Category: Sports
It i've never been i've never been in a [ __ ] changing room that's been [ __ ] relegated yeah i've not been in one you know we deserve to get relegated 100% 100% that's it for the first time in their 25e history dwking wanderers are heading back into a league they've already conquered it took only... Read more
Category: Sports
Any of you going on get this wrong we are going to fall out all right we going to fall out cuz you've got a ch you've got a chance to see it i think that's [music] sloppy this year wanderers have a new training venue over at rygate grammar school playing fields which as it happens is just a few hundred... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] two wins from two games with mixed results on the playing patterns front it's largely a decent start for dawkings preseason and a win over local side red h in midweek featured what mark considered to be the best performance so far the visit of dage hamlets now a step three side will be an altogether... Read more