Oracle TV CloudWorld 2024: Solving Industry Challenges with Applied AI

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:15:32 Category: Science & Technology

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thank you Mundy uh we just saw her on the keynote stage so so I think she might have sprinted over here it's Stephanie trunzo senior vice president of Oracle Industries great job up there thank you running in heels is is also a lot of fun so I did run over here yeah you didn't you didn't break anything or uh no I'm I'm here in one piece good good we we need you here in one piece we got to get through this yeah okay but we're going to throw you a hard one to start out with so you know your panel uh and Mike cilia Cecilia's industry keynote hit on a lot of interesting initiatives so give us a recap okay break it all down break it break down an hour no it was longer it was like an hour and 10 minutes so break that all down the 60c version of that basically what we're trying to talk about is the fact that Industries are not silos they're interconnected ecosystems right so you think about you know I don't know pick anything pick the coffee mug that you're drinking out of right it's not just a ril transaction somebody built something somewhere there's a manufacturing plant somewhere there's energy that's powering that there's Communications that's running the digital connection underneath it so our focus in that conversation was showing exactly how interconnected all of the industries are and how things like applied AI are really powering that connection across all of the industries one of my favorite uh parts of the keynote for me was just how many ways Oracle touches our customers customer it's one of my favorite things things to talk about um most of us don't even know it can you just hit on that for a second yeah I think you know it is really fascinating I have I'll tell you a story actually that that has happened to me I walked into a hotel I went to go check into the hotel and at the desk while I'm checking in the person who was talking to me and checking me in was like this is an oracle system that I'm working on here at this you know while they're checking me in so it was a really cool experience of seeing even in my personal daily life how you know ubiquitous Oracle technology is behind the scenes of everything we're doing all day long you were the C you were our customer customer I exactly right I was the customer's customer that's how I yeah that's how I feel when I order Starbucks which I've done about 14 times this week actually when when Kendall walks around those little blips that like the little data charts and the little things they pop up in her head they're flying around in real life like oh Oracle oh Oracle yes Oracle they really they I think that there's something like I don't know don't don't quote me on fact chat whoever's factchecking but it's like something like 98% of the Vegas Strip runs on oracles that's exactly right yeah so you can walk up and down this strip and no matter what you're doing whether it's buying something eating something checking into a room that's Oracle behind the scenes running all of that exactly um increasingly all of these interactions are being supercharged as you talked about applied AI but being supercharged by Ai and before we dive in can you give us examples of big challenges Big Industry challenges that AI is really help helping to solve right now yeah absolutely so Healthcare I mean it's one that touches everybody again right so you know if you have a body if you have a brain If you have a mind if you have any you're going to see a doctor at some point in your life right one of the big challenges in healthcare is switching from being reactive when something's wrong to being proactive with your health so you're preventing things in the first place one of the ways that AI is helping us kind of address that challenge is we're using things like gen AI to create natural language conversations with your physician in a way that's um helping them not have to spend their evenings entering data for the 4th fifth 8th 20th time about you um being able to do those kinds of things with AI changes the whole game of what your interaction is going to be like with your doctor yeah one of those uh examples is Oracle clinical digital assistant right my favorite can we just can we hit on that for one second and then we can move on yeah absolutely so uh our clinical digital assistant is doing some of the things I just mentioned so imagine that you're sitting with your doctor and how many times have you been at the doctor where they have a tablet in front of them they're not looking at you you know you're there to talk about your health and instead they're you know entering your weight for the 80th time it's very impersonal it's very impersonal right and that's not why people go into medicine they go into medicine to help people right so we want to fix that by and it's very fascinating because we're using AI to create more human interactions right which sometimes people feel like AI is going to take away from the human interaction but it's actually assisting so that clinical digital assistant what it's doing is giving the physician information before they even walk in the room to talk to you so they don't have to do that work on a screen they can look at you while they're having that interaction it's going to listen and pay attention to the conversation and whenever you're finished it's going to produce a note for the doctor to look at that summarizes your visit says what you need to do next what medications they've prescribed and all of that is happening for the doctor instead of them having to do it while they're working with you right we after the fact preventing even more so physician burnout right which we seeing all the time exactly yep yeah and I think you can it you see that happen in all the other Industries as well we're talking to Sky dance animation they were talking about you know the the technology doing some of the mundane repetitive tasks so that the storytellers can get back to building the great characters telling the great the great stor and that's a good segue for uh my next question which is about applied AI um Mike talk about applied a what do we mean when we say that and how is Oracle enabling that yeah well and you know I think we've all seen I'm just going to reflect on what you said for a second I think we've all seen the memes that are like we don't want AI creating our music and our art we want it to do our laundry and you know clean our kitchen and whatever right and I think that the way we think about applied AI is rather than um these big science fiction Concepts what we're trying to do is embed the AI in the industry applications in the way that the industry needs it so without even having to do anything you're getting the benefit of some of that AI baked right into the industry application so when we say applied AI we're saying we're going to do that work for you we're going to understand what the industry needs and we're going to bake it right into the application itself yeah that's that's great and where it should be um in our lives can you uh give some examples you talked earlier about you know a cross industry but some examples of how Oracle is enabling this to work across Industries yeah so let's talk about um let's think about retail for a second so in retail and you just mentioned sort of like the bubbles that are popping up when you're going to Starbucks right understanding information about weather understanding information um about where there's going to be a a brick and mortar property that's being built next that's construction that's another data set all of that information coming together now I can predict you're not going to just buy a coffee you're actually going to go next door and you're going to buy a sweater too because we know that there's a cold spell coming we know that they just put in a new store next to the Starbucks that you like shopping at so taking all of these different sources of data from different Industries and bringing them together so that what actually changes is the experience of our customers customers right that experience is not seen through the lens of five or six different Industries it's seen through the lens of your experience of going to Starbucks being cold and noticing there's a store you really like next door and walking in to buy a sweater so that's how we're thinking about bringing AI into the the kind of cross industry scenarios so even though those are two separate this actually does happen to me so I live in Santa Monica I live on this I live off the street called Montana Avenue Montana Avenue you just walk you get your coffee you get whatever you need you shop you do all that right so this would get companies talking to each other then right I they the data shows I walk into Starbucks Starbucks I grab my coffee and next door I'm picking up my sweater and this is allowing the two companies to then profit off of that that's right that's exactly right yeah and I think you know the the other aspect of it is that what we're trying to do is make sure that that data is fueling intelligence and insights for your business to use but your data adds that last extra mile so the customers's additional data that's where they kind of come into the picture right so we're using all of this information to create insights to build models that applied AI That's baked right into the applications but now you as a customer can add your proprietary information your additional data and make it even more nuanced even more specific and that's what we saw in the art of the possible with Addie character Addie um she the the promotion that she got for the Cabana Lounge I think it was so she checked into a hotel when she checked in she was I think inspired by promos and discounts or something and they said well guess what we're going to give you a free dessert at the Cabana Lounge so she had her Hospitality she then went into restaurants it was um that was a great dessert I bet I bet um okay what use cases are you most excited about oh that's such a hard question actually isn't it there's so many you know I think some of the ones that we've already talked about are pretty exciting because it's all about personalizing experiences but doing it in a way that does not feel invasive that is still adding value to you and I think that's the trick is figuring out how to make sure in every one of these industries the things that we're doing is adding additional value um one of the use cases that I think is really cool we talk a lot about saving lives in healthc care but there are a lot of other industries that have you know very high risk um very difficult challenges to solve like construction for example so we just heard in the keynote earlier a very sad statistic which every single day there are five deaths on work sites in the US every single day so we're doing things like um using Vision AI to look at a construction site and not only detect where there may be a safety issue but actually predict when there may be one so you know before you even are having to solve for that safety issue preventing it in the first place and those kinds of use cases are game changers not just because it's really cool to be able to go buy a sweater when you need one but because we're saving lives like that's literally what we're doing yeah why do you think that oracle's more holistic approach is a winning one for customers when it comes to AI I think because customers don't need Lego blocks they need Solutions and the way that we're looking at applying AI into our industry Solutions but but more importantly we're doing it with all of our horizontal Tech underneath of it so you get security baked in because you have oci you have our infrastructure rure you get all of the benefits of the way that we think about database and therefore you need all of the all the things that we just talked about are data sources that you need to make sure that you're integrating correctly um and we're connecting the dots between our back office and front office applications as well with our industry application so you get this entire Suite you know we're talking about industry Suites because they're they're truly end to endend I think that's that's the key our customers don't want to have to do all of that themselves they want to innovate they want to do what they do what the best so we're helping bring all of those things together right and and and they don't want to think they don't even want to think about the technology providing it right that's maybe part of the the the the beauty of Applied AI as well is they don't want to think about I think as Steve Miranda said they don't want to think about Salesforce automation they don't want to think about Supply Chain management they want to think about an order a customer a delivery um and so that kind of change is uh how you think about what we're delivering it's a solution not a technology I think they want to think about how they curate those experiences for their own customers they don't want to think about the details of what is necessary to do it in the underlying stack right why is Oracle best suited to help industries take on these challenges and make this happen you know Larry says this and and so and I think it's fantastic you can't just solve part of a problem you have to solve the whole problem and so when we're looking at these big challenges I think that we're so well suited because we are looking at it holistically we're not looking at it peace meal we're not solving bits and pieces of it we're saying what is that solution need to look like end to end M yeah Mak do you see some Industries jumping into AI more quickly than others um I hope they all do but yes I do I think you know some of the industries it's interesting I feel like there's always this um leap frogging that happens right so one industry will get a little bit ahead they'll do something that's a breakthrough but that breakthrough then becomes the standard for every other industry so every one of the industries I think is doing something fairly interesting but what I think is going to be really cool is when they start borrowing from each other and that's going to really accelerate for everybody um Healthcare obviously I see as as a place where that's really going to be picked up fast it has to be there are so many things that need to change and I think to your point earlier where you can um do things more efficiently automate things it doesn't always have to be sort of like I said these science fiction use cases we'll get to those but doing the things that make the business operate better that's easy that's fast that's stuff that I see people doing today when you're out talking to customers what are they most interested in when it comes to Ai and then on the other hand what are they most concerned about um they're most interested in what is real yeah you know I think that's that's a lot of uh the conversations that I have are you know AI has become just such a topic of conversation what are the things that are realistic to really do with it today how can I impact my business today um I think the things that I hear concerns around are things like privacy security you know how do I make sure that that data is going to be protected that it's going to be used in a responsible way it's going to be used in a way that um their clients feel good about it that they're getting value from it and that they're not you know having a trust issue yeah absolutely well final question here we we already asked you um kind of what has you excited about some of the applied AI stuff you talked about you know being able to save lives anything else that has you really excited when it comes to AI I am I mean honestly the TR as a consumer myself I am excited when I get served up ads you know I really am I I will buy the Starbucks and I will buy the sweater and I will buy the things that people are serving up to me so I'm kind of excited about how my own life is changing as a result of AI it's pretty cool to see it as our customer's customer yes absolutely yeah I I I get excited only when it's something that I didn't think I wanted rather than the best you're like who knew I wanted this but wow I love it yeah very cool excellent thank you so much Stephanie join than for coming on this is great thank you all right we're going to take a quick break but don't go anywhere we've got lots still to cover here on Oracle TV

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