Category: Gaming
Assassin's creed shadow está deixando os fãs de boca aberta e ubisoft acaba de lançar um novo tril impressionante do jogo ambientado no japão feudal e os jogadores estão dizendo que se há um jogo que vai me fazer comprar um playstation 5 pro é este o trailer foca na beleza do mundo aberto mostrando... Read more
Category: Gaming
Este hero shooter de 5 versus 5 es el peor fracaso en la historia de los videojuegos y aquí te contaré por qué concord debutó con 68 en metacritic y con una penosa media de 600 jugadores en steam lo cual ya era un claro presagio de lo que se venía este juego no propone nada nuevo a pesar de haber estado... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hey guys metal jesus here and i am in downtown seattle for the penny arcade expo also known as pax west hax is very different than the expos i normally attend because instead of having a bunch of retro games hax is all about new games upcoming games it's very similar to e3 actually so this is going... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Intro to the ps5 pro i'm here at playstation headquarters with an exclusive hands-on of sony's brand new playstation 5 pro console that's coming out in november yes i got to play a bunch of games on it here's what's going on it's been 4 years since sony released the playstation 5 which went by pretty... Read more
Category: Gaming
Sony just made playstation 5 pro official yes you heard that right we are going to be talking about that today next rumors are swirling about a major playstation stateof playay event happening on september 19th to 20th if the insiders are right this could be where we finally get the big reveal for the... Read more
Category: Gaming
Woke concord shut down by playstation so what's going on toxic gamers we need to immediately talk about what just happened we need to talk we need to talk we need to talk okay i have to blame somebody first of all and therefore i am going to blame you guys because of you guys because of you guys it... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
[music] bo [music] [music] bo [music] what's up everybody welcome back to another live broadcast of the inaga podcast i'm senior editor dinger hardwar this week joined by deputy editor sherlin low hey sherlin howdy howdy and podcast producer ben elman hey ben good morning everybody good morning how... Read more
Category: Gaming
Ценник всему голова всем здорово парни на днях как вам всем уже наверняка известно компания sony наконец-то представила playstation 5 pro и интернет просто порвало в клоч но порвало не из-за возможностей новой консоли и не из-за новых прекрасных игр под прошку порвал из-за ценника народ был к этому... Read more
Category: Gaming
Now a well-known insider has reported that an official announcement for the ps5 mid generation upgrade is expected in early september according to deal labs user bill billk kun who has a strong history of accurately leaking gaming related news the new console will be named the ps5 pro wow nobody was... Read more
Category: Gaming
Big news for playstation fans rumors are heating up about the playstation 5 pro which could be announced as early as next month the new console is expected to have two terabytes of storage double the standard playstation 5 and is designed to run quieter and cooler addressing some of the issues with... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Bonjour permettez-moi de vous imiter en accentuant le trait comment ça la ps5 pro va coûter 800 € à sa sortie vous avez pensé à nous les joueurs qu'on a pas beaucoup deessous c'est inadmissible oui en effet c'est inammissible et pourtant sonia a raison et j'aurais fait de même si j'étais à leur place... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro/ps5 fanboys price reveal reactions oh oh $6.99 did you let me it $6.99 i knew it i freaking a few moments later wow man that's kind of expensive though guys when you think about it because $700 for this thing and then you're going to have to spend what is it like7 something dollar $69 for the... Read more