Pac-12 expansion: 1-on-1 with Boise State AD Jeramiah Dickey

Jeremiah, you always say that you want to do Epic at Boise State is Boise State moving from the mountain west to the PAC 12 an Epic move. I believe so, you know, I'm bullish on who we are and I'm always gonna bet on ourselves and, you know, movement creates opportunity. Um That's, that's my role and responsibility here. And, you know, I said it the day I got here, it's always what's next. Um We are not going to sit back and, and let things happen, we are gonna make them happen and, you know, I'm not a magician. I'm not gonna guarantee, you know, uh a pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow or, or, um but I will guarantee that that uh and I will always bet on us. Um I believe this is a great move for, for our institution, our athletic department um from a competitive excellence standpoint, from a revenue generation standpoint. And, and I believe it's the next step in us creating Epic when you talk about revenue generation. And I know everything right now is probably kind of a, it's kind of speculated as you have to figure out TV, deals and stuff in the future. How much more revenue do you think that what they could potentially make in the PAC 12 versus staying in the mountain west? I think a lot of that is to be determined. Um You know, as I look at the numbers, uh I know this move, um I improves our financial situation, uh instantly, um, whether it's telling our story, there's gonna be ancillary opportunities, but then overall from a media rights standpoint, uh and, and there's still 2 to 4 teams, you know, uh um that we're gonna have to, to, to add, to continue to build this out. Um But how exciting is that, you know, and, and to me that creates revenue opportunities for us and, and I think, uh you know, Bronco Nation knows me well enough. Uh we're going to, you know, plan the work, work, the plan and, and there are no guarantees but, but I, I believe in our team and what we're building. So this kind of seemed to come out of, you know, left field last night. I would say, how long have you been in talks with the PAC 12 conference? And then when was the official invite actually extended to Boise State? Yeah, yesterday was a big day and there was a, a lot of work being done behind the scenes. A lot of my teammates, you know, I can't say enough about Matt Wild and, and our office of General counsel and um, i it's, it's been AAA stressful week to a certain extent, but an exciting week, um these conversations, you know, we always knew that this was a potential opportunity. It obviously started escalating, you know, over the last few weeks and the way these, you know, uh these moves come to fruition, you know, it sometimes happens uh extremely quickly. I'm not sure. I believed it would happen on Monday this fast. Um But it did and you know, and I'm grateful for it has Boise stayed informed the Mountain West that they plan to leave the conference effective July 1st 2026 yet. Um We uh I have not talked to the conference yet. Um That is my plan today to talk to, to Gloria and, and also reach out to the A DS. I'm extremely empathetic um because I understand, you know, the challenges that, that this creates for them. Um But uh ultimately Gloria is obviously aware and, and that was handled, uh you know, uh with the president, you look at the, the current, uh you know, format in place and there are stiff penalties for leaving the Mountain West Conference. Uh If you give them a year notice, which it appears you guys have given them well, within a year notice, the penalty drops from 34 million to 17 million. The PAC 12 for taking four schools will. All right, around 43 million. Is there any way to anticipate how much Boise State will actually have to pay out of that projected $17 million exit fee. Yeah, we, we have the projections and, and ultimately, it's based on the averages and, and, you know, we're still, you know, proud members of the Mountain West, you know, for, for this season and next, and, um, some of that is to be determined, you know, there are a lot of moving pieces to this and, and this is one of 100 steps, you know, as, as we look ahead, you know, uh and so those are conversations that will be had maybe the, you answered the question already by accepting the invite to the PAC 12 conference. But does that 17 million stand as a hurdle at all for Boise State as they make this move? No. Um, you know, I'm confident in, in what we have, what we will have and, you know, and whatever we don't, we'll go out and get and, and I believe in that, um, going through a process like this, it's challenging. Obviously, I'm a fundraiser at heart and, you know, uh I haven't had any conversations with, with donors and, you know, this was very confidential and, and we kept it very close to the vest and, um, I'm looking forward to having those conversations and, and, you know, like most decisions I make, we always have plan A through Z and, and so this was the first of many steps and, and now we're gonna run out the ground balls on, on, you know what that looks like from a revenue standpoint and bridging the gap this fiscal year, the next fiscal year and, and my goal and, and, and this is a nonnegotiable, we're going to hit the ground running come July 1st 2026. What do you think the most attractive thing about Boise State was to the PAC 12 conference? Obviously, a lot of this has to do with football. And you still feel like even with this move, the Boise State would be the name brand when it comes to football, moving into the PAC 12 conference. But what was the most attractive thing you feel about Boise? I think we're, we're all like minded institutions, you know, uh when you look at at us from a competitive standpoint and, and obviously our brand speaks for itself, you know, and, and I'm very grateful for that brand. That's why I'm here. Um But our job is to elevate it and I believe we've done that over the last 3.5 years. Um You know, uh I also think our, our success, you know, on the field of play and, and you look at what Leon and, and, and basketball has done. Um I think that, that that's uh obviously an opportunity for this new conference when you look at the strength of basketball, you know, and, and what that's becoming with units and and, and ultimately the potential of, of what we could uh bring to this conference. Um, you know, and, and I, I'm biased but the Treasure Valley is growing and, and our state is growing and we are the front porch of this state and when you look at the regionality of the schools that we've added, and, um, it, it makes a lot of sense across the board. And, and so, uh, and I think I could say the same for San Diego State for, as Jose Caro State, you know, uh those are, those are three schools that we've locked arms with before and, and very much are on the, the forefront of, of being innovative and, and really investing into our, our facilities and, and into our programs and, and, and that's, that's something that I, I think is important when it comes to expansion and you look at all these other conferences that are coast to coast and I'm not necessarily saying that that's not the direction the PAC 12 can't go. But if you just look at the six known member institutions starting in 2026 you don't necessarily have to answer the question about student athlete wellness right now, if, if anything, the geographical proximities of these schools are closer to Boise State than they were in the Mountain West. Correct. Correct. Um You know, and, and, and look, we still have to add more teams and, and that's something that's top of mind, you know, I love our student athletes and, and we want to create the best experience for them. But, um, you know, uh that's something that, that we're gonna have to think through. I think there's gonna be opportunities and, and not just where we compete but where we recruit, you know, uh this is everyone that we've now that the conference, you know, the pack six right now, um are all in areas that we're pulling student athletes across 18 sport programs. Um, I am, I want 18 four programs to be elite. I want the other 17 sport programs to be treated and viewed like football has been for 26 plus years and, and that's gonna be our goal and that's why we're continuing to invest and we're not gonna stop. If you do look at the PAC 12 conference and the history of it, there is a bit of a baseball tradition there and as it stands right now, Boise State and Colorado State would be the only schools in the mountain or in the PAC 12 without baseball programs. Is that anything that you would explore down the road? Yeah. II, I believe I've said it publicly. Um, I would love to add baseball and wrestling, you know, back at some point. Um, you know, we, we have to navigate title nine and, um, and look when you look at our industry so much is, is still yet to be determined, you know, uh, everyone saw what happened with the house settlement last week and, you know, and, and what's gonna end up happening with that? There's a number of other lawsuits. Um, I still believe that, that there will be a break in football, you know, towards the end of this decade. And, and I also, um, believe we're gonna get to collective bargaining and so, you know, uh, a lot of that will be determined, um in the future and, and that will impact whatever sports uh we add, I think in the past when there were discussions about any school joining the PAC 12 academics always came up as the conference now decides what is best for their athletic future. Was that an all a part of the discussion this time around? No, not necessarily. Um I, I think it's extremely valuable for institution and, and to be with, uh you know, as we strive to be in our one and, and I think we're aligned well with the schools that, that we're now partnered with. Um but not, not like it was in the past. Um We know who we are. We're exactly what this community needs us to be and, and, and, you know, early on, you know, it felt like you had to apologize for it. You know, now we're embracing it. Um We are the front porch of the state. We provide tremendous value and service to this community and, and we're gonna continue to do that and, and I think that that provides our institution a lot of opportunities moving forward. This is always a bit of a loaded question when I ask you, but you look at the new lights at Albertson Stadium, the East Side renovation, which should be finalized in October. Um A number of your other athletic venues have had upgrades and now you're moving into the PAC 12 conference. Dare I ask what is next? Yeah. Um, one, well, you mentioned the east side, north end zone, the east side would be, uh, what, what's next extra mile is, is on our list. Um, we're gonna turf the outfield for softball. Um, we got, we're gonna get a new turf for Albertson stadium. Um, you know, uh, it, it's, we're never a finished product, you know, uh, um, we won't stop. We are gonna continue and, and there's so many opportunities ahead for us. Um, obviously, it's on me to figure out how we do it and, and I told you earlier, a through Z, we're looking at every opportunity and option and, and we have a plan for each and, and we're gonna continue to push forward because I believe in who we are. I believe in our team and, and, uh, and I'm always gonna bet on us, I know the tentative timeline for shoveling ground on the North end zone project is early 2025. You mentioned the east side, has there been any progress made towards that, not necessarily other than the internal conversations and getting our ducks in a row, um, navigating, doing any type of facility. There are a lot of mo moving pieces to that. And, uh, um, obviously the north end zone, you know, I, it's taken us quite a while to get to this point but we keep chopping, we're gonna keep going and, you know, and, and II, I know we've talked before about the oxygen and what do we do in that space? And, and, you know, we have been working on that and, and I would say that's probably our next big project. Um financing and, and, and resources are always going to be a challenge, but that, that's no different than the last 30 years. Um We're gonna find a path forward and, and I think there's, there's opportunities that we've been working on that will, will provide those resources that will allow us to start knocking out some of these other facilities. We have to monetize our operations. We have to create a better fan experience. We have to positively impact the student athlete experience. That's my responsibility. That's our responsibility and we're gonna continue to do that. You look at all those big picture projects. And earlier, I asked when you guys started these discussions, but how long have you been preparing for this moment? Uh since I arrived, you know, uh there was an opportunity and not every opportunity, you know, that's presented, uh, am I gonna jump at? But, you know, when I first arrived and, and, um, there was an opportunity in the American and, you know, at that point in time I didn't feel it was the best move for us. Um, you know, so we're always preparing for what's next. And, you know, as I think about where the industry is going and, and ultimately, you know, how we, the hand we've been dealt and it's a really good hand, you know, but you can always make it better and, and that's my goal and responsibility in, in leading this department in, in Bronco Nation and, and, you know, uh so, yeah, this has been always out there as a potential option. Um, but, you know, sometimes it takes time and, and it, it took a little more time than, than maybe we, we wanted it or all thought. But, uh, you know, I'm, I'm excited for, for today and, and this the last week as we've prepared for this. Um, and it's always what's next as you look at the future, you recently signed a contract extension. Obviously, you're excited to be here. What is your final message to Bronco Nation? We are not going to stop and I, I'm, I'm going say it over and over and over. Um, I believe in, in what we're building and, you know, and, and yeah, there's risk Jay and, and, and I understand nothing's guaranteed every decision. I make if I can get 51% confident that it's, it's the right one, I'm gonna do it. It's ready, aim fire and, and I believe movement creates opportunity and, and that was a big part of this week and, and we're not a finished product. It's always going to be what's next and we are not gonna stop, you know, as soon in my mind this is done and I'm already on to the next thing I'm gonna get through media today and, and, you know, and Cody and I and Nate and others on our team, we're working on what we're creating, you know, in, in regards to, you know, our collective and in aisle space and, and, and the ox gym that I mentioned and, and how, you know, how am I gonna pay for turf for softball because we gotta continue to elevate that space. Um, it, it doesn't stop, it never ends. And, and that's where my passion comes from. I love what I do and, and I'm just really grateful to be a Bronco and I love this community and as does my family and, and, uh, it's always what's next.

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