UNDERCOVER at RuPaul's 'All-Ages' Drag Show | Is Mark Zuckerberg's Apology Genuine? | 8/27/24

hey dog you look H is that on fire y'all suck the good for these seat it does seem like they're kind of telling on themselves in a way because they're like this is violating My Free Speech this is why do you want to shake your rear end in front of kid so bad like that kind of sounds like something else might be going on maybe we should check your hard drive I think there's be some people that might want to find out can they go back and retroactively be prosecuted for I what I would argue they are absolutely doing is they're flaunting state law the state law is not off the book simply because we're being enjoined from enforcing it those actions are still illegal in the state of Texas [Music] [Applause] welcome to Sarah Gonzalez unfiltered so I teased this for you guys yesterday um over the weekend I say this like it's a joyous occasion that I'm about to share with you it's not but that's fine uh over the weekend I attended RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars live you may be like why did you go to a dra oh right to do the thing that you do which is to expose the drag shows that are welcoming all ages to expose the drag shows that are allowing children into their venue news when it's completely disgusting material and this one was no different this was at Dallas Texas Broadway Music Hall at Fair Park and here are just some of the low lights as it were I need huh you need to C I can't is burning hey do you look is that on fire yall suck the good for these [Music] seat come on titties look at you with your big titties [Applause] N/A and the homosexual right there and couple of bottoms right over here [Applause] [Music] turn around I get mad all over again every single time I watch that um as you could see there were numerous minors in attendance which I think anyone with two functioning brain cells can understand that this is child abuse this doesn't belong in I would argue America for children certainly not Texas we should have higher standards than that well the Texas legislature actually passed a law last session s sp12 prohibiting venues from allowing children into sexually explicit performances now this is commonly referred to as a drag ban by the left of course it's not by the way you're telling on yourselves when you say that it's not a drag ban but LGBT groups sued and were able to get a permanent injunction blocking the state from enforcing the law and now it will stay blocked until the court issues a final ruling on appeal now before I bring on my guest Texas State representative Brian Harrison I would like to play this uh this short little clip that I filmed at this show where I would say drag queen sent kind of an ominous message to Texans watch will be the mecca for drag entertainment y'all know that your state pageants are bigger than National pageants here in Texas so because everything is bigger in Texas I expect y'all y'all y'all to be so far the best audience on the tour Texas is the mecca of drag interesting welcome to the show Texas State representative Brian Harrison uh your thoughts and did you just vomit before I introduced you yeah I don't know if I would have come on if I known you were going to force me to sit through a few minutes that footage Sor look I mean look you you said it exactly right the most offensive thing in in all of the video clips that you you just forced me and your viewers to endure was the little b-roll Clips you interspersed there of not just miners we're not talking I mean I was seeing video there not just of 16 17 these people weren't weren't videos of people on the bubble there were very young children that were in attendance and as the father of four young kids the oldest is 10 I think that's far in away the most offensive thing that's going on here they're clearly just trying to skirt um I would argue both existing long-standing existing state law as well as the new laws that we passed um in the last legislative session which were being tied up in court right now I mean the state of Texas has long had laws enforcing certain types of community standards with regards to children like for example you a child cannot go uh to a strip club um in the state of Texas and what these businesses like that are doing they're clearly just getting around long-standing laws by calling them something else but they're clearly putting on uh what is subjectively and I think any sane sentient person would see is adult content adult material and and I want to highlight something you glossed over because I think it's critical to the point because people who are critical of what we are trying to do here in the state of Texas with the bills that we've had on the books for a long time or laws as well as the bill that became a law last session with regards to drag show banss for miners is they're using the word drag show ban in the same way they're using like porn bands or book bands there there is no pornography band in Texas there know books that are banned in Texas drag shows are not banned in Texas strip shows are not banned in Texas we are simply saying you can't do certain things in the presence of minors in the state of Texas and we tried to broaden that to make sure that what they were doing is getting around these these sexually explicit adult-oriented businesses which have long been prohibited to children in the state of Texas and and making sure that we're going in and capturing this stuff so incredibly offensive um I'm glad that attorney general Ken Paxton is defending uh the new state statute but look this is absolutely disgusting and and please keep calling these people out in the same way that they're saying that we're pushing book bands that is a complete lie we're not saying a thing about what adults can or can't do in the state of Texas we are simply trying to protect our LGH held Community standards with the types of businesses that we are allowed to Target children yeah I mean it does seem I mentioned it earlier it does seem like they're kind of telling on themselves in a way because they're like this is violating My Free Speech this is why do you want to shake your rear end in front of kids so bad like that kind of sounds like something else might be going on maybe we should check your hard drive or something but um so I have heard from my sources I'll let you tell me what you've heard if anything but I've heard that it is um likely that the federal appeals court will overturn the initial Federal ruling that perhaps this is a friendly Court um so I have a couple questions that I'm going to dovetail off of that if that were to happen I want to know like can we retroactively prosecute these venue owners like Broadway music hall for hosting these performances in the meantime because it's great that I agree with you Ken Paxton at the helm of things I love and I trust him but at the end of the day um the we children in Texas are left still able to to get this content in the meantime while we're waiting yeah there there's two issues um that you asked about they're happy to take both of them and look I do think the odds are pretty decent were going to Prevail I me the idea a First Amendment implication here I think is just it's specious I think it's facially absurd because again we are not think which you want about it have whatever re repuls you know whatever um reflexive reaction you have to the video of the adults you saw here the state of Texas is not actually trying to impede somebody's First Amendment um or Free Speech rights to conduct themselves how they um want to conduct themselves we are simply saying you can't conduct yourself like that in front of children and certainly not as a commercial business Enterprise so I actually feel somewhat optimistic we're ultimately going to Prevail and then on the second part of this which is where I think the law clearly would have would have stopped what happened in the footage you showed there is we're talking about something that didn't happen like in somebody's private home that was built on private property we're talking about a performance an adult theme sexually explicit performance in front of miners that was engaged in Commerce on property that is governmental property in the state of Texas so I do think they're operating at a little bit of risk here and I think there's going to be some people that might want to find out can they go back and retroactively be prosecuted for I what I would argue they are absolutely doing is they're flaunting state law the state law is not off the book simply because we're being enjoined from enforcing it those actions are still illegal in the state of Texas we just can't enforce that prohibition right now so I think they're operating at Great risk and quite frankly whatever we can do to put the message out there that you shouldn't be cavorting that you shouldn't be pushing content that is clearly designed um to be adult material sexually themed businesses should not be Target targeting young children in the state of Texas yeah I um so I totally obviously I totally agree we're two sane people so we agree on that yeah um so but you made a great point a second ago they're outing themselves this isn't about free expression they're otherwise they wouldn't be suing cuz they're making the point that they only care about doing this provided they can do what you just saw in that video in front of 5-year-olds because if they didn't care about that they wouldn't be suing Us in the first place they are wanting to do this in front of children and that's why I think the state of Texas is right to step in and say not in our state you can't do that so what action can the Texas legislature take and maybe this isn't something that you guys are talking about yet but I would say let's start talking about it now because I I hope that uh the law will prevail and the state of Texas will prevail but what action could the state of Texas take if let's say the federal judge does uphold the the current ruling and deems this whole law unconstitutional which by the way again I don't want to be um I don't want to be like a black pill I don't want to be a Debbie Downer I do think that I worked with with you guys um some of the legislators to craft the language in such a way that we thought that it would withstand I mean we knew it was immediately going to get sued right so we thought that it would withstand any sort of lawsuit but let's just say that the judge upholds the current ruling what's next for the State of Texas well so again we'll have to wait and see what the courts ultimately say and and and I know it's not terribly satisfying but when you're dealing with issues like this we are operating in and what's more complicated in a nuanced area of law if you were involved with the drafting of the legislation you know it's harder to go after drag shows because then you have to Define all of these terms where it's it's much more simple if it's like a building that has you know XXX outside and calls itself a strip club that's an easier thing to prohibit a minor Walking In by checking ID because they're telling the world what they're doing in here but when they're going to at least put on what I think is these facially absurd arguments that no what they're doing is not those types of things it's these types of things well then you have to have very very properly crafted statutory definitions in the law so in the event that this fails on some First Amendment test um which I don't think's going to happen but if it did I think we just have to show courage and be willing to come back next session and readdress the issue look at amending the bill maybe it's a more narrow or maybe a slight broadening of the scope of the definition to make sure we're capturing the types of behavior that you just saw commercial sexually explicit designed to Target children make sure that that cannot ex happen in the state of Texas while still protecting the First Amendment uh free expression rights of adults here in the state well I uh I appreciate you you're one of the good guys and I'm like now that we've got fresh blood coming in to help you I'm like help is on the way representative Harrison so I I don't always get called one of the good guys down in Austin so it's great being with friends like you and yes thank you I'm so excited you mentioned uh we got some reinforcements uh showing up in Austin next January to to take the oath of office with us and I'm excited for the great things we're going to do to preserve liberty and prosperity uh and the Constitutional constraints and limited government free markets here in the state of Texas next session I am too and I I appreciate you Sirah we'll talk soon great talking to you Sarah have a good one God bless you you too see you so we will be by the way doing more undercover pieces like these in the days and months to come because if you know anything about me you know that I will not rest until this is out of Texas and our kids are protected just letting you know I'm putting you on notice drag queens I don't care what you do just don't do it in front of kids all right we got to take a break we'll be back with the panel first we want to thank our sponsor Burch gold so uh is there's just a lot of instability right now now don't know if you've noticed if you like I don't know uh read the newspaper or the internet or just walk outside your front door you can see there's a lot of instability right now in our country and I'm just saying if you're you are not actually financially secure if all of your eggs are in one basket gold and silver if you have not looked into this is an excellent way to diversify your savings it's actually historically gold and silver have been a hedge against inflation they are physical asset that is in high demand globally from the wealthy to central banks and so go talk to my friends over at Birch gold you can actually own physical gold and silver in a tax sheltered 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you're tired of seeing like gay and trans superheroes yeah that's all I'm saying um so last night uh know I know oh I know boy boy let me tell you the amount of times that I've uttered something and been like it's really weird that I just had to say that yeah yeah so so last night uh Mark Zuckerberg actually released a letter to Jim Jordan and Jerry Nadler where he admitted a couple different things here but one that he regretted working with the Biden Harris Administration and the FBI to censor stories on covid and the hunter Biden laptop story but you know this isn't actually new information so it's strange why he keeps rehashing these old details almost two years ago to the day Mark Zuckerberg actually said this on The Joe Rogan Experience watch there was a lot of attention on Twitter during the election because of the hunter Biden laptop Story the New York we too yeah so you guys censored that as well so we took a different path than Twitter the FBI I think basically came to us and some some folks on our team who was like hey um just so you know like you should be on high alert there was we we thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election we have it on notice that basically there's about to be some kind of dump of of um uh that's similar to that so just be vigilant what we do is we have um if something is reported to us as potentially um misinformation important misinformation we we also this third party factchecking program because we don't want to be deciding what's true and false and for the I think it was five or seven days when it was basically being um being determined whether it was false um the Distribution on Facebook was decreased but people were still allowed to share it so you could still share it you could still consume it so we say the distribution has decreased it got shared how does that work it basically the ranking in Newsfeed was a little bit less so fewer people saw it than would have otherwise so it definitely by what percentage I I don't know off the top of my head but it's it's it's meaningful a bit Yeah bit I would I would say so I would say it's meaningful so I want to read some of these um little Snippets from his letter and then let's talk about like why is why is he doing this all of a sudden right now so he says there's a lot of talk right now around how the US government interacts with companies like meta and I want to be clear about our position our platforms are for everyone we're about promoting speech and helping people connect in a safe and secure way oh wait that's not a joke it's actually serious um I was just laughing to myself because it this their platforms have definitely not been for me I don't know that you what your experiences have been but they are definitely looking for every single way to demonetize and throttle my content so I thought that that was a joke but I don't think it is uh so in 2021 senior officials from the Biden Administration including the White House repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain covid-19 content including humor and satire and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn't agree ultimately it was our decision whether or not to take content down and we own our decisions I believe the government pressure was wrong and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it he goes on to talk about the FBI uh laptop pressure in a separate situation he said the FBI warned us about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and barisma in the leadup to the 2020 election it's since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation and in retrospect we shouldn't have demoted the story we no longer temporarily demote things in the US while waiting for fact Checkers so he goes on to talk about he's like oh by the way um I made a lot lot of political contributions last cycle I actually don't plan on making a similar contribution this cycle so he said the idea here was to make sure local election jurisdictions across the country had the resources they needed to help people vote safely during the pandemic they were designed to be nonpartisan I what are you talking about I was totally nonpartisan and he says um he didn't see that it benefited one party one way or the other so I don't plan on making a similar contribution this cycle now this is a very bizarre chain of events for Mark Zuckerberg because he was like the Biden Harris Lackey um helping them censor disinformation which actually just ended up being true and he also had this weird moment after Don well I say weird coming from him this weird moment after Donald Trump got shot where he actually said that Donald Trump looked badass and it was an awesome moment watch seeing Donald Trump get get up after getting shot in the face and pump fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass things I've ever seen in my life so I'm like is he being genuine in his evolution is he trying to get ahead of something coming like what is going on that you have Mark Zuckerberg continuing to sound the alarm about something that he was actually kind of implicated in I did nothing wrong I might not do it again and the programming running me is off right I think is all you can take from is you know he he's not a very likable person as it stands um you know although maybe his you know playing around with the you know extreme Fighting or whatever he's been doing doing recently you maybe that's tring off you don't find many you know woke lefties running around that world to maybe that's having a positive benefit on him um but look Facebook has been a a dumpster fire a a prot totalitarian dumpster fire for going on 8 years and I think for you know Mark Zuckerberg um he's probably just kind of looking oh no you know um you know it's only 87-year-old you know cat ladies wanting to share lesbian memes from the 60s so so maybe we need to uh step back a little bit because big surprise not much advertising dollars goes to that demographic right yeah so maybe this is more of a a calculated business decision he knows what time it is he's he's seeing the time and I think for all of us who are rightly worried about the the direction of the election everything else when you see someone like Mark Zuckerberg sitting there talking like you just saw him uh talking makes you think um maybe he understands what time it is better than some of our neighbors and friends do yeah I mean because it's one thing to think it right he could think it and just as easily not say it out loud for all of his leftist friends to pick apart but he went the extra mile and was just like I'm saying it well I I think some of it has to do with Twitter I mean if you actually watch The Joe Rogan thing he mentions Twitter uh M multiple times and I I do believe that maybe and I'm just throwing this out there hypothetical uh because that's not like I know but what Elon basically I mean what he cut a third he cut his company down to like a third uh we had the Twitter files so it was exposing what Twitter was doing before he had got in and uh the collusion quite literal collusion with the uh United States federal government right so he looks at that and basically Elon was he went I don't want to even say he went unscathed I would at least say in our eyes maybe not in the leftist but in the in our eyes he's seen as more of a positive figure comparatively speaking because well Twitter has now become this this space of the major social media platforms where people not to say there isn't some level of censorship that's there but comparatively speaking I don't feel threatened to be like oh to say uh kicked off of the damn platform like I do with a uh Facebook Instagram as well as some of the other platforms so maybe it's like well it's safe now it could be a combination of it all I mean yeah I think you bring up a great point we know that he's getting involved with mix martial arts a lot I don't know how close he is to Dana we know where he's slanted and I don't and maybe that has something to it's a cultural thing right and maybe being around that culture he's like okay may I've I've been misled now maybe that's giving him him a lot of the benefit of the doubt uh for sure for sure does not absolve Facebook of what they had did um before but I try to be as someone who once and I think Mark zberg is around my age and it's someone that I mean years years ago I was a leftist like we're talking like 18 years ago so people change right and you want to always leave that opening for someone to be able to do that but yeah he's going to have to say a lot more than just that for me to be like oh okay he he's really he's really turning a new Leaf here yeah I mean and he to his credit he did say I regret that we cave to the pressure and part of me really wants to um make him take all of the blame possible for that but I also we've talked about this a lot on the show Eric is that I also think that it is so wholly inappropriate for the government to be putting pressure on a private business like imagine how much pressure you feel when the freaking White House is banging down your door like uh do you really want to be responsible for X Y and Z with all of this you know misin I mean what what what would you do I'd like to believe that as a business owner I'd be like screw you but imagine being put in that position and cornered by the you know the I mean the is there someone higher than the president no so it's like and you I think of the words she used talked about well we're not going to do this in the United States yeah right and and you're dealing with someone who you know censoring content in a lot of countries in a lot of places um and you to your point it's a good reminder that you know some of these folks are getting a lot of pressure and we shouldn't discount that I I'm less interested than his Mia culpas from you know yeah 2019 2022 but is you know what's this cat going to be doing in October of 2024 what is February of 2025 going to look like is he going to revert to Norm yeah and capitulate to the you know to you know Cala Harris or is he going to be a little more bold and standing up for the rights of people the inalienable right of all people to speak freely yeah you'd like to believe that he I mean you don't come out and make comments like this you don't come out and make write letters like this to Congress if you don't plan on following through with it you would think you would think but um so I know we got to take a break and and we'll be back with more but I do want to bring up again I feel like I I have to stress this every time we talk about this conversation it is great that we know what we now know about Twitter it is great that we know what we now know about Facebook there is one GL lingly obvious platform that is like the majority of video content that still we have no way in we have no way of knowing how much they influenced the last election that is of course YouTube MH I mean they are censoring the tar out of people my YouTube's been demonetized for over a year now for saying true things um I remember there was a video you were probably on it Eric there was a video from the old show where we got the entire Blaze TV YouTube account uh nuked for like an entire month because we literally cited a study on the covid vaccine um the covid vaccine on pregnant women I I'm just reading this the numbers and so you know it's good that we're getting this information now it's like okay yay great now you're admitting to it but there there are other platforms that are still incredibly vulnerable that we have not done anything about and and this goes to the importance you know Ken Paxton and some of these Attorneys General around around the nation to hold Google accountable asking these big questions about the the power that we in the marketplace and then you know government collusion I'll have given to some of these corporate actors uh and and the and the Monopoly they now have oh it's one thing to have a monopoly over cornflakes or something it's something else to have Monopoly over facts truth over you know that's that's scary stuff yeah um speaking of Ken Paxton let's go ahead and take a quick break and then when we come back let's talk about the latest with Biden's plan to reward a million illegals with citizenship we'll be [Applause] back so speaking of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton he's just racking up the winds lately so he got on X last night and shared a document from the US District Court uh the eastern district of Texas state of Texas versus us Department of Homeland Security he wrote Breaking we have temporarily blocked Biden's unlawful new parole in place program Biden's unconstitutional scheme would have rewarded over 1 million illegal aliens with the opportunity for citizenship after breaking our country's laws and incentivized countless more this is just the first step we are going to keep fighting for Texas our country and the rule of law um so big win again he keeps racking them up but just as you stated earlier um it's it's like well it's kind of weird that we have to say that in 2024 this is another thing it's like it's kind of strange that our state AG has to fight with the federal Administration to this extent I realize he was he worked with several different entities here but he is on the front lines fighting our federal government to the extent that he's like please stop allowing illegal people into our country why do we have to go to court over something like that to fight the federal government is just beyond me there there a very small limited number of things that the US Constitution says the federal government is supposed to one of them is protect the country stop foreign Invaders that's that's literally in the job description and that's the one thing the B Administration want to do you know they want to regulate you know what your shoes are made of they want to tell you what to drive they want to tell you how you know where your power comes from all these things they want tell you no the Constitution but they don't want to do the one thing they're supposed to do and and in part of that thing it's because that's what empowers them is chaos what ow Democrats what empowers bureaucrats anywhere is misery and Chaos among the people the more misery and Chaos there is the more you need you know your government saviors to step in and this where Ken Paxton like you know we're we're coming up on the year anniversary of his trial on the Texas Senate for the goofy crazy insane impeachment generated by the Texas house and you know we we said it a year ago and I think it's being proven true now Sarah that Ken Paxton was impeached by the Texas house because he was willing to fight big Tech big Pharma and to fight for secure borders there are a lot of business interest we don't like to talk about this we're free market marketeers we're conservatives we don't like to talk about this but there are business interests who really would much rather have a b you know a steady stream of Quasi slave labor coming across the border that they can exploit and then throw away um who who don't have you know the know of the rights of how to you know go to court and demand you know correct pay and back pay and whatever else they have uh you know and and Ken Paxton is saying no to that stuff that's why he was impeached yeah Eric yeah look you know how I feel about when this States particularly Texas combats the federal government I love for it to happen more often don't threaten me with a good time because I'm all for decentralization um I think we need more of it I think there needs to be more States telling them to screw off um and I think once that ends up happening I think what we what ends up inevitably happening is that people can focus on their geographical area that they live in the fact that we have to deal with these issues that the federal government are completely unfit to solve um is is the fundamental fundamental problem I shouldn't need to be combating the federal government for anything right if if it is a battle to be had it should be against my state and local uh uh government so the fact that in something like this where obviously you have this border between Texas and another country and there's conflict that happens there all all the time I just think it's it's as Ani to me that yeah the federal government is supposed to take care of those issues but the the the part that really really gets me is that should they fail and then you do something that they don't like they try to criminalize you or or they try to criminalize the state of Texas that's insane to me that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever so I I I do think there needs to be especially with folks on the right like a legitimate conversation like that we start we need to start having about decentralization because how much longer do we have to put up with this incompetence by the federal government we we we're under this under this expectation that they're supposed to do say a thing like to your point it's in their job description it's the one thing that they're supposed to all the other stuff they do they ain't even supposed to be doing they're doing none of the things they're supposed to do one thing they supposed to do and then they don't do it and because they don't do it it impacts what happens in our geographical area so we they're telling us right there that they're not suited for the job so somebody it's still has to get the problem is still the problem we are kind of reaching the point Eric where you know it's the are they incompetent or are they are they very competent I think you know we're starting to see that you know you we wrote yesterday day before about Cala Harris losing 290,000 children according to Spector children unaccompanied miners um and you think well that's either gross in competence or it's yeah it's like intentional real competent really competent activity and I think that's where we are they're evil they're not they're not they're not incompetent they're evil exactly and so I mean to to your point I think um I I like to stress this is the Biden Harris Administration that is Allin on bringing in as many people as they possibly can and then allowing them like giving them a pathway to citizenship well the Harris in the Biden Parris Administration who is currently running uh for a future office of presidency she clearly knows that her illegal immigration policies are unpopular and unelectable which is why now she's all of a sudden flip-flopping so just a let's just do a little flashback when uh you know Donald Trump was president and kamla called his border wall idea a vanity project and uh unamerican this issue is about a vanity project for this President right and it is a problem of his own making you don't need to build a wall this is a crisis of his own making and by definition just plain speak basic English language definition it is not an emergency it's the president's vanity project you know I mean listen you if we deconstruct get the pun deconstruct wall prosecutor for many years including the attorney J California I specialize on transnational criminal organizations that's that wall ain't going to stop them no noling about like Jesus Christ that's not going to stop them the the wall won't stop them but a gift bag will from Target will stop them right so but now she sings a much different tune to which axio even had to point out her flip-flopping uh their article said Harris flip-flops on building the border wall if she's elected president KLA Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border a project she once opposed and called unamerican during the Trump Administration it's the latest example of Harris flip-flopping on her past liberal positions such as supporting Medicare for all and banning fracking fracking here in Texas we say fren proposals that aids say she is now against in in all fairness it would at that point be her vanity project so it' be okay I mean that's basically what they're saying right that so like she now says building the border wall is a thing we should do huh that's strange I know a guy who said we should definitely do that before you started bringing in all of the illegal aliens but you said that he was orange and you hated him well the immigration thing is it's really really interesting I think they made a I mean a core mistake dumping him all in all these liberal cities right and these left the cities which they acted as these safe havens but then you had these other people that lived there for their entire lives and they saw what what happen and also the unfair treatment um that that happens I mean as far as the welfare state is I mean what you give them versus what you don't provide to people that are around and so the on the on the very subject of immigration their own base is starting to like differ on this in comparison to what they maybe in terms of their positions maybe four or five years ago especially in cities like a Chicago go and all that you always hear these uh these subjects that have been there they Liv citizens that have lived there and they're like what in the hell is this right this place is unhabitable I don't they don't want to live here uh anymore and all this stuff and you totally empathize with that and now we're getting closer to the election where people are going to have to start taking positions they're going to start getting act these things and it's going to be very interesting to see if these are things she's going to say out loud because I anticipate Democrats do that all the time this isn't anything new as far as them saying one thing and then you go look at their policies and they're completely different thing Obama this is why we call him a deporter and chief this whole idea that Obama was this like uh a guy that wanted everybody to come over that is bogus I don't know where that lie came from he might have said that but I'm just looking at the sheer statistic he deported more people than anybody did uh before him so it's a really interesting thing to see but now and we'll see what happens with these debates I would love for Trump to start holding her feet to the fire and let her out of her own mouth not in a document not in some article or something bar I want her to start taking positions on immigration well let's go ahead let's um we're we got to take a break here but before we do I want to show you guys Donald Trump made a fabulous ad of kamla just debating herself watch everyday prices are too high food rent gas back to school clothes that is called biomics a local bread cost 50% more today ground beef is up almost 50% there's not much left at the end of the month biomics is working the price of housing has gone up it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead and we are very proud of biomics all right so Michael I mentioned at the beginning of the show you have a new documentary out it is called uh Red Power China's grip on the future of Texas and I want want to play a little bit of the trailer and then I want to come back and and talk to you a little bit more about it watch we didn't run out of energy we're just running out of Freedom 4 minutes and 37 seconds that's how close Texas was from a total power grid collapse it is a national security issue it is probably one of our most important assets a Chinese General still plugs directly into ot to this very day I think that's a bad idea I think that's a risk it's easy to think the biggest threats to Texas's electric grid are a winter storm or an extended heat way Texas isn't as strong as Texans like to say it is and that's that's unfortunate we're choosing inferior energy that is sourced from arguably our greatest geopolitical threat we're actually going backwards in America with reliability who thinks that's a good idea and bet China thinks it's a good idea everybody needs to start connecting the thought oh well um well that's terrifying all cheery stuff yeah yeah what you go ahead in in order to in order to solve any problem in your life you first have to recognize you have a problem in your life yeah you no problem in your life or my life was ever solved by us ignoring the problems existence right and and and that is the same for individuals as it is for Nations um we have a problem we have allowed ourselves uh to to become worshippers at the at the climate hysteria church and one of the sacraments of the Church of climate hysteria is wind and solar and look if you know I have nothing against solar panels I have nothing against wind generators except for the fact that 80% of a solar panel and somewhere between 30 and 70% of a wind generator are made in China but if you want to set up a solar panel to power a gate on your property or have a windmill that you use to operate whatever that's fine instead in Texas we've put something like a third to half of our electric grid at the hands of what is arguably you know ancient technology you know you know solar panels fail every day at Sunset the wind only blows a quarter perc of the time or we found out a couple years ago uh if it's gets too cold the windmills get Frozen it freezes yeah and and then here we're returning to China to provide all the stuff you know China who want who who they say explicitly they want to destroy America and so we were saying oh fine uh make us less efficient make us less productive um you had California governor Gavin Nome uh say um okay we want to get rid of nuclear power we want to get rid of all these Coal Fired plants we want to you everyone on solar and 6 days later he's begging Californians not to be charging their electric vehicles because they didn't have enough power I mean this is insane this is something of some weird dystopian future uh that that we're creating for ourselves Sarah and we need folks understand that and I mean I think I mean you're right because there's two separate issues here right that there's the issue of green energy and where that leads and then there's the issue of just standing idly by while China seems to be able to get I mean we're talking about the state of Texas that has still will not ban the CCP from owning Texas land you have a massive uh Wind Farm uh down near Lackland Air Force Base owned by a red Chinese General there's some back and forth of what has he sold and is he sold it basically to himself but the bottom line is uh you know with these massive windmills that with technology that Kyle bass a businessman from here in Dallas talks about uh that you can map down to a square inch in resolution um where he can peer onto that Air Force Base where we do both classified and unclassified things day in and day out you know that's kind of important that's the kind of thing you don't want your enemies to be able to do and yet that's what we have allowed China to do um in many ways uh a friend of mine likes to say that your your strength is also your weakness our strength as Americans has been our devotion to the free market but if we're not careful we start worshiping the free market rather than using it as a tool for Liberty um it's being used against us right now by people saying oh well fine if if if some Chinese General wants to come in and use it to spy on my fellow Americans but if I get a good deal on it great you and I Sarah need to start saying let's discuss this right is how is our nation's future worth the 30 pieces of silver that you got from that Chinese General right well and it's I mean Eric it's not like we learned anything from Co trusting China it's not like we had it's not like our medication Supply shut down and that I mean that's all part of it but I would make the argument that none of this has anything to do with cuz if the market was truly free nuclear energy would basically be the number one thing that we'd be investing in but you look at including in Texas right where all of the the uh uh as far as the funding right and where it's being routed towards things like wind as well as as well as solar which again in isolation great you got your own uh AC 10 10 acres you want to throw some uh throw a wind tunnel a wind deal up there if you want to throw some solar panels if you want to have a solar field or you want to put on your house whatever do do what you will but the fact that like we're not in I don't know why how they've been so successful in fearmongering uh with with the whole nuclear energy I can't take anybody serious talking about renewable energy while not investing in if they don't talk about nuclear right and China is building new nuclear plants you know on a they've got a schedule building a hundred in the next couple of years they're building new uh Coal Fired plants one every three days right now wow um and you know while we are sitting there you know hoping that you know when it's 100 degrees outside your AC will work when it drops down to 10 degrees that maybe you know the you know the power will come on and you can heat heat up your grandmother's house that's insane that's not the way supposed to be we're uninventive we station ever um you know putting all this money there uh the state bear some blame uh you know the the week before the big uh winter storm in Texas that shut everything down for a week four minutes away from losing our grid forever uh there was Greg Abbott accepting an award from the renewable energy people and so and bragging about it everyone's bragging about it so you got the state problem the way you can stop it though and this is this is the kind of the where where the where the rubber meets the road wind and solar only works with subsidies they only work with subsidies they're grossly inexpensive were it not for the subsidies you wouldn't have them and those can be stopped actually locally CU they the the wind and solar people then need the federal subsidy the state subsidy and they need the local subsidy putting pressure on your school board members on your County uh County officials on your city officials that can stop these and we have a lot of evidence that's the good news with this Sarah is you have we have lots of examples of folks who have stopped it you can stop red China you can stop the unreliability all it takes is for us to start being involved locally yeah and so make sure that get involved locally obviously but also go check out the uh the film today Texas scorecard.org they published an oped titled Doug mhof modernday sex symbol this is written by uh Katherine rampel who is believe it or not an an award-winning journalist covering economics public policy immigration and politics and also Doug M off being sexy apparently she said Doug off has been called many things in recent years second gentleman goofy dad crappy Jew that's mean but perhaps his most appropriate title Progressive sex symbol move over Ryan Gosling the modern female fantasy is embodied by the man who might soon become our first first gentleman most important for this sexy so I don't even know how to say that word what is it so breed uh emof is secure enough with his own masculinity to sometimes prioritize his wife's Ambitions over his own what uh hunk I'm going to call that fake news that is not nope that is that is yeah that is propaganda is what that is you are not going to tell me that Doug am off is a modern-day sex symbol no absolutely not not no no Catherine no you're the one most qualified cuz I'm not gay so uh I can't quite speak on it but I was can you also confirm you are also not gay can't speak to it yeah no can't speak let me just tell you guys does give me great help though that mean

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