Boise State vs. Georgia Southern post-game press conference

you guys good well I'm proud of our team man I mean good teams find ways to win and it wasn't pretty tonight but I mean there are some unbelievable performances by our players but I'm proud of our whole team finding a way to win we knew coming in this is going to be a great home field advantage for Georgia Southern elements all that our team found a way to win and we haven't been one and0 in a few years feels good to be one and0 we're going to celebrate the win and then tomorrow we're going to flip the switch and move on to Oregon but I'm proud of how our team battled I'm proud of how they stayed in the fight kept swinging it didn't always go our way and sometimes it was self-inflicted sometimes there just things that happen in a game that you got to respond to and that's what I'm excited to as a coach week one when you can find a lot of things to clean up on film and still find a way to win the game that's what I'm proud of our team doing so a lot of guys had to step up today we had a lot of guys go down and have to fill in so a lot of guys got good reps and there's some things on film that we can can grow and improve on so I'm proud of our team I mean obviously I mean it goes out say I mean Ashton jent is the best player in the country I mean that was on full display tonight but even with saying that I want to make sure I say this every time I talk about Ashton he's an even better young man than he is a football player you talk about a unanimous Captain the a leader on our team in everything he does I mean in January I mean he's the first one in the building last the leag so what he just put on display August 31st I've seen him do it day in and day out since he's been here and he deserves a ton of our offensive line the Run game that we were able to to create and continue to sustain drives was awesome I mean sa gains a 17-year-old freshman been on a mission since he showed up on campus proud of how he did and just the rest the tight ends the receivers blocking find way you find ways to win games that's what good teams do some te sometimes it's going to be maybe throwing the ball more or or run the ball more find ways to win games obviously defensively just way too way too inconsistent we got to get off the field on third down there's some things that we just know we got to clean up there's some bus and covers there's some things one on- ones we got to find a way to win and so there's a lot of things that we need to continue to clean up and there's some self-inflicted wounds that we got to deal with too I mean we come out the second half start fast it's third long incomplete pass roughing the passer you can't do that um to continue to win games the way we need to so there's a lot to clean up but I'm so proud of our staff and our players stay in the fight they kept swinging all game and feels good to be one them with Ashton I mean to have the whole offseason highman campaign all that stuff and then first game second carry house at 77 yard most most yards most touchdowns ever by I mean to start it off in that fashion what can you say I mean I'm just I'm so proud of Ash because he deserves all the credit he's getting he deserves it all cuz I've seen him work every single day when I get in there he's the first one in there and he's waiting from the training room to make sure he's getting his body right like he deserves it and there's a lot of guys around him that are blocking their tail off for him that deserve all the credit too the offensive line the receivers the tight ends I mean and the plan that we had Run game wise I mean coach Potter coach cutter coach Keen I me they did a phenomenal job coach mountgomery getting those backs ready to roll I mean those guys deserve all the credit too and but I mean you talk I mean Ash I we could be here all night talk about Ashton JY I mean this young man is a 10 out of 10 in everything he does and how he leads this team how he motivates this team and how he leads himself on a daily basis I mean he's a generational Talent type kid in all facets I mean that's who Ash and jenty is and I'll scream that from the rooftops um and the awesome part for sa gains that's who he watches every single day I mean he comes into work and he watches Ashton jenty and you talk about a guy that hasn't missed anything since he came on campus he's been watching Ashton he's been modeling him and it shows up with a true freshman R for over 100 yards that's test to him when it comes when it comes to sigh like um I know he's not afraid of the moment in practice this week you put the ball the CP put the ball on the ground T and you stuck with and you scored a touchdown after why that's how these guys learn and grow the only way to get better at football's playing and especially for a young freshman or or a six-year senior you got to find ways to learn through your mistakes now hopefully we can learn through the wisdom and not let it show up at a critical moment like it did think the Lord Austin Bolt did a great job finding a way to get that ball that was a huge play in the game um but you find ways to continue to learn and grow and Sai is a guy that is so confident because of how he's trained that even though he had that one fumble we got it back he we we trusted him we trust because we've seen him continue to work no different than our other players you you know you gave madx the starting job because he knows the offense he knows how to run it you know over 650 yards of offense today just how happy were you with the way he ran the offense it was awesome I mean our coaches deserve a ton of credit our players buying into it once again it's not always perfect but our guys kept swinging they stay in it things don't go our way stay in it keep swinging I'm proud of madx I mean you talk about a guy that's never too high never too low and I mean even after the interception he comes back and has two big time throws that's madx Madson I mean this guy's no no moments too big for him he stays in it and he's lethal he'll go out there and make the biggest play of the game because he knows his process and he stays with it you mentioned keep swinging I mean you're up 289 you blow the lead you're you're down I think either late third or early fourth quarter I mean just to to to to lock back in and be able to score those plate you know couple of touchdowns and pull away what's that say about your game it's huge man you talk about the fight in our guys and that's and that's football good teams find ways to win it's never going to be it's never going to be perfect on that field and a good teams find ways to win and tonight we found ways to win once again a ton to clean up I'm I'm fired up or one and0 for the first time in a few years but there's already a lot of things that I'm going to my mind to practice and things we got to make sure that we clean up we have to but you find ways to win and that's what I'm proud of our whole team from offense defense special teams and every game is going to go back and forth there might be games that our defense plays better we got we got to find ways to win it's not always going to be perfect that's why I'm proud of our whole team collectively staying in it and find ways to win one more time how much what offensive L's experience experience yeah no I'm I'm proud of our I mean we we got a we got an experience old line coming back there's some guys banged up that we got to continue to find more rotations and guys to step up but I mean that's the mentality of our team and Coach Keane does a great job with our o line coach Potter with our Run game I mean building that mentality into him where I mean no matter what what front lines up in us I have confidence in our offensive line creating movement at the point of attack and imposing our will on defenses Spencer when you took over last year it was just like just like thrown into it today was about testing eight months of Spencer danielson's culture yeah so to go into that locker room after that how how was it different for you this time it just I mean I love these kids and first off I mean I give God all the glory I'm open about this the only reason I'm the head coach at boy stage is cuz God put me there and I know it's to develop people develop champions in life and those are champions of Life on that field some of those some we didn't make the plays we needed to at all times but learning and growing from this game and what I see that nobody else sees is how our team's in there working loves each other does the hard things in there early in the infernos hiking Table Rock when no one knows running deck like I see that so when I see something go well or not I know our guys are trained I also know this is going to development for life so I'm proud of our team and I football is a hard game you are promised 12 opportunities year I'm going to enjoy this win and then on this long playing ride home we're going to we're going to work to fix it cuz there's a lot of things we need you to continue to go forward we slightly mentioned the offensive line to specifically address them I don't know madx was really touched tonight and as good as the running backs were there were a number of times they're like six yard down field before anybody's even got a chance no question how good was that group and you were rotating a couple bodies I mean they did a great job like I said coach Kean coach Potter Coach Montgomery did a phenomenal job getting those guys ready to play um and there's a mentality a part of that group that they will impose their will that's on film that's who they are and so I'm proud PR of what they did tonight like I said Ashton s gains and other players deserve a ton of credit as well but nothing's happening without that front what was the reasoning behind that fourth down call they down there you deep in your own Zone yep so for us guys I mean I'm going to look at the analytics I'm going to feel where things are going in the game and what we did in this game was planned out like I knew in what situations down up what area of the field I mean that's my job now as game management I'm not calling plays on either side I'm building into our team I'm encouraging and I'm focused on the game manager and I'd still make the same call again you mentioned all along hey we got focus on week one week one week one now that you got this win I mean just I you want 24 hours to think about it but the opportunity you know have next week yeah I'm we're fired up to go play Oregon now I mean we're like I said we're going to enjoy this game we're going to clean it up that's going to be the focus of Monday into Monday night is clean this game up but we're fired up to go play Oregon it's the next team on our on our schedule and we know how talented they are and how well coached they are and we're going to rake our tail off to have an opportunity to win real quick SP say you uh you talked about over on down was analytics what anal yeah so it's a go there and so I got to look at it for my and there's a lot of things too for me that go into where's the game going where's the flow of the game like I said for me I believe in process and so for M my process is game management to make sure how a game goes what are the analytics I look at that that matters to me to see and then where's where's the game at and so like I said I make the same decision again appr you guys travel back safe man was the wind why you didn't yep so the wind was coming if we were going this way we would have kicked it there we we're thinking probably the 29 yard line is where we would have kicked in some good question appreciate you guys God bless D I'm taking it with me got you man just get you here how's it feel uh you know to get the win and be one yeah it feels great it's our first I mean game one win in the last since I've been here so it feels good but obviously a lot of things to clean up and we're we're not satisfied so we got we got a long ways to go what is kind of the feeling you get the win UPS yeah I mean for me I I don't feel too good about it but um you know you just got to look at it kind of half full I mean we won the game and early on it looked like we really could have just put it on them and we kind of just I don't know we just let up off the gas so uh going forward just you know clean a lot of stuff up we got a big game next week so it's kind of just a move on process we know we're a way better defense than that so we're just excited to go back out there again I know you haven't watched the film yet but you know what are some of the uh bigger things you think you do need to clean up I mean all around there's there's plenty of things you can clean up especially in the game one you know I mean game one they've game planning you all year so uh there's everything everything on defense we could clean up you know and uh we we'll do that outside of what Ashton did couple plays stand out in the game happen on defense one was the personal foul that you guys got almost got off the field up big in the game and you guys give that up another though the exact opposite in fact that was your play like if you don't get that it feels like this game get scary so how big was that play I mean yeah there it happened a few times where you know we get three good plays and then we shoot ourselves in the foot and this game could have been over a lot earlier but um it just comes with our team just being more disciplined you know we have a older group but we got to clean stuff up and stuff like that happens game one and uh we kind of knew that coming in but going forward you know we could do better as far as my play you know I'm just doing whatever I can to help the team win and I mean it was a big time moment cuz I know we needed to stop so I'm happy about that but obviously plenty to clean up so that's what we're focused on how eager you knew right yeah I mean I I was eager you know I was excited to get back out there I know my team needed me I know the team needed the defense like we were playing well early on and then we fell off so uh we just needed to find the energy you know rally the troops and uh get guys confident going back on the field you know cuz momentum shifted and uh you know I had to do whatever I had to do to help my teammates when they before half and they get the ball and they score again and then the offense goes for it right away then they score and they all of a sudden winning the game like what was kind of the mindset there for the team for the defense after they had the Le yeah so I mean momentum we felt it shifting and then when it shifted you know you can either um just kind of keep your head down or pick guys up so I'm proud of our guys for you know keeping our heads up you know we didn't Flinch we we knew we were going to being a tough one early on it didn't look like it but you know they kept fighting and I mean that's a good team you know they a good offense they all turn so um I mean it it was tough you know giving up the lead obviously after having such a big lead early on but uh there's plenty to learn from and it's better learning from a win than a loss so we're happy about that I know it's always interesting asking a defensive guy about an offensive guy you're probably C like What's happen yeah yeah I mean it's crazy and honestly it's not really too much of a surprise to a lot of us here you know where where're we know what he can do I mean that's my roommate like we talk about it every day you know what type of season we want to have and what typee of season he wants to have personally and we believe in him we know that he can do great things and he just showed it I mean today I mean six touchdowns is something crazy you know it hasn't happened here in a long time so he's a big time player with my best friend for sure and uh I'm proud of him and he's going to keep leading us and I'm going do my part to get the defense together yeah I mean third down conversions we're really just shooting ourselves in the foot you know uh got a I win more one-on-one matchups and uh just play sound football you know we were playing great on first and second down and we're getting a third down and then we're we're letting them off the hook and that happened a lot but we know that there's a lot of things that we did to ourselves and um only we can fix and we know we will so going forward uh hopefully those change appreciate it y J e e e e e e e e e y the black please thanks hey uh Ash I'm just kind of kind of curious did you hear any noise or kickoff or anything anybody challeng maybe from student section at all or anything like that I mean yeah there was a little bit of trash talking going on um early as we came out but you know that just fuels me I mean me and my teammates you know it just motivates us even more to go out there and play hard you usually do play well on the road like what is it about coming into an environment anding yourself I'm not sure but you know uh I just I mean it's just a testament to this team honestly you know wherever we're at you know we're going to play as hard as we can and you know almost even play harder because it's an away game and you know they have the advantage of the crowd um so we have to do that much more to win all the offseason talk the Heisman campaign all that then your second carry to go 77 yards and to finish with the most touchdowns ever most yards ever at boys state in the first game of the season could you have drawn it up any better no I definitely couldn't but you know just I gotta shout out my old line you know uh they open up big wide holes I mean all game and you know what I'm saying I I got the easy part make some guys miss and you know go run to the end zone you already had a lot of attention but on social Med everything now I mean obviously there's going to be even more going into next week I'm sure if you've seen any of that already or what but just what's your take on you're going to be an even bigger story now this week yeah I mean that's you know uh that's just what comes with it you know you big time play make big time plays you know you know the media is going to talk about you but you know it's about the same thing you know we'll enjoy this one but you know we got to get back to work on Monday you know doing it so close to you know I guess only 3 hours from Jacksonville where you grew up you know what's that mean to you know kind of I don't know if you had anybody up from up from there come up here for this but what to me to do it so close to it means a lot you know to be close to home and know I have family members here you know who uh grew up with me in Jacksonville even uh one of our G all his family came up from Jacksonville so definitely means a lot um uh to perform on this level you know close St after your first touchdown you hit the Heisman post was that was that planned uh yeah uh I mean I I just told myself whenever I you know made a big play just you know some some type of play that proves that you know I'm that caliber of player you know I was going to pull that one out mean game one touchdown number one and you whiff it out I guess what's got say about your confidence uh confidence is extremely high I mean and that doesn't come from anything anybody says about me comes from the work that I put in you know the confidence that my coaches G me and my teammates what can you say about what s j did you know extremely extremely proud of him I mean he works hard I mean you know if anybody deserved to play well tonight it was him I mean from the work he puts in each and every single day I mean like he's going to be a great player for us um this year he's going to do a lot of big things for us as he proved um tonight um so extremely proud of him for him to be able to come in and give you a breather and not you know not have a huge drop off I me what is what's that new for the forward here when you can catch a burrito like that and see what he can still do I mean it does a lot but you know that's the standard here you know to be more than just one deep two deep three deep you know whoever goes in the game you know there's no um drop off you know it's it's the same level of play I was going to ask when you kind of ran into the end zone and kind of you know we were laying there on the ground Spencer Danielson kind of had like a grin or smile on his face it seemed like I'm not sure what he said or just made him laugh yeah yeah I mean he uh he I'm sure he probably knew I was already cramping I just remember uh UNLV the championship like my last run big run started cramping up in my CS again so I don't know probably was a reminder or something like that but I was on the ground they was trying to give me applesauce and I was like n no I can't like my both my legs locking up but yeah it was a funny moment what can you say about the way Maddox uh just really led the offense today yeah I mean just you know adversity is going to hit you know different times and you know I'm just proud of him for responding you know that just speaks Testament to who he is as a person as a player you know he's never going to back down and you know that's you know that's why he's the starting QB cuz he's going to lead this offense and he's going to take us far for this team to get the for this team to get a 289 lead and then give it up and Georgia Southern comes back and what is late third early fourth quarter takes the lead again I mean uh just what's that say about you guys to be able to you know when it got a little tough there some adversity you guys were able to kind of pull it out and get those late fourth quarter touchdowns I mean yeah we've done we've had a lot of hard games in the past and you know all the work we put in you know what I'm saying there been challenges all year and you know we're never going to back down from The Challenge and we're always going to rise to occasion Ashton for for you you wait eight months for this moment right I mean get back from the moment you wake up today just the joy you get out of it getting an opportunity to play footb What's the joy you get out of it I mean just from God you know you I'm just blessed to have another day you know you know just to play football with family I mean with my brothers my family you know my friends being able to watch you know everybody around the world being able to see us and you know just to display my talents you know on such a high level I mean nothing beats that you know and I mean just waking up with gratitude I mean I live a wonderful life you know there I I have so much you know there's nothing you like there's so much to be thankful pretty much how many how many how many text messages or mentions do you have on your phone I don't know I ain't even checking yet but I'm sure it's going crazy right now real quick you mentioned line you know sometimes you'll be 10 yards down field before you even got touched H just what can you say about the Gap what would for you I mean just like Testament to the o line I mean you know I'm saying they put in work each and every single day and you know also to our coaches you know who give us Great Looks to run in um each and every week but you know that old line playing as a a complete unit and you know when they play as a unit you know nobody's ever going to stop us um and you know that just gives me complete confidence in them each and every week that they're going to try their hardest to open up the gaps thank

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