Category: Science & Technology
Intro et bien salut internet j'espère que vous allez bien aujourd'hui on se retrouve pour le canapé de la tech en mode chill décontracté pr 27 on est désespéré on est on est on n pas la prise 27 on a la prise numéro 2 parce qu'on a eu un petit problème de son parce que jig il fait n'importe quoi mais... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hey guys metal jesus here and i am in downtown seattle for the penny arcade expo also known as pax west hax is very different than the expos i normally attend because instead of having a bunch of retro games hax is all about new games upcoming games it's very similar to e3 actually so this is going... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
All right time to get ready for packs it's going to be a long train ride so i'm going to need to grab only the well not the essentials but pretty much anything that can help make the wait not long oh hi there okay so i got my literature allergy pills peps pin collection terraria hoodie headphones all... Read more