Category: News & Politics
Let's break down who's winning in the polls nationally and in every battleground state it's been a weird week because the expectation was the dnc would happen and harris's lead would get extended but at the end of the week donald trump got endorsed by rfk jr who dropped out of the race so people expected... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Elina habas slam's department of justice and biden cala administration after trump's appeal hearing we will stop camala harris's regime because she was there let's not forget that and she still is of using officials from the white house putting them in da's offices in ag's offices and attacking your... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Welcome to the first of the 2024 presidential debates between donald trump and kamla harris let's get right to our first question what is your vision for america this campaign is about two different visions for our nation one where we are focused on the future the other focused on the past i think it's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey mistress midnight rose here i have a funny one you ready hit that subscribe if you haven't checked out my channel yet i got some fun stuff up there okay so if you were a haitian migrant and you were stuck here in america in springfield ohio of all places and you had no food you're starving... Read more
Category: News & Politics
How long have you guys known that vice president harris does not think that president biden is effective with his border policy i mean that you're you're making a huge jump why why she did not say this this is something that you are assuming i don't understand why you would assume that it's not true... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I'm not a political strategist but i would have thought trash talking as they say here uh veterans dead veterans uh people who are honored uh here in the us is not necessarily a particularly wise political strategy let's go to america now donald trump may yet face prosecution despite a wide ranging... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
This guy has been cooked since 2020 and then immediately the media changes tunes saying biden's scile biden's this biden's that the media switches and changes up and then they usher in kamala they literally attempted a coup on biden and they were successful no one voted for kamala to be the democratic... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Estas son las tres imprescindibles de esta semana sorpresa inflacionaria el inesperado incremento que registró en agosto la inflación subyacente en estados unidos redujo las probabilidades de que la fed realice un recorte de 50 puntos en su reunión de la próxima semana no obstante el viernes un informe... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey hey come on get come on grow up get out of here hey stop stop call the police on it's been zero days since we've had some rainbow terrorism lately boys that do mak any sense zero days since the last rainbow terrorism let's get that in order now we've got a poor panera under attack that's right we've... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
What's the biggest threat to america the media why the media is the enemy of the people take a look at the trump verse biden debate that first debate that ever happened before that debate the media was all in with biden was promoting him was saying that it was a right-wing conspiracy if you say that... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
-good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well. and now, if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. tuesday night's debate between vice president kamala harris and former president trump was watched by a reported 67 million people and then rewatched by at least... Read more
Category: Comedy
-enjoy yourselves. welcome, everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." you are here. thank you for watching at home. [ cheers and applause ] well, guys, everyone's talking about last night's debate between vice president harris and former president trump. and it seems like most people... Read more