Category: Entertainment
And the last one have you thought about what a lincoln park tour would look like in the future um i don't have an answer for that no okay yeah all right have you thought of it though i mean there's lots of like ideas you know i i think i've made it pretty clear few people have asked if i would consider... Read more
Category: Entertainment
You know and and you don't want to send out the message that you're like a basic you know like it's just not the way to live hi beautiful human i'm zach that is dan we welcome to the studio for the first time ever the incredibly iconic the incredibly storied uh the passionate you're a true [ __ ] artist... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Well you just revealed that you've been two and a half years cibit what made you want to one do that but then also just reveal that well actually i had been talking about it but i guess it didn't get like picked up in that way but i've been very i've been like very open about it and then when i saw... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What does charlie xcx mean when she says i'm so julia like what does it mean to be so julia just being that girl and just i think just like like being confident putting yourself out there being out being about being the center of attention just being that [ __ ] so how did you feel when charlie xx was... Read more