plank now so if you want to you can do a high if you prefer a high plank if not elbow plank static hold so how how does the MS affect your training like does it affect your energy fatigue things like that as well yeah so my fatigue levels are affected massively um sometimes like my spasms will be like really bad or like my balance will just be bad and like say like I've got a bike session we'll just have to come the session if it's not safe um do something else do something on day by day thing with you is it like day by day yeah yeah so we literally like if something like you know not going great like we'll just there just hand the session which is annoying sometimes but it's better to you know be safe and have quality sessions rather than just getting them in for the sake of it final 10 seconds it's a real Balancing Act though like I think the reason I got injured is probably because I pushed too much um when I was fatigued and I lose control of my legs quite quite easily push through it yeah yeah but at the same time to get adaptation in training you need to push yeah so it's like finding like balance we're going to be up on our feet again with the RDL so this is RDL means Romain in deadlift where you're not actually sort of putting the weight on the floor so you're keeping the tension so yeah so from there hinge from the hips and pull yeah good with that one yeah I do prefer a Romanian deadlift to a normal one yeah it just feels like you can feel the tension more and you're not yeah putting too much weight you don't have to put a heavy heavy weight for your body for this no I don't think this is bad on the old back do you have a train like obviously a coach and training Partners or do you do most of your training on your own no no so we have a British cycling is centralized so we all train together at um the national Cycling Center so I've got my Sprint Squad there um and then British Athletics um isn't so I've got uh my coach um and then our training group which is pretty big group like it's a mixture of a uni group and then like quite a few par Olympic athletes are in that group as well so which uni did you guys I went to I started I actually started in centry then I went to lead met now le Becket and then I did my last degree at Manchester met oh amazing so loads of different Unis yeah right toe touches almost there now last three exercises let's go try and touch those shins if you can well I'm looking forward to watching you on TV I've been watching the Athletics and gymnastics and my little daughter Indian she's she loves it she just got into gymnastics oh I love that we watched the um all the you know the beam and the The Vault it's just amazing what they do isn't it yeah I bet she's so inspired by that yeah she's um she's a really sporty little kid I love it I love that she's kind of into it already right last few seconds feel this in the ab yeah yep and relax okay two more moves we got the sumo squat hold and then the Russian twist and that's it workout complete so short session I don't think you need to spend loads and loads of time sometimes you know sometimes it's about just finding a little window yeah especially when you've got you know a busy day or you're stressed you got kids and stuff 15 minutes I think is a great amount of time yeah you can get everything you need to get in just a little burner right should we try and make it a little bit harder yeah I was just going to say let's pick up a weight come on a weight in there let's do it stick it in so sit and hold this is going to be horrible for me honestly you've got to think about the dance move it's got to be like take mind elsewhere might be on the beach somewhere got like a nice one place think I'm going to go lots of Beach days when I'm back from the games any wake up anywhere nice planned I think I'm went to B Bary in St Lucia oh I'm hurting here now you're not hurting no I'm good good I can do this all day 10 seconds it's hurting me now it's a stinger go in last deep burn four three two and one oh that makes it way harder with a dumbbell a kettle bell I did have a lightweight I was cheating what's left Russian so Russian twist to finish and there we go workout complete getting a bit warm there making me work hard it's been really good to see you and it's just great chatting here in the journey and I just I love meeting athletes because I just think you got this level of determination and motivation that not a lot of people have it's quite it's inspiring to me yeah really is let's go I think anyone that does like any sport that you got to have like some motivation you know like getting up and going to the gym wherever it's you know doing it as an elite athlete or just doing it every day like like you like you've got to have like motivation and drive to do this all the time how much do you think the exercise helps with the Simpsons of Ms I think it helps massively yeah definitely think it helps it used to be research that said don't do any physical activity um and it is a real bance tonight being a elite athlete probably isn't the best but also if I didn't do it I feel like my symptoms would be so much worse definitely my mobility and like my balance there we go that's the end of the timer beeper workout complete nailed it just a high five so thanks for joining us today here on the body coach TV hope you enjoyed it and I'm hopefully you're inspired and yeah make sure you keep an eye on the Paralympics it's going to be an amazing event and you know to see see some of the events you're doing and just how everyone comes together with the fans it's such a great atmosphere isn't it that's the best thing I think the atmosphere is literally what makes it for me like it's great winning medals but having everyone there is amazing well let's just visualize for a second you're on the podium you've just done your workout you can go yes dummy wixy workout got a gold medal it worked it worked that's it I say it was all Jo WI well thanks for joining me and honestly good luck yeah thank you so much see you lat everybody

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