UFC Borralho vs Cannonier Watchparty ALL MY FAV FIGHTERS FIGHTING

what is good it's late man this is a late [ __ ] watch party for me usually I'm NE well I'm not actually three hours late but um but [ __ ] me bro like this [ __ ] is just crazy than me that we're actually having fight nights still at 3:00 in the morning it really blows my mind like it just I don't understand it doesn't make any sense like I'm the only [ __ ] in Europe I can guarantee you right now I'm the only more [ __ ] European that's out here watching this fight night right now at this point this is some random well to be fair it's not a random fight night it's actually a really really good fight night but like to most people this is a random Fight Night in the middle of [ __ ] August yeah it's August in the middle of August and at 3:00 in the morning I'm watching this [ __ ] fight night it's crazy dedication to the game bro you got to love the game you really do you got to be watching the 3:00 a.m. fight nights you really do what's good Amir what's good Shady what's good David I'll put the timer up for the further fights bro but this is actually Loki a good ass card like I was talking [ __ ] on it but Loki there's a lot of Fighters I'm excited for first of all I didn't watch any tough this year I watch zero tough this year so I have no idea who any of these guys are I don't know who Robert Valentine I think I saw something about Robert Valentine I'm not sure if it was him but I saw something yesterday of people talking about that like he took mushrooms in a forest because Alistar over told him to and the gods opened up from under him and told him that he needed more violence and that like they wanted blood from him if that shit's true that's one of the craziest things ever I got to look it up and make sure that that is true Robert Valentine Robert Valentine Alistair over him if that's about him because he looks he looks the same as that guy is this it tough experience over in versus maybe this oh no no no here it is here it is trees were bending and gods showed up and essentially the gods were like we want to see blood from you is that not the [ __ ] craziest [ __ ] ever so he's fighting I'm excited to see him fight just because of that story we have the other tough fight which uh I'm not sure I don't know either of the other guys in it but fun little introduction to these guys and then obviously jarro caner Kyo bro Banger tabith arii is dating the best boxer in Oreland currently so we've got a lot of [ __ ] going on this fight should be good this Edmund shabazi I'm always like I'm always kind of I'm always 5% on the Edmund shabazian train where I'm like bro the guy's going to be [ __ ] him cuz he's only 26 and then obviously Neil Magny and Michael Morales Michael Morales one of my guys Kyo bro one of my guys they're two guys that I'm like super super high on super high on so I'm excited for this fight night honestly it should be good what do you think the comain the comain [ __ ] pretty good Harry why did you KO me in front of the 10 out of 10 baddies got to do what you got to do bro you know what I mean what's good JC Robert Robert is a weird but wild fighter yeah when you have that kind of [ __ ] experience bro you're going to be a little bit weird a little bit wild in the trenches you know me bro woke up too late now I didn't even wake up too late I just didn't stream the prelims I didn't want to stream the prelims cuz that's what I'm going to do for most the Apex cards now is like if I don't like the card or if I like don't like the prelims on it I'm just not going to stream them cuz cuz then I can actually go through I actually do like the prelims next week cloy I actually do like the prelims next week anaton at 9: one of the main things about me not streaming the prelims is because I know I'm going to be tired after I'm done this [ __ ] cuz I'm it's 6 a.m. I'm going to be tired but if I stream for 6 hours I'm going to be way more tired than if I stream for three hours especially if the card's dog sh and I've got to do some other [ __ ] but I actually kind of like the prelims next week the prelims for the next card actually look pretty good and I also bought this I I showed you little upgrades to the [ __ ] setup little upgrades I bought a camera okay camera I didn't realize that a camera needs a lens bro nobody told me that [ __ ] so I have to buy the lens the lens is coming tomorrow I was going to so the video you see tomorrow will be my first video ever made with an actual camera instead of just using my phone so you know we're coming up in the world we got some new [ __ ] going on we got a we we got a whole bunch all right just now the kids's working trying to get better trying to you know dedicate myself to my craft but next week we actually have some good fights Felipe Los Santos really really good Andre Luma is also really really good so that's a [ __ ] fire fight Andre patosi I hate way they just throw him at the end of cards now when like Andre vosi actually quite like um Isaac delgar and another dog took a loss but it'll be interesting to see how he rebounds and then apart from that main card's good main card is good on the ship matchell coming back big matchell you got to appreciate him what was that a nutsh shot or something I wasn't even looking at this [ __ ] I wasn't looking at all how are you promise to mod me first bro I'm L most OG of them all been here since two I thought a camera I can't I thought a camera came with the lens I thought the same [ __ ] bro I thought the same [ __ ] [ __ ] like am I tweaking for that like I bought the camera and I was like oh yeah straight up we're good I'll show you I'll show you what happens I bought the camera I was like we're good yeah okay turn the camera on and the camera screen is just like all blurry let me [ __ ] take this thing off the camera screen just looks like that it just looks like white okay and I'm like what the [ __ ] like did did Amazon break my [ __ ] or something then uh then I look it up and essentially the whole internet just calls me dumb I got a Reddit right away and some guys just like yeah you shouldn't buy [ __ ] if you don't know anything about it and I was like all right [ __ ] you bro [ __ ] but yeah know that's uh that's tomorrow so tomorrow hopefully we'll see a little upgrade in the camera quality of the [ __ ] that I'm doing but yeah know this flight night it's actually good I'm excited I like stream I'm going to stream a lot more next week too I'm going to stream a lot more next week because the Black Ops 6 beta is out I'm not sure how many of you guys play Call of Duty I'm not sure how many of you guys are actually interested in Call of Duty but when the Black Ops 6 beta comes out we're going to do some gaming streams for sure for sure we're going to do some gaming streams just to you know [ __ ] cuz I like streaming a lot but it's just like I have to have [ __ ] to stream you know what I mean like I feel I don't just want to like fire the camera on and just [ __ ] talk even though I could but that's pretty much what I do in the videos anyway so you see you see like 15 minutes of me a day anyway but yeah know this beta is out in five days I think it's out this Thursday this Thursday I think the beta's out so that should be [ __ ] fire zombies too when when the actual game comes out it comes out late October but I'm going to play the [ __ ] out of this so I'm going to have a lot of streams next week if any of you boys are playing the beta [ __ ] it we'll hop in game with all the boys yeah for sure Amir you can play bro the lenses are dumb expensive bro I [ __ ] myself okay so the camera that I bought I think it cost like 500 maybe like 5 80 or something okay which I was already like bro that's steep that's like me just being like okay I'm just not going to eat for the rest of the month you know what I mean I'm just going to not eat I'm just going to not eat not do anything for the rest of the month because I need this [ __ ] you know got got a sacrifice so then I find out that you need a lens and I'm like [ __ ] I need a lens like what is this [ __ ] that just dos myself but um but I was like I need a lens and then [ __ ] I look up lenses bro they're all dumb expensive bro like they're all just dumb expensive this the first [ __ ] that that I look up when it comes out and it's all just like €400 20267 2,400 700 600 and I'm like [ __ ] bro like what is this [ __ ] and especially like for all like the lenses that actually make sense like all the lenses from companies that like you've actually ever heard of before are all [ __ ] stupid expensive and then you get like these little Teemu companies down here and I can't buy a [ __ ] U lens you know what I mean so I was like what the [ __ ] am I going to do but it's okay cuz we found it we found a lens it's fine round two this Edmund shabazi and Gerald Mir Shard fight I do actually like this match up for Edmund shabazi and too I'mma change my picture from I'm from to rob wher from Jes oh damn Edmond chazi and [ __ ] ground a pound wait this Fu could be over yeah know oh no he's surviving he's hanging in there he's hanging bro my left arm is actually so [ __ ] you guys have no idea okay my left arm I actually can't feel it I tried to I was at a I was at jiujitsu on Friday Okay so yesterday for me but technically two days ago bro I was at Jiu-Jitsu I was triangl someone okay and obviously like when you get to a certain point of a triangle you're holding your own leg so I was holding my right leg with my left arm kind of like pulling it down and bro when I finished the triangle and the guy tapped I could not feel my arm bro I couldn't feel my arm when it was done oh my [ __ ] god and then my arm has been in so much pain ever since I appreciate that sron I appreciate that I got to tweet out my [ __ ] and say that everything's live and say that we're good to go this fight's actually been a decent fight this has been back in four Gerald Mard I don't know how the [ __ ] he actually just survived that I thought it was done for sure I thought he was done but he's looking okay edman shabazian in the M what's he going to do for the M edman shabazian someone that actually fooled me bro like he fooled me fullon fooled me cuz I just thought he was going to be good little Gill G little Guillotine attempt from from [ __ ] me little Guillotine attempt from Gerald meart he's kind of not in a great Guillotine spot though cuz his head's too far it's hard to get like an actual good grip around his head Guillotine is the one submission that I'm [ __ ] God here at bro bro I'm actually I'm actually God here at [ __ ] Guillotines no [ __ ] like me and Dustin poer I don't really like Dustin poer that much as as a fighter I don't mind them I like the stuff that he does for charity and he seems like a kind of decent guy but anytime doesn't P wins he's just like a dick and that's what I don't like about him like the Michael Chandler clip all those different clips but the but the one thing that me and Justin pu have in common is jumping at Gilly bro if you give me any even semblance that the guillotine might be on I'm jumping on that [ __ ] immediately bro no regard for my own life no regard for where that could take me I'm jumping on a guillotine should I change my profile picture from J Jones uh should I change my profile picture from Jon Jones to vul or Robert Whitaker it depends what I feel like Rob Whitaker is lowkey I don't know I like them both to be honest I like them both pretty much the same whichever well I suppose Robert wier's fighting sooner so I'd probably say Robert Whitaker I wonder when volkanovski is coming back because when was the elite por fight that was what February that was nearly 6 months ago yeah I suppose he hasn't actually been gone for that long I want to see V owski come back maybe like December like a late December card Jan was pouring his blood all over Dustin's face yeah but Dustin even in interviews after that said that like he love that [ __ ] and that's like that's what MMA is damn another [ __ ] guillotina no Edmund shabazi and Guillotine attempt no he's not going to get it he's not going to have to put around I do love bro I just I just want to see one Guillotine bro like Guillotines never come off in the UFC and I don't know how cuz I tap a lot of people with Guillotines and I tap like some decent people with gutin oh arm triangle that's the submission I get caught in 24/7 he's tapping Gerald mirart submits Edmond shabazi a nice little arm triangle just went what side control right to mount into an arm triangle was good Caesar let me go over here what do I need to do tweet my [ __ ] at bro every time I go back to my Discord bro every time I make a video Caesar and [ __ ] like everyone else is there is just going crazy about what I said about Jon Jones bro anytime I go to my Discord it's all just people talking about John Jones bro um which is crazy to me cuz these [ __ ] just bro like how much people hate Jon Jones is crazy it makes me like Jon Jones more like because he's hated so much if Jon Jones was like super loved by all the fans I don't think like him as much as I like him now but I just want to see him come back do well but that that was actually a crazy comeback nice knee right to the [ __ ] uh nice knee right to the liver by Edmund shabazi and then he gets in gets top man Gerald Mard after takes him down what did he do he's in half guard here but Edmund shabazian defensive grappling is not good I'm not going to lie like he just let him pass so easy must have been tired as [ __ ] that was only the second round too why what good MMA and art I wanted to talk about drus but you had to talk about JN didn't you yeah but I looked at like I'll look at most the [ __ ] that out of my Discord if you just say some [ __ ] I'm not going to respond to it bro like you said something like um do you disagree about uh do you take back what you said about drus and Izzy and I was like well no I pretty much like I didn't say anything that I would take back now and then you were like oh you said that drus wasn't a good tactician or some [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no you said you said uh do you agree that tactics is better than technique now and I was like the [ __ ] I didn't say that at all I changed my profile is it good I can't see it that well cuz on I actually do like it I know what photo it is I can't see it that well cuz like all the little icons are tiny but um but I know what the photo is it's him like beating his chest I can't do it cuz my bro my left arm like might actually be broken or some [ __ ] I'm not even joking I might have torn something in like right here bro I swear to God I might have something like I can't pick anything up and I can't do anything my arm is just in [ __ ] pain constantly bro changed his profile picture from Jon Jones to Robert Whitaker yeah we got to [ __ ] we got to get more J Jon Jones rappers around the community who are you siding with in the main event Kyle Brio is my guy I've talked about Kyle bro if I don't know how long I've been high on Kyle Brio for maybe two years now I think I've liked Kyo bro for so um so Kyo Bri he's the one that I think I think he has potential to be a UFC champion and that's and that's kind of crazy because 185 is so [ __ ] stacked but I seriously do think that he's the potential to be a to be a UFC champion see but dz's tactics and game plans aren't even that good either bro like drus did not out tactic is he in that fight he just he didn't do it this old man is just him on the ground what the [ __ ] Edmund shabazi is young as [ __ ] bro damn Gerald Mard has the most finishes in UFC middleweight history I didn't realize he had 54 MMA fights this is Kaio Brio we are the fighting nerds bro fighting nerds has some dogs if you want to look at prospects that I like all you have to do is pretty much look at look at the fighting nerds gam look let me look it up I'll show you this in it apology the fighting nerds fighting nerds J Page look at this [ __ ] bro look at how many [ __ ] Elite Fighters they have in this [ __ ] you have see I hate the way it doesn't list them in like order of how they really should be but they have Carlos prades Thiago Moises Kyle Bri John Silva Mauricio rufy like they have a ton of [ __ ] like elite elite Brazilians on the way up I don't actually know this guy Junior Diaz most of the guys you're looking for they will actually be decent will have a fight scheduled well of course I don't know he's two in one one in one but essentially they're the main guys that are on the come up cuz I'm pretty sure it's a relatively new gym like these are the only guys that actually have a lot of fights in it everyone else is just like 0 and one two in one yeah one and two one and one two- one 2 and0 khil Ranchi Jr in the crowd the man that stole a shot away from anive I'm I'm excited for that khil rany Junior fight but [ __ ] bro Gerald looks old I'm going to say old man Gerald is hella underrated I don't think he's underrated I feel like he's in that like right spot for where he is you know what I mean like nobody thinks uh nobody thinks he's really really bad nobody thinks he's really really good you know what I mean like I feel like uh I feel like he's pretty like not that he's non-consequential in the division but I feel like he's below the Neil magnes of the world where they get fed to contenders he's like that tier below of getting fed to a contender I'd love to see I'd love to see Bo nickel fight him next honestly Bo nickel against Gerald mirot I think that'd be a good fight or Bo nickel against um what the [ __ ] is the guy's name the guy that won uh the guy that won ADCC I can picture his [ __ ] face bro what is his face what is his face what is his name I can picture his face bro what is the guy's name that I'm thinking of the guy at 185 want to change your chat to only subscribers I don't really mind like people can chat if they're not a subscriber it doesn't really bother me that much Michael Morales Looking ready though he's got the new little fresh look he got a beard now okay okay Michael I see you he looks way better with a beard I'm not going to lie to you but um I saw the odds for this [ __ ] Bro the odds on this [ __ ] are crazy like if I wasn't such a big fan of uh Michael Morales I would seriously be thinking about betting on Neil Magny cuz Neil mag's played spoiler before he call he's caused upsets before and for some reason the UFC just don't seem to think that he can cause an upset here when I really do think he can like if we go down where is it fight night fight night fight night here we go bro he's a [ __ ] huge favorite Michael Morales like a huge favorite against him and I don't I just I just don't understand that IBO is also a huge favorite against jar caner bro if you put together this little parlay This Is Not a Bad Bet lowkey this is not a bad Bad Bet at all if you're if you're to put together like a Jared caner and uh who the [ __ ] oh I can't believe I just forgot his name jarro caner and Neil Magny parlay bro that would lowkey hit oh you can't put on it there don't no B like 22 if you put 10 on that you get [ __ ] 220 back that's a lot if you put two Euro on it you could get 50 back like that's that's lowkey what you're looking for bro Neil Magny or Spider-Man give me [ __ ] Spider-Man give me Michael Morales Michael Morales is another guy that I've Loved for [ __ ] ages bro I've loved him for so long I saw that venicius Ola uh fight bro that it was tough bro Vish Oliva is a [ __ ] dog bro that guy's a dog I know guy that I've talked about a ton on prospects they're just they're just all there and that's what I kind of like about the UFC cards now is that like we'll at least have one one or two prospects where like I'm excited to see them fight like why I stream the main card on this is because I have prospects that I really really like fighting and the tough finales I like to see the guys that win tough even though most of the time they turn out to be dog [ __ ] I'm not going to lie to you like most of the guys that come through that have come through tough in like the last five years have not been good Neil Magny is constantly fed the contenders hopefully my boy upsets the odds tonight yeah but that's that's like Neil mag's role I was thinking about this before I started streaming okay I'm actually interested to hear what you boys think would you rather be a guy like Neil Magny where you're ranked okay but you always get fed to like the new upand cominging Contender and you're always pretty much an underdog in every fight or would you rather be like a can crusher where you're like s where you're like four now inside the UFC five now inside the UFC but you're never going to be ranked and you're never going to be able to beat anybody good inside the rankings or anybody good in general which one would you guys rather be I think I'd probably rather be the guy that's outside the rankings and like be a can crusher sure not be an actual good UFC fighter probably not get get paid as much as Neil Magny but at least like at least you're not going into every fight like here's another fight man GNA lose [Music] again I just realized you're accent is as heavy uh as I thought most people from Dublin have a heavier accent or am I tripping it's just people from North Dublin have a different accent to the accent that I have so I have a heavy I have a heavy uh South Dublin accent and North Dublin is like Conor McGregor or like technically where Conor McGregor is from is South Dublin but he has a North Dublin accent Michael Morales walking out I I actually think that this fight night is uh is really stacked like this is how the fight night should be even if they're in the Apex if you have good fights on in the Apex I don't think it's as bad I'd like to see them in a crowd I just think it would be fun and obviously I'd like to see the UFC the one thing for fight nights that I think the UFC should do more is that like bring all of the fight nights International you know what I mean like have most fight nights be International fight nights and just go to like random cities around the world cuz I really do think that like like like the crowds would be so good if you go to Switzerland once in every three years once in every four years even if Switzerland get a dog [ __ ] Fight Night the crowd's just going to be [ __ ] active bro the one that gets me less brain damage that's kind of fair i' would rather be a can crusher yeah I was seeing the same thing hi never realize Neil mag's nickname is the is the Haitian Sensation there's no way Michael Morales does not have the nickname Spider-Man I refuse to believe it bro I refuse to believe that he does not have the nickname Spider-Man I was watching uh I was watching the college football game that was on in Dublin today there was one on in duin I didn't go to it I thought about it but I didn't I was watching it and bro I'm so [ __ ] excited to just see actual American football back that I was watching [ __ ] high school American football the number one team of the nation for high school American football against the number five team of the nation [ __ ] dog fight I only watched the first half and I watch the second half but it was a dog fight all these random ass ads you OBS get on ESPN bro like what are these [ __ ] ads I mean ESPN plus I don't mean ESPN I'm confident that Connor would clear Justin and Chandler up 100% Justin you need to see what his chin looked like after that Max hallway fight but I'd lean towards him and Chandra I think so too Chandra I think he beats I just need him to [ __ ] get back in the cage though like the UFC is so much better when Conor McGregor is fighting it's not even close I didn't I also didn't realize Vergo Ortiz Jr is actually uh is fighting today bro the [ __ ] card that got announced for um the card that got announced for that better BF BV fight is crazy bro did you guys see that card that card is [ __ ] sick Bro you have better bef against Bol you have Shakur Stevenson's on it you've got a ton of guys let me pull it up does AR have a good roster of UFC fighters they have Ian Gary Connor shaa Bannon kefir Crosby kin lockran I think they're the only five that are in the UFC right now maybe I'm forgetting one I think they're the only five there's another one that just got signed or might be getting signed after her road to the UFC performance as well another another girl not a guy you think Conor resigns with UFC or he leaves and goes to bkfc I'm not sure how well Conor would fail in bkfc like bkfc for me is the kind of promotion that you go to if you don't have money and you're coming off the end of your UFC career which like kind of sucks for Fighters but it's also just like it is what it is you know what I mean like the UFC also doesn't pay fighter as well but I can't see a reason for Connor to go in there and get hit with somebody's bare Knuckles get his face all busted up and everything unless they give him a really [ __ ] uh unless they give him a really easy matchup I just can't see it isn't sha Ali Irish American n he's American if you're not born in Ireland or like live in Ireland or have lived in Ireland you're not like I don't count you as Irish like sha Al's great like sha Al's grandfather or something might have been Irish or his great grandfather might have been Irish but that doesn't mean he's Irish like his dad's American Shaun Al's American I don't think sha Al's ever been to Oreland and like [ __ ] we'll take him bro I'll take him 100% of the day he can you know he signs up for a passport he can come and get it but uh but he's not really Irish bkfc is Taylor Made for Connor though no I don't think so I think bkfc is actually not tailor made for Connor like Conor mcgreer like I can't see why it's more tailor made for him than the UFC is you know what I mean cuz there is there grappling in bkfc or not I don't think that there's grappling I think it's just like boxing with elbows isn't it you saw Alo as a corner coach he really be doing side quest he Corners a lot of guys he Corners meab there's a lot of guys out of that Ray out of that Sarah longa gym that uh that could corner b who got ball or better BF I think I'm pretty 5050 on it I actually don't know like a second ago I was thinking in my head I read it and I thought to myself Ball's going to win it but I'm not sure bro it's so hard to stay away from better bf's power for uh for 12 rounds so I but I think I'm going to go with bille I think I'm going to go with people so what's your prediction you think Conor leaves the UFC after two fights [Music] it depends what fights are in the pipeline form you know what I mean like if Connor loses to Chandler 100% I think he's going to leave the UFC after two fights but if Connor beats Chandler and then all of a sudden they have you know like a Justin gaii or a Dustin porier fight lined up and then he could get a title shot you know at 170 like I think Connor if I was Connor right now I'd say bro give me the title shot at 170 give me that title shot at 170 you have Bal who's just as [ __ ] small as he is bal's also a [ __ ] B is the worst Champion you're going to see at 170 for I don't know how long like if you look at the future guys that are coming up chavat JDM Ian Gary all of those different guys Leon Edwards could get it back like Bala is the worst out of all of those guys by far so if I was Conor McGregor that's what I'd try to do I'd try to get a 170 lound title shot and just try become the first triple champion in UFC history Conor's got some long ass arms yeah bro he's [ __ ] all of those like really really good UFC fighters all have long arms like Jon Jones has like the average Wings span of like a 7 foot man or a 7 foot one man I think he does boxing over UFC after the contract is over true he could get he could just get a bag bro like if he gets a bag he'll probably do boxing man I really want Conor to resign and try and try to see him go for one more run however that ain't hopeful since he doesn't fight as much anymore I'd love to like be on the inside of that you know what I mean like I'd love to know what goes on between those Dana and Conor negotiations is it Dana that doesn't want them to fight is it Connor that doesn't want to fight cuz everything we see from Connor everything we hear from Connor is that he wants to fight and that he's constantly asking for fights and [ __ ] yeah know I was talking about that blessing that like if if if it was me and I didn't love both the guys bro there's people just getting [ __ ] Stak dinners front row at the Apex what the [ __ ] but uh if it was me I'd bet against both Michael Morales and Kaio BR Ys are just too good Jones gets out Jones gets outboxed by a lot of Fighters though outbox yes outst struck no Connor would give trouble to shavkat uh I don't know I think that shav cat's the worst matchup you could give Connor just because he has that same kind of pressure wrestling Elite submissions decent on the feet like not good enough to be better than Connor on the feet I don't think from what we've seen really but definitely definitely good enough to you know keep Connor at Bay and I don't think Connor is going to have enough power to KO shka and that's how he wins that fight what country am I from I've told you already in the past scene in the the past streams let's see if you have good memory hint it's in the Middle East I'm trying to remember I do remember it it's somewhere [ __ ] it's not just like a base Middle East Country like it's not like the first one that comes to your head it's somewhere like weird in the Middle East somewhere that's like relatively small you know what I mean shavat would also Tower over Conor that is true shavat is big as [ __ ] bro ever since Ian Gary fought Neil Magny everybody just half kicks the absolute dog [ __ ] out of him I feel bad for him I'm trying to think what country you're from I can't remember it it'll come to me Neil Magny gets a nice little body lock might be able to take down Michael Morales got him pushed up against the fence a minute and a half gone in the first round tries to dip down into a double like this actually could take down defense for Michael Morales and it was some and it was something that I was interested to see because um because Michael Morales is like a he's kind of like relatively unknown you know what I mean from what we've seen I wanted to see him wrestle and I wanted to see Neil Magny actually try test his wrestling but this is good take 10 defense the only thing that I want Michael M to do yeah okay he's starting to do it now is to fight the hands when he has like his leg stretched out there and he has that deep base I want to see him try fight to hand cuz I don't think it's that difficult to break a body lock country starts with a y Yemen has to be Yemen I knew it was Yemen too I was going to say it bro I was going to say Yemen [ __ ] I didn't say it there if you throw if you throw Q leg kick and it gets checked there it still count as a strike um I don't really know because the fight the fight that like makes me think about that and not know is that Shan Strickland Israel Alisa fight Israel arisna must have thrown a 100 leg kicks and I think 60 of them got checked but when you look at all like the significant striking and all the stats on those they popped up as strikes so I'm actually not sure if you check aick if it gets caned or not or like what metric they use cuz it seems like they just don't count [ __ ] as like they don't count checks as anything but I suppose it's kind of like the no well in boxing if you land a punch and it's on their glove or like they get their glove up to block it no it counts as a Miss then I don't know who the [ __ ] does like the counting of that and like who decides whether it's checked or not because they're terrible at their job I can't lie there's a ton of kicks that I see every single fight that get uh that get checked Michael Morales still up against def fense he's trying reverse this position or roll away from this this was this is what I wanted to see I wanted to see this from Neil mag to see how how does Michael Morales actually do when he's getting wrestled because right now he's currently losing this round breaks up the body lock okay spins off oh he hurt him he hurt NE Magny bad spinning elbow spinning elbow off the clinch lands a big one when he gets inside too Neil Magny has him trapped in half guard needs to try and clear that second leg pass guard and once he passes guard he can start to you know work from uh Neil mne does have his arm trap though no he's find it Neil Magny trying to stand up he's not going to be able to do it from there though he's got too much pressure that spinning elbow was insane bro that was nice and I can't even really shout that much cuz it is 3:47 in the morning um but that was nice as [ __ ] bro you got to ad I I oh I do have monetization on I can turn off the monetization just cuz I'm a good guy man you know me oh oh he's got him hurt again Michael Morales pushed him up in the corner oh see this is what you want from Michael Morales passes guard into the main position now from Mount he can try [ __ ] he can try actually really get to work oh M Neil Magny is in a terrible spot right now he's trying to use his legs to like push off the cage and try like roll him over oh went flat on his back this is where you look for rear naked Michael Morales submission win on the way no he's just gr and ping him yeah this fight's done Michael Morales gets it done via first round KO okay Michael we didn't see a lot from him though like I hate saying this [ __ ] because it's a really really good performance and like he gets into the rankings no problems everything's everything's really good but we didn't see the stuff that I kind of wanted to see you know what I mean like I wanted to see how does he do against you know like defensive wrestling and stuff put it on I I got it out as soon as you scream now that's whatever like realistically like unless you have like a [ __ ] ton of people watching um streams it doesn't matter that much like you're going to make like [ __ ] all money for no reason no upsetting the aut for my boy Neil yeah that was a nice ass reversal and then that spinning elbow hurt Neil Magny bad I'm not sure if he ever actually recovered from there I didn't see uh I didn't see Michael Morales as guard pass either he just kind of ended up in M you deserve to make money yeah but it's not it's not enough money to make any you know what mean it doesn't really bother me I actively I actively turn it off for this [ __ ] for videos that shit's going to be on it's G to be on who's on right now uh Neil M Michael Morales just fought now after that we have the two tough finales so we have we have the 145 tough finale and who's was other 185 are the coaches still in the corner by the way is Valentina and Alexa Grasso are they still there corner man for the final or does it go back to like who their actual gym was I can't remember what it was last year I think that Connor and Michael CH were both in the crowd but I don't think they were actually cornering them it'll be interesting to hear who he calls out too trying to think of a good call out for him Ian Gary MVP MVP Michael Morales would be fun man that would be [ __ ] sick might be a step two far though but he just beat he just beat Neil Magny who's number 12 who do we think who do you guys think that uh who do you guys think that Michael Morales fights next I I really don't know like I can't think there's no real bad matchups I think Ian Gary might be too high up for him MVP coming off a loss that would be a pretty fun fight Kevin Holland that would be a decent fight how do you think Connor versus Ian gar will would go Prime for Prime Connor well I it depends Ian Gary's a 170 so like that's if Conor McGregor is at 145 Ian Gary probably wins just Ian Gary's a lot bigger but if if like take weade away Conor McGregor smokes and it's not even close probably luk luk is not a bad shout actually luk would be a pretty fun fight maybe he gets the no I wouldn't I I was going to say maybe he gets the loser of Gil Burns against Shawn Brady but I actually don't like that fight for him I think he fights down the rankings since he jumped from not ranked to 12 I don't think so cuz he's a prodigy he's got too much juice inside the UFC right now unless like do do people like him a lot like you guys see people like Michael Morales a lot J see Tor is attacking the body game plan against Max did he say that sh cuz usually if that's uh usually if that's your game plan you're not just going to come out and say it MVP might be a tough start from but a couple good tests before pushing in the top 10 is probably better than a good match up in the top 10 to boost them up the rankings yeah I want to know what the UFC do with them because typically they don't make prospects figh down the rankings once they kind of get their push you know what I mean like once you get a win like that obviously you see like Payton talit will fight down the rankings two or three times bone nickel will fight guys that are way worse than him two or three times but um but I'm not sure if they'll do the same with Michael Morales I think they probably will give him a test but a winnable test you know what I mean like I think if MVP loses his next fight or something like that they'll probably give him that Michael should buy Kevin Holland if he B is Kevin Holland not not above Neil magne in the rankings at 70 let me pull up the rankings um UFC rankings let's see at 170 who's in the rankings so we have over here welterweight who could he fight him against wboy would be good too him against Wonderboy would be fun man that would be a good ass fight then you have him against Jeff Neil but that would just kind of be doing the [ __ ] that uh damn MVP is at 14 yeah MVP probably too big of a test for 14 to be honest I didn't realize that the rankings look like this you probably fight either Jeff Neil or Wonderboy an aging Wonderboy like I don't want to see Wonderboy just get sacrificed to another killer in his last fights he's had [ __ ] shave cat and now they're given him Michael Morales too but that's Michael Morales is a lot more winnable of a fight for Wonder Boy than what shavkat was like shavkat was legit just like we're tossing this guy to the [ __ ] wolves bro people are speculating based on his recent sparring footage I wouldn't mind him ripping Max to the body like if you're telling me that's his game plan going into it I wouldn't think that's a bad idea mag's ranking is a bit sus at this point to be honest yeah I agree I think that Magny shouldn't shouldn't have been the 12th rank guy in the division but then again in his last fight his last fight was that Mike mow fight wasn't it beating Mike mow in your last fight's a good win but I don't think did like I think MVP is a lot better than he is and MVP lost the Ian Gary in like a in a UD but it wasn't like a super it wasn't like a super dominant fight you know what I mean if you search up Izzy's name it says New Zealand mixed martial arts not Nigerian DDP just bought off Google I'm pretty sure I'm pretty if that's Wikipedia I'm pretty sure anybody can just change it because you see it all the time after like some crazy [ __ ] happens I wonder I wonder what ilot Bo's game plan was going to be my favorite ilot Bo game plan like if you're asking me what I would if I was elore what would I do to beat Max hallway it would be wrestle that's what I would do I would kind of you know like stand up maybe the first minute minute and a half of fight try to get a Tak down try hold them down and then if he gets back up with a minute to go with a minute and a half to go you at least have the Tak down secured and then you're already winning the fight Diego Lopez is in the crowd Diego L bro I can't wait for him against Brian Ortega ever since I started to do Jiu-Jitsu now bro by the way I got my second stripe you're now talking to a two stripe white Bel in Jiu-Jitsu just know just now you better respect me when you see that [ __ ] people were really getting mad for G at Gary for grappling against MVP I don't understand that but you have to understand people are just going to hate on Ian Gary regardless because he's Ian Gary you know what I mean it's the same with Jon Jones people are going to hate on what Jon Jones does people are going to hate on what Ian Gary does Patty pimpit they used to do it to Izzy they do it to a lot like there's a ton of guys where it's just like if you kind of get in that bubble where some like big MMA YouTuber some big MMA Twitter guy um says that they don't like you then a bunch of people just start to adopt that opinion too Ilia is not going to need to wrestle Ilia by UD same way vul did I don't think so Ilie is not vul bro he he doesn't have he doesn't have vul's um he doesn't have vul's versatility on the feet like vul can do everything in the Striking he can you know like his Cal kicks are really good his body kicks are really good his mu tie is fantastic great boxing like he can do everything on the feet super well rounded Ilia doesn't have that same well-roundedness in my opinion I think the fight's going to be closed but in my opinion if uh if Ilia toore decides to stand up with Max Hol is going to lose the fight not going to lie MVP let me down at this point in your career you should have you should have better take down defense I just think that he didn't expect Ian Gary to come in and try take him down like you should expect expected in those fights but I really don't think that I really don't think that he expected the inary to actually TR take him down vul is more floaty yeah yeah like he's a he he's a lot more fluid of a striker but vul also doesn't have the KO power ilot is if ilot knocks out Max hallway bro he's [ __ ] different bro he just might be the greatest ever bro they have flipped around that [ __ ] main card for the sphere probably 50 times I'm not even going to lie to you bro like what is the main card Daniel zher says now is on the main card whereas if you check like a week ago Daniel zober was [ __ ] the first fight opening up the prelims like I don't know if these guys even know what the [ __ ] is going on like look if if I go over here and show you what uh what Wikipedia says is in Wikipedia is usually the most updated like the card is completely different Ronaldo Rodriguez against OD Osborne was the fight that opened up the main card for the UFC at least on the UFC graphic then Daniel zober was up here in this fourth spot so like I don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing bro I really don't know I also don't know why the [ __ ] is so long bro like I don't know why it's that long it just shouldn't be damn that guy looks young as [ __ ] what what age is that guy is fighting in this tough season let me let me look this [ __ ] up bro cuz that guy looks [ __ ] young he looks like 20 he looks like 22 23 at most let me look up these guys let's see what age is Marian Santos yeah he's 24 years old I thought that I was like bro this guy looks [ __ ] young has anybody actually been really tapped in with uh with this tough season na really had no he had no real takedown defense yeah but yeah I want to see give Michael Morales matchups where he can strike you know what I mean let's see a Michael Morales Wonderboy match up that would be fun as [ __ ] Max Holloway versus Alaine Sterling a featherweight who wins Max hallay absolutely dog walks Alo and I like Alo I think he's a little bit underrated but Max hallway absolutely [ __ ] Cooks him bro it's not even close Maybe Wikipedia just hate Africans who knows who knows short break in progress please stay tuned what's the next fight the tough fight so we have the two tough fights right yeah we have the two tough fights then we have the women's MMA fight then we have the main event I'm super excited for this Main Event who do you guys think is going to win that do you guys think Jared caner or Kyle Bria I do think Jared caner has been a little bit slapped on but like Kyle bro is different too like Kyle bro is Elite of the elite he's one of the best fighters out 185 for sure but I think it's a big step up like it's an early Step Up Wikipedia is weird with nationality you'll see guys be listed as different nations or uh on different cards yeah Wikipedia I I said it before but anybody can change it anybody can like talk about it so if someone says that Izzy's night if someone says Izzy's from New Zealand okay all you have to do is be able to submit like a tiny bit of evidence with as well or for it to be plausible for iszy to be from New Zealand and then they'll change it like I don't think you can change Izzy's nationality to [ __ ] Irish but I think that you can like if you have some evidence to say that so and so is from here they'll do it it says DDP is Dutch yeah the national Le are just weird on it Al's grappling can definitely give Max some problems it could but Max's takedown defense is solid and as j-ju is not bad like he doesn't have bad jiujitsu it's not as good as Aline Sterlings but it's definitely not bad either and I also think if Shawn or mali's knocking you out bro Max hollow's knocking out 55ers if shaali is knocking you out we really need to see like how's that ch holding it Kyo but the power of caner is crazy so he has a chance yeah I think so it's crazy because if Jared caner loses this fight he's gone from like the number four guy in the division getting super unlucky in that fight against nardine imov where the fight just got called way too early it was the ref's fault and now all of a sudden he's going to be like the 10th rank guy in the division he's probably going to retire if he loses this I guess I like if I was him I'd do it obviously I don't know his financial situation everything but if I was him that's what I'd do I'd [ __ ] retire if I lost a [ __ ] cuz there's just no point in you sticking around when you're not a big name like you're not you're old already what is he 40 or 41 right now like if he loses this fight there's no way he gets another title show they're showing a little cinematica of the of the streets of Vegas I didn't realize Vegas had a [ __ ] pyramid in it bro Dana White always hires the [ __ ] baddest G on the planet I can't even lie to you Kyle Brio's got some [ __ ] drip on he's wearing this like flame suit bro it's like this black suit that has flames on both the sides just got that [ __ ] open you know that you're in good shape when you when you can wear a suit just straight up open and nobody has any problems Max knocked out justy over an accumulation of damage no I don't think so he one punch KO Justin like you don't Flatline someone like that over an accumulation of damage that's like saying that Alex Pereira knocked out Israel LNA over an accumulation of damage when it's just it's not true oh [ __ ] someone got injured in it g Torres this the feather way back at oh so both these guys are 45ers is there anyone there that actually know oh Torres I know he's 40 yeah like he's he he's at a stage now where it's like bro it's [ __ ] do or die you know what I mean like you pretty much got to get out of there you're like there's just no point in taking brain damage cuz there's no way he wins the title at 40 unless the guy's [ __ ] I don't know Randy cure and even Randy kajor like having a Randy kajor type situation where someone wins it that old at this stage would be crazy I love the way that they're giving every [ __ ] promo on the planet for this [ __ ] this Main Event fight better not be starting at 6:00 a.m. it better be a [ __ ] 5:30 one I actually have 856 in the account R for your mother die for your I like the 23-year-old I'm going to bet on his ass we're going to go Robert Valentine Myron Santos cuz I like him he's young young hungry that's what we're looking for and then who else can I load into this [ __ ] just to make it just to make it a little bit more Saucy give me Kyle Brier and then tarii [ __ ] it a little a little a eight to turn into what 40 eight8 year own to 45 that's not bad that would be a nice little come up that could technically if this hits I could get Bo bo6 for pretty much for free which would be nice I can't like you I could do with it right now I have a serious ass video idea called go to bits where you take two UFC fighters and break down their career to see who's the greater all time I did that for shorts what what I'm what I would like to do is maybe something like that but with another person I need to to find the right person to do it with it might be a separate channel in itself where it's just me and that other person but you know like the clips that you see like a lot of podcasts do and you see them do it for like 60 seconds or you'll see someone do like a 1 hour 30 podcast based on that type of thing I would like to do a channel where it's just like 10 minutes of that you know what I mean where it's just like 10 minute videos it's not like the whole podcasting so it's like an hour 30 or something but podcast type Style videos and type conversations but it's just 10 minutes but yeah know I might do something like that if I can find the right person to do it with I'd like to do some [ __ ] like that um where it's just like me and another guy that I'm [ __ ] with Justin said himself that H that that had nothing to do with the just in himself said that had nothing to do with the fight yeah like accumulation of damage is not like like he couldn't breed properly but he didn't [ __ ] choke him like it's not like that uh it's not like the that's what got him KO that super bracket floating 170 to 185 is so Stacks going to get harder and harder to push through the top uh as an older guy if you if you drop a couple yeah bro like you're [ __ ] at 170 or 85 I'm not going to lie to you like I feel bad for guys like that because there is like some guys that Jared caner if he wasn't in Prime Israel alisna probably could have had a title like Robert Whitaker probably could had a few defenses if he didn't run into Prime is well Alex there's a there's a few guys where that is a where that's statement is true where I feel bad for them but now now is the new generation who's greater alltime Usman or Izzy Izzy I think that Izzy is the better wins Robert Whitaker Alex Pereira um yeah know Izzy's Izzy's better all time Iz he beat Anderson Silva too it wasn't old Anderson but if you look at usman's wins he' beat kby he beat Tyron Woodley which is a good win but they like win for win they just don't Stack Up but a broken nose is definitely a factor you get gas faster yeah but like then every single knockout in UFC history apart from Jorge mazal is a is like damage accumulation you know what I mean what Irish prospects should I should I watch out for and there's some Bellator that are good there's that guy that asked the question at the Conor McGregor press conference like 13 years ago loner kavner I think is one's name I'm pretty sure he's good there's a guy I train with that's in guy that I trained Jiu-Jitsu with it's in Bellator you should watch out for him Richie I can't remember his second name but he's a pretty cool guy I've had one or two conversations with him he does say a whole lot to me cuz I'm a white Bel and he's a brown I've actually never seen him training the Gees so I don't know what Bel he is but he's good as [ __ ] you got to include dominance that Usman has more dominant wins I don't know if I'd agree with that to be honest like when when you look at dominant wins the Robert Whitaker the first fight dominant win when you look at the defenses that Izzy has in the middle the can ofer dominant win like there's a ton of dominant wins that Izzy has but there's a lot of Irish prospects in Bellator that are good there's one guy that I think is a champion or he's fighting for the championship next but to be honest my knowledge of promotions outside the UFC is bad I always go to Combat Sports today they're my guys I don't know if you know them but I always go to combat sports today on Twitter uh I follow those guys and they just kind of keep me updated on anything that's outside the UFC like kickboxing boxing all of those guys uh or all of that [ __ ] that's that's what I use them for like any like weird promotions where it's like Brave or anything like that I'm always using that [ __ ] Richie smullen is a beast yeah no he is he's really good I'm pretty sure I've rolled with him once and he absolutely cooked me he just straight up cooked me for five minutes oh [ __ ] Eric nixi in the corner I didn't realize that Eric nixi was over there is that his actual gym or is it that uh or is it that Valentina shenko like there and walking out with him how does it work can offley one of two Australian tough finalists him and Robert Whitaker damn him and Robert Whit are both out there my criteria is in no specific order for go list is resume dominance and Peak I feel like that's pretty much everybody's uh everybody's goat list you know what I mean like what what do you think you're leaving off or what could you add on to that defenses maybe well dominance is defenses that's kind of like a that's kind of like encapsulated in that I'm a big guy for defenses though eight Fight Win streaks sick wins six wins by submissions six first round finishes well [ __ ] Mystic if you know him you probably know more than me in terms of Irish prospects low key because I didn't know who Richie was until I started uh until I started like doing Jiu-Jitsu and he was there I didn't know who was he looks ready to go look he looks small though bro what is it about Australians and [ __ ] small featherweights like they just pump them out bro these tiny little featherweights that are just God here crazy thing about both Izzy and Usman is that they also have insane careers in other Combat Sports that's true what career does Usman have in another combat sport in wrestling I suppose College rest that makes sense who's next for Carlos PR really good question I was thinking about this the other day it's not actually easy to find a matchup for him um cuz I don't want to push him up to the rankings too fast I think you probably give him like you want to give him somebody that's going to test his wrestling a little bit cuz we've seen his striking but you also don't want to give them like this is the [ __ ] fine line of matchmaking UFC fights because it's like you want to give them someone that's difficult but not too difficult not not difficult enough to where he could actually lose to Welter wait let me let me throw out some options you do have Neil Magny Jeff Neil I'd feel bad for Neil Magny getting another one but he could fight you do those guys um I was looking through there's not really that many options for him Randy Brown would be a pretty good one Vicente luk I wouldn't mind Kevin Holland is another one like I don't want to rush him too fast but I think any of Kevin Holland Randy Brown or Vicente luk I think I think they're the three that I'd give him just depending on how much they want to test him damn I can't bro my Santos might actually be a dog I didn't watch this guy on tough but he might actually be good as [ __ ] PR versus Randy Brown yeah that's what I was thinking of in my opinion it's harder to in my opinion it's harder to win your belt back than to defend because when you defend uh cuz when you defend it you have so much momentum but winning your belt means you've lost all all your momentum that's why I have easy behind me that's why I had Le on Edwards I love the story of Israel LNA more than I love uh more than I love the actual fighter Israel LNA just because like to lose three times to Alex Pereira he beats you twice in kickboxing then he hunts you down beats you in the UFC and to still come back still be confident and still great there and win that uh fourth fight is crazy that's crazy [ __ ] that's what that's why I like it that's why I have the poster behind me I heard you are a fine [ __ ] not a fine of you personally not going to lie in your personal life you done some pretty [ __ ] up [ __ ] you can fight you can fight Usman Usman was a D2 wrestling champion if I'm not wrong see D2 wrestling champion don't get me wrong being a D2 wrestling champion is still very impressive but it's not comparable to what Israel Lan did in kickboxing chaining wins against the best in the world is so hard though that's also very true but I do I always appreciate it it's like my guilty pleasure uh Fighters lost the belt and won it back so I'm trying to think of Fighters that did it Israel alisna did it um who else [ __ ] lost a belt and won it back or just had a bunch of losses and won a belt like Charles Olivera had a bunch of losses won a belt I said ra four minutes 20 left in round one tough featherweight final damn nice little counter left hand Over the Top by Santos or right hand I should say and not left hand nice knee up the middle he is so much bigger though like you can see that there is a huge difference in size I do think though not going to lie tough final shouldn't be fought in the Apex tough final should be fought in an actual uh in an actual Arena I can't like you GSP yeah GSP lost about one a back respectable there's a ton of guys there's a ton of guys I can't think of that many off the top of my head right now they did it but there's a ton of guys that lost their belt won the belt back like went through did all the [ __ ] did it all again what the [ __ ] is UFC on the line bro gambling analysis I feel like gambling's too prevalent in sports now you know what I mean G GSP also transformed from a karate guy into arguably the first Elite and modern like modern style MMA guy yeah I agree and he also had some crazy coaches for it like John Daner who's probably the best Brazilian juu coach on the planet if not ever um he trained GSP in like jiujitsu he used to train him in Striking too like GSP was a [ __ ] freaking nature crazy athlete as well always in good shape I think GSP was on roids but I think that all of those guys were on roids so it's really nothing to like hold GSP back and be like GSP you were on steroids when all of them were so far two and a half minutes halfway through into this uh into this tough final halfway into the first round I should say low key Santos is getting cooked BR he's getting cooked he's getting pushed up against the fence he's getting pressured oh nice elbow off the fence there my top 20 is Nunes Olivera cejudo Connor Fedor poan Cruz Holloway Islam Usman kabib DC Stipe Silva vul Aldo DJ GP John Bones Jones yeah I don't I don't hate it you know what I mean like I haven't looked through it intensely enough I think Stipe is probably a little high I think that Islam is probably a little low but apart from that I don't I don't hate it gambling sponsors are gambling SP in footy are crazy bro they're everywhere now bro like gambling's legit taking over the world it's crazy to me like I'd be very surprised if in a few years well probably not cuz the CU the gambling companies can just buy off the governments but I'd be surprised if in a few years there's not like bands around it you know what I mean it was a reasonable stoppage what the the Whatchamacallit stoppage which one the Michael Morales stoppage I thought it was a good stoppage to be honest like there was nothing wrong with it he was getting the dog sh beat out of him on the ground he wasn't reacting GSP uh GSP didn't have a wrestling base was able to out wrestle guys that went to the Olympic trials he did have he did have a like he didn't have a wrestling base you know what I mean but he did wrestle he is he he is one of the [ __ ] weird ones that like KH just has his free innate like learning ability where the leg kicks are starting to Sting from Santos you can see when they're like lifting that foot off the ground you know that them leg kicks are hurting oh yeah he can't put any pressure on that foot those leg kicks yeah I was just saying it bro [ __ ] me bro he's [ __ ] people up with those leg kicks bad no the junior taffa fight was a reasonable stoppage yeah I think so like people people were annoyed because cuz he didn't tap technically it was like a verbal tap by him screaming through that heel hook but if you're screaming like it makes sense for the referee to stop it because the referee might just think in his head you can't tap or that your leg's about to break so he's going to stop the fight which makes sense it's like when I [ __ ] triangle someone on Friday and they would not tap bro like they just refused to tap through the triangle as soon as they started like like going purple and being like I just let go of the triangle and then they reset because we knew that that [ __ ] was locked up CP should be higher than DC he beat him twice and it's not like they were close he dominated them both fights he took his head off the first fight 49 46 a second yeah but DC also beat him DC also beat Dee DC and yeah DC is a tiny heavyweight I will give you the world baby girl you just got to be worth it would you guys would you guys [ __ ] with the gaming streams though if I did if I did a little bit more gaming scen gaming streams also I want to start I think I'm going to start just making like some random videos on some different channels just some videos that I think would be cool cuz like there [ __ ] that I think about in like my daily life where I'm like I kind of want to talk about that [ __ ] like I don't know like like a shark tier list or something or like a [ __ ] country tier list like what's the most dangerous country on the planet or some [ __ ] you know what I mean some like dope [ __ ] like that I probably wouldn't like advertise it on this channel though just to like Let It organically do it something or conspiracy theories like those of you that don't know me and I'm not even sure if I've said this on like YouTube streams before but I love conspiracy theories bro I [ __ ] love conspiracy theories so I might do a [ __ ] whole consp the channel where I just go through some different [ __ ] start talking about it if you see my tabs over here I have a I have I have this [ __ ] pulled up that I was watching earlier The Joe Rogan Alex Jones Eddie Bravo podcast bro this [ __ ] is comedy I love this podcast it's probably one of my favorite podcasts ever bro but yeah know [ __ ] like that like there's there's some other [ __ ] that I just love to like make videos about it no because Dustin is not the [ __ ] compared to steep yeah know Dustin definitely isn't above him but DC DC's above him 109 Santos after round one yeah how did how did everybody score that round everybody score that round towards Santos Henry seuda bro Henry cejudo be tapped in bro he watches every [ __ ] event bro unless he's got someone like tweeting off his account bro I saw I checked my phone earlier Henry cejudo there watching the early prelims like that's [ __ ] love of the game that is Love of the Game people say a verbal top is just saying tap but then but then they have no idea uh about Combat Sports so they wouldn't know anything about it most of the time a verbal tap is saying tap that's what it is most of the time like if you get caught in something and uh or if you're like tapping with your hand too but there's there's like times in Jiu-Jitsu where you where you're in a position where like you can't tap you know what I mean say like someone has say like someone has one of your arms trapped and they go for an arm bar you have both of your arms are trapped technically so you have to just say t oh damn Santos slapped him holy [ __ ] Bro Santos [ __ ] slapped him damn bro that brother is snoozing face down ass up is crazy holy [ __ ] bro he slept in bad that was out of nowhere one punch K oh holy [ __ ] that butter is nice with it God damn bro that [ __ ] is nice low key we going to have to watch out for him he might he might [ __ ] end up on a prospects list at the end of the year I might have to rewatch his fights in tough bro I might have to go back and watch all the fights he's had in tough so far CU that was nice as [ __ ] that was like a that was almost like an that was like a prime Anderson Silva KO where he's like all balance just comes back doesn't even get like the full leverage that he needs and W bang just catches him fully that was [ __ ] nice as [ __ ] bro perfect oh my God bro that was absolutely perfect slips the first punch Clips him right over the side of the head with a bro that was so nice he slips the first punch and hits him with an overhand and then as he's slipping this way he comes back around and hits him with a left hook while uh while also slipping uh while also slipping his left hook bro that was [ __ ] clean bro that was nice as [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that was nasty that was nasty as [Music] [ __ ] but what did DC do that steepe didn't they both have four title offens and have a pretty similar level resume style was more dominant of course uh Stipe was more dominant DC had a better Peak other than double champ see the things that make DC more impressive for me DC did it in a more difficult division he has two belts and he beat the greatest heavyweight of all time that's what that's what does it for me you know what I mean he all like Stipe did it in probably or at not DC probably did it in the most difficult UFC division ever like ever I think I think he did it in where when we talk about the 205 division where he beat gustofson who's a pound number one type Talent he beat Rumble who would have been a champion in any other division at that point damn his girl is bad as [ __ ] too holy [ __ ] that's dve CP hard DC DC only lost to Jones and CP DC also beat Frank me big for Barnett CPE and LS at heavyweight then light heavyweight beat Rumble ghost Vulcan and hen seems that everyone TP beat he's also lost to yeah I think for sure that I think for sure it's got to be it's got to be dcmi like don't get me wrong they're in the same tier but I think that it is a I think that it is not like the they're in the same TI but they're not levels apart you know what I mean same tab is not the only verbal to though grimacing or making a s that makes it seem like you're in pain will get it stopped I don't know if that's true I think for him like a scream like a Yelp like that will get it stopped but with a lot of Fighters bro like you're going to see like leg locks especially when you get into like heel hooks or ankle locks or anything like that it'll like you'll see you'll see people like grimacing like I've had it in YouTu before where like I'm trying to get out of a heel hook or a leg lock and they're starting to like twist it over and I'm like oh that shit's about to [ __ ] and then I but um but like you can see that uh but like sometimes I feel like it's kind of referee's discretion unless unless the referee knows and sees for sure that uh the leg's about to break I don't really like them stopping it DC had success in another weight class is hard to argue against that yeah that's what I think I think that like I I hold double champ pretty highly especially for DC who's so [ __ ] short bro like DC is short as [ __ ] bro DC could have done it 185 to I seriously think that DC would have been the best candidate to ever uh go for triple chump bro myON Santos want to look at bro Brazil has such a [ __ ] nice future in MMA bro holy [ __ ] bro like Brazil has Brazil now has like Santos you have Carlos prates like you have a ton of [ __ ] guys a ton of guys coming out of Brazil that are just dogs tafa really made himself into a clown in the post fight also I thought it was kind of funny to be honest just because like TAA is how I want heavyweights to fight I want I want heavy ways to fight how TAA wants to fight where he's just like let's just [ __ ] brawl one of us is going to sleep you know what I mean like that's how that's how I want them to fight but they don't most of the time St JDS fully choose to over him 5045 Francis and ganu and dominated DC twice he might have a better resume than uh than DC so St beat JDS over no that wasn't Juiced over him over him looked like [ __ ] in that fight 5040 like the Francis and ganu win is the only win that's kind of on par with the three wins that DC has where the stee Gus and uh Rumble like don't don't get me wrong the the enanu win is a very good win and it's what puts him into that top 10 conversation but I think he's just behind them when Dan hooker was uh caught that leg lock and he look so casual about it to be honest like most of the time most people look pretty casual in leglocks like it's not crazy most time you're just thinking to yourself like if you guys have been in a lag lock or if you like most of the time you're thinking in a lag lock or at least how I'm thinking is like [ __ ] you know what I mean it's not like it's it's not like I'm thinking there like sitting there like crazy you know what I mean but most of the time it's just kind of like bro like how the [ __ ] do I get my [ __ ] out of this or if I'm getting like ankle locked or something I'm just trying to push my foot through as hard as I can but you have to stay calm you have to stay calm in any submission bro if you like 10 up you're going to get submitted like 10 times faster be because of Jones DC doesn't get his proper credit I think that DC gets more credit because of Jon Jones to be honest I think if Jon Jones like it's kind of like Batman and Joker you know what I mean where like DC wouldn't be viewed as highly at all if he didn't have Jon Jones in his career and Jon Jones definitely would not be viewed as highly if he didn't have DC in his career so I think that they both needed each other and they both look better because of each other JDs and over they've both beaten top contenders in stage and they've super stacked resumes no I definitely agree DC is in top five of me I definitely agree he's probably he's probably seventh on my list Morales or prates bro that's like asked me to pick between my two children that's like ask me which child do I like more like they're I don't know bro I actually can't pick between both those guys like if you're asking me who do I think will be better prob Michael Morales will probably be better just cuz he's younger but um but in terms of like how much I like both of them bro I think they're both so good I think they're both so [ __ ] good bro it's crazy that the future of 170 and 185 is like the brightest it's ever been like looking at where those divisions have been in the past like 170 and 185 I cannot see how that [ __ ] goes wrong why do they have like beside Robert Valentine's name that he's a judo that he's a judo brown belt Jon Jones DC has eight plus defenses and is unanimous light heavyweight goat on top of double champ wait without Jon Jones DC has eight plus defenses and his unanimous light heavyweight goat on top of uh on top of double champ I'm not sure if he has eight plus defenses maybe he does maybe he does but I don't know I think they like bro people forget Gus brought DC to a split decision I think that if Gus fights DC again after that like you it's not it's not just a for gone conclusion that DC wins that fight all right can we get a top 20 or top 10 just off the top of your head not official not official not in order top 10 um not in order by the way cuz I can't think of guys in order but just the 10 Fighters I think are top 10 Jones GSP Anderson uh DJ vul Aldo um DC Stipe is [Music] Islam who's number 10 khabib's in my head H's in my head usman's in my head Izzy's in my head I'll put Izzy at 10 I'll put Izzy a 10 and probably after that I would probably go Izzy Izzy Usman kabib hallway and then beyond there I don't really know I can't think of what do you think the 170 rankings look like in a year's time I think it's going to be shav cats the champion Leon Edwards I think is going to be the number one Contender no yeah yeah I think Leon Edwards is number one I think who's number two I'm going to say see like how the how the UFC ranking how the UFC ranked them is what I'm kind of like trying to look at compared to like how good I actually think each fighter is going to be or where I think each fighter is going to be in my internal rankings cuz I don't don't think that Leon will be the second best fighter in the vision but I think he's going to beat JDM or uh Ian Gary or whoever he fights Islam is not better than Usman or is he that's a crazy casual take I think he's better than both of them like I I have H I have I I have Islam over I have Islam definitely over khabib like when you look at who he's beat he beat volkanovski which is on par with Israel arisa's best win of Pereira he's done it all in dominant fashion beat volkanovski twice finished volkanovski beat Dustin porier beat Charles Olivera when Charles Olivera was top of like pound for pound list when he was like number four pound for pound list I think it's crazy to say that Islam's over izy all time I think Ian Gary will probably move up to 85 as he hits his late 20s early 30s to make the Wake Cut's going to make or to make [ __ ] me essentially yes yes I agree like inar is [ __ ] huge bro he's like 6'3 6'4 at at 70 at 170 that is big man so I don't think he's going to be able to do that weight cut for for the rest of his life for sure his resume is mid without vul you could say the same about anybody's you could say the same about like legit anybody in the UFC and that Charles Oliva win in itself is enough but you can't take away two defenses and say yeah know his his resume is made if you take Tyron Woodley and Kobe COV out of usman's resume to Mid if you take Robert Whitaker and Alex out of out of Izzy's resum mates mid like you can't say [ __ ] like that did you forget about Charles I said it Jones GSP DJ Aldo DC vul Silva Stipe Cruz cejudo s Islam I can't I can't have Cruz anywhere near top 10 I I don't even think I can put him he's probably like 15th for me but I can't put him near top 10 there's too many fighters that are better same with audo I like cejudo but he's but he's probably around that like 15 16 conversation again but yeah know I I don't think it's great what do you guys think Islam or izy all time a lot of people area are probably going to say Islam because they don't like Izzy but um but I seriously think that that's that's a real conversation it's a real real real conversation you also have to take into a fact how dominant Islam is compared to IZ he lost to Strickland Pereira uh DDP like he's lost a lot of his last few fights and trust me that doesn't make a difference until you're at that Elite level it's like when you get to that like top 10 bracket how many fights you lose definitely does does make a difference double champ does make a difference Izzy has better wins right now but Islam Islam will pass him up yeah I don't know it's close like they're they're they're really close in my eyes maybe I'm just higher on Islam than the than other people are but I think Islam's probably like around that like number seven and Izzy's probably nine I can't remember I can't put numbers on them yet khabib over Islam 70% of his title defenses is the same featherweight yeah but like you can't say that [ __ ] like that's just taking [ __ ] completely out of context what if I what if I reverse it and say that you know like 70% of his title defenses are against the pound-for-pound number one Islam's way better than kabib like he like most of his title defenses are against the pound-for-pound greatest fighter on the planet and he beat him twice like that just that just that just makes it look like if you if if you try flip context to make [ __ ] look worse then that's how it's going to be like if we look at khabib's defenses they're really khabib as a fighter was impressive but his defenses I don't think were all that impressive like the guys that he fought Justin gaii I don't think like Justin gatei is a really really good fighter don't get me wrong but he doesn't compare to volkanovski Connor when he was coming back I love Connor but he didn't take that fight seriously enough um so like that defense isn't great Alli Quin no like look at the guys that he was fighting for titles Dustin porier was probably his toughest test and dorier like good in his prime but once again nowhere near vovi Islam's not dominant he struggled against 35y old vul yeah but that was like that's pound for pound number one vul you know what I mean vul would have cleared out the lightweight Division if Islam wasn't there maybe Charles would give him a run for his money I agree I think that Charles vulcanos I'm trying to think how that fight would go see the thing is I don't see Charles being able to beat vul via decision though but I don't know that that would actually be a super interesting fight I'd love to see that fight right now because if you think about it okay like how I'm thinking in my head How does each fighter win that fight Charles ala would probably have to win it via finish like if Islam can't submit vul I don't know but the submission training is also way different it's way more difficult against Charles Al just because he throws up a lot of different submissions and and it's a lot more difficult to defend them where like he throws up like triangles on platas everything from like guard and he's constantly attacking submissions yeah I don't know who actually would have won that Prime Charles or prime volkanovski that would have been that would have been a sick fight I'd probably pick vul though what Cruz is the bantamweight goat wins over yeah I agree that he's a bantamweight goat wins over TJ fa DJ and Benitas definitely makes him top 10 that I don't agree with I think that he's probably like top 15 because DJ like DJ going up to 35 was like it was just never going to work in the first place because DJ's a small 25 like he's not a big 25 at all benitz is a decent win but like it's not anything too special compared to to anybody else's wins then TJ Dillashaw is a good win euriah Faber once again it's a good name but it's not really a like I don't think it's a craziest defense especially when you compare it to guys like Islam Mev guys like Izzy Usman who are you know like top 10 contenders khabibs are top 10 Contender so it's kind of like who do you leave out of your top 10 if you're putting Cruz in there no I'm not thinking about the future I'm thinking about where I ranked them right now Charles is still in his prime he showed no signs of decline I think he showed a little bit signs of the CL don't get me wrong he's not falling off a cliff or anything but I think if you get Charles two or three years ago he beats Arman rukin definitely I don't think it's fair to say that like the Charles that fought Dustin and the Charles that fought Dustin would lose to Arman cukan or if you say that I just don't agree with it that Charles and folk fight still could happen yeah could definitely I don't know I don't know how it would line up to happen if volkanovski wants to jump up to 55 [ __ ] it' be great but I don't know how it's going to happen Ryan loader walking out he's from California Granite Bay he looks in good shape how uh how long of a training camp do these guys have for this [ __ ] because I know that the tough season gets recorded ages ago so what does he have like eight weeks to prepare for this tough finale it always blows my mind too that uh that like nobody ever spoils tough like no tough [ __ ] ever really gets spoiled which blows my mind because like there is a [ __ ] ton of time and people talk like Ryan lader might say it to [ __ ] his gym back home and say it to his family back home that he's like in the finale like how would you not say it if you were if you were going back to your family if you were like going back to everybody how does that [ __ ] not come out I don't know maybe maybe tough just isn't popular enough where like the spoilers don't blow up or anything EJ never went up he fought Cruz when the 12 125 didn't exist not to mention it was his third fight inside the UFC yeah but that's what I mean as in like DJ DJ went up to 135 because his actual division is 125 like DJ's at 25 being a double Cham should at least get you an honorable mention in top 10 of all time um so is Connor does Connor get a mention in top 10 all time I think so maybe when is killer gorilla versus KY B happening one Fridays on right now right now is the tough finale it's the 170 tough finale and um the main event I think is going to be 5:30 hopefully not 6: a.m. hopefully 5:30 but I'll check right now I'll tell you what it says it says the main event is yeah 5:30 my time so it's going to be like an hour from now you bums never did nothing but so you're going to see him to one coming back after five years on and off injury and beating TJ for the belt is still pretty insane though for Cruz yeah know you're right I need to pull this down a little bit what H I've never been known to take those Islam's kind of overrated I don't think I don't think Islam's overrated am I yeah I'm going the wrong way I want to pull this [ __ ] down but I'm not really bothered to do it right now I can just sit up a little bit six fight unbeaten streak for for Robert Valentine ever since he went to the [ __ ] forest and the gods told him that they wanted blood I think I could beat TJ probably [ __ ] [Music] could what's your argument how did Charles look bad in the Arman fighter even show one small sign of decline um on the feed I think he showed signs of decline I really do think that Charles ala would have outboxed Armen outboxed Armen and outd him on the feet entirely if they were to fight two or three years ago and in the grappling it's going to be a long time before I think we see really significant signs or signs that I can point out that well of Charles um of is Decline and grappling just because like once you're a black belt like you don't really lose those skills you might lose a little bit of explosiveness but you don't really like your triangle still is tight your arm bar is still is tight you know what I mean like especially with Charles's style of grappling too it's not something that you need to be super explosive from because he just plays guard vul be Charles by a close split decision but gets subbed vul beats Charles by a close split decision but gets subbed in the rematch yeah I'd love see two fights from them but they both be like [ __ ] 40 by the time it's done I like the green shorts D those green shorts are pretty fire G Pereira said about anive not willing to fight I I don't know not really to be honest um I don't I don't really I just don't understand why I don't understand why Alex Pereira would not want the fight just doesn't make any sense to me you know I mean like why would uh why would or why anive wouldn't want to fight like it just straight up doesn't make sense like when I think through in my head cuz most of the time with this like UFC stuff where someone's saying he doesn't want to fight and he doesn't want fight I don't really side with one person I just think through in my head like if that was me if I had to like if that was me in both situations what one makes more sense and it makes more sense for me for Alex Pereira to be saying that he doesn't want the fight someone also commented something on my YouTube video earlier that I thought made sense where it was like the 307 was short notice and that Alex perea or that an live was already booked that could be true but I do think that they just swap that around like I think that if anive is booked it doesn't matter they'll just swap that [ __ ] around or or have like it doesn't yeah even saying that doesn't make sense to me because you could have had Alex Pereira and cive headline 308 and have Max Holloway and Ilia headline 307 and that makes more sense for both sides I think all the trash talk between Pere and anive is trash talk and it's 100% a business decision by UFC W PR to Main Event and an to fight in Saudi see that's the the that's the thing that people said earlier but it just doesn't make sense to me oh arm triangle immediately I I legit hit this exact same arm triangle on uh on Friday oh he did good to stack there back take back take potentially hold on we're seing some [ __ ] jiujitsu here immediate Jiu-Jitsu he's got the arm trapped trying to drag him back down to the mat he's got that uh he's got a seat belt no actually it's a body lock he he's got a body lock needs to try to break him down uh break him down into Turtle which is like oh tries to roll out of it not really a smart idea where he end up inside control jiujitsu already is what I love to see now now I love to watch jiujitsu in MMA I can't lie nether I know it oh he's trapped the arm armar oh armar he's trying to roll out of it that [ __ ] [ __ ] was tight bro that was a tight armar I don't know how the [ __ ] he got out of that so fast armar into a back take holy [ __ ] bro bro this is [ __ ] it's an explosive first minute 20 holy [ __ ] l l had an armar pretty much locked in Valentine rolled out of it and ended up taking his back now loader's pretty much escaped Valentine's got one hook in though he's trying to get both hooks in to get that back take again bro this has been [ __ ] this this exactly what I expect Brian Orga against Diego Lopez to be like Valentine has a pretty perfect position here where he has load are flattened out on his back with his back taking we could see a r choke here oh yeah he's thinking about tapping is he just going to go it through damn that [ __ ] is locked in bro that [ __ ] is locked in I don't know how he's not tapping on that [ __ ] still still doing a good job of fighting the hands at least bro that [ __ ] looks locked the [ __ ] in like that grip is good he's got a good bite across neck damn and he just firms it and gets up and out of it [ __ ] me fair play but Valentine's in a pretty much perfect position he's got the body lock H yeah this is going to be hard to escape from bro especially because his body lock is so high up that like the way you're meant to get rid of a body lock is with your legs but since Valentine's body lock is so high up oh yeah that [ __ ] could be done already again he's doing a good job of fighting the hands he's trying to spin round in it probably not going to work but it could rockage will beat anive everybody underestimating him I don't think so man like I like rage a lot but I just don't think like I think the lank alive could KO him lowy is the hot take to think Izzy has not passed his prime Str just a tough match up and he looked good against stre made a dumb mistake against defense I think that Izzy is not past his prime physically but mentally he is like I don't think Izzy mentally still has it he has too much money I don't think that he really wants to be a champion anymore I think he's kind of lost that fire that almost like that killer in him you know what I mean because every time we see him lose a fight it's like now drist theand that he said that he was going to kill that he was crying before the fight after the fight now he's like giving them hugs giving him a jacket too being like yeah know it's all good and trust me I don't expect Israel arisna to want to like fight him backstage and [ __ ] but like if it really means that much to you if he really did all this [ __ ] to you like if the Rivalry was what I thought it was I didn't think that that was going to be the response that he had I think it's all trash shok yeah but yeah see see the thing about the Alex per anive thing is why would if it's just a business decision to you want uh do you want an life to fight in Saudi why would you not have Pereira and an life Main Event in Saudi that doesn't make any sense the Saudis would love to fight way more you have a dagestani fight in the main event and you have Alex bar and you have Alex bar the biggest superstar in the UFC in the main event and then 307 can be Max all the way against Ilia where it's kind of like a neutral venue for them I get hyped for aggressive grappling I wish L pre and he didn't didn't give grappling a bad name yeah dead ass especially if you know what you're watching in grappling like bro it's [ __ ] entertaining as [ __ ] it's fun as [ __ ] was it DDP and Izzy rivalry all for sales I don't know bro I really don't know I don't I think it was kind of a one onesided rivalry too like looking back at it like I don't think DDP ever really had that much beef with I he you know what I mean like I I don't think DDP ever really hated him I think that Izzy definitely hated DDP though which is why we didn't have like Jon Jones DC that [ __ ] rivalry was they both hated each [Music] other 307 is going to be bad for rry doesn't jaob is 110 the kickbox of per is and he beat khil but got robbed yeah I really don't think that uh I really don't think that he's going to be good like I don't see khil beating Alex PR I mean if I need mods I can mod people but I really don't need mods like there's no reason for me to have them you know what I mean and there's like nothing really happens in my chat to the point where I'd actually need mods is he hated DD yeah but then after the fight he's giv him a jacket and he's like pretending like he's all cool with him and [ __ ] like he shook Alex pereira's hand after he lost Alex bar but you could still see that he wanted that [ __ ] back you know what I mean you could still see he thought he was going to beat him again I have a theory that they will book uh Alex and anive next but they are going to but they are going to try to compromise anive make him turn around quick like Alo it's not a bad theory that could definitely happen we see it like we see it a lot in the UFC now where like Dana White like I'd be surprised if Bal is not defending soon bro soon Kain Bal and shavkat I'd be very surprised if that's not soon or maybe main event on like a intrum something or like main event on a ST card it could be Alex on 310 now I'd say that I'd say I'd say this is Alex's last fight of the year for sure because he's fought what three times this year 30034 307 generational run from Alex Barrera generational year 310 is going to be Jon Jones and kain's probably going to be Jang way Lee I guess if Jang way is not on 309 because if you think about it the Connor card is what or or is the Jones card 309 the Connor card is 310 I think I think the Connor card's meant to be 310 so if it isn't if it is Connor you're not going to see another title fight on it you'll probably see Ian against JDM or somebody damn crucifix oh this is horrendous I was in this the other day bro I tried to do the exact same [ __ ] he just tried to do swing my legs around wildly yeah know Jones is 309 I'm pretty sure B wanted to defend in December did he say that let me see Bal Muhammad December Bal Muhammad December remember remember the 5th of December BL mam December let me see this [ __ ] BL mhammad says Usman or shavat likely next eyeing December okay it's his first hense okay so that would be interesting that would be that bro I love the way that the first thing that pops up when I tweet the [ __ ] out oh fight gets stopped damn from the crucifix elbows loader gets it done I bet on Valentine too that's my bet [ __ ] but I don't really give that much of a [ __ ] bro I uh I didn't realize that the fight was that close to being stopped I wasn't even locked in on it I just said why I'm here bro I literally just said why if he gets a round one KO H he could ask for a turnaround from anive and if anive can he might fight Tommy I don't think that like Dana White just seems to hate that idea of uh of that heavyweight match up so I doubt that that's what's going to happen there's nothing he could do after he got after he got caught in the crucifix yeah like the only thing you can really try to do is like flip him over like when your hands are like this is to kind of like use your traction to kind of like flip yourself you know what I mean like you're like you're trying to pick and flip at the same time I said that if I need mods I can but like for right now I don't even need mods like there's no reason for me to have them ioki wants Cay to upset Jones and turn the whole MMA Community upside down it would be pretty funny but I think that there's just just no way I think the Jon Jones wins that fight see but even if Bal WS 310 he's not going to get I could I could actually really see them putting Bal on a January pay-per-view could really see it cuz usually that January pay-per-view is not the most stack [ __ ] on the planet like what was the January pay-per-view last year I'm trying to remember who was on that card who was on the January pay-per-view this year Vulcan Ilia was February who was January bro who was on that [ __ ] January pay-per-view it wasn't 35 it wasn't sha Mali it wasn't 45 was it no it wasn't 55 right it wasn't 70 oh yeah yeah it was strong yeah it was Sean it was sha DDP sha DDP it was sha DDP and then mosar and Arnold Allen was on that card too that was where that was where Mike mow lost it what's this one View and one minute mean people keep comment on your vids I don't know it's just something like copy impostor [ __ ] it's like some troll [ __ ] I don't know [ __ ] dupy and Sean diand is crazy if St wins God exist and he has a good sense of humor yeah that's just because you just don't like Jon Jones bro it's so funny cuz people in people in my Discord accuse me of being biased when it's just like bro if I'm biased you're biased bro you're just biased the other way it's like [ __ ] I say I say to I say say in my videos I'm just like oh yeah well I don't think Jon Jones is ducking Tom aspal and I don't think but but I would definitely much rather see Tom aspal against Jon Jones and then Tom against Ste people are like you're so biased it's unbelievable how biased you are poal on an event with Elite flyweights casuals will still will still tune in because 170 is legit and the flyweights get to put on a show and maybe win some people over I think that the card to do that on is honestly the Conor card rather than that [ __ ] and you have to but you have to really selectively pick the right Flyway fights like you have to get guys like Felipe dos Santos that just go there and [ __ ] scrap CPE wins it the biggest upside of all time n definitely not Matt SRA GSP is probably number one upset of all time and then you probably have like Strickland Iz he up there I'm trying to think other big upsets that happened Anderson Silva losing that's pretty big upset hm trying to think is there anything else what are what are the what are the what are the other big upsets I hate Jones and think he's the goat uh I I hate Jones and think he's the goat and hate that both those statements have to coexist yeah like for me if you think that anybody else is the goat it's kind of hard to take you seriously like I like there is Arguments for other guys you could say you know GSP or someone like that or DJ but most people that are saying GSP or DJ just because they don't like Jon Jones that's like the only reason and they're just like well I canot like the go to the SP bro you can just look at it in terms of odds like it's not it's not that huge of an upset if I look up Jon Jones stpe odds John Jones stee odds I guarantee that like The Bookies one think is that big of an upset yeah like Jon Jones didn't even open as that big of a favor bro he opened as minus 200 that's relatively like even and he's closing right now at minus 340 which once again is not that big of an upset like let me look up mat versus GSP odds like it's just people on Twitter that are blowing that [ __ ] up to be like a to be like way different than what it actually is like GSP was a minus 1300 favorite bro a minus 1300 favorite let me look up Strickland against the Strickland adisan odds Adisa was a minus 650 favorite like these are both way bigger ones this is the biggest one by far this is almost double the upset that the Shan stricken one was but like these aren't even really close and most of the time for those guys most time for upsets I'll go by their odds because they're the people that are putting [ __ ] millions of dollars on the line based on their predictions depends on how you view steroids yeah that's kind of the only argument but I'd also say depending on how you view steroids is like well who's your goat then khabib the guy that took steroids when he was like growing up in the Russian Olympic program because then you can't really hate them that much GSP who definitely took steroids in like 2006 2007 2008 2009 when the UF were just doing like smell tests like Anderson Silva definitely did the same DJ I'd be surprised if DJ's been clean his whole career he's been fighting for way too long so it's like how are we looking at steroids you know what I mean I mean all the go candidates have ju so it's not fair to call one guy or the other unless like an Uber or bord who just over top yeah yeah that's exactly what I mean it's like Jon Jones like Jon Jones is the one that got caught for reducing 100% And that probably means that he was on more than what people think that he should have been but there's a lot of but there's like pretty much all of these Fighters have been on steroids there rumors that 311 will be in Saudi Arabia so balal headliner for the January card would be ideal with an elite undercard yeah you need to stack that undercard though Bal Shava would be cool as [ __ ] in uh in Saudi Arabia just see just see bal's little head get [ __ ] slapped bro people think that I'm actually so much more of a BAL hater than I than I am to I like I I don't like bow but he really he really has zero significance on my life cuz I know he's just losing the belt next time he fight if not Jon Jones then it would be GSP khabib need a V at least to Charles went to really put him up there personally yeah I agree with you I agree with you that for all of my Goan it's why khabib I just said khabib because like there is a tangent of people that say khabib but for me khabib's not even really top 10 I think he's probably like top 12 I appreciate that flame bro that means a lot brother I appreciate that a ton oops too bro I'm trying to get into I'm trying to get into more basketball the problem is that I picked the Phoenix Suns to support when I was like what like ages ago probably like six or seven years ago when the Phoenix Suns were dog [ __ ] I actually picked them because uh BR wadas I'm not sure if any of you guys know who that is it's FaZe rug's brother he supported the Suns and I loved his content then but the only problem with supporting the Suns is that they're are West Coast team so that all of the Suns games are on a 3:00 in the morning my time which just [ __ ] sucks but I love basketball I love American football D I really should just move to America Loki I should move to America I love basketball I love American football I love the UFC like all of this [ __ ] is on it an actual normal time in the UFC imagine boys my sleep schedule wouldn't have to be [ __ ] cooked every day imagine that [ __ ] bro but there's also the thing in America where if I get into a fight with somebody they could just pull out a gun and shoot me which also you know that's just straight up not that cool like I'm just not a big fan of that being honest with you um there's a guy that donated $10 to you the other day in the comments but you didn't respond or even realize I think I saw it but I think he said some [ __ ] that he said he he said something that if people say I just don't respond to cuz it cuz it kind of triggers me a little bit it triggers the it triggers the competitive side of me a lot you know what I mean so the $10 didn't mean a lot I appreciated it but the $10 didn't mean enough to get me to break my morals you need a little bit more money than that to get me to break my morals because I'm pretty sure the competitor and me was annoyed at what he said fun fact uh Jon Jones could have been triple champ when he was young he used to weigh 220 same as guys like Costa but Silva was the champ and Silva was Jon Jones's hero what he used to weigh like two bro if he if he cut down to [ __ ] 85 no way you would have been able to do that you should move to Parkway Gardens apartment and homes in America isn't that where like [ __ ] King vaugh is from in Chicago look go Parkway [Music] Gardens Parkway Gardens yeah apartment building in Chicago Illinois commonly known as O Block I knew I [ __ ] heard of that [ __ ] before bro I knew I heard of that [ __ ] Bro commonly known as oblock this [ __ ] is trying to get me killed bro Canada angle hell no Canada is a [ __ ] communist country I am British but yeah I do like the NBA I am Irish bro that is the reality bro people get shot in America all the time for no [ __ ] reason just some random ass guy who shoot you walking down the street bro I was watching a video on Twitter the other day some random guy walking down the street with an axe in America yeah just walking down the street with an axxe I'm like okay well what the [ __ ] going on he's got an axe just swings it at some random dony on the street bro crazy now NBA is the most International us uh base sport especially among kids see I don't understand why cuz I think the NFL should be because the NFL is honestly on it a good time for me like the NFL is on at 600 p.m. for me or at least like the first games are on at 6 p.m. move move to Ohio nobody gets shot nobody gets shot here but what the [ __ ] is there to do in Ohio like the only thing I could think of to do in Ohio is go to is go to Ohio State Games apart from that there's like nothing to do I'm an atin seeing all my younger relatives wearing Steph Curry and LeBron trck makes me so happy I've got so many NBA jerseys actually do have this Ohio State jersey over here too I I I have a little CJ stra Ohio State jersey bro I pointed my [ __ ] arm and it is in so much pain I actually might need to go to the doctor about this [ __ ] I'm not sure if this is normal I don't think it's normal for my arm to be in this much pain hi how's your day get shot in the head that's low how I [ __ ] imagine it now Brazil beat America and gvid yeah but you can say the same thing about like the cartel [ __ ] in Mexico like I mov to Mexico I'm good um a guy got mad at my brother for cutting while followed us home and tried to pull a gun out on us but he was not fast enough see this is what I mean bro you got some crazy [ __ ] over there in America doing some crazy different [ __ ] you know what I mean and also the other thing about America is the food over there bro like everybody's so fat over there and all the food is so bad for you and if you want to eat like good food bro it's so [ __ ] expensive like if you just want to be healthy in America it costs so much money but yeah know America America would be cool apart from that [ __ ] to move over to like if there was a time zone that was similar to America I'd like move like the time zone is what I like bro let me let me look up what time zones share what countries share um EST time zone cuz if I could move somewhere like that it would be [ __ ] cool bro Cuba haa Peru Panama and Colombia am I moving over to Southern America get some cool [ __ ] let me just look up oh here we go world no worldinfo I'm just looking for countries that let me just look up time zones worldwide cuz if I could like move somewhere where like the time zones were lit see see America's kind of lit in general though cuz like if somebody could shoot me I could also shoot somebody if I needed to like I don't really want to but you know like I could do that [ __ ] too like in Chicago right now bro it's [ __ ] 11:00 p.m. 11 p.m. in Chicago right now how do the time zones work it says it's 1:00 a.m. in [ __ ] Detroit is Detroit only 4 hours behind I that's Canada what the [ __ ] like chig bang chab bomo way or something what the [ __ ] I just clicked on bro show me the [ __ ] time zones Winnie Peg Canada Oh wait [ __ ] where the [ __ ] America is this America yeah it is bro Canada is big as [ __ ] I didn't realize this was all Canada is Canada bigger than America so I'm just looking for like yellow [ __ ] I could move over to just somewhere in [ __ ] Russia I'm good though could move over to AF not really down for that [ __ ] either though I'm not going to lie to you not really trying to go to Australia too but Australia is like a legit death trop looking for orange places but this is [ __ ] Russia too like there's really like bro the world is really [ __ ] tiny you just have like Russia Africa America Europe South America that's it i' like to move to Antartica too I feel like that would lowy be kind of lit I want to get a plane license just so I can fly around Antarctica and see what's there cuz I swear to God they're not [ __ ] being front they're like they're not being straight up with us about uh move to South Africa and train with Dr as hell no I'm not trying to get tasered what state would you move to it's good question I need to move to like a kind of chill State like I don't want to go to like LA or some [ __ ] but I also don't want to go to like some [ __ ] like Backwater nowhere Mississippi or some [ __ ] you know what I mean I'm want to go to like I'm going to go to like a mid tier state where it's like everybody's kind of cool like maybe like Boston or something you know what I mean where like people are kind of chill but see I hate the Celtics though so so that wouldn't be great that's just a straight up lie bro bro I've bro if I went over to Australia first of all everything in Australia is poisonous can eat you like is going to bite you like snakes over there could kill you like legit Australia is a death Traer you get in the water box jelly fish most like most potent animal on on the planet most potent ven no most venomous animal on the planet the box jellyfish the most deadly animal on the planet you get stung you can die in three minutes bang dead then if the box jellyfish doesn't get you you swim out a little bit great white shark tiger shark bull shark then you're like okay [ __ ] the water I'm just going to stay on land you get on land Black Widow tarantula snake scorpion it's like bro everything is [ __ ] crazy easy bro how we come to Michigan I don't know about Michigan Michigan's Michigan's like the same as Ohio Boston is not expensive is it damn I think it's was going to be that expensive South Carol see South Carolina would be kind of chill I'm trying to think let me look up best states to live in let me look up best states to live and see what the best states Texas would be cool I could go to Texas I feel like Texas is pretty like everybody's going to Texas now though you know what I mean like Texas would have been cool like 5 years ago they say Utah Florida Washington Minnesota Minnesota's too cold also can't be anywhere where it gets too warm I'm this white for a reason I don't like the sun brother I don't like the sun me and the sun are not friends no comend Colorado Okay damn they've got rankings for this [ __ ] they have the overall best states in America they give them ranks each year BR there's no way that they say Utah is the best state on there's no way apparently New Hampshire New Hampshire looks kind of [ __ ] fire Nebraska Idaho Vermont is is Vermont not like [ __ ] super expensive I swear that [ __ ] is Florida Massachusetts South Dakota I want to move somewhere where there's Bays that's all I really care about Wisconsin okay what do they say is the worst state in the world then or worst state in America it's got to be like [ __ ] Baltimore or some [ __ ] Baltimore is going to be deep down here look at [ __ ] trying to set me up trying tell me to go to Ohio when it's the 36th best state did I actually guess it right on where's Baltimore is Baltimore another state Louisiana they say is the worst Louisiana's just [ __ ] dog [ __ ] at everything New Mexico Arkansas Alaska Alaska would be kind of dope I feel like Alaska's too col look at [ __ ] trying to set me up tell me to go to Michigan 42 best day you know so we've we've got to hit a [ __ ] top 10 one I'm not going to lie to you it's got to be top 10 feel like Idaho Idaho well known for its potatoes too bro a [ __ ] like me eats a lot of potatoes a love potatoes I love rice I love potatoes I love pasta where's [ __ ] Arizona Arizona's hot as [ __ ] but like if there was a lot of AC I could probably live with it North C would be cool Georgia Colorado feel like Colorado would be kind of dope damn they be having crime over in Colorado 47th in crime you know me but I'll be adding to that figure getting active out there per birge night yo Harry a bird in Australia has poison on his beak and it's swoops no matter what the season is what the [ __ ] see like Australia bro I don't understand it okay because in America you can have guns yeah but there's not really like there is a good amount of [ __ ] that'll kill you in America but not too much if there's one place on the planet you should definitely have guns it's [ __ ] Australia bro like imagine a bird com swooping down at you e my bad my bad my bad where back but um San Francisco would be kind of dope if it wasn't a [ __ ] hole cuz because the two teams that I support are the 49ers and the the two teams that I support are the 49ers and the Phoenix Suns so if I could go somewhere like cool with those it would be it would be pretty dope bro I've unmuted myself now everybody still saying muted how long was I muted for saltwater crocs are massive yeah know they are they are big as [ __ ] Idaho has grizzly bears does it really D Ido would be kind of dope where where did they [ __ ] rank Ido on this [ __ ] just overall where did that rank idid this is usnews.com I'm not sure this propaganda too Idaho was fifth bro Idaho is pretty high up here me [ __ ] take a gander at Idaho Snowy Mountains bro I would like to go somewhere where I can snowboard too somewhere like I need uh I need somewhere I need somewhere where I can snowboard Bears decent sports teams in in the vicinity um not too hot preferably not somewhere where it's like scorching um Idaho Idaho's low a shout though what's [ __ ] what's Idaho's time zone Idaho time zone are they like Central or something yeah they we yeah they've got the [ __ ] god tier time zone too where like UFC Main Events would be starting at like 11:00 p.m. for me lowkey Idaho might be the [ __ ] move bro Colorado bro Bali hell no I can't go to Bali who the [ __ ] you think I Craig Jones Orlando should fit those needs Orlando's got too much [ __ ] going on though there was a [ __ ] I watch [ __ ] have a fight with a chicken in Orlando I used to have a [ __ ] friend that used to fight chickens too damn I wonder where that guy is now he hasn't [ __ ] messaged me in ages I just met him randomly and uh added him on Snapchat we talked for a little while he just used to send me Snapchats of him like fighting chickens he was he was a [ __ ] though so it was a fair fight Ido you you might run into wild Lesnar's though that's like a bear on crack that is true it's 12:10 a.m. in Deerborn Michigan Deerborn is a real place what the [ __ ] have they named that deer got born there and they're just like [ __ ] it let's name the city after it what's more impressive the spinning elbow or the Santos KO uh give me the spinning elbow Colorado is probably the best state for snowboarding really let me look up Colorado cuz I know that Colorado has a Colorado has the [ __ ] good college football team too where's Colorado on this list It's Not Top 10 and I said I was going to go top 10 damn Colorado's not even top 15 bro Colorado is not top 20 bro you're trying to get me set up trying to get me to go to Colorado Oregon Nevada Nevada would be kind of dope lowy but but I feel like you just lose most your [ __ ] Hawaii would be good would be cool too but I guess it's expensive as [ __ ] bro Colorado is not a top 40 State according to these people you're literally going to the worst of the worst never mind is it not a state is Colorado not a state am I [ __ ] dumb call him right now I can't my phone's in the recording I would call him though he's a pretty cool guy but I'll probably call him tomorrow let me look up where is Colorado I know that we're not locked into this fight but it is W MMA so don't blame me where is Colorado it's in uh it's in Denver isn't it Denver Colorado I feel like I've heard that [ __ ] yeah Denver Colorado Denver is too [ __ ] far away from [ __ ] bro like I feel like Denver you could get murdered and like four days later nobody even knows you or like nobody no nobody notices your dead in Denver for like [ __ ] for a few weeks you know what I mean weed is legal in Colorado is it that's pretty dope should they make women's MMA fight with only hand wraps to promote Kos hell no what the [ __ ] bro the UFC would get so much [ __ ] for that bro could you [ __ ] imagine bro the UFC bro the pure would go crazy Denver airport is that bro there's a lot of conspiracies about Denver Airport you don't know what's under Denver airport now apparently there's like military bases and [ __ ] under there tunnel systems and all that type of [ __ ] under there remember when he watched dn's cheek and Abu Dhabi bro we were on cheek watch we're on cheek watch here too I can't well actually I really can't be [ __ ] mulch that's on me I'm not I'm I'm not cheek watching your girl we cannot cheek watch Tabo RI that's not allowed cuz Callum mulch is the next big Prospect in Irish boxing and I need to see him do well search up of mine and then your birthday and see what shows up you don't know my birthday I don't think so this can't be a designated search Florida man January 2nd Florida man rob store dressed as Spider-Man on January 2nd okay who was there's a whole website for this oh my God bro bro no [ __ ] way look at this [ __ ] real big dog I don't want to download this I don't know what this is this is definitely a virus I'm not downloading that famous January the 2nd birthdays this is [ __ ] bro these are not the birthdays these are these are some [ __ ] randies that were born on this day need [ __ ] Harry 101 down here at the end 2004 that's [ __ ] pretty dope though January 2nd is there a video up here ABC 7 New York do you got a video from me oh they do have a video love God look at this [ __ ] guy look at this real G break in bro he didn't have the mask before going in that's such a rookie move he puts the mask on and then [ __ ] opens the door just starts stealing [ __ ] right away that is not your friendly neighborhood hero BR to be fair he came prepared look at him loading up the boxes and [ __ ] I wonder know what time this is that and just dips the [ __ ] out of there bro I love his [ __ ] play too like this is such a [ __ ] Elite smart play this was on my birthday too bro look at this [ __ ] play from him okay so he comes up to the store tries to open it no mask decides oh [ __ ] wait this door is kind of like openable walks back to his car puts on a mask just like just like they're never going to [ __ ] realize it's me that's a real I don't give a [ __ ] play right there wait you're only 20 yeah I'm 20 2004 damn look look at both sides of it 2004 is UN and then wait you're only 20 there there's an incident from Florida for every day of the year try May 23rd I got you [ __ ] it we'll start we'll start plugging in birthdays to the Florida simulator Florida man what you say May May 21st B man May 21 this does not this crime could get real dodgy I know you said you said May 23rd okay first of all we have to look at this one cuz I've already seen the [ __ ] I've already seen the [ __ ] outline for this [ __ ] man arrested after telling playground where babies come from this brother is a menace started shouting that babies come out of women the officer said Ryan used inappropriate language parents wish to remove their children from the playground brother this guy's a [ __ ] men it's like this is exactly who who you think you'd see in Florida damn he's only fin $118 shout out to him got away with it you know what he [ __ ] he did the time for the crime he did the time for the crime say May 23rd Florida man fils oh my god did this a gay infested Pond F man shrugs after losing hand and alligator attack holy [ __ ] no one ever pees and pwns anymore if they do they up put significant injuries from camouflaging alligators holy [ __ ] bro see like this is one thing I can't really [ __ ] with bro I don't really [ __ ] with alligators in the water I'm not going to lie to you 23y old tripped and fell by the gator see either I thought it said the 23-year-old tripped and fell by the gay infested Pond what the [ __ ] bro bro how the [ __ ] did okay so can we just go through this story okay if we're if we're just reading through this really quick okay okay so a 10 foot Gator was down here so he found himself in the river the 23-year-old tripped and fell by the gator infested and the giant reptile reached for his right hand then he got airlifted he was unconscious oh no okay so I thought so so he must have got his arm bitten off like crawled up to the crawled up out of the water the alligator just didn't like go in and [ __ ] finish the job and then he and then he was good from there I thought he passed out in the water and the alligator was just like you know what he's having a bad day already I'm going to leave it I'm just going to take the arm [Music] we got to [ __ ] look up our own ones I can't uh I can't [ __ ] look up that many Angela Hill got hell adjustments to to make going into round two brother I'm not going to lie to you I'm not I'm not locked in on that [ __ ] at all when the main event comes back around we're going to be locked in dead ass JC bro they actually arrested him for for telling the truth bro where's the chicken fight video that I fought or maybe maybe it was that guy killed his chicken let me just look up chicken video Florida it should probably pop up right what the [ __ ] Frozen chickens bro look at this [ __ ] bro look at this [ __ ] bro like there's just something new every day in Florida this isn't even the video that I'm looking for but we have to watch this [ __ ] they're chasing a chicken we got to get [ __ ] audio on this [ __ ] [ __ ] me can you hear that I can't hear it but you can probably hear let me turn it off a little bit no you can't hear it's okay we're going a we're going audio less he's under the car look at the guys [ __ ] got camo popped too shout out the [ __ ] chickens out there oh my God he's actually he's actually moving a little bit too look at him he's got some wheels on bro he's actually got some wheels on him that little chicken man going straight he's going straight under the [ __ ] car again you need to go R over there bro that chicken's lowkey got wheels on him look at him moving that fast he's only got two legs too twoleg short body that brother is moving look at him he's at [ __ ] full Pace trying to catch him oh he is not happy look at him trying to squabble himself out of there I'd like to get a little chicken just to like sit behind me maybe okay that's not [ __ ] cool D she's bad as [ __ ] though it looks like it it looks like her face got sucked in by a Hoover though though you know you know what I mean it looks like it looks like her face has been like artificially manipulated it's probably copyright dude they're probably going to [ __ ] strike me for that [ __ ] box 35 Orlando I wouldn't be surprised if don't be surprised if in two seconds my [ __ ] [ __ ] if in two seconds my my [ __ ] just goes because I get [ __ ] copyright copyright strike by then har what's the conspiracy that you think is the most plausible there's a bunch of them I think that are very very plausible um 911 was one of them I'm not sure if it was entirely an inside job but there's definitely a lot of fishy [ __ ] going on with 911 uh do you guys consider aliens being real to be a conspiracy um it's 12 it's 12:18 a.m. I'm so tired I hate the card start 10 p.m. which is which is about every card for me which is so unfair yeah it's so unfair for you bro honestly I feel so bad for you I feel so bad that your card start at 10: p.m. and not 3:00 a.m. I just feel terrible for you do you think you could beat shev shenko Valentina shev shenko no she'd beat the dog [ __ ] out of me um aliens aliens is one I believe in 911 what are the other ones JFK assassination trying to think other conspiracies that I've heard that I definitely believe in what are some other ones I got booted in the head with the soccer ball full for surprising he didn't get didn't get knocked out but I did break my nose knocked a few teeth out how the [ __ ] did you break your nose from getting hit with this football full force i' I've 400% been hitting like I've been hit with a lot of footballs full force and it sucks don't get me wrong it is not fun but it's but I didn't think I didn't think you could break bones with it and knock a few teeth out you got teeth knocked out by a football how the [ __ ] did that happen like a football is not that hard unless it was [ __ ] like unless you like stood there and the guy like legit aimed for your head and just like kicked it right like from a foot away Callum mulch in the crowd look at Kum mulch fighting in Dublin in what like two weeks now two and a half weeks D CLE rany Junior's girls OK bad too what the [ __ ] mam Makai signed with brave FC I saw that [ __ ] um I kind of feel a little bit bad for him but like again if he was like a dict all the UFC staff and everybody in the UFC I can kind understand where they're just like [ __ ] off pyramid is not a conspiracy there is some conspiracies around it though there's loads of [ __ ] around like is that how they used energy and stuff I also if if we're talking about conspiracies how like the conventional story of how the pyramids were built I just think is 100% wrong so if that's a conspiracy that's definitely one of them um aliens being real like like the top three ones that I'm most sure of 911 having an inside element to it I'm not sure if it was actually an inside job but um 911 having having an inside element the pyramids weren't built the way that people say that the pyramids were built and there was one more oh aliens being real 100% all three of those like they're like they're locked in they're I'm so sure of those three that it's not even like it's not even something where I kind of think to myself like hm is that real it's just like yes any tips for trying to grow on uh any tips for growing on MMA YouTube just started the journey I'm trying to replace Lucas um I can't really I'm trying to I'm trying to think be consistent I I know that everybody says be consistent but honestly like when you start be consistent try to get better at what you're doing every day like try like try notice different things watch back your own videos and just see like notice different things you do badly and try to fix those and don't worry too much about like equipment and that type of stuff would you tap an alien like do I die bro do I die if I tap it you know what I mean like is there a chance that I die or is it just like you're going to be the because like if we can if we can do it and it's like guaranteed that I'm like good and that I'm not going to like inherit some [ __ ] alien disease then yeah for sure for sure I'm done I'll probably I'll probably hit worse I'm not even going to lie to you bro also I wouldn't try to replace anybody try be the first you you know what I mean is T RI winning this fight where halfway through round three like we're towards a very in round three and I have been and I haven't been locked in at all it seems like tabiki is the fresher the two but I'm not sure if he's actually wi this damn I saw one two down the pipe no nun [ __ ] you mean by 13 go go out and need some Cheerios what the [ __ ] Cheerios Cheerios increases aging by two I was doing PE with teachers who actually played see but I didn't even know that a football actually had [ __ ] I didn't even know that a football actually had like enough power to knock a toothe or to like break your nose like breaking your nose is a lot of force like I've been hit by a lot of punches like clean punches in my life and my nose hasn't been broken it is kind of [ __ ] up though like if I push my nose in here I'm not sure if you can hear it but it just it just like creaks all the time anytime I push my nose in it's just like crack crack crack cuz it's it's been broken a few times but like it doesn't get broken all that often that's people actually thrown full on fist to nose you're trying to create a new species [ __ ] I wouldn't mind like I wouldn't be the first one to hit an alien because I'm not trying to die but uh but I would not I wouldn't be the last one to do it you know what I mean I'd definitely be in there pretty fast maybe you know top 3% I'm not going to be the guy that's you know like trying the neuralink out but if if neuralink start to hit and Elon Musk isn't a super I'm actually not sure about that would you guys would you guys ever get a would you guys ever get a neuralink if it was like a if it was like the [ __ ] thing to do would you guys ever get a nurlink I feel like I tried do it I'm not sure though I feel like I I don't know CU I'm always afraid that someone like Elon Musk or Zuckerberg or one of those guns is like a super villain you know what I mean and they're just like straight up out to get everybody on the planet Oriental noodles or beef noodles I've never really had noodles before I'm not GNA lie to you but I probably I'd probably hit beef damn nobody's getting a nurlink what what if it gives you some crazy [ __ ] though and it's just like well you can learn every single language inside like 30 seconds you can become a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu within like five minutes or some [ __ ] I don't trust musk with my brain I kind of agree it I don't really trust anybody with my brain to be honest I think Chef shenko is a Russian spy shoots guns shoots guns does gymnastics rides motorbikes throws hands and knows like three to four language including English Russian German Etc bro people that know multiple languages is so [ __ ] impressive to me CU I know one language and that's English and I don't even know that that well I learned French for like six years and uh could not do that [ __ ] still bad at it can kind of like like if you have a basic conversation in French I'll be able to understand it but anything beyond basic I don't know you can get permanent brain damage with that [ __ ] dead ass but like people are doing stupid [ __ ] like there's people that go out there every day and vape and there's and there's probably [ __ ] that that are in here right now that go out there and vape every single day that's stupider than getting a [ __ ] uh neuralink at least neuralink you get something from it you [ __ ] just out there vaping for no reason vaping Just For the Love of the Game that's what you're doing did Tabo did tab Riki win that fight or lose it it looked like she was winning it can you speak Irish I can speak it decently well bro but like I haven't spoke Irish in like three years since I was in school I haven't spoke Irish Would You Rather Be A pfl Champion or interim UFC champion interim UFC champion is not even close but like I couldn't name you all the pfl Champions right now I could probably name you all the inim UFC champions in history I'd rather I'd rather be a top 10 ranked UFC fighter than a pfl champion well actually I don't know because pfl Champs make way more money yeah I'd probably rather be a pfl champ than a top 10 ranked UFC fighter but if you're giving me like the opportunity to advance like I'm top 10 but I could become a champion then UFC fighter every day yeah I bet you I bet you that [ __ ] hits in earling I bet that [ __ ] hits in earling it's like some different [ __ ] like seeing it through your mind top RI gets it done I wonder if it was UD Split Decision what bro tab RI does have that [ __ ] though Loki she has that jiggle [ __ ] clapping and I'm not talking about with no hands well that that's like asking would you rather be Melvin manof or Dustin porier yeah give me [ __ ] give me give me Dustin porier every day the week bro tabi has the tied most wins UFC Straw Division since 2021 that t ri's been active getting after it I appreciate that and now we have the main event should be happening Kyo bario puts him to sleep inside [Music] one I wish that the main event was a little bit like not that it was faster but like I wish that it was a I wish that it was like I was real tired by the time the main event rocks around because it is 6: a.m. my time I wish I just wasn't tired for Main Events cuz sometimes for Main Events I'm just like well I just hope we get a finisher I just hope the [ __ ] ends quick I'm just tired as [ __ ] I can name two Champions outside the UFC DJ at 1fc and Usman n Maga medov how are you telling me you don't know how to spell an aam medov yet that's crazy that's actually crazy um what other Champions can I name renan Ferrera he's the one that's fighting Francis andu us man and magov see in one there's a ton of them though there's like Mikey musami Kade Rolo um there's tons there's there's that guy that's a triple champ I can't remember his name but like that's what I mean bro that's what I mean like there's there's a guy that's a triple champ in one and I'm struggling to think of his name I'm trying to think of it I can't remember it though gar got a better paying contract in pfl but they ain't giving him fights at all so he doesn't get paid yeah see that's the problem at least the UFC will [ __ ] pay him and like honor your contract gar gagar on the other hand has this contract lock in so he can't fight for anybody else he also probably just negotiated a shitty contract he probably should have put something in the contract that like um I have the ability to release myself from a contract if you guys don't give me any fights within a year or something like that Antonio no not Antonio choli I was trying to think of who Antonio choli is the guy that fought in the UFC he's like the journey man no not even journey man he had one fight in four years and they just threw him in there he's meant to fight arram and then who did he end up fighting charot bullet I didn't realize yoel Romero still fighting a b at the age of 47 he still looks like a tank bro the guy's [ __ ] got like actually Greek god [ __ ] jeans no [ __ ] what do you think about Ferrera against enanu Ferrera is big as [ __ ] and enanu hasn't trained to mix martial arts for ages but I think that the skill gap between a UFC level champ and a pfl level champ is just so high that enano should win it Joel was built in a Cuban lab yeah he dead as was he was also someone that was definitely on steroids from Young bro they definitely had that [ __ ] on that [ __ ] from Young Kyo bro looks ready to go he looks ready to go Brazilian jiu-jitsu and mu Thai black belt how are you a black belt and Muay Thai I thought the Muay Thai didn't give belts you don't wear like a ghee or anything so how the [ __ ] would when would you get a belt and mu cuz like the only Sports where you get a belt is where you actually need to tie something like like in noi Jiu-Jitsu you don't get belts really well I suppose they they they do kind of give them out they do give them out but most of the time like you don't really need a belt for noi Jitsu you don't ever need a belt for noi it's just kind of for the principle or for like the the thing of it whereas in um in [ __ ] Whatchamacallit in what was I going to say oh in uh in gitu you actually need a belt to tie the G in karate you actually need a belt to tie the to tie the kimona us to see Joel as a baby bro is bigger than most kids nowadays as a baby what the [ __ ] mu Tha ranks based on your record it's it's my main sport really damn I don't know but but what if you get just like a parted ass record you know what I mean like what if you just get a record of like say say I was 30 and ow and Muay Tha but I fought some [ __ ] bums would I be a black belt to my Tha I appreciate that critical bandaid bro that means a lot I appreciate it who's going to test and Cub who dead ass was getting roids when he was a kid yeah same like khabib and all those guys bro like those Olympic programs they don't play bro they have you on [ __ ] steroids from the time that you from the time that your birth they have you on some [ __ ] bro like they probably had [ __ ] every Cuban Olympian on TT from [ __ ] three months trying to make sure they're the biggest that they can be he had the chance to win his belt against Whitaker and he came in overweight that's [ __ ] y Romero's fault we wear the armband for tradition for tradition oh so the armband is like your belt I thought that that was just some I thought that that was just some like a some like I don't know some Thailand [ __ ] that that's why I see more TI guys with hundreds of fights damn I don't know that I I thought they just took hundreds of fights cuz they get like $200 a fight and they need to provide for their family so they fight from like [ __ ] 15 years old could DJ come back right now and win the belt I think he has the skill to do it but I don't know he's old now and I don't think he wants the like see this the thing physically it's kind of the same thing that I was talking about with Israel al physically I think that TJ could 100% win the belt but mentally I don't think so mentally I don't think DJ wants to win a UFC belt enough like he doesn't want to Belt more than than Pia and I think that's a lot of it especially when you get to like that fourth fifth round I got leg kicked by a my ti guy [ __ ] felt like a bat yeah know it does not feel nice getting leg kicked by anybody [ __ ] sucks to be honest but anybody that has those like has like dexterity in their shins that's even [ __ ] worse way worse the band has nothing to do with their rankings and my ti moams oh [ __ ] I thought I I thought I thought you saying like that's their equivalent of a belt like if you wear like the green band you're like a I don't know the belts AR mu Tha but if you wear like a purple band you're like a purple belt does myay Thai actually have a [ __ ] ton of belts does my Tha have bels I don't know why I looked this up on no Muay oh [ __ ] it say there's no Bel system in Muay there's no traditional belt ranking system onti it was purely knowledge based which uh some find refreshing and unique it all comes train receive and your ability to apply in short you can either fight or you can't and no belt needs to tell others that see this is what I was talking about that like Muay Tha has so many belts bro it's got white yellow orange green blue blue white purple purple white red red white brown brown white black black red black silver black gold like what the [ __ ] bro like like in Jiu-Jitsu you have white you have blue you have purple brown and black you have five and then there's like the red belt but you have to be like a black belt for like 30 years or something so you're like [ __ ] decrepid by the time you get that [ __ ] unlocking the mysteries of Muay Thai grading and the ranking system why Muay Thai should not have belts see like it just doesn't make that much sense like if you don't need a belt for the sport I don't understand why it's there it's just like a marketing tool then it's just like stay in the sport cuz you've got your blue belt there would you rather be head kicked by Leon Edwards or overhanded by give me head kicks by Leon his not even close do you personally think shaal will be the bway goat by the end of his career SL top 10 all time I don't think he's going to be top 10 all time but I think he will be the Bantam wake though I think he's probably going to be like around that 11 12 13 bracket DJ doesn't want to do all that [ __ ] again he just wants to chill with his Brazilian gjit yeah I kind of understand it ly they DJ get his black belt yet or is he still a brown belt I think I saw him get his black belt I don't know who he got it from there let me let me look this [ __ ] up is Demetrius Johnson a black Bel the reigning one world champion finally received his black belt in Brazilian J okay so so he does have his black belt Dam he's competing in the ibjjf master World Championship on August 31st 2024 in the black belt Master 2 featherweight division so in six days he compet and jju in in the black belt I don't know why I'm not showing you the [ __ ] and [ __ ] saying it who did he get his black Bel off has earn his black Bel in Brazilian du2 from pressors Bano Fernandez and Yan McCain I don't know any of them I presume that they're [ __ ] good as [ __ ] though Connor's a black belt too Connor got his black belt from uh from John caver see see Joe Rogan's black belt is actually legit as [ __ ] too cuz he's a cu the black belt under Eddie Bravo like Eddie Bravo is one of the best Jiu-Jitsu competitors of all time you know one of my pet peeves about Jiu-Jitsu one of the things that I hate about ju one of the things I hate about Jiu-Jitsu is that they uh is that they called Jiu-Jitsu like Fighters Jiu-Jitsu players I hate it what's good Luke I appreciate it bro how do you think a Yan Mali rematch would go I'd probably still think sha Ali would win it but it would be a really really close fight it would be a really really close fight Alex got his black belt before DJ I don't like to say that anybody's black belt is fraudulent because I'm not in the training with Alex Pereira but his black belt was definitely easier acquired than some other black belts you know what I mean didn't jogan almost kill a guy yeah but that wasn't with jiujitsu that was with a I was with some like spinning sidekick and I don't think he really he just knocked a guy out Alex having a black Bel is still insane to me yeah I'm not sure we're not sure about that black belt I'm not going to lie to you I'm going to need to see Alex Pereira rolling against some black belts some other gyms before I say to myself yeah Alex bar is a black belt for sure because he got his black belt in what like five years maybe yeah like five years and bear in mind for like half of that for like a for half a year he was training kickboxing still or like only training kickboxing still because he had kickboxing fights upcoming like he only got into the UFC in 2021 so he essentially got his black belt on what like three years of doing actual Jiu-Jitsu training a lot for three and a half years of doing G2 training a lot four years do you think you have better BJJ than Alex no way he'd [ __ ] cook me but but I just don't think he's an actually I just don't think he's actually a black belt calling it jitu match a fight is it's not really though like it's it's not really I think they're calling a Jiu-Jitsu match a fight is it pretty much is a fight like if you can choke somebody out if you can break somebody's arm if you can break somebody's leg that is a fight and that happens all the time in G2 it's like what you call boxing a fight if you're calling boxing a fight you pretty much have to call jju a fight that left hook gave him that pres jju black belt yeah dead ass that [ __ ] left hook you can't use in Brazilian G best Bas for every decisions uh best base for every decisions for Jiu-Jitsu bantamweight boxing featherweight wewe wrestling middleweight striking oh so you're you're going through the best bases for all of them I don't I don't know if it changes that much for all of them you can pull guard in Brazilian juu yeah you can he's probably a purple belt yeah I'd agree yeah yeah I'd probably say he a purple belt under a different uh under a different guy but also I don't know like I haven't seen him roll like the only real time I've seen Alex per at grapple is against Yan where he didn't look good and against Izzy where I he just held them there do you watch anime if so watch shows anime I don't watch it's one of it's one of the only things I don't watch TV shows in general that I watch I don't really watch a lot like bro I really only watch YouTube like YouTube is where I spend 90% of my time bro I watch a lot of like NFL YouTube um NBA YouTube I watch a ton of and then like stuff that's outside of sport I'll watch YouTube stuff on too but most of my stuff is Sport related I just love sports imagine if Alex just suddenly got Elite ground game the next time we see him like his ground game probably is Elite for normal people or like for most people that changing into but it's just like at the UFC level like guys are just such a [ __ ] high level that like the elite there is just different to what Elite normally is the reason the best base changes for every division is the variety of top ranked fighters in the actual champ we'll see if he can hold up against analai for rry rry I also don't feel like is the greatest Grappler ever like he's decent he's not a bad Grappler and I hope he goes in and wrestles against Alex Pera please don't go in there and try stand up against Alex Pera but is gracie2 good yeah really really good the Gracies the Gracies are the ones that popularize Brazilian Jujitsu like that was that was pretty much all the Gracies and like the Gracie family is Iconic in J too they're all like [ __ ] unbelievable at it not that good an MMA but really or not that good an MMA now in the past they were but um but really [ __ ] good at you to would you rather be spinning wheel kick byon Barbosa or H bombed by Dan Henderson give me the spinning wheel kick I'll take that cuz I feel like Spinning Wheel kick you get KO like H bom you could like break your neck or some [ __ ] and I'm not trying to do that [ __ ] time to lock in yeah when the fight starts on lock in Kyle bro 31 years old Jared caner 40 years old Dam carbo's 2 and a half inches taller but has two and a half less inches in reach I would pick up timer for this sitting on a whole bunch of [ __ ] fine I'll pick it up I need to put this [ __ ] back on but I can't wait tomorrow for my uh for My Lens to come so I can actually [ __ ] use my camera that'll be fantastic Jared upset incoming I lowkey have a sneaky feeling that a Jared UPS set's going to income too but Kyle Bri is the greatest of all time so I'm going to I'm I'm going to re my thoughts and say Kyo first round KO you can see that and the world's going to know your name after this sh I'm going to go downstairs and need a bagel what BJJ belt are you I'm a white belt I only started doing Brazilian jiujitsu 6 months ago is five or six months ago probably like five and a half months ago you play any video games I do I play a lot of I play a lot of Madden I play a lot of Call of Duty I play a lot of NCAA football I've been playing that a ton recently play 2K FIFA any real shooter that comes out like fortnite if a new season out and it's good um but I play a lot of video games why what are all the boys favorite video games in here the one video game that I don't play that I probably should is UFC 5 Jared I did not realize that Jared can was from Arizona that's one thing that I'm terrible at is like knowing in depth where Fighters are from like I know Jared can is from the US I know KRA is from Brazil but where they're actually from in those countries I just have no [ __ ] idea kind of near is three and five is the dog in the UFC you got to get valoran I got it on PS I actually tried it for a little bit and I liked it I don't think it was bad I thought I thought it was pretty good but I stopped playing it cuz all of my boys didn't like it that much that that's the problem so so is so when I was playing it like obviously if all the guys hop on I'm not just going to I'm not just going to sit there and play valerant while while they're playing some other [ __ ] but I would like to play it I think it would be fun and and it was fun when I was playing I was going through pubs trying to get to ranked because you have to be like level 25 or something to get ranked and it takes [ __ ] ages but it is a fun game f has [Music] begun bang come on this [ __ ] remote is so DOD and [ __ ] there it's always going to be like a second behind the worst feeling is having a wiggly tooth but it's not ready to come out I have not felt that and I don't know how long and I also only lost like five teeth in my life cuz my teeth are all [ __ ] up my my teeth are essentially so [ __ ] up to the point where the doctor said um like like they don't really look [ __ ] up or anything but I pretty much have like most of my baby teeth still and the doctor essentially just said to me like um wait wait for 20 years for medical science to advance and then and then you'll be good and I was like okay cheers bro appreciate that one minute into this kg Affair so far have you played Battlefield one that game is so good I haven't played in ages this fight's lowkey it's not the kind of brawl that I was expecting like 5 10 seconds into the fight it's not the kind of [ __ ] that I was expecting where oh what did you get I an ie poke a minute into the fight is not what I was [ __ ] expecting bro an ie poke a [ __ ] minute into the fight is crazy oh my God bro imagine that [ __ ] gets called off that didn't even look bad we got to see another angle at that [ __ ] but it didn't even look like it got it maybe his thumb did get into his ey but you play Siege at all I tried to get into Siege but it's just a little bit too like campy for me if you know what I mean it's it's just like a little bit too like it like I can see how it's fun but like the problem is I'm getting killed from angles and I'm getting killed from a whole bunch of [ __ ] that I uh that I just didn't want to [ __ ] like learn how to do you know what I mean cuz I feel like Siege there's a high skill Gap and it would be very fun once you know all the Angles and once you know everything but getting to learn everything like the maps and the Angles and the wall bangs and everything is not fun at all new gloves don't do [ __ ] against ey pokes yeah they they really don't like they say that they do but they really don't do a lot is this an apex card yeah it is it's a really good Apex card though for for like [ __ ] Apex cards this one slaps I can't lie to you like this is a good ass Apex card cuz most of the time we look at Apex cards and we're just like bro what the [ __ ] is this dog [ __ ] like it's ass damn that was a nice little rightand by Jared caner bro you can see that there's a big difference between how [ __ ] big they both are like Jared caner looks super small compared to Kyo Bria that half kick seems to be working pretty well too I was KY Bri I wouldn't get on the inside like you don't want to have a [ __ ] you don't really want to have a scrap with Jared caner that's Jared can's game another C kick bro the C kicks are working super well we're only two and a half minutes in two and a half minutes in he's already cooking them I don't care if it's an apex card just if the card is good yeah I'm kind of the same but the problem with Apex cards is that most of the time they make Apex cards [ __ ] which is the problem and they also don't just want to give up the Apex arena in fact they're [ __ ] expanding the Apex Arena so they can have like more fights in it but like it must [ __ ] up Fighters but like that really small cage and everything nice little jab by KY BR straight down the middle kind of Pop jarro can's head back a little bit this is a difficult round to score so far though I'm probably leaning towards Kyo just with those Cal kicks but like there hasn't been a whole bunch of action there hasn't been that much that actually went on I'm expecting to see a finisher I wonder I wonder what the odds are on a finish or what the odds were on a finish cuz it's probably gone there one minute 40 left in round one Kyle Ro keeps on he's he's coming out this he's coming out with the South ball stance and it's difficult because it's South ball unorthodox so he's trying to get his foot to the outside to land that uh to land that big [ __ ] left hand through the middle but um he can't really like it's difficult oh nice still one to as soon as jro can swapped his dances KY just popped that one to nice knee up the middle as well Kyra is landing in he's Landing in like spurts though he's not he's not Landing like consistently over and over and over the odds were high for any finish were they wait what when you say the odds were high do you mean that like uh that like the odds were like that they think that there's going to be a finish or that they don't think that there's going to be a finish Sean said the small cage messed him up yeah well for sha for shaal it's going to really [ __ ] him up because for shaali it's just like oh [ __ ] I've got to stop it for the I pooke but for sha Ali it's um it's like the worst thing for him because obviously he relies so heavily on his footwork and stuff 30 seconds left inside round one nice C kick by KY R again those C kicks are really working he's only down at like three or four them he's already buckled J kind of here twice you can just see he's trying to figure out the distance it's always weird when the guy across from you is way smaller than you but has a longer reach so I think that he's just trying to figure that [ __ ] out right now to be fair to Jared caner he is doing most of the work like backing him up pressing the pace pressing the tempo round one has finished I'd probably give that round to Kyo bro I think that that's probably 10 on KY Brio um not sure though it's a close round that that round could go either way but the calf kicks the fact that he dropped him with a calf kick I'd probably give it to Kyo jarro caner is pushing the pace but I feel like Kyle Brio had the bigger moment and landed the cleaner shots I'd be interested to here how you bu scor Amir said 109 Jared Caesar asked how I scored it I all the you boys score it I yeah it's close it's a close round I think it I think it really just depends on like what you're thinking it but I think with damage with like that whole like damage thing in mind it probably is Kyra because I think that even when jarro kanir got to the inside he wasn't really Landing big shots he's Landing these kind of Tippy toppy mediocre shots whereas like those the those Cal kicks really hurt jar can here like two three times he landed those shot shots just clean over and over and over and over and over round two is beginning do I look perfect though do I look for at I'm going to try hit the button like [ __ ] it might be like a second fast see jro can is getting to the spots to where he needs to hit him but he just can't seem to get that like flush connection it's always kind of coming off Kyo Bri hands or something the blitzes are working though the blitz when he blitzes through that's that's working really well he just landed a big one too when he was blitzing through but Kyo is doing a lot better on the front foot and his jab is looking good man his jab is looking really good he's just [ __ ] managing to take the head off them Alan juban said 109 Brio Scott Fontana did said 109 Bri he does the weird [ __ ] that Tom aspal does where like he kind of rolls his head back when he's getting hit which I don't really like but I think a flying knee off the middle would work really well here for for uh Kyle Brier I don't know it's kind of like a [ __ ] it's an out there thing to just be like throw a flying knee but I dead ass think that he could cook with it 345 left in the left in the second round oh nice head kick by by KY Brier I don't know how the [ __ ] caner just ate that that was clean as [ __ ] Shin to Chin he's just [ __ ] ate that head kick though anytime that Jared caner gets to the inside that's where that's where he's really giving Kyle bro trouble he's Landing nice combinations when he's walking him down and when he's on the inside good job by both guys that was a [ __ ] really nice head kick but to to be fair to caner he ate that head kick and then he came back landed a nice one [Music] too I appreciate that I appreciate that Mel migle migle for production I appreciate that Brody oh damn nice right hand again by caner caner Landing these bombs on the inside to be fair if there's one thing that's getting tested here it's Kyo br's chin and KY br's chin does look decent is this five rounds it is it is it is I'm mad behind I I well if if you twox the stream it'll be further ahead because the stream's like 15 or 20 seconds behind where I actually am bam so so if you go to playback speed and put it in 2x it'll like bring you like 15 or 20 seconds ahead of wherever you are right now nice job again by jarro by by KYB kyb's job is working really well but Canan is definitely winning this round so far he's definitely doing the better work it'll be interesting to know if uh it'll be interesting to know if he can go five rounds throwing that much on his shots though like he's throwing like he's throwing [ __ ] 100% at every single shot like trying to Wing punches trying to kill him with every punch you know what I mean I feel like if he took 10% off there it would be better Dublin Ireland cool City I was there a few days back D you're from Florida and you didn't stay for the Florida State game I thought I thought for sure if you're or well I suppose you might not be from Florida from Miami is is Florida in Miami or is Miami in Florida I feel like people Miami Florida rather than Florida Miami 1 minute 30 left and right another bro kyb's job is something that's really really working his job is working really really well but jar caner has definitely landed the better shots why are the lives not at the exact same time that's stupid yeah it's just YouTube espm made made a short of Village Bo holding a BMF belt as well as championship belt [ __ ] something he's never going to obtain crazy 50 seconds left and round to Bro Kyle bro see see the thing is jarro kanir is putting everything on punches bro he's putting everything on punches see significant strikes kind of throws me off a little bit because in significant strikes this round should be going to K Bri as a bright night but I think he's probably going to jerich any I think he's probably do the better work your channel is good you upload a lot I appreciate that bro kyo's so big yeah I know bro he's [ __ ] huge bro he's big as [ __ ] bro those blitzes from Jared caner are nice man when he gets to the inside and he throws that like one two and he just [ __ ] it's clean as [ __ ] I really do feel like uh I really do feel like Kyro BR needs to [ __ ] be the one that's going forward there 1-1 yeah I have it as a I scored that round for jarro caner I think it's 111 for Max vilia both belts should be on the line imagine a silver and diamond belt imagine having a silver and diamond belt next to your gold belt would be sick yeah that would be cool Arland never is warm it gets it wasn't too bad if you here a few days ago it was like 20° 20° is hot for Arland it's very hard for Ireland Ireland is smaller only like 6 million people live in Ireland not that many people live here but yeah know one one we're all pretty much in agreement apart from apart from Amir who said that it's 20 Kaa damn you went from [ __ ] one from from 109 Jared to 20 to to 20 Kaa to be fair I think that Kyo I don't think that he rocked him with that I think that he just like lost his grip on the floor cuz he is wearing like the weird ankle things do you like Connor yeah of course I like Connor to be fair a lot of people on Ireland really don't like Conor McGregor but uh but but I like pretty much all of the Irish Fighters you thought I lived in Canada N I live in I live in Dublin Ireland both R are close yeah no no they they are close that was a nice check Hook by by KY Brier that was a really really nice check hook kyo's doing a good job defensively jro kanir looks he looks a little bit wobbled from that check hook his feet don't just fully look like they're they're under him right now Mike Hex said 1919 boys are scrapping I presume that I I think most people probably had that as 1919 yeah know pretty pretty much everybody has it as a pretty much everybody has it is one one they said that that [ __ ] was another IE pooke but I don't think it was are you expecting a finish I want a finish but I think that I think it's probably not me let's go over here do timer bro [ __ ] J kind of near is trying to throw bombs when he gets to the inside though I'm not sure how well that's going to work for him the climate's colder here yeah no it definitely it definitely is colder than Miami but but Miami is always warm too it's like warm year [ __ ] round Arland is not that Arland Arland never gets too cold but it also never gets like super super hot either which I like it's like the perfect climate for me cuz I don't want to be in like [ __ ] [ __ ] Canada where it gets like minus 40 but I also don't want to be in like Dubai where it gets to like 50 degrees every [ __ ] day I just want like a nice cool chill climate where it's never too hot and it's never too cold nice knee up the middle by KY I think that he needs to throw those knees a little bit more to be honest like knees always work really really well and push Jared can of near back bro push car push Jared can of near back against the fence because like all of the time KY Bri is doing his best work uh doing his best work on his front foot another nice another nice left talk about k bro ky's gas tank is kind of bad he he looks fine to me he looks okay he doesn't look too tired he does look like he's kind of jumping and [ __ ] though you can see that he's feeling jarro kind of near his power because you can see he's kind of like jumping and [ __ ] like anytime jar kind her throats she's kind of like like jittery you know what I mean come to San Antonio it's 40 Celsius here see that's [ __ ] hot as [ __ ] 40 Celsius is like incredibly warm Kyle gets to the inside that's see like the the problem is when jarro kanir manages to get to the inside that's when that's when Kyo really like starts to look like he's in trouble kyo's kind of taking over this round though so far it was kind of back and forth for the first minute but now K's really starting to impose as well a little bit I'd like to see Kyo shoot and try to take him down see what he can do just test the grappling a little bit nice Cal kick by K that one landed I don't think I don't think he could go I don't think he could go five rounds that comfortably I actually don't think he's that tired I don't know maybe people are seeing some [ __ ] that I'm not seeing but he just does not look that tired to me the one thing that Kyle bro is doing well is [ __ ] like he's Landing when shots are coming in on the inside he's doing a good job of not letting the punch land clean maybe like 30% of it is landing or 20% of it is landing but he's not Landing like a he's he's never letting Jared caner just land fully 100% on him you can see that there is a big size difference though like [ __ ] KY just tossed them away in that clinch did Kai car France come from tough I'm pretty sure he did what do you think about a golden six round to decide win of a draw only for Tyler fights though n like a draw I don't really like that much but a sixth round is crazy you know what I mean like they're just going to be dead in that sixth round and I really don't mind draws and title fights that much I think it's just like UPS the hype for a rematch and we rarely ever see it too damn carb hurt him just there he's got him backing up oh oh yeah oh jarro caner is really hurt he's really hurt could see a finisher 30 seconds left on the clock carb is trying to trying to chase him down he needs to land something big on the inside here throwing uput throwing up uppercut throw an uppercut throw an uppercut oh yeah he's got him hurt J caner seems to not be able to get his footing on the cage which is or not get his footing keeps slipping in the cage which is kind of weird KYB now bleeding out of the mouth I hope he doesn't use too much energy and like potentially gas himself here he seems to be doing okay though he hurt kind of near bad this round though kanir did caner did a good job of answering too 2-1 Kaio Brio for me 21 Kaio bro going into the fourth that was a better round at of K I think I think that's probably the most dominant round so far that we've had probably the most dominant round that we've had so far I think that I think that Kyo comes out and probably I I was thinking about Kaio wrestling but I don't think he needs to wrestle now I think he actually looked good enough in that round where I think they like he doesn't need to WR I think he's good and Jared can ofir looked hurt at the end of that it'll be interesting to see if he's fully recovered when the 60 seconds comes out damn it it was a body shot that hurt him it wasn't even anything big it was a body shot was it oh no one two yeah right to the chin you could see that he was hurt too like right away he smelled it and you could see his leg eggs just weren't fully onone he had the chance to get a finish he had the chance to get a finish there didn't didn't quite get it done but he did have the chance to do it round four has begun bro when's the last [ __ ] fight night well actually I suppose last week or the last one the last [ __ ] fight night that I watch parted I swear to God we just get zero finishes and main events for fight nights that I watch party just zero Fu four [Music] three bang two one KY maybe three out I can't really see three cuz I think that second round but actually to be fair the second round was close to but but I do think uh I do think that see the thing is now if Kyle BR can win this third round jarro can is going to have to chase a finish in the last round which is not what you want it's not what you want if you're jard Canon here people saying fight of the night there's no way this is fight of the night right like I don't think it's been that good of a scrap I I think it's been decent but it hasn't been incredible K ky's doing a really really good job with his defense of just blocking shots that are coming in you can see that jarro canine's eyes a little [ __ ] up now to nice cap kick by Jer caner KY answers right back with one though too throw a flying knee up the middle bro throw something throw something dangerous up the middle that's all I want to see I think that a flying knee could actually cook him here like I think I think he actually could get a flying KNE Ko No [ __ ] and throw some more body kicks you know like throw throw body kicks to set up the head kicks the body kicks are actually working too spinning body kicks you know something different up the middle Jared caner of the two right now I'd say that Jared caner looks more tired like jarro caner should be applying the pressure he's down 21 he's really not as of right now still a lot of time left and and there's been no big moment in this round for right now that really has me leaning either way but I'm definitely going kyleb like if you ask me right now who's winning this r k bro another nice C kick by K br see look right there's what you don't want if your K where you get pushed back to the fence and jarro to can come in with a blitz where he's throwing like two or three punches at the end of it this has been another weird round it's been it's been a super technical fight do you like brawls or technical fights um I don't mind either to be honest I love a good brawl every once in a while but I can also appreciate a technical fight it really just depends how like the higher level the fight is the more that I want to see a technical fight you know what I mean like if it's [ __ ] two unranked heavyweights I just want to see them go there and scrap I do not want to see a technical heavy I do not want to see like a technical heavyweight fight unless it's the top [ __ ] guys Jared's probably starting to steal this round to be honest jarard is probably starting to steal this he's just been like more active the last minute starting to get to the inside now Landing the shots when when they come in they Collide in the middle he's the one that's Landing the shots but we'll see I'd like to see one of them shoot for a Tak down I think that I think that if you get a taked down you can seal around like this oh KY BR did he hurt him with that was that was that an actual knockdown or like a fake knockdown I think it might have just been a slip be interesting to see how the judges count out there Kyo also has this huge cut under his eye bro he has this [ __ ] big cut under his eye another nice job he he's using his job well he needs to keep flicking it at cuz the job's a good thing to keep him away too just to throw him off his rhythm when when he tries to pin you up against the cage and throw like a big shot that's the time to throw out the jab just throw it out there break him get him off Rhythm this last 30 seconds bro this round is still [ __ ] all up for grabs to be honest nice still one two from KYB oh damn another nice shot from KYB up the middle nice elbow up the middle he could be stealing this round bro he could be stealing this round these that's a difficult R to score man that's a really difficult R score everyone's saying that I'm behind bro let me try to see what I can do over here oh yeah I must have been a bit behind I must have been a bit behind because now the round's starting for me well round five is starting um could be 31 could be 22 that's close I'm going to say it's 3-1 I know a lot of you guys are saying 22 f4g saying 22 B saying 22 Mr go saying 22 but I think it's probably I think it's probably 3-1 I think that that was close but I think I think that Kyo stole that just towards the end Kyo does shoot at the start of round five but doesn't get it immediately stuffed I think uh I think for me it's 31 K but they're close rounds one one two and four are all super close rounds I think that we could see some dodgy scorecards here honestly I think I think that we could see some dodgy scorecards Johnny Walker twet tweets like such a [ __ ] NPC bro jarro kind of near needs to get some water on his feet or something to keep that uh to keep to get some like traction on the ground he keeps on slipping four minutes left in round five nice little nice little jab from Jared Canon lands then kybo comes back with two Jabs lands on both it's really just whoever's on the front foot is going to win this fight whoever's on the front foot for for the next five minute wins his fight I don't think it's undeniable Amir I think I think it's close either way like that last round is close as [ __ ] oh Kyle just catches them that was a nice little right hand that stunned that stunned jar can a little bit the thing is that kyo's defense is just so good Kyle Brio's out struck him in every single round so far apart from round two and with three minutes left in this round five he's starting to assert his dominance it's been a close fight though like this shows you Jared caner is still 100% Haz it he's going up against like one of the future guys of the division a future like a future Prodigy of the division and he's doing this well jerro can tries to throw out some [ __ ] jab or something didn't work halfway through round five nice right hand from Kyle Brio over the top again this is close man another onew from KYB bro kyb's defense just looks exceptionally good it looks really really good at striking defense he's just not getting caught with anything clean and and and if he gets caught with something it's at 30% it's at 40% like a not hitting them manages to slip that [ __ ] too J caner needs to get the gum shield in as fast as possible because he still needs to go 2 minutes 20 left right it's it's all Kyo Brer with me right now it's all KY Brier nice knee up the middle nice jard can are starting to come forward now but he's getting caught when he comes forward a little bit too he's getting caught when he comes forward a little bit oh damn that was a nice little hook for oh Kyle B has him really hard oh yeah he's done he's done he's done he's done stop the fight you've got to stop that he's done he's done he's not done no he's done he's done he's done he's done he's done he's done stop the fight what the [ __ ] bro he is done oh my God bro bro can we stop the fight please holy [ __ ] Bro there's no way he's still [ __ ] good I would have stopped the fight three [ __ ] times already bro I would have stopped the fight three times already I'm not going to lie to you I don't know how the [ __ ] he just survived that bro he does not look [ __ ] good bro he is out of it he is out of it bro arm triangle he doesn't really there's too much of a gap on that side for jarich can in here there there's too much of a gap between his shoulder and his head oh yeah know it's done there it's done there it's done there what the [ __ ] is he topping them for he seems to be okay because he's got that shoulder broadly out if garbry wants to finish it he needs to get to the other side he needs to get his head pressed and jump across and sprawl to the other side he's not going to be able to finish it from here it definitely is it definitely this definitely does suck though I can't lie to you 29 seconds left in round five he might just be content to hold this position he is still looking for a finish though 20 seconds left BR I don't know how the [ __ ] he's still in this fight to be honest I would have stopped that [ __ ] already I would have stopped that [ __ ] minutes ago like I don't think he needs to take any more damage here gutina 10th he he does have the hand down so so he is a grinded opponent one second left Bro Jared caner has got to be [ __ ] concussed after that [ __ ] bro holy [ __ ] Kyle Brio [ __ ] I don't know how that fight doesn't get stopped bro what did he what did he clipp him with ju just that one two again bro his body like shut off bro his body like dead ass just shut down as soon as he got hit with that [ __ ] second shot yeah now that just have been stopped I can't lie to you I really think that that [ __ ] should have been stopped well we all know who won the fight at least I'll stick around for the decision then I'm hopping off because I am very tired bro I don't know how we stayed in that fight if I'm bro like he's [ __ ] he's a dog but I honestly I'm not sure I'm not sure I'd be happy if I was him and I stayed in that fight cuz he just took unnecessary damage like he could have been like if I was him as soon as I saw him do that [ __ ] and drop to the floor bro I would have for sure [ __ ] been done gone bro stop that fight as soon as his body goes like and he just [ __ ] drops to the floor like passes out bro take that [ __ ] down what's good Otis could be 48 47 or 50 45 I think I had it as 49 49 45 cuz that last round's probably a 108 probably a 108 but it'll be interesting to see what the scorecards are cuz the scorecards could be dodgy there kyb's also got this [ __ ] huge cut under his eye like massive bro it's like a [ __ ] incision like that's that's that that's like the type of [ __ ] you get from a knife bro it should be it should be pretty much UD I don't have my headphones in so I can't hear the actual decision so I can't hear the scorecards but I presume that some of you I presume that one of you boys will repeat it to me will tell me the scorecards and I'll be able to say that yeah I'm pretty happy with that or no I'm not happy with that it must have been UD cuz he cuz KY didn't even look [ __ ] uh he didn't even look in any way uh concerned I wonder if the last one was a 108 and I'd be kind of interested to see who we calls out to I'm I'm actually going to look up the scorecards on Twitter they should be out what is this UFC Vegas what Hash Hash UFC Vegas 96 it must be damn bro we're nearly at [ __ ] we're we're nearly at the 100th Apex [Music] event okay so it was 49 45 49 45 48 46 yeah I don't mind those scorecards those scorecards are pretty good they're not bad at all honestly like I'd probably I'd probably have similar scorecards to the way that they had it then the 4846 is a little bit nasty but apart from that it's pretty good scorecards to be honest like the scorecards are pretty consistent which you don't really see that much from UFC judges so shout out to the judges because in my eyes they got that one pretty much right who did he call out anybody know who he called out anybody understand or anybody know who he called it I presume that he's got a translator for that [ __ ] or does he speak English does he speak good English he might who's he calling out who's he calling out who's he calling out who's a title Contender oh all of a sudden every be saying KY BR is a title Contender now I'm telling you bro you better remember who's telling you all this [ __ ] early bro you remember who's telling you that these guys are legit early as [ __ ] Carlos prades Kyle Bri like all of my guys are now considered like unbelievable Fighters by most UFC fans title contenders Now by by every [ __ ] UFC fan like come on bro you really got to [ __ ] you really got to respect respect the kid and respect my eye for talent inside the UFC I wonder who the [ __ ] he's calling [Music] out let's see the [ __ ] farting nerds are a problem yeah no no bro I've told you about the camp too I told you about the camp bro I've said this [ __ ] Kyo versus Izzy did he actually call out Izzy I don't like the Izzy call out if you actually call him out but I doubt he did I feel like you call it something better than [Music] that did he call out [ __ ] anybody bro this interview's been going on for [ __ ] Years bro see you just can't trust two you just can't trust people's scorecards I just saw someone tweet out saying should have been 4747 draw I had the [ __ ] did two judges scored 4945 did we just watch the same fight brother well I suppose some of the runs were close but I thought I thought that every judge got that correct who did he call it no no it wasn't 5044 it was 49 45 49 45 48 46 we'll see the call out later anyway I appreciate all the boys for tuning in I appreciate all the Love on the live streams I will I'll have a video up today with a fresh new camera for all the boys so you'll see this [ __ ] today um and uh yeah peace love have a good night or have a good day depending on what time it is for you

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