Category: Entertainment
Intro good morning sooner nation it's gonna be a beautiful wednesday you know why i know that because we are one day closer to the oklahoma sooners playing in the almobile yes you heard me right oklahoma's taking on arizona but that's not what we're here to talk about today we're here to talk about... Read more
Category: Sports
The home of the common jew and the common sally in the know even more so than all those media talking heads each and every year is the same exact thing oklahoma and alabama for some reason they seem to be intertwined in this the crimson nations they'll start out somewhat slow and then they'll come on... Read more
Category: Sports
Well the news come out today that oklahoma running backs coach demarco murray will be suspended for the opening game against temple for recruiting violations so it is what it is but i'll i'll go through with what i've got here on cbs sports with you but first thank y'all for pulling up thank you for... Read more