Fed Signals Rate Cut; RFK Jr. Withdraws From Arizona Ballot; Canada Rail Lockout Continues | NTD

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 02:58:21 Category: News & Politics

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NTD News Today—8/23/2024 e e e e welcome to NTD news today and here are today's top stories vice president kamla Harris outlines her vision for America NBA great Steph Curry says the Oval Office suits her well and a Sandy Hook teacher recalls the deaths of 21st graders key moments from the final day of the Democratic National Convention former president Trump on the campaign Trail in Nevada in Arizona today his rally in Las Vegas will focus on his no tax on tips pledge plus takeaways from Trump's visit to the southern border yesterday all eyes are on fed chairman Jerome Powell's keynote address today in Jackson Hall Wyoming his message on the US economy amid concerns about a weaker labor market today Italian divers potentially recover the last missing person from the super yat that sank off the coast of Sicily the body is believed to belong to the 18-year-old daughter of British Tech Tycoon Mike Lynch the US Envoy to the United Nations it tells the security Council a Gaza ceasefire deal is in sight she's urging the council to ensure tensions in the region don't escalate during the talks this as houy terrorists in Yemen claim responsibility for this week's Red Sea shipping attacks and writers react to a week of free commuting on New Jersey Transit next week it's the governor's sorry and thank you for service [Music] disruptions this is NTD news today live from our NTD Global headquarters good morning I am Stephanie Cox good to have you with us and I'm Don Mon it's a DNC Day 4 Highlights – Harris Outlines Vision beautiful day outside it's sunny the weather's perfect not too hot not too cold perfect way to start off the show yeah and the weekend yep all right let's get into it after last night's events the Democratic National Convention is now over let's head on over to NTD Daniel manhan who's going to break down for us some key moments including vice president Harris's speech nice president kamla Harris says America is charting a new way forward to a future with a strong and growing middle class because we know a strong middle class has always been critical to America's success Harris laid out her economic priorities and as president I will bring together labor and workers and small business owners and entrepreneurs and American companies to create jobs to grow our economy and to lower the cost of everyday needs and promis to care for American troops and their families as commanderin-chief I will ensure America always has the strongest most lethal fighting force in the world she also called for an end to the war in the Middle East President Biden and I are working to end this war such that Israel is secure the hostages are released the suffering in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity security freedom and self-determination Roy Cooper North Carolina governor Roy Cooper lauded Harris for standing up to Banks during the 2011 mortgage crisis he shared a story of how she walked away from a $4 billion settlement other State Attorneys General were ready to agree to that's comma and we all know what happened the banks caved that 4 billion for California families became 20 billion Maya Harris kamla Harris's sister Maya Harris says the vice president knows what it's like to be underestimated and be counted out where others push Darkness k promise where others feel Detachment kamla Foster's connection some speakers like Sandy Hook teacher Abby Clemens called for gun control 20 beautiful first grade children and six of my beautiful colleagues were killed they should still be here Kim Rubio's daughter attended Rob Elementary School in Uvalde Texas the devastated mom says her daughter got a good citizen award for receiving all A's on the day of the tragic shooting she wears a St Mary's sweatshirt and a smile that lights up the room 30 minutes later a gunman murders her 18 classmates and two teachers former congressman Adam kinzinger says he learned something about the Democratic party and I want to let my fellow Republicans in on the secret the Democrats are as patriotic as us they they love this country just as much as we do kinzinger retired from Congress after he criticized his own party in the aftermath of the January 6th Capital breach what's up everybody NBA champion Steph Curry shared a video endorsing Harris as president I got to visit K with my team in the White House last year and I can tell you one thing I knew then and I definitely know now the over office suits are well Secretary of the Interior Deb Holland says America needs a president like Harris who understands the importance of taking care of the planet she held polluted is accountable for spilling oil into the San Francisco Bay she defended President Obama's clean power plan in [Applause] court anti-israel protesters clashed with Chicago Police during the last night of the convention some swung wooden signs down at officers Daniel Monahan andd news a keynote speech on the US economy Federal Reserve Chair Signals Interest Rate Cut today the Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell is now speaking at the annual Kansas City fed's Jackson Hall economic Symposium so Steph the event is is actually one of the globe's Premier economic Gatherings and is attended by Central Bankers all around the world so let's tune into that Americans adapted and innovated governments responded with extraordinary force especially in the United States Congress unanimously passed the car's act at the FED we used our powers to an unprecedented extent to stabilize the financial system and help Stave off an economic depression after a historically deep but brief recession in mid 2020 the economy began to grow again and as the risks of a severe extended downturn receded and as the economy reopened we faced the risk of replaying the painfully slow recovery that followed the global financial crisis Congress delivered substantial additional fiscal support in late 2020 and again in early 2021 spending recovered strongly in the first half of 2021 and the ongoing pandemic shaped the pattern of the recovery lingering concerns over covid weighed on spending on in-person services but pent up demand stimulative policies pandemic changes in work and Leisure practices and the additional savings associated with constrained Services spending all contributed to a historic Sur surge in consumer spending on Goods the pandemic also rre havoc on Supply conditions 8 million people left the workforce at its onset and the size of the labor force was still 4 million below its pre-pandemic level in early 2021 the labor force would not return to its pre-pandemic Trend until mid 2023 Supply chains were snarled by a combination of lost workers disrupted International Trade linkages and Tech shifts in the composition and level of demand clearly this was nothing like the slow recovery after the global financial crisis enter inflation after running below Target through 2020 inflation spiked in March in April 2021 the initial burst of inflation was concentrated rather than broad-based with extremely large price increases for goods and short supply such as Motor Vehicles my colleagues and I judged at the outset that these pandemic related factors would not be persistent and thus that the sudden rise in inflation was likely to pass through fairly quickly without the need for a monetary policy response in short that the inflation would be transitory standard thinking has long been that as long as inflation expectations remain well anchored it can be appropriate for central banks to look through a temporary rise in inflation The Good Ship transitory was a crowded one with most mainstream analysts and advanced economy Central Bankers on board I think I see some for former Shipmates out there today the common expectation was that Supply conditions would improve reasonably quickly that the rapid recovery in demand would run its course and that demand would rotate back from Goods to Services bringing inflation down for a Time the data were consistent with the transitory hypothesis monthly readings for core inflation declined every month from April through September 2021 although progress came slower than expected the case began to weaken around midyear as was reflected in our Communications and beginning in October the data turned hard against the transitory hypothesis inflation Rose and broadened out from Goods to services and it became clear that high inflation was not transitory and that it would require a strong response if inflation expectations were to remain well anchored we recognized that and pivoted beginning in November Financial conditions began to tighten uh and after phasing out our asset purchases we lifted off in March of 20 2022 by early 2022 headline inflation exceeded 6% and core was above 5% new Supply shocks appeared Russia's invasion of Ukraine led to a sharp increase in energy and commodity prices the improvements in Supply conditions and the rotation in demand from Goods to Services were taking much longer than expected in part due to further covid waves in the United States and Co continued to disrupt production globally in including through new and extended lockdowns in China High rates of inflation were a global phenomenon reflecting common experiences rapid increases in the demand for goods strained Supply chains tight labor markets and sharp hikes in commodity prices the global nature of inflation was unlike any period since the 1970s back then High inflation became entrenched an outcome we were utterly committed to avoiding by mid 2022 the labor market was extremely tight with employment increasing by 6 and A5 million jobs from the middle of 2021 this increase in labor demand was met in part by workers rejoining the labor force as health concerns began to fade but labor Supply remained constrained and in the summer of 2022 labor force anticipation remained well below pre-pandemic levels there were nearly twice as many job openings as unemployed persons from March 20122 through the end of the year signaling a severe labor shortage and inflation peaked at 7.1% in June 2022 at this Podium two years ago I discussed the possibility that addressing inflation could bring some pain in the form of higher unemployment and slower growth some argued that getting inflation under control would require recession and a lengthy period of high unemployment and I expressed our unconditional commitment to fully restoring price stability and to keeping at it until the job is done the fomc did not flinch from carrying out our responsibilities and our actions forcefully demonstrated our commitment to restoring price stability we raised our policy rate by 425 basis points in 2022 and another 100 basis points in 2023 we've held our policy rate at its current restricted level restri RVE level since July 2023 the summer of 2022 proved to be the peak of inflation the 4 and a half percentage Point decline in inflation from its peak two years ago has occurred in a context of low unemployment a welcome and historically unusual result so how did inflation fall without a sharp rise in unemployment above its estimated natural rate pandemic related distortions to We just watched fed share Jerome poell speak at the Jackson Hall economic Symposium Central Bankers from around the world are in Jackson Hall W Wyoming this week to attend what has become the globe's premier economic Gathering so his remarks is coming out of time as new data is potentially sparking some fears here that the economy could soon enter recession step uh you know last month the US unemployment rate jumped to 4.3% which by the way was the highest level uh since October 2021 uh as well also in July employers hired just 114,000 new workers and this is the second lowest monthly gain uh since December 2020 so many many years ago uh so from what we heard just now the fetcher Drone po was sort of giving a summary uh from before the pandemic uh up to now uh as to the timeline uh of the economy and what's been happening you know with uh with inflation and supply chain disruptions you know yeah I I thought it interesting that he called a lot of those post-pandemic policies The Good Ship transitory but also saying soon afterwards that inflation is not transitory yeah we heard some laughs uh from the audience when he made that remark um but one thing I I feel like he could have mentioned was uh was the shutdowns right uh and the stimulus checks that went to households that could have uh added to the problem which was inflation that's right and just before we um move on he did say before we cut to his the footage of the speech that um that the FED clearly signal that the central bank was poised to cut interest rates in September though we don't know how big those cuts might be so we'll keep you updated on that right but joining us now is Mike Leon NTD news contributor and policy and strategy VP Harris Tells her Story at DNC director at the free and equal elections Foundation we're looking of course at the DNC the final night kamla Harris's speech last night Mike did comma uh Speech move you did it move me H did it move voters right that's the important question as always Steph good to see you as always right so we're gonna find this all out in November I I will say and I was talking about this this morning uh with with Kevin on the morning show that her speech and the start of it talking about the Immigrant journey and plight 4 and 10 Americans out there can relate to that story of their parents coming here from from another country to secure a better life for their kids you're talking to one right now my father left Kuba in 1960 with my grandmother to come to America in search of a better life so being able to relate with that immigrant story and hearing you know her talk about her single mother and her parents getting divorced my parents are divorced so there are some synergies and of course I can there's relatability within that now the rest of the speech what I loved about it was and the two Central things and and the biggest takeaways for me are we talked about the protests that are happening outside in Chicago the prop Palestinian voices the uncommitted vote and them trying to get the attention of Vice President Harris they were vocal throughout the week she touched on what needs to happen in the war in Gaza the US's position under her Administration towards Israel and the plight of the Palestinian people and I she really did a great job leveling out those type of issues support for our military so I I thought the speech was good overall will it move independent voters we're we're going to find out very soon Steph we certainly will uh very soon now do you think that this speech was more persuasive for UND decided voters than a policy heavy speech was was there more policy needed or was it just the right balance in your view yeah I mean I would I've been having this debate even with my co-host last night our our latest episode because you know this is a convention right convention speeches cannot be boring you have to pump up the crowd you have to speak through the crowd and the people on TV that's why Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock are at the RNC that's why Oprah and John Legend are at the DNC so you can't you can't have it be boring and too drilled into policy but I do think you need to touch on and admit some of the flaws that this Administration the Biden Administration specifically have had and this the ability for vice president Harris right now to be able to disassociate herself from the current policy positions that this Administration has had has been something that's going to be studied in American politics for forever because she's a part of this Administration is a part of some of the failures and the successes and now she needs to go out there and talk about what she would do differently so I think she addressed some of that like I mentioned with respect to Israel and Gaza and I I know speaking with some Palestinian friends of mine it's it's going to make a dent right like in terms of what potentially they would have sat out and not voted for Biden that now they potentially would vote for kamla Harris but I think as she goes on the campaign Trail she's really going to have to drill into the economic policy I'm hearing that from voters here in Miami they want to learn more about her economic policies more about this child tax credit more about the $25,000 for firsttime home buyers what are you going to do about the price of rent and and the cost of living and stuff like that so she needs to drill into more of that on these campaign stops for sure and certainly for undecided voters they will be comparing the policies uh more intensely I assume Harris did speak about various other policies you've mentioned the pro Palestine uh aspect but she also said that she would prioritize building up the military and securing the Border how can voters weigh these two aspects as well with her track record yeah I mean that's a that's a great question because of the way you ended it there the track record right like if we're just going back on what current President Biden assigned to her in terms of tackling the crisis at the border well then we would have to give her an incomplete grade because unfortunately States can only do so much and then there's legislative uh measures that are taken at the federal level and so we've seen blockage of you know you and I have talked about this stuff of the passage of what would have been that bill that was co-sponsored by a Conservative Republican and a Democrat and an independent in kirston cinema of a border state in Arizona that could have potentially alleviated some of those things and by the way she could have championed some of that stuff on the campaign Trail so the positions of the like I mentioned before having a a running mate that served in the military and then championing like she said in the speech last night the the strength of our military right and always being behind our troops I think is going to for sure carry weight with some voters but how do how do voters juxtapose the two positions right now you can only go based off what we're seeing right now and that this crisis has not been solved truly by anybody in over 30 plus years and so what would the Harris Waltz ticket look like and what would they talk about in terms of immigration in terms of you alleviating some of the concerns of Voters and dealing with the backlog of Asylum cases and all of the other issues that are largely administrative that are happening at the US Southern border she needs to outline that clearly it didn't come from last night's speech because like I said before it's a convention speech but she's got to communicate that effectively and it's it's incumbent upon you and me Steph and other journalists out there to make sure that we're holding feet to fire and we do hope to hear more as you've said you know the the media is watching to find out what she's going to say next Donald Trump responding to kamla Harris's speech last night pointed out that she didn't touch on China fracking or crime I know you've said this this point about she really needs to move people but could that lack of information right now impact swing voters what kind of detail do you think they should be watching out for yeah I mean another good point Steph because you know I know the former president was on was on uh the media rounds last night talking about some of the things that she missed out on China is a huge for people that have listened to my show and that that I've been covering China's aggression towards Taiwan and and the other superpower out there that we competing against right uh the the coverage of that is sorely lacking and specifically coverage around what a Harris Walt administration's positions would be on that front and I think you know speaking to I had a historian on my show Once Upon a Time Steph and I asked her give me something that came out of the Trump Administration that you really really really liked and it was the way Donald Trump reframed our relationship with China going forward as a trade partner as a global superpower and I think right now kamla Harris needs to for sure alleviate those concerns of how she would deal with the threats that we're facing globally now remember domestic and foreign right as it says in the Constitution so we need to she needs to address that and be more more vociferous and clearly detail what her true positions would be the perfect example I'll give you Steph is if you go to their site right now the Harris Waltz campaign you don't find too much of this information and that should be the first stop for voters to find out a little bit more about the policies so these campaign speeches are nice in isolation a lot of people don't get to tune in to them put it frontf facing on your website so that way people can truly understand what your policy positions are because there's a wide range of issues that voters are considering come November and we do have those debates coming up between both contenders so looking forward to seeing that and talking all about it with you Mike Leon always good to speak with you like quite stuff so you know just to uh Mike's Point here uh I think uh he was saying how kamla Harris yesterday at the DNC was leaning towards more excitement and and you know you know that Joy kind of feeling uh with the DNC and not so much on on policy uh which I think is consistent with uh how Harris has been campaigning so far that's true and they really have lead into that joyful Warrior uh you know theme that I think really does bolster people up and and everybody's looking for that feeling of Hope right now right right right um but he makes a good point that there are opportunities to come and we really should be digging into those for the real substance in detail there were a lot of big promises made last night um now we need to see that relatability translating into hard policies that people can really pick apart and that's what Mike Leon was pointing to right um Trump, Vance 'No Tax on Tips' Rally in Las Vegas but moving on to former president Trump and his running mate Senator JD Vance they'll be campaigning in Las Vegas today their campaign stop in Nevada as focused on no tax on tips the Trump campaign says they'll also talk about tackling inflation crime and illegal immigration that rally starts at 3m. Eastern Time Trump is also holding a rally in Glendale Arizona today he visited the state's border with Mexico yesterday the Republican Presidential nominee talked about border security and his policy on illegal immigration he invited victims of violent crime to share their firsthand experiences meanwhile authorities of an Arizona man in custody accused of threatening to kill Trump entities's Jeremy sanberg has an update on the suspect and some takeaways from Trump's Arizona border event watch former president Trump in his Arizona Southern border visit contrasted his immigration policies with his Democratic opponents Camala has called for the abolishing of ice the closing of every ice Detention Facility and the releasing of some of the most vicious criminals anywhere in the world by doing so she supports free health care for illegal immigrants and has promised to give illegals Mass amnesty and citizenship which will obliterate Social Security Trump invited Alexis Nung to speak prosecutors filed capital murder charges in June against two illegal immigrants suspected of killing her 12-year-old daughter Joselyn Nung my daughter was just 12 she had dreams to be famous she wanted to be a famous actor she was so funny she was her own personality and um it's been very hard it's been very hard um June 17th was the day her life was taken she was left with no clothing from the waist down was thrown in a bayou n Gray says she wants everyone to consider how important border security is We Believe yes she was assaulted off of DNA kit she wants Trump back in office for his policies please please he needs to be in office and we need we need better control we need to stop this we need to stop losing our Littles we need to stop losing children mothers sisters Trump says if elected he will impose new sentences on criminal illegal immigrants he says that will include a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone found guilty of human smuggling a life sentence for anyone guilty of child trafficking and a death penalty for anyone guilty of child or woman sex trafficking we'll also impose the death penalty on major drug dealers and traffickers authorities in Arizona say they arrested an Arizona man for threatening to kill Trump yesterday the coochi county sheriff's office said they were made aware of a threatening message posted on social media Tuesday they learned it was posted by Ronald seude and said he had multiple outstanding warrants the Sheriff's Office released the wanted person flyer to find him deputies said a second post with threats against Trump was discovered on Wednesday they said locating cver had became an urgent priority with Trump and coachi county for his border campaign stop yesterday authorities say SE will remain in custody he was booked on two counts of threatening and a felony warrant from a neighboring County for failing to register as a sex offender Trump's rally in Glendale Arizona today is focused on policies around inflation and the cost of living Public Safety and border security the GOP Presidential nominee has a special mystery guest joining him listed speaker speakers include Carrie Lake Charlie Kirk Riley gains and representative Andy bigs Trump is set to speak at 600 p.m. eastern time jery Sandberg NTD news the economy and immigration have Immigration Drawing Chicago Voters to GOP emerged as top issues on voters Minds this election cycle so much so that they're causing some voters to switch parties entities's Chris Bob caught up with former Chicago Democrats who now say they plan to vote Republican Tio Hardman better known as Mr ceasefire is the president of violence interrupts it's a Chicago based group that mediates between gangs to Foster peace on the streets Hardman twice ran for governor of Illinois both times as a Democrat but he says he felt silenc when he opposed some party policies he now plans to vote for candidate Trump as someone who's worked with gangs for years he says legislation is being applied in the wrong places one a major hot button issue is gun control right I support the Second Amendment because is not the the legal gun owners that out here shooting and killing everybody right so some somewhere along the way uh the system is failed when it comes down to intercepting the illegal gun trafficking right well that's not the only reason Hardman says he'll be voting Republican like millions of other voters he says illegal immigration needs to be urgently addressed another thing the illegal immigrant situation okay you had about 66,000 homeless people already living in Chicago before the illegal immigrants arrived in Chicago but their priority became supporting legal immigrants that's not right look out for the people here first another voter who made the switch to Republican is Dr Cornell Darden Jr once a democratic voter Dr Darden is now one of the leaders of the Illinois black Republican caucus he says many of its members voted for President Biden in the last election but after witnessing Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson's Administration spending they now say they're voting for Trump a lot of these people are at the City Council meetings in Chicago all the time Mayor Johnson just posted that we have a a half a billion dollar shortfall but he spent a half a billion dollars on migrants so now he's considering ways to raise revenues and taxes from the citizens who he's not taking care of the single biggest issue in Chicago right now that everybody's talking about is the migrant crisis it's causing a huge uh problem here in Chicago Darden has a message to Republicans who want to win the votes of black Americans come talk to these people uh these people are are regular people they are Americans uh many of their families have been here for years or more uh so these aren't uh immigrants by any stretch of imagination uh these are True Blood Americans and they just want to be heard and they want people to reach out Charles Williams of the ward 6 Republican committee also recently switched parties he says voting Democrat in 2020 was a big mistake William says the Democrats policies do not help the homeless people of Chicago violence has gone up in the economy has suffered we're a smage board of smart and capable individuals we don't need any one else to help us need to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and get the job done we need more businesses we need more people that's into the job industry we need more trades in the community and I absolutely feel that Trump has to answer for that Williams also mentioned some of the legislation on social issues Democrats passed which caused him to switch parties allowing children to come to school and make the decision whether they want to be a boy or a girl and parents don't have say so that like these are the things that made me change my viewpoint that's absolutely ridiculous to me and I will never accept that the Democratic National Convention was just held in SCOTUS Blocks Some AZ Voting Requirements Chicago the Supreme Court has blocked some of Arizona's proof of citizenship requirements for the November election in a 5 to4 decision yesterday the high court declined to revive parts of Republican backed Arizona law the law could have barred thousands of Voters from casting a ballot or voting by mail justices left in place a hold against part of the law that required voters to document their US citizenship to vote in this year's presidential election but the court allowed the state to enforce other proof of citizenship requirements to register for state and local elections workers at Canadian national rail will begin returning to work today that's according to the Teamsters Union Canada Moves to End Railroad Strike after ending their strike the Canadian government moved to end the work stoppage yesterday the union said workers at the other of Canada's two top railroads Canadian Pacific Kansas City will continue their lockout but the Canadian government says it will ask the country's industrial Relations Board to issue a back towork order soon both ra railroads locked out more than 9,000 unionized workers yesterday this resulted in a rail stoppage that business groups said could inflict hundreds of dollars hundreds of dollars in economic damages assuming more than that the railroads and the Teamsters Union have been locked in a labor contract dispute for months both sides have blamed each other for derailing negotiations coming up Italian divers have potentially recovered the last missing person from the superyacht that sank off the coast of Sicily the body is believed to be the 18-year-old daughter of British Tech Tycoon Mike Lynch and the US Envoy to the United Nations tells the security Council a Gaza ceasefire deal is in sight she's urging the council to ensure t in the region don't escalate during talks this as houthi terrorists in Yemen claim responsibility for this week's Red Sea shipping attacks that and more when we come back I'm 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now in sight she urged the security Council to press Hamas to accept a bridging proposal yesterday the US Envoy called it a decisive moment in talks and for the region she asked the council to tell all involved in the conflict to avoid doing anything that would jeopardize a deal she says Israel has accepted the bridging proposal and now Hamas must do the same she says a deal would calm region tensions uh save the lives of hostages and bring relief to people in Gaza mediators are expected to arrive in Egypt for high level talks today a key sticking point is the future of the Philadelphia Corridor in southern Gaza uh Israel wants to keep a military presence there along with the border with Egypt this comes as the EM houthi terrorist group claims responsibility for attacking two ships in the Red Sea this week EU officials say one was a Greek flagged oil tanker carrying 150,000 tons of crude they say the ship now poses an environmental hazard and that the crew was evacuated and now we have some short headlines from around the world today an Italian Divers Recover Body Believed to be Hannah Lynch Italian divers potentially recovered the last missing person from the super yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily the body hasn't been officially identified but is believed to be Hannah Lynch the 18-year-old daughter of British Tech Tycoon Mike Lynch is still unaccounted for the Lynch family was aboard the 180 foot British flagged yacht when it sank early Monday morning Italian officials said they believe a tornado over the water known as a water spell out struck the ship Mike clinch's body was recovered yesterday the tech entrepreneur had been celebrating his recent acquittal on fraud charges in the US his wife was among the survivors Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in Ukraine today he met First Indian PM Visit to Ukraine Since Independence President Vladimir zalinski in keev both leaders PID their respects to the children killed in the ongoing conflict as the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister since Ukraine gained independence over 30 years ago tomorrow Ukraine will celebrate its independence zilinsky addressed the military today as the country marked the national flag day on the eve of Independence Day meanwhile fighting continues Ukraine said its military has carried out more strikes on Russia's KK region using High Precision Glide bombs provided by the US the Air Force shared this video set to show a strike on a Russian platoon strong point Air Base in Germany Raises Security Level Amid Terror Threat a NATO Air Base in Germany remained on high alert today after the security level was raised over T night the facility is currently at security level Charlie the second highest of four states of alert with some form of terrorist action against Alliance Personnel highly likely a spokesperson added there was no connection to an incident last week when the security level at the base was briefly raised another military facility in Cologne had been investigating a suspected sabotage of the water supply the same day the NATO base also reported an attempted trespassing incident that prompts did a full sweep of the facility the NATO air station that houses the alliance's fleet of awok surveillance planes was working with minimal staff as a precautionary measure a volcano in Southwestern Iceland erupted yesterday spoing red hot Iceland Volcano Spews Lava Near Main Roads lava and smoke it's the volcano's sixth outbreak since December ik witness video filmed from a man Main Road in the area showed glowing hot lava shooting up from the ground the Icelandic Met Office which monitors volcano said the volcanic Fisher was nearly 2 and2 miles long it expanded by almost a mile in 40 minutes the eruptions highlight the challenge faced by the island nation of nearly 400,000 people scientists warned that the ranas could face repeated outbreaks for decades or even centuries still to come with the election in full swing here in the US voters share their thoughts on the issues that matter to them and riters react to a week of free commuting on New Jersey Transit next week it's the governor's sorry and thank you for service disruptions we'll return with that and more after this [Music] break where nature Embraces you and fills you with invigorating joy treasuring every little moment as these romantic memories gather up to complete our Blissful memories together moo Lord heavenly father I pray to you today to guide us tomorrow give us strength as we Face death help us not to be afraid the 2024 NTD n International Chinese vocal competition is scheduled to take place at Merkin Hall Koffman Music Center in New York from September 18th to 21st the competition specially invites vocalists from the world famous Shin Yun Performing Arts to serve as judges the prestigious Gold Award is $10,000 Chinese vocal artists aged 18 to 50 are welcome to register I'm Ila I live with my daughter and with my grandchildren there's a sense of comfort that comes with eating a good meal we try to make the most you know of what we have we have RIT to pay and then there are lights and there are gas and while my daughter and I both work it still just doesn't seem like there's enough to go around sometimes every day millions of our neighbors face hunger including one in five children and food costs keep Rising please call or go online right now to join feeding America with your gift of just $19 a month only 63 a day your monthly support can fill plates with nutritious food for families across the country and in your community thanks to a Nationwide network of food banks and volunteers if you were over playing with us you were part of our family and you were going to eat a real cook can take nothing and make something no one should ever have to wonder if they will have enough to eat and our neighbors are working hard to feed their families every day call or go online now visit help feedingamerica.org and give $19 a month 98% of donations go directly to help millions of people facing hunger from coast to coast and in your own community use your credit card and you'll get this exclusive canvas grocery bag as a thank you for joining hands with people across America to help end Hunger some of the lessons that I hope that my family will take it is important to treat people the way that you want to be treated I have carried on the tradition of loving people through food please call right now or go online to make a monthly gift at help feedingamerica.org your support helps our neighbors bring food home to their their families welcome back Federal Reserve Fed Chair. Gives High-Profile Speech at Jackson Hole, WY chairman Jerome Powell delivered a high-profile speech this morning at an annual conference of central Bankers in Jackson Hall Wyoming joining us now to discuss is Jeffrey Tucker senior economic columnist for the epoch times and founder and the president of the Brownstone Institute so Jeffrey uh from what you heard uh is the US Central Bank worried about the economy I think they're more worried than they've admitted Jerome pal a few months ago hinted that there were problems in the jobs figures but uh this past week we got some clarification on what that could mean and we got downward revisions of that amounted to 88,000 jobs that ended up being Phantom jobs they seem to be there but weren't actually there and when you add those revisions to the previous revisions we're looking at 1.2 million jobs that we thought were there that are not actually there over the last two years so that uh changes things substantially because we've not had much in the way of output increases and then want to fix the inflation figures for for what's really on the ground what people are actually spending is versus what the Bureau of Labor Statistics is reporting uh you've got strong recessionary uh trends that have that have been persistent now for years but relatively uh not reported very well so pal is extremely aware of this and is looking for ways to use what powers he has to bolster the macroeconomic environment between uh before the recession becomes unbearably obvious so I I don't want to put words in your mouth but are you saying the the Federal Reserve believe that the official job numbers that we're getting is actually overstating the job market um that's for sure and he's known this in in fact he hinted this back in March he's known this for a lot longer than uh than we've than we've known it I mean actually economists who have been looking at the jobs numbers now for two years have noticed something is has been off because there's been this growing Divergence between the uh between the establishment report and the household survey and and we've never seen that before so we knew that something was was wrong pal certainly knew this so he's been preparing for a while but you know the the problem here is that the one tool he has really uh remaining uh in his in the fed's Arsenal is the setting of the federal funds rate which is the bank rate that he that the FED lends to Banks and then that influences uh the yield curve uh the problem with with that and yes you can lower rates and that does spur economic activity uh the problem is that it can kick off in another round round of inflation and and he's profoundly aware of this we have experien of this uh back in the 1970s where it seemed like inflation was was was almost entirely conquered the Federal Reserve lowered rates to prevent the recession and then kicked off a second wave so that's that's the great danger so you know you are faced with this with this problem and Pal's very aware of this that you might you might have to face this this tradeoff you know you can you can lower interest rates and hope to to uh to prevent a an aggressive re recession on the other hand uh you are pumping out more um credit uh to keep uh keep the um casino going and and risking restarting INF inflation again so uh this is this is a a terrible problem for for pal he's he's not unaware of this uh but but it's it's these kinds of tradeoffs are are extremely difficult for Central Bankers uh to make this late and and the game he's got a balance sheet that he he is still um worsening all the time uh he's very aware of that a lot of this started becoming a problem in 2020 and and that problem's not not gone away okay I mean from what you're saying it seems like Powell is in a between a rock and a hard place um so I mean I mean if there's a way out what would that be in your opinion well I think the way out is something that in American politics nobody really wants to talk about I think we have to uh we we have to be uh tolerant of a period of austerity uh we're going to have to uh tolerate these recessionary conditions and and see where that leads us U the last time that the US economy has has has made the I should say you know the Federal Reserve and and policy makers made that decision to be tolerant of recession was back in 1981 and 1982 um and that was that was 40 years ago you know more than 40 years ago now and since that time the FED has always said they're going to stop the recession but I think in this in this case uh they're going to have to tolerate the recession or risk firing up another round of inflation which would be truly devastating I don't think that people can handle any more of this uh declines in the purchasing power of the dollar it's been uh devastating far more so than than the Bureau of Labor Statistics admits and and you know this and and and your listeners all know this we're out there shopping we've we've had we've seen the prices of of appliances and and and food and and insurance and it's it's nothing like what the official data says so another round of of inflation would be uh quite uh devastating and and have some some grave political ramifications if the Federal Reserve really does uh Embark Upon A A rates lowering program I don't believe that it could ever be enough to repair the the structural problems in the manufacturing sector we're starting to see much less uh fix up the jobs Market I don't think I don't think that it's possible possible that they could they could do it and the problem is that at six to eight months from now we could start seeing um you know a reacceleration of of inflation across the board and that that would be that would be the worst possible outcome so that's the risk as far as Pal's is concerned okay so let me focus on one point here so inflation is simply a matter of supply and demand we're expected to get a 25 basis point rate cut in September you don't think act will uh push up demand so much so uh just with one rate cut that it's going to give inflation a surge right no it's not enough to make any real difference it will make a psychological difference uh mainly the effect of that will be on financial markets uh but but keep in mind though that this it's I think we've we're we're now we're probably six months old in the expectation that we're going to get a 25 basis points cut in September I think that's long been known and it's already priced into financials so I don't think I don't think by the time it actually happens it's going to make any difference whatsoever in fact it could have the opposite effect I mean we often see this in in financials that you know the the expected event is is is is a buy opportunity and the event itself becomes a sell opportunity there's nothing that pal can do to to stop that but in terms of a real economy in terms of bolstering Labor participation or stopping the the bleeding of of jobs in in business uh and Professional Services and Manufacturing these rate cuts are not gonna not going to do it all right Jeffrey so much uh so much information to parse through here thank you very much for your Insight it's my pleasure thank you yeah you know so I I found it interesting that uh Jeffrey was saying how uh the US Central Bank actually doesn't have a lot of conf confidence in the US's official job numbers I found that very interesting yeah really outlining here he says that jome Powell has known about this weakness uh and the discrepancy between the household survey and the establishment reports on you know unemployment rates and um other aspects that they've known about it and been worried about it but it hasn't been reported very well yeah right but I do hope that uh we don't get a Resurgence uh of inflation here's to that okay New Jersey NJ Transit Offering ‘Fare Holiday’ Next Week governor Phil Murphy is offering free rides on New Jersey Transit next week from Monday all the way through to the end of Labor Day in a statement the state-owned corporation said the fair holiday is a way to express appreciation for customers loyalty and patronage particularly during a time when Transit service has not consistently met their expectations we asked commuters what they thought my reaction is thank God New Jersey Transit you are a nightmare so much of the Year this is the least you can do and I am so excited I'm really excited I needed that uh a free week that's $18 a day two back and forth that's basically $40 a day free for 7 days so it's really like it's really big that they're doing that and it's really needed too yeah no it's great because uh I travel for work um almost every day next week uh well every day of the week and um hearing this I think will help uh me financially making sure that um I'm covered when it comes to the tickets did you experience any of the service outages or service issues yes we we did uh coming in over the last couple of weeks for sure yesterday we sat here for an hour the amount of delays I experienced the summer just trying to get to and from home has been extensive and I wouldn't wish that on my worst anime what did you experience I mean honestly it was just like a lot of days of just like cancel trains extensive delays I mean lack of information communication not knowing what was going to happen next a lot of delays happened in July when it was like Peak heat and I think really the main concern that a lot of writers have is like please fix the transit there were some service issues um in the past 2 3 weeks when I was traveling from NG Transit uh but I think um lately it's been great hey it's great for all communs in New York right couple weeks for doesn't hurt anybody and have you experienced any service disruptions that's what the the sorry and thank you is for yeah no I I haven't yet so uh it's been good for me so no complaints here it's a nice opportunity for people who have families who maybe want to spend the day in the city the tickets can be expensive so before the kids get to school they can come in see some shows there's theater week is next week I believe and uh they can get half prize tickets for things also starting next Monday New York City will hand out fines to drivers who block bus stops the MTA is cracking down using its new automated camera enforcement or AC it's part of a new ticketing initiative to clean up the city's bus routes find start at $50 and go up to $250 for repeat offenders take note and for breaking news and special reports tune in to NTD and watch us live at ntd.com stay with us and we'll bring you more [Music] hi I'm Susan Luchi I never thought about heart disease until I had my own heart event I received two stance in my arteries stance developed through research funded by the American Heart Association those stance saved my life I have met so many survivors each of them tells a story that can be so helpful to women out there everything was pretty good it was very happy life I was given the diagnosis that I had Perry partum cardiopathy which is basically a pregnancy induced heart failure they told me my only chance was a heart transplant and the American Heart Association helped make that possible their research helps save me I think everyone should support the American Heart Association call now or go to help heart.org for only $19 a month just 63 a day you can help fund the next medical breakthrough get the next person trained in CPR the next Hospital certified in highquality cardiovascular care you can be part of that very important work that the American Heart Association is doing to save lives everywhere give $19 a month with your credit card and we'll send you this special t-shirt that you can wear to show that you are helping save lives I'm grateful for just every day that I get with my children I am very thankful for the American Heart Association heart disease is America's number one killer and your support now can help save your life or the life of someone you love listen to your heart the only reason I'm here today is because I did so please call the number on your screen or go to help heart.org now join me as a monthly donor today and help save even more [Music] lives Grace How Sweet the Sound let see like me I will they're just young people hungry homeless and vulnerable Covenant House is helping young adults facing homelessness we're providing safe shelter to thousands but the need is overwhelming please call or go online now with your gift of $19 a month we'll send you this blanket as a reminder of the Comfort your gift provides a young person tonight you'll provide safe shelter hot meals and Medical Care call the number on your screen or go online to safepac sleep.org [Music] welcome to NTD news today and here's today's top stories vice president kamla Harris outlines her vision for America NBA great Steph Curry says the Oval Office suits her well and a Sandy Hook teacher recalls the deaths of 21st graders the highlights from the final day of the Democratic National Convention Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told ntid he wants to unify the country as much as the Democrats do more on the former president's remarked during his border visit to Battleground State Arizona growing speculation that Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr could drop out after he withdrew from the the ballot in Arizona yesterday and today he set to speak just miles away from Trump's event in the Phoenix area prompting many to predict the two will join forces what's next for Kennedy a hostage rescued from Gaza speaks out for the first time with the young woman said and experienced while she was held captive by Hamas terrorists Taiwan rejects being ruled by China's Communist party and wants to keep its free way of life taiwan's president said today on an island only a couple of miles away from the Chinese Mainland a traditional Japanese Ensemble is dedicated to Reviving the ancient art form of Tao a look into some of their performances as they share the sounds of Japanese Heritage with the Western [Music] World this is NTD news today live from our NTD Global headquarters good morning H good to have you with us I'm Stephania Cox and I'm dma let's get into it let's get into it DNC Day 4 Highlights – Harris Outlines Vision after last night's events the Democratic National Convention is now over nd's Daniel monan breaks down some key moments including vice president Harris speech vice president kamla Harris says America is charting a new way forward to a future with a strong and growing middle class because we know a strong middle class has always been critical to America's success Harris laid out her economic priorities and as president I will bring together labor and workers and small business owners and entrepreneurs and American companies to create jobs to grow our economy and to lower the cost of everyday needs and promis to care for American troops and their families as commander and chief I will ensure America always has the strongest most lethal fighting force in the world she also called for an end to the war in the Middle East President Biden and I are working to end this war such that Israel is secure the hostages are released the suffering in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity security freedom and self-determination Roy Cooper North Carolina governor Roy Cooper lauded Harris for standing up to Banks during the 2011 mortgage crisis he shared a story of how she walked away from A4 billion settlement other State Attorneys General were ready to agree to that's k and we all know what happened the banks caved that 4 billion for California families became 20 billion Maya Harris kamla Harris's sister Maya Harris says the vice president knows what it's like to be underestimated and be counted out where others push Darkness comma sees promise where others feel Detachment kamla Foster's connection some speakers like Sandy Hook teacher Abby Clemens called for gun control 20 beautiful first grade children and six of my beautiful colleagues were killed they should still be here Kim Rubio's daughter attended Rob Elementary School in Uvalde Texas the devastated mom says her daughter got a good citizen award for receiving all A's on the day of the tragic shooting she wears a St Mary sweatshirt and a smile that lights up the room 30 minutes later a gunman murders her 18 classmates and two teachers former congressman Adam kinzinger says he learned something about the Democratic party and I want to let my fellow Republicans in on the secret the Democrat rats are as patriotic as us they they love this country just as much as we do kinzinger retired from Congress after he criticized his own party in the aftermath of the January 6th Capitol breach what's up everybody NBA champion Steph Curry shared a video endorsing Harris as president I got to visit Kamala with my team in the White House last year and I can tell you one thing I knew then I definitely know now the over office and suits are well Secretary of the Interior Deb Holland says America needs a president like Harris who understands the importance of taking care of the planet she held polluters accountable for spilling oil into the San Francisco Bay she defended president Obama's clean power plan in [Applause] court anti-israel protesters clashed with Chicago Police during the last night of the convention some swung wooden signs down at officers Daniel Monahan NTD news now continuing his week-long Trump Visits Border in AZ, Vows to Fight Crime Battleground State Blitz former president Trump visited the southern Border in Arizona yesterday he talked to families of what he called victims of Migrant crime he also told ND that he would like to unify the country as Democrats too want safe borders ND zyus toau has more from Tusan Arizona all they had to do is put it up touring the southern Border in tuon Arizona on Thursday former president Trump vows to continue building their border wall and crack down on what he calls migrant crime if he gets back to the White House we will impose tough new sentences on illegal alien criminals these include 10-year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human smuggling a guaranteed life sentence for anyone guilty of child trafficking he TS the border and also meets with victims who lost loved ones due to murder or attacked by illegal immigrants I truly I hope that you would just take my words to heart because it's devastating to lose a child Trump has been vowing recent rallies that he's going to launch a largest domestic deportation in history if when he gets back to the White House and just earlier this week also says he's going to shift massive resources from law enforcement to immigration enforcement and Dall to kick out criminals immediately for the past few days during the DNC Democrats meanwhile have been attacking Trump for telling Republicans earlier this year to block a bipartisan Senate deal which Trump criticized as being too weak Mr President if you get back to the White House are you confident that you can reach a consensus with Democrats and how to fix the Border well I think right now you look at it and I'm one that believes that we want to unify our country New York is overrun Chicago's overrun they're all and and you would be surprised and the people including Democrats Democrats want to have a secure border and on Friday Trump speaking in Las Vegas and glendell another area in the key Battleground State of Arizona reporting from tucon Arizona Iris to NTD news Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy RFK Jr. Withdraws From AZ Ballot, Prompting Speculations Jr May withdraw from the race today some speculate he'll instead join forces with former president Trump Arizona's Secretary of State confirmed that Kennedy filed paperwork to withdraw from presidential ballots in Arizona the Super PAC supporting the candidate said that Kennedy May endorse Trump in exchange for a job in his administration Trump has said he'd be open to that Kennedy is scheduled to address the nation in Arizona this afternoon the announcement says he'll talk about the president the presidential historical moment and his path forward Trump is also scheduled to speak in the Phoenix area later today just miles away from Kennedy's event meanwhile ND spoke to voters Voters' Thoughts on This Year's Presidential Race around the country to hear their thoughts on this year's race for the White House here's what some of them had to say when asked about how important the upcoming presidential election is to them take a look every presidential election is important and this year is just as important as ever the election is very important to me because a lot of people are not open-minded to the fact that our votes actually matter and when they wonder why certain things are not going the way they wanted to is because they didn't vote for the person that was going to actually benefit them I feel like the US president still has quite an impact on politics globally so I think it's still plays a Vite to role my biggest fear is seeing project 2025 come to life and a lot of us losing our basic civil rights America is in a rough shape right now with our economy and uh on the world stage and and I think that this upcoming election was uh will really play into how those things are settled retaining uh democracy and equity in this country and because of that I think that the issues in this election are important countryes heading in the wrong direction and uh this Administration uh not good I think it's very important um you look around the neighborhood has really gone um South the importance of the election is for people to say their word and what they want for their life not to be controlled by other forces who knows uh which are including communist and dictatorships and things of that nature that are destroying our world a Hostage Speaks Out for 1st Time Since Gaza Rescue hostage rescued from Gaza speaks out for the first time Noah aanii talk talked about her 9 months in Hamas captivity while in Tokyo yesterday aamani met with Japan's foreign minister and described her experience she became one of the faces of the hostage crisis when this video of her emerged online it shows agamani being abducted by two men on a motorbike she said they tried to flee when Hamas stormed the music festival she attended with her boyfriend first by car then on foot but ultimately there was nowhere to go with shots flying towards them from all sides while in captivity she said two of her fellow hostages were killed by Hamas terrorists it's really sad that all the world see what the Army doing in Gaza but they don't see what the the terrorist doing to us cuz they hiding Us in the tunnels in house that nobody can see us aramani was rescued by Israeli forces in June along with three other hostages hours after her release agamani was able to see her terminally ill mother who had been hospitalized in Tel Aviv less than a month after her rescue agani attended her mother's funeral her boyfriend is believed to still be in captivity and still to come writers react to a week of free commuting on New Jersey Transit next week it's the governor's sorry and thank you for service disruptions two water spouts formed off the coast of Palm Beach the Twisters moved over the warm Atlantic Waters appearing to cross over each other we have that and more just after this break imagine a coffee that cares for your [Music] health expertly fermented with a 50 enzyme complex to enhance flavor and remove bitterness small batch roasted to a decadent medium dark resulting in a brew that is gentle on digestion low acid and up to 90% less caffeine than regular coffee try America's first enzyme fermented coffee [Music] today hey everyone it's me Sebastian and it is a beautiful day today we have so much to be grateful for so just remember if you see someone without a smile give them one of yours I just love inspiring people to be the best they can be and the reason I'm able to inspire so many people is because people like you who inspired me with your support of shiners hospitals for children since I was little I've broken a 100 bones and I've had 19 surgeries Shiner hospitals for children was with me every step of the way but more than that they've given me the confidence to know I can do whatever I set my mind to like right now I've set my mind to sharing my smile with you did you get it because of people like you I can play the violin I can play piano I can understand the help I get is only possible because of caring people like you who pick up the phone and call the number on your screen to make your monthly gift and when you call a go online right now to donate $19 a month or more we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of all the smiles you're bringing to kids' faces every day kids like me and me and me and me so what are you waiting for you can Inspire kids like me by visiting liner.org after all you can't help everyone but you can help someone so let's go thank you thank you thank you for giving join me and bring a smile to the world with your monthly gift today please call now if operators are busy please call again or go to L shriners.org right away join me and bring a smile to the world Lord heavenly father I pray to you to today to guide us tomorrow give us strength as we Face death help us not to be afraid hi I'm Kelly Wright we thank you for joining us and watching America's hope here on NTD news bottom line is I know you're sick and tired of being sick and tired but let's give you some good news in the midst of the bad news watch us nightly right here on NTD news for a full dose of America's [Music] hope thank you for staying with us the Federal Reserve is signaling that lower interest rates are finally on the Federal Reserve Chair Signals Interest Rate Cut horizon chair Jerome Powell delivered a keynote speech at an annual Gathering of central bankers and economists in Jackson Hall Wyoming overall the continue the economy continues to grow at a solid Pace but the inflation and labor market data show an evolving situation the upside risks to inflation have diminished and the downside risks to employment have increased the time has come for policy to adjust the direction of travel is clear and the timing and pace of rate Cuts will depend on incoming data the evolving Outlook and the balance of risks Pal's latest comments opened the door wide open for the first interest rate cut since 20 20 20 it's slated for the fed's upcoming policy meeting on September 17th and 18th the upcoming decision is to cut rates and is a sign that Federal officials feel confident enough that price pressures are coming under control but also that the economy is weakening poell said the federal will do everything it can to support a strong labor market as it makes further progress towards price stability the Supreme Court has blocked some of Arizona's proof of citizenship requirements for the November election SCOTUS Blocks Some AZ Voting Requirements in a 5 to4 decision yesterday the high court declined to revive parts of a republican backed Arizona law the law could have barred thousands of Voters from casting a ballot or voting by mail justices left in place a hold against part of the law that required voters to document their US citizenship to vote in this year's presidential election but the court allowed the state to enforce other proof of citizenship requirements to register for state and local elections next new J J Governor Phil Murphy is offering free rides on New Jersey Transit next week from Monday all NJ Transit Offering ‘Fare Holiday’ Next Week the way through to the end of Labor Day in a statement the state-owned corporation said the fair holiday is a way to express appreciation for customers loyalty and patronage particularly during a time when Transit service has not consistently met their expectations we ask commuters what they think my reaction is thank God New Jersey Transit you are a nightmare so much of the year this is the least you can do and I am so excited I'm really excited I needed that uh a free week that's $18 a day to back and forth that's basically $40 a day free for 7 days so it's really like it's really big that they're doing that and it's really needed too yeah no it's great because uh I travel for work um almost every day next week uh well every day of the week and um hearing this I think will help uh me financially making sure that um I'm covered when it comes to the tickets did you experience any of the service outages or service issues yes we we did uh coming in over the last couple of weeks for sure yesterday we sat here for an hour the amount of delays I experienced this summer just trying to get to and from home has been extensive and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy what did you experience I mean honestly it was just like a lot of days of just like cancel trains extensive delays I mean lack of information communication not knowing what was going to happen next a lot of delays happened in July when it was like Peak heat and I think really the main concern that a lot of riders have is like please fix the transit there were some service issues um in the past 2 3 weeks when I was traveling from n Transit uh but I think um lately it's been great he it's great for all communs in New York right couple weeks for you that doesn't hurt anybody and have you experienced any service disruptions that's what the the sorry and thank you is for yeah no I I I haven't yet so uh it's been good for me so no complaints here it's a nice opportunity for people who have families who maybe want to spend the day in the city the tickets can be expensive so before the kids get to school they can come in see some shows there's theater week is next week I believe and uh they can get half prize tickets for things also starting next Monday New York City will hand out fines to drivers who block bus stops the city is now NYC Bus Cameras now Used to Issued Tickets putting cameras on buses to catch law Breakers it's part of a new ticketing initiative to clean up the city's bus routes uh fines start at $50 and go up to $250 for repeat offenders not everyone is happy about the move and TD CH Marshall has more on this story if you're in New York City you're now more likely to get a ticket if you double park or block bus lanes public buses are now equipped with cameras to catch law Breakers the goal is to allow buses to travel more freely and reduce collisions you can see right here bus stops blocked people cannot get to the bus we asked some locals what they think about using Ace or automated camera enforcement and if it's an invasion of privacy that it's not like it's kind of an invasion of privacy like recording with your camera but if it is about like the the better of like everyone getting to where they need to go on time because we know that New York is very busy authorities say when enforcement cameras are activated traffic moves through bus lanes 5% faster on average when in doubt you best be sure you're not blocking a bus route there's also a 20% reduction in collisions into 5% to 10% estimated reduction in emissions but not everybody's happy about the possibility of more fines I don't think that's right I don't think they should be doing that I think they should be more considerable to people and understand what they're going through and it's a lot because it takes a lot of money from people and the taxes are going up and everybody just working the government says the penalties work only one in 10 drivers commit another bus lane violation after being fed rules are rules and if they say don't park at the bus stop I believe they should get a ticket time is up for people who are blocking buses camera enforcement is one of the most efficient tools at our disposal to improve our bus riders experiences anywhere with active a camera enforcement we'll now have signs indicating that those routes are camera enforced sea Marshall NTD news police in Florida caught footage of two water spouts yesterday off the coast Footage Captures Waterspouts Covering off Palm Beach of Palm Beach the Twisters moved over the warm Atlantic Waters appearing to cross over each other at one point water spouts are a natural phenomenon that come about when tornadoes form over bodies of water that they're not uncommon weather events for the warm humid Florida coast there have been several thunderstorms in the Sunshine State this week some regions are expected to get 1 to three Ines of rain over the weekend and coming up our reporters were on the ground at the DNC to hear their thoughts on a variety of issues like China fatherhood and what VP Harris needs to succeed Thai investigators are examining the site of a plane crash that is believed to have killed all nine people on board officials say they aircraft lost contact with ground control in Bangkok 11 minutes after takeoff that and more when we return with NTD news where nature Embraces you and fills you with invigorating joy treasuring every little moment as these romantic memories gather up to complete our Blissful memories together mpo um Christopher Holton I'm very active I try to get 6 miles in a day at least walking I thought I had clean mental health it was a Saturday morning normally I go from a normal walk with no warning Chris suffered a near fatal heart attack but thankfully Brian Buckley a bystander saw him collaps and rush to help he did this big gasp for air and then just stopped and you we completely saw his eyes glaze over and I see his pulses fading fast and is about to go out so I start off CPR it's like I went into autopilot EMS um showed up they pulled out the AED you know things that that sink in your moment in your gut where you're just like come on make it make it because of the CPR training that Brian received Chris did make it and didn't die on the trail that day CPR training provided by the American Heart Association this could not happen without monthly donations from friends like you call or go online toel heart.org with your gift of only $19 a month just 63 a day your $19 monthly gift will help fund the next medical breakthrough get the next Hospital certified in highquality cardiovascular care and get even more people trained in life-saving CPR join our community of monthly donors and you'll get this special t-shirt you can wear to show your helping save lives being a father you want to be around you want to be around for your kids heart disease is America's number one killer and we urgently need your help your monthly gift of only $19 a month will help us discover vital medical breakthroughs that can save your life or the life of someone you love become a monthly donor today by calling or going online toel heart.org the 7eventh NTD International piano competition will take place at the Kaufman Music Center in New York City pianists from around the world will come together to revive the great piano masterpieces join us on this uplifting Journey the semi-finals finals and the winners concert will be open to audiences and live stream from October 17th to the 19th get tickets now at 21251 3330 [Music] hi thank you so much fostering a pet for a friend or neighbor can keep families together learn more at pets and people together.org we're in the nation's capital asking the important questions so that you're in the know join us daily Monday through Friday on the capital report on NTD news [Music] thank you for staying with us on the last day of the Democratic National Harris Officially Accepts Presidential Nomination Convention vice president Kamala Harris officially accepted the presidential nomination entities Jack Bradley was on the convention floor in Chicago for the takeaways day four at the DNC is officially over with balloons popping confetti flying still and many are still excited for the path ahead for the Democratic ticket with Harrison walls we heard from Harris uh she gave a speech saying that she'll really fight to protect the middle class and that will be her Legacy as president if elected uh she gave other comments on uh immigration offering a path to citizenship and also securing the southern border many other issues were mentioned as well as her personal backstory too take a look at some of the highlights watch on behalf of everyone whose story could only only be written in the greatest nation on Earth I accept your nomination to be president of the United States of America as president I will bring back the bipartisan Board of security bill that he killed and I will sign it into law we can create an earned Pathway to citizenship and secure our border we will pass a middle class tax cut that will benefit more than 100 million Americans our nation with this election has a precious fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness cynicism and divisive battles of the past a chance to chart a New Way Forward and as we move forward on the campaign Trail we still have uh the presidential debates and the vice president debates look forward to to hear more policies coming out of both the Democratic party and the Republican party and how they compare in contrast and we'll get to hear more from there reporting from Chicago Illinois Jack Bradley NTD news next lawmakers and leaders share Lawmakers Discuss China, Faith at DNC their thoughts on various issues from China to f to fatherhood on the final day of the Democratic National Convention watch Congressman Jimmy Panetta says vice president Harris needs to talk more about kitchen table issues to bring in independent voters how people are feeling about the prices and what steps as she has been doing but what steps we're going to continue to take going forward so that we can reduce inflation not even though it's coming down we got to make sure people are feeling it at the stores and so that's what she's tried to hit on with her recent policy speeches Susan Johnson cook former US ambassador at large for international religious freedom says it's an important moment for all Americans America Soul has been broken and divided and for once people are happy and they have hope again so I think that this is a moment and it's a movement and we hope that this movement of Joy will continue cook says Harris is a woman of faith for a person to have faith that makes a difference because you're not talking about it you are living it out and I think she is a ray of Hope because she has experienced life as an africanamerican as an Asian-American as one and as immigrant daughter and so I think she's going to be a model of experience success um and joy all packaged into one and that is really what the faith experience is about faith is the substance of things we're hoping for and the evidence of things we haven't seen so we're looking to see some good evidence in this uh in this presidency representative Jimmy Gomez says housing is no longer a blue state or a blue City ISS that's spread across the country I had talked to a republican in Ohio number one issue housing Nebraska number one issue housing um Florida number one issue housing and so that's kind of the the the main issue that people are talking about is affordability and how do you make it easy for people to get by and most people in this country get their wealth from owning a home so they're connected and people need to feel like they have a stake in the in the American dream and the best way to do that is getting them an opportunity to buy something former US ambassador to Australia Jeff bleach discusses what he sees as the biggest external threat to the country we have uh the rise of authoritarians uh they like to talk about a multi-polar world and what they'd really like to do is avoid American leadership because they know without American leadership there's effectively no leadership and they're left to their own devices they can treat their own people and their own neighbors anywh that they want and they can start to undermine uh the global world World Order which has maintained security and prosperity uh for for much of the last 70 years so there's as long-term challenges bla mentions population growth and climate change the impact of that on the global South and China's Ambitions in particular in um in Africa in South America and with its built- and Road initiative so there's going to be Global competition and I think there are going to be some uh uh some leaders in the world who want to play by different rules Florida DNC delegate Bernard Jennings says the sunshine States good dad Act is the only law in the country that provides fathers with equal rights to their children it's called House Bill 775 the legal name is Parental responsibility after the determination of paternity and what it does it says that when a father steps up and he's already on the birth certificate he has the same rights and responsibilities as a mother as if he was married although they're not so it provides fathers a great opportunity to be able to get involved in their children's lives because they are backed by the law now Jennings wrote a book about his struggles to be in his own son's life called Ethan's good dad act he says vice president Harris needs to resonate with people in the middle class and younger Americans for example the 20 to 40 age group to succeed there seems to be a disconnect that a lot of young people were used to things so fast we're the IC te age instant everything everything's on the phone fast whatever you want to get you get it now it's flashy clothes flashy shoes and they don't see and understand fully the fact that democracy is something that takes time but you have to work towards democracy to receive democracy it's not instant there are things that are going on there are programs that are available that Democrats have put in place for over 50 years and if you're not engaged into your government if you're not engageed to what the laws and rules and regulations are you're not going to see the benefit whether Harris gets a bump after the 4-day convention remains to be seen current real clear polling averages show the vice president with a 1 and a half point lead over former president Trump Daniel Monahan NTD news with the rise for the White House underway NTD asked some voters around the country if our political leaders Should Our Political Leaders Put More Emphasis on Hope and Kindness? especially presidents should put more emphasis on expressing kindness and hope here's what a few of them had to say it of course that's what everybody should do yes I think what's currently going on right now is fighting and attacking and we're not looking for common ground and we're not figuring out how to work together as Americans first and one person I I I like to listen to is Billy Carson and he says it and I agree with it we are never going to get anywhere arguing with everybody I do but I think there's a guideline as a leader you shouldn't um be delusional you know you have to be real with the with the people this is a country that the people run the country at least they should and so with that being said I think that the people have to know the honest of God truth about what the situation is people see leaders being kindness U being kind and gentle and just like empathetic that influences other people as well and I think it's important to see that too all of our leaders should do that there's no difference we got two arms two legs one head you know and we're all human beings yes I I would say that we need more emphasis on kindness and hope but also I think there needs to be more emphasis on change understanding you know we're all on this planet in in this experience together they're both fine but policies uh where I'm I'm looking at you know for uh candidates that I'll vote for it would be a relief to hear uh presidential candidates or any politician speaking to each other like intelligent adults you know life is a compromise and if you can't have a conversation with people with different points of view and different perspectives from different parts of the planet you're you really shouldn't hold office and we continue to follow the Zelenskyy and India’s Modi Hold Talks in Kyiv Russia Ukraine war Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Ukraine uh today on the eve of Ukraine's Independence Day and met with President Vladimir zalinsky prier Min Dear Mr Prime Minister Modi it is a great honor for us to meet in Ukraine the prime minister of India friendly India in Ukraine on the day of our national flag it is very symbolic because it a historic moment this is the first visit of India's prime minister to an independent Ukraine Ukraine and India signed four documents concerning the medical area agricultural cooperation humanitarian relations and culture zinski called for strengthened trade and Military cooperation with India he said he also planned to discuss a summit on peace in Ukraine with Modi Modi urged zilinsky not to sit to sit down for talks with Russia to end the war and offered to act as a friend to help bring peace meanwhile Russian President Vladimir Putin said he had been briefed on the hostage situation in Russia Pinel Colony according to Russian Outlets knife wielding prisoners identifying themselves as Isis members staged a deadly attack on guards in a penal colony today and seized hostages at least one prison staff member was reportedly killed Taiwan wants to remain free from communist control and rejects being ruled by China's Communist Party Taiwan Taiwan President Rejects CCP Rule president liqing said that today Li visited the Frontline island of kinman on Friday to Mark a key battle with Chinese forces in the 1960s the island is only a couple of miles away from China's Coast putting it under significant military pressure from Beijing this is Li's first trip to kinman Island since assuming office in may we are no longer trying to retake the mainland but we are also unwilling to be ruled by the Communist party we want to continue a life of democracy Freedom human rights and rule of law communist China vows to take over Taiwan and doesn't rule out using Force if necessary to counter it taiwan's defense spending for next year will rise 7.7% year onye outpacing its expected economic growth the goal is to reach 3% of the Island's GDP this is is higher than in most democracies around the world Li said taiwan's defense spending will increase every year it wants to strengthen training and purchase weapons from America at the same time Li says Taiwan is standing shoulder toosh shoulder with democracies worldwide tide rescue crews surged through mud at the sight of a plane crash that's believed to have killed all nine people on board bka Kong news showed footage of the scene workers were seen investigating on the crash site plane debris could also have seen uh behind a restricted area of the swamp region the chartered plane was carrying five tourists from China and four ties including the two pilots officials said the aircraft lost contact with ground control in Bangkok 11 minutes after takeoff the plane ultimately went down about 60 Mi east of the capital a fire Seoul Hotel Fire Kills 7, Injures Dozens at a hotel in South Korea took the lives of at least seven people and injured dozens here's more on the tragedy this morning a hotel fire in South Korea has killed seven and injured 12 according to fire authorities on Friday an official from the local fire station in ban west of Soul said the seven that died were mostly guests and 12 were hospitalized including three in critical condition he also said that among the victims were a couple who jumped from Windows onto an air mattress placed Outside the Fire started on the eighth floor of a nine-story hotel in Bon at 7:40 p.m. Thursday and was extinguished in about 2 hours South Korea safety Minister leang visited a scene on Friday and promised an investigation the government will work closely with local authorities to do its utmost in handling the aftermath of the accident additionally we will make every effort to accurately determine the cause of this fire to prevent such tragic incidents from happening again the Building completed in 2003 and did not have sprinklers which were not required at that time authorities are investigating the cause of the fire and still to come a traditional Japanese Ensemble is dedicated to Reviving The Ancient Art of Tao I'll look into some of their performances as they share the sounds of Japanese Heritage with the Western World and from Enchanted waterfalls to Majestic castles nd's Daniel monhan shows the rugged Beauty and Rich history of the Scottish Highlands we'll return with that and more after this break [Music] Shen Yun Creations the streaming platform from shenyun featuring worldclass dance past programs and all original [Music] music master classes behind the scenes comedy and more explore Shen yunc creations.com when I started my pillow it was just a problem solution one Product Company well since then with the help of my dedicated employees we now have hundreds of products some you might not even know about to get the word out we're having a $25 Extravaganza two pack multi-use my pillows $25 my pillow sandals $25 and for the first time ever our sixpack towel sets you guessed it just $25 our brand new four-pack dish towels $25 and I've never done this before premium my pillows with all new Giza fabric any size any Loft level even Kings size for only $25 and there's so much more so go to mypillow.com or call the number on your screen use your promo code for our $25 Extravaganza order $75 and over your entire order ships absolutely free I'm Jonathan Lawson if you're 50 to 85 please listen closely the 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the Village School in New Jersey semi-finals and finals tickets are on sale to buy tickets Please call 1888 477 [Music] 9228 want to know what's really happening around the world join us for a deep dive discussion with our expert panel on International reporters [Music] Roundtable welcome back a traditional Japanese Ensemble is dedicated to Revival of a Traditional Japanese Drum Reviving the ancient art form of Tao a Japanese drum now the group is based in Toronto Canada and through performances for the local community and in North America and Europe they're sharing Japanese Heritage with the Western World take a [Music] look The Tao for centuries Artisans and ensembles have helped preserve and share these traditional Japanese instruments from the thunderous rhythms of Festival processions to the delicate nuances of contemporary compositions Tao continues to Captivate audiences worldwide I felt the vibrations and how physical it was and I I knew when I was 12 years old this is what I wanted to do Koshi Nagata founded Nagata shatu a not for-profit in 1998 and once I finished University I moved to Japan to study professionally with a professional Japanese Tao group and when I came back I just started this and I've been doing it ever since I've never looked back the ensemble's principal aim is to rejuvenate this ancient art form and share it with others no matter what culture you come from everyone can relate to the sound of a drum you don't need language to understand it Tao simply means drum a variety of drums and percussion are used in each performance drums it's called oketo tyo um very common in Japanese ensembles it's made from strips of wood and the Skins are wrapped around an iron hoop and then attached to the body with rope so this one's very light along with the performance the costume also carries purpose and meaning so it's a Haim Maki it it's mainly to keep the sweat from coming into our eyes but it also symbolically brings your your body and your mind it wraps it together this is called Obi Obi is just your basically a sash um just to hold our our our jackets in place the shoes yeah these are called Tubby very typical in Japan dancers or people in festivals wear them Japanese drumming is more than just a musical performance by beating the drums with the whole body there is an exchange of energy that brings a wide range of emotions to the audience we really have to concentrate but at the same time we have to listen to each other and also kind of project ourselves to the audience as well having toured extensively through North America and parts of Europe for the last 26 years Nagata shatu continues to spread Japanese culture and appreciation for the art of Tao we just want to really share our spirit and our heart with the audience a lot of people think Japanese culture is very delicate or sophisticated also there's another side of Japanese culture which is very Lively and very exciting and very happy and so we want to show this to our audiences as well now here's an unusual question for you are you looking for a place where ancient history meets rugged Beauty nd's Exploring the Scottish Highland’s Hidden Gems Daniel Monahan tells us that he was in the Scottish Highlands which he says is a place of wild Landscapes Majestic mountains and mysterious locks take a look those in search of peace and tranquility and a great place to explore the highlands will appreciate the Seaboard Villages a few hours north of Edinburg Hilton bentor and sandwick offer stunning Coastal Landscapes Rocky and sandy beaches as well as beautiful wild grasses and flowers a famous local attraction is the 11t tall mermaid of the north which sits on the shore of bantor once you have taken in all the local abundance a short road trip takes you to a breathtaking site called the fish Monument a hiking trail leads up an enchanting Mountain gentle mosses cover the forest floor it was built in 1782 on fish Hill the site offers stunning views of purple heather covered hilltops and part of the North Sea called the chromer tth the hike takes around 2 and 1/2 hours to complete the beautiful scenery makes it a rewarding trip those hungry on the way can enjoy some Forest treats fresh for the picky there's no shortage of edible berries in this Forest a blueberry Delight awaits those who take the time to gather them nearby the Seaboard Villages you can also take a ferry to the black aisle to the Village of Rose Mary to a magical site called fairy Glenn just a half a mile up this beautiful stream and you'll reach two stunning waterfalls Legend has it that fairies once kept the waters clean for villagers to use for drinking and washing after you've enjoyed the Falls just over in the next Village is one of the best places to see dolphins in Scotland at chanonry point unfortunately we miss the Dolphins as our low tide timing was off but thankfully the timing of my son's flip was just right the natural beauty of the Scottish Highlands is remarkable but there are also all inspiring cultural monuments like dunrobin castle in the town of GPI the castle has been home to the Dukes and ears of Southerland for hundreds of years the elegant Castle Gardens sit next to the stunning dornik fth of the North Sea the carefully manicured Gardens are soothing for the soul inside the castle the former occupants from the 1700s onwards Adorn the walls some of them had an avid hunting appetite as can be witnessed by their trophy room of the castle Museum all manner of animals hunted in Africa India and even Florida are displayed there while the natural and cultural beauty of the Scottish Highlands are undeniable it is the warmth and friendliness of the people that makes the biggest impression for some Daniel Monahan NTD news now moving on to a story out of California hundreds of sea lions have taken over San Carlos beach in mere Hundreds of Sea Lions Take Over California Beach California it prompted local officials to close the area to people a caution tape has been put up but crowds are still enjoying the spectacle and taking photos of the sea lions at rest and play Let's Take a look a pot of sea liines has descended on Monterey San Carlos Beach people say they've never seen a group of sea lies so large on the beach I just think there's so many of them I we have actually been out to San Diego um La Hoya and saw the seals there but this is feels like 10 times more um they're amazing and they look to be happy and having a great day Lisa utol a marine biologist explains why the SE lines chose this location they're usually chasing the food and because Monteray Bay National Marine Sanctuary is so productive out here the productivity is really rich they are really coming here for the food there's one surprising fact about this pod of sea liines all of these sea liines that you're seeing are male or subadult males occasionally there's a female scattered in there who's probably got a little lost and has come up here but for the most part what you're seeing here are male and subadult male sea lions there's a heartwarming aspect to this large group of male sea lions I've watched over the years the big bulls when the young ones that have just been weaned show up often the big bulls will take them under their wing and be surprisingly sweet to them when you would expect they might just blow them off U um I just think they're quite special no matter where they decide to go federal law protects them people need to realize they are protected by The Marine Mammal protection act and that means if you do something to change their behavior you've broken the law now the big problems are if you're hitting them or throwing rocks at them but even approaching too close and causing them to run away is a violation Spectators enjoy the animals presence and they agree on one thing oh they're loud they're and they seem like they're having a great time oh they're they're incredibly loud and it's just it's like you know this is like the sea lion convention you know so I I don't know what party they're in but uh you know they're definitely all got something to say atal said the sea lions are expected to remain there for 3 to 4 weeks so sweet I love all this footage of nature especially the Scottish Highlands how amazing yeah I I I like that backflip that was caught on camera have you been to Scotland before I haven't but I certainly hope to go now well if you do go uh do a package for us like that for sure for sure all right for Around the Clock original news coverage watch us live at ntd.com Live or download or ntid app and if you have any feedback please email us and be sure to stick around for ND Newsroom at 2: p.m. Eastern we'll cover more stories from around the world and the [Music] US what's happened to this world we're living in why for the 4 years he has been on this Earth he has known nothing but War where Wherever I Go the things I see I just want to turn [Music] away the dreams I have the stories I could tell will they still be [Music] possible this year more than ever I need a brand new world a clean world [Music] where I can improve myself and be [Music] inspired my stage can be anywhere and everywhere but it begins here [Music] ganing World a brighter way of life [Music] [Music] one in five children worldwide are faced with the reality of living without food no family dinners no special treats not enough energy to play all around the world hunger is affecting children's physical and mental health toddlers are suffering from acute malnutrition which stunts their growth kids are forced to drop out of school so they can help support their families conflict inflation and climate have ignited the worst famine In Our Lifetime and we are fed up fed up that hunger devours dreams fed up that hunger destroys Joy fed up with the fact that hunger eats childhood help us feed the futures of children all over the world by visiting givetosave.org for as as little as $10 a month you can join save the children as we support children and families in desperate need of our help now is the time to get fed up and give back when you join the cause your $10 monthly donation can help communities in need of life-saving treatments and nutrients prevent children from dropping out of school support our work with communities and governments to help children go from short-term surviving to long-term thriving and now thanks to special government grants every dollar you give can multiply up to 10 times the impact that means more food water medicine and help for kids around the world you'll also receive a free tote bag to share your support for children in need having your childhood eaten Away by hunger is unimaginable get fed up call us now or visit givetosave.org today [Music] [Music] are today's mainstream martial arts not traditional martial arts fore fore spe fore [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to NTV news today and here are today's top story is an interest rate cut finally on the horizon here Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell's latest speech today vice president kamla Harris outlines her vision for America NBA great Steph Curry says the Oval Office suits her well and a Sandy Hook teacher recalls the deaths of 21st graders the highlights from the final day of the Democratic National Convention growing speculation that Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr could drop out of the race after he withdrew from the ballot in Arizona yesterday and today he set to speak just miles away from Trump's event in the Phoenix area prompting many to predict the two will join forces what's next for Kennedy nearly 600 British academics urged the UK government to protect free speech in universities they're highlighting hundreds of students and teachers who have been cancelled for expressing legitimate opinions Taiwan rejects being ruled by China's Communist party and wants to keep its free way of life that's what taiwan's president said today on an island only a couple of miles away from the Chinese Mainland inspired by the way wolves carry seeds in their fur in the wild the dogs in the UK are wearing backpacks filled with seeds to help Rew urban areas [Music] this is NTD news today live from our NTD Global Federal Reserve Chair Signals Interest Rate Cut headquarters and good to have you with us I'm Stephania Cox and I'm Don M good to be with you Steph how are you doing yeah good to have you here too John I am very well how are you I'm doing good let's get started let's begin the Federal Reserve is signaling that lower interest rates are finally on the horizon and chair Drome Powell delivered a keynote speech at an annual Gathering of central bankers and economists in Jackson Hall Wyoming to kisten overall the continue the economy continues to grow at a solid Pace but the inflation and labor market data show an evolving situation the upside risks to inflation have diminished and the downside risks to employment have increased the time has come for policy to adjust the direction of travel is clear and the timing and pace of rate Cuts will depend on incoming data the evolving Outlook and the balance of risks how 's latest comments open the door wide open for the first interest rate cut since 2020 it's slated for the fed's upcoming policy meeting on September 17th and 18th the upcoming decision to cut rates is a sign that officials feel confident enough that price pressures are coming under control but also that the economy is weakening Powell said the FED will do everything it can to support a strong labor market as it makes further progress towards price stability and after last night's DNC Day 4 Highlights – Harris Outlines Vision events the Democratic National Convention is now over we're now going to nt's Dani Monahan who's going to break down some key moments for us including vice president kamla Harris's speech vice president kamla Harris says America is charting a new way forward to a future with a strong and growing middle class because we know a strong middle class has always been critical to America's success Harris laid out her economic priorities and as president I will bring together labor and workers and small business owners and entrepreneurs and American companies to create jobs to grow our economy and to lower the cost of everyday needs and promise to care for American troops and their families as commanderin-chief I will ensure America always has the strongest most lethal fighting force in the world she also called for an end to the war in the Middle East President Biden and I are working to end this war such that Israel is secure the hostages are released the suffering in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity security freedom and self-determination Roy Cooper North Carolina governor Roy Cooper lauded Harris for standing up to Banks during the 2011 mortgage crisis he shared a story of how she walked away from a $4 billion settlement other State Attorneys General were ready to agree to that's comma and we all know what happened the banks caved that 4 billion for California families became 20 billion Maya Harris kamla Harris's sister Maya Harris says the vice president knows what it's like to be underestimated and be counted out where others push Darkness comma sees promise where others feel Detachment comma Fosters connection some speakers like Sandy Hook teacher Abby Clemens called for gun control 20 beautiful first grade children and six of my beautiful colleagues were killed they should still be here Kim Rubio's daughter attended Rob Elementary School in Uvalde Texas the devastated mom says her daughter got a good citizen award for receiving all A's on the day of the tragic shooting she wears a St Mary sweatshirt and a smile that lights up the room 30 minutes later a gunman murders her 18 classmates and two teachers former congressman Adam kinzinger says he learned something about the Democratic party and I want to let my fellow Republicans in on the secret the Democrats are as patriotic as us they they love this country just as much as we do kinzinger retired from Congress after he criticized his own party in the aftermath of the January 6th Capitol breach what's up everybody NBA champion Steph Curry shared a video endorsing Harris as president I got to visit Kamala with my team in the White House last year and I can tell you one thing I knew then I definitely know now the overal office and suits are well Secretary of the Interior Deb Holland says America needs a president like Harris who understands the importance of taking care of the planet she held polluters accountable for spilling oil into the San Francisco Bay she defended President Obama's clean power plan in [Applause] court anti-israel protesters clashed with Chicago Police during the last night of the convention some swung wooden signs down at officers Daniel Monahan NTD news entities spoke to voters around the Voters' Thoughts on This Year's Presidential Race country to hear their thoughts on this year's race for the White House here's what some of them had to say when asked about how important the upcoming presidential election is to them every presidential election is important and this year is just as important as ever the election is very important to me because a lot of people are not open-minded to the fact that our votes actually matter and when they wonder why certain things are not going the way they wanted to is because they didn't vote for the person that was going to actually benefit them I feel like the US president still has quite an impact on politics globally so I think it's still plays a vital role my biggest fear is seeing project 2025 come to life and a lot of us losing our basic civil rights America is in a rough shape right now with our economy and uh on the world stage and I think that this upcoming election was will really play into how those things are settled retaining uh democracy and equity in this country and because of that I think that the issues in this election are important country is heading in the wrong direction and uh this Administration uh not good I think it's very important um you look around the neighborhood has really gone um South the importance of the election is for people to say their word and what they want for their life not to be controlled by other forces who knows uh which are including communist and dictatorships and things of that nature that are destroying our world we asked voters Across the Nation if VP Harris KLA Harris were to win the 2024 election what issue would they like to see her address first the first thing that CA Harris should address is to strengthen Global cooperation when it comes to security concerns we're not talking about it but the national debt is going to bankrupt the country and affect our position as a first world nation affordability housing so I think in general like people are now very dissatisfied and angry because I think it's just so expensive human rights around the world um immigration I feel like because it it uh poses a security threat to America uh women's rights our our body our choice uh immigration uh you know that's that's something that is really impacting our life and all of us address the genocide in Gaza um I definitely would love to see her address the wage disparity the cost of living all of these issues are super important abortion rights I think think like that's important for women across the board and so not to take those away close the border the foreign policies um I think we had to increase our alliances first of all inflation the economy and then the Border uh and then the crime so those are my top four you know the world's evolved this is not the same Planet let alone the same city that it was 20 30 years ago and you know a lot of those uh entry level jobs are now replaced by technology that's a big challenge for young adults and young people getting out of schools like this um who need to cut their chops and get some experience and start making some money to live independently with the race for the White House underway NTD asked some voters around the country if our Should Our Political Leaders Put More Emphasis on Hope and Kindness? political leaders especially presidents should put more emphasis on expressing kindness and hope here's what a few of them had to say of course that's what everybody should do yes I think what's currently going on right now is fighting and attacking and we're not looking for common ground and we're not figuring out how to work together as Americans first and one person I I I like to listen to is Billy Carson and he says it and I agree with it we are never going to get anywhere arguing with everybody I do but I think there's a guideline as a leader you shouldn't um be delusional you know you have to be real with the with the people this is a country that the people run the country at least they should and so with that being said I think that the people have to know the honest of God truth about what the situation is people see leaders being kindness um being kind and gentle and just like empathetic that influences other people as well and I think it's important to see that too all of our leaders should do that there's no difference we got two arms two legs one head you know and we're all human beings yes I I would say that we need more emphasis on kindness and hope but also I think there needs to be more emphasis on change understanding you know we're all on this planet and in this experience together they're both fine but policies uh where I'm I'm looking at you know for uh candidates that I'll vote for it would be a relief to hear uh presidential candidates or any politician speaking to each other like intelligent adults you life is a compromise and if you can't have a conversation with people with different points of view and different perspectives from different parts of the planet you're you really shouldn't hold office lawmakers and leaders share their Lawmakers Discuss China, Faith at DNC thoughts on various issues from China to Faith to fatherhood on the final day of the Democratic National Convention check it out Congressman Jimmy Panetta says vice president Harris needs to talk more about kitchen table issues to bring in dependent voters how people are feeling about the prices and what steps as she has been doing but what steps we're going to continue to take going forward so that we can reduce inflation not even though it's coming down we got to make sure people are feeling it at the stores and so that's what she's tried to hit on with her recent policy speeches Susan Johnson cook former US ambassador at large for international religious freedom says it's an important moment for all Americans America's Soul has been broken and divided and for once people are happy and they have hope again so I think that this is a moment and it's a movement and we hope that this movement of Joy will continue cook says Harris is a woman of faith for a person to have faith that makes a difference because you're not talking about it you are living it out and I think she is a ray of Hope because she has experienced life as an African-American as an Asian-American as one and as immigrant daughter and so I think she's going to be a model of experience success um and joy all packaged into one and that is really what the faith experience is about faith is the substance of things we're hoping for and the evidence of things we haven't seen so we're looking to see some good evidence in this uh in this presidency representative Jimmy Gomez says housing is no longer a blue state or a blue City issue it's spread across the country I had talked to a republican in Ohio number one issue housing Nebraska number one issue housing um Florida number one issue housing and so that's kind of the the the main issue that people are talking about is affordability and how do you make it easy for people to get by and most people in this country get their wealth from owning a home so they're connected and people need to feel like they have a stake in the in the American dream and the best way to do that is getting them an opportunity to buy something former US ambassador to Australia Jeff bleach discusses what he sees as the biggest external threat to the country we have uh the rise of authoritarians uh they like to talk about a multi-polar world and what they'd really like to do is avoid American leadership because they know without American leadership there's effectively no leadership and they're left to their own devices they can treat their own people and their own neighbors any way that they want and they can start to undermine uh the global World Order which has maintained security and prosperity uh for for much of the last 70 years so there's as long-term challenges bla mentions population growth and climate change the the the impact of that on the global South and China's Ambitions in particular in um in Africa in South America and with its built- and Road initiative so there's going to be Global competition and I think there are going to be some uh uh some leaders in the world who want to play by different rules Florida DNC delegate Bernard Jennings says the sunshine State's good dad Act is the only law in the country that provides fathers with equal rights to their children it's called House Bill 77 five the legal name is Parental responsibility after the determination of paternity and what it does it says that when a father steps up he's already on the birth cerificate he has the same rights and responsibilities as the mother as if he was married although they're not so it provides fathers a great opportunity to be able to get involved in their children's lives because they are backed by the law now Jennings wrote a book about his struggles to be in his own son's life called Ethan's good dad act he says vice president Harris needs to resonate with people in the middle class class and younger Americans for example the 20 to 40 age group to succeed there seems to be a disconnect that a lot of young people were used to things so fast we're the IC te age instant everything everything's on the phone fast whatever you want to get you get it now it's flashy clothes flashy shoes and they don't see and understand fully the fact that democracy is something that takes time but you have to work towards democracy to receive democracy it's not instant there are things that are going on there are programs that are available that Democrats have put in place for over 50 years and if you're not engaged into your government if you're not engaged to what the laws and rules and regulations are you're not going to see the benefit whether Harris gets a bump after the 4-day convention remains to be seen current real clear polling averages show the vice president with a one and a half point lead over former president Trump Daniel Monahan NTD news coming up the Supreme Court Blocks part of Arizona's proof of citizenship law how it impacts voter elig ility for the November election and Riders react to a week of free commuting on New Jersey Transit next week it's the governor sorry and thank you for service disruptions is deep sea fish oil really healthy due to pollution in the oceans most fish contain heavy metal elements and radioactive substances that's why it's so important to choose a pure source of Omega 3 Puritan green vegetable omega-3 is made from percin and piles which are rich in nutrients and minerals especially vitamins a d e calcium and iron with natural processing and no harmful chemical additives it has more than 90% concentration of omegas 3 6 7 and 9 it effectively improves brain power and is beneficial to the heart's Health purang omega-3 does not smell fish and contains no pollutant so both adults and children can safely and easily consume it over a long period of time purtin green vegetable omega3 Greener healthier and more effective visit puritan.com to learn [Music] more the 7eventh NTD International piano competition will take place at the Kaufman Music Center in New York City pianists from around the world will come together to revive the great piano masterpieces join us on this uplifting Journey the semi-finals finals and the winners concert will be open to audiences and live stream from October 17th to the 19th get tickets now at 21251 3330 there's a horal wind of emotion and activity going on in this painting and this chaos all around out and threat from below the woles surrounding her and they're anything but unve they're moving all the time and we sense that but this little girl remains unmoved she's in quite a perilous situation but she's completely strong and Serene and she's actually meditating it was very very well like because no matter what culture or what sort of Walk of Life you're from I think people they see it and they immediately understand what that energy what that message is and they they're drawn to it because everybody kind of needs a little bit of that in their own life of you know the steadfast calmness and something to hold on to it's definitely an inner pece in the midst of something very chaotic and for a lot of people right now the whole world is very very chaotic so I guess that's another reason why so many people are very drawn to [Music] this Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr May withdraw from the race today some speculate he'll instead join forces with former president Trump Arizona's Secretary of State confirmed that Kennedy filed paperwork to withdraw from presidential ballots in Arizona a Super PAC supporting the candidate said that Kennedy May endorse Trump in exchange for a job in his administration Trump has said he'd be open to that Kennedy is scheduled to address the nation in Arizona this afternoon the announcement says he'll talk about the present historical moment and his path forward Trump is also scheduled to speak in the Phoenix area later today just miles away from Kennedy's event the Supreme Court has blocked some of Arizona's proof of citizenship requirements for the November election in a 5 to4 decision yesterday the high court declined to revive parts of a republican backed Arizona law the law could have barred thousands of Voters from casting a ballot or voting by mail justices left in place a hold against part of the law that required voters to document their us citizenship to vote in this year's presidential election but the court allowed the state to enforce other proof of citizenship requirements to register for state and local elections continuing his week-long Battleground State Blitz former president Trump visited the southern Border in Arizona yesterday he talked to families of what he called victims of Migrant crime he also told ntid that he would like to unify the country as Democrats too want safe borders ntid zyus to has more more from Tucson Arizona all they had to do is put it up during the southern Border in Tucson Arizona on Thursday former president Trump vows to continue building the border wall and crack down on what he calls migrant crime if he gets back to the White House we will impose tough new sentences on a legal alien criminals these include 10-year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human smuggling a guaranteed life sentence for anyone guilty of child trafficking he TS the border and also meets with victims who lost loved ones due to murder or attack by illegal immigrants I truly I hope that you will just take my words to heart because it's devastating to lose a child Trump has been vowing recent rallies that he's going to launch the largest domestic deportation in history if and when he gets back to the White House and just earlier this week also says he's going to shift massive resources from law enforcement to immigration enforcement and that to kick out criminals immediately for the past few days during the DNC Democrats meanwhile have been attacking Trump for telling Republicans earlier this year to block a bipartisan Senate deal which Trump criticized as being too weak Mr President if you get back to the White House are you confident that you can reach a consensus with Democrats and how to fix the Border well I think right now you look at it and I'm one that believes that we want to unify our country New York is overrun Chicago's overrun they're all and and you would be surprised and the people including Democrats Democrats want to have a secure border and on Friday Trump speaking in Las Vegas and glendell another area in the key Battleground State of Arizona reporting from tucon Arizona Iris to NTD news the US ambassador to Mexico says the country's Mexico's Judicial Changes Endanger Democracy: Ambasador proposed judicial changes threatens its democracy Ambassador K Salazar said yesterday the changes could also damage the country's vital trade relationship with the US the controversial proposal will go into a vote in September it would ensure that judges including all Supreme Court Justices are elected through a popular vote incoming Mexican president Claudia Shin bom has defended the judicial proposal she says changes to the Judiciary should have safeguards protecting it from political corruption police in Florida caught footage of two water spouts yesterday off the coast of Palm Beach the Twisters moved over the warm Atlantic Waters appearing to cross over each other at one point water spouts are a natural phenomenon that come about when tornadoes form over bodies of water they're not uncommon weather events for the warm humid Florida coast there have been several thunderstorms in the sunshine States this week some regions are expected to get 1 to 3 Ines of rain over the weekend New Jersey governor Phil Murphy is offering free rides on New Jersey Transit next week from Monday all the way through to the end of Labor Day in a statement the state-owned corporation said the fair holiday is a way to express appreciation for customers loyalty and patronage particularly during a time when Transit service has not consistently met their expectations we asked commuters what they think my reaction is thank God New Jersey Transit you are a nightmare so much of the Year this is the least you can do and I am so excited I'm really excited I needed that uh a free week that's $18 a day two back and forth that's basically $40 a day free for 7 days so it's really like it's really big that they're doing that and it's really needed too yeah no it's great because uh I travel for work um almost every day next week U well every day of the week and um hearing this I think will help uh me financially making sure that um I'm covered when it comes to a tickets did you experience any of the service outages or service issues yes we we did uh coming in over the last couple of weeks for sure yesterday we sat here for an hour the amount of delays I experienced this summer just trying to get to and from home has been extensive and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy what did you experience I mean honestly it was just like a lot of days of just like cancel trains extensive delays I mean lack of information communication not knowing what was going to happen next a lot of delays happened in July when it was like Peak heat and I think really the main concern that a lot of riders have is like please fix the transit there were some servic issues um in the past 2 3 weeks when I was traveling from NG Transit uh but I think um lately it's been great he it's great for all communities in New York right couple weeks free uh doesn't hurt anybody it's a nice opportunity for people who have families who maybe want to spend the day in the city the tickets can be expensive so before the kids get to school they can come in see some shows there's theater week is next week I believe and uh they can get half prize tickets for things now to Canada just hours after they agreed to go back to work workers at a Canadian railroad say they're preparing to strike the Teamsters Union has served Canadian national one of the country's biggest Railways a 72-hour strike warning it means they'll walk out in the next few days Canadian national trains had begun rolling again this morning following a potentially harmful stoppage the union said work at the other of Canada's two top railroads Canadian Pacific Kansas City is still paused but the Canadian government says it will ask the country's industrial Relations Board to issue a back toor order soon both Freight railroads locked out more than 9,000 unionized workers yesterday this resulted in a rail stoppage that business groups said could inflict hundreds of millions of dollars in economic damages the railroads and the teamsters unions have been locked in a labor contract dispute for months both sides have blamed each other for der railing negotiations and a crucial day for two astronauts who've been stranded in space for months NASA said it would decide Nasa To Decide If Astronauts Can Return On Boeing Starliner tomorrow if the Boeing capsule that took them to the International Space Station is safe enough to fly them back home Butch Wilmore and sunny Williams have been stuck on the ISS since June Thruster failures and helium leaks delayed Boeing Starliner from making the journey home now NASA has to decide if the Starliner can safely bring them back back to Earth or if they need to resort to a backup plan and that would be to bring them back with spacex's crew n Mission Bo said this month tests has shown Starliner could safely return to Earth with the two astronauts on board NASA administrator Bill Nelson will meet with other top officials tomorrow to make the final decision coming up an Israeli hostage rescued from Gaza speaks out for the first time a young lady describes some of her time in Hamas captivity the number of illegal immigrants arriving in Italy by sea has gone down this year what is causing this trend Taiwan rejects being ruled by China's Communist party and wants to keep its free way of life that's what taiwan's president said today on an island only a couple of miles away from the Chinese Mainland more in just a moment here on NTD news today if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it ride your bike if you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show it if you're happy and you know it smile big and bright the kids just like me are happy every day and it's all because of generous people like you who support Shriners hospitals for children every month all you have to do is call the number on your screen or go online to L shriners.org right now with your monthly gift because if people like you Shriners hospitals for children is able to make an everyday Miracle happen for kids like [Music] me If You're Happy and You Know It dance around if you're happy and you know it play a song If You're Happy and You Know It And your face will surely show it if you're happy and you know it take your shot and when you call or go online right now to donate $19 a month or more we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a remind of all the smiles you're bringing to kids faces every day will today be the day you send your love to the rescue when you call the number on your screen right now and give as little as $19 a month just 63 cents a day you'll be making a life-changing difference for a child just like Sarah your monthly gift today could change your life forever because of you we are happy and we know it thank you thank you thank you thank you please call or go online right now to give if operas are busy please wait patiently or go to Lush run.org right away the Chinese Communist party is exposing its hand the fingerprints can be found all over and I recently caught wind of these CCP operations on full display in South Korea the top 13 theaters all rejected Shen Yun almost simultaneously what makes the case in South Korea so so different and how does the CCP extend its influence into other countries now for the Chinese Communist party this is Warfare War being waged here isn't being done through tanks and bombs but instead through the invisible forces of culture and ideology they also revealed the hidden War hi I'm Kelly Wright we thank you for joining us and watching America's hope here on NTD news bottom line is I know you're sick and tired of being sick and tired but let's give you some good news in the midst of the bad news watch us nightly right here on NTD news for a full dose of America's hope [Music] welcome back a hostage rescued from Gaza speaks out for the first time Noah agamani talked about her nine months in Hamas captivity while in Tokyo yesterday aramani met with Japan's foreign minister and described her experience she became one of the faces of the hostage crisis when this video of her emerged online it shows aramani being abducted by two men on a motorbike she said they tried to flee when Hamas stormed the music festival she had Ed with her boyfriend first by car and then on foot but ultimately there was nowhere to go with shots flying towards them from all sides while in captivity she said two of her fellow hostages were killed by Hamas terrorists it's really sad that all the world see what the Army doing in Gaza but they don't see what the the terrorist doing to us cuz they hiding Us in the tunnels and how that nobody can see us aramani was rescued by Israeli forces in June along with three other hostages hours after her release aramani was able to see her terminally ill mother who had been hospitalized in Tel Aviv less than a month after her rescue aramani attended her mother's funeral her boyfriend is believed to still be in captivity over 500 British academics are UK: Nearly 600 Academics Call For Free Speech Protection urging the UK government to protect free speech in universities they say people have been canceled for expressing legal views and that this has serious consequences for everyone entity's International correspondent Malcolm Hudson has this report nearly 600 British academics have signed an open letter urging the education secretary to implement Free Speech protections for universities the academics warned that if this isn't done students and staff will continue to be hounded and silenced for the expression of legal opinions the provisions in Britain's higher education freedom of spe speech act had been due to come into effect at the start of August but education secretary Bridget philipson paused the provisions over concerns the ACT could expose students to harm and appalling hate speech on campuses she said she remains committed to free speech and academic freedom however Professor David abulafia from the University of Cambridge says many people are intimidated out of expressing their views we've had demonstrations which have um indulged in criminal damage um uh we've had a sense that students feel intimidated uh over various issues because they can't put alternative views the open letter highlighted how hundreds of academics and students have been cancelled and have even lost their jobs for expressing legitimate and legal if controversial opinions it says this has serious consequences for everyone the academics added that a report published earlier this year by the academic freedom index placed the UK 66th in the global League table of academic freedom that's lower than Peru Bina Faso and Georgia the department for Education previously raised concerns the freedom of speech act would protect those using hate speech abulafia disagrees this is complete nonsense um in fact the equality Act of 2010 does set out quite clearly where the boundaries lie the open letter points out that English law already provides strong protections against harassment and incitement to hatred which override Free Speech rights abulafia says what the ACT aims for is the promotion of civil debates putting contrary views in front of an audience which understands that of course they can make objections but the objections need be made politely um that raising of voices shouting and so on um waving of flags that all of this is inappropriate he said cancel culture is harming the ability of people in universities to test ideas but if civil debate can be restored then universities can be restored to their original function Malcolm Hudson ND news London thank you Malcolm the number of Italy's Approach To Illegal Immigration Works: Analyst illegal immigrants arriving in Italy by sea has plummeted in 2024 the reduction is attributed to Offshore Asylum agreements between Italy and North African countries by shifting to a selective immigration system the Italian government has helped prevent migrants from dying in the Mediterranean Sea nd's International correspondent David Vivas has the details illegal immigration to Italy by sea has decreased by 62% in 2024 with 37,000 migrants arriving by August 12th compared to around 98,000 during the same period in 2023 the island of lampedusa which saw a massive influx last year has experienced a significant reduction in Landings some experts say the successes down to agreements between Italy the European Union and North African countries the first step was the collaboration between Maloney tunisia's government and the European Union the agreement has been a great success the agreements includes the construction of Migrant centers outside Italy in Albania where migrants wishing to come to Italy are assessed the plan received mixed reaction with humanitarian NOS calling it shameful however according to other policy analyst Alexandre delal it has been positive in several ways it aims to prevent people from dying at se thanks to cooperation with the countries where these illegal migrants come it also targets traffick or mafias since taking office Mone has prioritized legal migration delal says Malone said the number of illegal migrants should be controlled and they should not arrive as they did before they should come legally and be useful for the economy if migrants are smuggled by traffickers it's already a bad start so the goal should be to welcome migrants who are beneficial to the economy EU commission president Ursula V Delan has called melan offshore Asylum plan to tackle illegal immigration out of the box other EU countries grappling with Rising illegal immigration since 2015 may find this approach inspiring David vies anti news Paris thank you David now we're turning to entity foreign correspondent no Schmidt for some International headlines good afternoon Noah what's happening good afternoon Stephan Dawn first an update on the Russia Ukraine war Indian Prime Minister narenda Modi visited Ukraine today on the eve of Ukraine's Independence Day and met with president volodimir zinski Ukraine and India signed four documents concerning the medical area agriculture cooperation humanitarian relations and culture zinski called for strent trade and Military cooperation with with India he said he also planned to discuss a summit on peace in Ukraine with Modi Modi urged zolinski to sit down for talks with Russia to end the war and offered to act as a friend to help bring peace also today Italian divers recovered the last missing person from the super yard that sunk off the coast of Sicily the body hasn't been officially identified but is believed to be Hana Lynch the 18-year-old daughter of British Tech Tycoon Mike Lynch is still unaccounted for the Lynch family was aboard the 184t British flag yard when it sunk early Monday morning Italian officials said they believe a tornado over the water known as the water spout struck the ship Mike Lynch's body was recovered yesterday the tech entrepreneur had been celebrating his recent acquittal on fraud charges in the US his wife was among the 15 survivors and in Southwestern Iceland a volcano erupted yesterday sping red hot lava and smoke that's its six outbreak since December the icenic mat office which monitors volcano said the volcanic fissure was nearly 2 and a half miles long it expanded by almost a mile in 40 minutes scientists warned that the reikan peninsula could face repeated outbreaks for decades or even centuries back to you and thank you Noah next Taiwan wants to remain free from communist control and rejects being ruled by China's communist part party Taiwan President Li Ching du said this today Li visited the Frontline island of kinman on Friday to Mark a key battle with Chinese forces in the 1960s the island is only a couple of miles away from China's Coast putting it under significant military pressure from Beijing this is Li's first trip to kinman Island since assuming office in may we are no longer trying to retake the mainland but we are also unwilling to be ruled by the Communist party we want to continue a life of democracy Freedom human rights and rule of law communist China vows to take over Taiwan and doesn't rule out using Force if necessary to counter it taiwan's defense spending for next year will rise 7.7% year on-year outpacing its expected economic growth the goal is to reach 3% of the Island's GDP this is higher than in most democ acies around the world Li said taiwan's defense spending will increase every year it wants to strengthen training and purchase weapons from America at the same time Li says Taiwan is standing shoulder toosh shoulder with democracies worldwide Tai rescue crews searched through mud at the site of a plane crash Thailand Plane Crash Kills All Passengers And Crew Onboard that's believed to have killed all nine people on board bang pakong news showed footage of the scene workers were seen investigating the crash site plane debris could also be seen behind a restricted area of the swamp region the chartered plane was carrying five tourists from China and four ties including the two pilots officials said the aircraft lost contact with ground control in Bangkok 11 minutes after takeoff the plane ultimately went down about 60 Mi east of the capital coming up inspired by the way wolves carry seeds in their fur and the wild dogs in the UK are wearing backpacks filled with seeds to help Rew and from Enchanted waterfalls to Majestic castles ntid's Daniel monan shows the rugged Beauty and Rich history of the Scottish Highlands we'll return with that and more after this break trained dogs l a paw to save people from drowning at a popular beach in southern Spain their strength endurance and ability to navigate currents can save lives we'll have that in more [Music] life doesn't always give you time to change the outcome pre-diabetes does one in three adults has pre-diabetes and you could be one of them there are usually no signs for pre-diabetes so it's important to understand your risk with early diagnosis pre-diabetes can be reversed and you can change the outcome take the one minute pre-diabetes risk test 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check it out those in search of peace and tranquility and a great place to explore the highlands will appreciate the Seaboard Villages a few hours north of Edinburg Hilton bentor and sandwick offer stunning Coastal Landscapes Rocky and sandy beaches as well as beautiful wild grasses and flowers a famous local attraction is the 11t tall mermaid of the north which sits on the shore of bentor once you have taken in all the local abundance a short road trip takes you to a breathtaking site called the fish Monument a hiking trail leads up an enchanting Mountain gentle mosses cover the forest floor it was built in 1782 on fish Hill the site offers stunning views of purple heather covered hilltops and part of the North Sea called the chromer tth the hike takes around 2 and 1/2 hours to complete the beautiful scenery makes it a rewarding trip those hungry on the way can enjoy some Forest treats fresh for the picking there's no shortage of edible berries in this Forest a blueberry Delight awaits those who take the time to gather them nearby the Seaboard Villages you can also take a ferry to the black aisle to the Village of Rose Mary to a magical site called fairy Glenn just a half a mile up this beautiful stream and you'll reach two stunning waterfalls Legend has it that fairies once kept the waters clean for villagers to use for drinking and washing after you've enjoyed the Falls just over in the next Village is one of the best places to see dolphins in Scotland at chenry point unfortunately we miss the Dolphins as our low tide timing was off but thankfully the timing of my son's flip was just right the natural beauty of the Scottish Highlands is remarkable but there are also awe inspiring cultural monuments like dunrobin castle in the town of gby the castle has been home to the Dukes and Earls of southernland for hundreds of years the elegant Castle Gardens sit next to the stunning dornik fth of the North Sea the carefully manicured Gardens are soothing for the Soul inside the castle the former occupants from the 1700s onwards Adorn the walls some of them had an avid hunting appetite as can be witnessed by their trophy room of the castle Museum all manner of animals hunted in Africa India and even Florida are displayed there while the natural and cultural beauty of the Scottish Highlands are undeniable it is the warmth and friendliness of the people that makes the biggest impression for some Daniel Monahan NTD news next dogs wearing backpacks filled with seeds are helping to re wild and Dogs With Backpacks Sow Seeds Of Rewilding urban Haven for nature in the UK it's inspired by the way wolves carry seeds in the fur in the wild the initiative hopes to use domestic dogs to achieve the same result take a look there's a secret weapon behind rewinding this abandoned Railway yard dogs they're equipped with backpacks full of wild seeds to help the railway land Wildlife trust so wild flowers and grasses and it's all part of the daily walk so these are our dog packs uh and you can see that they have two uh Pockets uh one on each side and we're going to fill those Pockets with a mixture of sand uh place in here and this is our Wild Flour and grass seed and uh we've got some holes in the bottom of of the pack here you can see and a little bit of shaking you can see the sand and the seeds coming out readily there it's a completely natural way to spread seeds over a wide area wolves in nature have been doing the same thing for many thousands of years in the wild wolves travel huge distances uh sometimes that's 100 kilometers a night and they carry seeds in their fur and they dropped them and we thought wouldn't it be great to replicate that using our seed packs 11-year-old Myrtle seems to have enjoyed her day out in nature according to her owner the wildlife trust believes it won't be long before they're reaping the the rewards of the rewarding dogs hard work so what do you think Myrtle well she's whacking her tail a bit so she yeah she doesn't mind long as she gets a biscuit at the end of it she's fine across the board on this reserve and other places that where we work I think the really key message is that if you create space for nature recovery nature recovery can happen at an astounding rate and we've also been able to turn the relationship with dog owners on its head you know where that's something time seen um problematically it can be problematic we've we've really managed to draw positive out of it so with a backpack some seeds and the all important biscuit it seems dogs can be Nature's best friend too trained dogs have been lending a paw Dogs Lend A Paw To Rescue Swimmers In Spain to rescue people from drowning at a popular beach in southern Spain their Towing strength swimming endurance and current Direction detection ability these can save lives the dogs are decked out with special life fests the canines Patrol the beach near Malaga alongside their handlers the dogs also accompany their handlers on jet skis and rescue boats they can detect currents in the sea but humans do not that is they are not always going to come out where they go in they feel the current under their paws and for example if the current is at 45° to Port they let let themselves be carried away they go into neutral gear and let themselves be carried Along by the current so that they get less tired it is extraordinary the dog's endurance and strength exceed that of most humans the rescue dogs are mostly the Labrador and New Foundland breeds New Foundland dogs are able to swim for three nautical miles and Tow life rafts carrying up to six people the Labradors can drag rafts as well and use their acute sense of smell to locate missing swimmers and a juvenile humpback whale got entangled in ropes in Sydney Harbor it was eventually freed today after 22 Entangled Whale Freed In Sydney Harbor hours Rescuers in Sydney received a call about an entangled whale yesterday afternoon and rushed to save it the National Parks and Wildlife service said that they had to stop their efforts after dusk The Rescuers followed the whale this morning in an inflatable boat by using specialized tools they held the whale in place while freeing him from the debris the whale was eventually freed and swam off before midday a whale of a story Steph um sorry for the bad pun uh it's Friday I'm just looking forward to the weekend but it's been a good week yeah it has me too all right well for Round the Clock original news coverage watch us live at ntd.com slive or download our NTD app and if you have any feedback please email us and be sure to stick around for ntid Newsroom at 2 p.m. Eastern we'll cover more stories from the US and around the world

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Brazil Bans Twitter

Category: News & Politics

Social media platform x has been immediately suspended from use in brazil the decision comes amid a legal battle over the elon musk owned company's compliance with local laws on friday a supreme court judge in brazil ordered the suspension until all related court orders on x were complied with including... Read more

Rivian retools in quest for first profit | REUTERS thumbnail
Rivian retools in quest for first profit | REUTERS

Category: Autos & Vehicles

Rivan has made some big changes in a drive to cut costs and turn its first profit the electric vehicle maker has removed over 500 parts from the design of its flagship suvs and pickups and over a 100 steps in the battery making process ceo rj scarin says the retooling of its manufacturing process adds... Read more