FED UP Lev Parnas REVEALS ALL on Work FOR TRUMP | Burn The Boats

it's Ken Harbaugh with burn the boats on the Midas touch Network my guest today was once deep inside Trump's Inner Circle he was a key player in the attempt led by Rudy Giuliani to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and manufacture whatever evidence they could Lev parnos is now speaking out because as he told me he wants to be able to say to his kids that at the end of the day he stood on the right side of History here's his recent testimony before Congress my conversation with L parnos is right after the American people have been lied to by Donald Trump Rudy Giuliani and various cohorts of individuals in government and media positions they created falsehoods to serve their own interest knowing it would undermine the strength of our nation from November 2018 to October 2019 I was a key participant and a witness to numerous efforts to prove that Joe and Hunter Biden were linked to corruption in Ukraine Rudy Giuliani on behalf of them president Donald Trump tasked me with a mission to travel the globe finding dirt on the bidens so that an array of networks could spread misinformation about them thus securing the 2020 election for Donald J Trump today I ask you to consider the following in nearly a year traveling the world and interviewing officials in different countries I found precisely zero evidence of the Biden's corruption in Ukraine the only information ever pushed on the bidens in Ukraine has come from One Source and one source only Russia and Russian agents the impeachment proceedings that bring us here now are predicated on false information spread by the Kremlin everyone involved knew they were sharing lies from Trump and Giuliani Shadow diplomacy through my missions to Ukraine and elsewhere to members of a BLT team a group convened for the sole purpose of investigating and damaging the bidens everything was for the ultimate benefit of Donald Trump and thereby Vladimir Putin my guest today is L parnos who played a central role working with Rudy Giuliani in the campaign to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Biden family since then Lev has worked closely with Federal prosecutors to help expose the corruption of Donald Trump and his inner circle of which Lev was a part Lev welcome to the show thank you thank you for having me Ken I'm pretty sure that most people who follow this network know the basic facts of your story and if they don't they can find those in a in a million other places it's been covered what I want to do is get to know you a bit more because everyone I've talked to at least everyone who knows you well says that your conversion is real that you you sincerely want to atone you want to be able to as as I heard you say recently look your kids and your grandkids in the eyes and say you were on the right side of History how did that happen for for most people who orbit Trump as closely as you did they get sucked in and they never come back out he is a political black hole when did you decide you'd had enough I mean um as crazy as unfortunate it was I mean but I had to have some really really drastic and things happen in my life I had to hit a brick wall because I was so entrenched in that Cult of trump and where a lot of these Mega cultist are but I was on top of the the Mega uh as you call it uh you know tree I was right there with Rudy and Trump so I was all in and it was very difficult I mean the the pressure I put on my wife my kids uh changing my whole lifestyle Association of who we were friends with who we would associate I mean our whole lives changed in those four year years of period of time and then when I got arrested it was a transformation like no other because for me to be able to really really atone and try to do good I had to cut everybody off I had to cut everything I had I had to really I mean at 52 years old start over start over fresh new friends new life because you know I was I was on an island one man on the island with you know the left didn't like me the right didn't like me here I was nobody knew who I was and you know the media was blowing me up and uh obviously billb bar was using the media and using the justice department to try to silence me make me out to be somebody I'm not not to be able to protect Donald Trump so with all of that happening I mean the most important thing that I was able to get was time time away from that Mega world but even by being in my prison cell by being home confinement being away from that constant everyday non-stop you know Fox News oans the you know uh the constant Congressman Senators media you know one one thing you know it's just one thing one thing one thing and that's the Deep state go after the bidens go after the clintons it's it's like non-stop conspiracy theories every day and when you when I was able to get away from that and able to actually reflect start to see it from the outside not from the inside but to see what it looks because you know how they always say you can't hear what you're saying it's easier to give somebody advice but it's harder to take that advice for yourself when you're in the moment so that was kind of that moment where I was on the outside now looking at all of this craziness watching them lie on TV watching them try to you know cause all this uh chaos and you know it came a time I said enough is enough uh you know I have to I have to do the right thing and there came a time when I was with my lawyer and my wife and uh my lawyer told me he said look you know I can't defend you unless you're all in on one way or the other and I said I'm all in whatever it takes you know uh I want to do right I want to make amends I want to be able to get all this information out and uh it didn't it wasn't overnight I could tell you it took some time uh because there's a lot of pain a lot of you know it's it's like being a drug addict you know being an ult is like being addicted any other addiction drugs alcohol doesn't matter you're addicted to a certain you're used to a certain life you're used to certain treatment you're used to certain day you wake up a routine and that all goes away and now you have to start from fresh and you don't know where to go and that's the hardest part that's why I think a lot of people fall back into it just like they fall back into addiction is because it's easier to get back into that slimy world of you know where everybody agrees then you know is to come out and tell the truth and and get attacked so it took a little bit of time but you know uh I think uh with the process of my you know getting arrested home confinement being able to reflect uh I finally realized that you know this is what I want to do and this is what the side of History I wouldn't be on Trump's Defenders today his his ACC his inner circle they know they're lying right I mean it's one thing to be part of a cult it's another thing to vanish logical thought altogether how do they maintain the the edifice when they're out there just yeah go ahead well you have to understand it's the the people that are listening the cultist the mega cultist the the supporters however you want to call them they truly believe believe these lies they don't think they're lying it's the leaders of the Cults like Donald Trump like Matt Gates like Moscow Marge like you know comr Jordan I mean the list goes on I mean it's these people that know that they're lying they know they're lying but they are pursuing and pushing this lie because the unwilling supporters not unknowingly don't understand because when they see all of these powerful people all of these people that were taught As Americans for childhood to respect to believe the office of the presidency Congressman Senators media and they're all out there telling you this lie and pushing it it's you know the the cultist truly believe it but the leaders know it's a lie and that's the sick part well that is the sick part and what's most frustrating about that is they are best able to escape responsibility if you just look at January 6 for example none of the provocators Josh Holly fist pumping the insurrectionists from a safe distance the others telling them to charge the barricades none of the political leadership has experienced any accountability for what they did on that day I mean and not only that day but the continuous lies that they continuously push I mean you see Marjorie green out there I mean you see Donald Trump running on a platform that he's going to Pardon Janu that they're Heroes he listen I mean they got they've got to such an extreme where they have the National Anthem being played by I mean being sung by these guys in prison on uh on at his rallies I mean this is really crazy and sick I mean this is you know this is I've never seen you know in the history of the United States maybe you could tell me where a president ran on division not unification not trying to unite a country not trying to be a president for all but literally saying that once I win you know half this country is in big trouble because I'm going to go after everybody it's going to be scorch Earth and that's the crazy scary part because he's not hiding it none of them are hiding it they're it's open and plain oh this is what we're going to do once we win we are going to cause Mayhem and it's it's a crazy period of time we're living in right now K well if there's a silver lining in that it's that this movement has no future it's not inclusive it doesn't seek to bring more Americans in it just ceas to animate the the angriest and most retributive instincts of a small fraction of Americans the challenge for us is they can get pretty far with that they can win a presidency without most Americans and do a a ton of damage absolutely in the process well absolutely that's why these elections I know we always it's always said these elections are the most important they say it but I mean I mean this time I think this is the the words really fit I mean if you take a look back at history just think about what and and I know there's a lot of people out there that keep saying well you can't relate Donald Trump to Hitler and and I'm not trying to compare the two because obviously Hitler was a monster we don't know Donald Trump yet his history is still being unfolded but just take a look at the similarities of how Hitler came to power and how Donald Trump is trying to come to power and stay and retain power it's the same ideology of pushing lies threats the threat of war the threat of being taken over the threat of immigrants the pure pure Nation you know Hitler wanted the pure Germany he want now Trump wants pure America pure white I mean it's the same it just you turn the words around and if we learned what history brings we saw what happened when Hitler won and Donald Trump is no different it's even scarier because I mean being the most powerful man in the world by being the president of the United States you know it's one thing what we're talking about the problems that we're having inside our country and the division the problems just think about what will happen outside the country what people what a lot of the mega cultists don't understand because most of these people never travel outside our country never travel outside their little you know County or state that they're in so they have no they don't understand World politics they don't care about what happens in Ukraine they don't know what happens with Putin they don't understand they're living today they don't care what's going to happen to their kids and grandkids and great grandkids down the future because everything that's happening now yeah we might not feel it today yeah my they might be raah raah Donald Trump's doing all this yeah he's telling this guy to screw himself that guy to go but 20 years from now we're going to feel it 20 years from now our our kids are going to be somewhere losing their life on the battlefield protecting us and that's the crazy part and um I think the more we get the word out there the more we spread the message the more we keep telling it I think it's extremely important because also timing most Americans right now are not still into the election phase Americans don't get into election phase till the summertime till like around uh end of July August September really September October right before November those two three months is when it starts heating up and Americans start tuning in to see so all of these polling we see now all of this money raising we see now that's his base I mean yes the mega cultists are pissed off that he got indicted and they raised more money they got pissed off he got convicted they raised more money but it's not new money coming in it's not you know and that's the important part that we need don't need to lose track of that majority of America still believes in good humanity and normality and are not out there that want a Ty in it the people that want Trump in office are people that are looking to deal makers criminals people that could want to wheel and deal not that they want to run a democracy properly well and that includes foreign leaders as well I I think it is telling that probably the only person on Earth who has more at stake in Trump regaining the White House is Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin Vladimir p and you have you have a perspective on this as someone who was born in you know a former Soviet Republic um and who has recently testified let me pull up the quote the impeachment proceedings this is the the recent testimony regarding the the completely specious impeachment campaign against Joe Biden uh you testified that these proceedings that bring us here now are predicated on false information spread by the Kremlin how did today's Republican party become such a a willing mouthpiece for Kremlin propaganda it's sick it's sick but I want to just clear it up a little bit I don't want to say the Republican party and we mix it up it's the mega me the Mega Republican because majority of Republicans are decent people just like the yes we might not agree on policies we might not agree on a lot of things but we all agree on Putin as evil we all agree that we need to you know uh fight you know uh these you know uh criminals out there in the world and it's these Mega cultists that are part of the Trump World like and again I could start naming them you know the Moscow marges the captain VMO Matt Gates all of these guys they are it's so blinded they have no idea what the world is going to look like it's not about policy it's not about you know our country it's all about winning it's like cheat at any cost and right now if your enemy is my the enemy of your friend is my friend you know I mean what I'm saying to you so they they understand and and the sick part is that they're using it and they're getting in bed it's like you know there this movie where you sell your soul you make the deal with the devil well you know I want to be able to be rich and this and that but when I turn 50 you could have my soul and then 40 years fly by really quickly and you're 50 years old like oh I don't want to be with the devil now and that's what they're doing they're getting they're not realizing what this is that they're doing they're to you hear them talking about how moscow's so great how poochin such a great how come they won't go there I would like to see margerie green go visit Moscow you know go go go spend some time there go Matt Gates go go take a look at how women H women's rights are treated there how lbtq rights are treated there how you know go go see how racism is there yeah we see a pretty picture but you know and I'm not trying to downplay and say you know oh Russ all Russians are bad absolutely not most Russian people are good people but the people that are running the country the people that are you know doing these criminal acts like the Vladimir Putin and his regime these are people that have one thing and one thing involved and they want to bring back the old Soviet Union they want to corporate take over Ukraine take over all the former regions and and they're doing it in plain sight and again it's a small group of Mega cultists that have hijacked the rep the Republican party and they're holding it hostage and using it and I mean we see it look what they did with Kevin McCarthy I mean it's a you've never seen that I mean they tried to do it with Mike Johnson Mike Johnson had to went to Kiss the Ring didn't work then had to go and cut a deal with the Democrats to be able to stay I mean it's it's l to see so uh I'm really really and and hoping that the the world is going to come out and show Donald Trump and the mega cultist that enough is enough and it's time to go I I hope so H and everything we're doing here between now and the election is to try to achieve that end but I think you have to acknowledge that these these Maga cultists within the party hold enormous sway I mean they they basically control the speaker of the house I'm just back to Ukraine again they delayed aid for 7 months I just got back from Ukraine and I lost count of the number of people who were asking me what in the world was going on was going on I I I asked one priest what the delay meant for him and instead of answering me he just held up his phone and swiped through photos of the number of funerals he had to do for members of his Parish who died waiting for resupply um that blame yeah well you know who I blame for all of this stuff it's not even though Donald Trump is The Mastermind but it's the enablers yeah it's the Nicki Haley of the world how dare you Nikki Haley come out there and say you're gonna vote for Donald Trump how dare you like I mean where is your I mean the guy went after your I mean the Ted Cruzes the the Marco Rubios the m i mean these people that are that are being destroyed by Donald Trump and and and embarrassed their wives their families and they see and they're they're running campaigns during their campaigns they're out there showing the criminality that Donald Trump is up to and then all of a sudden I'm gon to vote for Donald Trump are you kidding me that's the problem that's the problem because you know what if all these people really turned away there would be no Donald Trump there would be I mean he'd be a small little man with the big screaming you know with the L lumor of the world running out there you know there would be no Donald Trump but you know because of the neighbers Absolut I'm sorry go ahead K most clothes are uncomfortable or too tight or never actually the size you really are not to mention the annoyance of trying to put a good outfit together everyone wants to dress their best and look good at all times because frankly it's a confidence booster so here's the deal men's closets were due for a radical reinvention and ran stepped up to the challenge their communic collection is the most comfortable breathable and flexible set of products known to man they help you get ready for any occasion with 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something um he always is able to you know Retreat behind the First Amendment but there are always also going to be those Maga extremists out there who hear the code words who take it as a call to action um and who who act out violently that's one of my big fears oh absolutely uh but just being inside that group and knowing the way you think I'm not so much worried about the violence now I'm more concerned about the violence after the election no matter what happens Win Lose or Draw because this is like a volcano that you know that's uh heating up and erupting but has not erupt the eruption will take place this is all gearing up just think about how this way whatever you want to call it how everything is heading towards November 5th when November 5th happens we understand that Donald Trump is not going to take losing gracefully the mega cult it will be a very it's like just think just think about to the extremes Fanatics go when their team loses the Super Bowl or their team loses you know they go out there and trash the city or this you know area that they're just because of the you know just from football or or Sports this is a lot bigger than that and you're going to have a lot millions of millions of people that are going to be not happy upset and grasping at every straw to save our country and their mind and I'm more worried about not so much about the organized like the proud boy type of stuff that we had because I think uh right now with as hot as it is that the FBI and our authorities are eyeing all of these groups to make sure I'm more worried about the lone wolves because you have so much of these and you understand what I'm saying you know what what what does it take for a guy to grab an AK-47 and just go up into a mall and just just shooting it out or go up to you know I mean it just doesn't take that much you know and with guns as accessible as they are with people being so hot-headed and things going on that's what I fear the most these Lone Wolf you know all over the place popping up uh you know uh people that decide they want to make a change in having this craziness well now you have the former president and the people around him targeting FBI officers spreading this myth that he was the victim of an assassination plot during the raid on Mara Lago the people around him not the president himself although I wouldn't put this past him have targeted the jurors in the uh in the hush money case against him I mean this is a recipe for real important what you just said K and I want to tell the viewers to understand how things work in Donald Trump World when you said you know they're targeting the jurors but you know we don't know if it's Donald Trump maybe it is or not you know Donald Trump is a micromanager of everything that goes on and that's one of the things that was brought up in this trial and I've been talking about for the past four years that he was involved in every step that I made in Ukraine he was involved in every step that Michael Cohen did and his he's involved in every step that goes on in his campaign and go in the election and everything else so this is all strategical if you take a look at with this gag order I there's plenty of strategical meetings between the inner circle of Donald Trump that like we used to be the BLT team but other people like the Matt Gates is the judge Janine and all of these others you know personalities Sean hannes that are out there and discussing what they're going to and I'm not even talking about the social media and the Charlie Kirks of the world that are out there that are specifically you know his voice pieces they speak to him they know so it's like you know they go out there and basically attack and D they're doing his dirty work so absolutely he knows what's going on he's involved in all of this and he takes pride and when they attack jurors he takes Pride when they attack the judge that's if you take a look this is who he looks up to I mean people that are out there that are doing his dirty work and that's the scary part Ken because that's what you know the Criminal Mind you want to you know why do you want to impress your boss you want to constantly impress your boss so you know then you get these crazy nuts out there with excessive ities of guns the way they are that you know that's the scary part how does that inner circle talk about the violence within the Maga movement did you ever have conversations with Giuliani or others about the the unintended effects of this rhetoric was there ever any attention paid to the how the provocations would be received no I mean there there was never any thought about the the consequences to the other side it was all it was all always scorched Earth it's always we need to destroy them we need to doesn't you know if somebody speaks bad about him and he gets beat up then he deserved it because he shouldn't have been speaking bad about President Trump it's they don't think that's bad that the guy got beat up because a freedom of speech he was speaking and he got beat up but it's okay because you know he shouldn't have been talking it's it's it's really it's it's it's a mindset it's hard to explain to people because the cult mentality is very very much an addiction your mind is different you it's you don't think you know and that's the scary part because a lot of people are looking and listening to a lot of these people out there that are influential doctors lawyers politicians uh wealthy individuals and regular people think that because they're talking that means they know but these are people also a part of the cult it doesn't matter how rich you are doesn't matter how poor you are all it takes is for you to give uh your mind for a certain period of time and be isolated and just think about the same thing talk about the same thing and react to the same thing for a period of time I promise you you're it doesn't matter who you are eventually you're going to believe into that so hard that anything else won't matter you'll start turning it out yourself does this burn out at some point I I look at the Maga movement it doesn't seem to have a whole lot of younger people in it there are certainly some very influential young people but I talk to my kids and and their friends and I look at that generation and there is very little patience for the whole Maga aesthetic do you do you see this burning out like other cult movements do oh absolutely but for it to burn out just like other cult mmons you you have to chop off the head you know and as long as Donald Trump is going to be out there running for office or in office or around office or dealing with the it's not going to go away and it's going to continue and the scary part is they use now they're using the young in trying to recruit more more Mega cultist through the young crowd by by using the Charlie Kirks of the world to go out there and promote that but that's the key K you know and hopefully with these elections this will be because once he loses Donald Trump the convicted felon life will turn into court cases and dealing with uh staying afloat not going to prison and that will take him away from the Spectrum do you think that will be defining for the magum movement I guess this is the old question is he a symptom or a cause is he the head of the snake or is there some deeper upwelling that's going to propel another trump-like figure to the head of this hateful movement is is Tucker Carlson the next iteration of this no okay you know look this movement's been around embedded in our Society for forever I mean we have racists in America we have people that want America that want immigrants in America and these are going back hundreds this is why we've progressed into new laws and news to be able to be a better America and that's why that their voice which was powerful maybe 200 years ago has withered away to a point where yeah they became a minority they became they would have these conversations in their inner circles and their dining room tables but they would understand that a Society didn't accept it and they would be wouldn't be out there pounding their chest that I hate I'm a racist and it's okay and I'm a you know I want to do away with all immigrants and it's okay you know what I'm saying to you they could have thought about it and we had a lot of people there were but they didn't act that because it was not accepted Donald Trump came in and gave him that voice he told him it's okay you're you're allowed to go out there and say I don't want this immigrant working with me or I don't like black people or I don't want Jews or I don't it's okay okay you could America first as long as you're white Christian and you're an American then you could do whatever you want and everybody else doesn't matter and he tuned into that group of minority and gave him a voice and then what happened was a lot of people that used that don't didn't are not even so much for politics but for their own personal gain jumped on that bandwagon because they wanted lower taxes because they like the rhetoric because they hated the whatever the reason but they jumped on and not because are racist or because but because there were certain parts that they agreed to not thinking that this could be such a movement yeah but that but that Mega cultist base has been around forever in the United States it's just been a minority it's been their voices have been you know withered away and Donald Trump opened it back up and gave him that voice to bring back in instead of progressing and going forward he's saying Let's Take America back a 100 years let's take it back to the 1950s where women can't vote where there's abortion outlaw where you know blacks can't have rights I mean let's let's go back to that's if you take a look at their policies I mean that's what they're slowly but surely you know moving us back not by going forward but by going backwards I I've done a 180 on on this whole issue of trump and this the symptom or or cause question because he really is a singular figure in American politics I can't think of anyone else for whom people will charge a capital go to jail die even they're not going to do that for Ronda santis they're they're not going to launch an Insurrection and smuggle weapons into DC for Josh Holly Trump's the only one they'll do it for correct um that's the nature of a cult you can't replace the leader if it's a cult of personality which it is and so I think you're right if you to borrow the phrase we don't mean it literally because we'll be criticized this but if you cut the head off the snake the snake dies correct I agree with you 100% And I think that's where we're at because like you said there's nobody there mad Gates I mean Margery I mean they all they all wither away I mean they have the the only reason they're even out there is because they're sitting right next to him and running around with them and they're they war with each other if you look at what margerie green and L bobbert they're fighting and I mean just just think about it you take Trump out of the picture they would they would be eaten up so quickly in that Republican they would those voices would be you wouldn't hear from them it would be come back to normality the Republicans would get back to Republicans and it' become back to normal it' be really quick because all you have to do is get rid because remember there's not a lot of them that's what that's they just have a loud voice they just could scream bigger talk you know louder you know go and the other thing is they go to places they don't play fair and that's why they're louder they they will say things that you won't say because a you it's just not normal it's illegal it might be you know a lie so you won't do it because you have normal ethics they don't have any of that they'll say whatever it takes they'll lie to you they'll they'll insult you they'll they'll do whatever it takes it doesn't matter and that's why it's an un Level Playing Field so you know when they're out there screaming you know oh you're you're you're a criminal you're a criminal you're a criminal when you're not a criminal and you know eventually people are saying well maybe he's a criminal you know she's saying it like a hundred times nobody's stopping her then you know and that's the mo they just keep repeating the same thing over until eventually that's their whole say same thing with this you know sham of AA court kangaro court that they had at uh at the Congress at the hearings I mean it wasn't about finding the truth it wasn't about asking question it was about you know just filler bustering saying some stuff and getting some headlines out there and here we are going back on no impeachment there's no there was and that and that's what I'm saying to you it's it's all about that and it goes back to what we were doing all that was the start of it when we went and we realized that there was no there there with Hunter Biden and Joe Biden we then decided it's time to use the media and push the there there instead of and if there wasn't facts we'll create the facts and it's been going ever since then for the past six years since 2018 when we began we're in 2024 it's same thing if there's no facts we'll create the facts if there's no truth we'll create the lies and create the truth we'll create whatever you want to hear and we'll say whatever you want to hear literally and do whatever you want to do just to get your vote but then it's over with then I'm gonna do whatever I want to do and that's and you have witting accomplices with major media organizations who absolutely who are totally ready to pick up those false narratives and that disinformation and and run with it I mean you can almost see the the the the chain of events from a tweet on Truth social and whatever those backdoor strategic meetings are to Fox News picking it up to it filtering through the far-right media ecosystem I mean there is an entire infrastructure built to spread these lies yeah and I mean but also Trump knows how to use the media he uses them at their own like like I'll give you an example CNN even though everybody screams at CN but I think CNN is one of the biggest Trump uh promoters out there because of the way they constantly air his stuff and the because they're so scared not to get sued that they have to preference every time like before somebody goes up there like before they put me on there they'll go in for five minute tiate that I'm a criminal convicted this this this this this and now let's speak to left Partners you go on you know you get like a baloki or any of those guys that go on Fox this is an American hero this is a person saving our democracy this is so what what I'm saying to you is it's the media Fox doesn't play fair they say whatever they want and CNN tries to be ultra in the middle and they're trying to be also correct and by being that they're still giving Trump that platform and exposing and showing them just just take a look how they covered that hush money trial if you take a look at how CNN and there I mean Eli honing I I mean I'm still mind blown this guy I don't know what he was doing there like why have him on there okay that's his opinion he has a right to have that opinion but I mean why have the guy up there that you're I mean he should have been on Fox News I mean this this is what he was you know so now if you're having it so just think about that's why your most of America think this trial was a sham because of the way CNN covered it Fox covered it you know MSNBC not so much you know I'll give it to them but you know but the way the it was covered everybody's like come on it's a joke everybody's saying it's a joke well if you had just watched the media coverage of the trial you would have assumed that either he was going to get off or it was going to be a close call and the fact that it was a unanimous jury verdict on all 34 counts is as much an indictment of the media as as it is of Donald Trump yes in 24 hours and it was that quick I mean just think of it it takes time to go through all the counts I mean and you had people on that jury you had one of the jurors that you know I think I'm not sure but I think she was a truth social follower she retweet tweeted Trump and like and she still voted against him so what I'm saying to you is that and the media is as as at fault of it is they're just the same accomplices and enablers because again they everybody wants that big uh breaking news nobody wants to go through the news and that Trump knows that so he knows that if there's something coming out and he doesn't want the world to see that he's going to break some other news he'll just go up there and like he'll come out there and say hey you know what President Putin if you if NATO doesn't pay us I want you to invade NATO like who's asking you like what would possess a person the president to come out and make those comment if you take a look at the news that day he needed to change the news cycle and that's how he changes the news cycle he'll come out and say something so far off that all the media will stop what they're doing they'll stop the stories they're running and they will jump on whatever next thing he said and that's why most Americans and most World don't know all the craziness about Donald Trump yeah because he keeps changing it and all he hear is this yeah go ahead I want to go back to to one thing you you said and we'll we'll end on this because it's a a weird kind of uplifting note um for for a show like this uh the the folks were talking about the Matt Gates and the Lauren bobberts and the Margie Taylor greens and and the Donald Trumps we had a guest on this show who made the observation former Republican that the only people they actually hate more than us are each other yeah that's what and and the infighting must have been something to behold as someone in Trump's Inner Circle can you talk about the Animus within AB that group and and just I don't know yeah that's the whole thing can I mean like you take a look you know when you watch TV or you watch you think like Bannon and stone and leani and all of these people are together on the same team trying to absolutely they hate each other they're all on different camps they're all out there it's like who's going to get the boss's attention they're all like you know it's like this is It's like a it's like a TV show it's like Apprentice this is he's running like The Apprentice where these are all contestants and they're who's going to bring the next uh instead of big company who's going to bring the next crazy story that's going to help him win the election who's going to bring that controversy against Joe Biden or Hunter who's going to find that laptop who's going to it was like searching for w wall where's Waldo you know that's what all of these people are and they're out there screwing each other hurting each other because it's like if you to Envision it's like was as one of them is getting ahead the other one jumps and pulls him back and tries to get ahead so it's not about none of them want to get in the it's like get the actual story that's who's going to give it to him first who's going to get the credit for it who's going to get paid basically for it who's going to get the favor oh who's going to be the spotlight and and that's what they all fight for it doesn't matter if it's Devon nuno's that used to be look for he had you know Midnight Run part of the BLT team and now he's the CEO of trump you know trth social next stop jail you know what I'm saying it's it's it's it's all of them like what's it called but that but that but that's uh they all they're all at each other's throats it's a competition it's like the best way to put it it's just a real life Apprentice going on between all of these people with him well let's leave it there if Democrats cannot take advantage of that between now and the election uh it's it's political malpractice but I I know we can I think Joe Biden's going to win it's going to be close um love thanks for everything you're doing let's talk again soon thank you Ken thank you for having [Music] me love this video make sure you stay up to dat on the latest breaking news and all things mest by signing up to the midest touch newset letter at midest touch.com newsletter [Music]

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