Category: Gaming
What is going on jack offs this is jackae and christmas has came early the crimson desert just released a 50 minute exclusive gameplay video uh honest to god when the first gameplay video showed at 2020 at the game awards i think every everybody and their grandma was immediately drawn to this game just... Read more
Category: Gaming
Here unfolds a decisive battle between the grey mids who fight for peace my bs who seek the shad die gra no die fou beast un you all right not look on you're back to come i'll meet you there it want peace i hope cover up me [ __ ] swaglers go easy will you come here you sl fox get your fat fingers off... Read more
Category: Gaming
We can talk about crimson desert we got a bit more details talking about crimson desert over the past a week or so um i think it was the china joy like uh that's that's one we i got to keep my radar on for now uh ch the china joy um uh keynote speech keynote conference whatever you want to call it there's... Read more
Category: Gaming
Aair here unfolds a decisive battle between the grey mids who fight for peace my bs who seek the shatter die gra no Read more
Category: Gaming
Aair here unfolds a decisive battle between the grey mids who fight for peace my bs who seek the shatter die gra no Read more