Cherokee National Holiday 2024 Powwow - Fancy Friday

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 03:54:10 Category: Travel & Events

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goes in front of our Warriors and that is Mr Lloyd duck of the United States Army he is uh carrying our Eagle staff Jennifer mcaffrey United States Army and Marines Libby M United States Navy David Floyd Army and a p Mr Frank Whitlock United States Marine Purple Heart he's carrying the flag and and he's a recipient of that purple heart sir crane United States Air Force part of this color guard so ladies and gentlemen as our colors come in and as we get ready to bring them in with respect as they come around we stand if you can and we'll be ready to go so stand by dancers stand by singers what you go all just making sure all of our royalty from V Von tribes make sure you let us know that you are here we're going to be bringing that sheet up here in just a little while want you to be in part of the grand entry waiting new Lu [Music] go leave [Music] stand [Music] I know you that's Beau that's the best seen oh yeah yeah look at that now oh that's beautiful what's theore I'm still mad that the U game is not on that big screen Daner singers remember we got water right up here dancers and sinkers and we have a new policy passed by our Trel Council no more plastic anywhere around this area especially within our tribe so we've got boy the commemorative take-home uh aluminum cans with water right here in our water troughs right here so look like we're going to need some more water too hey Austin thank you for coordinating all that stuff I really wanted your job cuz man that's to D precise those Indian people we don't like that preciseness [Laughter] Austin was sitting over a red faing Bo I know oh we used there those Indian people D we when we want we start WI [Music] registration is closed registration is closed all you drum groups for a push-ups on the grand entry songs big Soul Creek you're going to have the first song Left Arrow second song and if we need to Crazy Nation third song and Park Hill the fourth song and we'll continue on we've got a couple other things that we need to take care of which will be the flag song Memorial song and the Victory song we just go down the list if you're dressed and singing on the drum group we'll make sure the number takers come over there and get your number make sure cuz it's we need somebody be singing so too there always will be some all right just a courtesy announcement uh the Water that's uh in these buckets here in front of the speaker stand are for the dancers and for our drums for our singers only please it's for them uh ladies and gentlemen uh at this time if you can we would you please rise at this time gentlemen if you would remove your caps and hats now if you're if you're elderly perhaps you're handicapped we understand go ahead and stay seated but for everybody else we want you to remove your caps we want you to pay honor and tribute to our native nations especially to our Eagle staff carrier who will be bringing in all of our dancers for the first session here for the 72nd annual here in Taqua Oklahoma we pay honor and tribute to all of our native nations no Joe all right how on let's go to the Lord in prayer [Music] [Music] most gracious Heavenly Father we just thank you for our guest and we thank you for you know the military people here the general and the and the flyover we thank you for the chief and Deputy Chief and the council and their leadership thank you for the drum groups that have came here and the singers dear Lord be with us this even even as we have this nice weather that you bestowed upon us thank you thank you ladies and gentlemen if you would remain standing at this time we go to our host Northern drum they come from the paty country way up there in the Northeast part of the state of Kansas are good friends of mine please welcome and they will sing our first parade in song for the first session Friday night we go to these guys from patami country Prairie Band way up here in mayetta big Soldier Creek gentlemen bring the dancers in rough Arrow stand by [Music] as customary across Indian America and Canada and the United States as we bring our dancers in we always call upon our veterans are warriors our traditional Warriors we're asking Gan right here and you can say that we have the flag of all of Native America the traditional eagle staff coming in before for the colors and that's because the traditional legal staff was here long before the red white and blue was so we pay honor and tribute to all of our native nations who represent who are represented by the eagle staff we want to certainly say w SK to Mr Lloyd duck US Army our Eagle staff carrier Vietnam veteran thank you and the Caren and the flag of the United States of America the commander for the force here in jerky country our Color Guard we say welcome to this United States Mar Corps veteran please make welcome JRE McCaffrey and Karen and the flag of the US Navy Turkey Nation citizen Libby Nan and of course the P MI flag carried in by a Navy veteran Libby Nan I'm sorry David Floyd the US Army and the Purple Heart carried in by another Marine veteran we say we say thank you to Mr Frank Whitlock thank you and cus crane United States Air Force Color Guard and we certainly want to say thank you to the gentleman caring in the flag of our Eastern band we say thank you and your head man dancer coming in right after our colors Ru Arrow pick it up gentlemen Mr yatika Fields our head man dancer welcome sir to delaqua Oklahoma and we certainly want to say Welcome to our he lady dancer in front of the announcer stand now Miss Dana bear and of course again we certainly welcome our general he was here earlier we introduced him we certainly gracious with your presence here sir and in the grand entry our Administration our Council so for us first of all we want to say welcome to good friend he the principal Chief the elect Chief the church K Nation Mr Chuck Hoskins junior thank you and the deputy chief Mr Brian Warner [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where ohy [Applause] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] way he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] gentl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he h [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] standing to keep you attention so we go to way up to Mayas the prayer band po gentlemen if you would a flag song a flag for all Native America [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh high [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] High [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] High [Music] oh [Applause] gentlemen thank you thank you R AR you have Memorial s ladies gentl s also one that brings back good memories for all of us so we're going to go and ask for aoral [Music] oh go oh go we [Music] oh we go we go [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] ladies and gentlemen we're going to ask all the veterans crazy Nation stand by for a victory song we're going to ask all the veterans in the audience Indian non-indian alike peace time perhaps you're in combat men and women all the veterans come in the arena Mark Lead You In as we dance the colors out how many if you would the escort the general all veterans Indian non-indian alike we want you to come out to the arena at this time dance the colors out all veterans peace time combat all veterans we want to include our law enforcement personnel as well all law enforcement I know we pay a lot of honor and tributes to our veterans but I also remiss if I would not say we also need to honor the ones that were at home the families the wives of all of our veterans so at this time all veterans come into the arena please all veterans all right Mark we are ready crazy Nation duck and Company [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] Round of Applause to say thank you to their service [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh one more round of applause folks thank you veterans thank you thank you thank you dancers you can clear the arena audience you may sit down thank you dancers we have water right up here cold cold water Stanley John get some water Bud cold water get some water while the the while the stadium or arena is being cleared we're going to ask this gentlemen to come up here give us a good good warm welcome royalty don't go too far because I'm going to come back and introduce you here in just a moment all royalty don't go too far I'm going to introduce you and I want you to step out into the arena once we finished everything here ladies and gentlemen one of the things that I truly like about this powa here is we have the support of the administration we have the support for the administration to do what we do is to bring all the different in tribal all different people Chief and deputy chief we have I don't know I'm going to guess we probably have 70 80 tribes here and they're from all over everywhere so at this time ladies and gentlemen if you would look up here please we're going to ask these two gentlemen to start with our deputy chief a good friend of mine to give us a word of Welcome from the churkey nation we certainly are going to welcome you to tqu our deputy chief Mr Brian Warner SE God how's everyone doing today well hey I just want everybody to say I want to say thank you for being here thank you for spending your time your talent and your dedication towards that talent I want everybody to get behind one another during this national holiday but let's let's take it beyond the holiday let's remember our Cherokee Community Values of goui working together but more importantly let's remember Dej says Ste which means hold one another's existence stingy as a mother is with a child so throughout this holiday Let's Love on one another as we would love on ourselves and make sure that we're there to pick one another up no matter what the situation is and remember let's all have fun and let's do this together in love so what thank you ah thank you Deputy thank you and now to my left right here I used to work for this gentlemen right here may mayy yeah used to that's a key word used to a good friend of mine he the brains behind our churkey nation as I call it a tremendous leader of advocate for our churkey people and as well as all of our indigenous people the principal chief of the churkey nation from Vita Oklahoma Chuck hotka Jr all right what Rob Oco everyone I want to welcome everybody to the 72nd annual Cherokee National holiday our innert tribal Pawa ladies and gentlemen the Cherokee holiday is about Unity for the Cherokee people but as I look across this Arena and I see all the dancers and all of the families and visitors folks this is about Unity across Indian country and all of our friends that are friends of Indian country and we thank you all very much I want to wish everybody a safe and happy Cherokee National holiday what Rob thank you what but don't thank you folks oh man thank you at this time let me introduce the royalty sometimes we try to get ride on through with our dancing and so forth we forget about the royalty they are here for a particular purpose that's to represent who they represent and to do that let me start off right here there's a there's about two pages here so ladies just step out into the arena give it the old good old good old parade welcome and everything first of all sheas the 202 2425 little turkey Ambassador ages 10 to 12 division Maggie roads there we go also the little turkey Ambassador 20 2425 age 7-9 division Ella Raper and I'm gonna read them off just as they are right here as they signed up and our 2024 kaiwa tribal princess de Sant Coy you step out to the arena please there she is over there welcome and 2425 qua Nation Princess Lena SCE and 2023 24 Miss Cherokee from the Eastern band Scarlet gag guy and Teen Miss Cherokee Eastern band 2023 24 Kindra posto and the junior miss Cherokee Eastern band 24 Kennedy Moore and Little Miss jerky Eastern band ran posto and representing Pusa High School NASA Club princess Mahia West royalty stand close by to the arena so you don't have to walk so far and little turkey Ambassador 4 to6 year old division El van and the newly crowned Miss Cherokee 2425 Ella mounts ban and the junior miss jerky also recently crowned Daisy star and the junior Redmond princess please make welcome Sharon Marie bird there she is across the way welcome and the Eugene white Thunder descendant senior princess melenia bird there she is and the 2425 Alabama Kosh tribal princess Aaliyah Johnson from Livingston Texas and Miss mrrs Cherokee Nation World in Florida lorett arnes right here and introducing Miss koua 232 2425 dilia Smith and the nearby over there in adir County the senior Bell Pawa princess Ansley gas and and Tiny miss little miss Indian nations Princess Emily Gray and the 2425 more Johnson omali princess Melia Plumley and the 2024 Iowa tribal Nation princes Madison switch fix and Miss Indian OU gigas K right there to my left welcome and the kick has the power princess M Cunningham there she is way over across the way welcome welcome and Miss Oklahoma Indians biker princess Aria Bates across the way thank you little Miss Oklahoma Indian nations princess 2425 lamia Gray and the senior Miss Indian Tulsa 2425 Katie Alexander and Miss second Fox tribal princess 2425 please make welcome Joy MC right there in front of me right there to all the royalty that's here thank you very much for being here with us thank you w yeah all right Zack Morris where you at Zach okay what we're going to do rather we come up cross sometimes and this time they have asked for two songs from the northern side of the house and they've asked a couple of our Northern Dancers it's a sidestep so the first song will go to we go to right over here to our host big Soldier Creek and the second song sidestep song way over there to Crazy nation and we're going to give you a little something a little different that we haven't seen around here uh for a lot it's a sidestep so there we got some of our Northern category so it's like an intertribal so come on out there and then after this we're going to we're going to go to the southern side of the house we're going to have one song Rough Arrow one song from Park Hill it's going to be a trot song and that's that's a southern so we're going to be doing that right after these two songs right here so come on out folks this something you want to learn something you want to try it's something that's up north and Zach says we talk to the drum groups already Big soier Creek Sid step the way they do it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all [Applause] [Applause] High thank you gentlemen thank you car [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] High [Music] [Music] way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a SK SK thank you fellas thank you thank you ladies you may sit down if you want thank you all right now we're moving over to the southern side of the house we're going to do truck songs all you [Music] dancers Arrow you're going to have the first song a trot song Park Hill gentlemen you're going to have the second song a trot song [Music] [Music] [Music] y y [Music] [Music] I'm go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] believe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm [Applause] [Applause] look thank you thank you thank you thank you Dr GRS thank you we'll have some coffe coming to you here in a little while we've got a couple of girls that's doing all this boy Archie man that was a bunch of people there we that feel almost filled the arena up man wow all right all you Tiny Tots you know who you are need for you to start getting ready all you Tiny Tots oh you tiny to ladies and gentlemen as we get into this evening and into tomorrow especially this evening we'll talk about tonight you know we have what we call competition dancing and a lot of that is uh begins here with our tan tots our children this is a pride of Indian country is are little boys and girls and they're dressed out in a regalia that I know that uh Grandpa and grandmas and aunties and uncles and moms and dads put together their outfits and they're all dressed just like like the grown-ups and they're out here and they're all working just well what you need mark one Orek big Soldier Creek big Soldier Creek you'll have the song for our first contest of the evening and this will be our tiny tots so again all you tiny tot second call second call come on out mom's dad and uncles be sure get them out here in the arena right away get all of our tiny tots out here if you need to escort them out here that's okay too you are the you're their mentors you're their parents you're the aunties and uncles they watch you they watch us and now you're going to see some good dancing and some beautiful beautiful people this is our this is our future here third call third and last call come on out we had one guy third and last call our Arena director here is saying we are getting ready for this contest Archie I have a very important announcement to make listen up folks listen to this deep into second quarter Oklahoma 34 Temple zero stand all right your call your call we ready contest Cur big Soldier Creek no you got it big Soldier Creek contest is on take it away [Music] [Applause] all [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he [Music] [Applause] he he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right ladies and gentlemen put your hands together this is a pride of Indian Country our children so come over this way see Uncle Mark he's got his hat up in the air he says come over here and going to have you to line up just like you do at school or prek or whatever I know you're little guys and you don't stand still very long so we're going to have to make sure we get everybody kind of lined up ladies and gentlemen this is a Time if you have a phone this is a good time all your aunties and uncles come take pictures right now while they're out here at chery Nation holiday paow cuz they're not going to stand still very long we got mugua little boys and girls want to say thank you to your moms and dads for these children they're keeping us all alive and going and thank you children [Music] [Laughter] all right okay Rob's lining them up going to check you going to check IDs so make sure ladies and gentlemen a determination by the judges is that they're all first place they're all winners give them all a big round of applause okay all right they're getting a free play at the casino okay all right it's all fun okay so all you kids uh get your uh get your dollars and go sugar up enjoy the evening we like for you to be here and you can dance too throughout the rest of the night I know you're not going to go sleep for a while so anyways we're glad you're here and ladies and gentlemen I'm glad that you are able to witness this very first very special important group of young people that are here bcer is going to let you know right now we've got a ass sorted uh way of doing things here at this contest Pawa and it's our very own way and according to Mr Zach Morris who put us all together he's our contest coordinator he's got this grand plan and it worked last year it's going to work this year so you want to stand by don't be too far away don't be roaming around or or all apart be sure cuz when we call your group you're going to need to come in here we're going to have two groups at a time so we call Juniors in the teeniors will be coming in the teens will come in same time so Juniors and teens both stand by junior boys junior girls teen boys teen girls and all of those categories be standing by because we you know how it works at these uh kinds of powwow and in the meantime we're going to probably have some inner trial some other things in between contests so we're glad you're here ladies and gentlemen and again if you need to get uh cooled down for any reason that big white tent over there is our cool down tent it's got cold water in there it's got cool air it's got Personnel in there to help you out if you get too hot so just let you know that you need something uh to drink want you to stay hydrated throughout this evening and throughout this day it's a beautiful evening can't get any better than this oh it's nice so stand by dancers we're getting ready to uh get ready for looks like junior boys fancy and teen boys fancy oh two inner tribals okay okay it's been requested to Inner tribals hold on a minute dance Ruff Arrow Ruff Arrow going to come to you for an inner tribal Ruff Arrow okay Park Hill standby for a second song Inner tribal ladies and gentlemen in tribal means alt skate this is chery Nation holiday paww so you the arena is open so you can come out and dance whether you have an outfit on or not this is your powa so come on out enjoy we filled up this Arena last year so head man head lady yaka Fields Dana bear head man head lady they're going to be bringing all you dancers out for inner tribals first inner tribal of the evening so take it away rough Arrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] way oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y [Applause] [Music] [Music] y [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right keep dancing dance everybody coffee there got some C [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] hey hey hey he [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Applause] thank singers we going to clear the arena dancers clear the arena all right we're going to start our contest here here are the boys judges we need these boys judges we're going to do the same we're going to run the Juniors on one side of the arena and teens on the other side boys judges come and help us out grass tenner Ridge Daniel Roberts and for the teams Don St Warren qu and Chuck Brad come and help us please and for the girls judges Jal GL come up here Lily Williams Rina Quon and for the team judges joce big Soldier Yolanda whitean and Nicole P come come up here please we have Arena directors with the clipboards and our contest coordinators we need the judges up here and the first group junior boys fancy and teen fancy Ru Arrow we're going to be coming to you we're going to try to stay in rotation on all these and stuff and we'll kind of we'll keep on going through so junior boys fancy and team fancy you guys are going to be first those are the judges that we need stand by stand by junior girls jingle and teen jingle yeah that's what I call Junior boys judges junior boys I was just getting them ready for teen judges junior boys judges Jason grass tenor Ridge Daniel Roberts and the Teen judges on this side over here here we want Don strad Warren Quon and Chuck Brad look see who's out there judges to make sure that you're not judging somebody in your family and so forth teens on the souths side and juniors on the North side Juniors on Bourbon side and teens on Mark side of course some of the younger people you know better in the say North or South the teens toward Dallas and the Juniors toward Kansas City keys and Locust Grove at it there there local I don't know where that's at all right we got all the boys judges out there and the Teen judges second call second call girls and teen judges stand by the women again jalissi Lily wiena Joyce Yolanda and Nicole we're going to be need you here in just a little while Ru area you're going to have this song and soon as I get the okay Mark's giving me the high sign we have two groups Juniors and teens on the grounds Ru Arrow [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] whoa how about that ladies and gentlemen put your hands together and these guys are and they're good thank you singers okay lineup dancers you know the routine make sure we can see the numbers the judges are checking things out all right thank you judges take your time he what we got wild there being judged right here we want to say from one of the guys over there big Soldier Creek shaana Smith happy 28th birthday shaana Smith he says he loves you he said one the boys over there happy birthday all right we got another birthday man up here homy Little Dave happy birthday homy oh Lulu boy they're out there judging all right coming up junior girls jingle and teen jingle crazy Nation all right here here the judges that we need they're going to be coming out there junior girls junior girls jingan Julie glad Lily Williams willina Quon and the junior going to be on this side of the arena and the Teen judges Joyce big Soldier Yolanda whitean and Nicole Pilla are over here on this side on the south side of the Arena please all right oh man we've got a phone and a set of keys up here lost and found I'm going to jinx us Joe we haven't had a uh we haven't had a Lost Child up here yet so maybe we won't Hey listen up all you straight dancers men straight dancers 18 and over we have exhibition scheduled for all the different the adult categories but when we come to the men's Southern straight it's not going to be exhibition we have one of a one of our Pawa people that was here last year John arakita he was a graduate of Sequoia he wanted to make sure last year he pledged win or take all for men's Southern straight so when that happens when that comes up here R Dar water I want you to come up here and help us and we'll probably go to your drum for that since you requested you guys uh shortly before then all I know is 18 and over and winner take all Joel be about that time to come up here and we'll get the particulars on that but it'll be later on in the program men Southern straight 18 and over and it's a special in honor of Sam horse Chief one of the Great Legends here seoa School in our running program and in his honor John arita wanted to do a special for men's Southern straight winner take all so please be getting ready for that and that's going to be that'll take the place of the exhibition for that woo man that's a long one there crazy Nation we're going to come to you on this one are you there thank you thank you all right we are ready [Music] contest rough Arrow standby for snake and buffalo [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] where [Music] all right thank you ladies and gentlemen for that big round of applause thank you judges and thank you dancers thank you singers okay ladies and young ladies you know the routine just line up here and make sure we can see numbers you know we got new set of Lights here these These are the first time that these lights have been on for this power first time that they've got them on and they're on dim they haven't even turn them on halfway or full so these are cool lights man they've got strobes and we can we can do that I don't know anyway they're great take your time judges once again ladies and gentlemen if your first timers here uh all of these dancers they are competing for first or second or third or fourth place something like that and we'll announce winners tomorrow and uh the judges that our ask are volunteers they don't know that we'll be calling on them and they come in as volunteers and they pick each individual judge picks one two or three dancers that they they like and uh then we put them all together and it goes to the tabulators and we let the mathematics do all of the talking for us and then we end up with the results and we have a first place second place based on uh based on these points or numbers that are turned in by these these uh judges and for all of the Po Folks they know how this works the dancers know how it works ladies and gentlemen another big round of applause for all of our dancers our teens and our young people here our youth and our teens thank you for being here don't go too far away in case we have a tie and this has been a beautiful contest again these uh dancers are representing the the dance from the North Country okay standby dancers all right ladies and gentlemen while you're little bit of time right here let me introduce uh ladies and gentlemen let me introduce someone she's right here standing by me she is the overall director for the whole turkey Nation the Labor Day holiday that we have right here this is her respon not only Justice pow it's not her responsibility but the 68 other events going on all over tqu and which started actually two weeks ago I think for softball and stuff and everything that's going on we got to make sure we do it right because she has so much responsibility to take care of all every event here is is her event and Crystal Walters this lady right here she makes it go I tell you what she attends every one of the meetings as I understand for all of the different events and I know she's been very helpful with our Pawa people here because you folks think it's easy putting on a paow there's a there's so many moving Parts ask her how easy that is but we're certainly I just wanted to recognize you Crystal and thank you very much for all your support all the work that you do also she has how many how many jumps you have she has 180 jumps she's a skydiver dang okay that's enough she said thank you Chris all right this time ladies and gentlemen the coordinator is asking for a snake and buffalo dance and all right yatia our handman dancer would you lead this we yica yaka is our headman dancer going to lead this thank you very much Warren you'll do the tail All Right Said Yes snake and buffalo rough Arrow we're going to come to [Music] you oh all the dancers especially those of you from here in Oklahoma we welcome all the dancers here just do the snake and buffalo we're asking yatia and Warren to take care of [Music] this oh man we should fill this Arena up snake and buffalo you know you are in Oklahoma when you hear this however I've I've seen this way up there in Montana Rocky Boy you don't have to be in regalia to come on out all you power people come on out everybody [Music] [Music] junior girls fancy Shaw and teen girls fancy Shaw stand by [Music] [Music] [Music] duck glossy could you come to announcer stand please duck glossy from crazy [Music] Nation hand [Music] [Music] W ladies and gentlemen we're going to fill this Arena up go ahead [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and Gentlemen let's give our dancers a huge round of applause hey hey [Music] he all right everybody turn around the other way we're going to go the other direction represents when the snake sheds his skin he goes the other way reverse turn around go the other way [Music] [Music] Buffalo dance Buffalo Dance all representing that buffalo herd and it begins to move [Music] the heard moves [Music] [Music] h h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right thank you singers going to clear the arena how was that ladies and gentlemen snake on Buffalo dance from our Southern Plains well this is a this is the way it works here cheer Cherokee Nation holiday pawow doesn't get any better than this hope you enjoying it okay dancers don't go too far where wherever you are cuz we may be calling your contest up at any time at any team or whatever categories age groups just be standing by as we get through these contests this evening looks like we're getting ready now for junior girls fancy Shaw teen girls fancy Shaw first call stand by junior girls fancy Shaw teen girls fancy Shaw and it looks like big Soldier Creek you're going to have that song So stand by junior girls fancy Shaw first call teen girls fancy Shaw first call I do not have the crazy Nation that's a big Soldier no crazy who's got it you said you don't have it Junior Girl fancy Juni yeah it's okay we're going to ask for the same judges who helped us out out you know who you are for junior girls and teen girls the same judges stay out there we need you back report back for our junior girls fancy show big Soldier Creek got our Juniors on that Juniors on that side you can see our little brown hands up here and teens over on that side towards keys I don't know towards downtown is on that side over there anyway oh that's Rob that's kind of how we lost the West man we don't know directions we don't know directions man all right need our judges back uh checking our Mark Wilson and then we're checking make sure we got our judges uh Mr Zach Morris is our head judge coordinator contest coordinator make sure we got our same judges for our girls same girl judges for our girls juniors and our teen girls our teen judges and our girls judges teen girls so again this way uh ladies and gentlemen you're seeing two contest categories at the same time and here at this particular Arena this is the way it's going all right this first call second call third call and hold on one moment we're waiting on uh ads to give us the high sign soon as we have our judges in place I'm looking at Mark Wilson Mark your key man to me big Soldier Creek stand by we're ready contest is on take it away [Music] [Applause] [Music] he he [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] put your hands together ladies and gentlemen beautiful dancing beautiful young ladies here young ladies in our Northern uh fancy Shaw and again beautiful dance beautiful music coming from the North country or North regions up in the northern grasslands uh the Great Lakes the Rockies Canada and it's made its way down here to Oklahoma so we have it live right here in art Arena chery national holiday so we're glad you are here to see these young ladies uh bring their dance beautiful dance here to talaa Oklahoma USA take your time judges we're just checking on our schedules we're moving right along on our powow clocks again uh ladies and gentlemen down on the South Side on the big screen there all you have to do is point your your uh telephone over there towards that big screen and then you can send that message or image wherever you want plus I know that we're out on the air right now on social media all over the US OFA so and elsewhere so so it's all happening and there's another beautiful shot from from upstairs again thank you dancers and thank you singers all right we're g to ask for a couple of inner tribals we're going to go on the North side I guess so we already went to our South Side for inner tribals we have two songs from our Northern jums we'll start with uh okay big Soldier Creek one song Crazy Creek one song Inner tribals we'll get things lined up up here so take it away singers inner tribals all skate Everybody Dance all right yaka and Dana head man head lady in her tribals make a stance take it away big Soldier Creek it's pawow time come on out denters that's why you're here ladies and gentlemen Cherokee Nation or other nations you want to join us in this Arena it's open Come dance with us this is your PA Cher Nation crazy Creek stand by second song I [Music] [Applause] [Music] know I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I I [Music] all crazy Creek keep us dancing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] all right we're going to clear the arena dancers as we're going to move along with the rest of our paow program for the evening so clear the arena and once again we hope that all are in enjoying our chery national holiday pawow and all of the events tomorrow is a full day whole lot of stuff going on big parade 9:30 downtown man that's a good parade after that come back up this way and there's all kinds of things in the afternoon we have gour dance tomorrow afternoon and power program tomorrow night so it's all Happening Here Chuy national holiday powwow yeah over here and all right we're ready for our next contest junior boys traditional teen boys traditional come on out into the arena first call Zach do you want the same judges same judges please please come out all of our same judges our men judges that we had you last time you know who you are come back out into the arena junior boys traditional Park Hill Park Hill stand by yaka Fields head man dancer your specials right after this contest so gather your stuff and your family you know the routine so we'll be acknowledging your special request to honor you right after this contest junior boys traditional second call again ladies and gentlemen from the North Country these men these single bustle dancers bring their dance from the North Country we say the northern grasslands the Rocky Mountains Canada the Great Lakes these dancers they each tell a story in their presentations out here in the in the arena these Warriors they tell a story so our junior boys traditional on one side teen boys traditional on the second side second call second call Arena director says come on out man come on out wherever you are if you can hear me we're going to call you out here now we're going to start without you if you're not here so be ready all you dancers be ready third call third call come on out our Arena director swinging his tile around so third call we're ready contest is on Park Hill take it away [Music] [Applause] [Music] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] he hey [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] how about ladies and gentlemen put your hands together on a Friday night traditional dancing from the North country made its way down here to Oklahoma so judges take your your time and our headman dancer yaka Fields you up so start Gathering your people and start making your way up here we're going to be taking care of you requested special in the meantime uh all you judges men and women thank you for volunteering and helping out the churkey national holiday power in your oversight of all of these dancers making these selections thank you dancers don't go too far away in case we have a tie in the meantime right now we're getting ready for a special ladies and gentlemen this one of the where we're told that one of the most important parts of the paow is when we're able to acknowledge one of our very special people and this is our headman dancer Mr yica fields and what we do ladies and gentlemen because he was asked to be here he took time to gather his family had a dinner and gathered some items and now then the organization says we have some time time set aside in this PA tonight just for you yaka so he says I'll take this time now to have one song rendered and this is a way that uh we acknowledge yaka it's not any I don't know of any better way to do this then to honor him with a song and this song that'll be rendered is one that he has selected and I think has already selected a drum to sing it he's getting his people together yaka is of the oage tribe and the Mogi Creek people he's an accomplished artist musician Works two-dimensional as a murals is known throughout the United States and internationally so he is um he's kind of famous man he's he's in the world out there but right now he's here turkey national holiday so he's saying all right uh yeah ladies and gentlemen if I may have your attention for just a moment we'd like to invite all our straight dancers to come out and dance with uh Yota here my uh brother-in-law he asked me to uh he wanted to extend that invitation out and uh he also wants to invite behind our straight dancers uh we'd like the remember the removal bike riters to come and walk behind them or dance behind our straight dancers here we just we're going to uh have our special here for my brother-in-law he wants to dance his traditional oage way around this Arena and he's inviting all his straight dancers want to come dance with him and support him we're going to have a special contest tonight so you're going to get a special treat here ladies and gentlemen and he wants to jam out with his uh his straight dance Brothers here and we want to invite the remember the removal bike riders if you're here or an alumnist of that organization he also wants you to come and dance right behind him with his dad his dad was a one of the uh original members of that group so we're going to go ahead and get started here and we're going to ask Ruff Arrow to give us an appropriate song here this evening on behalf of my brother-in-law Mr Yota Fields so we'll turn it over to him at this time and Ruff arrow take it away [Music] [Music] we say wat to Turkey national holiday commit for asking Yak to be a head man dancer this year [Music] [Music] Hal come on beautiful song Mr yica fields [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey hey hey [Music] ah beautiful song [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hal come on he [Music] [Music] [Music] ah what thank you r aroh one of the family thanks you all ladies and gentlemen for giving him this time a little bit about yaka here he wanted to invite the remember the removal bike riders to come out these are bike riders that have retraced the Trail of Tears from Cherokee in North Carolina he also wanted all the straight dancers to come out support him dance with him you know uh he's uh he enjoys dancing yaka starfields is oage Cherokee and Mogi Creek he began dancing at the age of six when he was initiated into the ilonka ceremonial dances homon District he's the son of Thomas and Anita fields of Stillwater his maternal grandparents are the late Richard lutrol senior oage and carmalita lutrol of Tulsa his paternal grandparents are the late Samuel Fields who Mogi Creek and the late Maxine MIT Cherokee his great grandparents were AA oi Cummings and H Barry Cummings of Kansas Oklahoma if you know Yota you know he's a prolific artist and painter celebrated by his vibrant large scale murals all over the world his art includes pop art colors graffiti style marking and his artistic Journey has taken him to different continents travels all over the the world his recent Accolade is with the Tulsa artist Fellowship he was a recipient and has been a testament of to his creative Talent his art and activism have shaped his perspective and found their way into many subsequent paintings reflecting the struggle and hope that Define the complex complexities of IND survivance something about Yota he does a little bit of everything he's also a really disciplined athlete who rides a bicycle and also he runs Ultra Trail events all over the United States in Europe his most challenging race was during the uh European Alps around the Mont Blanc through Italy Switzerland France these were over 100 mile courses his biking interest began as a child with the remember the removal ride return when his father a staff member came into the Cherokee Landing with 21 other bicycle Riders he grew up in talaa here his family they have strong roots to this community and he always looked forward as a young person running and cycling events held during the the Cherokee holidays the family here they want to thank the pawalk committee for selecting him as a headman dancer this year it's a it's a Once in a-lifetime opportunity to serve in this capacity for your your people here so we wanted to just thank him for uh thank the committee the Cherokee Nation everybody that came out to dance with him support him it's all his family they uh they came out even his brother uh this family is they're all artists uh his father Tom a really good photographer he's got pictures all over different museums different galleries his mother is a contemporary ceramic artist and she's got work all over the world her his sister she uh is the director creative director for the waji Puppet Theater she ALS also is an artist herself with different textiles and displays and also his brother neosi he lives in Lafayette Louisiana he's a outstanding fiddle player for he plays the old style Bluegrass so uh Yota lives in Tulsa and is very very active with the artist Community around the area around downtown Tulsa you see you might see some of his artwork in murals he actually uh curated a mural across the street from the Indian Health Service Clinic off of uh Peoria so he just does a little bit of everything if you are ever around downtown Tulsa you'll probably see him running or painting somewhere you know he runs these uh he runs these 100 mile races western states he completed last year but I still got him I beat him at the 5K here in 2014 and I'm going to claim that I still got my trophy okay let's hear we got any OU fans out in the [Music] crowd how about uh OSU fans about uh KU fans hey wa hll IND the Nations fans right I know we got some fans for Soria Soria Indian School [Music] fans anybody from greasy here all right got a couple of greasy greasy Cardinals went to Nelly May greasy School my mom's from greasy so I can say that that she's got that greasy spin when she plays basketball yeah I know ha we want to acknowledge Ru arrow for that song we'd like to call at this time Ro Kishon Ro Kish Kon don't Joe bird Jr if you're here we'd like to acknowledge you at this time head lady dancer Dana bear Dana bear want to call up Rob Dy and Archie Mason Rob Dy and Archie bourbon Hamilton and Mark Wilson bourbon's also a marathon runner Cherokee veterans Color Guard can we get somebody from the Cherokee veterans Color Guard okay Cherokee gourd Society Mr Zach Morris if his uh body guards can allow him to come up and acknowledge a gift hey movie star we'd like to also call the host Northern drum big Soldier Creek Park Hill we'd also like to send a representative up here crazy Nation got a gift for you as well Miss Cherokee Nation Ella Ms Miss Cherokee Nation if you're here Miss Cherokee Nation are you here Ella mounts how about Junior Miss Cherokee Nation Daisy star e candessa th candessa th e Janice lassley Janice lassley e we'd like to call Hunter Williams Hunter Williams if you're here I'd like to acknowledge Hunter at this time this uh I knew his dad and his mom and um I want to you know last year his dad made his journey and um I want to acknowledge Him on behalf of my brother-in-law here he might be he might be in the corn dog line here his dad was a Desert Storm veteran and yota's grandfather was a World War II and Korea veteran so I was uh proud of his dad treating my sister like he did and I want to acknowledge this young man Hunter on behalf of was sympathized with him and remember him remembering his dad he used to always be here okay Dakota redn get this like e Sandra Parish Sandra Parish okay they want the call the remember the removal Riders the association Legacy Association these uh individuals they uh R over 900 miles remembering the removal from North Carolina and that area to tala so Tom M was a an alumni an alumnus of that oh was staff for the first ride and I know yica watched him ride in called the remember the removal Legacy Association Gail Miller Gail Miller if somebody can tell Gail to come out of her house back here I know she's back there just in the AC H one thank you Gail for uh taking care of us all keeping us in order the family would like to just acknowledge you at this time that this time he's going to place some uh money out there on Ruff Arrow he's also there was some money that was given to him and he wants to uh spread that around to all of our straight dancers who came and danced with them he's going to take that around the arena himself on the side so the family we thank you for this time and uh in honor of Yota so keep up with him follow him on Instagram and Facebook see his journey all over the world and his next run or his next painting it's a pretty interesting ride Waton all right thank you major Quon thank you family all right stand by we're getting ready for our next contest coming up this will be our junior girls cloth and teen cloth rough Arrow you'll have the song Ru Arrow you'll have the song junior girls cloth first call team cloth first call Zach you want the same judges same women judges please come on out same judges Our Ladies same judges junior girls cloth teen girls cloth Ruff Arrow has the song So judges need you out in the arena dancers second call cloth junior girls cloth teen girls cloth and ladies and gentlemen in audience this is our traditional cloth dresses they're not buck skin they're made of cloth representing our Southern tribes uh from the southern regions the Midwest beautiful dancing they so junior girls cloth on one side teen girls cloth on the other I think you're getting the routine here this evening so Junior step well into the arena towards the center so the ads can make sure you're you're here take a few steps forward same on the other side see how many dancers we have here bourbon is looking things over and Mark's looking things over in different groups check and make sure we got our junior girls cloth and teen girls cloth a beautiful evening it has been so thank you ladies and gentlemen one and all for being here again thank you to the the audio and the video people who have set up a beautiful system here for us a sound system and this uh screen up there and all of the all of the scenes that are going all over the United States and into Canada and where else around the world from this year's pa1 all right we are ready contest is on take it away rough Arrow contest is on [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] go go [Applause] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey all right put your hands together ladies and gentlemen another beautiful group beautiful dancing great song well it's all good right here chery Nation holiday pawow okay dancers you know the routine make sure we the judges can see your numbers take your time judges look them all over all right this is first call now for junior boys straight teen boys straight you dancers be getting ready we need our same judges men judges stand by for boys and teens you know who you are Judges same ones Park Hill you will have the song Park Hill this will be for straight straight dancers all right all I being asked to Archie give an update from Norman Oklahoma almost end of the game fourth quarter Oklahoma 51 Temple three Boomer Boomer Texas thank you all right thank you dancers thank you judges all right we're ready uh junior boys junior boys straight on one side teen boys straight on the other need our judges same judges back our ads have got things together standby Park Hill standby dancers waiting on our a to call for the song Third and last call third and last call for you dancers come on out are we going to start without you Park Hills got the song our ads are looking things over can't hear you Chuck bread Chuck bread Chuck bread Chuck bread calling you Chuck bread come help us out be judge Chuck bread oh just e finishing my taco always count on Chuck Brad he's always about and one of those many that is always able just to help out we're glad you're here chuck all right our ads are looking things over bourbon's looking things over he's good Mark is good waiting on the men to call us uh ready contest is on Park Hill take it away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] g g [Applause] [Music] [Applause] little he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Dr [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no oh all right good song straight dance that's the pride of Oklahoma these Southern straight dancers all right okay man you know the routine make sure we can see your numbers all right hey crazy Nation stand by guys twostep time so head man head lady get ready all you two steppers crazy Nation we're going across the way and after that after we come back junior girls buck skin and teen buckskin Ruff Arrow stand by for that song junior girls and teen Buckskin oh man man these are up and cominging dancers Arie wow boy the teens are those guys are teens out there they look like men oh man man they're still putting steroids in Commodities on there look how big them guys are man boy head man head lady women traditional women get you a partner and I remember all they some of them old some of them old Power guys them old old school guys said a woman comes up asks you to dance and if you say no pay you got to pay oh God oh crazy Nation anytime guys maybe your way way up North coomy songs and in the Northwest sometimes all same song [Music] [Music] right here it's Tuesday [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] heyy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] heyy heyy hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey [Music] he [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] heyy [Music] hey heyy heyy [Music] [Applause] [Music] heyyy heyy [Music] heyyyy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] heyyyyyy hey hey [Music] thank you SK skin fellas duck bandingo thank you boys hey George roach where's George roach at what time is that parade tomorrow 10 oh about 98 9:30 parade tomorrow oh junior girls and teen girls buck skin rough Arrow we're gonna be coming to you over there Scott George you doing okay buddy oh hasco buddy right there uhhuh huh you remember that food from Curtis H buddy Mr Scott George play football up there right during the old high school days Scott somebody said did you guys ever go to Voodoo Club I said no no me uh-uh me and Scott we stayed in the library man that's right oh man same judges right Zach yes sir all right junior girls buck skin on the left side over toward Bourbon and and teen Buckskin over there mark side rough Arrow says one Southern song Rough Arrow junior boys grass stand by teen boys or teen grass stand by big Soldier Creek stand by for that one thank you hey Greg me and Joe Bird come up there you put us on that Golf Course up there all right he said come on all right we got all the judges up there oh we need two judges yet oh second call all right Ru ER we're going to be coming over to you on this one right there I don't have the number right here how many we're supposed to have out there hopefully I'll get that maybe tomorrow for the for tomorrow's junior girls buck skin on one side and teen buck skin on this side over here all right I'm getting the high signed we are ready rough Arrow gentlemen standby teen and Boards grass [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] he hey hey hey all [Music] [Applause] [Music] heyy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] heyy [Music] [Applause] hey hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey very good young ladies good song fellas right up here please oh man bourbon we got a champion right there hey that's right Junior boys grass and teen grass standby big Soldier Creek standby and right after that winner take all one song 18 and over men's Southern straight special Park Hill you're going to be having that song right after the teen and Junior boys grass we'll go into that winner take all men Southern straight then we'll come back after that special contest women's cloth two songs Park Hill and rough arrow man it's a beautiful night ladies and gentlemen beautiful night for a powwow cool oh man beautiful Arena even more beautiful dancers and couple of crazy MC's boy 7 o'clock Grand entry tomorrow night 2 o'clock gour dancing right here y'all 2 o'clock Gord Denon all right same judges same way y'all pretty much know their routine Juniors on this north side and teens over here on this side toward the toward the big screen over there that's about the size of the big screen I got in my Den in that hood home I got it's bigger in the house last call last call man me and Scott used to Scott George we used to we used to hear that too sometime a it last call that Cherokee no's boy man we hook him up lawas Lawrence Kansas all right we are ready big Soldier Creek [Applause] [Music] on oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] was [Music] o [Music] ah young man over here Blaze line them up right there by Mark right there by bourbon I want I want to say thank you to Mr tney hey guys you can uh if you have to leave for particular reason you can live stream this we're on the air so me and Archie got to watch what we're saying anyway hey we're going we're going worldwide and heck they'll even catch it up around Jay now that we got electricity we've had elri for three years now in Jay so they can tune in up there yeah red TV Productions wanted to say thank you all right dancers thank you very much guys good job special coming up right now for all the men's Southern straight 18 and over is what the wish was Mr John arita this is not the okay good all right this is a special contest come on out dancers this is just a special contest from a a request for you straight dancers this is not the men's straight dance contest that you usually get first second third play this is not this is only for this one request for special winner take all Sam horse Chief and uh Rob's got all of the info so he's going to be taking over and letting you dancers know ladies and gentlemen this is something to see so all right these are the judges that we need Thorp sign Reggie bar sendar John Wright would you come up here and help us please John Wright Reggie BARC sendar and Thorp sign dancers this is winner take all one song Winner take all all right the guy that's uh we're going to Park Hill on this folks and the guy that uh put up the money $300 winner take all you guys got two songs from Park Hill one group two songs woo two songs one group singer choice so whatever they throw out at you gentlemen that's what you're going to be dancing to $300 winner take all we have the judges right here Joel Dar waterer anytime gentlemen to Noy [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] ohy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hand all right gentlemen walk around little bit well this what we call a pit stop here all the family comes out brings you water changes your oil checks your tires song coming up as these boyss here from B would say hul second song coming up Gatorade water whatever else change your tires check your oil yeah second song coming up winner take all $300 supposed to be three I better recount this a it might be only two in there got to go play golf tomorrow morning all right Arena directors are looking around there are give me the high sign we are ready to go second song Park Hill [Music] he [Applause] [Music] he [Applause] [Music] hey hey [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] WI we got the judges right here right here make sure your numbers are guys you know the guy that put the money up for this special contest it was in honor of Sam horse Chief Cherokee and pony cross country and track coach here at Sequoia for a number of years he was an allamerican himself at Central State Edmund Mogi high school and at High School and uh I don't think he's here and Sam he was here last year they and John arakita wanted to honor him by doing this have one you know one group and winner would be $300 winner take all the judges are here and so John is out in California doing Arena directing for a paow I believe out in California so he asked Joel do to kind of put it together and play BL you know asking me to speak cuz we all know John Arc we call him and uh he he put this money up so gentlemen so if you see John Arc thank him because you'll see him probably the next Pawa around here somewhere he's always around here but that's what he wanted to do he wanted to be here in person himself but he took a job out in California uh Pawa job so soon as these guys get together right here we'll announce the winner and $300 it was 300 and I counted it last time my my all right and the judges gotten together number 203 everybody's looking at well there right there had to look at his number twice in big Mr Moore gentlemen thank you what on SK SK winner take all thank you good job all right thank you dancers and uh remember tomorrow night uh all you straight dancers come back here be here for your contest men straight tomorrow night looks like uh women's cloth women's cloth women's cloth need our judges back no no all stop women's claw we just need our Dancers just women's cloth one group women's cloth you know who you are women's cloth Ru Arrow has the song all right we're getting things all lined up up here women's cloth come on out you know your routine Rob's got it all he's getting it all down here so women's cloth come on out we'll announce judges in just a moment different set of judges coming up for the rest of the evening believe Ruff arrows got the songs women's claw step well into the arena so our Arena directors can see we're going to use a whole Arena right correct we just got one group women's cloth senior women's cloth all right all right we need some help up here Sammy Kimbell could you come and help us Yolanda whitean come and help us Mary shenet come and help us Lily Williams come and help us Nicole panilla can you come up here and help us please you're going to judge all right women Southern CLA you have the whole Arena let me see if all of our judges come up there and these set of judges right here they will also be judging women's Northern traditional crazy Nation you're going to have that song women's Northern traditional right after the cloth all right Nicole punilla Sammy Kimbell Yolanda whitean Mary chenet and Lily Williams you come up there and help us out look to see who's out there first to see if you can go ahead and do that make sure there're none of your relatives out there boy it's hard to do an Indian World ain't it cuz everybody's a and Uncle that's right we're all related most of the time and I've seen it you have too Archie where we hold up sometime for two three minutes just trying to find you go to the small power like this you're going to run into that so in the effort of honesty and just fairness and so forth some of the some of these judges will look around to see who's out there one group two songs one group two songs Ru Arrow you're going to have the first one right Ru arrow is that and then second song Park Hill so stand by gentlemen are we ready out there mark all right Ruff Arrow you are on gentlemen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] will [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] he oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right ladies walk around get some water there if somebody bring you some water walk around a little bit second song coming up Park Hill we're we're going to be coming to you as soon as I get the high sign all kinds of events happening this weekend right here in Taqua oh man we got a softball tournament going on right over here right now and the parade tomorrow I think it's at 9:30 they were saying man there's so many things going on here in big qua town all kind of things there's a fiddle contest traditional Longbow contest stickball game if you haven't in a stick ball game you need to see one the way they play around here they're a little bit different than some of the other tribes a car show half y'all couldn't get in that car show because they don't have an ending car category first place in the car show is pair of jumper cables all right Mark is looking at me Square Face telling me where are ready to go all the way over from Park Hill Oklahoma they traveled many hours to be here just about 2 and a half miles from here contest song fellas [Music] go [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] heyy [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he y [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] y [Music] all right ladies right up here by the arena directors judges you'll be right there if you need to make sure your number is visible to our judges women's Northern traditional you are next crazy Nation you're next right after women's Northern traditional men's grass and men's chicken men's grass on one side and men's Chicken on the other side you have two songs big Soldier and crazy Nation have songs ready take your time oh man the Creator gave us a good night we had all kinds of rain warnings and everything we're going to get rained out we we contemplating going inside the gym oh man I'm sure glad what don't SK and hope tomorrow same way Archie boy let's just hope for a good good day tomorrow remember tomorrow at 2 pm folks gour dancing right here 7:00 Grand entry now yall better get here quicker tonight because there's no registration or nothing and the traffic is even crazier on Saturday so leave plenty of time to be here for a 7:00 Grand entry you have been told and you're going to get hung up in that traffic cuz there's a lot of people here all right we're going to ask the same judges to judge this one women's Northern traditional one song crazy Nation they're pointing to you guys and soon as uh Arena directors give me the high sign look at me square face and we're ready to go oh yeah you can you can leave the chairs right where you're at folks overnight CU we do have security here ain't nobody going to take off with them you can leave the chairs right there now if you have a $318 pendon I might take it but leave the chairs here you're all right all right Mark Is Telling Me we are ready ladies you're going to be dancing to Crazy nation good luck [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] way [Music] God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] are [Music] [Music] very good ladies right up here please toward the announcer stand Archie where you going to go eat breakfast tomorrow bud Rano Del Reno Del Rano I guess even breakfast order that uh oh that chicken fried steak that thing is big as bourbon Hamilton's face man whoa oh man that is good food men grass and men's chicken men's grass on one side men's Chicken on the other is that right Zack all righty and the men's judges men's grass judges here's who we're looking for Daniel Roberts Thorp sign utto Hamilton and the men's chicken we're looking for waren Quon right over here he is John Wright and Galen Springer if you can come in help us yep gayen John and waren you guys going to be judging the men's chicken okay and Daniel Thorp and utto you guys are going to do the grass gayen my old buddy from way up in iway country how you doing bud a all right Mark we men's grass on the souths side over there and men's chicken over here on this side all the men's grass dancers on the over on the South Side toward Mexico and all the men's chicken over here toward Canada there there we go there we go but meet right in the middle man I just got a whiff of Fred bread it can't be Joel bird cuz he's sitting way down there Arie that's what I want craw Deads fish beans and fried taters woo man and put Harmony in those beans suckers boy you got that right that's what we Cherokees eat man everybody there trash fish I said yeah just keep thinking they're trash fish there's more for us to eat that's cheres we'll eat anything anyway we'll eat we'll eat things that don't even come in commodity all of our judges out there we got them ready Mark's giving me the sign big soldiers you're going to have the first song Crazy Nation second song we have two songs I got on the books here hang on I got on the books here two Northern songs just one song all right all right folks they're changing right here big Soldier you have the first one good luck gentlemen good luck [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he all right dancers right up here Blaze rough Arrow we're going to be coming over there to close it out now tomorrow night everybody is wondering when are we going to dance tomorrow night women's fancy Shaw women's jingle men's fancy golden AG women Golden Age men women's buck skin Cheroke teir dress men's Southern straight men's Northern traditional you are own tomorrow night 2 o'clock gour dancing right here 2 o'clock and Park Hill you guys have the honor for G dancing tomorrow at potley two Del Rano 7 a.m. at it bourbon Archie's [Music] buying all right our Mark was saying we'll turn it over to Ruff Arrow to close it out to take us home [Music] [Music] hey [Music] y y [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] he hey hey oh [Applause] [Applause] he y [Music] all right thank you singers dancers ladies and gentlemen if I have your attention please and your reverence we come this evening Almighty father God and we say thank you again for the beautiful uh time that we're able to share with one another father God you put us on this Earth to to enjoy one another and we've done so this evening thank you for this music and the song and the dance that you have given us we ask Blessings Now this evening and and your protection throughout the rest of this night to all that are present be with us and put your to Angels Wings around us throughout the rest of this evening thank you uh take care of us uh throughout this night father God on our Journeys uh respectively to wherever we're going this evening be with us until tomorrow in the name of your son Jesus amen amen good night ladies and gentlemen K ndn signing off [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

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