Category: Education
Remember when we were on that first phone call and i was like you were like oh yeah i want to work on this i was like how much time do you have like how how much time do you have and i you know your will smith so i'm thinking you don't have any time and and i don't know how serious you get yet i'm not... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Shaving zach’s head? 97 podcast this is our 97th number 97 it feels pretty good we're so close to 100 and we don't have a guest locked in we don't have a guest locked in but we do have something locked in i'm gna shave zach's head no you're not on the 100th podcast podcast 100 i kind of like i'm kind... Read more
Category: Gaming
H playing as a female gamer allowed me to notice issues surrounding inclusion and representation while characters are clearly fictitious and fantastical creatures there were no female or feminine npcs enemies or bosses present the only exception if you can call it female is a boss named mother of stones... Read more
Category: Sports
El mundo observaba con asombro la atmósfera estaba cargada de anticipación y emoción jod greenham una arquera de gran bretaña había logrado lo increíble con cada respiración se preparaba para un momento que cambiaría su vida ganó una medalla de bronce en los juegos paralímpicos este logro no solo fue... Read more
Category: Entertainment
With all the stuff coming out about the mr beast and chris tyson um drama i thought that i would come out and just i really don't know what i'm doing here um in 2018 i played baseball with tyler conquin yeah we were on the same baseball team we practiced every day together um we talked a good bit on... Read more
Category: Entertainment
This is jordan tower with jt news make sure you smash that like button smash that subscribe button well yg gets clowned for turning his back on drake didn't even sell 10k the first week on his latest album cra crazy bro yg is the west coast meek millie he is he's the west coast meek millie uh and sells... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] lil wayne reacts to colorado's win over north dakota state he not just a podcast he's not just a rapper coach too [ __ ] co they call me gil bell why this [ __ ] so [applause] stupid tenders pass complete to number 12 tra hter [music] get him go get him let's go [applause] [music] [music] be... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Je rêve ou ça ne se finit jamais cette mission impossible a été un franc succès regardez ce que cette femme va faire ce pauvre homme a une boule entre les deux yeux je ne m'attendais pas du tout à ça j'aimerais bien comprendre comment cela est possible mais pourquoi mange-t-elle des cailloux cet homme... Read more
Category: Gaming
Qué onda amigos ahora les traigo un video de cómo descargar los comentarios en fc móvil así que quédense les voy a enseñar y no te olvides de darle me gusta a este video aquí vamos a tocar la tuerca y buscamos donde dice comentarios y efectos aquí podemos ver está el ambiente que lo recomiendo descargar... Read more
Category: News & Politics
She's a marxist she's really a marxist her father was is a marxist professor this woman ran against i guess about 22 democrats Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] rod wave explains the layout while giving a tour of his custom closet i ain't seen y in a little minute wonder how y'all been wonder you been who you spin what it do yall want to see my closet so i got that b number9 going right now be sure to like comment and subscribe that [ __ ] crazy might... Read more
Category: Education
- [announcer] breaks the tackle. - oh my gosh, look at that ankle! oh! (beep) getting your bell rung, gnarly ankle fractures, and what in the heart attack is happening here? in honor of football season kicking off here in the us, today we are reacting to all the possible career-ending medical scenes... Read more