Wafflin Tuesday turns into more of a roast of Ellum | ft Zelina Vega, Malakai Black

hello hello hello much better wait should I hold it this way or this way uh the one whichever whichever you would rather do but actually you know just one way we all like straight up you know there there you go much better that's that's perfect that is that is perfect perfect easy we're joined by The Duo finally it's happened I know there we go what was handing sorry let's put this a little bit better wa you guys like dressed in sink wait this is awesome this is great was it planned no just be doing like second I thought like and syn why are we just like a boy band okay actually good boy band though you know I can only is that by by by song right I want to know I don't know I don't know if I to say I you know like I feel like I would betray my my back Sho boy Roots very good okay chatty I know you uh dude okay so la last week when we mentioned that you two were both going to come on chatty like freaked the [ __ ] out so he's uh he basically came prepared with things that he wanted to uh that he wanted to kind of just like talk about and ask and stuff cuz Okay look basically I okay you know when there like blood okay I'll be completely honest I this all started I thought I thought that you had like a like a pouch of like red and you just like slapped on your phone like you just went bang and then like it was just like blood and then I found out you had to use a Raaz but you actually cut yourself and it blew my mind yeah most kind I'm kind of like like trying to imagine how you came to that conclusion seeing is that we usually bar barely wear anything where we would be hiding these like BL pouches I don't know you could like where do you think they hide that a good I don't know you I didn't think about maybe someone throws it to you you just like like you know it's you know like a magician they use the art of like all the years of professional wrestling no one would ever someone throwing a blood you know now I saw a video one time like I saw like a long like a long time ago that this was probably back like this happened like in the early 2000 Al on the mat right and the referee slipped them it looked like he like handed him something would that would that have been like maybe like the razor blade or something so he could do it to himself while he was oh yeah how do you get the razor blade there is there is there is you know the thing is like it's always a little bit when I started out like talking about this stuff was like very taboo you know you couldn't mention it because you know those are Trade Secrets and do extend the F tra but nowadays you know everybody for the most part other than ellm clearly uh knows how uh how how how how this how this part Works um or quote unquote works but yeah sometimes you know referee has what we would call a gig or you know you would have them in your tape or something like that um back in the old days what they used to do is they would do it before they would go out and they would put Vaseline over it so then when they get punched in the head it would open up and they would start bleeding that's kind of one of the old ways that they would do it oh wait that's but what if like it just opened up randomly though well then you got to be real [ __ ] quick a turnbuckle Vaseline can do that well fast can kind of like stop you stop your skin from cutting and stuff like that that's why uh this girl a couple weeks ago put vasin on her face when she was in the middle of the Ring because she was she was about to fight a a beast of a woman yes I feel like every time I Lear these secrets it actually blows my mind like I just that's why like like like UFC stuff like that when they walk out they'll always like they always that's what they're doing okay you want to be so real you want me to be so real about why I thought they did that is because I thought it made them slippery so they could like slip out of a headlock like a fish you thought they was just greasing up D yeah I thought they were greasing up so they were harder to hold you need to be studied brother I swear bro you came out of a lab bro I just wanna I just want to I just want to rewind like a little bit because he said escape from a headlock like a fish as if like fish on toys I'm say like I imagine a fish like they go s through the coral right and then they like get stuck in like a hole in the coral and they just like [ __ ] you know like slip out and I thought that would be like you know no yeah CU fish on the water have like you know Vaseline stuff like that yeah oh my god well because okay so look look Thea said that when I come to Florida we can do wrestling right now I was like okay what I'm going to do is is if I have to go in the ring r with with you I will cover myself in Vaseline so you can't grab me so so I'm I was born and raised in Amsterdam if you say that to another man it means a lot of different things when you say you're going to cover yourself I'm not judging at all Ellen like that's that's all good I'm just I'm just the wrong person for that stuff you yeah do that Bronson in the movie Tom Hardy was in um it's been a it's been a long long long time since I've seen that it's a great movie Baby G crazy dude yeah you are more than welcome to come and just you know put yourself through a tub of Vaseline I'm just I don't know what I would do though but if you want to stand in the middle of the ring with a bunch of vas can we because I actually really want to make this not the Vaseline part but like I actually want to make this happen so bad like I it would be so much fun just okay yes L you do this a lot where you're like yeah I totally want to do this what I sound like that is exactly what you're s same same voice as well like EXA it's not it's not I swear it's not it's not not go that's crazy you're so known for that though Ellum that's crazy bro we were just talking about it an hour ago what do you mean oh mate we going to do this at this time on this day mate M you got to do this with me bro we going to get some [ __ ] bread in it and then like 40 minutes before you're like the most that was like the most medieval like English like a peasant farmer you were like you were like one sentence away from wearing a [ __ ] plague doctor mask or yeah dude yeah D I'm tapping into my inner Elum dude I'm like his ancestors man no no okay we actually would do it because no I actually we actually were actually G to do it okay we're gonna do it I'm G to come to Florida actually like five times so that's clearly like not no no we all we all we all because I'm I'm going to go I'm going fishing with DK as well that's going to be fun you know so we like double whammy you guys can come fishing as well you're going to go fishing yeah you touch a fish bro but how will you now catch those fish cuz you're going to be covering V that because I'm a fish Wrangler and I can can I'll double grab oh you are a fishangler yeah do you know do you know what fishing is it's with you know a rod you don't jump in the water and put them in a [ __ ] headlock no no it's cuz I want to I want okay I want to go deep I want to go deepy fishing I want to catch a shark okay I want to catch a shark really bad so I thought you know I'd be like you know what I mean I think it' be like I think that the shark will catch you first I have some some suspicion like well Florida's the right place for that so yeah I'm scared but I'm scared of the SE guys we just had a just a shark attack not too long ago and uh why don't tell me this don't tell me this Jesus oh Jesus well you actually did not us but like Florida did yeah yeah Florida did yeah they they've been a little bit more frequent lately oh no no no no no no no no no no no no I do not like sharks well I'm petrified to see so yeah me too boy I like I like sharks I think are fascinating but I'm also [ __ ] terrified for them on the other well I I go in this bad when okay so back in the day my parents would take me to Florida all the time but it would always be it always be during the summer holidays and we' always go during the same time of the weekend it would always be during Shark Week and I've always had a fear of the sea and sharks but for some reason whenever we'd get back from theme parks and doing like family [ __ ] together I would watch Shark Week and i' would freak myself out even more because it' be like top 10 worst shark attacks of all time and I'm like bro you know I just don't want to but you know it's it's a little it's a little bit deceitful in a way because obviously you know movies like like well I guess predominantly the movie JW made everybody [ __ ] terrifi to sharks and of course you should respect sharks and all that stuff um but for the most most part like it's not like Shar sharks are laying in the water going all right first pair of legs I see here we go but they but for me they will I'll find the one shark that is like that you know well you got the long legs yeah but that's because you keep making remarks about sharks and fast wings that's been that's been going through the fish Empire so they're all like waiting for you to step in the water I'll make if I see I'll make a deal with the shock and I'll become you know like those those mini fish that like suck off the sorry that's not what man the Shar the second time minutes the Sharks you know that you the little mini sharks that like clean the shark on they swim next to them I can do that for the shark those are not those are not mini sharks but like BR those are like little sucker fish yeah I can clean you thought those were like the baby sharks like cleaning all cleaning pops off while they're growing up you know what I'm saying they're like Dad I'll clean you they won that's not that's not okay I was about to say like like you know they always talk down on like you know the American educational system but at this point I feel like like the educational system in the UK has also failed you very very why okay look I've we had this conversation last week right I there's certain things okay one never learned about sharks in school but two okay there's certain things in education right work where it's so basic that everyone just assumes you know it right so an example for me is I didn't know what vows were until about a year ago because because no one no one uh told so I didn't I didn't i' heard of them before I've heard Rumblings about them so hold up so you went to a school where they just assumed you knew this [ __ ] yes so this school basic he's like guys you're all well versed in like you know grammar history math all right good next went there you go you just gave him a thumbs up and went to the next year like okay for example like prime numbers couldn't tell you one no clue oh my God I couldn't tell you so for my for my own like because I'm I'm Dutch what are prime numbers in in in in the in your system what are prime numbers I don't know oh okay even numbers okay or like sorry I think you can not just even numbers but ones that you can like divide into themselves right it's a a prime number is a number that's only the only factors are when it's divisible by itself so like seven you can't have two numbers bro I'm a [ __ ] you use the word divisible where did that come from American education system back at it again bro because he doesn't say dude he doesn't he this is say hey ain't that the bird like dude you divisible just cuz I'm a heck though mean I gotta be dumb bro come on man what is that about hey man yeah I'm from Indiana never learn about from we've already discussed this hey partner what the [ __ ] is a number nine never learned that before man come on man what the hell be great question in general like what the [ __ ] is a number nine well you see those here are numerals and nine comes right before the 10 you learn about idot you learn about that crazy like did you guys like learn languages in school yeah yeah okay Spanish so I I learned French for like five years I all I can say is is I would like to guinea pig hey let's hear it though give us the example say it s like the guinea pig on Dawn well I mean is that is that like the only France you remember or is that like that's other than like like things like boner like and okay the the thing is I hate about British people when they learn languages is that they don't even try and do the accent right so they'll go just onaz blah blah blah blah blah so D Dutch people do that too if you hear my my my dad speak Dutch and people was like oh that Dutch accent is so cool and I was just sit there cringy because like come on at least give some attempt to like you like you know what you're talking about but um I think accents are like difficult for a lot of people wait who because it requires you to have more knowledge of like you have to like observe the language yeah really nail accent what languages can you speak I feel I feel like you can speak a bunch I don't know why you give me the vibe no I I speak I speak obviously Dutch English German I used to be able to speak French dude you can't say no and then list four bro yeah you said you're like no I don't know languages here's the three I'm really good at oh and I had a side kind I would say I'm good at them I say I can have a conversation and I can I can what you as my dad used to say like he even throws in a little bit of Spanish a little bit of Japanese Japanese as well completely no no not like now she's just reving me up and setting me up for disaster okay but here here's the thing he's traveled to Japan quite a bit so like when you're wrestling other guys there you obviously you're going to pick up things so he can only when you wrestle not visiting the country got it know thank no I mean I feel like I've just picked up little things from IO now it's just like you know like I feel like if you if you're going to learn any type of language if you're in a specific country the first thing you should do is just at least make sure that you're able to ask the right questions that would Aid you yeah being able to say hello goodbye um where is this where is that how do I do this how do I do that did I tell you that sui made me a thing that said when I first went to Japan and I was going alone my friend who spoke so cool a note on my phone she's like if you get lost show this to somebody it's said hi I'm American and lost please report me back to this address so that's like a cheat code sick yeah so she's walking around like a toddler with this with this with this note in her hand be like dude I I went to I went to Career one time I didn't know how to say anything I remember I fell asleep on the train and woke up and I don't know where the [ __ ] I woke up and then I I like get off the train I'm like no one can speak at like a word of English so I'm like I don't know what I'm doing I had to get on a train and just like just look for just I I had just get off a random random spot somehow I found my way back but it like literally moments like that makes me I want to do that I need like I need like a something just to be like help help me oh okay okay it's that's like that's like some that's terrifying it is terrifying how did you fall asleep randomly on a train in a different country like I couldn't have got comfortable enough to be like yeah I'm just gonna go sleep right here I don't know where I'mma end up I find weirdly enough I don't know why I find trains weirdly relaxing and they just send me to sleep I'm the same I actually I can I can I I can relate to that really well I used to because the the the public transport in the nland is U is fantastic um especially compared to you know other places that I've lived um so I used to love sitting on the train and just kind of closing my eyes because like some of my train rides would be like an hour or two hours I would just read a book like just relax listen to music and eventually just kind of fall asleep because they would go through uh through a lot of fields and stuff because a lot of Netherlands is obviously like farmlands so you know I can definitely relate to that I used to kind of doze off all the time scrap damn never even been on a train yeah me NE never been bro we don't got those here you feel Canada doesn't have trains not that you just jump on and go transport somewhere no trains here not not where we're know where I'm at so soone of that Chad's when I go when I go to Canada visit him he's gonna make me drive an ATV and we're going to do jumps it's gonna be awesome right you're not Hitt bro you're not doing that I want to do jumps I want to do jumps okay I think it would be cool and then I I know I can stop before or after you headlock F no okay this will be this will be this will be post head loocking the fish okay but yeah but then but then yeah we're going to do that start informing the fish well okay so basically I said to chatty I said I want to go to Canada and I want to do typical Canadian things like wrestle a grizzly bear or chop down a tree or jump ATV that's what everyone says bro everyone's like that's not what they do in like Russian things it feels like Ally racist way like it feels like Ally like hates Canada oh God confirmed here ellm ellm you want to go on an ATV which you call the quad bike by the way but whatever so you want to go on an ATV yet you've when we asked you if you ever youve been on things growing up with an engine you said oh yeah my dad got me an electric scooter and I scraped my entire knee and he took it away from me and I was never allowed to go on it again and now you want take a jump on an ATV because I was you don't like running you're scared of running you're like I'm going to die because re leg because I ran for five minutes and broke a bone and then if I run for long than that my knees pop okay it's I'm setting yourself up for any type of trust in these situations you tell me that you were running and you broke a bone running so is so not like resistant that you really broke the bone while you were running because because UK the UK the the pathway there was a little slab like this and my foot rolled and then it I just broke a bone and then the worst thing about it right so after I go I get this all sorted I'm like okay I'm basically I don't I don't really like go to hospital so I like try and wake up next day I'm like I'm sure maybe it's sprain there's a bone sticking out of my foot like this I'm like maybe it's just badly sprained I don't know so I go to the hospital kind of hop hop there yeah spr when the bones sticking out but then then I get out anyway like go through the I get like a like a doctor's note back right from after oh and it says the 36 year old male like brother I'm at that point I was 28 I was literally 28 they probably don't have many 28y old break their [ __ ] running 36y old male 5 foot2 uh is allowed to go back to work okay you know what's crazy is that that's become a meme in my chat that went short and if you go if you Google me I'm not sure if it's still there anymore but at one point it it said it's the quote was Alum is 5' 6 but he looks good for his height do you said but he good for his love that ellm I want you to know you're the only person I've ever heard who blamed their country on a broken bone your first your first thought was like oh my is the UK these [ __ ] roads I stepped in a pothole like bro because it's not my fault that the road is made badly it's not my fault I need to go get a drink I'll be right [ __ ] back you killing me what do you mean it's it makes no sense you're killing me it literally makes no sense whatsoever it makes no sense I'm telling you I've just never heard someone have car problems with their legs that's crazy Ellen like so I um I never in my life have Googled you honest to whatever deed if you're swearing um yeah don't Google yourself man is it [ __ ] I thought I thought my [ __ ] was bad Shut the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] 5 fo two 5' two yeah it's on internet must be real you know I learned the other day you know like okay you know you obviously you know my last name it's kind of weird right well okay so I I Googled it okay so my last name is my last name is Bing har po [ __ ] puff no it's not that is you're lie that isn't that isn't no no no my last name is Bingle okay really [ __ ] weird yeah I know it's that also sounds like a Harry Potter name it sounds made up [ __ ] made up but then I gooed it [ __ ] made that up I swear to God it's okay but then I Googled it right and it means it means an abnormally small penis no [ __ ] it does it says and then use an example it goes damn that boy got a Bingle so it's like Street language I'm Googling all this yeah Bingle Bingle but don't don't by the way don't read out all of them some of them some of them are not safe for stream but that was like one of them which is like which is like another one is like a car crash but definitely don't read them all out cuz some of them like that's what I'm yeah yeah definitely don't read definely don't read this a minor crash or a a surname a bingo card yeah it's not that bad I I don't know maybe you want it to be penis I don't know I was about to say it sounds more that this is a are you trying to like get over something are you trying to I'm just deflecting guys I'm just deflecting you know it's just how it is the word butt tingle oh a combination of the word butt and tingle the sensation felt when needing to defecate but either choosing or being forced to hold it fantastic see I'm going with that one I'm going with that I'm going with that one no wait sorry did Theo just spawn in a dog what the [ __ ] what did sorry like a magic did you get so Ellen there's a lot more to this Bingle and an overwhelming sensation of love and affection towards someone or something a state of oooo and being super soft towards every action the other person does there we go I lot of here I can be oo I could be oo you know I could do that so you're so oooo bro I could oh this one's great too this one's [ __ ] this one I think actually am going to switch the first one that I sticking with to this one this is absolutely this is the winner right Bingle the act of poking another bum hole over the pants with your finger while exclaiming Bingle okay fantastic it's getting worse that's the best one it's getting worse and this is this was introduced by a gentleman by the name of Rob stage bur on November 12 2006 when he coined this um slang God there's a lot to this last name and this pretty it's bad trust me trust me whoever I get married I'm 100% taking the name the Bingle lineage ends with me it it ends it it ends with me um but we found it yeah don't read that one don't read that one um okay I want to ask you guys a question right I I no don't read the one oh yeah this is about us okay if you were to give us all if you were to give us all a wrestling name what would it be was that if you give us all like a wrestling name what would it be Bingle boy okay perfect Boy Wonder Jesus Jesus absolutely perfect or you can make it like oxy Mor and the great Bingle or something great Bingle that' be that sounds pretty good I'm like what was the wait that sounds kind of that's a future Champion right there you know future Champion Bingo the great Bingo what what what would chatties be Chad we need to talk a little bit more for me and you can may maybe maybe we'll we'll let him sit on that that one for a bit all right and then like like the thing is like Ellen with you it just it just everything what you say is just it rolls and I'm just like the names just keep on going someone said crumb cuddler no that wouldn't be my [ __ ] name oh do they know do they know they know might know I don't know if you know this this guy is a thief he steals you know this what's going on only know that you ate dog food okay so I have this weird habit right okay it's not weird in fact I think it's I think it's even weird I think it's a very normal thing okay I think it's a very normal thing but okay so late night right I'm I get hungry okay you know I think we've we you want to get a little snack in the night you know so I'm like I'm sort of chilling so rather than you make anything I'll take a few slices of bread and then I will just take it into bed and I'll just sit there eating just plain slices of bread but the problem is is that then I'll finish them and then I'll get sleepy right then there's crumbs on my chest so rather than like kind of get up andle I'll just roll and then I'll roll and then kind of sleep in the crumbs so I'm like like a breaded piece of chicken do you know what I mean so I'm like rolling in the crumbs a bit and no I don't know what you mean because I'm a normal human being and I get up and I make sure the crumbs are gone I'm not in my bed so no I don't know what you mean thank you so much thank you so much he's been dying on this hill bro I think the lesson here is never let him stay over at your house and uh because your bed will be full of [ __ ] crumbs only your bread be gone you'll end you'll probably find two3 of it in any random bedroom well dude this is what so I okay so when we when I was saying with with the roomies like mang had had a loaf of bread that disappeared I didn't eat it but then I got blamed for eating it but I was innocent I was innocent I didn't even I didn't even take a slice I bought my own I wonder why people are so eager to blame you quickly I wonder why that is there was especially when you eat it so furiously you said you just grab a fist full of that [ __ ] roll it into a ball and just go to town well okay just in your bed just the one thing I did do which okay look I got really hungry and they had these like they're like a bag of these like tortilla wraps right and I was like just eating these plain tortilla wraps I I probably had about over the period of like a month I think I probably had about 15 of these things turns out they had been turns out they had been there for like over a year and they were they were stale and had just been like left and forgotten about but I ate the whole bag oh my god dude you know what's crazy bro is like a stale tortilla around the edge edges is like damn near a chip like that [ __ ] is crunchy so like I don't know how you got I mean you can probably use that [ __ ] for saw blades at that point he was C that's what I'm saying bro and then you were like oh M look at this bread frisbee ate them [ __ ] bread frisbee bro you could have knocked somebody's head head off with that [ __ ] like odd job from [ __ ] James Bond bro you were Li Kang or Kung LA with that [ __ ] actually actually actually got a question I'll give you I'll give you points for OD job yeah great reference great [ __ ] drive me wild playing golden eye you picked OD job you golden eye is a throw as in like the like the was it PS1 or PS2 or something right that's the Nintendo 64 brother dude you're older than me I'm young I'm young guys how many 21 I am 26 years old brother I'm only 21 what what I'm going to say that's crazy I thought you were a 36y old 52 male Le that's what your record said that's hey bro look the doctor's know better okay I'm not a doctor I trust them we get it you've got a g-fuel sponsor stop shaking it up okay we get it crazy you know what's crazy is you've plugged it more than I have thanks for bringing it up Ellum you're sweet you got two options code CEO or chatterb how many how many cats do you guys have I still think he's saying my name 10 every 10 10 you had 10 cats we got 10 cats yeah how many are in the room that's not like I'm playing phasmophobia how many are in the room with us you're like asking as if they [ __ ] C where are the well they do knock [ __ ] off the floor off the tables and [ __ ] so yeah I mean I guess they could trying to do it right they're trying to do it right now they're trying to go into the mail room oh yeah wait chotty do do you have any pets I got well we got two cats but like my mom and dad have like seven I was I thought that was crazy you guys got 10 dang that's uh we got some some some pretty little cats too because they're all like I mean look at this [ __ ] right here he so cute he's so cute oh look at his little look at his little feet oh I like him I gotta check out my boy real quick he's a bab oh I like him wait cute little dude he's big though right he's he's he just like a big cat there's one one of the smaller kittens just walked in Oh my he so SMY oh my Christ this is Penny she's adorable y Penny looks like she runs the joint I like her oh my gosh she look like she never gonna pay rent but she gonna make all the rules I like her a lot bro she just a little she's about a year old now so she's still kind of grown but they're super funny like they're um I don't know why I think when I moved to the United States and I don't know what the [ __ ] happened but all of a sudden I'm like I want a cat and then I bought a cat this one this this is the first little white dude y CS are so cute they're so pretty dude oh she's just gonna grab him and stick him in the camera just so that everybody can uh you know take when you held Penny up she stuck her arms out like I can show you guys my I can show you guys my third cat that I didn't talk about yeah like he's always right here I'll show you he's right here this going to be something weird this going be something weird I can tell it's going to be something weird gra wa right there well that was uh that's my boy right there all right yeah yeah no I I believe you oh my God that is a fluffy cat that's your brother wait are they all in the room are they all in the room no no no she's most off guard I think you've ever caught me in my entire life what I'm just saying I I never expected that in a million I thought you was gonna pull out a [ __ ] like plushy bro yeah I I had a feeling because because his like his voice went a little lower and I was like okay he's setting up something here he's set he knew the vibe he knew the vi was yeah no my wife is C uh she's cat wrangling right now she's trying to Wrangle them all up and then present them okay if it's like if it's like feeding time how do you how do you do that like is it like it's going to be like when you see the cows running towards the cliff or whatever just [ __ ] running that Siamese oh looks like a Siamese it's a it's an exotic but it's a it's like a Himalayan Himalayan cream Point like call he's he's so chill he's just like look at me I'm vibing he jelly cat oh I like him it's a girl oh I like her she's so cute when it's feeding time it like uh it becomes like this um this like Orchestra of like 15,000 different sounds all kind of like hitting the wall it becomes argumentive they become aggressive and it's it's it's quite a spectacle I should probably film it at some point or document at least you guys give them like that that like wet Cann food whatever like uh can't remember what you like they all go crazy for that right like our the same thing this is this is oh my so this is noodles this is the other one he don't like to camera camera like noodles is a [ __ ] psychopath is a little crazy do they do they do they do they all get along or is it goingon to be like a little bit [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] no no no no no no they don't that many cat there's no way no they don't like they're they're not they're not particularly like super bad with each other but there was just like you know blue the one that she was was holding he's you know he's a Bengal so he's quite uh quite dominant and then uh he fights some of the other ones oh my God that's my favorite one that's tuby oh my God he's so big what the Bro his name is Tubby he means business bro thatt like AER I like himo he's the his little smushed face so cute oh God I want a cat you don't have any pets do you ellm no you guys think well that see he just learned last week that his door had a lock on it so like I don't think he knows you have to feed a cat or he said he said his sliding door was broken he said he couldn't open and close a sliding door anymore cuz he saids I think I closed it too hard and now it just doesn't open anymore and Theo goes well is it locked so he gets up and goes to check and he goes oh my God the door was locked that's why I couldn't open it he really said he really said brav how door how was I me to know you know I don't know you live there and pay rent I I I just I just you know I just I feel like I feel like other people you I feel like this is a relatable thing I think it's a relatable problem you know relable thing do not know that your door locked just like the oven just like yeah just it's like your exhaust bend on your yeah above your stove like you didn't know it was there you just learned that it was there how would I know you live there you're there every day you know what I'm saying and what's crazy is while you're standing there [ __ ] turning a piece of chicken breast into a [ __ ] dinosaur fossil staring at it it was wasn't bro it looked like a cow hoof bro that [ __ ] could have galloped let me let me put it in the group chat and then theia can show you what I what I created brother I am convinced you could have done like a caveman [ __ ] cave drawing with that son [ __ ] it looked like charcoal wa let me let me me it the can you open up the group chat and I that's what I did to a piece of chicken be prepared for the worst example of cooking you've ever seen in your life is it like the monster of Frankenstein in chicken form oh bad oh bad I think you could hit someone in the head with it fcking God I thought I was looking at something completely [ __ ] different oh God that's yeah it wasn't my you know wasn't how the [ __ ] did you do that I don't know I just it just kind of just happened you it's kind of just happened like that you know just it's almost impressive it looks purposeful don't it like I've never burned something so bad trying to it or something like you meant to [ __ ] do it yeah no cuz he was like I'm going make some blacken chicken m like dude no that shit's [ __ ] I just I was doing something then I forgot and then I I was like smelling I was oh it smells really good and I was like Oh wait [ __ ] the chicken saw and I turned I was like oh damn flip the other side looked amazing but that side looked literally cooked like overcooked en if I had to like let's say I came to your house right and I was like Ellum make me the best dinner you can what would it be I can fck some cereal for you real he would go to his all breads put them on the plat and then offer them to you that's that's shake your sheets bro and then [ __ ] chicken breading that's no no genuinely I can make a great shef's pie you want a chef's pie I got you you know you want a vegan as well I can make a vegan you know I can I I can do either I can do either side never had one of those in my entire they're probably pre-boxed from the [ __ ] store how would they know right bro pulls out like a [ __ ] pot pie that [ __ ] in you have you have you had a po p before I've had a pot I a't never had no shepher pie ain't it just like meat and mashed potatoes my wife my wife just asked me what that is and she's like yeah it's just like meat and slop right I'm like meat and slop slop what do you mean you know the hidden the hidden ingredient is slop that's no it's it's minced meat with like peas and carrots and things that and then you have potato and that is all Mas it's like a vegetable Mash like SL it's it's not it's so good bit gravy in that could be slop could be good it just is well you're definitely not making it sound sound good when you say slop what do you sound like what do you think of when you say slop because I don't think of nothing good but you're like it might be appetizing you know what the word slop good man I can't wait for some swap tonight no no one that visual reaction of like exactly we we had like a it's worse for us not long before you guys join the call was wor for us feet what do you mean okay okay that the [ __ ] out of some grap if I walk with shoes and socks my feet flop on the ground like yeah like I I sound like Squidward walking around yeah yeah yeah he described his feet as like suy yeah he got [ __ ] tentacles let me EXP the segue by okay so basically we're talking about a quiet place you guys seen a quiet place right at the film yeah so we I basically said okay look out of you know what I'll let you decide as well out of us three if the quiet place was a real thing who would die first you okay 1 million per but me that Thor has skills so I think he would definitely like survive and then I think sh box has got the brain so I feel like your [ __ ] out of love okay but I was saying was like I was I reckon I'd be agile like a gazelle but then but then if there for some reason if I end up losing my shoes clearly to those to those to those aliens that [ __ ] matters if you're like a that's what they that's their greatest cuz I can dip and dive you know I can like you know I can like I'll Dodge they come at me oh oh flies over my shoulder oh next one comes oh Matrix and like I'm going backwards other one flies over my head you know and then your knee gives out and then and your pone sticking out through your [ __ ] leg again FL you have to go back to that doctor at this point he's going to tell you that you're 48 years old and you're 5 foot one so it's not gonna but I was okay I was insane I was like the problem is with me is so I don't even know why it would happen but say if I ended up losing my shoes during all I don't know why that happen but say hypothetically speaking that would happen but then if if I was in walking when I walk I like do this with my feet right so then they just slap around so I feel like are you a [ __ ] penguin I'm duck I'm like a duck okay like and the worst thing about it is I became self-aware of this by walking in my old apartment I was like why am I suctioning to the floor and I kept walking I was like oh my God I'm a squid I definitely would not like DOD or something someone someone in the uh someone in your comment section says Flappy feet Flappy feet yeah that's you bro so me ah they said could cover the aliens in Vaseline or cover yourself in Vaseline so they can't get you they you headlock BR yeah you know what ellm if you put Vaseline on the bottom of your feet maybe it won't slabs that suck into the ground anymore you could slide everywhere bro it'd be sick slide slide across your house is anyone like you really are a unique individual I want know has anyone wondered what Vaseline tastes like or is that just me okay go back one more question enough hold on now what you mean by what you mean well what you mean by that it looks kind of like it looks kind of tasty in a way no it doesn't no you know it's called petroleum jelly yeah like I I think we now figured out why you are the way you are cuz as a kid you probably ate Vaseline and dog food and dog food it was one time iums just a recipe for disaster him like in a chicken like Smokey like that [ __ ] that's you do that I I I think there's a lot you're leaving out about your life here ad them and what you've actually tried to taste and I think dog food was just aover bro you act like you just like got put in this body like it's crazy say that as well because like he he kind of sounds like you know like a like like a like a a duckling that there hats out of an egg and everything [ __ ] brand new to him yeah like bro you're H we're having like I feel like being like 11 years old at the lunch table i' be like guys you ever thought you ever had Vaseline in like you're 30 still having these thoughts no because I just like I just think I look at something go hm so you know imagine he gets hooked on it and he becomes like a Vaseline dealer and he's like walking in trench Co I feel like I feel like this is how this is how people have their superhero origin stories and I become Vaseline man and all I can do is spray Vaseline for my hands and [ __ ] you know so again again I'm from Amsterdam that meets something very [ __ ] different man yeah like let's just like put it out there if like you called the Vaseline man what do you think's gonna show up bro you know what I'm saying I don't think it's a superhero signal be though what would the Vaseline signal be a Bingle it would be a big like I don't even know what it would be no I I have a question Daddy's brown sauce I got a question all right I want to know what your opinion is on this one okay so oh this was a while this was months back my wife had this book it's like book like it's like smut or some some [ __ ] right she's in some wild Books Okay and she goes Jagger I I I dare you to read this on stream one page right so she sends me one page I looked at it I'm like that's a hell [ __ ] enough for me reading this right so then we're I'm then Thor's like oh I'll [ __ ] read it no yeah I ain't no [ __ ] right send it to him he takes one look at it jaw hits the floor says I'm not reading it so we send it to uh we sent it to ellm here and he just starts [ __ ] reading he read the whole [ __ ] p and it was pretty it was pretty crazy okay just read it that was actually different time multiple smut readings with ell actually this it gets this so like about a couple weeks after that he's on a plane okay he's on a he's on an airplane and we're all talking uh on Discord on stream right and this guy comes in uh into the call but he's on the airplane and he's sitting in the middle seat between two people right so he's thinking I'm gonna [ __ ] join this call and I'm just going to start reading smut to these guys just out of the blue okay luckily for us he was on the airplane he's he's up with this guy we can't hear word he's saying he's going in and out right but whoever's sitting next to him can only hear him reading this crazy [ __ ] okay oh and it's crazy it's crazy now if you're sitting beside some guy you don't know he's sitting beside you it's a of book he has his he has his phone he's just reading oh am my slippery and he just start going and I know damn well you were like crowd you were like bent over a little bit like on the trade table like trying to be sneaky about it and you were just like hey boys what's going on I got a little reading for and I know the two people next to you were just like man what the [ __ ] like bro what imagine imagine imagine the person behind him and in front of him okay look okay I'm worse hear yeah that's even worse bro you just hear it like a ghost they have no [ __ ] context this okay this actually okay I this thing actually it's not about this but like actually okay you know when like you watch a film you watch a Fil A flight right do you watch a Fil A flight and but then you know the fil the film has like a sus scen it it's like a film you know has a sus scene in right do you still watch it or do you avoid the film what FM but this wasn't a film yeah dude see that's crazy you're talking about avoiding a scene yeah you're talking about avoiding like a sex scene on the plane but you're reading them to your homies you're reading us the script for sex thing is like the thing is like dude if you are in a plane and you're you know one of those scenes comes up you can literally just pivot and just kind of go oh if you want you can't [ __ ] do that when you're out loud [ __ ] sitting in a plane talking about [ __ ] was whispering it was a light whisper I was going Nathan blah blah blah blah blah that makes it worse because now people gonna go why is he Whispering what the [ __ ] is he saying what the [ __ ] is he saying bro I bro imagine the guy on the window seat you can't get away from that [ __ ] bro you just gotta kind of like what are you doing bro like I got to go to the bathroom but I don't want to squeeze past you bro do not like don't stand up simmer down I think I think they're also in a position where they're like we also don't want this guy to go to the bathroom now neither oh yeah you know that's an even better Point like he good thing you were in the middle bro if you if you'd have read that and then got up I'm I'm talking to the flight attendant I need to move seats bro you're freaking me out you know what I'm saying I don't want you to come back for the sequel bro I don't know I just I just okay honestly I just do [ __ ] in the moment and I think I think about our stuff after just I mean I mean the thing is like I mean the thing is like if you would have done this stuff like preemptively and you were like really thinking about it I'd be uh we' be having a very different conversation right now because i' I'd have to like give you the father conversation but I'm glad that you're doing it in in in in that way but um well I don't think I'm glad that you're doing it in that way but at least at least there's some some some there's some innocence about just kind of like sporadically thinking yeah we just kind of do [ __ ] you know it would be a lot weirder if like that was part of your flight itinerary like you were like oh once we're in the air I'm calling that's that's I that would have made that would have made it a lot Weir opportunity and I was like this could be funny and I thought well I'm just going to do it and then and then it just never it just never happened oh oh I broke my chair oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you're the king of I swear to God that one was smooth and dodging so obviously you know you you you you three are all very very close friends and and all that stuff um I'm assuming that this is like a daily occurrence to [ __ ] what just Ellen being just well just like you know like he's that he's that one dude that's like well never never a dull day with Ellen oh that's a complete fact that's exactly 100% only met him once I've only met him once and he was uh was he was very very polite to me and he was very very nice Scar the he scared I like oh my God he's he's huge he's huge I was like oh my Christ bro pulled out the Vaseline so he didn't get put head they both R up I grabbed the Vaseline and put on the dashboard so that he he knew what was up made eye contact and got so scared bro it was bro you ain't getting me we were actually we were talking about that about that that meal the other like last week or maybe it was two weeks I know it's a week whatever but didn't know how to how to hot pot had no idea oh yeah so like how to what how to hot pot oh the Hot Pot yeah I was just like I was just like like I remember just like grabbing like bits of leaves and just like putting them in and then just like not knowing what to do with it I was like um I just just uh I just uh I just and I I think I barely ate anything I think I barely ate anything of leaves well like there was like some things I could grab and other things I couldn't leaves you know what the [ __ ] are you describing as leaves for food bro you're not eating trees out here might AIT of tree we s there for a good like hour and a half C like surely you saw what we were doing like I I don't know what did you eat while you were there um I don't really remember to be honest just leaves just just at yeah and I also left the food in the hot pot for way too long I I left the meat in there for like minutes like TR with you like overcooking the [ __ ] out of things hey bro will you please do a cooking stream sure I can do don't leave your apartment just don't leave your apartment he's gonna be like one of those people who set the thing on fire and he's like you know he's just gonna sit and goes hey guys uh welcome today and I'm about to show you how to not make food and how not not to prepare food I hope you're going to like it so at least follow everything that I do so you know how to how to [ __ ] everything up all at once and and then the stream is like 4 and a half hours long but was literally just him searing one piece of chicken in a pan for four and a [ __ ] half hours it was even it was the chicken wasn't even on that long I'm blaming the chicken I'm blaming the chicken I'm just going to say it blaming the chicken BL the the egg's fault too it was the one egg's fault too that was my fault the door locked behind me what was I meant to do about it you know I don't know unlock your [ __ ] door take your keys with you if you leave your room usually I don't walk out of my home mid egg while I'm frying food I'm like a good time to go check my mail I was multi asking what what exactly did you do when you left your apartment I forget you were taking the trash out weren't you yeah I was taking the trash out and I was like okay quick get rid of the trash come back door's locked oh [ __ ] there's an egg on and then I then I just freaked out and then and then and then obviously then everything was fine in the end but there was a how' you get back in huh how'd you get back in oh did I wait do you not know the story no oh right well well well well so I was like I went yeah as I said I was taking the trash out put had an egg frying I was like you take this out come back I'm like oh [ __ ] the door's not opening I'm like it's fine cuz I've got like a concierge it's okay I'll just go down there sure she has like a key that opens all the doors everything's fine turns out she doesn't did not have a key and then and I was like okay but like I'm like there's an egg frying so like I kind like get one so and she's like well maybe we could call like a locksmith who can like get a key cut like there and then he's like uh I can do it like in a week I'm like there is an egg frying I don't have a week so um so I'm like okay well that doesn't work that doesn't work so then I'm like okay I'm going call my landlord I'm like he's like he's in Spain I'm like oh [ __ ] okay it doesn't work whatever then um there's like Builders outside they're like working on the balconies like outside the front of the place so I went out out to them and said okay could you like CU they're working on the balcony I was like could you like try and just like break the lock and they were like yeah it's my it's like my lunch break I have like you know I could do it like in an hour I'm like there is an egg frying why does nobody care anyway so I'm like I'm like freaking out come back in I'm like I'm like I literally like we're going have to call the fire department cuz someone going have to break down the door I can't get in that it's going to it's it's going to blow this egg is going to blow and then um and then like it's [ __ ] C4 oh the egg is it's it's going to explode and then like it says on the label don't over overy your egg because they will explode yeah but then then my landord calls me backal my land calls me back and he's like wait my son my son is in he has a key so the son like comes in we like we zoom up the stairs like get to the door and then we unlock it smoke is like filled the apartment I take the egg off and then he's like then and then he goes oh wait I've seen some of you your YouTube videos before and then he's told me I'm like choking on smoke while I'm trying to talk to him we ended up becoming friends he became like my gym buddy for a while so how things will happen you know I'm not past the part no I mean I think it's funny that like he he he felt it was like comfortable to have a conversation about you being a YouTuber like while you know you're about to [ __ ] die of smoke and maybe your apartment of the whole building go down on fire um we in um

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